The Chosen | Season 3 | Keep Your Eyes on Him

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay with us stay with us press down on our stomach that's it did I lose my baby [Music] [Laughter] [Music] laughs every day men and women around the world experience deep heartache and devastating hardships depression stillbirths addiction infertility miscarriages Injustice the list goes on and on painfully these battles are often faced alone for example women struggling with infertility often keep their pain hidden and suffer in isolation they're ashamed to share their struggles out of fear that no one will understand Smiles are forced when a friend announces a pregnancy they find themselves weeping and crying out to God Alone deeply painful topics like these are often not discussed how do we learn what to do with our deepest hurt loss anger and bitterness where's your husband [Music] were you ready to fight oh you can't do that don't do that again I can barely be you're lucky I missed you I'd be angry you scared me like that I miss you love I'm sorry it's still a bit of a mess in here I wasn't expecting you till tonight I don't care you know that definitely miss this I'm starving did you not eat enough you were fine we just traveled way too much for the amount of food we got about what the house there's something different the table that's normally there but I moved it here to create a little more room and then I moved some things around so more light would come in and Emma gave me some of her cloths to put on that wall those weren't there before what do you mean of course not I got them while you were gone hmm you didn't notice anything different you live in this house sorry I'm just exhausted looks great should you take a nap today while I go to market I was hoping to actually if I can get a little sleep now we're fresh for dinner already bedtime um a nap now and I'm not good um no it's fine I I was just I was hoping we could oh never mind it's fine I'll go now yeah you know with the boys all coming back in Judas is inviting them to come by tomorrow is there more breathing tomorrow you just got I just want to connect a bit you know talk about the journey and they wanted to meet here which is annoying but it's been a while since we've seen each other yes I know this is just the best spot to gather so is there more more what no bread for when they come I can make some maybe we'll stop by the well for more water thank you you make the best bread they'll appreciate it yeah have a nice nap thank you wow I love you so glad to be home love you how many times have we not understood the pain of another person because of our own agenda we're just neglecting to notice it's so easy to focus on our own issues that God has called us to walk with other believers we are meant to cast our cares on him and help carry the burden of those around us Paul instructs in Galatians 6 2 that when we share each other's burdens we obey the law of Christ at the house just this morning now to the breaking of my fast thank you Eden of course wait you fasted while you were away no just overnight eight hours blessed are you Lord our god king of the universe who brings forth bread from the Earth eating these pickled cucumbers are magnificent Simon was gone when Eden experienced the tragic loss of their child he didn't know the burden she was carrying but Jesus knew he saw Eden and felt her suffering Jesus knows our deepest sorrows and the scars they leave he sees the wounds we carry when we feel others won't understand or that are just too painful to share [Music] when we are at our lowest even if we feel all hope is gone even if we are angry at God and feel like giving up he is there he is always ready to comfort us to lift us up show us the way Jesus experienced the greatest depths of pain and despair on the cross Our Savior endured the cruelest suffering so that he could redeem ours where are you come here for a second never mind anyway so the guys ended up being Andrew's old friends so I use questions that only someone who truly knows Andrew would know and it worked suddenly Jesus was in the Square hearing all those people and he recognized John's disciple from somewhere and they wanted to know if he was the real thing which is crazy given everything they just seen us the baby what you didn't know I say that again our baby you were with child were you working too hard no and that's not what causes these things why didn't you tell me because I didn't want to distract you I didn't want to make you regret your choice because what could be more important than I thought that I could just keep it to myself but I didn't know the hurt would go on so long hey then this happened weeks ago see I was right look how you're handling this well I have a right to grieve my own child I know I know there's no right answer no the right answer would have been to tell your husband are you mad that it happened or that I didn't handle it the way you want to I'm not mad you're Furious I can see you're Furious you were acting like I did something wrong I had no idea what was going on I was taking advice from a Roman what did I do wrong you didn't do anything what you did nothing you asked nothing you came home from being gone and you didn't even ask how I was you didn't offer to help with anything you just took a nap you told me to yes because I was being considerate of you because I was showing love to you while I was in pain but I didn't know you would rush to bed and then have the boys over the next day you told me to take a nap am I supposed to read your mind well you were happy to read my body it might be nice for you to try to read my mind that's not fair and you know that I know that's not fair I know I wasn't always right I know you're upset I was on a mission any words in my mouth but were they in your head don't ask me that you can't ask me that I'm sorry I'm I'm I'm sorry for everything he should never have called me oh see this is this is what I was afraid of admission to caesarea with Judas Jesus out of this this is between us it's not his problem yeah what he's the Messiah if it's not his problem whose is it [Music] you're the one comforting me I've had a lot more time with it why is it happening [Music] the wrong person certain issues affect each of us in different ways when we have feelings we don't know how to handle we can lash out at others or hurl insults to cover our pain misguided thoughts feelings and emotions bring out behaviors we later regret to be on the receiving end of this causes confusion and mistrust and can deepen the wound that is already there instead of hurting each other we must turn to Jesus he can handle all our troubles and our emotions even for angry at God about our situation even in the midst of feeling shame or feeling unworthy he is there for us and wants to be our rest and comfort as we walk with him one day at a time and trusting our pain to him learning to be in his presence with our pain we are transformed trusted Jesus what she do wait wait wait trusted I trusted that Eden would be okay safe while we were gone I didn't know it John but before we all left on our two by two missions we can save the child and while we were gone no no no oh no I'm so sorry brother there was so much damage the doctor said she might never be able why didn't you tell us because I'm furious John I'm so angry look he is who he says he is I don't believe it I know it he's the first and the last he can do anything how could he let something like this oh that's not the right way to think about it happened Sweden happened to me let's let's keep going you're not exempt Simon remember he said that in this world bones will still break Hearts will still break but he's making a way for people to access a better Kingdom he heals total strangers well I gave up everything for him that does not mean that your life will now be perfect in fact he said the complete opposite I don't want to talk about this anymore life is a whole lot easier when we fished we still could have lost a baby while you were a fisherman Simon you just wouldn't have anybody to turn to he could have prevented it and he did not we all deal with hardship we all question Juan losing a parent or child experiencing a divorce feeling Unworthy of Love betrayal of a close friend or loss of a job these are just some of the experiences we are not immune to because we follow Jesus suffering looks different for each of us we all experience shame resentment anger bitterness and grief but we are not without hope the writer of Hebrews says for we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses but we have one who has been tempted in every way just as we are yet he did not sin God understands what it's like to give up a child he sent his son to die on the cross for you and me his son was beaten bruised mocked and killed so that we can have life free from the pain of this world Jesus walked in our humanity and felt the same emotions we do when we cry out he can handle it Simon was struggling with his decision to follow Jesus because he felt betrayed by him so often we experience these same feelings and we try to deny or bury them if you are dealing with loss Jesus wants to meet you there cry out lay everything down with complete honesty before him and listen for his response what can I get you to drink please Eden we're fine let's sit down is something wrong you tell us this morning I ran into Simon at Matthew's old house he was in about the way oh well that's his way he's all mine I've known him since he was born this wasn't Simon being Simon Ethan we love you like the daughter we never had ever since the day you married Simon a lot has changed in all our lives these past two years Especially Yours and I sense when we sense that some part of Simon's distractedness something to do with your marriage we're not saying it is we just want you to know that you can talk to us we are here for you no matter what's happening Lord knows we are not perfect but we have been married for a long time if there's anything we can do to help we want to I myself am not too pleased with Simon at the moment but I know he's a good man I fished with his father Jonah for 20 years and never really knew the man he was so difficult and distant but Simon has tried to be better than that and now he's learning a completely different way of living that would be bewildering for any person let alone Simon it's not just him I mean it's both of us what if I'm honest it started started madam are you hurt no way it's sad give us a moment alone of course I don't know and neither does Simon which is our problem I'm sorry Eden I haven't known you for very long and I don't know anything about marriage interesting not that I think about that probably should know please you may not be married but you have suffered you have lost family still I am due to all of this so just know that you say you have completed your ritual purification requirements because of the broken cistern but in the sea yes and I isolated for seven days which wasn't hard since Simon was gone and being cleansed didn't help at all no it made it worse because it didn't bring my baby back and it didn't help with my marriage that that woman Veronica who Jesus healed when she cleansed the sea she had so much joy she had just been healed of her Melody her anguish was over and you were only at the beginning of your grief Child R have you talked to a rabbi the one I want to talk to is not here and neither is my husband I don't know what it's like to go through what you have but I have been through enough to know that you need to grieve [Music] Jesus gave her healing and joy but he hasn't given that to me it's not about the rabbi there it's the words from God that he can give us that's what Jesus gave me when life gets hard it may feel easier to isolate ourselves but what we really need is christ-centered community sharing our real life including our pain Christ uses others to walk with us and minister to US during our darkest moments Jesus said come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light the challenge for most of us in times of such pain is to find a way to live out those words of Jesus to find true Rest In Christ and walk with others toward healing have my deepest condolences Torah has very little to say on this specific matter I'm afraid but sorrow is sorrow especially since your husband is gone perhaps but I was going to say distracted there is much going on with Jesus and in many ways the world is upending with Simon in the middle of it I'm making sense of it myself maybe I've been too distracted it's easy to forget there are still matters of great importance to tend to in the home are you angry with him yes I understand you mentioned you did your purification in the sea now that some time has passed what about a new cleansing but in the mikfei with a prayerful State of Mind maybe this could be part of A New Path forward but this is there we received word this morning it will be operational by sundown actually I believe Simon held in the Speedy repair and perhaps when she is ready we were hoping today for a reading from Torah of course did you have anything in mind perhaps something uplifting and joyful rabbi I'm not sure that would be truthful there are many Psalms of Anguish and even anger and they are all just as important as the others in fact some of the desperate Psalms draw us closest to God one of David's appointed Chief musicians asaph was inclined to write in this depth as In this passage in the day of my trouble I seek the Lord in the night my hand stretches out without worrying this song is desperate even angry do you know who else is undoubtedly desperate and angry Simon I know him a little and I'm sure he's actually very angry and making that known to others perhaps you can pray this with him and for him my soul refuses to be comforted when I remember God I moan when I meditate my spirit faints you hold my eyelids open I am so troubled that I cannot speak will the Lord's burn forever and never again be favorable steadfast love forever ceased or his promises at an end for all time has God forgotten to be gracious has he in his anger shut up his compassion but that's not the whole song is it then I said I will appeal to this to the ears of the right hand of the most high I will remember the Deeds of the Lord yes I will remember your wonders of old I will ponder all your work and meditate on your Mighty Deeds your way oh God is holy [Music] what God is great like our God you are the god that works wonders you have made your might known among the peoples you with your arm redeemed your people children of Jacob and Joseph God wants to heal our hearts and so we can live a life Full of Grace peace and love so often we try to suppress the hurt and discomfort of Life by trying to trick ourselves into thinking it will just go away oh we try to numb the pain or look for answers in the world Only God Can restore a soul without Jesus in our lives we will remain broken we're not getting anywhere the winds are too strong we should turn back we can get there just keep rolling Simon it's the fourth watch of the night that we've been stuck in the same place hey Google get out here foreign okay [Music] it's me Jesus how is this the second most incredible thing I've seen today this surprises you did you learn nothing from today you command me to come to you on the water no are you out of your mind if you are who you say you are beat me to step out of this boat you have the faith to walk on this water absolutely you can do whatever you command and if you command the world to hold me I will walk on you if I call you to me you will step out in faith yes then why are you upset why are you chasing after Gentiles when your own people have problems right here when your own person has problems I've been right here in front of you believing in you but you're breaking up I send it the companies then come to me you weary and heavy laden I will give you rest salmon was at a Crossroads he could choose to have faith in Jesus or he could continue to do it his way the fear and anxiety that Wells up inside as we try to let go of our hurt and suffering requires Great Faith and Action it takes bold Faith to know the only way out of your sinking boat is with Jesus [Music] [Music] do you still have faith faith hasn't been my problem I gave up everything to follow you it's your healing Till The Strangers Lord our God King of the universe [Music] why do you think I allow trials I don't know they prove the genuineness of your faith they strengthen you this is strengthening you and Eden your eyes on me in our grief [Music] could not be sinking the Lord said I'm seeking in The Shadow of Your Wings do we take refuge [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I have much plan for your assignment including hard things just keep your eyes on me I promise [Music] please don't let me go don't let him go I'm sorry peace be still don't think we go I'm here I'm always here I let people go hungry I feed him at least let me go there we go don't let him go please don't let him go have you cried out to God don't let me go his hand is right there to pull you up don't try to deal with the hurts of this world privately and in your own way Jesus is waiting for you to call on him there will be pivotal moments in life when we have to step out of our boat in huge faith and trust that Jesus will be there to show us how to walk on water when our faith is strong and life is good we feel invincible but when the storms of life hit unexpectedly we can be swept off our feet our faith can become depleted and our eyes taken off Jesus it is in those moments we have a choice to make Jesus has his hand outstretched waiting for us to grab hold we must be willing to let go of the anger Pride strongholds and guilt and allow him to pull us up The Book of Psalms says give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you he will not permit The Godly to slip and fall when you are in a dark place and feel all hope is lost he is waiting for you go to him now exchange your burden for his rest let him lighten your load and remove the heaviness you feel fix your eyes on Jesus and keep your eyes on him [Music]
Channel: North Church
Views: 20,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LXyDl-DwHA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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