The Cheapest Gas Forge on Amazon

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oh my god i just left it for a second let's see we're gonna melt metal hole yeah baby that will work today's project is brought to you by mr cool diy mini split systems heat or cool your house with a mr cool mini split unit and install it yourself [Music] so yeah a couple cheap tabs welded onto the bottom for feet not very impressive it is not perfectly oval it's like they just like kind of squashed it a little bit and so it's not even so i don't believe that when we sit this down our blowers are going to be straight vertical i'll check the gauge for you guys not very thick um you're relying 100 obviously you're relying on the insulation and the kale wool in this case and i think this is supposed to come with a fire brick [Music] this little knife is actually still sharp okay very sandy on the fire brick it doesn't look like a standard fire brick it's it's different how much space do we have in there you're not going to be heat treating large parts this is definitely like for four blade work okay so here's our hose that looks like a pretty good hose okay just guessing just guessing but i think you put this inside and and then this this lines up and it centers your tool so that when you you can put this in and then yep sure enough that that's actually not a bad idea now we can pull our orifice out bam there we go so those are replaceable and you do get an extra set so here's what i can say about this burner setup uh i like it i think this is your you know this is the money uh this is the one part you're getting that actually seems to be pretty good we don't know how well tuned it is um but we'll see we'll see i assume it's gonna be okay but i'm impressed it's real thick metal it comes with stainless steel ends right here and they're machined and i think this is i think this is great we'll see how long these last these are also threaded in so it's replaceable you could just put a bell on there if you wanted to or you could uh i'm sure order some more of these so pretty simple let's take our wrench that came with it which this seems like would take for ever those are actually kind of tight too it's like they've got pain in them or something yeah so here's their 12 millimeter and look at this uh my guess is i don't know there's a lot of play it's got a little groove right here and that's where that's what lines up to your bolts so it tells you where it wants to be so that's kind of cool and we're going to try to position that properly and evenly now i say that but it's not going to position properly and evenly because uh it looks like this one is a little bit that direction don't dig these in don't make it too tight i mean that's it they just hold it so it's it's plenty plenty strong enough you know not bad i'm actually impressed couple hundred bucks it's not bad i mean so far we'll see how it burns but so far this looks like a really really good budget forge now let's pop out our regulator nothing nothing to write home about here um it just it screams cheap look at that oh that fits a lot better [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] all right my friendly nerds um went and broke out a couple different wrenches to see what the deal was here you know because the 12 that they send you this doesn't work on anything else either like it doesn't need a 13 anywhere it doesn't call for a 13 anywhere but um yeah there's that these are actually 7 16. there you go that's better hilarious man it's like here's a tool it's the wrong tool and uh yeah speaking of wrong tools everybody say hi to stephen oh you're a manual focus you're all fuzzy ooh how about now oh that's better what are you doing here uh brought up the tractor engine gonna start working on it hopefully getting the tractor together over this weekend wow hopefully that sounds incredible i'll leave you to it bye bye bye what can i steal oh it's funny i'll put it i'll put it in left-hand thread but then try to tighten the right hand okay little bump on the regulator that's fine that's what we want to see yep we've just got one valve burning so let's ignite the second one and we just flip our little lever now both are on and we'll give him some juice okay obviously she needs more air not juice [Music] maybe that's our problem i can see a little piece right here there's a piece right there much better now what i want to test i want to go ahead and throw this in we are going to leave it in for a set amount of time and i want to clearly see where the two burners are and compare them you can see the back burner is a little hotter than the front burner that'll work it's a dual burner setup but look at the front burner versus the second burner what's happening is the gas is coming in here it's got a real easy uh jump to go to this side and there's no like it's got to go through a valve and all kinds of other stuff so let's take some temperature readings and i want to get like inside it's going to be in fahrenheit so you do not want to be touching this thing i'll tell you that right now that will burn you 570 degrees six 305 150 100 degrees up top inside we're going to go too high i mean it's just too hot for this i think this i don't even know what this cap's out at but it's way too hot for that so just that little kale wool blanket you know it's not a lot of heat retention i mean it does what it can but i would say the forge is officially heated up now i think that's a proper temperature and uh i bet if we threw that back in now it would get hot pretty quick there we go yeah not bad um not bad at all actually but real quick oh my god i just left it for a second let's see we're gonna melt metal oh yeah baby that will work and we're in a room full of light like this is a very bright room and i mean that's against white so nice that'll work she's hot enough now i'm going to turn her up a little bit and let her burn no heat up here i can touch that so that's good but yeah you can see the paint just burning off this thing oh got my fan going because it's nasty so right here i've got this little amble and um she's a cheapo she's cast there's really nothing special it looks like they used it as a cut-off gamble so um i kind of like my little vice here i don't do a lot of blacksmithing on it i don't want to smack it with a hammer but i do want something i don't like to smack my table with a hammer either i do want something that i can smack around a little bit not hardcore just light this is maybe uh probably 50 pounds 45 pounds somewhere in there i haven't weighed it maybe we can wait for you guys after i'm done but i want to surface it off real quick so we'll throw it up on the mill and make it flat that'd be fun huh quick jump on amazon and i order the stuff i need for future and then i just found this little part here from a previous project and was able to clamp down the front and the back i could pull this thing over now on this definitely enough to hold her in place she did well with a couple clamps on her but now she's beefy so we got her both legs in the rear both legs in the front can't move at all back or forth now we can continue on so we'll skip ahead for you guys so you don't have to sit here and watch the whole process because what i'm doing is going back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth and back fourth and then back and forth about 300 times [Applause] [Laughter] hey [Music] um [Applause] today's oil of choice is vintage luber plate so yeah prevents corrosion and wear super lubrication um i'm gonna be out of this soon and i gotta see uh i'd like to talk to someone over at plate to see if uh they have the same luber plate in production today because i like it's just a very thick basic oil and let's all be let's all be serious here the real reason i like is the cool can that's so awesome but no it seems to do really well i've used it for about the past year and it works really well it's real sticky doesn't have any odd smell to it there we go okay guys here's the basic setup and this works perfectly for me for the blacksmithing that i do now i do have full size anvil cold forge the whole nine yards all the tools that's all fantastic but this right here is my quick setup this is what i'm working on a metal working project i need to bend some steel or you know this isn't necessarily for forging um whole parts like i'm not going to be utilizing this anvil for heavy duty uh work i'll just get the other anvil and work on it at a different location this is for quick stuff right this is for i need a tool i've got to bend some metal i've got to upset something um i've got this hardened steel table i've got this cast vice i've got my wilton cadet bolted to the table the rest of this stuff i'm not going to bolt this down this is just going to be something i can throw up here real quick so i'm not beating on my table hard so all this is my light duty forging stuff that i can just pull out throw it up on the table real quick and get to work so we did have some initial tuning problems we fixed a lot of that um the the front burner still doesn't get as much gas as the rear burner it goes to the rear burner first i think that was you know just a mistake in the way they designed it um but after letting the forge heat up to temperature like full temperature uh giving it maybe five to ten minutes just to really burn in that heat it really didn't seem to matter much it it produced a pretty even heat i would go as far as to say if you had two in a pinch you could even forge a sword in this thing i absolutely will be adding a door to this guy um that's for certain without question so we'll do a front door and a rear door and that should handle any of that extra heat fire issues because i don't want this thing blowing out massive flames out the front like it does hope that helped you out guys if you want to see the restoration of this wilton vice go check it out if you want to pick up one of these i'll put a link in the description where you can pick one up and if you want to mr cool there'll be links in the description as well
Channel: The Good of the Land
Views: 210,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: propane forge, devil forge, cheap forge, gas forge, berg knifemaking, the cheapest forge on amazon, the cheapest forge, amazon forge, forge review
Id: zK-6IZ3vJrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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