The Class Dominator 96 "Dom" The Baby Shark

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well I'll be dog back the back of its bum we are combine in whoo back and forth on the old piece here cutting in the old Mac gone look at those fluffy Peas oh yeah but real good little shitty this morning she was a little tough underneath but the ground is starting to dry up a little bit here and also I mean give her another few hours and I should be able to really get more so both air and it's gonna keep hammering down here I got one column I want oh my life gets off work and then I'll put her in the 1680 and my brother's gonna run the old Dom so stay tuned that'll be in this same video here I know if you guys are wondering about the old girl so I'll tell you a little story on him and when we get rolling what the to hear so Berta's all in right - Tom right from the field raked it down so I don't see what happens I think they're from what we've done so far they're probably averaging about 50 ish 45 50 somewhere so it's pretty good we had three inches of rain on this then it's laid down pretty good I don't have to run the drop lifters yet like Tyson or neck there so I'm kind of happy about that I don't like putting them makes you to combine they do pretty good damage but they do work really well we have used them in the past back when apartment my dad Malta we actually stuck one right up in the motor tin there underneath the motor on 2188 anyways I will I'll keep on cutting here I want to get ahead cuz I got a truck to talk to you so she's a busy day out here but I want to get some good footage of the whole Klaus the Dom the Dominator 96 - and the piéce so any we've got everything fixed on the old bitching we're gonna get her fired up here pretty soon so just wait a little while I'll be right back alrighty guys we're back here so the entire the story about my won't cause gone my hair soul if you guys have ever heard of the conserve a pack air drill it was the first parenting drill ever made bah-bah-bah well my grandpa was a guy that built the first drill for Jim Halpert which server pack hair ceders anyway so gym helper came to me one day in the coffee shop and said hey do you know anybody that wants an old law it's common I said well I don't know how much you offered he said well come and get it he said I'll sell it to you cheap so anyways I came down there picked it up I so came what do I owe you he said well let's do this he said I'll make them receipt all for one dollar so he basically gave me this column I so there's a bit of sentimental value in this old girl I don't know we kind of like it my brother and I we just it's basically an old on call my button still works still does the trick and it works pretty off see even got the old hood scoop straight pike plugging her go so anyways that's kind of the story on the stomp mind he said come again and he says there they're gonna they got a record coming down to the consumer fat plan which was or which is now fail industries in town you know but back in the day well actually I have welded the green conservative axis bought this conserve Bachelder John year as you guys probably know anyway to come get it he said they're gonna go take this call my prescribed because the scrap guy's company said I'd hike call mine's too good of a call mind to let it go for scrap so anyways we took a home with God and all we did a bit of wiring some lights got in there and chewed the wires and really basically nothing really worked in the cab so we got there conditioner fix a cap and all the lights ignition all that stuff so most of it works now there's still a bunch of things I would like to do yet but yeah so that's the story on mobile plus but I gotta get a we're doing the piece here now and I'd like to ride on the old and get you guys a good a good video of it here but if these nappies are to dasya my windshield is just host it's dirty a can't see so but we still got a lot of chewing to do yet so probably once we get it do the wheat that whole bar some pinhole or something we might run it in there and and then I'll get some really good videos old alright on there on the step or something give you guys a little cap to have all the fun stuff so anyway I'll got turn around here so Oh doc tea in the bed though I'll get another clip when he goes by me here again so already guys we're just gonna keep on rolling on a beat here I guess still gets too tough to cut this stuff I'm gonna get stop oh man you just start pulling up by the roots old better off to this quit for Senator records on food zone right now the comm mines are shut down I've even seen these dirty windows holy they my wife and my brother took a truck in the semi to town and dumped it at the elevator so I don't know it must unab out I know I must have bought 100 acres down here now on this 300 acre piece so to 75 to 80 whatever that is anyways I guess I'll end the video here so thanks for watching and subscribe and leave a comment and all that good stuff and don't forget to give me the old George Strait check yes or no so hey wait see you next time you
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 4,961
Rating: 4.9769454 out of 5
Id: FeFibYclPDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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