Beauty and the Beast cast live Q&A on Facebook

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good afternoon ladies and gentlemen welcome to the world-famous TCL I'm at SHINee theater here in the heart of Hollywood welcome to everyone in watching an IMAX theaters across the country and welcome to everyone watching around the world on Facebook lives those of you in theaters are going to see Disney's Beauty and the Beast in IMAX on the big screen here and to everyone watching on Facebook live around the world we're going to have a very special intimate yes intimate conversation with the director and the stars of Disney's Beauty and the Beast are you ready yes please welcome Ray's and gentlemen Josh GAD my friend unseat please welcome the lovely the talented the beautiful and uh [Applause] well just get started here ladies and gentle please welcome the Beast himself the fridge ya see there see first time first time right ad waste job without without further ado we would not be here without the director I'll be the beat Bill Carter all right good like that see this is how we roll in Hollywood way of the element okay well uh you know really the first question here is is you know there were so many interpretations of Beauty and the Beast since it goes back to the 18th century in France but everyone remembers the iconic the Oscar nominated Best Picture 1991 Animated Feature buting in the be so I want to start by asking what was your first impression when you first all that movie well I'd like everybody here I saw there's a grown up you know I loved it it completely spoke to me I thought it was so funny and the most well oh my god let me know ok it was so unbelievably moving you know I would I always thought the relationship you know the beef when a you know spoke as much during the Gulf audiences it did the children and how about you gosh there's a long way to go I was 10 years old and I remember I was born in South Florida and there was a theater called cherdon 7 in Hollywood Florida and I went to go see it with my mom and a bunch of friends and the image that seared into my memory is the end of be our guest the end of Gaston and the end of Beauty and the Beast the audience in this dark theater watching animated character sting breakout into applause and that was such a foreign experience because you know watching theater you you see people applaud but to applaud animated characters who are not going to respond it was sort of surreal and that Disney Renaissance that second Golden Age of Disney animation from Little Mermaid to Beauty and the Beast - Aladdin - The Lion King that define my childhood that was the soundtrack of my life ha ha Beauty and the Beast I keep saying was my frozen that was the movie that I it was you know well face it mr. it was a post-dated I love you to a woman I have ever Watson appear waited that's the bigger question for you Emma is this I mean it wasn't just what are your what do you remember about seeing it for the first time like why did Bell just make such an impact on your childhood the first time I saw Bell thing Bell reprieve which is Oh Mike the first whistle Bell sing fellow freeze which is the song that she sings after Gaston we would say it was a proposal but really it was just like a she's going to marry me and she just sings this song which is the which is the I want song of all I want songs I mean it's like the kind of indignation and the quiet fury that she feels that people won't let her be the fullest version of herself that they won't let her be that they will I her be whole um just can't do your motions you up it just it really like it struck this chord and it never left me and if this role for me was just she is a sacred part of my childhood and my understanding of what it is to be a woman and what my future might look like and so many things and what love was seeing beyond something superficial seeing seeing into someone and I just you know and the chance to to actually play her as an adult was just like wow wow so so cool so yeah it's been it's pretty major for me as you can probably tell by how emotional I just got so yeah it's been amazing it's been pretty cool out there dad how about you I don't remember the first time I think mines work yeah the only times I'm going to bubble up yeah it's really good okay um it's yours I think I was about eight when it came out and I remember it very very quickly just seeked into the cultural consciousness of my generation and remember boys and girls being really into it oh god it's yours I thought someone is throwing that at me all that practice is not my dad no yeah it's a friend of mine who is now in his mid-thirties and for him Bell was a great with his great Disney heroine and you know as a boy who grew up in a small village in the West of England just dreaming of the great white somewhere and just you know and I think it there is something in it you're talking about Luke Evans our Welsh Valley Oh but there no I think there's something there's something Universal in the appeal of Bowser as a heroine and I think there's something Universal in the appeal of peace as well that you know the idea that somebody somebody so monstrous and sort of horrific could actually be sweet and silly and funny as well so that comes from nowhere at the point where you have the opportunity bill to to bring it to life on the big screen live-action now what's this something that you dislike yes let's do this so was there a little bit of hesitation there's a moment of hesitation and what really convinced me was the thought that somebody else might get to do it Oh somebody office:version that would drive me crazy you know yeah but it was and then and then I immediately got excited by it because that meant it was a completely different medium which meant it could be a completely new movie you know obviously done with great reverence for the original but for all of us you know as we as everyone became involved it started with real conversation about who who is Belle in the real world and also who is Belle who is the Belle who would resonate in 2017 you know so that became a way to take this use it as a springboard and create something new so the challenge is to not only really stay pure - what - everything that the original film represented but to expand upon it to make it relevant for today to make Belle different to make her more modern in some ways so so Emma what were some of the ways that you decided okay in these ways I'm going to keep felt like she was but these ways I'm going to bring her up until 2017 actually you don't need that I know you don't need anymore um so I mean it was you know as we were filling up you think I need it I think as I was as I was filling out the story and we're filling out Belle's backstory and thinking about what happened to her mother you know a few different a few different things it was very important to me to Bell had a vocation and Kevin Kline who plays my father Maurice to kind of decided that he was going to take Maurice in a bit of a different direction he was going to be crazy old Maurice he was going to be this painter essentially and I was like dad inventor thing that would be really cool zobelle and so you know bill and I were passionate about this storyline that she creates this washing machine in order that she then has more time to read for herself and actually in our story that she becomes an activist in her own community and tries to teach other girls to read so that was very important for me I think there were little things as well from the original which is more just about taking an animation and making it into a movie which was you know there were beautiful sketches when I first saw those costumes of her entities like silks ballet shoes and I was thinking how am I going to like ride my horse was called rusty in real life how I got young on rusty in ballet pumps that's just not going to - is not going to go well so it was like okay she needs boots she's riding boots and she needs bloomers so she can throw her leg over a horse so you'll see in the movie that she has half of her skirt hiked up so that she can she can throw her leg over or things like that that just kind of like take her from you know a cartoon and make her a living breathing woman who is living her life yeah you know at the end I got to say I'm watching the film by the way I actually like 350 movies a year and that's not enough but watching the film watching your performance says beat the prints I really sat back how did they do that so then I did some research and I'm realizing I'm seeing how you actually had to play this role twice hmm can you talk us through that process yeah I the body the physical capture of the beast was was done on set with I guess what we've now called traditional motion capture you know I was in a big muscle suit covered in gray light gray on stilts but our faces were there for each other I wasn't behind any any masks or latex or fur there were no cameras dangling down the facial capture was done separately and so every two weeks or so we going for the next way everybody every three days it was pretty much every Friday with residing every Friday night Friday night is movin night and I would go after a day's filming and I have to shave which is always tough and my face would be sprayed with UV dots about 10,000 dots and I'd sit in this what I like to call the Tron cage which is sort of a UV UV light from 27 little cameras and we'd play all of our scenes again and Emma will be sitting outside the cage and I would be inside just you know doing anything that I've been doing the previous two weeks a week with my face whether it was eating or sleeping or roaring or waltzing I would sit there and just do it all and they take that information take it away morph it into the beast and Mack it onto the body that I puppeteered on the set so it's an amazing fusion of these technologies and has never really been used this extensively before it's certainly not for romantically well for people who are going to be watching the film today around the country in IMAX bill like tell me about the process to expand this movie to the to the IMAX process and we need the microphone the it was you know I think directors get nervous sometimes because IMAX means that you're seeing it in a different shape than what you filmed it in but here it was kind of amazing I think of this as being more Beauty and the Beast you know yeah because we built these massive sets and take for example the ballroom where M and M do the walk that went up in such a huge way you can't capture it in the traditional - for Oh format you know so actually here that's a teen and there are several others were actually think it's more beautiful in this version you know it's just that idea I have to say when I started getting to the IMAX print it was like being and it had been over a year and a half since we shot it it was like being on the set again it came alive in a new way you know what else came alive in a new way you mister you yes Josh not that way it's Jonathan whoo I gotta say I mean I've been watching your face work your film work and and just everything I see that you're doing like you just continue to top yourself and wait till you see the film today is he not amazing or does he not a minute like amazing he is a Bassem like I'm the best anything but yes okay but Josh I mean really watching you know you get you're drawn to the enthusiasm of the people that you're watching and you look like you were having an amazing time making this movie I wasn't no I hire age the most fun thing I've ever had making a movie look I come from musical theater you know yeah yeah the ever since Book of Mormon I've been waiting to do this yeah that sounds weird ever since Pokemon waiting to do a Disney so I take that back no but I've been waiting to perform on screen I've been waiting to sing and dance and being able to do it opposite Luke Evans who just I wish you could have been here he's incredible in this felneus and you know Luke a lot of people don't know comes from the same background he was in the West End he did Avenue Q was one of the first things he ever did which I had no idea until I met him and then out comes his boisterous voice so bringing life to this character and especially bringing to life again one of these Howard Ashman Alan Menken classic songs like that is that's wish fulfillment for me that's a dream come true and Bill comment has created something that I realized yesterday for the first time it will be for many people in this theater I imagine many young kids the first time that they see a new big live-action musical on the big screen and that is so tremendous because as a father of two little girls sharing that opportunity with them giving them a movie like this with one of the greatest role models that I've seen on film yeah that is that's that's all you could ask for and and so I'm thrilled I'm actually really jealous because I haven't seen the IMAX print and I really want to stay in watch day right I can't but I will come back and pay money to see it no I won't I will come back ha ha ha ha ha nice to let me in for free well we have a question from Ashley on Facebook who asked Emma you for an entire generation are remaining from Harry Potter but going off with Lisa Josh a whole generation will now know you discover you as Belle so the question is what does it mean to you to be the physical embodiment of not one but two iconic characters like this my mind blows it really really does I mean I hardly would say I just feel really as you say like it's remarkable for an actor to get to play one of their childhood heroines but to get to play two is just absolutely insane and I yeah I think I just what am I going to do now ha ha ha screwed um seriously I mean I honestly I had moments in this movie I remember saying this to bill actually we were we were about to do we've done the dance for the waltz and the ballroom when I was in the yellow dress I was like I am 26 there is no moment in my life that will be as beautiful as this like this is the ultimate romantic moment like damn Stevens that ready to walk with me I'm wearing a yellow dress I mean like where do I go from here oh no I you know yeah it's been amazing yeah yeah dananana and and bill i want to ask you you know the centerpiece of the original film that the moment of truth the beautiful dance in that dress I mean now because because of the nature of the way this movie was done how did you film that seed and how many times did you have to film the scene or subacute that's interesting I we we spent about three months learning that that done so we've started on the ground and then I graduated to the stilts and did you know we learnt the dance all over again need 10 inches off the ground and it's a pretty good way to get to know your co-star being thrown in to waltz lessons on day one especially when you're coaching so much crust on my part right suppose yeah he had literally steel Stokes on so if he had if we had messed up which I was a chance that we might do that in a number of takes we did this in I could lose a toe I could have broken broken a foot it was and I loved the role reversal of motive so much of the movie because usually I'm the one in the heels being like oh we like oh well what you don't worry we're not going anywhere but but on the day it was you know we do probably two or three takes and then the suit would get so hot that I would have to be plugged in they made basically made a special cooling vest only the one racing drivers wear and around the back of the beast but as a I guess you call it a what the a fundament or something I don't know an outlet a pipe was poking out which they would connect to a but a box of ice-cold water and I would I would be my heart rate would be brought down to a sort of human humanely safe level and then we'd go again and do another couple of take it is essentially like doing a dance which would make you hot and sweaty anyway doing like Strictly Come Dancing but dressed as the Michelin Man hahaha just like so much fun it was so romantic it was told no it was it was that mystic to notice today when you watch it is that it's not done a lot of cuts either you know they're big big long sweeping shots they they could have done performance on the stage we would do the entire number and and it was really an unbeliever remarkable thing to watch and very rare these days you know Bill giving us so much credit he made us look at this--look it you know I want to ask you Emma - and I realized when I was watching the film on Thursday yeah I thought so I'm sooner watching the movie and that centerpiece moment in the film it made me think especially for you because as a six year old who wrote on your Facebook page when you got cast in the role this is a direct quote close my six year old self is on the feeling heart bursting so at that moment when you put on that dress and you looked in the mirror what went through your mind Oh abstract Tara like you know it's like one thing not lying to mess this up for dances - for whom this movie is beloved but not wanting to mess it up for yourself for your younger self that's kind of like the ultimate you know I was like yeah you just so want to get it right and yeah I would be lying to you if I liked Anna mironov like I look great I was like it's okay like I'm out just got my personality anyway I'm slightly neurotic and beautiful Yallah but the yellow but at the dances was fun and we will dance to Pharrell happy when we got it right afterwards our episode that was fun Josh hmm be our guest thank you I will thank you hahaha sell me that team tie I will tell you I'm not in that seat but I bet if I were if you what would have been the highlight of my shoes well that that leads me to another question I the new music and the old music you what was the challenge to make make a cop make the old and the new complement each other well there wasn't any challenge because the alimentar was writing both right so I stepped except they are I pitched in the UM I pitched him the first song the first new song that I what we would have and he ran over to the piano and he started to play something very similar to what's in the movie and you're my heart melted because suddenly there's a new tune from Beauty and the Beast that sounds of a piece with the rest of it you know it was he has it in his fingers in his bones you know the sound of this show you know and and effective after 20 years he can jump right back in and do it is remarkable that was remarkable because it really does copy it even though as many times if you've seen the original film when you watch it here today you're it's just going to all feel totally complete and we have a question from Kel on Facebook who asked for all of you how difficult was the moviemaking process knowing starting with you bill how many people really cherish the original film right it's you know that's always it it's a double-edged sword the great thing is as a filmmaker to know that there are people out there who love this so much waiting on the other end that's incredible yeah because often you're afraid you're going to make a movie nobody's going to see it you know but the other side of it is I think everybody has their version of this movie in their head you know so at a certain point I could only count on my own sense of how much I loved the original movie and when we were crossing the line when we could ever when anything felt like it was betraying somehow the spirit of it or what it meant or anything which did and and then as I said taking that in turn into something our own is something new well when you when you finally got a chance Anna when you finally got a chance after making the film to watch it on the big screen for the first time what was that moment like for you I try to explain what it's like to other people to watch yourself on screen by using the example of you ever hear your phone on an answerphone machine and you're caught off guard and you're like do I sound like that is that really what I sound like and it's like that but like times a thousand when you see yourself on the screen and especially this is the first time I'd ever sung in a movie before and this character meant the world to me so you know it was like I also talked about watching the early Harry Potter movies and I say that I would like sit in a chair and kind of twist myself into a pretzel like because every scene you're watching you like if you're gonna be oh it is always good oh okay great you know and like I would be I pretzel myself that's what I was like I was fully pretzels um but you know the other fun thing about working on movies like this that has fantasy and magical elements it's that it kind of this huge surprise because when you walk on a normal movie you know you can't have a pretty good idea or a pretty good sense of what you're going to watch when it's finished because you were there and you saw it when you work on something like this it just like this kind of magical experience because things that were a green screen or things that were just a dot or things that were you know an LED light are suddenly these magical characters and so you kind of feel like an audience member because so much as is a surprise which is which is kind of wonderful especially for you Dan to see it because because you know I mean the first cut I saw this movie there was no beast completed at all I was still in the lycra suit on the stilts and it took all of my imagination you know and gripping bills arm very tightly I think too you know to see what this was going to be and it's been 18 months I suppose and we you know we've watched cuts over the month stand each time it comes in there's a bit more of the beast fair bit more of the beast there and it's come on and come on but I didn't get to see the finished 100% finished beast until last week Wow it's amazing to see it emerge from the digital sphere you know and yet retain those you know the sort of elements of that we had in performance it's an extraordinary technology you know so I want to ask about the scope of the sets I don't feel like that would tell us about how many sets the were and or you know this was we took over all of Shepperton studio so that for example in the BOC Kevin Kline walked into the into the castle and there's the entryway he goes all the way over fireplace then he goes to the ballroom we that was all one set and then you could walk through the ballroom onto the terrace I think it would take five minutes to walk from one end to the end of the castle to the other we built an entire village you know the whole point of that was that in a movie where you knew there would be a digital beast and digital characters I thought it was important that everything be as real as it could possibly be because I do feel that I know for myself as an audience member you can feel the difference you know so we wanted to keep the digital as limited as possible in the movie well so for those of you ladies and gentlemen who are watching in theaters around the country stay in your seats and prepare for Disney's Beauty and the Beast in IMAX theaters okay for those of you who are watching on Facebook live stay tuned for a special clip and right now join me in thanking bill condon Dan Stevens ever Watson back here let's go much thank you
Channel: Totally Emma Watson
Views: 198,620
Rating: 4.9338207 out of 5
Keywords: emma watson, dan stevens, luke evans, josh gad, director, bill condon, beauty and the beast, facebook, live, film, movie, cinema, belle, disney, walt disney, cartoon, classic
Id: 4h_YllMlUkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2017
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