Rebar knife

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okay so I decided to make another rib I wanted to make a little tiny sort of stiletto type thing unfortunately I couldn't find any small rebar all I've got is small this 3/4 not the same as the other one I used for my last night but it's still the same size it rings quite nicely for a bit of old rubbish which is what people seem to think it is anyway I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do with it whether it's going to turn out sort of more dagger II like the last one or whether it's gonna be more sort of traditional Blade II I'm gonna start off and I'll try and keep that seam running right through the middle so that it's symmetrical I'll tell you what for old rubbish is his tough stuff it's the second time I've used rebar and it's it is tough I know people say it's rubbish but who'd build a block of flats with a rubbish reinforcing I think I'd be too keen if it was rough old took holding the place up anyway that's by the by all I know is it's tough to work so I'm just I've got no real plan I'm sort of doing this as I go along I've now decided like that instant that it's gonna be one-sided not like a dagger so I'm going to start rounding it off towards the tip precise really tough stuff my shoulders aren't up to much these days but I can still shift a bit of metal we're sort of guessing towards what I'm looking at but I wants to be a little bit bigger and this time I want to try and make the blade actually quite thin the blade on the rebuild dagger was actually pretty thick that didn't really matter this one I want to make a little bit dainty er perhaps little less chunky that's a pretty big hammer I'm using and it's not moving an awful lot metal but I'm gonna try and drawl that point out now a bit more length into it keep it this sort of shapes and them rounded bottom to it not sure yet if I'm going to keep the spine straight or whether I'm going to drop the point on it quite often when I make a knife and I keep the spine straight it ends up being dropped because I've bugga the point up so I have to drop the point to make it a point again we'll see what happens this time misfire still old rubbish coal I'm using really dirty coke actually it's coke coal we're getting there it's coming I'm trying to keep it down the middle as well that's always a little bit tricky at times going on to the smaller hammer now as we're getting towards the the end of it these little spiders back there he is he seems to like it when I'm working on the fall she likes to play dangerously he's getting awfully close to a hot bit of metal right I'm gonna get the guillotine tool out now because I want to just define where the blade finishes and where the handle starts at the moment it's a little bit vague so I'm just gonna try and square it out I'm using the square dies and at this time rather than the rounded ones I use the other day I'm just trying to define the lines a little bit I'll probably end up filing them anyway but if I can hammer them in to start with it might help a little bit if you can see that that's sort of defined the two edges now I'm gonna do something at the handle I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna put a bit of a bend in it before we go anywhere near the handle and grind it up a bit because it's obviously much easier hanging onto a two-foot lamp of our five inch lamp a bar now that caught up maybe jump so yeah I'm leaving the the the excess on there at the moment while I give it a bit of a grind I'm starting off with a fairly coarse grit I've got a 36 grit in here at the moment and we'll just take the worst of it off I think perhaps I could have done the worst of it on my big six inch grinder but I didn't really think of that see my cup of Sparks has filled up already that was empty when I started yeah we're getting there it's coming down so I want a reasonably thin this time change belts these are real nasty they've got a real lump in these belts so resisting doing too much on the the platen because you say that's much nicer that's a 120 got great yeah resisting doing too much on the platen because it is such a jump in it that it's often will catch and just snap the Blair the belt straight in half right just going to do a little bit of hand filing now again defining these joins between the hands or than the blade just putting a little hand finish on now I just noticed there's some nasty lines appearing and I think it's this foil is picking up bits and it's really putting some nasty scores in it this is brand new foil but it's doing it again there they are tiny little bits is getting stuck on there and they're putting some really nasty gashes in the in the blade they'll fall out or sand out but I don't know why it's doing it now says his brand new file really nice sharp bit of kit and it's a good like it's a Nicholson I wouldn't have expected it to do that anyway that's I'm gonna leave it like that for now so we've got the handle finished so I'm gonna work out how much I need in my hand and I'm gonna put a bit of shape in it so let's go and work that out right I've worked it out just by feel really that it wants to be about that long that fits my hand nicely now I might put a pommel on the end of it like I did with the rebar dagger I'm not sure yet I'll say let's get this cut off and put some shape in it right I've had to modify some tongs to hold this because the blades in the way it's a bit tricky so I think I'm going to change my mind about the pommel on the end because I think it's going to take too much difficulty to hold it without damaging the blade so I what I'm going to do is just flatten the end out that's about the sort of shape I'm looking for I'm just literally just gonna do that on the end just sort of finish it off like that see already of well look at that got my cabin on and I'm a little bit unsure about straightening it I know how hard this stuff is I know everybody says it's rubbish but I certainly had my doubts as to how rubbish it is so I just warmed it up again I'm just gently straighten that up but up and leave that sort of like that and then try and find some tongues to hold it the other way now hold it sideways across there these might really do it it's not ideal let me go see if I can find some better tongs while that warms up right I found some I'm just gonna put not massive slope on it but a little bit of a taper I'm gonna drill it and put a lanyard hole through it I think I'll just finish it off quite nicely so I'm just putting a bit of a fishtail on here almost around itself out just keep it up Center too bad just eyeballing it I bought it the other way it's to twist around just a touch to stir you have a center I think that's about it so I'm gonna leave that to cool on its own I'm not gonna cool it out and then we'll drill it and then we'll clean it out start with a pilot put a little sensor dot in there start at an angle and then bring it up straight I'm gonna pop out just over quarter inch hole well I think I think this is actually a seven and a half mil drill I was using it for some railings they may be powder-coated and on put some six mil bolts through so it's not a seven and a half mil throw would just about do it that's the powder coatings on there it's gonna catch up I can just tell a bit of grit yeah I know it would it's gonna put a little countersink in there just to finish it off [Music] with no sharp edges do it well I'm gonna do what I wouldn't normally do rebar but I've had so many people say to me on my last video oh why didn't you harden it well people say it's rubbish still you can't harden it so just to prove it one way or the other I'm gonna try hardening it and see what happens so we'll just get this up to critical I've got me oil tank Houghton we'll see what happens yes I think it's pretty similar to basic mild steel though it has seemed very tough to work I think the properties are a pretty much like mile steel which to be fair you can slightly harden because there is so much carbon in ordinary mile steel these days if you get it to Orange and like that critical and quench it you can make a sort of like a spring fuller it's just enough in there so I'm not expecting miracles with this I'll see what happens drip dry for a minute it's been leave it there to cool out for a second get the oil burn the oil off of me tongs right let's see what happens no it's no it's not hard not like it would be with a bit of carbon to the proper carbon steel so well it's I've got it here I'm just gonna take a little bit off the spine you know I said about my point well I've dug at the point a little bit so I'm just gonna drop the point back down and tidy up a bit and then we're gonna clean it out so get me while I brush on it so that's why I brushed up got all the scale off from the oil you can see that's running quite nicely down the centre I'm really pleased with that a natural seam so now I'm just gonna put it on the buffer see if we can shine it up a little bit more this is a like a scotch-brite type wheel if you look on my Amazon page which I'll put a link to in the description you can buy them on there they have 180 grit and they're really good for this type of thing they take a lot of scale off the shine stuff and I can even use them for sharpening my fairies now it's just putting a really fine edge on you know pretty handy they come in they start off at about 6 inches run down to about 4 bar now about an inch wide dead handy now that's hot just give me a light go over the actual rebar part I don't want it too shiny on the rebar part there we go just shined it up a little bit just left the actual handle part of it quite dull I don't like them too shiny you know out mirror I just like a little bit of a satin finish to it proportions wise I'm slightly disappointed I think the handles a little bit too long but it needed to be that long to get my hand in so I think the blade could have been just a touch longer really now has got an edge on it I put a little edge on it but how long it'll stay on there I don't know let's try and cut some paper but there's papers have been in here for ages and is a little bit damp so it's not brilliant well I'm sort of tearing it because it is so damp but it is cutting it it's difficult to cut damp paper that's just gonna tear yeah this has been in here that long this is a pattern no come it's not gonna work yeah there we go leaves cutting it this is a pattern for that horse's head I did a long while ago so it's been in here that long it's that damp anyway there it is here's me spider again running around he likes the old anvil there you go another one for the box not brilliant but something different different from my last one a little project pleased with that spine running up the middle I thought that was going to go well haywire so thanks for watching and we'll catch you on the next one you
Channel: Gary Huston
Views: 124,949
Rating: 4.8408127 out of 5
Keywords: Konjska konja, anvil, welder, blacksmithing, farrier, Ferradura, kengityspaja, Ձիասպորտ, жүру, פרסה, smith, DIY, اسب سواری, 马蹄铁, Podkowa, ہارشوئنگ, UK, Podkev, Fardooley, tongs, Atçılıq, פּאָדקעווע, forge, Móng ngựa, Коњање, knife, ພະມ້າ, blacksmith, hammer, 馬蹄, Підкови, horseshoe, Gary Huston, Атпен, rebar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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