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this better think like your ass you're not i'm on twitch right now grease the pan thick like ass i already greased the pen gonna get me in trouble this batter is thick like an ass i've felt before not saying it's yours better good job i haven't felt a lot of asses before have you yeah who's my ex the [ __ ] you said a lot you said a lot of asses stop i'm asking oh look strength i mean i touched a friend's asses before closeted hannah said they were friends [Laughter] wow do i ever take max hp over niall's lament yeah sometimes but i just think this is just way too good dude we're just getting a crack neck early on can this be a move a card thanks [Music] i might take this armaments that's on sale it's kind of nice actually no we have warp talk so we don't need it yeah we shall this is so thick uh-huh i'm licking the batter it says not to on the box when i'm doing it it's just they have to say that illegal stuff pre-recorded yeah look at me i put my hands up can't prove that it's not pre-recorded all right we're definitely going now i wanna i think we just used this potion i don't think we're ever gonna use spot weakness in this fight unless no we just am i there's a boogie hanging on my nose hannah can you come get it i'm eating brownie batter sounds like a personal problem bottled lightning oh you mean for my offering cool yeah for my offering yeah yeah i understand it's a christmas miracle chat what can i say what can i say also someone redeemed bugs and baby treats so whenever you have a minute and that person was medic buddha he definitely deserves to get what he wants what you doing over there are you showing the brownie mix i think you're muted showing the brownie mix i don't know if i want to go get them because i don't want to mess them up it's the first time they've been alone in the cage together well i can't refund this point so can i give the dog a treat instead can you give me a treat instead i'll give you a treat you know some go-gurt and now we set a timer five i hope you're all familiar 33 minutes banana side thank you happy holidays frosty love the outfit it's very christmassy merry merry to eat superman thank you so much yes taco is also fine all right thank you very very much definitely want to take this feel no pain we have exactly enough money to fail chat and tristan just cool like that got some money from guards so i decided to share some of that jolly goodness with you all jesus christ from cards i thought i literally thought that i said got some money from god did anyone else hear that got some money from god like wow dude crazy that's nuts that's technically santa technically yeah if you grew up in my household i think combust is crazy good here we're taking a lot of damage to ourselves but like we need some aoe and combust definitely fits the bill we are very high in damage and we do mitigate a lot as well i'm not gonna lie because like literally we take we get six block on turn two if we play hemokinesis like you see that that's kind of nuts dude if we take a second pummel i'm pretty sure we do yeah they exhaust so it's blocked we're going to rest here because i don't want to [ __ ] this up i got a hundred dollars in cold hard cash today why is it cold thank you for subscribing yeah merry christmas to both of you i hope that 2021 treats you both with growth safety empty family also check your cute true chat is pretty cute chat do be kind of cute microwaved right i think that's the whole thing about them is that they can be oh [Music] okay you just completely went you just like completely cut out for a little bit i heard what you said but you went to robo subscribing you went robo mode look at that block dude look at our block do i have a cd what is a cdl damn dude we actually cracked all right this deck is like [ __ ] easy [Laughter] this deck is easy is it runic pyramid because then we can just keep spot weakness in our hand and use it whenever we want yeah it's definitely pyramid i think i think we have too many cards that we want to play on like specific turns like reaper spot weakness wow our deck is like what the [ __ ] wow it is christmas boys i didn't know that christmas was this easy though and maybe the spire just likes my likes to look at my maybe i should just [Music] youtube so frostpine forgot to make a call to action to this video so uh yeah like 40 of you watching this video probably not subscribed to the channel should probably fix that it's free it helps support us uh leaving a comment and leaving a like also help uh check out the stream back to the content this right path seems really really strong you get a shop remove a card go up boom boom you might get three elites thank you very much for the three months man welcome back thank you merry christmas to everybody everybody merry we do spot weakness then we hit a combust so we get block every turn then we throw this out there yeah yeah yeah we just need to draw into our field no player next turn there we go big okay and we'll do this we'll do this we'll do that not bad not bad then this turn we definitely are hitting him with this and then next turn we slap him with a with a big reaper oh wait even bigger wait do we kill here right now this is nine we give him so it's six that'd be nine nine times fifty percent or nine plus fifty percent is would be plus four yeah we'd kill him with uh yeah yeah this is better let me kill him with combust boom kind of big kind of big i do like a true grit i do definitely like a true grid something that we won't play unless it's upgraded a lot but i like it i don't want i don't know bites we don't want points we don't want to add more strikes to the deck right now we want to wean some strikes out actually he's going to attack every turn so i think bashing here is probably better well we've got the excess energy headbutt for spot weakness i don't think we need it so we hit with oh no i think we go oh we should have done it the other order not bad but i forgot we had a sender's man in our hand that's free block see like these strikes here kind of suck balls you feel me let's see what true good hits good we do want to play this and then probably this your outfit got my boy killed in league good if it didn't say in league then i'd probably go to jail but all right we don't want to get thank you for subscribing party kirby dicks hearty kirby dicks indeed yeah thank you for subscribing good good good very good very good can we hit it with the bash here and then next turn is probably spot weakness this time you go boom boom boom heck watch out chat watch out watch out watch out frost frost remember okay going for a bit of a farm fight you feel me you feel this chat are you feeling this okay like this like this like that oh big all right the next turn we get mega heal oh [ __ ] he's out of hp [Laughter] we hurt him too much we hurt him too much too much pain definitely don't need evolve because our deck is our hand is already full um iron wave no glitch machine thank you for the 500 rtd oh thank you for the [ __ ] gift in a sub sub even thank you for the follow everything for uh the follow-up anonymous thank you for gifted us up the rack job now thank you very much for the seven months thank you did i miss any i don't think so all right there's so many notifications while i'm also trying to be big brain with his deck his deck is very very big he doesn't like my headset i really actually want to remove here don't i because we're kind of upgrading things already but then i guess this just like improves the upgrade targets that warp tongs then hits 100 removing here that's that's always happening always happening this deck must become thinner merry christmas baby smacks regret being upgrade is huge huge some might even say very big good didn't honk used to be for stinky points it it it so honk has always been for um 500 bits and stinky points when i enable it for stinky points but it's not enabled right now for stinky points all right so right now we're blocking for 15 three times three is nine so we need to probably throw we could throw one of these out there and one of those big is this close to babonga levels of big i mean his decks already nuts dude i'm not gonna lie like you ready to see the hot chocolate this deck is kind of crazy but you can bring it down right i put a chocolate syrup on the top it's nice [Music] he's so nice very proud i love i love this deck man this deck is actually so crazy this deck's awesome 23 minutes so i'll i'll bring down your [ __ ] thank you so much probably gifted subs and everything i like really you guys are being so nice to me today arnelia thank you christmas do be the time of lovey and dubbing all right next turn we hit him with a big reaper we need to be hitting him bigger i need i need to get better with this reaper stuff i'm definitely faulting on it a little bit keeping this deck tiny is perfect [Music] all right this is this is a probably a fight that we can't take our time with like we've been liking i don't know if we need to pop our thing i think we do pop our thing do we pop everything definitely doing this definitely doing this definitely doing this and then i think we do this christmas coffee it's uh hot chocolate i'm not a big coffee fan we gotta be careful of the wounds as well we're taking a little bit of damage every turn which is fine but then we you know we get the get the stinkies in our hands i think we distilled chaos yeah yeah we definitely still chaos so the wounds rebash him next thing we should be able to hit him with a uh should be able to hit him with reaper and then that yeah delicious is what we call that not at 69 hp though fs and chad i've failed everything i'm sorry i don't think we need to add anything i think i think things that we want are our true grits rugrats are what we want to add that it's nuts that's so good for us holy [ __ ] let's upgrade honestly combust because right now the next couple of fights are definitely gonna uh the next elite fight is definitely gonna have some sort of aoe aspect to it so the bus is really really good here i think i think we hit i think i think we do this we do have 12 damage strikes here so we could i think i think we do triple defend actually no because with the with the with the combustion i'm not sure um let me feel no pain and then if we hit with both of these this is a two times five so that's ten if we do boom boom boom boom boom now he dies to combust big i think after watching you play this i'm finally starting to understand are you going big brain my friend that's what i like to hear big dude rapture takes this deck to the moon if we find a rapture we could bash reaper that doesn't do much though i think it is boom boom boom i'm nuts you were offered a a rupture in the first store the first store where i didn't know what my deck was doing yet yeah my bad my bad next time war cry is really really good we're crying we're crying plus especially really very good for our deck okay let's see we can do all right so we only have one attacking let's go ahead and pop this uh can we block for 30 this turn no oh we can actually we could almost get there but maybe it would have been worth i do think it's worth killing this guy this turn i think we combust to kill him big combust just got here from youtube dude i'm focusing way too hard this early into the stream i'm not gonna lie varied fun deck super fun deck actually boom boom boom oh my god look at us go we're cracked some guy on youtube with the tail in his pocket told me to come here that sounds like a loser we so right now we're dealing 18 damage if we spot weakness it goes to if we spawn we could just continuously spot weak this over and over and over again until it's enough we'll never actually deal damage to him and we just increase how much we're healing for every single turn so we just make it sure it's uh it's enough whether regardless of whether it it right now he's that is this enough he's enough god this deck is crazy do i want a third pummel um i think we need a little bit more defense i know that it is kind of defensive but i think we need a little bit more defense until we take another pommel another pummel would be kind of nuts almost everything is upgraded and we have warped tongues it's kind of cracked all right so we hit with this he's attacking us we do have we just do boom boom boom easy wow loving the outfit thank you thank you thank you not bad not bad we do need to start getting rid of our stuff keep that on top hit him with another bash damn no one decides to dang no one wants to attack this turn okay oh that could have been combustible mistakes no wow this streamers do he sucks all right how much is my rebreathing for right now it's gonna hit for 12 on him so it's not enough to kill so i think i think we just reaper and then then kill him with a strike that's good boom hi dude we are actually [Music] okay yeah sure actually um it's fine do we even like dark embrace i mean it just cycles our deck super fast huh it makes war quite useless though i don't know if darken braces is good i don't think so i i just don't think it need we need it do we does it take the deck to the moon it kinda does though [Music] i think we can just slap one of the pummels out there uh we'll slap the upgraded one out so that we have a chance of upgrading the other ones my hand is very full every turn there's not much wrong with that though it's not a whole lot wrong with that definitely want spot weakness for next turn thank you for subscribing i meant next turn next turn that's what i actually meant we could just kill century in here i think it's probably better and being full is fine because we're cycling still it's it's it's only an issue if the hand is full and we can't get cards out of our hand right but us having a full hand isn't bad it just means we're drawing our [Music] stuff [ __ ] you mystic sorry did i say that alone i mean that's a way to dump our strength but it's just kind of not necessary huh like war cry i should say it makes war quite useless i said that a second ago i meant to say it makes war cry just draw two cards instead of it you just erase the bottom part of the text and just make it more complicated it's literally just draw two cards which isn't bad kinda like it all right boys here goes nothing all right this deck is this deck owns the champ because all we do is we sit here we get rid of our stuff uh let's see if we can't draw into no we just use block here we don't need to draw right now we would like to draw feel no pain there it is perfect perfect yeah this is literally just draw two cards zero mana plus four block when we have field no when we have feel no pain that's that's it's actually really really good like that's just really really good all right let's throw one of these out because we don't need them all we're never going to need them all we want to get this high we want to get this deck down to 10 cards that's our goal right is we need we need to get it down to 10 cards so do we even play combust no i don't think we do yes we do maybe we do maybe it puts us on a clock i don't really like it but uh let's get another pummel out and then we could throw a defend out for now we should be drawing true grit yep hey you two are jake we're gonna go ahead and get rid of hemokinesis so we don't take more damage that we don't need to right we have reaper reaper isn't the objective of the finisher right we're not it's not like our objective is to finish the the fight with reaper the objective is to just play our spot week this 97 times and then to hit him with a fat pummel once again join your totally normal iron clad run on youtube [Laughter] it was very normal one of the chat of you agree all right we have 10 cards oh we have nine cards we have we have nine card deck right now nine card deck hit him like this boom boom boom you got plus 11 strength all good all good boom boom boom i want to hit him with the bash eventually we'll figure it out when we need to i'm gonna feed bud got like seven minutes left on the brownies at plus 19 strength i think we're pretty good to bash a reaper back to full [Music] i think we bash one more time and then we're okay with the true gritting bash because we can because we can somebody how much is this 37 times five that's a lot of damage huh [Music] that is what we call a decent amount of damage yeah [Music] no escaping it's it's much okay reaper number two or demon form demon forms allows us to go a lot faster bud is upset we didn't get him a christmas present so he's refusing his food we need one campfire to upgrade ats one campfire to recall at and then a safety campfire if we find something poggy that we also want to upgrade those are our only requirements opinions on people who think that santa isn't real imagine [Music] so right now bash does 18 18 plus 18 is lethal he did it don't need to sword boomerang sword boomerang actually you know what i might take the next one we see because it's like a pummel except there's an exhaust and that champ fight got a little bit close oh you want me to remove don't mind if i do i don't want to remove too many strikes we definitely want more targets to be able to remove you know power through might have been a good choice as well now that i think about him thinking a lot by the way thinking very many like very often i do often times think hey i came from the youtube what up i'm mrs claus can i ho ho suck your dick did you like that one it wasn't creative at all you're not what not out here going for an award it's time to check the brownies it is brownie checking time we're probably not gonna be done i will still cheat our decks kind of nuts we do need we do need more i i will say we need we need we need to start adding stuff and and things my man your slave aspire youtube videos and wanted to give something back merry christmas thank you thank you so much you're very kind thank you for the 50 dude you didn't lie you are live right now i am yeah currently am we currently are playing like a a very good deck i would say i would i would call this one a good one would you concur chap now [Music] i think i want to incorporate the mini m ms with something so i don't know if i should put him on top of the brownies when they're done like smush them in there or if i should put them in the cookies and bake it with the cookies bizarre the world's questions should i put chat should i put mini m ms in the brownies or cookies the cookies are chocolate chip cookies and the brownies are triple chunk triple chunk dude okay cookies it is i don't want to do both because then then it just feels like all the same i want to make them special and i think you're pretty special and we can put the m ms in specific places to look like eyes of a reindeer and eyes of santa and whatnot yeah you can write words with it because there's a heart yeah continue should i write i'm gay in the heart cookie cutter listen it's your parents yes um i want to kill these guys all the time because they make it very difficult once they start flooding our decks with wounds so they must die none of them shall survive if i can help it which i can't always barnabas said thank you for streaming today's the worst day of the year for him but you've made it fantastic hey nothing but love here my man damn this turns tough we're gonna have some wounds and i think that's okay it's not the greatest thing we can get rid of one of them that's cool we don't take a lot of damage but we do get one wound i think i'm going to start on the corn castor roll i guess the brownies have like one minute i'll i'll start getting [ __ ] out for the corn fancy because i am slightly hungry yes and would like some munchings to be done understandable commencement we're not playing the ludwig christmas album yet there's only like a couple of songs we need that we need more we need more christmas tunes this merry cringe was you old harry mary a merry merry to you as well and so we just hit here and then he dies it's good let me just do this and they die it's good take one we want him to summon again as we start to get more and more strength we hit him with a bash uh we hit boom boom oh wait i can't put the m m's on the cookies because i got frosting to put on the cookies what am i gonna do then i should definitely put them in the brownies this deck is very big brain boys we're big brain in it right now 15 seconds all right we gonna check on the brownies again big brain dude i'm nuts i do like a flame barrier i think that's crazy good and then we'll take a cult this potion over a an upgraded potion because we everything is upgraded all the time that was i'm i was i was questioning whether paper frog was good enough for us to take and it definitely was it definitely was do we do we go here and look for medkits do we go and look for medkit over going to another elite i'm putting it in for three more minutes what are we dolly's mirror we're taking we're doing boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom it's boom boom it has to be boom boom right or is it or is it boom boom boom or is it take it oh it's actually boom boom it's actually boom boom boom boom so we can buy both of these boom boom yeah we can't we can't afford them boom it has to be that's so crazy that's nuts holy [ __ ] we pop off stratosphere all right now we just need to go to this campfire right here we're pivoting and we're we're upgrading the with it we're yeah hey that we are breaking our fossilized helix almost every turn one unless we draw something nuts am i quoting friends i don't like to i don't like friends that much damn dude playing hard to get down there um right now we need to block for exactly this amount there we go there's feel no pain taking one damage i don't think we're gonna need these in this fight i mean granted we don't need them at all but they're cool [Music] yep [Music] are we out of attacks wait wait i accidentally got rid of all my attacks it's fine though because we can just stall this wait hold on [Music] it's fine 73 fine almost there no no no no don't panic no no no don't panic chat if you panic that's cringe and 85 so we go we go go like this well the next turn he's not gonna have the thing um can we block yeah no 85 plus flameberry but then we take damage we don't want to take damage so we actually just stall it out even longer we can stall though we're stalling they should be good now [Music] i don't know there's still [ __ ] on the toothpick see i had this problem last time where i just wanted to cook them forever like there's so much [ __ ] on the toothpick but i've gone over the allotted time and told me to make them for right so i feel like i should just put them in for like i don't know i want to do it for like another five minutes because last time people were like nope take them out they'll cook in the pan while they're sitting out it only took 68 strength and no panicking we didn't panic a single time but they were [ __ ] so i think i'm just gonna put them in for like six minutes did i exhaust all my cards it was an accident yes i'm just going to burn the [ __ ] out of our brownies it's fine i couldn't stay with pommel fine i got hot chocolate you don't [ __ ] you chap hot chocolate is pretty good hit me in the face and scared me shut up dude we only have four spoons don't forget to recall the last campfire already on it dude don't worry it's in my brain [Music] cool should i turn on hot no i can't turn on haunted for the rest of christmas because it might be youtube content can you not honk on youtube no well it's annoying to them they don't like it youtube doesn't like honk okay it's because let me explain it actually makes sense okay [Music] it's because on on youtube they they don't see what's going on in the chat so they don't really understand like the dynamic that we have you know so they're just kind of like why the [ __ ] is there just this blaring hog sounding in the background the entire time kind of [ __ ] annoying you know i mean it makes sense right it makes sense don't get you youtube doesn't get you twitch chat it's their fault it's not yours twitch chat hey you're the best i almost want to take a rage because we just want more cards in the deck i'm a former youtuber [ __ ] him play honk wait wait wait but if playing honk reduces my amount of views it reduces andrew's income is that what you want people don't watch because of honk yeah yeah because it's annoying i think we do this is a tough choice calling it's a christmas mirror thank you for subscribing we are but is that a problem no not a problem for youtube apparently it's a problem it's justifiable you're making them sound like bad people they have families some of them probably i don't know thank you for subscribing this deck is rocking three whole war cries thank you for subscribing thank you for subscribing our strength is going up by five per turn that's good i'll take a headbutt plus i think headbutt plus does seem pretty good in the early forms of the fight all right rico rico rico is our entire deck upgraded i mean kind of effectively right how many cards do we not have upgraded one two three four is that it is that my god that's pretty good i think whatever great to have you my man all right it is corn casserole time we want to put on top probably spot weakness not probably probably good dude i think the one card that we want in this deck right now one card all right can you can you figure it out it's a disarm i said it did i say that already i don't remember if i actually said it out loud i've been thinking it for a while i can't find the photo of what a corn casserole recipe thank you very very much have i played demon for me at this fight i have thank you for subscribing thank you for subscribing if three cards we can play next turn it's fine [Music] bro why are you doing ten times three what the f is that or twelve times three [Music] i should like favorite it or something like write it down okay i think i'm [ __ ] done with the brownies they're like we passed i think that was enough to kill i forgot um i forgot to actually look this up whoa okay i'm calling the brownies done hopefully rasta is reading dyslexia very much though okay so corn casserole preheat oven to 350. i had to join the ranks by using the cacao potion now they won't kill me so we need a pot all right can we get through this fight without using our powers for christmas can we have honk back if we win this run i will give you honk bag [Music] i'm sorry love content from youtube big love twitter smile oh my god i forgot to grease it i wasted an eggo i'm sorry no i think we can do this and we can just exhume it and play it again i think that's fine i wasted an eggo i can't really cringe not gonna lie i'm sorry i have to wash it out though and have you always been this cringe question you know honestly what the [ __ ] is that the only thing i ask of you is to remind me to grease [ __ ] and you always forget that's the only thing you've ever asked me yeah okay i'm very disappointed in you okay all right eggo went down the sink like a creeper this is like the one power that we're okay with playing great first grease pan jesus pam dude where am i effing true grits game i would like a true grit please sorry i'm very much focusing on this fight and i haven't looked at you on a solid second chat i love you though oh my god i just peed a little bit hey [ __ ] it's been a long ass time it's been a minute outfit after dish has been hey snow thank you for the 5 000 it has been a minute dude and i have to say for some reason i'm very happy that you're back all right we need to kill fast i think okay we just use that to get it out of hand we don't plan on actually we're not we don't have anything that scales off but obviously let's throw this down again hey you might have been gone for a while but you still remember me very well begun and then one what is 14 times three 43 right horton has been drained feel like i don't need this anymore but for now i'm gonna add actually i'm gonna do this it was much better i'm okay with taking a little bit of damage because we're gonna we're about to exhume our reaper back one can porn um one can cream corn damn [Music] don't worry chad i haven't exhausted all of my attacks this time thank you for subscribing i am financially stable enough to throw money away consistently again thank you friend we need big spoon do we have big spoons somewhere big spoon flame barrier to death that's actually impossible to do that is [ __ ] crazy thank you snow i really appreciate the 11 months welcome welcome back dude thank you again for the 5 000 bits and the mega hawk cooking stream cooking stream cooking stream cooking stream cooking streams sour cream gaming stream no this is a cooking stream now frost news this is a this is a looty cooking stream one in the chat if you agree jiffy mix oh my god imagine if i could get away with taking that air we still have another seven of those that i'm required to take i'll take an intro actually no cultist potion might be might be solid here um is it called this potion or an entrepreneur is it another war crime war cried more like more crime yeah tabaxi thank you for the three months cultist potion was only really really good there because we didn't play we didn't play demon form plus rupture and combust because that gives us five five uh five stuff per turn so our fight felt a little bit slow because we only had a cultist potion in play in the last thank you for subscribing merry christmas your filthy animal thank you for the three months man that's home alone right home alone too double tap unpurchasable it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't a mention of that no you [ __ ] thank you i hope you're having a wonderful holiday twin strike for more [ __ ] to exhaust thank you for subscribing i could go for blood for blood with that because we could get a potion and blood for blood but then we couldn't get cultist bushes yeah it's definitely in traffic oh we can't afford that that's fine that's fine and tropical give us stuff to exhaust trust me we don't want to use it now unless we need one of the potions it's a pretty good opening hand definitely gonna zoom it back i think we're subscribing corn casserole is so [ __ ] good [Music] thank you for subscribing yes heart fight who cares we get to watch the cooking stream which can teach us to make new foods what does the heart do makes us feel things which is bad cooking you got me you know you say this is southern cooking but there's no ounce of butter in this and i don't know whenever you talked about my parents cooking you're like i can't handle the butter but this has no butter in it yeah because everything else had butter in it i think that all right this hand sucks we might die let's see what we can do we we these last five cards are the most important cards in our deck so we need to start just burning [ __ ] so we have corn sour cream egg jiffy mix 3 4 cup of cheese and we bake for 25 minutes remove sprinkle the cheese bake for 20 more all right it's only four block it's really not doing a lot for us we're just dead right but god gamer frost prime is playing the game but also cooking stream so cook and game and sleep until new year resident sleeper seems good yeah this is this is not good boys right didn't we set the timer for 25 quick scale yeah like we're just not we just have not drawn the cards that we need to can we kill one of them here that's the question so this is 10 times 5 right now 18 10 times 5 would be 15 times 5 15 times 5 is 75. yeah we can kill one so we can kill this guy and then it'll turn us around and then hopefully we can farm him for for goodies are you playing isaac at all today i don't know you can play isaac yeah i know i have paper frog that's why we just kill this guy turn around not terrible now we just have to farm this guy very very quickly back to full hp not a big [Music] deal i think it's cookie time i think we play this because we don't want to lose an ounce of hp we need to use all of our hp for that combust i do believe it is cookie time that's nice i was hoping to find our spot weakness there it's fine though you can bash him here strike to get it out of hand you can heal for 52 here 52 is not uh not exactly where i want to be it's not quite up there we need a little bit more just a little bit more we'll get there not worried about it all right he gets 99 block here right yeah and then we can bash and then should be able to reap her next turn it is cookie time cookie time could hold off another turn and hopefully kill with reaper oh my god yeah because he's not going to gain block here so we do that you see this we don't want to we'll kill him with bash if we have to but this is very rough okay i almost [ __ ] it i think i almost [ __ ] it i don't think we take corruption corruption too early loses us the game corruption too late is just a curse in our hands i think we don't need it i'm gonna say no that's such a good idea all right do this first oh no we do we do this this this three [Music] thank you for parts i don't know if i using zoom on uh offering chris let's do the thing where you win i don't think we need to i think we're getting zoom offering right now we need so much more of our stuff we need we need so much more stuff right now okay that's good that's good that's good that's really really good now do we need to play to play offering we can play it next turn and then we can also shockwave next turn we could also offering this turn in order to headbutt back our true grit we don't draw a lot with offering right now but that's fine i think we sit i think we chill i think we're chilling we don't we're not starting to gain strength though that's the thing is i want to try to find combust or demon form but demon form we obviously can't play so we draw three cards here off this so it's basically an unupgraded offering dude this is a christmas cookie cutter set and there's no [ __ ] christmas tree what the [ __ ] what i was being angry for you that's so stupid maybe we like the energy next turn what do we do with the energy this turn well okay yeah it's way better to play shockwave next turn 100 so i think we need the energy next turn i think now you have underwear on underneath that skirt right uh compressions that's not christmas at all they got a choo-choo train we got santa himself we got padded [ __ ] of a drop a mitten good thing i guess like why do you why do you need a circle to make the perfect cookie thank you for subscribing next time we drop two cards and we're already gonna play flame barrier next turn but we're still not we're still not starting on our strength conquest [Music] this is really bad circle for christmas ornament or bell but no tree this stupid this is really bad we still have not started gaining strength like this is really really bad we have we have plus two strength right now this is awful all right we want to bring back our one of our true grits right now we need it and then uh we'll play this because it'll give us two it'll give us three black next turn dealing two damage with our um our self warming clay it's pretty good yeah that's nice down at the bottom flip it over yeah get in there sorry the top was still cold so i flipped it over turned out few more seconds and then it's cookie time what time are you ending stream before the call like three something like that hey it started on my pork sausage rolls time is going by fast it's already been two hours okay i think it is cookie time okay damn we're going to like zero hp right now i'm not a fan i think this is good here or we could do it next no cause he has artifact right now it's kinda now um oh [ __ ] let's see if this player turns no i broke it in half i mean that's right now we're literally going to one hp i need to start with like half of it seneco sneko can literally kill this run because he'll randomize all of our hands costs and then we can't do anything about it it's still [ __ ] cold dude it's so mushy on the outside just flatten it with hands reaper puts them at exactly 500 hp and then our strikes right now are dealing like 22 so as long as we start attacking them every turn we should be kind of decent because how many turns right now it's 15 to 26 yeah it would take too many turns we have to do this now because it would take it would take way too many turns for us to get back to being able to actually have him uh like for for it's a deal more than 26 does that make sense do we use combust i don't think we use combust i think it is i think it is i think it is get rid of hemokinesis or no it's given a combust flatten the cookie dough and put his back in the water in a ziploc bag i have now realized i do not have a baking sheet ready i think we just hit him with a strike he's dealing some damage thank you stone [Music] calendar we're living but barely we didn't live wait oh six times fifteen i thought it was four times fifteen whoops easily the cleanest run up until that heart fight everything went to [ __ ] you
Channel: Frost Prime
Views: 60,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 22sec (4162 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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