The Chosen Global Livestream: Episode Seven

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it's day seven day seven night seven afternoon seven morning seven whenever you were watching this we are on the seventh episode of season one I am excited today today is my favorite because episode seven is my favorite episode and we've got episode eight tomorrow which I also like we got a special guest tomorrow who's great I know you're all looking forward to talking to Jonathan Rumi who plays Jesus tomorrow night tonight we were talking to Eric Avari who plays Nicodemus I know you've all been very excited about that for a long time because Eric we don't we don't have them in as many videos and so we haven't done an interview with him yet and so I'm looking forward to you hearing from him so I want to say I'm watching right now we got hello to Joe stone from Florida Casey Chandler from Oregon hello to you on Facebook we are on both Facebook and YouTube right now at the same time and if you're watching on Facebook and YouTube either one or if you came through the app know that you are watching with literally thousands of other people around the world this has been going on all week several hundred thousand people have stopped by the live streams at one point or another tens of thousands each day or night it has just really been great to find community during this time so thank you for being here thank you to all those who are in the chat if the chat gets distracting to you once the episode starts episode seven is starting in just a few minutes so if you are new to the show or if you're here watching a watch party that one of your friends has set up be patient we're just gonna get started in just a second we just want to share a couple quick things for hello Dana from Mayotte from Maat Kansas glad to have you on greetings to you so if you are new to the show I want to tell you how you can watch it if you have missed the first few episodes of this live stream or if you'd prefer to not watch the show on YouTube and Facebook you'd prefer to watch it on your TV and in a better environment or with better audio and video whatever it is we have an app that is called the chosen crazy name for it isn't it and this app has been growing in in in popularity we're actually ranked in the top 30 or so apps on iTunes or in the App Store for entertainment or media related apps and you guys have been just I mean every day we're getting literally between 45 and 50,000 new downloads per day of the app so this is how you watch the show if you want to catch up to episode 7 or after tonight you can't wait for episode 8 you don't want to wait till tomorrow night please get the app you get it at the Chosin dot TV slash app i've got a little jingle for our websites that some of you I think even though you think it annoys you you actually kind of like it it's that is where you're gonna get the app and I'm telling you it is free it is easy all eight episodes no problems no subscription fees no delays you can literally just down it to download it to your phone and it connects directly to your streaming device you got a fire stick Roku chromecast Apple TV connects directly to your streaming device and you can watch it on your big television perfectly lovely you can get that app wherever you get your phone apps on Android or iPhone and that is where you will watch all episodes free and easy not a problem at all now if you are watching tonight right now and you want to spread the word please hashtag global I'm sorry hashtag chosen global live and what you're seeing right now is people who have been posting pictures of themselves watching the show we love our fans we love you and your passion for the show so when you do hashtag chosen global live hashtag chosen global live we just might show your post on our live stream each night so tomorrow night is our last one ah I know I'm hearing I'm hearing the collective groans from all over the country but uh but we if you want to maybe get your social media post on the live stream tomorrow night take a picture of yourself watching do hashtag chosen global live and it's just been such a great way to spread the word about the show and to also in promote community we need that more than ever during this time where we have been denied community and so thank you for your part in that I wanted to mention the DVDs as well the DVDs right now are another way to watch the show if you are not keen on technology or maybe you didn't want to watch it on streaming for example and it's also great if you want to hand these DVDs sorry DVDs out to people in your neighborhood or even mail them to people that you know who are stuck inside with nothing else to do and what we've done to encourage gift-giving is we've made these DVDs as cheap as possible in bulk so for example if you want to buy 15 DVDs and hand them out to people in your neighborhood as part of like an Easter gift basket we're giving 33% off of the DVDs you buy them in bulk if you want to buy 50 DVDs you get 50% off if you just want to be handing them out like candy obviously after you wash your hands but if you want to do gift baskets people in your community for Easter especially older folks maybe who aren't as tech savvy you want to just watch it in their home with nothing better to do just go to the chosen that TV slash store the factory on the app I want to make a quick mention this t-shirt right here the chosen against the current t-shirt this is the official t-shirt 25% off tonight 25% off all chosen against the current t-shirts and long-sleeve shirts if you're a long sleeve shirt person male/female unisex whatever it is those shirts are all available at the chosen merch com see how well that jingle matches with multiple websites it's just perfect I think it's god-given so you go to the chosen merch calm and you can get 25% off these t-shirts but as you know the way to really keep this show going the way to get us towards season 2 and I'm going to talk about this more after the episode and after our conversation with Eric Avari is how you really can support the show and get us to season 2 and that's through paying it forward so I don't want to throw a bunch of websites at you but it's up right now the Chosin dot TV slash pay it forward I won't even sing the jingle for this one but we're going to talk more about that after the episodes because again as I've been telling you each week I mean each night some really cool things are happening that are getting us closer than ever to episode 2 season 2 and just tomorrow night I would love it if tomorrow night we actually able to finish financing season episode 2 of season 2 so stay tuned for that in fact I just got informed Michelle from Rio de Janeiro Brazil just paid it forward ten episodes and Michelle another Michelle from Alberta Canada paid it forward ten episodes so thank you for doing that but I want to get right into the episode especially for your newcomers this is my favorite this is why I'm excited episode 7 is my favorite episode of the series I think it's the best episode of the season the ending of this episode the last I'd say 10 minutes I don't know that I'll be able to do any better the rest of the show you know I'm sure I can do worse I'm sure we'll have some other good scenes but the end the last 10 minutes of episode 7 get me every time the performances are brilliant and Eric Avari who is in the second-to-last scene of this episode tonight boy he is a master class in acting and is a wonderful human being and I can't wait for you to meet him after this episode so stay tuned after the episode when we for when we bring Aragon but episode 7 this is what I think most of the season has been pushing towards one of the reasons why we're doing this show is because we look at these famous moments in Scripture the most famous moment in all of Scripture is John chapter 3 and that's gonna be in this episode tonight we wanted to earn that moment we wanted to make it as impactful as possible we wanted to introduce you to who Nicodemus was and why he why excuse me why he would have met Jesus under cover of night which is what the scriptures say and then of course Matthew the calling of Matthew we knew that something was you know is very interesting in the Bible how he was he was called just like that you know jesus walks by says follow me Matthew leaves everything and follows him what led to that that's what we wanted to pursue in this show and that's what you've been watching all week is leading to moments like this so one final thing the chat box if you want to chat I will be in chat during the episode doing commentary behind the scenes commentary of the answering a lot of your questions and my dad Jerry Jenkins the author of the Left Behind books my dad is in the chat right now with my mom they are both watching right now my dad actually was one of the original 19 thousand investors in the show and you might have seen him as a co-executive producer on an early episode he has been so supportive of my career since the beginning you can only imagine what this feels like for him to see kind of the torch past from doing the Left Behind books which were also a way of taking Scripture and making it palatable to the masses and now seeing it picked up now with the chosen so he's in the chat so you can join him as well but if you don't want to see the chat if you just want to watch the episode just enlarge your screen and it will get rid of the chat or click the hide chat button underneath the chat box at least in YouTube thank you so much for being here tonight I'm certain you're gonna enjoy episode 7 it's my favorite let's watch it right now Joshua how many more in the night some thirty hundred sir where will you bury them men are trying to get a trench but the ground is hard and rocky with respect Moses my concern is not for the dead but for the dying hundreds fall by the day and for every serpent we kill another ten appear maybe we should leave the bodies here in this tent at the rate people are dying there would not be enough room even if we stacked them to the top they will have to leave and find someplace else leaving any time soon too many people are sick and cannot walk after today the only Hebrew is too sick to walk will be those who choose to remain so it's not medicine in that bronze you told the people that you would ask God to forgive their rebellion to hear the serpent wounds I did why are you hiding in a tent was it my idea Joshua that is a pagan symbol you did not ask him if you were sure maybe you misunderstood him I've learned to do what he says without questioning you remember what happened at Mary bar just to be sure we could send a messenger to easy on keyboard beg for the heat that poor hand me that poor the people would say it is a cruel joke let them say that help me understand none of this makes any sense I do explain the Red Sea the man and Nicoya the pillar of fire Joshua any Israelite who looks upon this bronze serpent and believes in the power of Adonai will be healed it's an act of faith not reason faith [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes why are you here I'm escorting you because you feel indebted for your promotion you're complaining about safely walking the street I didn't help Quintus for you oh I know you couldn't help yourself I spoke up because I was right you got lucky look doesn't exist so you knew Quintus would not kill you he was smart to go after the fisherman but he must have been desperate to enlist Simon I don't buy it you were terrified Thanks what the few are suddenly the only Roman in Capernaum I think I changed clothes exactly when you realized that nobody else in the world cares what happens to you you think only about yourself for a fool your brain is taking you far I admit it I thought so too [Music] place I'll deny he is healthy and alive what are you talking about received word from the Rousillon favela who gave birth to a son your grandfather again so soon a month early but all as well blessed be he will have the rest of our think sense no no no my research here is not completed but we have to make it back in time for the bris we have only eight days less pathetic obsession can be performed by any number of peoples of holland we go it's your own grand fifth grandson we will understand do you know what people will say when they learned that the great Nicodemus missed his own grandson's name day because he was doing research and Capernaum mobile search that concerns not just one Jewish boy but all of Israel present and future is nothing in comparing but Demoniacs and insolent schoolboys come to your senses I have never been closer to my senses that's not how it looks from the outside many things are not I am ready to leave this place like oh I missed my children and my grandchildren including the one I haven't even met yet can't just barge I believe I can - Quintus sohara is it pleasure to see you again I trust all as well why would you trust a hat please make yourself at home I really will have to discuss the people's div' this is why you have come I need to know if we have a problem Nicodemus i have complied with every request room is made to my office even when it infringed on custom let me rephrase you and i want the same thing we want rules followed we want order soldiers money votes that's my world demons prayers oddballs that's yours I need to know if our worlds are on a collision course the so-called miracle worker Jesus of Nazareth don't even know what Nazareth is but yes him anecdotes and rumors and a stampede in the Eastern ghetto that delayed Herod's envoy that really made me look bad I hate that the unrest began when your soldiers waded into the crowd brandishing weapon isn't an isolated event I've heard reports my source has an unwavering knack for accuracy and a compulsion for the truth so again I ask you is there a problem [Music] now and you don't seem sure maybe I could get better information from this shmoo al is very eager to see me the only way to learn this preachers intentions is to speak with him directly so speak to him I hate crowds they take time and resources and then cleanup is a pain when you arrange a private meeting I want to know when and where I understand what troubles you about this man preachers have a habit of becoming politicians they sprout up like weeds and spread you know wife is a gardener she understands sunflora spread their seeds when trampled who's to say he wouldn't be creating a martyr I'll take my chances you sympathize with this preacher wouldn't be safe here what do you mean safe they'll be looking for us because of what you said about forgiving sins ah it won't be here very long after what happened yesterday we'll keep moving from town to town is that what you want what do you mean you're all about not able to stay in one place I want to do the will of my father and I want to spread the message of salvation so yes I'm happy to not stay in one place rabbie yes that I should prepare firewood for how many days five I think what you said that we wouldn't be here very long leaving some for the next weary traveler hospitality isn't only for people who own homes John many are you alright me yes thank you may I speak with you rabbi yes of course keep going I wanted to apologize for yesterday for what I was trying to help those people get closer to the sound of your voice they had no idea they would open the roof and disrupt your teaching I'm sure you regret that a paralytic is enjoying his first full day on his own theta no just that I caused the scene and cut short your tears to say it was cut short with their faith they would have found a way whether you brought them to the roof or not but there's more when we were leaving a pharisee stopped me and asked for a private meeting with you I told him I would ask a Pharisee do you know this man he visited me before a Pharisee in the red Quarter Rome sent him I doubt he wanted to be there no I wouldn't think so well I saw him again after I was better and he wanted to know how I was healed of course I didn't tell him who you were but they assumed what Ernest he wasn't offended to learn that someone else had succeeded but he had failed there was there's a hunger in his eyes not here not like the Pharisees at the window yesterday I am sorry brother son no no oh there was a reason you met this Pharisee Nicodemus Dimas of course I've heard of him I don't know who is known and who is not this is oh don't worry about which men others think are important send word to Nicodemus I will meet with him little James will know the locations thank you Mary yes teacher we're going to be alone I need to think to pray pray also did I do not put you in terrible danger you'll have not in fact I have made plans already tomorrow night plan yes spread the word a dinner party in the northern district a tall house just past the arch death row of homes I know the kind of people who live there trust me what are the others [Music] thank you hello EEMA Elisheva I mean hello I don't receive visitors myself is this a custom if your father were here I couldn't do this where is obvious I think I don't follow you he's with me you stay out here if you let me in Alphaeus be home soon he's away on a work turn where we'll work take him does he no longer make leather goods his shop was robbed many of the shops have been crime is rampant makes it very difficult to reopen you love this shop but we still have a roof over our heads which is more than some people can say you can ask me for money if you ever need it how can you say that it's quite common I've seen many parents entirely dependent on your father would sooner die than take your blood money I know you are ashamed of me but your decision is irrational Rome will continue to collect taxes no matter what I'm skilled with numbers did you come here to justify your school everything's like sand in a flood the things I thought I knew to be true are you in trouble do you think that impossible things can happen that overturn the laws of nature not to be explained that is what people asked when you were a boy even the rabbi's were astonished at your talent for reading math the way good thing faster than any other child they thought you would be someone great great at what I'm rich I have an armed escort I'm trusted by the predator we have a dream you would use the talent God gave you to bleed your people but have you ever seen anything that I could ask you would everything I thought I knew but if it's wrong I think you should go you never even asked about your sister she looks well I came to celebrate about a few weeks ago then I left goodbye I'm not sure it's a good idea why not could be a trap Nicodemus cooperates with Rome they're the ones who sent him to Mary when she was possessed in the red corn well acquainted with the risk Simon so are you if I remember our first meeting correctly risk is his oldest friend I'm afraid Simon Mary is an excellent judge of character she has known some of the worst kinds of men in this world she finds him earnest you should trust her instincts and my rabbi I've got it ah can you keep her quiet please no one needs knowing my sick I can't tell her not to coughs I'm I just don't want to our burdens to become hands okay I don't want to be the one to distract him he's made up his mind about you he's not going to kick you out it's perfect well done I think I could fit all of you in here with me huh you won't be recognized in that as the owner of the house giving permission it's all arranged rabbi then I'll be waiting at the door thank you Andrew you go on ahead but remember to relax you are there to guide our guests not to be my protector are you sure you don't want me to come the more eyes watching the streets for trouble the better not tonight Simon stay here with your wife and your mother-in-law you see [Music] welcome victims don't be alarmed he's waiting for you I asked the owner of this house for more lentils but he said they would draw attention yes I mentioned they would the human eye is drawn to light I can't help it it just happens there are many things we were drawn to without our thinking or our ability to explain why thank you for agreeing to meet thank you for trying to help Mary when you did there was no help you were meant to be there me so I could fail miserably at an exorcism in the red quarter if you had not been there that day would you be on this roof tonight I don't know where to start I have so many questions I shall we sit first oh yes [Applause] the eastern slums hmm many wandering preachers have succeeded in gathering crowds but their rhetoric and fiery tone I've heard a few of them over the years myself so you know the type but I have never heard anyone talk paralytic to get up and walk much less it actually happened so what is your conclusion I believe you are not acting alone no one can do these signs you'll do without having God in him don't be someone who has come from God and now as they believe going over in the synagogue which is why we are here at this hour what Thanks what have you come here to show us that Kingdom that is what our rulers are worried about no not that kind don't want a sort of Kingdom that a person cannot see unless he is born again born again yes you mean like a new creature a conversion from Gentile to Jewish no no that's not what I'm talking about then what is born again I hope you don't mean return to the womb because that would be a problem for me my mother and she rest in peace is dead truly I say to you unless one is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God that which is born of the flesh is flesh in that which is born of the Spirit is spirit that part of you that is what must be reborn to a new life how can these things be he a teacher of Israel and yet you do not understand these things I'm trying rabbi I know I know do you hear this what listen what you hear the wind how do you know it's the wind because I can feel it I hear it sound do you know where it comes from no do you know where it's going no that's what it is to be born again of the Spirit the Spirit may work in a way that is a mystery to you and while you cannot see the Spirit you can recognize his effect mind is consumed with thoughts of what a stir these words would cause when the teachers of the law yes and I do not expect otherwise I speak of what I know and have seen and it has not been received by the religious leaders hard to receive so if I have told you of earthly things and you do not believe how can I tell you heavenly things I believe your words I just feel you may not have a chance to speak many more of them before you are silenced I have come to do more than speak words and good Hemus no miracles yes but even more than that do you remember when the children of Israel complained against God and against Moses in the wilderness of Paran yes they wanted to return to Egypt and the custom Ana that God sent them and then they were bitten by serpents and they were dying but but God made a way for them to be healed Moses lifted the bronze serpent in the desert and people only needed to look at it so will the Son of Man be lifted up so that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life our people are not dying from snakebites they're dying from taxation and oppression sorry to disappoint you but I did not come to deliver the people from wrong than from world from sin from spiritual death God loves the world in this way but he gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life so this has nothing to do with Rome all about sin God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it Nicodemus he sent him to save it throw him it's as simple as Moses is serpent on the pole whoever believes in Him will not be condemned but whoever does not believe stands condemned already Lilith Mary that day I told my wife and my students she was beyond human aid only God could have healed her and then I saw her he here you are follow me and you'll see more are you join me and my students in two days time we leave Capernaum come see the kingdom I am bringing into this world but I have a position in the Sanhedrin to have family you are getting advanced in years I understand but the invitation is still open can retention - what exactly later a nomadic life - to give up oh it's true there is a lot you would give up but what you would gain is far greater and more lasting is this another one of you born again mysteries maybe I know mysteries aren't easy for a scholar think about it take your time in the morning of the fifth day we leave and we'll meet by the weather in the southern quarter don't miss is the kingdom of God really coming but does your heart to do my heart is swollen with fear and want can told me nothing except that I have aesthetically Oh roof I do hope you'll come with us Nicodemus how you do it kiss the Sun let's TP I agree and you perish in the way [Music] blessed are all who take refuge in him [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see the Parthian footraces last night Darius ran like a gazelle shoes don't go to foot races your old friend Simon himself used to run the wagering tables not friends next okay fine so you did not go to the races you stay home I need to see my mother yeah put me out too she asked when you're going to give her grandchildren she didn't ask I thought your parents don't speak to you I had questions I couldn't ask anyone else a mother of a son with talent like yours should be proud she's a shame that I could use a talent that God gave me against God next you're good at something you found a way to make a living doing it sad simply must be nice to live in the world so simply or there live in the same world Matthew next besides what else are you gonna do with a mind like yours [Applause] Matthew Matthew son of Alphaeus [Music] yes follow me me yes you Oh what do you do you want me to join you keep moving street preacher yeah any idea what this guy is that do you know yes listen I said to what are you doing what do you think you're going guys let me go have you lost your mind you have money Quintus protects you no Jew lives as good as you you're gonna throw it all away yes [Music] you didn't get it on I chose you either but this is different I'm not a tax collector get used to different [Music] you glad we passed by our booth today Matthew shall we we have a celebration to prepare for you will regret this Matthew what's the tablet for I grabbed it without thinking put it back no keep it you may yet find use for it what are we going did our party I'm not welcome at dinner parties well that's not going to be a problem tonight you're the host [Music] Oh for those of you who are in the chat box on Facebook and YouTube the last few minutes it's just been insane just comment after comment after comment and just a moment I'm gonna bring on Erica vari who was such a key part of this episode of course to talk to you a little bit about that scene and about this episode and about the whole series in general I just wanted to briefly mention Paula from Kentucky just paid it forward ten episodes Kevin from Pennsylvania a hundred episodes Andy from Tennessee just paid forward two hundred and fifty episodes Rachel from Oklahoma Hayes family from Florida paid it forward a hundred episodes anonymous from North Carolina a thousand episodes paying it forward is how we're able to do this it's how we're able to give you these episodes for free since we announced two weeks ago that these episodes were going to be given away all over the world for free particularly during this time where we're all stuck in our homes we were concerned that maybe that would slow down our income because so many people would be streaming and streaming cost money I didn't actually know that but you may have known that but maybe you didn't is that every time someone streams the show or streams any show it actually costs the creator's money we thought this might slow down our progress towards season two but in fact you have been so generous and those of you who have the means to do so have been going to the Chosin dot TV slash pay it forward and allowing us to offset the costs of streaming so that we can continue to give this show away for free and that's never been more important that it is now I want to make it very clear to you though if you do not have the means right now if you are being between jobs or if you've lost your job because of this quarantine situation please don't pay it forward I you know we want you to enjoy this show we want this to be given for free we want this to be something that can uplift you during this time and all of us are concerned about it and we're as concerned about people losing their jobs as we are about health concerns and so I really do want you to just appreciate the show and not be compelled whatsoever to pay it forward but if you have the means it would be great because it allows us to keep doing this it's a way to keep sharing this and I know that this is a passion on the heart of who we're bringing on right now Erica vari has a very very generous gentle heart has come to be come to be be a friend of his own now over the last year and a half since we brought this show and since we met through this show Eric thank you so much for joining us tonight appreciate it thank you so so Eric first of all real quick how are you you're I know you're living alone right now you've got a dog I hope still right but are you doing okay I'm doing great thank you I'm soft quarantine and yeah Landon you know since we last spoke I was oh no I I just bought the house that's right yeah now I meant and hundreds of projects so it's keeping me out of trouble and keeping me busy good well as we said I I'm doing good I've got I've got four teenagers in my house over the last couple weeks so you can imagine that that's been a at times a joyride and at times a challenge but it's been great we we've been getting along great it's been doing well so we also mentioned it you know I'm glad that your self-quarantine iing because as we discussed before you came on you we can't risk losing your brain you're just too important to society so I know you've been deemed essential to all of this so I'm glad you're staying safe so um I want to talk about first of all we've gotten lots of questions about this you you are so beloved by fans all over the world because of your performance we were so lucky to have you on the show and you know this but many people don't Erik was actually my very first choice for Nicodemus my son Sam when he was giving me a list of actors who were in Hollywood who had more of an ethnic look because that was important to us because obviously this show takes place two thousand years ago in Israel and I didn't want this show to feel like it was a bunch of British actors speaking in King James dialect and so when as soon as I was reminded of Erik I immediately said I can't think of a better Nicodemus than Erik Avari and so sends you the script and I didn't know at the time but you had actually in some ways had a bit of a semi-retirement from Hollywood and some people know that could you share a little bit of why you had left the business for all intents and purposes and and and then what and we'll get into maybe a little bit after that what compelled you to to do this script well yes you're right and and it actually I have to go back to 2013 to start this explanation but yeah I suffered an injury while I was on stage we were like you know through four days into previews and anyway I I hurt myself I hurt my back which is something that unless you've had back injury it's tough to explain but it's debilitating you know and and this was a Musical for goodness sakes you know I said I'm playing the title character and all this stuff you know and so it was it was very difficult on me on both physically and mentally and and how it affected the whole show anyway and I really it gave me a chance to have to set step back from the business because I couldn't work and and start to you know appreciate you know as they say well these don't have my health you know that oh my goodness I really got it you know and long story short I I've been working at this business since I was 8 you know and I'd loved it I never even considered retiring ever I thought well you know retirements for everyone else not for me I'm I'm gonna die on stage you know that was funny nothing you know and all the sudden you [Music] get an opportunity much like what we're having right now I think with a lot of people a forced sort of stepping back and and assessing what is important to you in your life you know and and for me it was I really want to I want to live life I don't know what actually living life really is because I've been acting it actually a little bit with real people and and real situations and you know anyway mm beginning of 2016 I bought an RV I packed my my guitars and my dog and a few clouds and I hit the open road and now we're coming to and it was just just wonderful and I was still suffering with the bat but you know I I was doing what I could and trying to rehab and all this stuff seeking alternate forms of therapy because I was terrified of back surgery I just I was I just heard such horror stories that you know it if it went wrong he screwed you know and I just I couldn't see my life going there yet and I thought you know I'm gonna work hard do everything else eat right whatever you know and for you at for several years me and my dog would just haven't you know and and then she passed and I didn't take it too well and - I think it was two weeks later when it was really sort of hitting me that I need to now try to snap out of this you know and and yo your call came you know you're on fur and I read the script and that that was it and and I knew I had to do it I knew I had to take the job and throw myself into this and it was you know it was worth throwing yourself into it and and of consequence enough that would force me to do it justice oh you know to give it my all anyway you know yeah that's a long-winded answer no that's okay because I think that's the thing about this show is our fans and viewers love to get to know the people involved so I remember another thing you said about it was that you had started to get a little bit I think this is reflects your heart this you found the violence and in Hollywood you know in movies getting increasingly distasteful and I think this this project for you when you and I first met about it you were saying it just feels good to not only do quality work but something that feels uplifting which brings me to episode 7 which is what we just watch which we just watched there are several scenes in this [ __ ] in this episode that are quite emotional obviously the one between you and Jesus and I remember when you and I first talked I told you that's where this is headed John chapter three is the most famous chapter in the Bible and we want to show we don't know much about Nicodemus before then but we want to show that and explore that so when we got to that scene in Episode seven where we spent the entire day on set just doing that one scene I'm curious if as an actor are you thinking much at all about the history of the of the chapter the history of this person or are you just trying your best to be in the moment as as much as possible you know Taos Doug that's really interesting because by the time we got to this scene we had been working together you know wasn't set in several weeks closer to him right so I had gotten to really learn from you and that was a joy you know having that resource of having writer director and also you had so steeped in in the knowledge of that character but I knew at some point I was going to have to know more about Nicodemus than you did you know that's just the nature of the way it it has to work but to get there you know I think was was a slower process and and and reading the script I think I really felt like I felt very confident that there was that we weren't going against anyone's not preconceived notions because I think that that we did that we that you intentionally did want to go against you know this is just a character you know in in yeah on on the page as opposed to someone in real life going through those emotions and all that stuff you know which little side joy I never noticed watching the the Nicodemus scene and the Matthew scene in first position like that to go it was really remarkable it was just wonderful how you know but for one person it's such a journey to get there and for another person it's just a straight shot you know is it it's wonderful anyway I get sidetracked but what was your question again no just in the moment how much of it the the like using that scene as an example you know you you're you do such a beautiful job with emotions and it seems like they're right at the surface for you when you're in that moment in that scene and that's not easy for a lot of actors and so I guess my question is tied to that to this as well which is or is it a result of you having done this for so long or is it as a result of in that moment you're not thinking about the history of Nicodemus in the Bible you're not thinking about anything other than being in that moment with Jesus and and the emotions then come naturally to you yeah and the time to think about Nicodemus and who he was historically and how he fits in was in in our discussions in my trailer here you know and and you and you you really won maps it I'll make sure that you know you've got you've got your trajectory and the the characters arc but after that then you throw all of that stuff out when you're actually eyeball to eyeball you know and you know an example I should I remember just before we shut I'm jumping ahead now to episode eight okay okay okay we'll just oil another if you know for that moment Jonathan came up and said you know I won't be able to actually see you but as the actor but obviously Jesus does and I'm wondering what what are you gonna do you know when at that in that moment and I had to say I don't know I don't know what I'm going to do at that moment you know I I will have to see what what you do what the situation is how how just at that moment and and react and I think to to make a prediction or to set an appointment as a director of mentor or mine would say that's death you know it does just fatal you just a lot would leave yourself oh you know leave it open and react that's what I think is right you just yeah lock in to the other person and react and that's what's wonderful about working with a good actor you knows then make you better you know and you just trust that you know so yeah yeah tomorrow tomorrow night is episode eight and the scene that you're referring to is when we see kind of what choice Nicodemus makes about whether or not he's going to actually leave what his current tasks are and and actually follow Jesus physically beyond just his heart and there the scene where he makes that decision as we have heard from thousands and thousands of people all over the world Eric who for that scene it was a gut wrenching truly emotional scene and they've really appreciated that and with that my final question of you is just if you've got anything you'd like to say to the viewers and the fans over the last year tens of thousands of people have not only given their support to about you specifically in your performance and how much it's meant to their to their lives but literally financially as you know our show exists because of the viewers and the fans it's crowdfunded we don't have a big studio writing a check so that we all can just show up on day one and be taken care of it's literally we're sustained by the fans so before you go if you do I'd love to give you that chance to just say if you've got anything to say especially during this time and Quarantine just to our viewers and fans well obviously you know thank you because for starters this is a performance this is without you that this not this doesn't actually happen you know if the tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear it mmm the tree doesn't fall obviously thank you thank you for supporting and and so fervently and so religiously it but you know so deeply it's really uplifting you know just to see that there are so many people who who have a connection to or respond to goodness to kindness to the basic things that we need so desperately right now and I think you know I think this is someone is trying to tell us that we are at a breaking point unless we sit back take a step back to where we think we're headed and ask ourselves is this really where we meet where we were destined to go you know chasing after what to figure that out and and I think we'll all be happier we'll live happier I'm so maybe that is something that is that can come out of this and and I think if there's anyone that can do that it's it's you the fans of of the chosen and people like-minded you know can come and really really come to a moment of peace and happiness you know so you know thank you and and and I look forward to your you know taking this on and and because now this is a moment for all of us not just a known entity that's this is a global thing where we've got to reevaluate do we and I would like to advocate for one numbers checking hands but I love the namaste so we can do namaste or as you know Facebook has it hands in prayer I'm good with either one that's enough that one yes I think I think that'll become more popular just the bow as in Asian cultures just the bowel of your addict heart to take over no well well thank you so much Eric for joining us tonight I know the fans love you so much I love you we'll see if Nick Adiemus can make some more appearances in future seasons but in the meantime stay safe and healthy god bless you and we will talk to you soon thank you stay safe everyone thank you all right that was Eric we got a note from someone while Eric was on who just said does Eric Eric do you need a granddaughter I'm here yes so that was from Sofia oh I think he's good on that but thank you again to Eric and to you for being so supportive I even was noticing in the chat box while he was on you guys are so supportive so that means a lot and we really do feel that we've got a video coming up in just a minute that you are not going to want to miss trust me okay I've got a couple quick things to say I don't want to hold you too long tonight but we have a video coming up behind the scenes of something really special that happened as a result of this show and how it reached someone very special and how she ended up contributing to the scene that you watched tonight between Jesus and Nicodemus that scene between them on the rooftop near the end of episode 7 there was a very special contribution made by a girl and I think believe in Tennessee that we're going to show you what happened and it's just a beautiful story you are not going to want to miss it so please don't leave you're gonna really love that video I wanted to read this quote to you very briefly because I think it's another example of what the show is doing because of you it's from a woman named Denise says we have a modern miracle here my almost 14 year old son is now addicted to the chosen I wanted to come up with something to do together and I came across this 8 day livestream so we started on Sunday and it was a bit of a struggle fighting the heavy size the eye rolls and I know that from having teenagers of my own now he can't wait even today he said I can't believe I'm going to say this but I can't wait to watch The Chosen tonight and he gets so frustrated when each episode ends why can't it just keep going exclamation point I can't wait until tomorrow Thank You Dallas and the entire chose team for making such an impactful and amazing show that is making an impact on my teenage son and letting him see Jesus and the gospel in such a unique and new way we are both huge fans we can't wait for season 2 again I've say this every night you did this you are alums you are the one who allowed us to be able to give this show away for free and for a show to actually impact people who are of all ages I didn't expect this show to reach people who were 5 6 7 years old but we're hearing from them from their parents everyday parent of a 14 year old some of the who can at times 14 year olds can be so cynical and this show is making a difference and you are doing it and so please continue to support the show so that we can do live streams like this where we're just given the show a way around the world one of the ways you do that I want to say this briefly is through the Chosin merch calm this shirt right here this is the 13 fish going in the opposite direction of the tour of the trends the against the current fish the against the current t-shirt as we call it this short sleeve and long sleeve versions of this shirt 25% off in honor of tonight's live stream so 25% off from now until early tomorrow so go to the shows immerse calm and get that 25% off and then also in addition to that as you know we've got the DVDs you can get the DVDs at the store easy to find the chosen TV slash store we got these discounts because we want you to be giving them away we don't want you to hold on to all your DVDs don't hoard buy a back a batch of DVDs and give them out to people in your neighborhood and when you do that you're not only giving something to people around you but you're helping us get closer to season two faster but of course the most important way that we get this show going the long-term engine that's gonna sustain this show and if we keep up the pace that has begun this week this week we are at a pace that if we continued this throughout the year the show would start to pay for itself and each season would be funded by pay it forwards so again you are not only paying it forward for others to be able to see it free around the world you're paying it forward so that we can do future seasons and if this continues this is how all eight seasons will be funded and I won't have to keep going to you on livestream saying please support the show or please invest in the show I would love to just come to be you and be able to show scenes and show highlights and stuff but we'd love to get to a place where the Payette forwards are just sustaining the show by themselves and we don't have to do any more of this type of thing I love talking to you and I love doing live streams I just don't like asking for more support I don't want to have to do that it's not my it's uncomfortable for me sometimes so I hope that that you're gonna participate and if you keep going tonight hardcore really hard chord and I'm gonna you know I just we just found out that Gloria from Arkansas Arkansas paid it forward 200 episodes Antonio from bazzill ten episodes if you keep going with that we are gonna have episode 2 of season 2 finance tomorrow night that would be huge goal I eat my jeffrey harmon at vid angel who's my partner in distribution who's usually way more optimistic than than i am he's saying i don't think we can do that by tomorrow maybe by Easter so prove him wrong just once just one time exceed Jeffrey's expectations that would be so great it would hey it would make my life a lot easier alright I want to show you this video and I'm gonna after the video I'm going to tell you something else that's pretty cool but watch this video right now this is one of my favorite videos that we've done ever in the last year and a half it's a few minutes long but it's so precious to see how there was a contribution from a very special young woman to this scene that you just saw that that impacted not only her but people who've seen her story had been greatly impacted it's one of our more successful back behind the scenes video so check that out right now and I will be back in just a few moments wait my first name okay my name is Kailyn Reese and I'm from Port Charlotte or Acadia sorry you're probably my name is Kailyn Reese and I'm from Port Charlotte Florida with our daughter she had some quirks when she was growing up she was also obsessed with certain things we didn't know it was Asperger's at first different ways that she would struggle in different ways that she processed things I guess didn't think much about it as she was growing up until a couple of family members who are teachers mentioned that you know she may be on the spectrum sometimes I think of things a little bit more deeply than some do and don't always understand people's jokes and I had a few ticks growing up that I've I've kind of learned to control the heartbreaking thing as a mother is when you watch your child you know struggle with friendships and you know to feel left out but then watching her kind of overcome those struggles with some of her gifts has been really amazing she had such a gift of just musical an ear for music and an eye for artwork we watched it together as a family and we were all like crying and stuff and it was really good seeing Matthew for the first time it just kind of struck all of us like huh that's really interesting Matthew's quirks the way he interacted with people was very mechanical always looking around and I kind of recognized that at least I had suspicions that he might be on the spectrum especially how he was an outcast and how it was really hard for him to make friends and like relate with people and the part where he was looking into his family's house and he was like sad because they didn't invite him or anything not that my family is like that but I've had some friends who have done stuff like that to me well I just saw the character and I just really related with him and I don't know I just I just thought they maybe if they need a cellist that I could come and if they needed me and also I wanted to tell you that how much that it impacted me so we we said of course that's no problem I never ever expected really that we'd hear anything back I thought that was kind of a neat cute gesture that she wanted to send a letter and I immediately had an idea of what the letter was about because when we created the character of Matthew we decided that based on some of the characteristics we saw in the Gospels and it was plausible if not factual but but but plausible that Matthew had Asperger's syndrome I have personal experience with it on my side of the family there's a lot of people on the spectrum I have a daughter who's on the autism spectrum and so it just made a lot of sense and so once we decided that writing into Matthew these characteristics that I know very well I felt like we could really do an accurate portrayal Kaylin wrote me this letter and she simply said I was moved by seeing a character on screen that I could relate to and it also brought me closer to God and made me realize that I'm not alone that God is with me and sees me in these moments one of our composers matt is actually a world-class cellist and so we didn't actually need one but but as soon as I mentioned to Matt and Dan our composers her letter and I said you know what would you think of us maybe allowing her to participate man it's really cool that I'm in a position to support and encourage a really cool experience for somebody that I that I didn't get to have I am always a fan of supporting musicians who are up and coming in or just have this strong desire and passion for music my dad opened a text that he got from my mom and saw the email and then he goes and then I was like what and then I leaned over to look at it and he said no I wouldn't read it to you so then he started reading the response we both like started tearing up and I got so excited that I almost like jumped out of the car then we just sat there like wow God is so good and I was just so happy when she showed up I think she was clearly a little bit nervous but a little bit excited one of the things that were able to calm some of the nerves was we were able to us talk Matt was able to talk about the cello and Dan was able to talk about music in general and about some of the things that we did and then I kind of figured out what I was gonna do when I found out it was the scene with Nicodemus and Jesus I was like wow that's so special just amazing to be able to see these people would take the time to work with with Kaelyn to let her be a part of this we weren't necessarily just doing her a favor she's actually a really good cello player and so when she sat down and started to play we were like wow this is actually really good this is actually worthy of this scene the scene that we chose for her to play on is actually one of the most important scenes in the whole show the moment that she plays in the cue is is probably the most important climactic moment in in the scene it was neat that it worked out for her to be a part of a moment that was that important and not just a couple of characters walking to the market kind of thing something like that it's cool that it worked out that way a couple of simple explanations of things about nuts and bolts of this is how we do this she was a she's a pro yep she did fantastic in fact I don't think we need Matt Nelson anymore on cello then after we did it I saw the video with the music and I also started crying you so so cool that I get to be a part of this [Music] blessed are [Music] she actually played beautifully and I think brought to her playing a purity that made the scene even better she's super talented I don't think a lot of teenagers get to have the experience that she was able to have today I don't think a lot of people have enough people pouring into them and just saying hey look you keep keep going keep getting better at what you're doing I can't tell you how much that just impacted me watching it and and knowing that my daughter's cello was a part of it I could not be more proud as a father to hear her be able to play in a studio and to have the encouragement from everybody working with her it was just just beautiful I can't wait to see the rest but that one scene yeah that's pretty special all that stuff is great when you can invite people into the process of creating and for us working on a TV show for it to be now it's hers to like it's not just Matt's and my music it's it's hers and I love that we can invite people in that way allowing someone like Kaelyn to participate in this I think it's part of the statement that we're trying to make with the show which is you know in the lyrics of the opening credits sequence song got no trouble with the mess you've been jump in the water and I think that's what we were saying to Kailyn we got no trouble with this you know the fact that you've struggled with Asperger's is not a hindrance to you being involved in fact we'd love for you to be involved and we'd love for you to jump in the water with us and participate in this show that God has clearly been orchestrating from the beginning how awesome is that oh I love that it makes me emotional even now you know the soundtrack is available the entire chosen soundtrack watching episode 7 tonight I was reminded of the music that I loved so much and how different it is and unique it is so please check that out if you are if you have the app and you go to the gift factory you'll see DVDs you'll see the you know the different options but then you'll also see the soundtrack and just click on that and you can get the soundtrack anywhere you get your music so you click on that and I'll give you all the different options where you can see it or you can just go to the chosen dot TV slash soundtrack WWE chosen TV slash soundtrack that should be easy to remember but the music in the show is great and as you saw in that episode we got that contribution so next time you watch episode 7 and you watch that scene know that the bass note during the most emotional moment in the entire episode if not the whole season was actually performed by a girl on the aunt on the autism spectrum inspired by the portrayal of Matthew so I want to let you know that now I've got some some good news tonight slash today is our biggest night slash day of peut for words we've ever had besides we did a long like three hour livestream several months ago but especially this week you are killing it we are possibly if Brian from Texas just paid it forward a hundred episodes I want the reason I say that when I say paid it forward a hundred episodes you know when you when you go to pay it forward and you see the option at the chosen TV slash pay it forward or in the app when you go to do it it tells you based on the amount that you are paying it forward how many episodes is going to how many episodes are going to be shared with others how many episodes are being offset by your contribution so as I told you before this up this video Jeffry Harmon the CEO a co-founder of vid al he does not believe that we are going to be able to have episode two completely financed by the end of the video tomorrow now normally he is the optimistic one to the point where like when we first launched this whole show this the idea of crowdfunding was his idea he believed that we were going to raise even more than ten million dollars I thought we were gonna raise about eight hundred dollars in crowdfunding I thought the idea was ridiculous but from day one before this show even existed before we even launched the investment round two years ago Jeffrey was saying to me the following he was saying this is gonna raise this crowd fund is gonna be over ten million he thought was going to be well over that but he said and this show is gonna change people's lives this show is gonna bring people to Christ all over the world he saw it all all that's been happening a lot of it's been very different than what we expected but the results none of this has surprised him but I want to surprise him once so if we can get episode two financed by the end of the night tomorrow night I would love it if we could surprise Jeffrey and exceed his expectations just one time just one time just once proved Jeffrey wrong hashtag proved Jeffrey wrong je FF r ey prove Jeffrey wrong I saw that hashtag in the chat and I loved it so tonight we are already breaking records so please keep it up and I just want to remind you that when you do that it's not just getting us closer to season two but it's allowing us to do these live streams I'm not able to do this live stream and give this show away you realize that when we're showing this show on YouTube like this and Facebook it's all over the world and there have been already some people who have copied it and tried to try to air it on their own channels which is of course illegal but but they don't really care um you know and when that happens that keeps us from being able to sustain the show moving forward the only way we can sustain it moving moving forward is if people who watch the show for free D are supported by people like you now I want to say this again I've already said it before but I want to say it again if you can't pay it forward don't if you do not have a job right now if you are concerned about your job in the future I understand don't do it the show is for you we want everyone to be able to see this show we don't want any restrictions but if you are able to pay it forward and keep this record going that we're doing tonight Lily from Colorado just paid forward 100 episodes that 100 episodes Emma from unknown USA just paid it forward 250 episodes so that's 250 episodes that were able to give away for free around the world without having to worry about any loss of or slowdown of season 2 I think I mentioned Audrey from Texas earlier but keep it up I don't want to feel like I'm doing a you know one of those telephones but when you are paying it forward you are getting us closer to season 2 and you are allowing people like who you just saw in the video to see the show and her parents were investors and they have been able to see the fruits of their investment by the support that you've given to the show so thank you for that so continue to pay it forward that's how we're gonna do this one last chance the Chosin merch calm and the reason I'm singing that jingle is because I've got some friends who are doing burpees every time I sing it you can start doing that tomorrow night too so the chosen merch calm this shirt right here this wonderful lovely shirt 25% off tonight and the long-sleeve version of it 25% off episode 8 is tomorrow the season finale the season finale tomorrow night are you a little bit sad is a little bit bittersweet that's ok see I so date tomorrow night with our special guest Jonathan roomie who plays Jesus we intentionally have not had him do too many interviews in fact the main interview with Jonathan came on the app so if you get the app it's called the chosen it's easy to find that's the only place where you can find the long interview that he and I did we did a conversation together it's the only interview you're gonna be able to find of Jonathan where we really dig into the to the show and how this has impacted him and now he's impacted the show but tomorrow night we'll have another interview with him live so after episode 8 the season finale it's Palm Sunday can you imagine a better day to watch the season finale of the chosen than Palm Sunday and when it's over we're going to kind of as you see at the end of episode 8 so wonderful how it ends and it's going to kind of send the disciples off and send you off and send me off into Easter Sunday week Easter week Good Friday week so that we're equipped to spread the news about the show and so tomorrow night 9:00 o'clock eastern do not miss it season finale episode eight Jonathan roomie can't wait to see you god bless you remember it is not your job to feed the 5,000 it is only to provide the loaves and fish you are providing the loaves and fish we're going to watch God feed the 5,000 together talk to you soon
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 1,273,492
Rating: 4.9347191 out of 5
Id: K09a7l48VD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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