The Cloud Technique with Alcohol inks in Resin. A Video by Daniel Cooper

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hi everyone we're back just want to start  off saying a huge thank you to everyone who   subscribed if you haven't subscribed yet hit that  button for me we hit 5000 a few days ago and just   over 65 000 views in total so far so yeah thank  you very much what we're going to do today is some of the cloud technique hopefully and this  is try to now because i made a massive mistake   yesterday i wanted the video up today but  it's now been delayed so this is myriam's   nature myriam's nature cloud technique myriam  with Y and what i'll do is i'll pop her   tutorial in the description so you  can go and watch that as well and   you know like and subscribe to her channel so  we're going to be using let's resin resin today   we're going to be going with the high  concentrated alcohol inks as i've used before and   this is the C white deeper which is what i've  got at the moment this comes you get like two   big bottles like i've shown in the other videos  i mean other ink should work just give it a try   all right so let's start off i'm gonna measure out  the resin i still haven't got out the bad habit of   doing it by one one weight but i'll get out of  that habit so i'm gonna go for 30 grams of each ish hopefully again i've  got a link in my description   it's called a link tree link and in that link  are all of my other social media accounts   donation pages i've now got buy me a coffee  so if you feel my tutorials are helping   you might be selling some of your bits  in an etsy shop and they're successful   you know feel free to buy me a coffee no pressure  i'm not forcing anyone and this is my full-time   job now so and you've probably noticed there  are ads now in my videos obviously being my   full-time job i have to have some kind of income  so i do apologize i'll try and keep them minimal but it's kind of paying my wages to  begin with not much but it's a start and it's you guys by watching my  videos that that helps me progress and carry on doing what i'm doing alright so we've got the the resin ready to mix again these stirring sticks  come with a box of resin from the next resin   we're gonna start getting a cloudy look to the resin minimal bubbles in this resin i quite  like it i think i'm going to stick with   this resin from now on instead of the  previous resin i was using i had issues   it was out of stock quite a lot probably my fault  from the tutorials and everyone buying it but   i'm going to stick with this for now  because i'm getting just as good results   you'll start to see it going so it's  barely any any bubbles in there at all it's really good so it's starting to go clear  some people preheat their part a and part b   bottles before warm them up as i've shown in other  videos i have a bowl of not hot but warm water   if it's too hot what you'll do is you'll set  a clock class i was going to say clash cure a   flash cure your raising is just going to go  hard pretty quick and that will be a waste   so with the cloud technique what we do is  we're not dropping whites on top of the colors   we're just dropping the colors we're going to  leave some resin left over in the mixing cup   we'll add some white to that leftover resin and  pour that over the top of the inks in the mold   but yeah i'll show you as i go  anyway it's a really cool technique   so we're going to stir this until we get like  a much watery not as thick as it once was again if you haven't subscribed  hit that button for me please say 65 000 views which is amazing 5 000 subs i'm pretty sure you all haven't watched the  same videos over and over and over again i'm going to dry the bottom of the cup just  to prevent any water getting in the molds now pinch that corner and we don't want to fill  these up too much because we need to allow for   both the inks and the white resin afterwards  so you want to leave a millimeter or two   from the top of the mold if you don't want it over spilling i'm gonna  stick with the larger ones that i normally use my pink stained mold used a different brand pink   a few days ago and it's completely  stained i've tried using alcohol and it's just not budging and go with this one and we'll grab a couple of these small hearts and what we'll do just in case there's any bubbles  we'll just let that sit and we're going to mix in the white with the rest of the resin i mean  i've only got i've got too much left in there   now miriam in her video she put  about 30 to 40 drops of white so i'm gonna just go with  around about the same hopefully and then we're going to give it a good the white  will kind of cling to the side of the mixing   cup so just keep working it from the sides in  whilst turning the cup and you want a milk color if you don't put enough white in from my lesson learnt yesterday   it will not work properly you'll end up  with a couple of blobs if you're lucky put a little bit more in there and you don't really want to waste resin so i think that will do i think that's good so now   the bubbles have hopefully come to the  surface i'm just going to dry this off quick use my little mini torch just click  blast any surface bubbles not many   right and today we're going  to be using we've got purple sapphire blue i'm going to be using lemon yellow and peach red and i'm just going to drop  i'm going to take you down a bit closer and we're just going to drop the  colors starting with the peach red i might not even use all of the colors that i've  picked out i'm gonna see how they disperse across   the mold but i do like to use the yellow because  the yellow brings out a really nice background   kind of a hug to the other colors oh i went  in top of the pink on that one never mind i think now we'll go in with purple nope i didn't want to go  in there just suck that up there we go be careful we don't muddy the colors together  so i had that with a couple yesterday   and the colors just merge together  and create a horrible muddy color i'll just draw that bit up there as well i  forgot to use my release spray again as you   can see we've got some clear areas i might  try and go in with the glue and really hope   that it doesn't muddy together where should we  go we're probably going to get a bit of a green where it hits the yellow which is  fine things are really dripping today i'm gonna go in here and here and i think that's it now we just want to  top up the other colors that we've already placed i'm going to go here pink sorry peach red not pink  and go back into this one here in this one here go back in this one back in this one and then i think we're just  going to add a bit more yellow right there you can use whatever colors you like  it's just just be careful with the placement right so i think that's it got some green in these now  just adds to the coloring   and now we've got our our white  resin mix just going to pinch the cup and just go in any way you like but you want  a drizzle not a drip you might start with a   small drip but keep the flow going and then just  let it flow out like a cup and any way you like this one will go over swell i'll go with this one and this one swirl on this one i think the hearts we can see when you add the white  over to the cut over the color   take it down a little bit more it kind of  comes becomes a little bit more vibrant as   well and what that white resin mix will do is  push the colors down to the front of the piece   which will create the effect when you demold we're  just going to go in a little bit more on this one   and that is that so we're going to come back in  about an hour and add my little whispy stir and   take it from that right see you soon   right we're back to mix it up as usual i've got my  sewing pin before i start i just want to show you   um the fails from yesterday's and the  muddying that kind of happened you can   see there wasn't enough white to push through  and the colors have basically muddied together just yucky really i'm just hoping these  ones turn out i mean this is what we   should really be getting there's this cloudy  effect this one's a bit more white whoops   right so i know myriam in her tutorial i think she  stares pretty much after adding the inks but i'm   just going to see how it goes in my previous ones  turned out okay so i'm going to start down here   just do anything you want really don't go too deep  again because you don't want to scratch your mould   just draw those colors around go in with the pink on this one just  draw the colors through each other and go over to these hearts i'm not doing it exactly the  same way that myriam does has swirly in that one and thanks to those  who've sent donations since the last video very much i'll turn my hands in the way very  much appreciate it just turn this round so you   can actually see what i'm doing i'll draw  that pink through the middle on this one this one i'll work pink into  the purple down to the green kind of just go anywhere you like  really all right i think that's it and we'll be back tomorrow for the d-mode   see you then right we're back for the d-mode  i sped things up a little bit so i actually   did these at what about half 10 this morning  and it's now just gone 4 p.m so i can actually   do my dropping and curing a lot quicker with  a kind of like a heat pad right so let's start oh wow no he's cool thank goodness i  haven't got restart the whole thing   let's see that was really good pop that  down yeah i'm really happy with these ones really much better than the failed ones yesterday  let's see if the little hearts worked out okay and the next one matching and turn those into a pair of earrings see this round one oh wow  just did a swirl in that one that's really good i don't want to stop i don't want them to end   wow that's really cool a bit of a damaged  mould to get it changed on the last one that's the one where i drew the pink back  down the middle that's created a really cool   really cool effect so yeah that's all of them so i  hope you found this one helpful again go and check   out myriam's page i really like that one uh not  page youtube channel i'll put all the links for   the products that i use in the video description  with my other link tree and the link for myriam's youtube and that's it for now i  will see you next time have fun
Channel: Daniel Cooper
Views: 157,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel cooper, resin, alcohol inks, petri, petri effect, resin artist, resin art, Coopers Custom Casts, Myriams Nature, cloud technique, cloud effect, let's resin, epoxy, 1:1 resin, demould, demoulding, artist, tutorial, alcohol ink tutorial, resin jewelry, resin jewellery, jewelry design, jewelry designer, jewellery designer, hobby, small business, art, colourful, epoxy resin, mould, moulds, clouds, cloudy, YouTube tutorial, trending, resin art for beginners
Id: Vabz-bRfjFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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