StarCraft 2 - The CLEM vs DARK Rivalry Continues! (5-games ZvT)

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right alright alright what's up everybody and welcome to a bangin zerg vs taran series this is team liquid's clam and he's facing off against none other than dark the man that has been the natural predator of clem the man that ended clem's unbeaten streak in terran vs zerg which i think was what 20 was that 2020 or 2021 i don't know sometime in the last two years when clem was absolutely ascending and looking unstoppable um he won like 35 series in a row and then dark was like nope and bopped him dark always getting him with ling run buys and generally playing a lower work account style against clem and just being more aggressive because clem will often move out into him and then he'll counter attack it backstep now the difference is though clem has recently been playing a bit more heavier on expansions uh more tanks rather than widow mines and less uh constant aggression so he's playing more of like a maru more late game friendly style so i wonder if he brings that out here now for those who are wondering where do they get these replays i cannot release these at all these are from the holy mole league invitational number 11. um so you guys should definitely check out ollie molly's patreon she's been supporting the korean scene and crowdfunding tournaments that she's been running very professionally over there and feeding money into that scene for those amazing korean players that we love for such a long time and i'm not sure why she got clem into this one because normally it's only koreans um but really cool to see that she got clemen to play this one i think he didn't uh i think this one was just meant to be a bit more of an international one but cool to see and clem already being very annoying here the engineering block and the reaper blocking this third base now the way this works guys is basically um these guys are playing the best of five but if all five maps are played regardless and every map is worth 61 so it doesn't sound like that much money really but you win all five games 300 bucks right so it's it's not a bad little payday for an online tournament the players kind of just you know roll out of bed into these and hop on for them it's not like a big premier tournament that they're uh that they are doing other stuff for and that's kind of i guess what you kind of think of is almost like the salary of a pro gamer is if you are a very good performing pro gamer like these guys is you're constantly practicing online events and they're like it's kind of like the sparring for like a professional boxer it's it's kind of like a more serious kind of practice but they actually get paid a little bit of money whenever they are winning these maps now this is so annoying for clem uh for dark sorry bye clint clem is just his his reapers are famous now he can't get out of here he is going to be trapped but he's lured two queens out here which means they aren't injecting right now i mean it does have an inject on it but it means this creep is not spreading as well the hellions could dive right in oh my god he's trying to play two base muta guys oh my god he's trying to play two base commuters he's already got a spider down but he skipped ling speed and those queens being lured out of position mean these hellions are an absolute disaster even though the hellions oh he clicks on the layer that was a big mistake the clementine clam should be doing a bit more like at least a little bit more damage here oh six drones make it eight drones why the heck not the drones finally get a kill there but not before a big big trail of third workers you gotta think oh is that really that many guys he's only on 28 drones losing eight workers when you're this low in economy is so bad clem on the other end has three command centers and he should know that this is aspire it's like technically it could be a nidus worm but let's be real that's why he's in his main base in the corner let's be real it's the mutes that you should be worried about he builds a bunker here because he's so worried about nidus he's actually building two bunkers so he's thinking maybe there's a roach warren hidden in the back and a nidus worm as it is though just going into two barracks stem buyers should be pretty effective if he skipped the bunkers he'd be infinitely ahead because he just hit five barracks production when the first meters are out push them back be able to push the front and probably straight up win the game alien's gonna come in the front spy is almost finished there for dark okay so we've got four queens six circling still no ling speed on the way so securing a third base is like out of the question right now third barracks is on the way still hasn't seen the muters his first six meters coming out going back to droning as dark he's gonna move out and try and secure that third base already fully saturated on two bases as clem so if clem can move out and take a third that would be super awesome he does have stem does need to start combat shields as well to make those marines a little bit tougher aliens roaming around the top side if they could block this third that would be great but instead they're just gonna drive in see the third base and then probably pull out you just flying into the main as a double drop boosts out oh no bad timing here for clem great for dark dark finds an undefended base and clem i gotta question this decision for him not realizing what was going on he's building three marines and a fact a tank he's gonna build a cyclone honestly these muta's gonna kill him dude i mean he should win with the marines though there's not even ling speed okay i mean the muters are gonna kill him but he's also gonna kill the mutes he's building a turret in the main he's gonna stim in he doesn't have shields but does he need it it's slow zergling drones with three queens dude the stem marines just slaughtering the drone with the gas pretending to be a bailing there but dude ow turret gets up at home you could easily repair that that was just way too much damage the reaper engineering bay block on the third pulling those queens out of position and the thing is guys dark was sending the queens to that third to fake that he wanted it he's like oh please let me get this third up oh no meanwhile he's going to base muta but he did not expect the italians to come in so early great game on victory clem snapping up the first 61 all right guys game two from the holy moly invitational 11 dark in the bottom right is going to be going hatch gas pool pretty standard opening this gas was pretty quick though that's actually a very fast gas he might be planting some speed link shenanigans yeah clem is in the top left so team liquid up against of course dark should be on dragon phoenix gaming unless my nah i'm pretty sure he's still dragon phoenix game i don't think he changed that so that's interesting guys notice he's pulled off minerals onto gas so this is why i'm saying like why is he getting this gas so early i think he's definitely thinking about some at the very least shutting down the reaper information with the speedlings and then using that so we can get ravages across the map hopefully secretly if you guys want to get access to these replays you can always support the patreon of holy moly for just as little as five dollars um so just if you just literally google holy moly patreon sc2 like it's going to come up and um definitely check that out we should have a link below in the youtube as well and you can get access to these replays as well but uh otherwise that's that's how i got access to these and it is a good way to support those korean players as well and hey in this case a little french player as well a young frenchman is the reaper coming across guys already six circling's coming out now dark likes to always build six circles no matter what uh oh oh he's gonna lose a drone notice how the reaper moved right up on the drone the reason clem did that is so that there was no space for it to build a spark roller if he gets right up on top of it then there's no way to do that oh reaper is picking off at these zerglings doing some good damage oh oh wants to go for that creep schumer no extra zerglings coming out just yet does keep all the lings alive which is pretty nice we are clem would love to get that creature but there's no way oh he almost gets the ling but he doesn't want to risk losing the reaper 3cc coming down for clam clem loves this build but that link speed's about to kick in he's going to sneak these lings across the map reaper goes top side ling's going to go bottom side so he's setting up for these ling run buyers that i was talking about do we see a lot more zerglings coming out now let's take a look lava inject comes out overlord builds two overlords oh he's super supply blocked holy dark for god is 30 he's 31 33 overlord oh my god dark chucking a pig some pig macro there not very good hellions are out these lings ain't going to do much they do get inside the main which is annoying tries to focus the mule doesn't get it he will get that scv oh he doesn't even get that suv oh yes he does that's okay other suv hops on not a successful run by just yet now he's going for an evo chamber oh dark okay i get it he wants to get carapace because he sees it's two barracks build so he knows it's gonna be a stim double medevac push at about the six minute mark but dark's build order is really bad guys this is actually this is if i played the way doc's played this game i'd be very upset with myself at this point um this is a very bad start for dark clem is killing it he's running over him right now and look at this 14 more zerglings even just being forced out is really bad for dark but luckily for him they do pop at the right time so you'll only lose two drones there and a couple of uh zerglings there's two more hellions at home so clem should easily be able to defend any counter-attack and he's gonna go melee okay dark what is this nonsense and he's just massing zerglings okay guys so here's dark's plan he's gonna mass lings he's gonna wait for the drop to move out and then he's just going to run in with like 80 zerglings because the wall won't be finished and uh and and look to overwhelm and kill every suv on the natural this is such a gamble and i think he's prompted into it specifically because his opening has been so bad he knows he's behind and he's like look i could try to drone up but i'm just playing from a worse position than normal so instead i'm going to mask these lings oh dude dude he's accidentally showing his zerglings oh my god he's giving away what he's doing this is not good if clem gets on that ramp he'll be fine slow reaction for clem oh he's gonna get the mineral line if he gets in the middle line that would be big oh i think it's good enough for clem then yeah that did not work out honestly oh my god what is dark guys dark is playing like me oh my god he's putting a macro hatch this is complete nonsense i i i'm gonna be scathing guys this is the worst the worst play i've seen out of dark i always make fun of his openings being inefficient but what the hell is this he's saturating three mineral lines and he's like ah i have to kind of keep making zerglings and hope i get something but now there's a wall off up as long as clem raises that and he's got four hellions at home and he's actually building more hellions as well five five hellions out easy clean these circlings oh no this is so bad maybe dark gets some like six around here he does have the overlord that's a big mistake of clem to not have cleared that up he should have cleared that up with these marines before picking up because this gives so much vision and the depot's down oh clam clam clam oh clem's so focused on trying to hit his hell back marine timing that he left his door down dark tries wave 17 after every single other wave fails now those suvs will beat the surgeons in the mineral line but the ones on top of the ramp are doing good at the same time though hell that marine is going to cleanse this third with a righteous fury the marines and albats are taking out all of the queens and the drones on that third he does kill 15 suvs does dark but does that really matter if he's losing his third base and every single queen i still i think this was unnecessarily risky and messy by clem letting dark in there but despite it i think he still comes out on top because he's got triple mules dropping he's killing the third base of dark if he gets the kill on this it's game over dark has a desperation bailey nest that just finished his opening as i said i'm very critical of it because it's been absolute crap and uh right from him missing that first overlord and building six zerglings and ling speed so early it's been a very gas focused inefficient build order and now he's just getting wyatt femme's got this in the bag gg dark has gotta wake the hell up mate clem is stomping him right now all right guys down two games time to tighten up his build order notice this time he's not rushed his gas geyser at a minute he's gonna go for it at a standard timing of about a minute ten this is dark representing dragon phoenix gaming and let's see if it's time for him to show clem some of his unsolicited dragon phoenix pictures did you guys just hear something break oh someone just killed their robot right is that what happened you guys just you guys just heard some noise right i just heard some crashing but i still see that the bots are still in the base maybe dark killed one of them but the other one's still there i don't know anyways clem's in the top right and he is not walling off with his barracks interesting oh so he wants the overlord to come in a bit deeper and then his marines can maybe catch it interesting maybe did he go two marines no it's just marine into factory okay and that orbital is going to start dropping mules suv is building suv goes across to scout dark's opening has been a little bit better um my twitch chat has advised that that sound may actually be the sound of dark's brain breaking after how bad he played in the last games now please don't build fifth and sixth circling you've already seen you see a marine you know it's not a reaper build holy crap guys dark managed to build a drone in an overlord holy crap and he's doing overlord drone into 2830s doing the clash opening holy crap dark's actually doing a good build order he didn't overbuild zerglings for no reason on a giant map even if there is a reaper you never need more than four zerglings dark normally does it so dark has already saved to work and now he's going all in never mind he's going all in he's dropped a rochrone he's like yeah i just want to give the illusion of playing efficiently and i'm just going to go all in now i'm going to put a creep tumor down not because i need a creep tumor but because it makes it look more normal in case he scouts and the thing is he knows at this point clem doesn't have any scouting right so this this is what he's taking advantage of because you go on marine first you're not gonna build a reaper after that ling even gets in and scouts everything he's like yeah you're gonna go for a marine drop plus three hellions which doesn't get across the map until quite late i'm gonna surprise you with a big pack of roaches now the thing is i actually think a later roach attack is a little bit better i think dark might be going a bit too early could still work but 25 drones man 25 drones he's got three roaches on the way i think he's gonna go for like eight roaches i mean this just feels like a bad build if the hellion sees these moving out the hellion c is the third if clem spots this moving out you can just defend his high ground now the problem here is if he doesn't build a tech lab on his starboard if he just goes for a reacted factory helium production which you normally do after this doesn't go for like a banshee or anything like that that could be a problem also look at that roaches being very sneaky oh oh he glimpsed it he glimpses it he sees it he sees it and immediately cancel that depot rebuild on the high ground two depots there's no you do not want to defend that low ground right now mate eight roaches oh he's gonna try and get a bunker up on the natural that's too slow though and it's further back so at least it's behind the depots he's got a viking he's gonna try and land he's just gonna try and defend this with marines a landed viking and he will build a siege tank yeah siege tank okay good idea now he's gonna send three helens for a run by sick play he could he could blitz in and kill a lot of drones with that the question is can the bunker get up if that bunker doesn't get up he might just lose the game clam you need to pull more suvs right now right now he's a little late on it oh the marines do start a step forward and they actually do pretty well they get one roach and he pulls back gonna lose these two depots so he's already building some depots extra he's gonna build some more hellions drive in and i doesn't quite get all three shots off and good queen defense here by dark and the italians doing what they can they're gonna kill a few more drones and zerglings does lose two depots but that's it he's got a tank up easy hold for clem clems once again ahead this like i said this push just doesn't seem that good guys he really i feel like he needed to hide it and look at this oh my god clem is absolutely tooling dark okay he does surround himself he should have moved to the right there and he could have killed even more drones but four drones he's up in workers he's got his third command center on the way now the only problem clem has is that he's yeah got to get out there and actually do some counter pressure so vikings should go pick off overlords and he should also load up his marine drop so he should maybe send the marine drop here you can see the overlords getting pulled back by dark quickly and uh he's going into his extra barracks so there is a long delay before he can attack what can dark do with this he's going to go there second gas geyser he's got his third mineral lineup um i think i would probably play mass roach from here as dark but i don't know six gas it's muted or it's he's either playing fast muters or he's going macerate ravage you guys i think it's gonna be mass roach ravager if we see a double evo in a moment then it should be that because he's gonna go into six gas mining in a sec so double evo needs to go down very soon so we can get his one one might just go muters okay the marine does go down the other ones pick up now keep in mind there is a big delay in the pressure right one viking one medevac this is not very good pressure yeah he's got one one he's got suvs building you know thirds up but his third's not that early like if clem had a third command center done that whole time obviously he's miles ahead as it is this does give enough time for dark to kind of regrow his power now goes the double evo there and that's gonna tell us what he's going for and there we go it's going to be master at ravager okay so he's going to take a fourth as well he might even try to drone it a little bit he's up on 71 workers he's going 73 workers he's just going to try and defend with roach ravager now if clem realizes this clem can just do nothing but make tanks bio and unfortunately he's taking the third that's really um i guess you can centralize your tanks here and it's kind of hard for them to engage but i still feel like you're much actually no no i've i've debated this with myself many times on this this this third's also to defend from roach ravager because even in the middle they've got like a big area there and there they can jump for you from there's no perfect third base against uh roach ravager but building a bunker a good sign he's got his tanks in a very conservative position and oh fudgety balls clem rookie error guys you always need to have a two-space gap between your production buildings oh man what a dumb way to lose this game guys if he doesn't notice this like let's go to clem's vision if he notices we're gonna watch from his vision then he can pick it up and ferry them out it's still annoying but clem can handle that the problem is notice when he jumps to his production it's at the bottom so he doesn't see that tank derping out now at some point he's gonna start going hey why do i only have one tank correct surely should be thinking why do i only have one tank why do i only have one tank when i should have three my third tank just popped out where is it where is my razor oh there oh he lifts off his stopwatch goes to build a reactor elsewhere quickly picks this up oh my god at least he noticed but damn he's gonna try and do a committed push into roach ravager which absolutely can work out because dark's kind of greedy and saturated the gas is dark trying to add wings in here to try and absorb he's got an investor or two but they don't have energy just yet dude if the other two tanks were here this base would be dead 100 as it is though ling's really running in crazy ling attack he's got two tanks that have sieged up really far back this might just be game fungal energy will be up in about seven seconds clem could stim on top and kill the investors but i think just killing this base sieging the tanks has got to spread though you've seen the investor's spread spread spread spread spread glenn you saw the investors why did you not show them any respect he does a 4gg there and clumps this bio into the fungal don't think it matters too much he still gets the fourth base that's just a personal pet peeve because i play investors a lot and every terran player they just show so little respect to it it's so annoying man anyways roach ravager coming in with a good arc very good arc ling's coming in as well oh the bio balls holding up pretty damn well man oh that's gonna be 3-0 for clam that's it man he's going to destroy remember this is of course money per map so every map still matters but dude what a way to crush the start of this and i said wake up dark i've got to say it once more dropping that roach roaring against the guy who knew was reactoring out marines unless you were able to sneak those roaches out of the base it wasn't gonna work and i think he was trying to but he wasn't able to do it he because he accidentally rallied two roaches out too early and then he got confused and stumbled into the helium vision when his queens should have been out front stopping that i mean i love that dark still trying to fight this out but dude this is like one quarter of clem standing on most of it's rallying across the map he's got this giant train of units he's got a fourth base morphing into a planetary right now i mean there's just no way dark is losing ravages as they pop out this tank isn't even bothered sieging there we go now it will move his other tanks forward as well on that right side at some point and look at this just pulls on back oh tanks blasting drones apart gigi is just getting absolutely waffle stomped by clem today okay well guys he's already lost the series he's been 3-0 but it's not over yet because remember the way this works is there is an equal amount of money for every map played they play all five maps no matter what dark still has 120 that he's fighting for so he is still going to be looking to at least get two points on the board losing 3-2 to clem winning some money to your name not too embarrassing that's what he's going to be looking for so he's salvaging the pride still fighting for a little bit of money here clam in the bottom left he's already got the moral victory of knowing i beat you but that's not what the prize money's organized off so he's only really secured sixty percent of the prize money for the show match still wants to get the other forty percent gonna go barracks gas here dark we'll get that expansion down right on 48 seconds now i've been on dark's opening so far in this series guys his opening looked great in that last game up until he decided to drop the roach warren and i actually don't think his opening flows into a roach warren very well um just because of the the way that build order plays out the quick third hatchery it's not great it just doesn't help you if you're doing a roach pressure as early as he was doing it off 25 drones and it helps you macro out of it a little bit but definitely would like to see him do it a little bit more standard for the opening phase maybe play some ling back stabs maybe play some mutiling bane but just not something quite so wild big thank you for the sub there from the very adult name that definitely doesn't make me giggle a little bit thank you for the gift itself mate we've got a reaper on the way scv coming down so clem will do a bit of an suv scout making sure doesn't get surprised and yet dark i mean dark does crazy orleans dark macros like a beast dark drags his way back from inefficient openings this is what makes dark interesting dude that's what makes dark interesting as a player so i'm pooping on his openings um as i always do even when he's winning games but uh yeah it looks like he's doing the clash opening again probably here he hasn't built an overlord yet pulls two workers off just before he hits 60 drones so you see immediately getting guys on natural you might be like why are you pulling off gas well number one he can mine minerals that's more important number two he's gonna go 27 or 28 overlord into a third hatchery and only then make ling speed so check this out guys he's going six slings once again on one of the biggest maps in the pool completely unnecessary even against a reaper opening he really could get away with four you actually if you really want to risk it you could even do two but not not advisable against clem there we go third base he actually built the drone after the third he goes 27 third base there's a little bit of an older version of this build order and we will see link speed kicking in shortly because he pulled off gas slightly early dark sling speed is actually very late it's like about about 10 seconds later than you'd normally expect to see it he actually builds more drones and a third queen before ling speed oh wow so he's going the very late link speed i think he's forgotten about ling speed guys there we he starts it and then cancels it and then starts it again okay wow yeah that's really late so that's going to finish it about 4 10 4 15 something like that if clem were going really quick aliens he could probably do a four helium dive and actually like if he did gas first he could get four hellions in before dark would have uh speed which would be absolutely deadly now dark he's kind of like yeah it's a reaper opening looks like a normal command center timing i should be fine oh we got a creep tumor sniper as well did clem definitely feels like we're at that point where we're dark could just feel like he's a bit outclassed on this particular day historically i do think he has a winning record verse clam i'm gonna search that real quickly on my second monitor while we watch this reaper dance around it does that three cc opening behind this he's like please spread your creep troopers i'd like to kill them because i'm so active at this if you see someone do this in your games guys it means they're mismacroing terribly and and focusing on the wrong things when you're up against clem it's like oh this actually just doesn't cost him anything does it because he's so fast he can do this without missing a beat at home and he's just like if you spread that creep too far forward i will get you aliens are here as well he's gonna be careful with how he clicks so guys clem is 30 in games 36 in series four wins seven losses in series against dark definitely a uh banshee's coming on in third command center here is about to finish so italians into cloak banshees i don't think it's the greatest opening but it's all right double evo chamber going down really early at 4 20. 420 double upgrades bro italians go for a bit of a dive it's got to be careful with that you do want to keep these hellions alive so they can kind of pair up with the banshee of course these barracks are quite delayed as zergling finds its way inside finds out about cloak and everything very nicely done for dark dark's work account it's 4 45 and he's still not fully saturated on the third base it's a little slow on that but that being said quick evos quick spark rollers and a quick second gas does cost a lot a lot of minerals so it kind of makes sense as long as you're saturated by five minutes it should be okay banshee does get pushed back down there and no lair for a long time means there's a good ability for the banshees to come in with cloak and do some damage but he's pulled the banshee back really far has clam i think he's playing a bit too cautious i really would like to see that banshee already in there picking off units rallying between these bases that would be really huge going up to four gases is dark still no fourth hatchery just yet is he gonna take the bottom or the top i wonder probably the bottom lair is on the way no bailing that's just yet and he's still only got seven zergings and seven queens this is an incredibly greedy style by dark this is reminding me of how sue used to play um where it's like if you let a sir get away with this he's only built seven queens dude it's so greedy but he saw your third command center he saw you going helen bench he doesn't need that much defense nice snipe on the drone there looks like he was going for the fourth and the fifth base expanding to both sides at the same time the way i like to do it my favorite things ah banshee's trying to take out the queen they're not going to get it though that's a couple drones and then rotates into the main the spark roller too far north here i think you should always put the spore about there on this map because otherwise the gas drones are very exposed he could pick off these drones he's not doing it though yes that's a couple of them there we go that's what i'm talking about if you don't have that layer up quick the overseer is quite delayed so the banshees have a bit of time where they can dance oh get out get out get out okay not too much damage fourth base up there fifth base going up down here banshees could harass it but they might die if they do so and you'd like to keep these banshees alive to defend your third base from run buys either you can leave them patrolling up here and they'll get you insane value every time your opponent does ling or bain run buys hydroden is on the way here for dark he's gonna go straight to two in the near future as well now he's only playing five gasps i think with how greedy he's played um economically he's actually he he needs the sixth gas geyser with this build he's also gone double macron dark is so funny like you you do not need this much lava especially if you're playing hydras with your lingbane but dark is like yeah i know i'm going to ignore injecting for like five minutes in this game while microwaving my ling bane so he just like gives himself an abundance of insurance to make up for future mistakes and it's really cool because there is no other top tier zerg player that will do double macro hatch with this build order a lot of them won't build a single macro because they've got five bases up so quickly and they figure if they inject on those five bases that's fine that's enough lava dark is like nah i'm not going to inject it all past the early game he's such a troll oh he's like dude it's just easier i don't like looking at my base i don't have a queen in my mane why would i have a queen in my main base that's crazy talk he's gonna go for the infestation pit and the lurker dent lurker then even before starting the hive fascinatingly enough he's got such a small army 40 zerglings nine bailings and he's going hive i think clem can kill him right now guys i i honestly if clem just shoves its game over he's got nine banelings against 40 marines three tanks six hell bats two banshees i mean this army is just infinitely better right now for clem but clem is playing very cautiously he wasn't expecting to run into a guy who has so few banes or the bank glenn just moved commanded his marines into the bainlings took one or two very big bailing hits that was not the cleanest fight for him the queens are gonna shove forward now the marines are too weak though the marines are getting overwhelmed clem did not target fire the tanks on the bailings and i think when he tried to right-click his marines on a bailing to focus fire it he misclicked on the ground and that is why you a click oh even riley's a banshee and gets that killed dark is able to defend despite being disgustingly greedy disgustingly greedy and this is clem clem messed up guys clem screwed the pooch and now it is just it's the thing is dark doesn't even need circles if he's got enough numbers he can skip the bailings i mean but oh that's a bad fight for him okay very nice fight there we've got triple widow mines building as well which is really good for the multi-prong banshee on the right side picks off some drones clem is still up in supply ever so slightly he wants to get in here before lurkers are out he's got to do more his fourth command is going up behind this he's got a rally through the middle a very nice parade push is going banshee pulls back on the right side as well he's pulling it back once again where's he where's he cued that to just to get out of there oh oh he got jumped on the front sorry guys i wasn't watching for a moment spending too much time on that and a nice break of the container here for dark oh clem with some pretty good micro but got to be careful uh wouldn't mind borrowing making it very hard for dark to advance oh good spready though very good spready banshee's here we'll make it hard for him to push across unless the hydras get there as well marines and widowmines are re-dropping though wings and veins coming on in for dark dark taking the fight pretty far across the map he does desperately need to re-spread creep he's only got four queens right now and none of them are injecting this is actually hilarious you know what guys you need this many hatcheries if you're not going to inject it all like i said so he's going to maybe cue up some injects now you can see he's queuing them up but he's running all the way back to the main he should be injecting these hatcheries because they're closer but you can tell he's using the backspace method so for anyone out there who says the backspace method's bad case in point look at how inefficient dark is with his queens this is it he's injecting all the wrong hatcheries when he should be injecting the ones that are next to his queens on the other hand dark has realized if i get to a big enough setup i don't want to have too much supply wasted on queens number one number two i want to be able to use those queens to fight and defend and re-spread creep which to be fair he's not re-spread any creep after that big push so big criticism there as well and actually he's got very few banes once again as well so i'm shoving on in oh oh this is getting kind of dicey clem spending a lot of time running oh we get some big widow mines the medevacs are getting very low though oh i would love to see him re-target some of these mines the way darks microring one or two re-targets on the mines could be deadly because dark is just splitting at the last second oh [Music] the medevacs are trying to fly back the wings are there and there we go oh mass repair master power mass repair dude you need to mass repair oh the planetary gets blown up he's gonna try and take out these lurkers but okay does take out those a couple of lurkers the workers have uh talons and the seismic spines just kicks in now just after that fight still a widow mine up here no re-spread on the creep dark if he spreads the creep he could be in a dominating position right now but he's just not doing it this is a huge problem for him clem is still shoving and i think clem maybe needs to be a little cautious these mastling armies are very good at jumping on top if you don't have any widow mines ah this is getting kind of awkward man yeah he's got he's got to make sure he has the numbers this sort of ling army will punish you if you're out of position last banshee does go down there double liberator has been built i think he's just going to siege them on the front changelings get taken down such a big league army that widowman is still firing making things very stressful for dark the bio is going to spread out the tanks as well mas ling setting up for a bit of a run by there and that's always very scary he's gonna try and push in the front is clem clem goes after these bailing cocoons oh okay okay this is crazy maslin run by hits his third base no planetary there dude the buyer is doing crazy damage a few bailings get on top of them he does save a lot of his units though and heads home but not before 14 suvs and two command centers got killed there they did not get cancelled we can see the kill count right there he drops in the lib tank zone does clem clem's economy is in the he's got to do more damage to dark his units lost tab is not looking that fantastic it's all momentum right now for the young gun the french player trying to take these units down we don't mind getting some decent hits but there's still a bailing in there great stutter step by clam dark supply just not quite good enough he does take out the siege tank the liberators aren't quite in range the hydra is getting blasted the queen's getting taken out the lips standing strong a meat grinder and dude clem just traded about 4 000 resources more efficient in this last little fight and that is the power of momentum catching a zerg player just doesn't quite have the numbers the widow minds rallying in he's on top of all these bases tanks mines marines marauders clem though his income has stopped and look at his production he should be building 10 or 15 marines at a time right now he's only building five that is not going to be enough unless he wins right here right now clem's reinforce is fizzling out a little bit remember the lack of the fourth base mining during this was huge and the widowmade friendly fire there the cherry on top of dark's cake of desperation oh man that wouldn't mind will come off cooldown in a moment it could turn this ramp into a kill zone but no it fires at the zergling this liberator not gonna do that much the bio trying to take out the hydras but these hydra is getting a very efficient trade and that is a very crucial hold for dark now clem's still trying to fight dark has a base there base there he can put drones on the middle as well whenever he's ready glenn needs to get out of there oh we should not have still been out here he's gonna run back to the widow mines and great spreadies by dark continuing to be pretty good on the spreads tank siege is there fourth base is now up but it's an orbital that's a huge problem guys if clem got those two command centers up he'd actually be able to go toe-to-toe in the late game but as it is we have an 80 drone dark who still is not re-spreading creep i mean that's really bad for him right does he not have any queens he has one queen looks like he killed a liberator over there guys he really has not spread creep back here a single time this is a massive problem for him if he can just re-spread his creep he gets map control and it's game over as it is there's a limit oh big spready giant spready from dark comes in from all sides he says would you like a big old sandwich i'd like some terran filling in my zerg sandwich let's go let's go and dude that is so so powerful oh my god oh we don't mind gets friendly fired as well this is what happens when you get routed in tvz is they push you all the way back darks lurker there just uh doing some big damage and clem keeps trying to push out into him he's like if i attack into you and keep the momentum going maybe i can do some stuff but he really can't he the problem is the lurkers he kind of needs to stop the workers getting on him but he just can't do it no concussive shells made all game long and that definitely is hurting as there's been quite a lot of marauders mixed into the army for some time now shout out to bullier for noticing that one in the twitch chat watching live uh big economic advantage for dark clem is now in hang on hang on mode hold on for your bloody life dude because you're going to get hit and honestly look at all the infrastructure here factory sensor tower depots gases even if you don't kill him just forcing this base to lift and taking out the depots is huge the lurkers have that position the ling bane hydra is actually going to continue to shove on forward a very crazy oh widow mines oh friendly fire mines more like it man they blast all the terran units yes they got a letterling bane but clem gets overwhelmed doo doo doo dude gg well played now i can't get over that first push um and just how greedy dark was leading into that guys let's let's go check it out really quickly because i do think if he just shoved here he wins the game like 86 drones hive lurker then hydra's 2-2 both hydro upgrades queued seven hatcheries that don't pay off at all just yet he's got 24 lava that he doesn't have the money to spend and i do think that was a crucial piece in this micro here which if clem microwaved better he should have won this game so watch this fight so the hell bats should have spread they don't they don't really he spreads three of them back and he starts getting some good tank shots on the lings he should target the banes and then the marines move into the veins so he loses about half two-thirds of his marines there i'm gonna show you guys that one more time let's watch that one more time i'm going to try and figure out exactly what clem did that made that happen so how how does a god make this mistake so he's right clicking there and a moving there right now guys he's selecting his tanks and he's right clicking them on the main links so you can see what he has selected live in the bottom right he's now he's now boxed his marines no he's control clicked his marines because you see it didn't select this tank i don't know where he clicked i'm trying to see it i can't see where he clicked i think he's already fixed it at this point i want to see where that misclick was the tank did actually do a lot of friendly fire there really good point from chat as zerglin got in the middle and that was a tank shot actually that started off the damage i'm trying to see because normally you can see where they've been clicked but there's so much everywhere it's actually so hard to see i don't know where he clicked these marines guys but they definitely get a move command forward here maybe he clicked on the mini-map accidentally or something like that but that was really nasty because dark was so greedy up to this point and um this push should have killed him so because he if he had 10 more marines here it's game over like because this tank will not die if you have 10 more marines all these units are dying right now and it's just game over and remember he still almost overwhelmed him with the rally but uh yeah a big mistake from dark the the miss click forward a big mistake for clam and it's still a very close game for a while there but that backstab that got these two commands in his was huge dark snaps 61 bucks for himself and he's gonna see if he can get another 20 of the prize pool in game five all right guys down here in the bottom left side it is dark that's up right it's liquid clam we've got one last map 61 bucks on the line for this one twenty percent of that prize pool and dark did turn it around in that last game but i gotta say his opening still seemed pretty sloppy just being incredibly greedy versus i mean once he's once you scout that the terrans going for the banshees and it was only like seven drones in total for the alien banshee which is not a lot of kills dark definitely got away with some stuff i mean clem was playing very greedy as well so definitely interesting to see i i don't think dark can play that extremely greedy again and um i definitely want to see how it goes i don't know if there's a way i can get rid of the uh the best of five on the side i mean i can just make it best of nine though it's not actually this is of course five maps played money for every single map win we've got the very quick factory and the reactor so this looks like clem might be going for the uh marine drop helium building in the same one he did on hardwire guys dark is opening up with what looks like a uh he's not going to go the quick third this time he's going to go the quick link speed again or he's just forgotten to pull off gas he forgot to pull off gas okay no worries dark's openings famous for how sloppy they are goes 27 overlord builds the drone 28th third hatch and then it should be ling speed right let's take a look so you go link speed a bit earlier this time dark's openings are chaotic man yeah okay he had that selected no he's gonna build the ling speed yep so he does go the link speed on time yeah dark changes his build order up every single game this is like basically the opposite of what i'd advise anyone learning starcraft because it's like it's the same build order but there's like minute differences for no tangible reason and you might be like oh no there's a reason he's that good no i think dark is just a guy who just feels his way through the game and he's so adaptive that it's almost like he purposely makes the game always slightly different just so that he doesn't take anything for granted and because of that he's so adaptive it's um it's actually insane medevac on the way so he's gonna be interestingly he didn't swap the reactor this might just be a helium drop or he did swap the reactor i mean yeah alien drops not a bad move um some people follow that up with widow mind drops as well could just be a hell of that push ooh oh yeah you could hit a really sharp elbow push now the problem with this held that push is the speed link backstab will do crazy damage to you and look who's already building extra speed links look who likes to do ling back stabs because your wall off is not going to be ready when you push with this so for clem's sake i hope he keeps building hellions guys if he lifts off that factory when a lingaron buyer comes in he could be in big trouble he's got five aliens there bit of a supply block there he's putting six and seven he's just gonna have five hell bats hitting in the near future along with this four or five marines so five marines five l bats how many queens we got four queens no roach and the extra queens are coming out kind of a little slowly there we go he's up to six queens now but he doesn't have any transfuses he spent all of his energy on creep tumors which means no transfuses which means this sort of super fast push can be a bit of a nightmare to deal with oh he's got good positioning though the queens have split well so we can pull back on one side and focus down the medevac oh great start to the hold for dark this is sick micro the three queens on each side and look at that oh so well done by dark he's even trying to focus fire he'll bats whenever he can and that way he's going to take them down rather than just damaging individual separate units links coming in they are a little clump but look the queens have all got transfuses ticking over now so he's going to be able to start transfusing these queens and look at that if i move to the left side that queen gets transfused that one gets transfused beautiful hold by mr dark cleans this one up and that last hell bat should go down as well i don't know why these guys are morphing down that's they do take out a zergling oh oh oh no no no no no no no no clam clam oh clem oh my god holy crap i've never seen clem react so are you no oh this is what i get are you i told you guys zergling runways would be good because the wall off wouldn't be ready not because clem would the bed are you serious oh you're kidding me what was he looking at here how is he reacting so slowly what this is what happens i'm sorry guys i'm casting this on my best games of starcraft stream and this is the first time in a while i've picked a game that wasn't recommended to me just because i saw dark verse clam and i was like i love dark first clem it's always a banger i have to cast this little did i realize both players would take turns the bed i mean we still saw some cool games but yeah that was that was an absolute disaster let's watch that one more time because he's staring at hell that's for no reason he runs these aliens out his marine is accidentally on the wall it's just off screen and then he runs the marine to the wrong side and then changes his mind and he's just gonna rage quit because he's like that's such a dumb mistake to make and my whole back push already got kind of shut down he's like no i'm out of here definitely a bit of a preemptive quit but i think clem was like i already won three yeah it's a 3-2 technically now but i already won i want three games um yeah yeah these guys it's it's so funny because dark just doesn't play normal starcraft first climb at all he's always trying to catch him off guard and do cheeky and more often than not he succeeds but today clem did come out the victor technically three to two and that's that i told you before that i looked up guess what because i'm casting this after the fact that's actually their stat i realize now after this series so even after this victory clem is still only four wins seven losses in series 36.36 win percentage dark is still his nemesis i'm very curious though thanks for watching guys see you next time
Channel: PiG Casts
Views: 17,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark sc2, clem sc2, Starcraft, sc2 cheese, pig sc2, sc casts, pro sc2, sc2 commentary, starcraft 2 cast, pro cast, Starcraft 2, SC2, Starcraft ii, Pigstarcraft, pig casts, pigs pro casts, pig sc2 casts, professional starcraft, professional sc2, pro starcraft, SCII, Starcraft II, lotv, legacy of the void, legacyofthevoid, esports, pigsc2, sc2 analysis, sc2 casting, sc2 1v1, sc2 tournament
Id: H8HjdsGAk-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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