How to Build a Forge: Making a Gas Forge Burner (minimal tools / no welder)

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Any examples of what this would connect to ? And what are the pro's of heating with gas as opposed to solid fuel ?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ILovePugs69 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

Considering building one in the future...

How far would a 9kg gas bottle go as far as heating and forging is concerned? Would I be better opting for a 45kg bottle?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mortalwombat01 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies

OP, Please correct me if I have misidentified anything. From Menard's:

Part SKU $
1" x close black pipe nipple  6861115  0.9
1" to 3/4" reducer  6861103  1.79
3/4" x 10" black pipe  6861085  2.75
1.5" to 3/4" reducer  6861204  3.89
1/4" brass ball valve  6851600  6.19
1/8" x 2.5" yellow brass nipple  6805568  2.19
1/8" to 1/4" bushing  6857202  1.2
1/8" endcap  6805241  1.19
MIG welding tips  2421460  5.99
Subtotal:   26.09
7% Tax   1.83
Total   27.92
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xraymebaby 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
hi welcome back to mix up great stuff today we're gonna make a homemade propane Ford phone Alan what did you do with the parts parts we need for this project our piece of 1 inch cast-iron pipe a 1 inch to 3/4 inch reducer a 9 inch piece of three quarter pipe a 1 and a half inch to 3/4 inch reducer a quarter inch ball valve a 1/8 inch pipe a 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch bushing a 1/8 inch end cap and optionally some MIG welding tips the burner configuration is going to be as such else we need an assortment of tools couple of wrenches center punch a drill and an assortment a drill this if you choose to go the MIG welding tip option will also need a tap the first step is we're going to assemble the cast iron pieces [Music] these can just be hand-tight they're not going to be pressurized this forms the basic body of the burner here at the one and a half to 3/4 inch reducer forms the venturi and we have the body and then the flared end going from 3/4 to 1 inch just slow down there for next to help with our assembly we can put the end cap on the 1/8 inch pipe and just get it as tight as you can by hand you can use a wrench to tighten it up a little more [Music] next if you want to drill the hole through the flange for the 1/8 inch pipe to make this easier we're gonna Center punch where we want the hole and then we're gonna repeat in the same spot on the other side now for drilling this hole I would recommend starting with a small pilot hole and then step up through your drill bits to the final size should be approximately ten and a half millimeters for the 1/8 inch pipe [Music] more power [Music] good enough for government work now that you have the hole drilled all the way through you can test fit the gas pipe well you have the pipe in here you want to make a note of approximately where the center is you can just scratch a line once you check the fitting you can remove it now where this center line is that we scribed that's where we're gonna drill the hole for the gas to exit you're gonna do that using a number 60 drill bit these are very small they're actually made in wire gauges so you're gonna be very careful when you're drilling use very light pressure go slowly to make sure you don't bend or break the drill bit you can also check the drill bit farther back in the drill so there's not as much extended reduces the stress on the drill bit also we want to try to center punch where we want the hole that way the drill bit doesn't wander when we're getting started a tip on Center punching never strike a second time until you've double-checked and made sure the punch is still in the correct spot as it can hop after your first strike [Music] now from here we have two options we can either proceed just with that hole which is what many people do and it works just fine or we can drill the hole larger tap it and put in a MIG welding tip that helps to direct the gas a little more centrally down the burner and helps it perform just slightly better I'm gonna tap it out and use a MIG tip just to show you I'm using an m6 tap and recommended drill bit size on that is five millimeters [Music] now that we have the hole drilled we can tap the hole m6 tap if you don't have a tap wrench you can't hold it using an adjustable wrench not recommended but it'll get the job done in a pinch you just have to be extra careful about holding it perpendicular and square to your work [Music] not a perfect thread but it'll get the job done next we can test fit the big tip and it threads in nicely relatively square for final assembly remove the big tip and you're again sort the pipe back into the fitting just for alignment the hole should centre up with the main body of the pipe then you can turn it 180 degrees line it up to attach the big tip we're going to unscrew the reducer from the body we're gonna wrap some pipe sealing tape around the MiG fitting this helps seal it and also if you suck at cutting threads by hand like myself help takes out some of the error and then you can just thread it in with a pair of needle nose pliers and that makes a nice snug fit now you can have the reducer bushing snug that up with a wrench and finally add your quarter-inch ball valve you'll notice that this spins kind of freely what you can do you can solder or braze this fitting or just add some wire to keep it from spinning but you want to make sure that the MIG tip or if you're just using this hole that's aligned straight down the pipe as you may or may not be able to see we've got the MIG tip pointed straight down the body of the burner and we're gonna try to solder this to hold it in place now this is not going to be a professional soldering job by any means just be more of a hack job we're probably just gonna up with a big glob of solder on there just to hold it in place but we'll see how it goes he appears to be flowing all right this might not work out too bad after all all right the burner is cooled off and as you can see that's nice and secure it's not gonna spin anymore on us here's a look at the final burner it should be powerful enough to heat up most home forges well thank you for watching Allen and I had a great time building this gas Forge burner today we hope you found it useful and insightful we look forward to getting the forge up and running in our next video thanks for watching and please don't forget to subscribe and like
Channel: Make Stuff Nation
Views: 806,839
Rating: 4.6004238 out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, instructions, gas forge buner, how to make, making a, gas forge, blacksmith, blacksmithing, minimal tools, make stuff, forge burner, propane burner, pipe burner, pipe fittings, simple burner, easy forge burner, forging, smithing
Id: thNOSEhcQog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2017
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