The cheapest laptop I could find.

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[Music] a new year means new garbage H lowend devices my goodness I lived out of lowend devices first MP3 player lowend Dick Smith M our first Windows 98 computer was like some sort of AC bu a tower or something like laptop was like the lowest end compact with vistor on it it was makes me appreciate Tech today but um what this is here mate is the cheapest laptop that I could get my hands on and There Are Rules there maybe 10 years ago it was super fun just ordering a random laptop off it like you know the internet and giving it Wi-Fi and then like logging in with stuff that's not fun anymore even just having a mobile phone number nowadays just opens you up to being scammed owning game consoles gets you scammed nowadays also it had to be a real PC not a Chromebook not an actual PC so mate I had to get this from a brick and mortar store a place you can walk him buy it's had some sort of Australian standards cast across it mate and it was in a JB highi map and she was so cheap even the attendant didn't believe they had them I did want the machine next to it m that guy was preaching Minecraft hey but I had to go for the cheapers and it's this Lenovo right here I haven't opened it we're going to discover This Together hey mate I don't know if you caught a glance of the specs on that little priz tag there they are unbelievable 4 gigs of rare mate like my MacBook Air has 8 gigs of RAM and it's not enough 4 gigs of RAM brand new first time I'm excited it's been a while since I've had a loyer brand new machine very good y there she blows we'll get to the Nugget in a bit there paperwork idea pad here's an idea don't get it don't get it this one's strangely soft Fe m it's it's very Mac Booky so it's funny that there's nothing in the center it's like a bootleg MacBook Pro I love it oh it's got full sizee HDMI and USBC more USB oh memory card slot I mean not bad for a start protect your new investment Yeah by putting a bin liner in before you put it in a bin what a p house mate she's got an AMD Athlon silver e is this keyboard bent it is it's bowed out it's shaped like like this what already it's brand new it's kind of saggy looking it's uhoh got to protect that investment uh she's not one finger right so um you know there's small touches to you know MacBooks and nice laptops that take for granted oh I'm a that nug boot boot boot boot boot Bo there's a light o that doesn't look good wow this this panel the blacks are not very black oh look it's got a hidey camera thing that's a really good touch Apple get on that I like it although red makes me think that it's recording all right oh no okay just a moment uh-huh I'm still upset that the chassis Bend I wondered a way to eat Hawkins cheesies oh windows and updates M this always go so good well I'm going to have cheesies good luck you nugget oo hey U Microsoft where's the option to um not opt into your awful software how about later no I don't want to do it no I don't want to make one no just let me just let me use the computer I shouldn't have to log in apple gets all the hate all the time and then Microsoft does crap like this a you incessant piece of rubbish no Microsoft Your da hoarding greedy gross game company ruining ah yeah a yeah all right we got to get Steam on this puppy huh what happened [Laughter] what wow Microsoft Edge comes flying in oh no she's no no it's back again oh it just froze hang in there mate come on I'm not I'm not asking much why why would I no no no I'm not personalizing Edge it's all gone no right click's gone we got no more right click the fans are blowing really hard go Athlon y look that was our right clicks from like 10 minutes ago oh wow personalize oh no I shouldn't have clicked that actually that was greedy that was greedy I'm asking to personalize and load like stinking Edge why are there so many tabs we don't have the processing power for this oh look right on the start menu U massive stupid news articles and things and um the the bad words that I don't want the internet nice going to blank all this love you work Microsoft go Linux oh no this unresponsive page is unresponsive well wait come on really really oh my no I'm GNA have to give up on my Firefox dreams I know I know give up give up give give up give up oh no no no no no Microsoft's Ed has gone down can you believe they had multiples of this machine in stock at the JB highi like no one's buying these I don't know how many more times I can click that come on please thank you oh Microsoft Store F off why why I don't care I don't know how to Windows I dumped Windows back with Windows 8 see when Apple does this crap there's like a run anyway sort of thing yeah change my app recommendation settings and it just opens apps and goes D here's your apps it's like thanks Microsoft you sure do know how to make OS learn about control panel options moving the settings then why have you s no why a freaking Windows look it's installing all the crap on my other PC when I said don't do that so far the worst thing about this machine is Windows holy stink all I'm trying to do is get Firefox on this thing go to settings apps Advanced app settings I'm sure this is like dorkly easy for people who Windows all day but this is really really dumb for gosh I hope I can get Steam on this a now I'm learning of like Windows S Mode and crap streamline for security yeah and probably data farming it's a mode that you opt out of and can't get back into it is in freaking S Mode why wouldn't it tell me that why would it say oh you're in S Mode you can't do that it goes get in the a settings and waste your time oh go now to install ABS go to the wa go to the store and exit there you may want to think twice about switching out of S Mode no you should think about actually just opting out of the whole Windows thing yeah this thing's got 128 gigs of storage oh oh that was way quicker than I thought well that took a long time uh look benchmarks mate you know you stress out the computer and you find out just what can she pull mate it's like a dino pull for computers super fun and hey first mate we need a comp comp parison and the only machine I've got that runs windows with these benchmarks installed is my like proper hardcore gaming PC High settings my 49 T too no I want Ultra you give me Ultra n mate it's got to be the same it's got to be a fair comparison right how many frames are we going to get so yeah like I9 and like a 4090 I mean the real gaming Powerhouse is right here and uh yeah here's Heaven running so looks pretty sick we're we're not struggling for frames here mate we're in the hundreds so uh we're all [Music] good oh yeah how many that's three frames three you can count them yeah it's it's like casual Applause but for frames oh we got more there so they you know 260 frames per second and like 6 and 12,000 points 117 my big stinky rig was 6 and half th000 what a show what a show that was hey made me smile oh and finally though three Mark I I think this might actually kill it my Hardware might not be compatible yeah let's go do it prove it prove it that you don't need all this Ram 3D Mark Times by demo oh W lighting effects huh M oh oh that's that's Frank in the future yeah like what's that yeah like couple of hundred frames second not a big deal go M butterflies hey piece of cake for the 490 oh yeah nice 1.6 [Laughter] frames oh that's so good it's actually just skipping through cool this is playing almost the same speed look there's like no walking animation what a wonderful machine oh there it is yeah 1.9 oh 1. 1.5 come on dip dip into the zeros no 1.56 submit a result using Hardware that isn't recognized it may be not a fair comparison to like the cheapest laptop I could find at the JBS but um it's still something to compare against right 283 a what a chunky Beast it wasn't good and I super don't like it shut up wow that stains easy that's like properly discolored now yeah mate like just don't touch it honestly uh if you want to outpace this lad uh get a 5-year-old iPad for real Z yeah it's hard work and it's like yeah so many people get these for like their n or something cuz like oh well she doesn't need much it's like well no you get her the fastest thing if they're learning and pressing something and nothing happens of course you're going to be like hi I need help this doesn't make sense well it was fun running benchmarks on this nugget huh and and my favorite bit and like the worst part of this machine was Windows and mate like that's it you know and I'll see you all next time
Channel: DankPods
Views: 980,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ctww6ndcPWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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