The Challenges With Building A Jaeger in Real Life | PACIFIC RIM

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my friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is Alan when I walked into theaters in 2013 to see Pacific Rim my expectations were low and I thought I was about to see another low-quality transformer like movie but instead Pacific Rim became one of my favorite movies of that year beating out films like gravity American hustle pain and gain World War Z Ironman green and even Scorsese's wolf of Wall Street a lot of this had to do with director Guillermo del Toro's ability to personify these giant mechs called Yeager's in a way only a wide-eyed child could each one of the acres felt and looked different even the way they moved and fought was unique to the operators inside of them in an industry that is increasingly relying on flash over substance del Toro did not lose sight of what was most important with these gigantic robot versus kaiju movies and that was the large conveyance themselves when a movie is as good as Pacific Rim it's very easy to suspend disbelief so what would be tacky and ridiculous in a worst movie automatically becomes awesome epic and hilarious in a movie like Pacific Rim but like any good nerd I started wondering after a few rewatch is just how realistic these Check Into gamers were and whether we'd be able to see them one day walking around defending our coastlines from aquatic threats in the near future because you guys know we're really worried about those aquatic threats and that's why we're gonna take a look at these jaegers today and figure out just how realistic they are it really doesn't take a mechanical engineer it's immediately realize that the Eggers don't make that much sense one of the biggest problems with their design is their sheer size and therefore weight you see due to most materials strengths limitations most designs are not scalable to infinite size especially on a planet like Earth with some pretty intense gravity take a look at arthropods for instance they don't have internal skeletons like mammals and reptiles instead they possess an exoskeleton made out of chitin these kites and exoskeletons are relatively heavy because they have to cover the entire body of an arthropod this does provide the arthropods with extra protection but actually severely limit their size if arthropods were to grow to the size of a human their kites and exoskeletons would be so heavy that it's possible that it would collapse under its own weight more importantly the muscles from an arthropod would not be strong enough to actually move it around this is what most larger animals that have skeletons are usually vertebrates and have internal bone structures instead of chitin armored bones are generally lighter than chitin and certain types of bones like the ones found in avians are hollow this is why birds can fly and humans need to be exposed to massive amounts of radiation before they can do the same so one of the more important factors is power-to-weight ratio but also thanks to magical powers like gravity biomechanics and mathematics even vertebrates have a limit in size with their bones the square-cube law states that as something gets larger its volume grows much faster than its surface area when applied to biomechanics as a creature size increases by the power of three their muscular strength would only increase by the power of two this is why large animals are generally slower and more methodical in their movements and why strawweight fighters can throw significantly more punches in around than a heavyweight fighter when applied to engineering the increase of masses cubed while the surface area is only squared which means that when an object moves acceleration exerts far more pressure relative to the surface area and since we're using the same building material that increase in acceleration might put more pressure on the building material and it could become prone to collapse this is why your wooden toothpick bridge works at a smaller scale but at a larger scale you would probably need a different and tougher material this is also why Boeing 737s and a380s have different wing ratios another real-life situation that uses the square-cube law is the different wing ratios between a Boeing 737 and a a380 now if we simply just scaled up a 737 to the size of a 380 its wings would be far too small for the aircraft's weight the a380 actually has a much larger wingspan to fuselage ratio when compared the 737 a Jaeger like [ __ ] danger is 260 feet tall and weighs around 1980 tons which means it has a similar size to weight ratio to the independence class littoral combat ship which is a run 418 feet in length and weighs 3000 400 times the independence class features a trimaran hull which allows it to move around at pretty fast speeds of 40 knots but the independence class is also compact in shape and there's minimal stress on the structure from gravitational forces [ __ ] danger on the other hand is built in a bipedal form and moves and operates like a human would an article on Zim Bo made some calculations and infer that the jaegers design is just far too heavy for our current technology and material science to build and keep standing like a human let alone move around like one one of the major issues is the arms because the designers made the robots in human ratio they weigh of ridiculous amounts if the arms are just 6% of the total weight of the acre they would be around a hundred and eighteen tons each it would require thirteen point six million pounds of torque for the jaegers arm to move from its side up to parallel to the ground the most powerful engine in the world the wärtsilä RT flex 96 C diesel engine is used to push around a 400 meter long container ship this engine produces around 5 million pounds of torque and is considered extremely efficient for its size and fuel consumption but even with these powerful engines you would still need three of them to move a Yeager's arm from its side to parallel which is a problem because just one of these engines weighs twenty three hundred tons which is more than what the entire [ __ ] danger structure weighs even stranger marshal stacker Pentecost claims that [ __ ] danger has made out of pure iron and knots alloy metals pure iron is basically too soft and reactive for any type of serious structural construction the strongest materials that we do have available are usually alloys which combine metals with other metals or nonmetals that create a superior strength hardness and other desirable qualities now even if [ __ ] danger had some the futuristic propulsion system that allowed it to move around like how we see it does in the movies or maybe if the Eggers were fighting in zero-gravity or on a low gravity moon or planets oh yeah you're built with our most advanced material still would not be able to handle the stress of basic movements let alone melee combat with a gigantic kaiju for instance [ __ ] dangers rocket punch is the equivalent of a Boeing 747 slamming into a wall at around 60 miles per hour a quick look at any airplane crash shows us exactly what happens through advancement allows when they hit unmovable objects even the strongest metal alloys with the most hardness are still brittle when they absorb massive amounts of kinetic force unlike soft organic flesh and composite materials that can absorb energy and spread it out over a wider area the jaegers are also constantly fighting underwater or in shallow seas from anyone's ever try to walk through a pool they know that water resistance makes it incredibly hard for even the strongest individuals to move around at fast speeds the Eggers would have a lot of problems fighting and moving around even in a shallower area like Victoria Harbour as a matter of fact judging my water depth maps around Hong Kong these acres should be far more submerged than what we're seeing in this movie then there's the whole idea of drifting and mind-melding that these pods have to do in order to pilot these monstrosity x' now this is a really cool story element and it does make each Jaeger feel unique the fact that the pilots can feel incoming damage and are mentally connected to the jaegers make these giant hulks of metal film all that more alive this is all great then there's the fact that the law says that the neural load and mental strength required to control Jaeger is way too much for a single person to handle so it requires two people the special connections who work together and move these gigantic machines again very cool but all of this stuff makes absolutely no sense and is kind of unnecessary the size of the machine should not increase the physical and mental stress of a pilot's even before steer-by-wire or fly-by-wire controls were invented there were plenty of different assists that made driving large things relatively pain-free also something as simple as a motion capture suit like the ones we use when playing VR should give up pilot pretty accurate and responsive controls and one of the hell would you give the pilots pain feedback dialed up to such high intensities that I can potentially stun them if you think about it it's not even necessary for a Jaeger pilots to be inside of the Jaeger they should be able to pilot it remotely with very limited latency issues so I think we've given you guys enough proof that the construction and propulsion of a giant Jaeger along with how they pilot it is pretty much impractical and also impossible but now let's take a look at the practicality of the design because when facing a threat like giant kaijus humanity won't automatically just assume a giant robot it was the best design not only is it a complete waste of resources and not very efficient it's also really super topology resources into one vehicle as awesome as these giant Yeager's are they usually only have one plasma gun or one sword at their disposal it'd be a much better idea to build multiple vehicle platforms with multiple weapons now after all most of these countries are melee fighters and have limited range abilities multiple vehicles allow humanity to keep most of their people safe and away from the kaiju since the destructive force of these beasts was so massive the best offenses evasion and not trying to block their strength with giant metal limbs a lot of these countries also don't have the ability to fly which means something like a fleet of ac-130 gunships would be able to stay on station and constantly bombard a country with massive 105 millimeter shells used to take out tanks and bunkers so as you can see there are a lot of things in Pacific Rim that doesn't really make all that much sense but let me know in the comments section below if I've missed anything or if there's anything that you think the movie gets rights also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome contents my name is Allen reminding you that life is a movie and you are the protagonist
Channel: Generation Films
Views: 718,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pacific Rim, Jaeger, Can we build Jaegers, Can we build pacific rim Jaegers, How realistic are Jaegers from Pacific Rim, Gispy Danger, Best Jaegers, Pacific Uprising, How to build a Jaeger, is it possible to build a jaeger, crimson tide, cherno alpha, kaiju, mark iv jaeger, mark 4 jaeger, mark 5 jaeger, hong kong, the breach, shaterdomes, category five Kaiju, Jaeger vs kaiju, gispy danger elbow rocket, Gispy danger sword, gispy danger plasma cannon
Id: uc8zDUC6hIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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