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[Music] hi I'm Stephanie and this is my home the sixteenth century château de la la la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of French royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by King Louie the fifteenth to greet Marie Antoinette on her arrival in France but far from being a stuffy Museum this Chateau is a living home I live here all the time and I'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to Lalande a chateau filled with life love and laughter thomas is taking us to see his plans for the Lalande spa all very excited oh it's gonna be great in here actually already suits have the smell of like her always here it's because of the wood smoke from next door that's as well mixed in with it yes yes you found my best li mo within your China look at that you've got an eye Thomas you burnt it out the best the idea to to see them I like your theme because usually stars are just white and clear I like the idea of doing something a bit more rustic is more long doesn't that it's got a nice look to it it has because this looks like burning it that work that is smoke it's from when there must have been a fire in hand I'm a bit torn now because it becomes too painted it loses the rustic feel only whether you combine you keep them all right rustic but then half like high luxury stuff around it so it doesn't appear like you've forgotten to paint the walls yeah removing these signs from the door would be good please leave this room in the state of cleanliness which you would like to find it in on entering quite a grumpy side that virtue isn't it I think it's where they sword hence the no-smoking is where they stored all of the petrol and stuff for the garden and a lot of the garden equipment this is really and we've got another one have really one okay so we'll have the other one and I was too tired to bring the other and the other ones from here yeah great that would be good to have to inhale be lovely that big mirror will be here yes Oh makeup okay and then I can make that into curtains for you I agree the fabric is stunning and s change does this work I think whatever that is it needs to go or I prefer not to because I was afraid to open and never and imagine what it will be like in June when all of those roses the pink roses are out and these patterns are made by races everything yes yes oh you sent him to your spa menu like a relaxing massage full-body facial massage monstrous speak to me but that's my worth but that is my feet I know you doing the hairstyle yeah they do chop the hair yeah like blue either diet [Laughter] a different color and a way of a face massage please good good you first quarter some masters yesterday all right I mean I think I'd like to be the guinea pig do I get a discount because I'm the first first first client especially opening offer before until the opening night or free playing client are you sure you are the guinea pig just looking from you can art that's a good point yeah yeah Oh hit him where it hurts Thomas you don't need to pay 20 euros a painting print you drive a hard bargain Thomas I like it this fabric is longer than we need so I can also make curtains for the front of that in the same fabric yeah that was great because it gives us the idea it gives us the color Michael it's particularly pleased with it frames you nicely Michael I notice you've been very quiet about asking for hairstyles and I think Michael might think he's already found perfection oh my goodness Oliver do you remember all the dental couples massage only a knife what kind of spy you have in mind we've got Bollinger vodka this is the niche button to read on a spa you can relax you can hydrate can detox you can do a lot of different things no first you have to help me to bring my okay tell you what let's go and get the massage table let's do it having this beautiful bed spreads the floor landscape to us with a matching pillow I like it peeking out the yellow in the wallpaper yeah bring color you saw that I founded the Maison parts from the walls I know it wasn't the difference it was only the bed here is quite cushion for that know when a king have you been dressing these rooms yeah Thomas has been I'm sure I love the yellow in hair it's very very nice and this is what Thomas has found they were in the Attic yeah it's full of these missing parts it's computers to why they hang off but we have them so the whole room and things start with your Mediterranean so this is the complete desolate now it's looking a bit more like a shack say yeah we'll need a big square pillow but that's going to look lovely that's not forget we're up here for okay here we have the massage table all of I think you've misunderstood what you are coming up for so I think you and I have to carry it with him on it Thomas yeah yeah okay yeah maybe you want to get off okay let's go she's quite relaxed already like I think you're very to better men for this job nice dream team isn't it really I thought it was really happy do you know that was a gift that massage table from Donna and I know mazing you nice of them thank you Thomas is the king of getting things through here believe me I've seen I've seen impossible things go through here before when Thomas if it's in here you okay take care of the first step please please be careful all of us known you for 27 years let's make it 28 right of vanity such a manly things know that point it's the massage table going through to the new spa and your spa yeah who's going to be doing the massage Thomas I'm okay for the moment are you working on by the way yeah you got to be careful through your pekka's guests this man is only been here for how long all of us strong yeah yeah you know strong is his rating in I think you thought the same cough so we had a big leak did we no big leak you knows what Niagara Falls and it was just because the water on basin had been temporarily what's he doing wiggling the wash-hand basin I think you go that much told me that when I volunteer for this task I thought it's gonna be in a quick brownie points I didn't quite realize you it was going to involve like some sort of like [Laughter] [Laughter] we conclude to rush on this particularly relaxing this is where you're going to be doing your own your business what kind of bar is this I just you know Malcolm you just like yeah this'll work for us we we let the meat softer after we put in the overlap can you see the pummel thing on his back that was really good Jerry put down that weapon Oh Georgie don't need to be armed for your mother straight it's a very popular treatment with the men in the [Music] hundred two hundred you know you should become me you know you're the first person in Cecil Thomas I think you have done magnificently so far and there is a long way to go but it's going to look great Thomas two o'clock tomorrow thank you a song haircut and how do you masturbate you do your Taher yeah that's my reason I bought that machine yesterday washer yeah with my service hmm Tommy Jerry so this is the half the half way you've done this and it's going to be nice when it's finished it's going to be really nice he's a man supposed to measure everything before the doors are made Stephanie thirty times today being double today's a proper measurement I thought it was very very quick but it will not be very quick it would be about three weeks could be responsible for these losses Herceptin school body for Dad oh she come so we really love have a we exactly mom remember what we don't you think mummy I'm having one big sideways window we're adding a little strip to make it look as though it's smaller window so that I so I'm gonna it will be one door yes it was worrying me that one main of area it was too modern yes very much so we circumcised so DC Dumas [ __ ] okay it's incredibly frustrating because the company who are going to be replacing three of our doors for lovely double glazed ones are very behind because of lockdown but of course all of France stops for holidays throughout August so nothing can happen till September this is it today's the day we've got deadlines we don't want to miss that a relatively small piece of needs to cook just a tiny little one oh good greasy this I'll just explain this has been in our freezer yeah for some time and I had no idea what to do with it eat it well that's what we're gonna do today Oliver ever sweet it won't fit in the oven so that obviously put me off cooking it for some time but now we have Gerald here Gerald has got the oven going right out there is waiting an anticipation for you to put the meat into the oven I think 15 minutes ago so he's still there poor chap okay so we play some sort of marinade on that we have to of course it's really easy to carry for me because I'm so strong be kind of thing a little bit more I think that is pretty pretty good on you like meat chef or something I want something like with elect within this it's not going to happen like floral yeah no we specialize in beautiful vintage aprons thank you I'm just gonna go for this double double a turn I think this one would go best with my dress okay this is bad Rosemary's yes do we have any time margarine margarine mothers I'm going to get the margarine okay geez you have a lot of margarine beautiful and it can you smell that yeah Wow it's incredible isn't it yeah that's gonna cover up that's gonna mask a myriad of cooking sins I'm going to take lots of this because a we've got a lot and B we can just put it all around the meat and smother it in olive oil a little just infuse perfect where is the mighty Scott man oh he always does the most beautiful job of the fire there any problem is that when L half an hour late and mummys demanding 7 o'clock bright we could try a cocktail or seven at 7:30 we'll be hungry I think I've got another booking the center Oh they break often the ceiling was weight okay that's when you can tell us about 300 degrees yes have no move to the web I won the Red Hawk our boss just to keep going yes because we want a hot when we put it in yeah and close the door ruin oh yeah and then and then we'll see I stopped the fire and let it just slowly starts moving don't be the turkey and that worked well you just such a beautiful turkey but we're gonna need your advice here Joe because we've never done this before anything that worries me is that we are making a guess these it means gonna take how long four hours or four hours do you think that's right well quite a stone that's true we've got yeah we're gonna pour the promised by the same tunicates yeah okay you know so we'll just keep the longer the better if we can give mommy a cocktail at 7:00 and distract her till 7:30 that gives us an extra half an hour so we're waiting for we're just going to put the marjoram here's the Mottram around it a bit of garlic no olive oil salt and pepper and bring it over to you it's a ready to be ready sir I reckon 1012 minutes canvas money yeah but then we have to faff around finding the right apron combination for incisions is teamwork Rashida's my husband being team we're like this between ourselves on diversity and like a little brother perhaps some commanders bulletin I have no idea what that's human [Music] tradition a sous chef actually cook rather than face bro what am I telling all these funny was going to make a pudding this berry crumble gooseberry and robot plessis when your little bench [Laughter] I think it's important for quality control purposes to just check now and again to make sure the quality is still high so how many of you checked compared with how many you've picked these are so good they are the best things in the garden at the moment these red gooseberries a Lalonde fruit crumble yeah it's gonna be amazing it's my favorite do you remember the time when your mom when I came to visit you when you lived in Suffolk and your mum made a crumble oh I'll never forget it and the worst crumble anyone had ever tasted it took me I think about halfway through everyone eating the crumble just to ask whether there was any fruit in it I found out she forgotten but the reason the crumble show everyone the severe workplace injury right place injury yeah look at that this is a dangerous place you think this is it's like Anna Dillon garden it's actually fought the danger was it for the good breeze I don't think that you did the appropriate health and safety training before we did that thing that's just a nice innocent cos bluefish but it wasn't gonna give up very easily well you didn't give up easy but look how many we got I feel we won in the end it's not bad no we won yes that's how you usually dress in the garden so Stephanie yes wonder we're gonna make a crumble so I just need to literally run and get my camera no you look magnificent this is how I would like to work in the garden knows it well you should Shh this is a go gonna make a great painting she's got of course look at the pond look at that it's about time vision of loveliness that time that Isabel was again recorded on canvas for posterity this will make such a beautiful painting can you lift your heart up just slightly yes it should be yeah I just need to be able to that's it that's really nice that's really lovely I've picked the rhubarb I'm very pleased I wanted the rhubarb to be good I'm making dopey mashed potatoes because of you Oliver he wanted don't be mashed potatoes tonight yeah we're game for two of my favorites we're going for the crumble which is mainly crispy but a little bit of rhubarb and this other one so I've been busy slicing potatoes while Stephanie's been uploading blogs when Stephanie said chop all the potatoes I was a little bit worried but she's introduced me to this and I love you know what this is but if you don't this is a vital piece of equipment for making Dorf it was this is very exciting for Oliver because he has never used one or even seen one before apparently it's actually extremely dangerous because if you get it wrong by by finger yes so you have to use that special guard so normally you have a chopping board here but we don't worry about such detail so you put the potato on like this and then you do this so you're saying you enjoy doing this massive pile of potatoes yeah well this is why we will say many people I couldn't stop I was just gonna actually get an extra bag my hands worried yeah we are look beautiful dolphin was and it's incredibly thin that's superb all of us we put butter in the bottom we've got the sliced potatoes and I'm going to layer them up with salt pepper and cheese in between some cloves of garlic and then I'm going to cover the whole thing with lots of cream yeah lots of cream and a little bit of milk very nice this is a special gauge yes this is the special goat cheese but we need to finish this one and get some new goat cheese into the house and whenever I make a dirty Noirs I put lots of little bits of cheese that we have lining around different ones in the different layers and it's gonna be really good with us we barely touch this potato it's gonna take a long time yes okay just at the beginning we put lots of cream in I'm just topping up with a little milk there's loads of cheese and butter we've got a crisis apparently the meat is not cooking and this is this is a problem because mommy doesn't like to eat late what's this we're hearing crisis yeah I reckon it's gonna be a half past seven well I think let's not slow cook it how about that hey how about we change the rest of our fast cooking I'm gonna actually get much bigger flames no bigger flames and then push it closer to it yeah that's exactly my idea brilliant new we've got the expert on this I don't know why we were worried you should focus our efforts I'm thinking on a suitably strong cocktail to distract your mother for perhaps 45 minutes can you do that Oh your charm should manage it 45 ah Isabel yeah we need to really something really strong half north here he's a man who works well under pressure oh yeah yeah once we get this born there but we can't we can't stay here we've got to go and make the crumble why did you see that one just fly a couple more months probably still so tiny you hear that I like the sizzling that's a nice sound we have just tasted the lamb and it's absolutely delicious but we think half an hour more consume close to perfection yes let's get it just right this is really very good and we don't to spoil it [Music] Gerald did us proud oh it's perfect Thomas I think this is your triumph so far this table beautiful I am so not liking that we not aligned well there's a last-minute thing and it's family these are Limoge plates from Beth Napa door I love this gorgeous and all of the flowers are from the garden this is the important missing ingredient mummy and Michael Patrick's red currant jelly with the red currants from the garden oh yeah I think we did pretty well we did mr. Jerry is socially distancing outside but he did what is on would happen and mummy yes without Jerry deadly showdown to Jerry's so here on the quarantine table you've been strangely affected by my gooseberry and rhubarb crumble was absolutely faint and then as soon as that is a huge thank you to all of our patrons at Leyland who are making this vlog possible especially our doofah endorphine of Lalonde alice allen anna daniela damn banda Denise Behrens Danelle been a kovitch Linda see Bradley Veronica Castillo Donna Davis Zuri dork Sakura Dennis lurid amare Jackie Ellison Nicholas W Fairfax Tracy Ferrari Caroline first - Brenda Gibbons abigail grant Brenda Harris d'Alene Holbrooke Jacqueline Holmes Helen Jacobs yeh Durland ether Jimmy Camp David samel alarm Janet off Lombard Shannon maitla Meredith Nina Messick Robert Miller Catherine or JC award MP Maureen Palmer Tanya Rene Yvonne and Peter Richards are JB candy Robinson Bettina Roger honey Ross Barbara schmelzer Sven Schreiber Lisa Schultz Jennifer shanks Nancy Simmons Patti sue who Susan Stevens Sarah in Killeen Troyer tomislav line each brandy Walton Aaron Windish Greg would Brian Woodward David Young and Ludovico's ordinate zone and thank you to all of you [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 133,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, chateau, chateau renovation, doing it ourselves, escape to chateau, diy, potager, renovation, cooking, spa
Id: uyjvIrdNA50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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