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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] i had an appointment an appointment with whom every year on this day i come up here at dawn and i watch the stalks migrate [Music] if only we could fly away with them i wish you could the vandal arm is growing restless almost no food is reaching us they will choke the city until we have no choice what are we going to do it's no longer in our hands [Music] keep moving keep stoking the fire let them know we're here then let the storm go and take action [Music] [Music] is that all you have nothing's coming through i'll take these [Music] sir yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning [Music] we can take [Applause] my family what are you doing with that the vandals have cut off our water we have to take what's in that well we will die if we give in to panic then the vandal will win even before storming our gates panic and violence will take our lives faster than thirst or starvation as your bishop and a citizen of hippo i can promise you there is hope put down your weapons we're all going to die bishop all hope is gone no fulvius there is still hope because there is still a chance to save our city a chance i will guarantee i will make sure the vandals lay down their weapons he says he can stop them how can he say that we're all gonna die [Music] a peace agreement you surprise me augustine you should know rome doesn't ask for peace if anything it offers it governor distinguished counselors be reasonable since guys eric and his vandals reached africa they've already burned tingas cartena and caesarea to the ground hippo will not fall the imperial fleet will save us if they were coming they would already be here governor we're all tired of war the vandals included we should send our representative to go before guys eric and in the name of god beseech him for peace governor governor the soldiers have arrived roman soldiers bring them up here centurion fabious demetius that's your command governor you are welcome here which legion do you belong to the seventh the seventh i thought it had been annihilated it was defeated the two centuries and i survived we've been marching for days in enemy territory escorting these civilians we took advantage of the storm to pass the vandal lines have you heard these soldiers demonstrate that the siege can be ended that the vandals can be defeated let us not lose hope rome will prevail your obsession for a military victory will bring this city to ruin your presence here was the only thing that made me hesitate to come bishop augustine you know me my father knew you you are the son of hilarious bishop augustine these people and i have marched through the desert with only one purpose to put ourselves in your hands bring the wounded soldiers [Music] all right how are the wounded better soon i hope you may only enter unarmed why it's like religious lucille let them come in the only things sacred here are the lives of these people and their lives were saved by this sword where's take courage here you are fabulous how are you soon i won't feel pain anymore have they done anything for you there's nothing to be done bring this man a doctor immediately there's no need to yell fabius what are you going to do if you move over and get out of here we're going to try and save his life fabulous fabios bishop bishop a message from rome the pope wants you and your books to be taken to a safe place how can that be possible the pope has already said three ships a few more days and they will be here you mean i have to board a ship with my books and escape jerome yes abandon my people these are the pope's orders but i'm the bishop of this city but this city doesn't deserve you haven't you seen what happened yesterday when they saw the soldiers coming in the people came to the conclusion they didn't need you anymore look basidious this is your handwriting but it's your confessions yes my confession like any man left to my own devices i would still be a a poor presumptuous boy sure there's nothing i would need if there is anything good about me i have only my mother to thank my mother who bore me in flesh to this temporal life and with her heart to eternal life keep pushing [Music] the baby is up too high go and call the father immediately and tell him to hurry [Music] i can't feel him moving anymore why [Music] i want you to get ready for what you know do you know what you're asking of me you will die if you don't do it both of us will die operate i want my son to live do it [Music] [Applause] beautiful missions [Music] what do you want your wife is in labor wait i'm winning she's dying [Music] i can feel him here he's moving he's moving [Music] it's a boy it's a boy so what will you call him constantius in honor of our emperor no constantius is just one of many i like the first emperor [Music] augustine are you scared come on these are facts not words but someone may ask why do we have to pay taxes to row you know i come from a small town like this and my father was a strong honest hard-working father like you are i thought you said he came from a powerful family in rome yes he came [Music] saving it for taxes i used to ask why don't we spend these coins rather than giving them to rome and he used to answer patiently my son those coins all we could buy is a goat whereas rome will build with it an empire rome doesn't want our money because we are wrong these are facts not words i want to become like him like mcrobe is why did you hear him he can convince people to do whatever he wants with his words these are facts not words for the mouth you've got it won't take you long to become like him but i won't have a chance if i stay in this town where do you think you're going to get this big chance in carthage i want to study with microbials carthage you're just a boy do you have any idea how much it costs to study with somebody like microbias no do you yes more than you could ever afford stop filling your head with these silly noses but patricia's we could save up augustine deserves a school augustine will make do with the school in tagaste just like i did and my father before me discussion closed father where are you going to the tavern that's not true what are you insinuating you've perfumed your hair you never do that when you go to the tavern who doesn't know you're going to see riddassie your friend how dare you don't ever speak to your father like that again [Applause] it's not fair it's not fair i know it's not fair then why don't you say something to him words are not enough to change [Music] that's a fact and not only words [Music] quiet right [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing quickly quickly [Music] those are my pairs you thieves [Music] i committed robbery i pilfered something which i already had in abundance i had no intention of enjoying what i stole but to enjoy the theft and the sin itself i was being gratuitously wanton with no other reason of being evil and then the evil doing itself such was my heart a depraved soul seeking destruction here take it i hope it's enough for the fruit you've lost there's no need the fruit grows back year after year but a child if he goes astray he can be lost [Music] forever why did you do it answer me why did you do it you caused me pain me i cause you pain maybe you're meant to say my father my father causes you pain he gambles all of our savings away drinks like a fish and he's been cheating on you for years he causes you pain on me enough forecasting patrice's is what he is but you you aren't like him i'm not i'm not like that what do you want me to be devoted to your god a perfect boy no not perfect just if i stay here i'll become exactly like my father you haven't only come here to taste my oil to compliment me on my home talk about my son you're right but i've come to talk to you about my son augustine is he still the smartest boy in his school oh yes but i want to help him to get away from here to go to carthage to study he heard microbials he has decided to be a lawyer a lawyer how would you pay for his studies you know we can't remember when we were young you were offered an opportunity to change your life you couldn't have done it alone that crovius would make a great lawyer out of him come on this is not a free day augustine here is a new tunic wear this when you go to macrobius and try not to get it dirty yes mother and take this it's goat's cheese you cannot go there i know and please please be careful carthage just like that don't drink too much yes yes yes watch out for the girls i may god be with you my son god all i need is myself good luck my son they were the words of the lord which my mother had poured into my ears none of them however sank into my heart making me do anything her words only appear to be womanish councils which i would have been ashamed to obey and yet they were the lords and i did not know and when rejecting her counsel i was rejecting the lord [Music] i'm looking for liberius briscoe i'm valerious briscoe my father's not at home close my name is augustine romanianis sent me romanians from tagasti the one with the oil and what does he hope to squeeze out of you come in we were expecting you yesterday evening yes i'm sorry but i was detained by a nice pair of hips no i don't usually travel on the public wagon there was a delay public wagon hmm never rode on one neither had i until yesterday kalina this will be your room thank you for there is khalida will be at your service she's from the great deserts reliable people nice hips a good way to be detained what are you doing unfastening your sandals to wash the dust from your feet there's no need to i'll do it um i'm sorry you know i've never had a personal servant before you'll get used to it i don't think so thank you i never thanked the servants or apologise to them otherwise they won't respect you thank [Music] you [Music] now the essence of your task is to convince others that you have right on your side you need to master your arguments logically so that's how it is simple as that mikrobius [Applause] yes my name is augustine romagna sent me ah you're the one who wants to become a lawyer right yes tagaste right exactly now i do say has anything good ever come out of tagasti listen i don't have time for new students but i'll only take you on if you can prove you have enough talent to merit a teacher like myself how well uh orators persuade people to do what they want don't they so persuade me to take you on as my student come on i'm listening i i saw you you haven't persuaded me go back to tigaste believe me it's for your own good [Music] persuade me to take you on as my student of course i will persuade you i'll come back tomorrow what do you think that i'm scared stupid stupid stupid say it again try calling me stupid once more no no i was talking about myself you don't understand i don't understand yes i mean no i didn't mean you say i don't understand then you think i'm stupid no i am i'm the stupid one yes you are the stupid one stupid let's go those groups of young men assaulted the meekness of newcomers with their aggressiveness tormenting them with uncalled for jeers gratifying their mischievous smurf nothing could more nearly resemble the actions of devils hey hey hey augustine augustine yours is the best master so far don't joke about it i was beaten up [Music] [Applause] you should have let me show you around the city personally hey don't worry i know we'll heal your wounds augustine augustine [Laughter] [Music] i came to carthage where a cauldron of unholy loves was seething and bubbling all around me [Music] so you didn't make many conquests at the party last night [Music] i'm not sure this place is for you augustine better if you go home that way romanianis will understand that there is nothing of any value to squeeze out of you what do you know your father's rich you have everything i have everything huh my father's rich right let me tell you something augustine something that no one outside this house knows my father doesn't exist he died two years ago he being dead his business dealings would have come to an end without them i would have come to an end no more house friends [Music] nothing so i buried him in secret with my own hands and i have carried on his affairs using his name make no mistake no one has given me anything i've taken everything i have do you understand augustine if you want something don't ask for it take it [Music] from tegaste right i saw you do something incredible in augusta you made everyone delighted to pay taxes and that's why my assemblers are so popular with governors you kept repeating these are facts not words i figured out why i asked myself what what does an orator like yourself have only words a feeble weapon so how can you make it powerful simple make your listeners believe they're not only words you reiterated these are facts not words and slowly your words really became facts everything you said really became true i can make a good lawyer out of you but if you want to become a great orator that depends on you do you know what the difference is between a great orator and an ordinary one the talent no courage why you'll come to understand good then let's begin boiled eggs anchovies grilled red meat and a large cup of goat's milk mussels you have to get fit an orator has to make the powerful sound of a horn not the people murmur of a flute come on demosthenes had a stammer but he made himself speak for months with a stone in his mouth and he became the greatest orator of his time [Music] is [Music] breathing an orator needs to know how to speak for hours while standing accompanying his words with movements in his whole body like an actor like a dancer like a soldier because you'll be fighting a war in the tribunal and only words can win that war now this is a great theater the stage where justice is performed yes a performance that will make you the leading actor come on witnesses accused my client jetulius of having attempted to murder his wife acquaintances have reported certain threats jetulius made against his wife the prosecution maintains they have produced evidence which incriminates jatulias witnesses who accuse acquaintances who report prosecutors who maintain so many words how can i also expect you to listen to mine now you've already been fed more than you could possibly digest let's do this let's put all the words aside let's put them aside and listen only to our hearts it is there and not here where the lawyers the judges and the accused are standing it's there in our hearts that we distinguish truth from false and words from facts do not listen to me listen to yourselves and let's try to find the answer to these questions in our hearts has the weapon used in the attempted murder been found no these are facts not words says the wife of the accused have any wounds which proved that somebody attempted to kill her no these are facts not words does the accused have any criminal record for violent crimes that would support these accusations no these are facts not words you have been made to listen to many words instead of letting the voices of the witnesses lawyers and judges resound in your hearts let the only voice worthy of faith resound the voice of the facts my studies were aimed at the courts of law where glory is proportionate to craftiness by this time i was among the best and was inflated with arrogance i was eager to be eminent for the inane and deprobable purpose of delighting in human vanity [Music] my soul was grieving exuding itself forth itching to be scratched by scraping on the things of the senses that would not inspire our love if they had no soul to love and to be loved was even sweeter when i gained the enjoyment of the body of the person i loved thus i polluted the spring of friendship with the filth of lust augustine what happened to you the other night oh ass chrissy day she kidnapped me i don't recall where she where she where she broke me next time i'll kidnap you you spilled all your wine on me don't you watch what you're doing this is a new tuning excuse me i got this in rome hey what's up what's going on hey you didn't tell me if you appreciated my closing speech hilarious as always how many cases have you won now i stopped counting them carthages become too small for your talent you deserve to be on the biggest stage of rome look at me i'm all wet you know i'm not happy about this augustine you forgot this at my place oh i planned on coming by again [Music] i [Music] augustine come in pour our young style drink the taste of victory is the only one we never tire off especially in a case like this what made this case so special making everyone believe that jetulius was innocent has been exhilarating that's terrible what about the truth truth we have never been concerned with the truth the only truth is the one that augustine convinced the judge and the audience of today you are so quiet i'm not used to such silence with you at times i don't know what to say that's a shame why i like to listen to you before i go to sleep tell you that tell me something do you think we can live without the truth we can deny it to others and to ourselves but but but the truth is strong good or bad it doesn't leave us it just lingers there hidden in our hearts what truth is hidden within yours [Music] i can't offer you [Music] and i'll never ask for anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] finally you slept with her [Music] she served you before me i'm the master of the house but now she feels that she belongs to you hmm i don't want to possess her she's the perfect woman beautiful faithful available and you know that she can never marry you very nice to have around i have one for every house antiochia raven milan that wait no matter where i go i always have a warm bed don't play so innocent you know how to charm with your words but deep down you're no different than i if you say so augustine camillus what are you doing here where's your father augustine what's wrong he's free and it's your fault fault i only helped him prove his innocence oh damn you he wasn't innocent my father was guilty guilty and you know this he did try to kill my mother now he has succeeded [Music] my mother is dead and it's your fault my mother is dead by what steps i was dragged to the depths of hell toiling from my lack of truth even when i was seeking god through the eyes of flesh and not through the understanding of the mind which he had given us to excel the beasts but he was more inward to me than the most inward part of me and higher than my highest reach and don't tell me the truth doesn't exist someone was killed that is the truth you can't argue with that no one can say what the truth is until a trial begins a trial in which words will establish the truth and the truth will be the one declared by the law that uses the best words sophisms cicero a lawyer who is far greater than we are wrote in the ortensius that only the truth can make men happy and all men desire to be happy thus truth must exist or everything would be meaningless look i told you that courage makes the difference between a great orator and an ordinary one the courage to live without the truth do you have this courage [Music] augustine a messenger arrived from tagaste your father is dying [Music] are you also taking this yes i don't know how long i'll be away that should be everything then [Music] i came here with one trunk of this size and now look at everything i can take with me but there's only one thing i don't want to leave behind you come with me we can't marry i know but we will be one all the same [Music] i'll come with you even if i can never be your wife but there is one thing i ask of you don't ever ask me to share you with another woman [Music] that irritates me draw back those curtains i'm not dead yet i've been an awful man haven't i you've been you still are oh have you been able to stand by me all these years i learned to forgive you and love you for who you are well i just know discovery the true meaning of love i'm scared of what's to go shhh i don't want to be who i am anymore i want to be baptized [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] he must already be dead [Music] uh do you believe in god the almighty father they do and i now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen [Music] mother augustine [Music] i knew patricia's look who's here [Music] this is calida and she's a servant one of your son's servants no a friend a friend that's right from carthage not exactly she's from the south from the great deserts i see i'll bring you some soup how was your trip oh not so bad your son slept the entire time traveling on wagons always has this effect on him really i didn't know your brother and sister will arrive in a few days have you heard he got married yes i heard and i heard about jatulius everybody's talking about it you and microbials had him acquitted isn't that right yes so is he really guilty like everyone says he is oh that depends if he can afford microbius again he's innocent what are you talking about a man is either innocent or guilty trust me mother a man is proven innocent or guilty by the words spoken in the tribunal words don't change facts they don't then your magic performers don't change them either what magic formulas the ones the bishop recited before my father they don't change the facts either what would you say the facts are he has always been a scoundrel and a coward he accepted me baptized out of fear the baptism will never change him what do you know about it what do you know about baptism about your father about our life here while you were away blabbing on presumptuously in the tribunals of carthage spending your nights with this poor girl whom you will eventually disappoint what do you know about any of that you're right what do i know after all this isn't my home anymore let's go let's go augustine what a pleasure to see you again good day romanianos good day i've kept a close eye on your progress over the years this is calida a young woman whose beauty is worthy of your fame i was wondering if you would let us stay here for a while it's an honor for me to have the rising star of the empire's tribunals here at my home [Music] so [Music] i'm sorry for your father's passing are you going back to work for microbials no i'm going back to work against people like microbials i can no longer be as a accomplice we did some terrible things romanians it's not your fault not mine whose fault would it be then no one's so once what kind of philosophy is that have you ever heard of mani mani is the prophet of the truth and what would that be that no one is responsible for anything remember you are talking to a lawyer i've defended guilty men who committed horrible crimes that is exactly the point look at these olive trees can we reproach them for having twisted branches no it's their nature it's the same for us it's not our fault if we are made of matter of evil but then there's no hope only one follow mani who shows us how to free ourselves from matter from evil to become pure light pure spirit thus i fell among men delirious in their pride truth truth they repeated the word over and over to me but the thing itself was not in them oh truth truth how inwardly even then did the marrow of my soul sigh for the truth while the others frequently sounded out its name as if it were only a sound clamor and wind [Music] he's losing himself he's living with a woman he can never marry he's abandoned his career and now he's even joined an esoteric cult it's my fault i shouldn't have sent him to carthage no no you did what you thought was best but now i've lost him god allows us to be lost so only later we can be found i did everything i could i just pray a son who elicits so much pain can never become lost the flocks and herds and party-colored fowl which haunt the woods or swim the weedy pool concentrate go it was dead of night when uh when when were your bodies closed lycensius twas dead of night when weary bodies clothes their eyes and bummy sleep and uh soft and soft farmy sleep and soft dinner is ready i prepared something special why to please you there's no need to i believe there is to remind you that you are too what special i know that i don't need you to remind me i don't need to prove anything to anyone forgive me never thank the servants or apologize to them i told you that the first time we met you are no longer a servant to me not even your words can change that come on and you need not reconcile with me but with your mother oh i was waiting for you i'm glad to see you how are you today i'm fine why today i had a dream last night i'm standing on a suspended mast crying then i saw a young man coming towards me he smiles and says why are you crying for my son i respond he looks at me and tells me look carefully can't you see he's standing where you are i turn and i see you on the same mast next to me one day we will be united in our faith that's the meaning of my dream that's why i'm fine today she'll become a manichaean soon as well no that man didn't say you are standing where your son is but your son is standing where you are i'm good where i am you're wasting the talent that god has given you god has god has nothing to do with it i i earned it through my own efforts man doesn't create himself nor is he enough for himself that's what you say no our hearts say so your priests make you believe so your priests make you believe that you need god but where is god you can't see him you can't hear him so how about that you're all forced to ask for help and from whom from them from the priests who holds your souls in the palms of their hands no one here holds anyone's soul in the palm of their hands young man did you hear the bishop is afraid afraid that you'll begin using your heads that you'll become aware of all the fables he's been telling you badly written fables lacking any scientific basis you see what did i tell you you have talent that is being wasted believe that it's time for you to become one of the elect me part of the elect yes that way you would be able to defend the religion of money publicly with your rhetorical skills publicly of course you'll go back to demonstrating your worth someone like you can't be satisfied teaching grammar to children and remember we have clout the world is made up of simple and superior people you're one of the superior people with us you could do great things i would be honored you know there is one condition the elector called to celibacy you'll have to end your relationship with your companion [Music] there is something i have to tell you and i have something to tell you today who's first you first [Music] we're expecting a child [Music] are you pleased of course [Applause] [Music] how could i not be [Music] and you what did you want to tell me nothing important just that i found a complete translation of ice socrates speeches it's expensive i wanted to talk to you about it but now that we're expecting a child [Music] we'd better save money are you sure i'm sorry no no to get it don't worry a child is much more important mother calida and i are expecting a child come in [Music] i'd rather not stay at romanians house with calida in this condition if if we could stay with you i [Music] we would be most grateful you needn't thank me augustine i am your mother come calida i'll show you where you're going to be sleeping hey [Music] is crying maybe he just wants to be held by his father listen i'm trying to concentrate how's it coming worse than i thought you're too hard on yourself this book cannot fail like the first one did your book about beauty didn't fail it will soon be noticed yeah not even dedicating it to a famous artist like jerius did any good give it time time i'm 27. cicero was a statesman at my age and he had already written scripts that are still being studied today and children did he have any no there you are you instead already have a handsome child cicero success and i have a child augustine there's someone here for you romanians what a pleasure to see you again [Music] you look tired yes is this the baby i've been working a lot may i i have many ideas i came by to invite you to my house to your house no no no no no you're still a very welcome guest listen i i still feel bad about refusing your offer to become a part of the election remember no one is to blame for anything an old friend of yours will be there [Music] augustine valerios what's an important man like yourself doing in tagasta i could ask the same of you please make yourselves comfortable so where are you living now [Music] rome i'm working for quintus aurelius simacus the prefect have you heard of him who doesn't know the greatest orator of our time in fact you should hear him speak how long will it take you to replace him not long if i wanted to but i have another objective in mind valerius has a very important proposition for you auguste in milan they're searching for a new court orator the emperor has asked simakas to find him one and he's been looking throughout the empire but it's not easy ambrose is in milan one of the most arrogant christian bishops in the whole empire he's politically skilled and an effective orator simica wants the new orator to oppose him that's why i immediately thought of you you're a brilliant orator and they tell me you hate the christians it'll be a great opportunity for you augustine and for the entire mannequin community too tell me i've come all this way for nothing my family's here an elderly mother and a slave is your concubine is that your family i also have a child and they're my whole life that's not a life augustine remember all our dreams and ambitions you're just scared that's all of not being able to live up to your potential the first time i saw you i wonder what romanians wanted to press out of you the oil press can crush but if the olive doesn't enter the press you never know if it's of superior quality i'm really slick it's our last chance [Music] god dealt with me so that i was enticed to go to rome using as his means men enchanted with this death in life and i who hated actual misery and the one place sought fictitious happiness in the other augustine augustine where are you going to carthage to carthage yes i'm accompanying valeris he's sailing back to rome what did you think i'll just leave without saying anything should i have what's gotten into you come on go back to bed i need to go valeris is waiting for me have a nice trip i'll be back in a couple of days [Applause] i lied to my mother that mother and fled [Music] the wind blew and filled our sails and the shore dropped out of sight that morning when wild with grief she was there filling god's ears with complaints and groans she did not know what joy god was preparing for her through my going away and so after accusing me of perfidy and cruelty she still continued to pray to god for me why [Music] [Laughter] [Music] why [Music] he told me that it would have been too painful that he wouldn't have had the strength to face you and say goodbye to to you to a dead artist he wouldn't have found the courage to leave here said but he promised that he will return or else he will make arrangements for us to join him [Music] she returned to her everyday life i went on to rome [Music] now the glory of rome seems to be darkened by the growing popularity of christianity amongst other religions but they are just like the storm clouds that can at one moment hide the sun but will also be dissipated by its heat not a bad speech augustine it's a shame about your slight african accent you should try and correct it thank you for your advice noble somacus you may go [Music] yes hilarious stay so pack your bags we're going to milan no the new court orator [Music] the whole reason they decide to live here in milan instead of rome makes you understand just how shallow the last emperors were they were soldier emperors who chose milan because it's closer to the barbarian borders precisely [Music] here it is the empress palace did you ever think you'd get this far repeat what i told you never look the emperor in the eyes never contradict his mother and never trust anybody in the court aurelius augustine and valerius crisco uh quintus i need a word with you oh and throw some compliments around about tony he hasn't led an army in years but he still likes to be considered a great january is there someone i can praise for who he is yes her blessing hilarious you finally returned how could i have endured much longer without seeing you didn't you bring me anything from africa the best voice in the empire a future star of the court augustine i hope and soon i will have the opportunity to hear your voice and i the opportunity to prove i am worthy of the presentation valerius has bestowed upon me blisilla except for power nothing could be more desired within the court the emperor valentinian listen we'll never have another chance like this again the emperor has just been sworn in the stakes for all the most important positions are still open with you as orator in my experience we can reach the greatest heights are you with me [Music] i call the council of venice quinto flavio later velarius are you here with a new court orator yes empress mother aurelius augustine from tagasta does this augustine from tegaste know what it means to be the voice of the emperor yes empress mother does he know that his voice will be heard and respected by all the emperor's subjects more importantly he knows which voice your subjects must not listen to the voice of bishop ambrose who presumes to be better heard than our emperor however if you want the emperor to be heard over bishop ambrose you will need a more skillful orator than him i don't know anything about these things what's the plan will make a public speech in honor of the emperor but most of all it will be an attack on ambrose a speech that will bring public opinion on our side soon no one will listen to his voice and you what do you have to say let us hear your voice my voice is at the service of the emperor i shall say whatever it is the emperor wishes to hear the queen really liked you of course she did she's a woman she's convinced with your help she can get rid of bishop ambrose listen how did the bishop become such a threat to her justina's husband the previous emperor had a great deal of esteem for the bishop he gave him so much power that even the court is in his shadow now wonderful don't you even pagans go to listen to ambrose as i told you it's a great orator you'll see you'll often see scenes like that they are justina's imperial guard [Applause] [Music] so you're the only one not laughing i'm observing the emperor i'm searching for ideas to use in the speech to be made in his honor you should probably just be creative creativity is just not a name for lies yes lies do have many names falsehood invention fable that's why they are so much fun and often disappointing that's why we need artists like yourself you should make a speech in my honor i just love it when people let their imagination about me run wild we can do something about that [Applause] you can't enter bishop ambrose we don't remember inviting you i'm here to talk to you about something more important than a simple invitation and what would that be justice i know a man a devoted husband father of three children i remember when his wife gave birth to their first son this man was at the front fighting for rome i remember when his second son died from a fever this man was at the front fighting for rome i remember when this man said goodbye to his eldest son who went off and died for rome today this man is in jail yesterday your guards arrested him for unpaid debts and tomorrow they will sell him as a slave it's the law debts must be paid that's why i'm here because rome has a debt to pay this man a debt that can be paid by giving him his freedom i know this man i will look into his case general about tony i'm grateful for your intervention forgive me for disturbing you empress mother emperor and since you're here bishop ambrose i would like to introduce you to aurelius augustin the court orator i've heard much about you and i about you i heard you are a follower of money that's right so i have here a manichaean two aryan christians a traditional pagan and a follower of mitra it makes you wonder where the truth lies or if a man can never find it no augustine no man doesn't find the truth man must let the truth find him [Music] i already went to rome once i risked losing myself do i need to do the same thing now but now it's the pope who's ordered you to go to save you to save me and allow my people to die you know yesterday watch the stalks migrate i invite them they always know when to leave and which direction to go yet for us it's so hard to understand what god wants us to do governor thank you for coming centurion i've spoken with the city's garrison officers they are ready to be put under your command i'm honored but i do believe that they know how to defend hippo better than i perhaps but who's talking about defending i am talking about attacking with you in charge our soldiers will be able to end the siege and free hippo there are tens of thousands of vandals numbers don't matter rome has always defeated larger armies now that the vandals think we're about to give in a victory on our part would turn things around i'm the governor of the entire province i could be in carthage right now safe instead i came here just before the vandals did and do you know why because i've always been convinced that our counter-attack would start from hippo we'll send those barbarians right back where they came from we'll save the empire think of all the honors that will be bestowed upon you or all the men we will lose no think of the civilians that will be saved by your sword how is he he made it through the night with god's help he'll get through another not with gods but yours i only tried not to cause them too much harm how many of them will be able to fight fight then why didn't you just leave them to die you're right maybe it would have been better i see don't have your sword with you today a soldier isn't always a battle then don't bring these men into battle let them live the question is this must i let my men live and let the city die or let them die to let the city live [Music] there are 12 groups of us here in hippo about 150 men per group 1 800 soldiers in all 2 000 with my men still not enough what about the citizens that could fight well i'd say at least five thousand hmm enlist them we need more men on this side here here and here go where did they all go when they heard their captain was preparing an attack they went to join him those over there those [Music] all right the vandal siege line is arranged like this and we'll attack their weakest point here but it's the furthest point precisely where they won't expect to be attacked that's the best place for us to catch them off guard from the besieged to the procedures centurion i must speak to you [Music] give me back those wounded men they are my responsibility they've gone back into service of their own free will then order them back to the basilica you'll offend them the truth is you like having their lives at your disposal they have the right to become heroes no no no i told you to fix the lock first okay or do you want to take that away as well you christians and your slave mentality so submissive pessimistic oh we have a flavor mentality look who's talking so attach the things of this world that you you adore them as if they were gods the world you don't even know the world always hanging on your bishops vestments there's much more life hanging onto our bishops vestments than any place you've been life that's what you call life of course that's life you don't know what life is you've never seen the sun that sets over the battlefield you've never drunk water from the spring in the middle of the desert you've never bitten into a piece of fresh fruits after having spent weeks at sea do you have uncle augustine the papal ships have arrived we need to get your books on board and leave immediately and where will we go away from here to safety in rome i'm not talking about the boat's destination but rather our destiny where will we go [Music] where will i go if i abandon the city god has entrusted to me [Music] i am [Music] so [Music] stop [Music] it's ready now go where are you going with that sword i'm taking it to fabius the centurion since when does your father sell swords no bishop augustine he's not selling it it's a gift [Music] go then but be careful don't cut yourself with that my i'll be sure to give it to somebody who can use it massimo wait do you see that girl with her back to us and the long brown hair take this yes take this to her and tell her that i'm sorry for the things i said the other day [Music] this is for you where did you get this fabulous and he said that he's sorry for what he said to you you have it all of it yes all of it [Music] we started packing your books onto the pope's ships i have to talk to the governor first you're still hoping to prevent that attack keeping a hope alive is our bishop's duty uncle the barbarians could attack the city at any moment [Music] as soon as we can we'll leave how many times do i have to tell you go i think this must be the weakest point here valerius suspend the enrollment of the civilians it was fabulous the centurions initiative not mine if you care about the future of the city suspend it i do care that's why i won't suspend it those men are being led to a massacre no they are being led to glory there is more glory in fighting for peace than waging war war made rome great not more virtue the virtue of the regulars the serverless the shipyards exactly so why do christians want to change everything not change renew preserve what is good and convey it to the new citizens room to the barbarians barbarians is what we call those we don't know no it's what we call those we know well enough to realize they'll never be like us and what's so special about us we are a wall defending our city on this side there's order security and law on the other side there's chaos and lawlessness this is a century-old wall which mustn't be destroyed all walls are destroyed sooner or later not those built by romans what do you want to do valerius defeat the vandals and present yourself as a savior of the empire the new consul maybe i'd already be the console if it hadn't been for you you cannot fault me for denouncing evil evil is that what you call our friendship look at us i'm just the governor of a small province now and you a simple bishop if it weren't for you we could have had a much greater future remember when we left here to go to milan milan the emperor's sea [Music] now your speech against ambrose is even more urgent i'll lock myself in my house and not think of another thing i don't think that'll be possible why i think you'll have company i have just moved in so i'll have to reorganize i'm sure we'll manage somehow come in hurry hurry go on come on upstairs upstairs mother you can sleep down here in that room in that room we'll be upstairs with our deodatus [Applause] i'll show you where where you can put your things um we'll have to buy you some new clothes beautiful ones so you can come to court i'm giving a speech in front of the emperor i'm sorry he's tired he needs to sleep i'm sorry take him i'm just going to clean this mess up hey hey uh what about that later what about that later i think it's better if you take him if you take him go go upstairs [Music] he'll get used to your family again you lied to me i felt ashamed a void of your family of myself i'm here thanks to the manny cayennes i feared you weren't proud of me are you proud of yourself of course what more could i have hoped for have you met bishop ambrose yes do you know him thank you second to pope ciritius he's the most listened to bishop in the world why is that until 10 years ago he hadn't even been baptized but he had already got ahead in life at only 30 years old he was the governor of the whole province he was so loved that when the bishop died the people asked him to take his place and he accepted of course he gave everything he had to the poor [Music] and he gained a new life if you say so not me the holy scriptures say so yes they are holy but when you read them they say that god created man in his own image and likeness can you imagine a god that looks like me two arms two legs having a shave every morning he certainly wouldn't talk as much as you have you heard yourself augustine you can't even think about god without projecting yourself into the matter go to kalida now she suffered a great deal because of you [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think he's dreaming about [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry i left without telling you you weren't obliged to tell me no but i but i should have yes you should have you should you should [Music] brothers [Music] the first is that the bible is not to be understood in the literal sense god created man in his own image and likeness doesn't mean for example that god resembles man in the material sense our spiritual life our capacity to love our freedom this this is what makes man resemble god but paul's words have a second meaning as well think of mountain rivers when they meet an obstacle they become stronger they sweep it away and precipitate even more violently the same thing happens with our desires when they are obstructed by laws they become even stronger and precipitate towards evil towards death even in this sense the letter or rather the law kills but god has also given us his spirit and the spirit gives life the spirit guides our desires it makes us love good it makes us free [Music] mother what are you doing here i need to speak with bishop ambrose and you are coming with me let me through [Music] let me through let me through i need to speak to the bishop so do we i'm the orator of the court yeah sure and i'm the king of persia augustine please i am [Music] strength [Music] ah augustine augustine is our turn come you can see the bishop [Music] bishop ambrose what an honor my mother monica she really has insisted upon meeting you it's a pleasure to meet the new orator's mother are you a catholic my child yes this time we outnumber you are you preparing another sermon oh no no it's the philosopher platinus platinus but he's not a christian no but he's a great philosopher there's a lot of truth in his work and as the gospel says who isn't against us is with us so anybody against you would be against the truth who is against the truth is against himself so this is the reason why you gave up the governor's office my reasons are not as visible not as apparent as one may think they're not visible ah like the spirit thing you talked about in your sermon it's in paul scriptures that talk about it i only gave my comments on his words invisible by giving life at the same time you are an intelligent man ambrose don't you find it all hard to believe is the love you have for your woman visible i would argue that it isn't yet you managed to create a new life from it something very tangible i see you've made inquiries about me isn't it what you are doing right now you deserve your notoriety and i'm sure in your speech to the emperor you'll go a long way towards establishing yours at first glance we all seem quite alike one head two arms two legs of course speaking of legs one might prefer the graceful legs of blazilla over those of the courageous boutonni but there is someone among us someone above us someone who resembles us in the same way a diamond resembles a stone an eagle resembles a butterfly a star resembles the flame of a candle our emperor valentinian we owe the peace of the kingdom to him the prosperity of the fields to him and not to a bishop who claims for himself the power is bestowed upon the emperor and only the emperor to the emperor and not the bishop he's referring to ambrose sowed by god to act as a mediocre as always and the heavens to establish to act as a mediator between the earth and the heavens to establish what is good and what is evil to leave his people to salvation thus the emperor and not the bishop shall hear our prayers our petitions our invocations he is our faith our comfort our hope the fields houses also the churches are his if the emperor decides to requisition them no one can oppose him not even bishop ambrose because whoever isn't with us is against us [Music] me you all of us we belong to him [Applause] your son's speech yesterday was quite successful i'm so ashamed it's not your fault i should have been a better mother is there a better mother than god and yet how many of his children repudiate him but don't lose hope if augustine had been an easy child god wouldn't have given him a mother like yourself us no no no come on [Music] guess what the emperor has asked me for a rocking horse this is not the time for sarcasm the emperor's mother has taken the words from your speech literally she's asked us to requisition on rosa's basilica you and i not bo tony or one of the other officials what did i tell you we are becoming increasingly more influential great but we still have to see if ambrose will obey us you are the emperor's voice and the emperor is remember your speech right the mediator between the earth and the heavens you convinced everyone of this how could ambrose possibly stand in opposition to one of the emperor's orders um tonight we celebrate oh here's to us [Music] by the way the mannequins of milan have asked me to invite you to one of their rights tomorrow night i want nothing more to do with them you've been a mannequin for years what happened years of obscurity i only needed to read plotinus to realize that is he a christian philosopher no just a great philosopher augustine the manukins are powerful your presence here today is in part due to them even if you don't want to be one of them anymore pretend pretend pretend that valentinian is a great emperor that bow tony is is a soldier that i am a manichaean we can pretend everything we want valerius but not everything can be pretended [Music] tired of the party i'm tired of this palace sometimes i just want to be alone it's strange to think of someone like you alone you think so where's your wife i'm not married for a man of your position that sounds strange to me so what do you do when you get tired of this palace i go away at least for a while where to a secret place so don't say anymore then or it will not be a secret anymore i won't tell you where it is just what it's like it's a villa in the woods in front of a very special little lake it's a natural spring-fed lake and the water is hot always hot close your eyes [Music] imagine how it is in the winter to take a dip at night and snow all around you [Music] i've never seen snow before you should come but it's your secret place you're good with words maybe one day you'll convince me to reveal it [Music] augustine bishop you made good use of my words and your diatribe against me in court they've been useful to know you and plotinus better good but be aware that patinas offers us everything but the essential but the truth is not an idea a concept or a state of mind but is manifest in one divine person we're here on behalf of emperor valentinian very well and i'm here on behalf of jesus christ the son of god the emperor demands that you surrender this basilica to the aryan community demands demands in the name of what authority the authority bestowed upon him by who by god liars how dare you how dare you name god as your authority you don't believe in him you don't believe in anything and you worse invoking the return of the pagan demons dogs on a leash that's what you are you wander around barking out lies be silent and look deep within yourselves for what the truth really is only the truth will turn you into men free men we'll be forced to report your conduct to the emperor tell them if they want to get rid of me they must attack me not my people let's go augustine remember what i said it's not the man that finds the truth but the truth that finds the man because the truth is a person it's jesus christ the son of god now what will we tell the empress mother to use force to send attorney and his soldiers to take ambrose's basilica the people will not be pleased they'll all side with ambrose again no because you with your words you will make the people pleased and you will keep them on our side everything is at stake here augustine are you with me [Music] is [Music] see how the mosaic is put together little by little it appears but only by the end when every piece has found its place will we be able to see the full picture [Music] i'm leaving you in the best hands i'm sure you both have a lot to talk about look at your daughters there's i'd like to invite you to my villa i would be honored to come believe me i know you have a great future ahead of you soon your voice will be the most important in the whole course that depends on various circumstances that's right on one in particular that you still need to obtain a family rich enough to sustain your ambitions a family like yours and you must know that i also have a daughter in two years time she'll be at marrying age uniting you in marriage would be a good solution for me as much as for you that is if you want your voice to be the most important in court [Music] wait i remember the first time i took off your sandals you've come a long way since then we've both come a long way and you have a long road still to travel yes i was waiting for you with idea dartus outside the imperial palace today really i saw you walk out and was about to go over to you but then an elegant man stopped you and i walked away you walked away yes why i didn't want to be a bother to you i didn't want to get in your way but i've never considered you a bother i never want to be a bother to you [Music] [Music] it's better for you to grow up [Music] what do you understand [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] canada [Music] hey [Music] my mistress was torn from my side and my heart which clung to her was torn and wounded till it bled and she went back to africa vowing to thee never to know any other man and leaving with me my natural son by her [Music] but i unhappy as i was could not bear the delay of the two years that should elapse before i could obtain the bride i sought and so i procured another mistress not as a wife of course but so the disease of my soul might be nursed up and kept in its figure [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] um you're late and i see you you haven't wasted any time watch carefully you'll have to talk about this in your speech in the name of your emperor valentinian i order you to move out immediately the basilica will be requisitioned before daybreak [Music] give to caesar what is caesar's and to god what is god's god doesn't ask the emperor for his palace [Applause] and the emperor mustn't ask god for his home if there is a god bishop ambrose he resides in the palace of the emperor not in your basilica there is a god valerius that he has to reside in the hearts of all men even in yours no opposition shall be tolerated whatever happens will be because you wanted it to whatever happens valerius is because god wanted it to happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] order the attack general against unarmed civilians yes unarmed will you be the one to tell the empress mother that they blocked your soldiers [Music] um go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey i've done my part now it's your turn to make this seem like a victory [Music] let's go i'm staying i need to gather information for my speech good you will need all your talent [Music] tomorrow i'm here [Applause] [Music] what water bring some water [Music] [Music] oh [Music] everyone loves peace no one loves war but there is no peace without wall if we want secure borders then we have to use strength if we want a safe city then we have to be firm if we want to keep our wealth then we have to use force that's why an emperor has to be ready to use force yes violence isn't beautiful neither is it beautiful to exert but someone has to take on this burden someone like general bautone someone who has been able to protect us against our ferocious goths and fanatical catholics thus he deserves our gratitude for having defended us against our external and internal enemies for having bestowed honor upon rome [Applause] for having killed many innocent people [Music] [Music] you aren't hungry why won't you look at me would you like your son [Music] now [Music] why are you here because you are here [Music] what do you want from me for you to be happy i'm not happy right i'm not happy and i don't want you here you can chase me away but you cannot chase yourself away [Music] remember who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] but paul's words have second meanings as well think of mountain rivers when they meet an obstacle they become stronger [Music] it's not our fault if we are made of matter of evil we are not ordinary people and we don't need the truth [Applause] we are becoming increasingly more influential let us hear your voice you don't believe in anything we're expecting a child i never want to be a bother to you [Music] the truth is not an idea a concept or a state of mind the courage to live without the truth do you have this courage man doesn't find the truth man must let the truth find him and i now baptize him are not enough to change a man that's a fact and not only words [Music] the truth is a person it's jesus christ the son of god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you taken [Music] the epistles of saint paul the apostles not in writing and not in drunkenness not in chambering unwantedness not in strife and envying but put ye on the lord jesus christ and make not provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] son [Music] i've always spoken too much today for the first time listened i listen to him [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] belatedly i loved thee her beauty so ancient and so new belatedly i loved thee thou this to cry loud and force open my deafness thou didst shine and chase away my blindness thou just breathe fragrant odors and i drew in my breath and now i painfully amen i tasted and now i hunger and thirst thou didst touch me and i burned for thy peace [Music] you have humiliated yourself you have humiliated the emperor my son you have humiliated the whole empire you are dismissed as court order to the emperor you are no longer the emperor's voice nobody [Music] will ever listen to your voice [Music] valerius [Music] you betrayed our trust you made us look foolish in front of the whole empire we will not tolerate being made to look ridiculous [Music] you're no longer welcome here go back to where you came from [Music] they didn't succeed in requisitioning the basilica your conversion has given courage to the people who now fill it the empress couldn't kill us all and now what are you going to do i'm going to ask you with my mother and my son from there we'll embark on a ship for africa to go home and once you've arrived i want to study and pray live in seclusion it won't be easy for you to live in seclusion i speak from experience i don't feel worthy of priesthood he'll ask more of you than that here it's inc remember to use it all [Music] i've spoken with the captain we set sail in three days i always wish to be buried in my homeland in africa it's not the time to be thinking about that mother but you know it doesn't matter anymore you can bury me anywhere even here there was only one thing i've ever desired i ever lived for to see you baptized before i died [Music] give me your hand there's no need to be afraid listen to the silence our life is just a shell fragile temporary but there is something that lives within us that is not fragile it's not temporary we are already living an eternal life my [Music] son [Music] the seal will tell you where to go yes these are the last chunks of books only the manuscripts of the city of god are missing then everything will have been loaded on the pope ships i've almost finished it fascidious just let me work on it a bit more a bit more come on come on out through the side door lucille what do you want to conscript me as well no no only to look at you there now you have how many more to come tonight we attack just what rome needs more dead heroes to worship yes i will fight for rome but i will live for you because you give me the desire to live there are some more in the library fetch them excuse me bishop augustine is your uncle yes my father's brother fabios [Applause] fabius i understand your resentment towards me but listen don't sacrifice your life nor that of your men to defend an empire in decline i'm roman an officer of the empire and this is what i will be until the very end man is what he loves if you love the earth you will be of the earth if you love god you will be of god as the scriptures say we are all gods and children of god i'm not a child of any god i'm the son of a man who died when i was just a child do you know lucille who killed my father it was your uncle the great bishop augustine do you remember yes i remember i remember every detail ambrose was right i became a priest but god wanted more from me by then i'd been a bishop for a few years now that the confessions is finished what will you dictate in this room i have a few ideas in mind but only one in particular is urgent a book to defend the church from the accusations that it's leading the empire to ruin in fact since rome was sacked by alaric the church has been blamed for everything instead the church will be the one to hold on to the traditions of rome in these uncertain times that are in store for us have you chosen the title the city of god bishop something terrible oh god it's father fabulous his hands have been cut off why and his tongue has been cut out the dollartists have done this the fanatic donatists there is a difference i know the difference but when word of the murder gets out people won't make such a subtle distinction we could risk the breakout of civil war between the catholics and the donatists no what are you going to do a council yes you are the bishop of the donatists and i have the catholics let's bring our priests together for a public debate in carthage until we establish who's right and where the truth stands the truth the truth and when we have established the truth for truth lies with the donatists then we will become donatists if it lies with the catholics then you will become catholic we all want peace but there's no real peace without the truth let's find it together that would be an unfair dispute no one can beat an orator like you i won't be participating in the debate you won't be participating i'm only concerned about one thing cedonius the truth if by any chance the catholics should should win the debate i wouldn't want anyone to suspect that it was all due to the skill of rhetoric instead of the truth of the arguments one condition [Music] the judge has to be neutral and above suspicion we will select him together we come to carthage because you are the most esteemed judge in the province i usually judge criminal matters not religious ones i'm not even christian it's not different you just need to judge the truth you must have a lot of faith in yourselves to put everything at stake in a public debate not in ourselves in the truth many people have already died in this conflict that's why we need you fabius my son fabius he has the same eyes my son used to have well he's upset because i promised to spend the day with him my fault fabius my fault i took your father away from you today are you really sure you don't want to speak today you'll do fine i'd prefer to listen to you you know persidius it was in this tribunal where everything began for me let's hope that this is not where everything ends for you [Applause] oh carthaginians carthaginians let me speak i've been called to express a judgment on your debate i will listen carefully to both sides i will judge with impartiality and trust that the truth we discover today will help you to unite i officially open this debate and invite donatus bishop cedonius to speak first illustrious judge today i speak before you gentlemen ladies and our god i could talk about religion sin betraying the scriptures or the fractured history with our catholic brothers but today i want to speak of only one man a priest who's been the greatest sinner of us all bishop augustine [Applause] it's time we pulled back the veils that have hidden the truth of your beloved bishop a man who was driven to represent murderers and individuals with the most base morals he was a slave to an ambition that pushed him to seek success through the skill of his rhetoric a man of god consumed by lust avarice and ego the narcissism that drove him to worship no greater god than himself this debate was to be about truth but that truth has been eclipsed by one man there is no greater sinner than augustine the fact that he became a priest is proof that catholics cannot be trusted [Applause] i'd chosen not to participate yet from the moment i became the topic of discussion it's my duty to speak sidonius is right ambitious lustful narcissistic i was all of these things god gave me a mother she showed me that nothing in his material world is worthy of our ambition god gave me a woman she showed me that loving means renouncing oneself god gave me a son i started to believe that he was created in my image then god took him away from me show me he was created in his image ambitious lustful narcissistic because i was all these things and still am as we all are as we all are but not one of us is alone ever not even when we're in desperation but in a starkness god is close to us god is more brother than any brother he's more friend than any friend more lover than any lover [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] victory to the dramatists or the next one will pierce your heart aren't you coming to bed [Music] i'll be right there you haven't made your decision yet i'm still thinking it over going fabius say goodnight to your father good night father good night my little one come on run i wish augustine hadn't dragged you into this whole matter i must only determine the truth i'm a judge it's my duty but you're also a father and a husband don't forget that [Music] [Music] you asked me to give a verdict on your debate well then when a judge pronounces his opinion he also expresses a judgment of himself good judgment if he was just in his decision bad judgment if his decision was warped and thus with great interest in the name of the authority bestowed upon me the victory of the debate goes to the catholic orators the doctrine they uphold is the truth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] augustine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right afraid to god raise your guard and lunge excellent one day you'll have to defend your family along with the whole of rome and the empire where will you be well i'll get old eventually [Applause] [Music] do you remember that time when we walked down the beach she was so happy when we pushed mother in the water hilarious i'm sorry you needn't be i did my duty i'm a judge give me a blessing tell me more about that city you're writing about the city of god soon you'll know it better than i do years have gone by but i still don't understand you oh my father your father died to defend the truth as you are ready to die to defend the empire but the empire will come to an end the truth your father died for won't now my father died for nothing and if the empire comes to an end [Music] you christians will be to blame because you betrayed it they're coming fabulous doesn't need to attack after all we'll wait for the fleet to arrive from rome i'll go and tell him wait if fabio is is successful it will be my success if he fails the fleet will arrive and will resolve everything proving to everyone that i was right and bishop augustine was wrong exactly [Music] my god as from the abyss of the sea the depths of the heart of man bursts forth storms wars and you seem to be overcome by slumber like the day on lake tiberia when you were in the boat with your apostles then i as they did must cry out master master we are about to die do you not care wake up master calm the winds like on that day come on move the hearts of men and ask us like you did on that day why are you so afraid have he no [Music] faith [Music] [Music] you didn't sleep you didn't either [Music] [Music] approaching what are they what's inside [Music] oh [Music] i know we've lost a battle not a war people have lost their heads not just a battle well let's try not to lose ours as well trust me she's been kneeling there since last night embark on the ships the pope has sent and take her with you there is no hope left for this city if i don't return you take charge of [Music] hippo [Music] my name is augustine the bishop of hippo i would like to speak to your leader geyser [Music] yes [Music] your troops will attack from the west side ah the famous bishop they must be really desperate in hippo if they decided to risk the life of their most illustrious citizen what have you come to ask me nothing i've come only to make you an offer and what could that possibly be the chance to become a great king i am already king a king of a great empire no you're just a bandit of a small gang you only fight to increase your wealth what is that if not banditry without laws or unifying their people all you rule over is a string of conquered villagers to become a great king it takes more than being able to to plunder and pillage it takes a vision benevolence a firm hand that can build as well as destroy what you want your legacy to be that of a king or that of a bandit do the right thing free the prisoners and take me instead [Music] um [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] today i'm happy i didn't die for rome [Music] geyseric has proposed a peace agreement all citizens will be spared if we lay down our arms and open the city gates this will be the beginning of a new era for hippo it will be completely different from now yes but we should not fear we should not fear our next of kin and today the vandals are the next of kin that god has sent us [Applause] we don't know them you say they are men i tell you they are different from us you say no more different than any other men i tell you they are our enemies you say they will become our friends i tell you what will be left of hippo if it falls into the hands of the vandals a city is its citizens governor not its walls walls are important bishop to open the doors of hippo means to lose everything homes possessions power yes everything but that's a reasonable price for life what kind of life would that be it would be life certainly richer than if we remain attached to our possessions [Applause] i have a better proposal i have received a message from the emperor the imperial fleet will arrive tonight guys eric's fleets will be destroyed his army will be lost and hippo shall be freed you've already tried relying on your own strength instead of god's wants remember what happened we have the imperial fleet what do we need your god for [Music] if you have come to this decision then you no longer need me this is the decision we have made tomorrow at dawn the ships the pope has sent will leave whoever wants to embark [Music] is more than welcome [Music] whoever doesn't stay and fight will lose all their possessions [Music] fabios bishop what are you doing here don't you have to be prepared to be freed by the imperial fleet i don't need that type of freedom anymore you've already freed me today no the lord has freed you i didn't even know you were still alive i'm not talking about freedom from guys eric i'm talking about the freedom from the old room [Music] you've made me believe that there can be a new rome one not built on fear or powerful weapons or past glories we need a city founded on hope faith and even a love for our enemies it has to be a city of a city of god [Music] then maybe one day i'll i'll thank him too [Music] i remember my father on his deathbed asking you to tell him about that city well today i understand why there's one more thing i want to ask you bishop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you are man and wife we have dark times ahead of us but you will be a light in the darkness a light of love that's why i tell you if you keep silent keep silent with love if you speak out speak out with love if you discipline discipline with love if you forgive forgive with love let love take root within you for only goodness can arise from this origin love and do as you wish i stand here today in honor of your father [Music] that one too all of them why why why have you ordered the books to be unloaded the ship must be able to save as many people as possible including you i cannot leave lucille i'm the bishop of this city but they have spurned you betrayed you and how many times have i betrayed the lord and still he continues to love me and i must be a testimony of this love fabius don't bowl the before it's too late [Music] and take care of her [Music] [Music] boating ships on the horizon boning ships vandal ships or roman ships it's impossible to say that radar chips are a realm and ship it's impossible to say right now master we must wait for daybreak the imperial fleet has been defeated it's defeated the battles have destroyed the fleet the battles have destroyed come on hey [Music] love endures in adversity it shows prudence in prosperity it is strong in suffering it rejoices in good deeds it is safe from temptation it is generous in hospitality cheerful among true brothers patients with the faithless it is the spirit of holy books the virtue of prophecy the salvation of the mysteries it is the strength of knowledge the bounty of faith it is wealth for the poor life for the dying love is everything so [Music] ah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] not the books not the books [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the judgment is finished this heaven and earth shall cease to be and there will be a new heaven and a new earth for this world shall pass away by transmutation not by absolute destruction and therefore saint paul says for the figure of this world passes away i would have you be without anxiety [Music] [Applause] bye bye
Channel: Who loves you? Jesus!
Views: 702,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saint augustine, restless heart movie online, restless heart movie cast, restless heart, ignatius press, game of thrones theme, game of thrones trailer, game of thrones soundtrack, saint augustine movie, saint augustine confessions
Id: 5g_sjPhrPBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 5sec (11765 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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