The Church Is In Bed With The World

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[Music] hear my cry give heed to my not quite sure where to start how many were haven't were have not been with me on this we were here last week or didn't hear anything about last week I'm just wondering if I should do a quick review I mean do just do a really quick review first John for one it says do not believe every spirit but test the spirits we got to know how to test today and what do you mean by testing that means you got to see even though something comes to you in the name of God is it God you have to test every spirit to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world the church is in bed with the world and it's rising in power and global unity what we know so-called as the church there is such a mixture in the church and you have to know you are the church we are the church it's not the buildings that we meet in but we are the church and the Lord said he will build his church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it so hallelujah he's with us we don't look in the natural you look in the spirit you look to see what God's doing and we want to do what His Word says and what we've been talking about the last couple of weeks is the New Coke that's out you know there was a new coke that was made because Pepsi came and had a new sweet taste and everybody all the young people were flocking to that new sweetness and so coke decided to launch a new coke and it flopped it was a total failure and as a result they went back to the old classic coke and that's what's happening in the the spirit world is a lot of people want the new gospel they want the new Pepsi bottle they want the they'll new the latest and and be swinging and be cool and don't offend the world well I'm sorry but Jesus said many shall be offended because of me he didn't come to bring peace he came to bring a sword and he is the savior of the whole world but you have to accept him right so we have to test these spirits because in Matthew 35 it said while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares tares represents false doctrine false Christ's they cause confusion and problems among the wheat now if you're hooked on a personality and I have to tell you that this hasn't been something I've been going through the last couple of years with a lot of these preachers being my friends or I preach in their churches or we've mingled and somehow or another I know of us like wow I had no idea first God chastens me he rebukes me it's like wow I should have known better but I I mean these guys were all saying it and they you know I'm saying you just you follow people because it's kind of like the trend well God wants us all to know him for our self and we have to study to show ourselves approved because this is a day that many people are following men and we are to follow the Lord and if that means we have to separate from some of the people because of what they're teaching we have to do it and I'm having to do this myself why because the Bible I'm going to show you more scriptures about how you have to mark those that cause division contrary to the doctrines now we've been talking about doctrine a lot of people don't even know what the word dr. it means teaching you have to have sound teaching so that means if there's sound teaching there's unsound teaching if there's good healthy teaching there that means there's sick teaching so we don't cause division by calling out the wrong and the false the ones that are causing the division are the ones that are sowing in the tares so the true Christians are responsible you know the Bible says they're gonna grow together to the end so there's a lot of things we're not going to be able to do God's gonna have to do a lot of this sorting out but there's some things we have to do we have to come out separate avoid we have to why because a little leaven leavens the whole lump and just as I was telling you the sign that I came by today I've so grieved me because now to come to church you don't find Jesus you find Cinderella you find all these other different things come that is so worldly well we want to get people in the world know because what you do to get the world you're going to have to keep them and the gospel is good enough to get you saved wasn't it well the Bible says our orders have not changed amen we're not going to go into a whole that whole teaching but so we don't want to be sleeping a couple of the tests that I shared with you before the first one and this is so simple and keep it simple we know this is hard because a lot of times when you hear someone preach they sound good and it might not they might not say anything offensive they might it might like so delete sound like that sounds good then it uh it's a matter of time it's watching someone time will tell Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me now a lot of people are using John 17 and they're calling it unity and they're saying we all unify this is huge this is massive and this is a massive apostasy falling away falling away from the two gospel into a false gospel it sounds wonderful it sounds oh it's so inclusive but God's not in it we don't want anything that God's not in do we so the first test is that it's a narrow way Jesus said I am the way and I'm going fast cuz that this is just review but we have to ask ourself why are Christians abandoning their faith in the Bible and joining ecumenical movements calling Protestants to come back to the Catholic Church in the name of unity now if you're from the Word of Faith background you better hold on to your seats because these are some of the main people that are leading this ecumenical group word of faith people on TV calling you to join with the Roman Catholic Church okay Jesus is the only way number two are am i following a man a movement or is this a true gospel now the prophets and the Apostles have your daily word like like the horoscope go to prophet Cindy and prophetess Cindy and she'll tell you what's going to happen and go to charisma and they'll tell you the latest of what this prophets seeing and saying you have to know little by little it's getting people away from their Bibles and onto a man and what they're saying and young believers are really open to this because they want to hear what God is saying and so it's taking the innocence and this is what makes me so mad and the hunger of true people and it's twisting it it's manipulating them so you have to tell them don't follow any person don't follow any man we love people but you have to know I'm putting you on the shelf if you go off okay so our orders remain unchanged that the Lord told us that all Authority has been given to me in heaven and an earth go make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them teaching is never going to be out all the new move now there's no teaching that's a lie there's always we always need to be taught we need taught to be taught sound doctrine amen I'm just going through this quickly here number three is this the apostasy prophesied that must come we before our very eyes are watching the falling away it looks in the natural like the churches are getting bigger and bigger as reading in John this morning about how be careful when the world loves something whenever the world loves something usually God's not in it now the church is competing with the Church of Oprah did you know that she's on TV she gets advertised all of her books and her gurus and her mystics and so-called preachers that she endorses if she's on if you're on her list you're in trouble if you're a preacher because that is not the way of the gospel so you have to know there's a big huge apostasy the following away from the faith and it must come we can't pray against it you can't say well I believe you know this this confession extremists that's gone crazy the Bible says something it doesn't matter what you think or what you say the apostasy is happening and it's going to happen and there's going to be a one-world religion and it's coming in to the Antichrist because he said it was that's prophecy that means that is unarguable untouchable I don't care who we think we are to change that we think we can converse God around but that was a false doctrine that got around so remember Jesus asked the father not to take his followers out of the world but rather to keep them from the evil one we're supposed to be here we're supposed to be salt we're supposed to be light we're supposed to stand up but we are not to blend we are not to conform we are not to be a part of the New World Order the new world religion so what is apostasy let me give you this quickly departure abandonment rebellion a simple departure from Scripture departing from known or previously embraced truth and I've shared with you so many times we are not to add or take away from the Bible if this is a test okay the testing Jesus is the way the only way it's a narrow way you get a lot of these preachers you think are great I could name some names that would freak you out they sounded great but if you listen to them and study them out they'll say there's many paths to God of course I believe in Jesus but there's many paths that's apostate that's wrong there are not many paths so that is adding to the Bible you cannot I cannot no one can add to the Bible now revelations 2018 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book if anyone any Pope any preacher any politician any pastor any rabbi anybody adds anything to them God will add to him the plagues described in this book and if anyone takes away takes away the saying God's not the judge God's there is no hell there is no heaven there is no hell we can just kind of do our own thing make up our own doctrine as we go along hum you know there's a price to pay for that so we have to live in the fear of God this is His Holy Word he's not going to change it no man is called to alter it twist it pervert it but that's what the devil will do he is so threatened by God's eternal Word so if anyone takes away from this book of prophecy God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city which are described in this book so if anything else we should just say Lord I don't want to preach anything that would add to what you said or take away from what you said now we've talked about it the passion Bible that's all now this guy says that John 22s coming that he went to heaven he's getting downloaded this and you know what as soon as he gets downloaded he's gonna publish it that's adding to the Bible so that means don't touch it stuff in the message Bible I phoned as above so beneath this demonic stuff I don't touch that now I've gotten rid of all that I used to preach out of it because there's some good verses in there but now that I've got revelation I avoid it clean house some of the stuff I used to preach I told mark today we're going in and we're cleaning house on anything you walk in the light you have but then when you get more light you know as you graduate and you go into sixth grade what you did in kidney garden you can't do anymore you don't lay on your rug and say oh I had a nap now it's time to give up the rug you know so as we grow and we go from glory to glory with like why I was so sincere I said that with all my heart and I meant this sincerely wrong now everybody's coming into a stage of God showing you things I mean we are I believe God is really by his Spirit doing it's like he's exposing think people that want the truth are going to find it people that don't that want to sleep on they're gonna sleep on but those that are sincere we were in doctrines that we thought I've always knew they were wrong but I had nothing to prove that they were I was just like this just sounds so Christian science I'd always say this is Christian science this is mental science and we found out a lot of these things came from new thought Christian Science and you know so you can't say well that's just coincidence has been planned this emergent Church has started off years ago and it's getting getting but I think what God's doing now is he's really exposing it's going to be very clear I think some some of these churches because this is happening so fast just even the last year of things that are being allowed in churches and you're saying wow that is definitely in the world the spirit of the world which way are you going to go and each one of us have to decide what am I going to do am i I've always a part of that I've always liked that person while well they've changed now so I'm gonna show you what the scriptures say we have to do now now what anyone else does it's what you do I think I'm just gonna well let me just close with this from the review from last week come out from among them second Corinthians 6:16 run from Gospels that only focus on success and prosperity the book the secret without God in it the law of attraction that is not the gospel from those who use the name of Christ for personal gain and making a name for themselves everyone say come out run from those who are picking your pocket in the name of Jesus run from Gospels that only teach on self-improvement self-esteem psychology you got a watch psychology even though I have a degree there I'd never do it again they take a lot of mental things and switch things and twist things you know everything's Christian now Christian this Christian that Christian yoga Christian this Christian they put Christian on everything you better test the spirits to see what you're really following and what you're really into and if this makes you uncomfortable I'm glad it's better to be uncomfortable and repent then just be stuck in something and someone never tells you the truth run from where men and not Christ are glorified movements were men you know Jesus is always second place he's not really the deal here we're all just coming together we're all just unified this is a huge movement right now there's no Bible there's no cross there's no repentance of sin and watch out for this political men who are using the pulpit for a political agenda just preaching on what's President that either for or against there's a lot of stuff going on in the name of God right now that's totally for political reasons for political agendas to set us up for the new world religion is coming for the church and state to connect you have to know this is a trap and many Christians are so gullible because someone said their Christian that all they must be that's the oldest lie in the book yeah okay so let's start here for for what I have today Isaiah 5:20 says woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter now the washington post's calls satan good washington post' is definitely one of the new world religion real they're totally owned but anyway they call satan good and they call him a great representative of secular secularity of them secularism anyway to call satan good who'd thought we'd have lived in this day were a paper would actually say satan is good and to turn on TV and see lucifer i think my dad would turn over in his grave how about yours your grandparents so they're calling it and they're talking about having a womb for men now the stuff that we are hearing in our age stuff we never would have thought this can't possibly be so they're calling it all in the name of science in the name of whatever they want to call it so today in churches and seminars and seminaries in america the Bible is not studied to be believed and obeyed but to be analyzed to be dissected and to be criticized watch out for people and you can almost feel it in in some of these teachers where they want to dissect it and I'm talking about dissect you away from your faith the Bible clearly prophesized that the Church of the end times will be characterized by apostasy a departure from Scripture so this should not shock us it's hard to see but it's here it's been here but it's increasing it's it's like leaven it's just exploding and the bigness of how much apostasy not just in our sermons but also in the music and the music is now entertainment and I love it there's a time to be entertained but if we come into the house of God it's to worship Him we're calling to worship Him there's something that happens when you worship God with your heart with everything within you he manifests himself well he's he's not manifesting because people aren't worshiping they're worshiping themselves so we're writing songs about ourselves to ourselves to make ourself feel good in the name of God so some of the things that you've got to watch for a departure from Scripture today the trends and I just got a couple I wrote down the Purpose Driven peace plan that prepares a church for a global one word religion the ecumenical unity at any cost I talked about that already a Christianity focused on following prophets and apostles the Pope their methods were not to follow men now we honor teachers and leaders but we've gotten into idolatry with them we've gotten into putting man on a pedestal and you know God's gonna shake it everything that can be shaken will be shaken and I preached this message a while ago Christian against Christian that's what's happening because the enemies come inside the church he's working inside the church and he's causing this dumbing down of Christians to just accept anything in the name of God well if it's God God's tagged on it's got to be him they have no clue that there are people that have penetrated by the enemy the devil found out if he can't beat you he will join you so he's joined the churches now and the church is in bed with the world and now we become more worldly because we don't want to offend them they're already offended if they don't get saved they're going to hell so we have to show them the difference so this is a plan of the enemy is to get everybody lukewarm water down just we're so cool and hip now let's get these these people don't they already feel cool in hip they don't want to come to a church like they want to get saved didn't you didn't want to get saved didn't you want to change in your life so you know there's there's this this total mixture that's going on there's a Jesuit agenda now if you don't understand that Jesuits you need to do a whole study on the Jesuits this is the first Jesuit Pope we've ever had now Jesuits look at the Jesuit oath look it up and I've got a lot of researchers out here that watch on YouTube look up the Jesuit oath you will be shocked this is a Jesuit Pope our president is Jesuit school trained a lot of people have no clue what a Jesuit is so once you know what a Jesuit is and you understand their mission then you understand a little bit more of what the church is really up against because if you're clueless you just think oh this is just a normal Pope or this is just a normal preacher Jesuits have one mission in mind and it's basically to get rid of true Christianity we're the target the true Christians so that's why this all this mixture of one-world religion and of course everybody's invited but those that think that Jesus is the only way you're the one that are exclusive that need to be gotten rid of if you study out the whole thing like the Ellis bail or all the things I've been teaching you through the last couple of months you know the real true threat are the by being believe the Bible believing Christians and that's a good thing you know why you got the truth if you didn't have the truth you wouldn't be a threat so you have to know the Jesuit agenda promoted by publishers they're they own everything the longer they've been around the more they control the more they own colleges publishing their publishing our Bibles there they run I mean do you if you do a study on it you'll be shocked at how much it's how much power there is that's why the Bible says don't love the world we're not to you were living in this world but this is not our home we're passing through so when they teach you that this is your best life now to them it will be their best life now because they they won't go to heaven this is it you better enjoy it but we know that it's what we do for Christ all right so a Jesuit agenda promoted by publishers and pastors yes pastors if they're Jesuit pastors this is their role if you know they're all there this is what they're called to do is to be the best pastor they can be and what does the whole thing is you know I'm not going to go into that it's another whole message but that's it's it's unbelievable the mixture that's pastors that are Jesuits proclaiming the teachings of Roman Catholic mystics wears a lot of this happening Christian television Christian everyone said Christian television I can't even hardly watch it anymore I just like wow the more you know the more you what you know what to look for you know what to hear then you'll see it you'll spot it more remember Satan is the Prince of the power of the air you could say the airwaves too so think it not strange okay we're called to be overcomers and let me just share this with you quick about what an overcomers what's what's our role in all this that's going on it says in in the Book of Revelations now this is encouraging and I want you to be encouraged because God told us this was all going to happen and that's what's so exciting about the Lord he tells us what's coming what's happening and then what to do what's the anatole antidote for it he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot his name out of the book of life but I will confess his name before my father and his angels don't you want to go before the father and his angels don't you want to be called an overcomer no what what is an overcomer an overcomer is one that stays strong in his faith and truth there's been a struggle but he stands now we've all fallen but you got back up amen we don't want to be a part of the even gullible Church overcomer the one who patiently waits for Jesus return is that you hates evil tests and tries false teachers and false apostles Labor's for the true Jesus Christ with patience and does not faint under pressure revelations 2 2 through 3 one who does not fear suffering and faithful unto death revelations 2 10 we have done such a total disservice to the body of Christ because we have not taught suffering and many of you suffered many of you have suffered you went through things that you were told if you had enough faith you would never go through that was a lie you have gone through things because you're living in this world and it's our faith that helped us get through it but to be taught you you're never going to have anything bad happen to you you don't have an it just condemns people makes them feel bad makes them feel they miss God makes them feel that God doesn't love them if you read through the whole Bible you're gonna see a lot of suffering you're gonna see Paul left people sick if he left him and he was an apostle that was new a lot guess what you're gonna leave a few sick too why because that's part of the gospel that people don't want to oh just forget those verses so you have to don't fear suffering and that's the thing but we have to have preachers that are willing to tell you what's going on in the world just say you know what what does this require of me this requires us to overcome this requires me to stand to be a watchman to not fall asleep to not just be so gullible of my favorite preacher and I was preaching on this so I guess this is what this is where I'm going every wind of doctrine people that used to say this now they flip and they say this God doesn't want you to be tossed about with the latest fads and the latest carrot preachings and the next seven steps to success what holds fast to the name of Jesus Christ and does not deny the true faith of Jesus one who holds fast is not seduced by false teachers this is an overcomer to overcome in this day and hour we have to know that's a false teacher don't let anybody put you down for standing for truth because now that you stand for truth they call you the hater now that you stand and you come against false doctrines they call you a heresy hunter all of a sudden now everything's twisted and you're the bad stupid person why because the devil knows it's all lies and if you're on to him he's got to make you try to get off the trail right so these false preachers get on TV you heresy hunters that was big in the 90s you heresy hunter and I never read any of their books I thought yeah I mean I sucked got sucked into a Michael yeah what are they coming against that guy for well now i've studied and now i know more and i'm like wow they weren't heresy hunters they were truth seekers and they were they were just saying the emperor has no clothes on he's naked so don't let anybody tell you you're bad for trying to do the right thing one who holds fast is not seduced by false teachers and false teaching this you're an overcomer and keeps the work of Jesus into the end one who can I've got all these scriptures a ton of time one who keeps the word of Jesus does not deny his name he holds fast to what he has one who's willing to be rebuked and chastened I get rebuked all the time I was like I thought that guy was okay I thought that this was okay and I'm like man I gotta go redo that it's a new clean silence you know you got to keep going through books getting rid of that one I've getting rid of more books in the last six months I don't want that Levin in my house I don't want that false Bible in my house in short one who's faithful to Jesus Christ and all he teaches in his true words otherwise we become a succumb err what does that mean that we we we cave we cave to the false teachers we cave to the false doctrines we cave to suffering we came to whatever you know to me in a way I'm suffering is walking away from a big church to me that wasn't preaching the truth because there was no love people weren't God doesn't have a shepherd be way up here and the people way down there and there's no care for the Sheep we are not in a pyramid where everything goes to the top and the pastor gets all this money and taken care of and then the sheep are slaves on TV all these preachers is like you know give us your money well if they have so much money why don't they give you money if it works so great why don't they sow seed to you and get their harvest it should work both ways because they're con people I know it I'm being so mean I'm just tired of seeing God's people get messed up aren't you and people are still doing it then uh if you don't have any money I was listening to this one guy liquidate and give in it this guy's like a multi-millionaire that's like you need to liquidate and give to the widows what would Jesus do if he was here beating them up beating them up beating them up give me your these little widows and that's all they do is they give these people just think this is these are men of God and they're giving this money it's wrong and nobody wants to talk about it they're being succumbed they're being overrun by false teachers and false preachers in the name of Christ they don't come in the name of Satan or we wouldn't listen they come as Jesus is Lord that's why it's so hard to discern but when the fruit is wrong and then they spend 45 minutes taking up an offering that's that's abusive trying to make you feel guilty you know what if you want to give give if you don't don't you do need another message on how to give and I love giving I'm this hasn't destroyed my I still give I still love to serve God's people I refuse to let the devil steal that I know some of you out there won't go to a lot of the people and I'm so sad a lot of people watch us on YouTube won't go to church anywhere this is their church because they've been so hurt in some of the places that we've shot you got to keep forgiving and get up and go on we're still the body of Christ we've got a fellowship we got if we got to say you know what maybe some of these people we can't judge their heart maybe they just got to see fell into lust or whatever we've all missed it but as for me I'm going to get back up and I'm going to return to my first love I'm love God with all my heart soul mind and strength nobody's gonna take that away unforgiveness I'll take that away you'll end up being bitter and mad at this preacher and then you become Titan you care so tight you squeak and no one wants to be around you the nature of God is giving so don't let the devil pervert that I mean he's tried to pervert it but then you go into the other ditch the hardest thing for Christians all of us is just to go right down the middle of the road one ditch to the other it's all bad right are you okay I think you under get you get that we don't want to succumb to this we want to be can be overcomers 2nd Timothy 4:3 for the time will come when they will not endure what sound doctrine I want to emphasize for another second here it's very important what your doctrine is it's very important what we believe if you believe you don't have enough faith well how in the heck do you get faith you have to just keep on these people well once I get enough faith I'll believe that faith comes by hearing the word you read the Bible and you have faith why have they made it so hard and then condemn you because you didn't get what we wanted we there's a lot of things we didn't get what we wanted but what about it oh it's unbelief if you pray if it be your will you heard that one that's totally Antichrist we are supposed to be living surrendered to the will of God it's not my will it's his will and he might not want you to do that some things he really doesn't care about if you wore red or black no problem well God told me to wear blue so people get so religious you know he gave you a free choice of freewill you can do what you want there's a lot of things but then there's other things that are big that he says you know what don't marry that person they are not saved and you're gonna have a lot of trouble don't be unequally yoked with an unbeliever so you marry an unbeliever what happens you know you have all this trouble you're compromising nothing because if you can't agree on the basics of Christianity you know you're gonna sure you got married and you got yourself husband as they say but now you got lots of trouble the God didn't want you to have because you're not on the same page love you but he's not saying it because he's mad or trying to be mean he's trying to help us navigate through a lot of issues that he doesn't want us to have so when you're just told well you know I can boss got around by my faith in my confession that's another whole teaching because we got to find out we can stand on his word but we are not God we are not commanding the god of the unit we don't have that much power we're we're underneath him we need to keep praying Lord if you want me to do this I'll do it if you want me to do this I'll do it this this might not be my will but if this is what you want me to do eventually you'll give me the desire to do it like Rick on the sound he was our first sound guy new years ago and he decided well I don't think I'll do the Sony more but I've noticed now he's kind of getting into it not his God's will he's got that gift it's like there yes there's a lot of things we think I don't think I want but then once we put our hand to it we're like I guess God is in this you know I'm saying but if we were left to ourself we have made a different choice so we have to God be submitted to him that's the humility of walking with the Lord rather than demanding God all around I'd have a hard time and I'd say to these pastors I go over we gonna have a prayer before we would need to pray I just have what I say such an arrogance you don't even ask God's blessing on the meeting because you're so important and powerful but look at how we've erred from the faith and no longer seeking the Lord now we are gods we can just kind of boss God around how sad yep that's the movement I came out of trust me came out of sound doctrine yeah we were the official first word church in the 70s I thought we were preaching the word didn't know a lot of it was not the word sound doctrine but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up what is heap when you put a head I don't if you put a heaping a heaping portion on your plate that means a lot my gosh it's got a heaping plateful so that means if we are heaping up teachers that means there's a whole lot of them not just one or two but in the end times or heaping up teachers tell us what we want to hear you get it heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth I don't want to hear that that sounds like division don't touch the anointed that's the biggest twisting lie in Scripture turn their ears from the truth and turned aside to fables what's a fable it's a false account yet posing as truth a false account poisonous truth you need to be careful with people and their trips to heaven I've been rebuked on this so I can share this BK phille with people that say that angels came they see angels they see this and they see that like it's just an everyday occurrence this is what they're trying to tell us now all this prophet sauce oh yeah the angels of the Lord come and talked you know what that's weird if you have in any experiences like this in your whole lifetime it's like amazing there's times but these people have you know what do they call it they have just instant trips to heaven heaven on-demand trips and I can take you with me you want to go to heaven with me today this is the Mystics this is the mysticism that's being taught in our churches and they're calling it intimacy with God no it's fables so but you what are you supposed to be watchful that doesn't mean your critical poison you don't need much poison to die a little poison 99.9 percent or so of poison is nutritious it's good it's that point ol5 it'll kill you it's all it takes and the Bible says a little leaven leavens the whole so we have to be watchful when I saw my one of my most closest dear friends died of cancer and all these word of faith people came and condemned her my heart broke she goes they all have colds and they're coming in here condemning me ask me why I don't want to be healed and I just she wept and I wept and I saw this on godly judgment and unmerciful nosov you know so please you don't have any faith why don't you want to live she wanted to live just like you'd want to live how can we think we're such you know what I'm saying so we have to be watchful right right away that should be a red flag there's no love here there's something wrong with this doctrine some of these preachers I've been around him and I was like there's no love they don't treat people right they have an abusive side like they're entitled and you're their slave that's not normal true shepherds lay their life down for their sheep - Shepherds love people so watch in all things endure afflictions oh I thought we weren't supposed to have any well better race that out of your Bible then endure afflictions what is affliction it's persecution when you start standing up to some of this false stuff they'll either love you or hate you you're like thank you I get the most emails I've ever gotten in 40 some years thank you for standing up for truth thank you for telling us the truth and then other ones was like well I don't want to hear that don't name names you know it's very scriptural to name names I don't know if we'll get into that or not but Titus 1:9 holding fast what do you do you hold fast what does that mean pay attention to keep yourself directly opposed or opposite we have to oppose false doctrine this isn't just a good idea God says if you're my child and you're gonna follow me then avoid them mark those mark what does Mark mean the cause divisions concert that preach contrary to the sound doctrine that you've heard Wow how come no one preaches on that holdfast pay attention that means you keep yourself directly opposed to anyone that comes against the true gospel that doesn't mean you don't love them but that means you're like sorry I'm not listening to that anymore you opposed him in your heart your slick Nick no and I was a lot of the faith teaching that when I said I don't see any love there's no love and caring for people it's just you know what about this person at Christmas they need help they need well you know that's not our problem well the Bible says that if you see someone in need and you have something that can help them then we should have balls of compassion and help people now there's other people on the other ditch they'll take everything you got and give you nothing back so and I've been on that side too you have to say that's false mercy I'm not I'm not going no more with you there you know so you have to know the balance but with a lot of these people there's no love that means there's no god there's no gods not in this because God is what he is love okay let me go through this quick to the faithful words hold fast to the faithful words as he has been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine so you have to know the Bible to be sound to exhort and convict those who contradict contradict what what the word says and what the word doesn't say so unless we know the word we have nothing to stand on pro or against so we got to know our Bibles we find those who oppose sound doctrine are proud first Timothy 6 3 to 4 they're ignorant first Timothy 6 for there not to be received you're not supposed to receive it if it's false doctrine 2nd John 1:10 says don't receive it to be avoided Romans 16:17 not to be endured by the saints 2nd Timothy 4:3 do we do this you have to know according to the Bible you are responsible to do this and it's okay because we've been taught just walk in love doesn't matter we just say no your spiritual health dieter is is at stake here do we separate withstand or expose those who contradict the truth and shipwreck people jesus said you either for me or against me consider what the Apostles did when they found false teachers or teachings surfacing or influencing a church what they do read your Bible read 1st Corinthians they'd write about it they'd go to a church you'd be messed up so they'd write an epistle they'd write something to straighten out what they found there they wrote about it they'd name names if necessary Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm they named him didn't they why to warn you not to get involved with Alexander because he's going to harm you - that's a good shepherd false shepherds really don't care if you get hurt or not as long as you'd give them their your money they don't really care what happens to you that's that's horrible but a true Shepherd will warn you today we are more concerned with the false teachers feelings than we are with those being harmed by their falsehood the truth and the power to bring correction are put aside and we argue over so-and-so's reputation and make excuses like he's done so much good or look at all the people that attend his meetings I don't care how big his meetings are if he's a false prophet he's a false prophet and you're to avoid them and you're not supposed to be sucking up his poison doctrine is like the lines on a road people who do not stay in their lane or do not pay attention to the signs or stoplights are those who make up their own doctrine they can hurt or destroy themselves and everyone else this is what happens with false doctrines and false teachers they don't have any lines and now the emergent church it's the emergent it's rising up it's the beast they're making up the rules as their goal as they go because we've never been this way before so they don't stick to sound doctrine they make up their own now they're implementing the world they're bringing in the worldly things from Disney from all these movie nights and all this stuff now if you want to have an Under came at night good have an entertainment night but don't call it church if you want to do certain things you can do certain things but don't call it Church because there should be the fear of the Lord that we have when we're doing Church you know dude I'm saying almost done you guys okay he's so intense meet me messages proverbs 8:13 but I'm telling you when the times get tough these are the things you'll remember somebody will be preaching something and saying okay I will say it Billy Graham look at the end of his life talking to Robert Schuller talking about how you don't really need to be Jesus is the only way didn't you see it on online saw it online no people don't believe it check him out I don't know how he started but I know how he ended and Robert Schuller says I'm so glad that you can say that the road the road is why does that always said that it's a wide road that there's many no there is not a wide road so if you're a Billy Graham fan I'm sorry but you know what the Bible says when I was two my brother got saved under him you can't follow God and man if he's off there and you say you know what he missed it there now that I just lost half you right there that's just the tip of the iceberg I could name names you guys have freaked out I've been studying this for years don't criticize me tell you put in the research and you studies you go look up these documentaries like we have I've got a bunch of us here that do it I was like alright when I couldn't even finish listening to the documentary on Billy Graham I cried I said I don't want to even hear this I'm a mercy motivated person I love people just like you do but when it comes to being a Watchmen on the wall there's more at stake than our little feelings because I believe you can mark this down I don't know I could be right or wrong it's just me saying this but I believe when Billy Graham dies there's coming out a whole ecumenical thing and they're gonna use him as the key pin because he has been the one that's respected in all of our Evangelic old things right or wrong ever he's been set up and I've gotten some of his books and I've read him and I was like this is off I don't know if you guys have ever read some of his stuff really searched it rather than just say oh it's Billy Graham because he's got such a great untarnished name but you have to know I wasn't planning on getting any of this you have to know who are you studying why do you believe what you believe have you researched it out what did they believe what's his doctrine and why is Billy Graham with the Pope all over the place on the internet Rick Joyner knight of Malta lost friends over this how come he's a knight of Malta how can you be a knight of Malta and be a preacher I followed him for 30 years so I'm not talking to you about anything I have not done myself and I'm going through some other preachers I could name their names and Lords like nope you're not going to be able you're gonna have to cut this one up this this last one's gonna really hurt me doesn't say it doesn't hurt but you can't be a part of what's coming and be a watchman for God at the same time we can't be a mixture do you know I'm saying so instead of being mad go do your own research because once you start studying and I have a whole book a really good book Billy Graham and his friends by dr. Cathy burns it's about that thick and about that much of its research it's nothing about what she thinks it's absolutely everything about his life and I was shocked and I was trying to tell him where my preacher friends and out of all my preacher friends that I was telling only one of them knew this is these are unknown things I believe God's sharing with us he's exposing these things so let us know you better know your foundation you better know who you're following and it doesn't matter if they go to the left of the right what are you gonna do what are you gonna do no matter what I preach it doesn't matter you do your own research take what God shows you is right and leave the rest because we have to stand before God for what we say so that's why I'm getting rid a lot of my old YouTube something like mark clean him up anything from anything I gotta go and he's been doing the same thing too it's like these things have to go walked in the light we had but now God showing us more light let me close it the fear of the Lord is to hate evil have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but what rather expose them we're called to bring it out into the light sounds so mean doesn't it know we're called to lay open to danger or harm this is what we have to do if you hate deception and evil and try to expose it they're going to call you a hater a heresy hunter a critical fault-finding spirit that causes division the Romans 16:17 says mark those which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine as much as I love Billy Graham his doctrine said there's many ways to god you'd be the best Muslim you can be my mother Teresa to be the best Hindu you can be no the Bible says Jesus this is what's gonna get you in trouble Jesus is the only way it's not my doctrine but I don't want to stand before God and add to it I'm not gonna add to it and say yeah the road is really wide we can all serve different God's all in the name of that's not what the Bible says so I'm not going to add that we can't do that as much as you love some of these people Markham which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and what does it say join them let's all have a big convention together come on Shane let's get them all together let's have a big convention and let's get the best music groups we can what does the Bible say avoid him that sounds homey we read it again I didn't write this don't shoot the messenger mark those which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them their word will eat as a canker of whom is high and never can mention these guys names my name is and philetus who concerning the truth what they've erred because they were saying bad things they had to come in there and had to straighten out that mess and their de name the names of the people that were straight that were just seen I'm saying so what we think sometimes it's biblical can be totally we're not we're not exposing we're not avoiding we're not correcting we're not how can you correct and bring things to the light if you don't ever want to deal with nothing the best way to deal with people in there and I've never I don't like dealing with conflict trust me even though I'm preaching like I do I like people to get along I like Pete I don't like confrontation but I will confront if I have to and you have to - you have to get to the point where you're like you know what that's enough I'm not going to take that and if you just lay down and you succumb and you let people run all over you you let false teachers take advantage you you sit in these churches they take our offerings make you feel condemned you're gonna your cats gonna die your parents gonna get cursed if you don't give to them you're cursed that's what they're teaching now come out from amongst him and run Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil second Timothy 4:14 the Lord reward him according to his works and lastly blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake so there's some persecution when you teach along these lines you're going to be persecuted but you know what we have to do rejoice I rejoice because it's helped some people I've helped I've helped people they come out of wow I didn't I thought all the evangelists were from god I didn't know they were freemasons hello welcome to the real world and you're gonna get persecuted you're gonna be reviled but what do you do you stay happy and you know what the more you tell truth the more God's with Yuni takes care of you it's supernatural there's no way our church should exist but it does there's no way I mean you guys don't know the trail that I've been we've been at well some of you had could you from our from our different churches we've rented and the problems we've had with the pastors that we've rented you know a blah blah blah it's just like we're like these supernatural children that can't die it's just like wow cuz the Lord's with us he's with us it doesn't matter what it looks like when he's with you and you maybe you're not the corporate president you were taught you were supposed to be but God's with you at your job he's blessing you right where you are he's leading you he's guiding you he's protecting you you're right where you're supposed to be with God's blessings but if you listen to all this false teaching you're supposed to be someplace else doing something else you're never happy where you are be blessed where you are just enjoy it simplify your life don't try to go and debt and try to be famous or try to be something you're not most rich people are just broker at a higher level trying to impress you you know what we're free from that gain isn't godliness we don't have to prove anything to anybody God's with you and just stay with your first love I just say Lord I want to because Barb and I used to worship and I was like I want to get back to these simple worship songs that works we worship God with our hearts and we love God if we feel that to pray for each other we don't have to prove anything nobody can tell me what to preach or what not to preach if you're in these big corporate churches you are told what to preach just like the the media you notice they all report the same stories we don't have freedom of the press anymore they're told if you just think all your informations come from the news you're deceived because you're not going to get the two stories same thing with these with this church but we can read our Bibles and just say what God says to say amen enclosing blessed are you when men shall revile you persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely what for my name's sake we're not doing this for any other reason than we're standing on what God said and when people contradict what God said we have to expose that and say you know what we're gonna stand with sound doctrine this is contrary it doesn't say if you want to be a Muslim just be the best Muslim you can be do you want to be this should just be the best you can be it says no if you want to get saved you accept Jesus into your heart Jesus is Lord he's our Savior amen but evil men and seducers are going to get better and better we're on a track where these deceivers are gonna get worse and worse it's going to get worse and worse these make these things that we're seeing now and some of you guys are confused Hollywood these people are in Hollywood are not saved they have sold their souls out and they've made packs and they're using these people to pretend they're Christians to get you confused you have to know the only way out is through Jesus you know and someone that we read heard through the JFK when he got killed he exposed all the secret societies and the whole thing about the presidents you know that he got saved he knew it was gonna cost him his life to tell an expose and I'm so thankful he paid that price for us I listened to that speech he gave over and over about the secret societies and he how he talks about elections are going to people are selected not elected if you go back you're just very smart to learn people have given their life for truth and what if God asks us to we have very few people that are prepared to be persecuted because we haven't taught true Christianity through Christians when last week when I was talking about Paul he got thrown in jail he got beaten his feet were in stocks why because he stood up against the culture of that day and he called a devil a devil what happens if it comes in our generation are we prepared we got to be able to stand on the word and let people know if you can't handle this what we're going through now what's going to happen when there is a one-world religion and it's coming it's prophesying but I see the formation of it now all we're in such a reprieve no we're not they're working hard they're working very hard ecumenical ISM is rising right now stronger than it's ever been if you don't believe that a Kairos thing I shared with Kenneth Copeland coming out and saying that the Catholics and we all are to be one that's a huge part of the one world religion as sad as it might be for you it's here so we have to come out from amongst them and be separate and rejoice and be excited that you've been created for such a time as this that God says you know what the gates of Hell shall not prevail against our church whatever God whatever God's asked us to do and that's why when he when I came back I tried to leave the ministry so many times and because I didn't like what I saw and I didn't like the preachers that I saw I didn't see I didn't like to see how they use people for their own selfish gain I hate that I didn't want to be a part of it I'd rather go do something else and the Lord said and I so I got a dedicated I said Lord I will say what you want me to say what other preachers won't say cuz I feel like this is my last leg you know or like we're we got to pass this baton this is it some of us are getting older this is it we pass the baton to the younger generation how do you want to do on your watch do we want to stand for truth or we just succumb I want to be an overcomer don't you exposing the works of darkness standing on sound doctrine it might be unpleasant make you feel bad to hear some of these things I'd rather know the truth some people don't want to know it don't tell me that I've never I've always wanted to know truth even if it hurts it's like ah darn it that's right because once you start seeing this and this and I'm closing wouldn't really em I told Tim it's hard to close it's like you come down when you first start seeing this it freaks you out but pretty soon because it's like what these are all my preacher these are all people I you know then the more and more you you learn to separate it you learn to walk in it just like any other truth you learn to walk in it you learn to not be freaked out overreact it becomes very normal and the more and more you see it in the word you're like this is all supposed to happen the apostasy has to happen the one-world religion has to happen for the Antichrist to come we just didn't think it would be on our watch and we just didn't think it would be some of the people we knew but don't be disheartened because he that started he's the author and the finisher of our faith and to me the most important thing is we have fellowship and now that I've learned and I've gotten a lot of other people around me I'm I don't like studying by myself you read this book you read this book what do you think about this let's have because you bounce it off it's like wow and then they get a truth and you start seeing it and pretty soon it's like wow you come out of a matrix you're living in a matrix you're living in a false world of everything they're telling you and you what do you do you start living in the Bible everything he said it's true everything everything amen father we just thank you for such a tentative people and all these people YouTube we just love them so much we pray father that they'd be able to digest some of these things are so hard to take us not very many people are saying this so they get confused the Father I pray that they get a witness in their heart and they'd they'd seek and they'd study and they they'd search the Scriptures to see if these things are so we promise you alone to give all the praise and father I just thank you for the remnant Church around the world and even wear these youtubes go in different countries and how supernaturally we found each other we just give you all the praise in the glory and we thank you for the Internet at this time in our life that this is how you've chosen to spread your word and everyone said amen you want to come you guys okay was it too heavy oh praise God we're gonna take our offering this morning so if you need an envelope this morning raise your hand and Dean will come around and and give an envelope while he's doing that I'm gonna what a awesome praise God word message from the Lord here this morning huh it's kind of funny because something's been on my heart for the last couple of weeks just specifically around you know money and and church and messages and I mean God's doing all kinds of things in my mind right now so let me back up a minute you know the good news is that we have something that you you hear all these things you see all these things on TV you hear all these preachers and they they say these things but we have the Word of God to help us know what's right and what's not right and it's it's awesome if we get into the word and really study it and read the word that's where we're gonna find the truth that's where we're gonna find and know what is right what is wrong because there's a lot of people youtubers out there there's a lot of us a lot of us that see things on TV or hear things and we think wow that's awesome that's cool and it we got to be careful because we can go down a road that we shouldn't if we don't know our word if we don't know the Bible because it's in there it's all in there and I want to share a story specifically on giving and and and giving our offerings and it's a it's it's in the book of Acts and you guys probably know it but I'll relate it to kind of here's what the word says here's what we might see and when Simon saw through the laying on the hands of the Apostles hands the Holy Spirit was given he offered them money saying give me this power also that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit how many times we do that we see and and this is what's been on my heart the preachers on TV that are saying you know give to us give to us and we'll blend you'll be blessed you know give to the Lord and you'll be blessed all this it's just it hurts my spirit it hurts my spirit cuz here's what the word says the word says but Peter said to him your money will perish with you because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money no it can't it's out of our heart it's out of our heart you have neither part nor portion in this matter for your heart is not right in the sight of God so you know we have to we have to remember that that's what the word that's what the word says and and and so it but it's easy back to my point it's easy to get caught up and what we see these preachers doing because we think oh that looks good that's what Simon did I want that I want that that looks awesome yeah I'll give I'll give but no no no it's about our heart God knows our heart God knows our heart think about eating or Adam and Eve in the garden when they were naked and they hid God came down there and said why are you naked he knew why he knows why he knows our heart so just give from your heart and that's what that's we're gonna ask this morning and that's what I'm saying is that we got to search our heart and and let's just pray Lord let's just father we come before you Lord and we just pray that you know whatever we whatever we give to you Lord it's we give to you out of the love of our heart the love from you Lord like those in the beginning I can remember reading where Abram gave us first when you when you took him out of that that place and you told him that he was going to have all this stuff and and and he he gave his I don't know he's first part to you Lord and let us do that because we love you because you are our first love Lord let us give to you what you've already given to us Lord we thank you Father we thank you Lord and we asked Lord that whatever we give to you that it would glorify you that it would glorify you and and that it would bring souls to know who you are Lord and bring more people to to you Lord and and and build the Kingdom of Heaven or that's what we ask in Jesus name Amen [Music] you
Channel: Roberta Morrison
Views: 6,826
Rating: 4.8277512 out of 5
Keywords: Roberta Morrison-Gilbert, Roberta Morrison, Living In His Presence Church, Bible Teachings
Id: 64A0TShHDTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 20sec (4040 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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