The Circle cast live chat on Twitter

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Circle cast live Good morning. My name is Jack Dorsey and we are joining. You live from Twitter headquarters in San Francisco and We are here with some of the cast and the director of the circle. We're going to have a discussion around technology around data privacy And also diversity and technology as well, and it's Gonna be fun meaning if you want to go to my Twitter Hang on Tom just said it's going to be a brief its end [ok] so join me in welcoming James Emma Tom and [patten] hi Thank you, so [we] should we kick it off with Emma's experience of making [this] movie sure you know I was a big fan of Dave eggers who wrote the Circle and I remember reading the script and It was just something that really stayed with me and got under my skin and started kind of Haunting me a little bit. I remember speaking to James and I had a very long Skype conversation And then I was like I have to talk to dave I have to try to you know like and I realized what an amazing piece of [Material] it was Because you just it poses endless questions, and it really makes you think about things that perhaps you haven't spent time [thinking] about before and I knew I had to do the project because it just it wouldn't leave me you know it just it yeah it wouldn't leave me it was so yeah working with James has been wonderful and working with Thomas has been terrible people hate him and It's just really hard [work] Funny ever um so it's been bad But I think we have managed to make a good final end product So I'm pleased to meet at least with that and James [whatever] your experience It was great I mean it began for me with reading Dave's novel of been a fan of Dave's writing since his first book heartbreaking work of staggering genius and Yeah, I was excited to read the circle. [it's] [get] read it in two days and I was Founded hilarious Darkly Hilarious, and I was I was really upset by it because I'm may Holland the main character that Emma plays I Think I saw myself in her for better or worse probably for worse or something. I think [she] was very idealistic and then there's a part of her that just desperately wanted to be seen and known and there was a I think [a] loneliness and emptiness in her gut that she was working working through and You know for my self? I mean my wife And I were about to have a kid when I read Dave's book and we just started talking a lot about our own childhoods [and] how we had been able to sort of live for the most part? Unser veiled [lies] you know like we there wasn't a record of what we've done. We made [mistakes] in private we you know atoned with our parents or their teachers with You know it with our God if there's a God whatever we work all that stuff out in private And we just started wondering if our our child and now we have two kids would have that same luxury And we thought perhaps they wouldn't and that's what sort of rattling through my brain That's what got under my skin into his book and I knew that I wanted to make it as a film um I'm surveilled is that a word. I'm sorry I had to I was just calling something. I might have made that word up I Sound like a word that's going to become part of our Regular Lexicon like [that'll] be in the oed in a few years [Irv] a live shows intervene serving it's that possible can you choose to be on surveillance what if that becomes the thing after the millennials the cool thing to be [-] In other words, that's the next step of oh no. I have no social online presence Yeah, I'm actually that'd be great jack. That would be okay Yeah, we would fight for that one So on on your character [in] you personally you've been a huge advocate for diversity Not just in technology but in in all industry and specifically a he for she doing speak a little bit about that and [just] where you're going through in this in this movie and You know was there? Did it make it more real or was it you know just? accepted yeah You know I think currently 18 percent of computer science graduates are women and you know I mean the tech industry notoriously has issues with diversity so to beat a female face of You know in our movie hypothetically the biggest tech company in the world was really interesting and I think You know there was a lot about may and a man's kind of relationship and and the [powerplay] there that I think Made that relationship really complex and really tense and Yeah, I think that a you know twitch was actually one of our key impact champions by Coincidence And I know that that's something that as a company. You've been trained to try to tackle that problem and I know that particularly within leadership roles that's something that you can try a push is just rather kind of you know move the needle I think 22 percent of your leadership roles are female And I think you move it up to something like you've made it up by six percent and last year which is amazing But obviously still [more] to do, but why was this an issue? Do you think that Twitter wanted to tackle? Like you know why was this a problem with personally important to you. [I] mean your company Yeah, first and foremost like we we want to build a service that is Accessible to anyone and We need a we need different perspectives to understand how or why not? It's it's not accessible to someone not approachable to someone so we benefit You know pretty dramatically from having different perspectives within the company different ways of thinking [different] backgrounds different context And from people all over the world and if we can't have [that] insight we we certainly can't present that externally as well We can't we can't build something for our customer [if] we don't understand who they are and we don't live that way every single day, so We we saw an [opportunity] not just to Change you know change the ratio But also hold ourselves accountable to it very [publicly] So we were one of the first company to actually share our goals not just where we are but what we're trying to get to Because it is something that not only We have to address but our industry has to address and other industries have to address as well And I think there's been a big focus certainly on more technical roles and engineering but but just focusing on [leadership] in particular [so] you know my focus has been our board? The leadership team at [the] at the top of the company [and] it's really important for people to be able to see you know what they can aspire to be in To understand that you know this is a person that's extremely well accomplished comes from [a] background similar to mine [I] can be there too and Having [conversation] with them Of what it took working backwards from that is really important so our focus has has been there but I think you know that the more important is is not just diversity but inclusion well and making sure that we're building a Environment that helps everyone feel welcome helps everyone feel that they can thrive helps everyone feel that They can set a bar for themselves in terms of their skill level of what they want to do. We've had people join the company as a supporter and have aspirations to become an engineer or designer and Having that sort of internal Path and mobility and just an option is also really important because I think we focus a lot in our industry and certainly Elsewhere on the people we don't have how to get them in versus the people we do have and how to how to grow them, so And putting a lot more [offices] on the people we do have and how do we build a more inclusive environment which will have an end results of creating more diversity of of Gender of race of sexual preference, but also of ideologies that were really understanding all perspectives so I don't want to sound naive it just [I] Can almost understand why a lot of the pre information age? Industries did have a lack of diversity because it was from this other age, but especially Information and tech wouldn't you just want to draw outside of N Kind of Social boundaries the absolute best you could join me like the absolute best you can get for whatever project [you're] working on so I'm just wondering where that Holdover came from was it just a generational [thing] that was kind of there as an echo Or is it [just] is it actually a are we not as advanced as we'd like to think [that] we are You and I'm saying like if that's if that's still a thing that's being addressed it Just feels odd that it's being addressed in 2017 You have not I'm not really sure actually I'm not sure what the what the causes are I think um some of it probably comes down to location and where a lot of these things started and And just holding on to that particular locale versus like really broadening out, right? but It's a you know I think first just acknowledging it and then like what are the most tangible steps that we can take We can actually build into our dnA in our practice every single day right has husband are our focus. What's a good question? We actually have a video that I think it's going to play now that kind of is on this topic while we're just discussing it, [man], Bailey Well, it's sort of it starts out as employer-employee and it becomes I Would say one of those very complicated patriarchal relationships where Bailey takes on a kind of father figure Sort of role with her but of course is her employer at the end of the day, so It's a very it becomes a very complex relationship Yes, very nervous, [so] you have it [is] [we] haven't missing to do now. We can just watch this clip Yeah, I love playing me. She's She is so complex Everything that you said about be incredibly idealistic. [I] feel like one of these big problems Is that she really believes in the perfect solution? To these problems. She really believes that there is kind of one answer that if we will pull together you know we can get there and She doesn't realize it, but her approach is quite extreme in the end and quite sort of totalitarian almost She [she] kind of becomes her own charming little dictator I think without realizing that she's that she's headed there [and] You know, but with [wit] such good intentions. I think I thought you and I were so gone to all the time was that [she] Yeah, she had these incredibly good is coming from a good place but kind of ultimately Ultimately very warped warped vision and way of way of getting there. She definitely comes from a generation who aspire to be disruptors [yeah] Right and I think I think we generally see that as a a good thing disruption is can disrupt the status quo But we've also clearly seen [in] the past year how people can come in from A From a different industry and and affect the world negatively in politics Whatever it is and disrupt things and it doesn't always work out the [way] We think it is yeah the case from a but she does have good intention She's very idealistic yeah, and she's just looking for her place to make her mark [I] remember for you, and I like you know we we obviously made the movie before the election and Yeah, well yeah, remember [that] now remember that but they're watching the election. We were like wow this is it feels like Everything that we're touching on in this movie is playing out in front of our eyes you know just months after we we know called cut and wrapped on that movie and that was That was really Remarkable for me I felt like you know Life art reality all kind of coming together and I think There's stuff that we predicted that. I really wish we hadn't predicted Yeah, wish we'd gotten [away] more stuff wrong. Yeah That would have been cool. I don't and that would have been really cool pot even using Torts of the ages, you know what all right? I know it wasn't the first guy ever To is a possible yeah, there was a whole bunch of us [that] [were] electron again play with it. It's a very fun. [it's] It's almost [the] what's so great about it is it's purely verbal and and if you know how to use verbiage and really play with it, you can really get people to Kind of sit up and take notice and especially if you're using it towards, okay? I'm going to be funny and entertaining and then use that to point the camera towards this issue Or you know this problem that I would like people to maybe look at and and it's you know and it gives people an or way that would normally it's It it is what the ramones did That's how I always think of it of in the early 70s of these giant bands where it's like you can't be in Rock'n'roll unless you have a fog machine and lasers and a huge dragon that comes out and runs like no you can just plug in two amps and played quickly in and Grab people and that's sort of what Twitter did it just shaved everything arson. I've ever heard infidelity launched in Rock and roll, [oh] Thanks, [Tom]. I appreciate [about] really quickly that the internet was getting to a point where Websites that want got attention had bells and whistles and animation, and there's no, what about just really plangent ideas that paying hit people in the forehead and that's what Twitter was let's watch a commercial for another a Bit of the circle right now the next are the next [thirty] [two] [system] that we cannot solve we have cameras all [over] the world right now [this] that's all that day to go for you Go, I knew only one who can do [that] darker it gets. I want the truth You can't trust anyone circle Radius PG-13 even Bailey is one of the three Founding fathers of the circle he is the visionary the idea man Not the financial guy and not the tech guy. He's a guy who dreams big Yeah, so yeah, I play the guy in the movie You know that? He's a diabolical genius Because he has a beard you find that to be vision In order for everybody to know [that] is there a diabolical penis must be the guy in [a] beer. Oh you get [near] [me] but that the thing about the gland a guy in Charges is he's the guy that had this idea of the way things should [be] We should have no secrets. Thanks Eamon Bailey, we shall be unified We shall be able to communicate instantaneously, [and] you know we should we [should] also not have to rely [on] Keeping secrets or relying on it on anonymity because the more things are out there the more transparent Everything is and thus the human condition is improved and we reach a state of Nirvana now. How does that happen? Technologically well you trust the geniuses who can write the code and invent the machines to come up with with that kind of stuff So that allows the diabolical genius that that that it even is along with With Mr. Stanton, yes In order to in order to then take that idea and push it one step one step further There's a scene in the movie in which we're just sitting around We have this thing called the gang of 40 which is the original 40 people that got together? And it's like this in order to crack the game of gang of four you got to be really you got to be high up In the circle it got to be really smart you got to be very aggressive And we're talking about the concept of how to make the numbers of the people who are members of the circle? Equal the numbers of people who voted in the last election because there's actually more members of the circle then there are people who took part [and] the demo kradic process and so the the Spitballing the the dreamy that goes on is when there must be [away] and Lo and Behold [may] herself is the one that comes up with this way that is such an actually great fantastic idea But when you carry it to its actual conclusion and effect on human nature is no different than what the stasi did in East Germany you know This concept of keeping track of everybody and saying you do in fact have [to] vote and that comes around to this other concept That anybody who runs a company? whether you're whether you're a tech company, or if you make a baby buggies would love it if Everybody who had a baby? Was forced to own one [of] your baby buggies. It would just be the greatest thing for the bottom line [it'd] be the greatest thing for the design process would be the greatest thing for your for your Employees and it would be wonderful for the babies themselves soon as they would have the best baby bug in it, but out Inside that comes some degree a malevolent totalitarianism or or dictum that removes all these things such as choice or Or in the case of [the] word that we coined earlier on Unsurveyed underserved unser held all you have to do in order to give in to the great Promise of the circle is to agree [to] be surveilled That's all you have to do and your life will be magnificent and easy and fast and quick And you'll always have somebody to go kayaking with and you'll never be you'll never be away From a parent with multiple sclerosis ever again there'll be a support system of it, but you will be surveilled to a point I mean, it's taking it to a almost a scientifically dystopian vision of it and the question, then is well What if you choose to be unser veiled and is it possible to be is the opt-out possible? Yeah, will there be some kind of benign way to stop you being unser about why do you want to be [on] [surveillance]? Why [do] you have to hide you can only of you have a baby wouldn't you want to have the best baby buggy? That's ever been invented so it ends up being this on the What gained did I think we can all agree in the book is what dave eggers? Did it he he took that all of this magnificent promise of ease and the dream of that technology has certainly? Delivered to [us] in many many ways and taking it to its most The Furthest extreme that is not one [of] artificial intelligence Taking over our control of us, but actually our own individual choices co-opting us out of the the Grand code of like [indifference] pleading end and Chaos that is actually part of the human condition appointed part of a part of the universe now This is a responsibility that like like Twitter has put us Exactly in the middle of everything from up you know the Arab spring to the present presidential United States States [are] 3 o'clock in the morning ramblings mean What is fantastic the other one is goofy you know [lots], so you get to be a little scary? You know if you choose to be scared by the enemy. You know if they decide to take [it] you know seriously and End literally yet Dandy, but in there in the grand scheme of things I feel Steve Martin Published a book about not only his tweets, but the responses to his tweets, and I said it's right. That's like a retro Technology isn't it you wrote tweets people responded to it And you printed it on paper in a book you can only buy either on Amazon at a bookstore so it ends up being this this this this still grand ball of possibility that Is on one [hand] certainly your option certainly a series of choices? but you want you I think enjoy one of the benefits or the Six of the benefits and all the technology can give to you you might then be also opting into that that that that uh none Unobserved uh Nenana me realm that you know if you that is what the tech world is that really does run on one of the things that that we talked [about] That is not really said in the movie. It is actually pretty great. It's like look if everybody knows everybody's secrets No one needs to be ashamed because your secret makes you ashamed mine Makes me Shaken once we know them all because your secret might I don't care about that, okay So it can be actually quite liberating all you have to do decide is to never have another secret Not sure and we're in 1984 yeah, yeah, yeah, and then do you have nothing but constant Identification with who you are which means you can never be anonymous again I'm not sure anybody never wants to be anonymous again So it is it's much like you know when those guys invented that printing press that could print out books They were unleashing this concept in order to to tell the truth to bring beauty to the world to enlighten anybody who reads it or print lies you know [a] Prince you know make make books that would steal people the wrong way and actually Do it do a great disservice to the to the human condition so we end up sue being on the same kind of like? Precipice of possibility you know I made this old movie when you were when you were very young Before your parents [when] [I] [was] [a] seat, well, you mind is right here Mom and Dad are going out we've rented and Gotten mail. You can watch again I don't [know] how [old] you are It's a talk that thing we have been the same Even right then we have this thing of which you had to send that email to somebody but inside [that] email between myself and meg Ryan was this great promise of Romance and Happiness and and love at last in a connection that you couldn't get any other way But it was old technology you had to send an email, and it was also based on anonymity What you do Twitter now? you can communicate with the entire world where that same brand promise and Potentially that same brand of anonymity although if you're really cool. You actually will say who you are So you're not hiding behind anything? But when you do that in the opening yourself up to all sorts of other contacts as you night asking for so it's odd we're in the technological Triumph that we've all [been] able to experience Has has us in that same exact Place except it can happens much much quicker, and it can go around the world I know even as we are joking now thousands of people are watching us on this live feed I'm going to say I'm going to say there's I'm going to say there's six thousand two hundred fifty people watching it You can either add zeros on to that or not [and] that is an absolute magnificent Reality no matter what you want to sell a movie like the circle that we're all very proud of but we could be selling something you know ridiculously malevolent if we wanted to would we be using that we'd be using the same exact technology so comes down to some degree of personal [responsibility] But again the guy with the beard sits around and I this is this is how I played you I play Meat as well as you did but I played you and it was Sitting around saying well, how can we make the world better? I mean at the end of the day? I think much of this is like not now making a buck is wonderful But it starts with some aspect of how can we draw people together? how can we make what's going on in their world as Prescient as Anna's immediate to our to ourselves who are thousands of miles away in a complete culture that's completely removed but you know you can you don't have to go back very far of this because one of the things that eamon talks about with our sea-change cameras is that [hey] injustice is not going to be able to hide as Well [as] it has been able to and there are people out [there] with a Twitter account who are bringing just injustice to life and that's incredibly incredibly important to the human condition, and we just hope that 51 [percent] of the World's population does that because that's 2 percent more than the 49 percent that will be that will [be] spreading lies right, so The [founding] goals of the circle compared to real life. I'm not purple Are you perfect turquoise my [eye] [in] purple? So while we are we have to throw to another clip now? We don't owe you no here Listen to this you've got 15 seconds of Joy coming your way. We have a piggy plot [that] last 15 seconds so here's some more content from from the circle and [the] Circle knowing is good. But knowing everything is there So many things we hide the goodness and truth everyone is talking about the most provocative thriller will be here Is there anything you want to tell us? Emma Watson the only one who can do this Tom Payne's. [do] you think this was [just] a camera John Boyega? You can't trust anyone? Shouldn't happen the circle is watching the Circle Rated PG-13 Sharing is caring At face value is a delightful phrase and a wonderful kind of Mantra for how to live your life But in the terms of the circle sharing is caring gets mutated to the point where You know you you are it is assumed you will share everything, but without boundaries you get Eaten alive Hi, Twitter put your pants back on we're back Wow, yeah, a data-driven world a lot of stuff that it's amazing. How a lot of the stuff [that] the [Tom] which is talking about [with] without changing the the way, he said it could [be] beneficial or sinister in the exact same sentence and I think now especially there seemed to be a Especially watching my daughter grow up. There is a Generation of kids that are very comfortable with and already assume. They're just being watched all the time Because they're used to seeing other people either on [YouTube] or on TV not interacting, but addressing a lens and a faceless multitude and You know the character that I play stenton. I think and this is I think this exists in tech I think that's existed in industry [beforehand]. There is a section of the population that [is] way more comfortable not talking to people face-to-face, but rather through memos and directives or yeah texts and you know a lens and so You know how again there are get helps a lot of introverts get their message out there and it especially helped people that maybe have problems with a Social anxiety it's like that to you know create an identity in the world, but I think it also disconnects people from a lot [of] the Consequences and effects of what they are doing and it can lead to some pretty harmful It's taking place because it doesn't feel like you're doing it to some to another person You know so that's something that well. There's a great. I don't want to give too much away, but there's a there's [a] great Thing [that] you do in [that] emma does when she decides to go? Transparent can I say that she decides to go transparent a big brother? and there's a weird it's like it's [a] it's an acting choice that you make but it's like you become an amplified version of yourself without realizing you're doing it and Yes, it amplifies you, but just like a car. That's running on nitro it's also kind of burning you out a little bit and and so I'm just wondering if There's going to be if we're going to see a effect I guess in Society's Behavior that we can't see right now because it's just now starting but in ten years are there going to be people that are so burned out with this that they that there'll be some kind of mass retreat from It'll be the opposite of Andy warhol saying and in the future everyone will be allowed to be anonymous for 15 minutes [oh], yeah, put back out front of your you know if this was 1984 [big] brother going to Yeah, yeah, [big] brother would be on the TV for the two men hate going Please stop sending me pictures of your privates. I don't I don't know why we put the cameras in you guys department You people are nuts What you know so it is? It's the classic. You know there's three science fiction plots what if if only and if this goes on and this is being classic if Only dot dot dot but then it goes way too far but you don't realize it's happening because everyone especially even especially may aren't so positive and excited and are only seeing the Benefits, but not the responsibilities, and so that's gonna be interesting to see how that plays out in [real] life I think let's see if only of the sort of archetypal sort of speculative or sci-Fi plots like I think what we anticipated in like fiction of the 50s and 60s or like paranoid conspiracy films of the 70s Yeah, was that the government would steal our information from us that we should be paranoid of the government, and maybe that's justified But the the irony of Modern living is that sort of the panopticon's like this regulating regulating society that we have is one where we? Voluntarily seated or Private information for just the ease of right like this if we live in a neighborhood We saw an unmarked black car with a bunch of radar dishes? Slowly moving down the street with a radar dish pointing at all our house. We'd been outraged [we] [will] know who's driving that black car, but if it says google on the side [of] it, we just oh It's just making a map of the house. That's out of the audience Or if it said Twitter on the side of it We would we would be so overjoyed we would tweet out [for] I feel lucky I live in a Twitter neighborhood now people would run outside naked hey Do you ever do [that] just on the off-chance of satellites or photographing your house at the [con] let go out and [dance] around? Did you see the photograph of Earth that was that the Cassini? Probe took from inside the the rings of Saturn it was just on it literally It's a visit probe And it turned around it took a picture through the rings of saturn of this little dot that is the planet Earth and I wanted To find out exactly when [that] picture was taken, so I could say well Here's a picture of me taking a shower before I went to work that day because that's what I was about That you had a big day [tomorrow], and you will have a photograph of the entire Earth that is so big data It's so weird you know a big data when you watch these paranoid seventies films Parallax view all the President's men three days of the condor Colossus before [balázs] important project But that's the person were so clear you're now sitting in a geek section This is a wonderful movie called the Matrix Going in a computer is the crazy nuts But they look like they're speaking for one tiny scrap of information now. It's the opposite you're digging through Mountains of information to figure out what's pertinent? And what isn't it's not a lack of information It's we're being flooded with it and trying to get oxygen in the middle of it to figure out what's real and what isn't? That's what that's a dilemma. We're facing [yet], but the other hand of that is like [man]. You need an answer to a question You know of something that is perplexing and you've got it in a in a in a minute [and] a [half] less than a minute Depending on your you know whether you're got you know 3g or 4g. Yeah? It's an extraordinary gift at the same time that can be an extraordinary curse big data Yeah, I've had I remember a friend of mine was online saying this is movie It's guys and motorcycle helmets with skulls and then George sanders is in and people cycle [Raman] I like they immediately family you could find things now by giving weird general descriptions and somebody out there will know what you're talking about in the arts or something although king, I don't I don't imagine woodward and Bernstein going add something with Burglars and then [plumbers], [oh] [yeah], [I] remember okay That was a movie called all the presidents [then] we [rag] on Emma so much. Oh geez she's 14 years old [we'll] be forever in the choices. Yeah, Everett. Sorry so there's this one scene Where woodward and Bernstein are going through the card catalog and the library of congress is one of the greatest shots in motion picture history? Where the camera just comes up and up and up and up and up and they're just going through well You know a google search now the if alan Pakula was alive and stupid to try to make a dynamic shot of the Google search Nothing [hot] wouldn't be doing like this in [his] car. Yeah Zapruder here, you know it'd be like that fat not exactly the same cinematic possible. There's a scene There's also seeing that movie and my dad told me about this one [the] first one. [how] old are you remember well? I'm still for you. Okay. We saw you know remember they're looking for adult Kenneth. H dahlberg. Yes Yeah, and they go into a room in the Washington post where they have every yellow pages from the country that was there [Google] But apparently at the time when they when people saw that see my dad members were going whoa They've got every yellow paint This is like a nerve center and and [there's] [people] just going [to] the looking for Dahlberg in every single yellow page in the country larry yeah that was the internet back then but I think of like the end of the conversation like the last images of Gene Hackman ripping apart the floorboards Trying to search out the truth and being sort of unknowable, and he was what it's a image of going nuts I mean, I when I thought of when I read Dave's book And I thought of [may] once she goes transparent [a] public figure and then tries to keep up With everyone who wants to comment on everything she's doing whether she wants to just be connected everyone be generous give of herself be Totally connected in a very pSeudo spiritual way It's not it's just old maddening that yeah, that wasn't me. I wanted to speak to you as well Which was when you mentioned this kind [of] like amped up version? of herself that may become when she takes a decision to become transparent when to be transparent in our movie means that May Agree is to be watched all the time throughout her you know every single second of her daily life [and] I remembered James directing me and saying you know like more more more and Playing the version of may that was being watched all the time was Exponentially more exhausting yes then playing the version of May Who was just kind of? interacting in a way that when she wasn't being watched and it's interesting because I recently just obviously did this press tour for being the Beast and I guess it's kind of like it's on my mind, but I did I did Jimmy Kimmel why he makes you read the the mean Twitter And it may be realized as I was doing it. I was like wow you [know] it's [being] asked of me, and it's being asked of my Contempt you know my friends everyone around me to be so much more resilient Than I think we've ever had to be in the sense that usually if someone saying something unkind about you They're saying it behind your back conveniently quietly in a whisper in another room But the world that we live in now with the level of [transparency] that we're seeing you know Kids are getting ever you get everything every every unkind word every criticism every check whatever [else] What does it do to you hear us referencing mean tweets? Realize like Annie and [I] movie she burns out I mean any motive they found or the most ways she has nothing left and that's that's what being like on on on on on on all the time kind of does for you and the ability or The not to be able to opt out not to be able to say I just need to like I don't know where Sweatpants and like pick my nose like doing things that I wouldn't only do like a few days I think it's like that level can just drive you crazy crazy crazy well I mean, this is Sort of a meta question But I mean may in the beginning of the story is relatively anonymous and then Midway through she Gained some level of Celebrity I mean I imagine the three of you like have a much thicker skin about such things and say I do like What do you think it would be like for the average person [is] subject just to go out and get a turkey sandwich it would Be likely you're not a press junket [for] beauty [repeats] for the rest of your life That's what's so crazy and I feel like it's [becoming] so [much] more relatable because it's not like spam isn't something that's just celebrities are experiencing [anymore] to a certain degree Everyone who the social media or has a social media platform or whatever else is broadcasting themselves marketing themselves Sharing intimate details of their lives and [twists] and you know they're receiving comment. There are seeding likes dislikes like you know on a Their experience is exactly what I'm experiencing it of course to lesser and greater degrees, but like you know it's um It's the way that the world is moving like My experience is I don't feel like a unique so much anymore in a really interesting way Yeah, fame isn't really being achieved anymore. It's being inflicted on people really there's people that fame is just being inflicted on because of Social Media you can sort of decide to be famous now Yeah, you just [gonna] be famous to me. Yeah And it's very very easy when was that inflection point for you, though the which part when was that inflection point for you when when did it shift from more the traditional media - I think for me it was when I got on Twitter and started realizing it mate so if I want a really basic way to describe It suddenly the [the] my stand-up shows sold out very quickly and very easily and people After the show would come up and talk [to] me about tweets. I sent out as if we were having a conversation That had been interrupted and now we're resuming it. It was a different kind of energy Speaking to people and [a] lot of times that was really good they felt like they knew me more and it was you know easier to talk about things, but then there was also a a weird feeling of ownership sometimes or uh Hey, I said something to you, and you never responded. I'm like why because I can't like read everywhere I have to go live a life so that I can have material [to] do comedy you know So there was a some moments [of] [I've] had some weird Moments on Twitter but for the most part it's been very very fun. Don't shut down my account That's not possible. Yeah, that is not possible didn't-didn't Louis c.k Tweet about tig, Notaro when she was actually on stage at large that he was watching it happen. Yes I can't believe I'm seeing this right now They said Tig Notaro is crushing it right now at Largo and it altered the [life] of take the time and Integrate in the magnificent in a great way yeah check out this exclusive really expect turquoise. It's mine. Oh, I'm sorry that's you I perkily I just can't help but try to be the host of the morning breakfast show I Mean I asked if any way to talk to you about an idea, but before we do Is there anything you want to tell us? I've been here before it's only our lines are get us in trouble [the] things we hide Of course, I know you've been in here [before] And now [that] I know your secret. Do you feel better or worse? [better] leave actually I am a believer in the perfectibility of human beings when we are our best selves the possibilities are endless there isn't a problem that we cannot solve we can cure any disease and we can and hunger and Without secrets without the hoarding of knowledge and information, we can finally realize our potential Here we are back yeah, no, I mean, I was thinking recently in the news we've seen sort of incidences of sort of people Take you taking the platform of social media [live-streaming] In really tragic directions obviously there's many instances [of] people using it in positive ways, and I'm just sort [of] curious for all of you just sort of what you feel your Responsibility is to sort of have an online presence And to share of yourself, or what you feel? doesn't have to be shared [I] mean I think the the biggest thing that technology can do in the positive or negative [has] just changed the velocity or something, so I think that you know that can go very negative very quickly or it can also can also try to understand where someone might need help [where] someone might need support and offer Solutions and present solutions much faster, so this is obviously a complicated problem that we don't fully understand yet Because the technology is so new [I] mean just the ability [to] see Someone live halfway around the world and actually see the perspective through their own eyes Presents entirely new experiences entirely new new Challenges and because it's happening in real [time] You know it's it's not something that we've ever really had to address or solve before but I you know I think with a positive intent of if we if we can Create greater venue for people to offer support faster to provide resources of help if you if you do have more negative leaning thoughts or Taking a negative impact to just change the mindset and try to use the crowd and the support structure that you may have around you to influence a different a different sort of outcome but It's it's new and we have to learn really really quickly, but I do I do think we can't just be tool makers here I think we need to make sure that we are advocating for Positive usage of it realizing that you know there will be negative and the faster. We can Learn from [that] and understands where the appropriate time is to help and and how to help We get better so just have to make it a priority You know I the one thing I learned especially [during] the election is maybe don't so much put your face and name behind things Put your platform behind something that you want to shine light on an artist or a community activist [I] remember I was at sundance during the women's March, and I [realized] well if I'm out there sending selfies of me We're going to go yeah celebrity in Park City whatever And I and I saw a lot of people trying to write up The women's March by going it's just la in New York. So you could I could retweet here's boise? Here's Charleston here like it was way bigger And it's not this just Exclusive east coast it was everywhere with Chicago so and I was seeing a lot of people doing that and that's what made it I? think it landed with so much more impact was it you could you could immediately erase the lie of You know coastal elites like no, it's not it's literally everywhere and here's proof. It's happening right now So that's a great way to use To need to use social Media is put light on stuff that you want to you know have more attention [brought] [to] Ya, I mean it's you know. It's been amazing. You know working with the he pushy campaign to see how social [media] can Put out ideas that can really change people's thought processes and and Evoke a completely different kind of connection and empathy to a certain issue and use in the last four months we've had 115,000 conversations on [Twitter] using the Hashtag Keith she and and I I've seen it making a tangible difference, but I really I Witnessed that so I think it's a As we've been saying you know Social Media technology, it's a kind of amplifier in a way it's it's a really really powerful megaphone that can be used for good or ill and The the kind of [internet] and technology is kind of this it's like kind of like the wild west right now and and everyone's trying to figure out how to Sort of get a handle on or try to govern this kind of uncover noble Force to keep people safe, but [also] To make sure that we're not restricting freedoms and civil liberties So it's a yeah I just I love and I'm just so proud of this film because it just tackles so much of that [head-on] and I Think it touches so many aspects of everyone's lives. I think this film is relevant to Absolutely everyone really. I mean we know that over half [of] the world now are internet users more than half the world use telephones and have internet on their phones this really pertains to to just massive massive demographic of the World it still sort of comes down to A Personal individual bent that is is different as there are people in the world Do you do you look to all of this for enlightenment to help you? Understand things you do not understand or do you look to it for? confirmation of things you already believe and accept is to be true because I like you know there was that just despicable aspect of pizza Gate you know the pizza parlor in Suburban, Washington And I am sure that there were tweets that came out. That said this is nonsense the sky is selling pizzas yet, but you I don't think [all] any of those being brought to the forefront or being as nearly as Prompting of action as were these absolute false ones that went out This is it comes down to we are goofy imperfect uncomfortable species we are unpredictable and we seem to - we are attracted to various different sort of flames like moths and is that flame something that? Enlightens the cave, or is it a flame that burns the house down? And that's in that case. It's just it's as individual as our own dNa [and] our own fingerprints How you how you take to the entire great? Great technological world is is really bent on what our what [our] own? Motivations are I have to ask you really quickly one thing it hit me has anyone ever got back to you about whether or not They found a missing glove no, this is a Social media review post gloves and shoes and odd [salt] only suit and it have they been reunited yeah I need to know my my deep deep seeded Fantasy is [that] yes? someone has said that's my glove and they go right back through the corner of wherever it was taken and that and then and they And they pick why do you think just [thought] doing that well because whenever I would see it started with like gloves But also like little baby shoes and booties And I said that's a story That's a story of you know someone got home to their apartments at only lost my glove Can I afford another glove that was a great you know or the little baby says why is a baby crying? Oh my God her foots freezing because her booty fell off. I mean the record Show host thing and say that that is all we have time for so Thank you so much for tuning in and for listening and all movie opens this Friday [should] like to go and see it coming Donnell with the traffic. Yes Following following that nice jack for hosting New York. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
Channel: Totally Emma Watson
Views: 76,503
Rating: 4.9396462 out of 5
Keywords: emma watson, the circle, movie, cinema, film, thriller, twitter, tom hanks, oscar, james ponsoldt, patton oswalt, director, novel, dave eggers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 34sec (3034 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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