The Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster - Explained (Minute by Minute)

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73 seconds after launch. The Challenger space shuttle rises higher and  higher toward space. Its iconic white solid rocket   boosters roar as flames spew out the back of them.  The flight crew has continued to communicate with   launch control since lift-off. No one knows that  anything is wrong and that in the next second,   tragedy will strike. A fire rages along the  side of the right booster as fuel escapes   due to a compromised seal. In moments, the  supporting struts connecting the rockets to   the orange external fuel tank will experience a  catastrophic failure. The booster will slam into   the tank. The rocket fuel will ignite,  and there will be a massive explosion. April 4, 1983: T minus 2 years and 9  months until the Challenger disaster. “All systems go. Prepare for liftoff,” mission  control says over the intercom to the Challenger   flight crew. This will be the space shuttle's  maiden voyage. The boosters ignite, and the184   foot, 4.5-million-pound space shuttle thrusts  toward space. The first mission was a success,   and the Challenger space shuttle will end up  flying 6 more missions that year. The shuttle   is reliable, but every time it launches into  space and lands after re-entry, a toll is taken   on the spacecraft. Constant repairs need to be  made while old components are swapped out for   new ones. Engineers who work on the shuttle day  in and day out warn NASA that the stresses that   constant missions to space place on the space  shuttle may lead to tragedy in the future. July 19, 1985 T minus 6 months  until the Challenger disaster. “We are pleased to inform you that you have  been selected to become the first teacher   to go to space.” Christa McAuliffe can’t believe  the words she has just read. Several months ago,   she submitted her application to the  NASA Teacher in Space Project along with   11,000 other educators. Never in her wildest  dreams did she believe she would be chosen.   However, this letter confirms that she will, in  fact, be going to space and that she will be lucky   enough to share this incredible experience with  students across the country when she gets back. McAuliffe teaches at Concord High  School in New Hampshire. When she   tells her colleagues the news, they  are elated. Her family, friends,   and students are all extremely happy for her.  As a part of the Teacher in Space Project,   she will conduct two lessons from orbit and embark  on a lecture series across the United States to   share her experience with students. This will  be done to highlight the importance of teachers   in the country and hopefully inspire students  to pursue careers in technology and science. Over the next several months, McAuliffe  joins her fellow crewmates at Johnson   Space Center in Houston, Texas, where they  train and prepare for their coming mission.   Francis R. Scobee will be the commander  of the spacecraft. In April of 1984,   he piloted Challenger mission STS-41-C which  deployed a new satellite and repaired a damaged   satellite before returning to Earth. Since then,  he has been an instructor pilot for the Shuttle's   747 carrier aircraft. This will be his first  space command, and he couldn’t be more excited. Piloting the mission will be Michael J. Smith.  He has flown 28 different types of civilian and   military aircraft and logged 4,867 hours  of flight time. Judith A. Resnik will be   one of the mission specialists on board.  Resnik had been part of Astronaut Group 8,   which was the first to include women on the  team. She has developed a variety of software   and procedures that are utilized throughout  NASA. She has been to space before aboard   the STS-41-D mission in August 1984. This was the  very first mission of the space shuttle Discovery. Two other mission specialists are a  part of the Challenger crew as well.   Ronald E. McNair flew aboard Challenger in  February 1984 during mission STS-41-B. It   was on this mission that he became the second  African American man to fly in space. Ellison   S. Onizuka was the first Asian American  and the first person of Japanese origin   to reach space during his time aboard the  space shuttle Discovery during STS-51-C. The final crew member aboard the upcoming  Challenger launch designated STS-51-L is   Gregory B. Jarvis. He’s the payload specialist.  This will be his first time in space, although   he had been slated to fly aboard a different  shuttle in April of 1985, but his spot was given   to U.S. senator Jake Garn instead. Then a similar  situation happened again in early January 1986   when U.S. representative Bill Nelson took his  place aboard another space shuttle. Now Jarvis   finally has the opportunity to reach space where  he can put his astronaut training to good use.   But like every other member of the crew, he will  never actually make it beyond Earth’s atmosphere. January 22, 1986: T minus 6 days  until the Challenger disaster. The Challenger crew eagerly awaits confirmation  of whether their mission is a go or not. A   high-ranking NASA officer enters the room with  a frown on his face. “Sorry about this crew,   but we’re going to have to delay your mission  until 61-C gets back. Their assignment ran into   delays, and their shuttle isn’t due to land  until tomorrow.” The Challenger crew looks   at one another in dismay. They are eager to  get going. Every mission to space is special,   and even for veteran astronauts,  it’s what they dream about doing   every night. It’s as if the stars are  beckoning them to reach for the unknown. January 27, 1986: T minus 1 day  until the Challenger disaster. Challenger mission STS-51-L is planned to have  an early morning lift-off the following day.   The astronauts toss and turn in their beds in  anticipation. A chill sweeps across Florida   as if foreshadowing the ominous events that  will happen in the coming hours. The launch   pad becomes covered in thick ice; the metals  that make up the space shuttle and boosters   contract slightly with the cold. As engineers  check the spacecraft over and over again to   make sure it’s in an acceptable condition for  launch, a disturbing realization surfaces. “Sir, I want to reiterate that I am concerned  about the reliability of the seals in the   rockets,” an engineer explains to  his superior. For over two years,   the engineers and technicians that work  in the shuttle program have warned that   the space shuttles are being overused.  The crafts are sturdy and well made,   but every machine has its breaking point,  and it feels as if, after dozens of flights,   it’s only a matter of time before something  tragic happens. The NASA official acknowledges   the engineer's concern but does nothing  more. The launch will commence as scheduled,   regardless of the warnings voiced by the men  and women working directly with the spacecraft. January 28, 1986: 9:00 a.m.: T minus 2 hours  and 38 minutes until the Challenger disaster. The sun is rising higher and higher over the  Atlantic Ocean. A crowd gathers around Cape   Canaveral to watch the launch at Kennedy Space  Center scheduled for later that morning. There   are members of the press, local residents, and  people who have traveled from around the world   to watch the launch. Many are there to witness  the historic event of the first teacher to go   to space. Excitement and anticipation fill  the air. This will be the 25th space shuttle   launch and the 10th Challenger mission.  All other flights have been successful,   so there is no reason to suspect  today should be any different. The astronauts don their suits and proceed  to their launch vehicle. They are greeted by   cheers as they step off their transport and  proceed towards the elevator that will carry   them to the cockpit of the Challenger.  Mission control in Houston prepares to   track and monitor the space shuttle's progress.  Telemetry coming in from hundreds of sensors is   recorded and double-checked to make sure that  Challenger is ready. The astronauts strap in,   and the shuttle door is sealed behind them.  The cockpit is quiet except for the sounds   of switches being engaged while Socbee and  Smith check the systems on board. There is   a sense of anxiousness, excitement, and pride  as the seven-person crew prepares for launch. McAuliffe looks out the window directly  ahead of her at the blue sky. Just beyond   the atmosphere lies the edge of space. A bird  flies pasts; McAuliffe smiles. Soon she will   be doing something that only a handful  of people in all of history have done.   She checks her safety harness and leans  back in her seat, releasing a long sigh. Besides the crew, the shuttle also  carries a Tracking and Data Relay   Satellite designated TDRS-B. Also in the  cargo bay is the Spartan Halley spacecraft,   which is designed to be released from Challenger  to study Halley’s Comet for two days while the   celestial object approaches the sun. The small  satellite will then be picked up by the Challenger   crew and brought back to Earth so scientists can  analyze the data it has collected. Tragically,   no one and nothing aboard Challenger will  survive to perform this series of tests. January 28, 1986: 11:38: T  minus 10 seconds until launch. Due to weather conditions, the launch  has been delayed yet again. However,   the atmosphere is beginning to  cooperate. The sky clears up,   and the wind clams. Commander Scobee and Pilot  Smith check their sensors and instruments one   last time as they prepare for the rockets to fire.  Mission control reaches the end of its countdown. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. We have main engine  start. 4. 3. 2. 1 and liftoff. Moments before the engines ignite and the space  shuttle rises, the solid rocket ignition command   is sent. The boosters roar to life. The space  shuttle and earth around the launchpad begin   to shake. The sound travels across the water and  reaches the bystanders watching the space shuttle   launch from miles away. Astronaut Judy Resnik is  heard over the intercom. “All right!” she yells. Challenger Space Shuttle achieves liftoff. After the rockets ignite eight 25-inch-long,  7-inch-wide exploding bolts fire. The Challenger   space shuttle is free to rise into the  sky. The deafening boom of the engines,   massive amounts of smoke, and intense heat roll  across the launch pad. A quarter of a second   after launch, sensors record the first vertical  motion of Challenger as it begins its ascent. Unknown to anyone on board or at mission control,   an abnormal black smoke is seeping out of the  right solid rocket booster near the location of   one of the O-ring joints. This is the first sign  that something is about to go terribly wrong. 1 second after liftoff. “Here we go!” Pilot Michael Smith  says over the intercom. As the space   shuttle proceeds toward the heavens, the  black smoke coming from the right rocket   seems to be slowing down. 3 seconds after liftoff. Launch commentator Hugh Hariss has just finished  the countdown and pauses for a moment to watch.   He announces on NASA-SELECT television,  “Liftoff of the 25th space shuttle mission,   and it has cleared the tower." The  abnormal black smoke coming from   the bottom of the solid rocket booster  appears to have disappeared completely. 5 seconds after liftoff. All systems go. There are no anomalies  detected by anyone at this point in the   launch. The three liquid-fueled main engines  on the back of the space shuttle are throttled   up from 90% to 104% thrust. Everything is  going according to plan. At mission control,   data processing systems engineer A.F. Algate  confirms liftoff. There is a cheer in the room   then everyone immediately goes back to monitoring  their stations. Suddenly, there is a data blackout   from the space shuttle. No one panics. This is to  be expected as the flames and structures around   the launch complex interfere with the radio  signals being sent to the antenna complex. But there is one piece of data that is slightly  unnerving. “I’m reading the internal pressure   on the right-side booster to be 11.8 pounds  per square inch higher than normal,” one of   the technicians in mission control says. The  rocket is still within acceptable parameters,   but this initial data point will be used later on   to identify when the Challenger space  shuttle began to run into trouble. 8 seconds after liftoff. Once Challenger is in the open air, Pilot  Smith begins a roll maneuver that puts the   crew in a heads down position so the top  of the space shuttle is pointing towards   the Earth and the bright orange external  fuel tank is towards the sky. "Houston,   Challenger. Roll program," Commander  Scobee says over the intercom. "Roger roll, Challenger," Astronaut Dick  Covey says from mission control. "Good roll,   flight," Flight dynamics officer Brian  Perry confirms from the control room.   19 seconds after liftoff. The Challenge space shuttle begins  to shake. There is a sudden violent   thrust to the side. The crew grits their  teeth as Michael Smith pulls on the flight   stick slightly. With the help of the NAV  system, the space shuttle realigns itself,   and Challenger is back on course. "Looks like  we've got a lot of wind here today,” says Smith   over the intercom. Commander Scobee confirms  the assessment. They begin throttling down the   three main engines of the space shuttle to 94%  thrust as planned at this point in the flight. 21 seconds after liftoff. Challenger’s roll maneuver is completed,  and all systems confirm it is on the proper   trajectory to reach orbit. Commander  Scobee looks out the cockpit window,   hoping to get a glimpse of the land  below. "It's a little hard to see   out my window here,” he says. The  engines continue to throttle down. 28 seconds after liftoff. "There's 10,000 feet, and Mach point  five,” Smith says over the intercom.   Challenger is now traveling at half the speed  of sound and is 10,000 feet above the surface   of the planet. It’s at this point that the  space shuttle begins reaching the region of   maximum aerodynamic pressure. Mission control  confirms that engines are throttling down to   94% and remind the flight crew that they will be  throttling down to 65% thrust in a few seconds. 35 seconds after liftoff. Smith begins to throttle down the engines some  more. All data indicates that the shuttle’s   computer systems are making the proper adjustments  to deal with the wind shear. 5 seconds later,   Smith confirms that they have reached  Mach 1. Scobee adds that they are passing   19,000 feet in altitude. 45 seconds after liftoff. There is a bright flash slightly behind the  space shuttle’s right wing. Moments later,   there is a second bright flash. 48 seconds after liftoff. A third flash appears downstream  of Challenger's right wing.   The crew can’t see these ominous explosions,  but a 70-millimeter tracking camera captures   them as it zooms in on the shuttle for  a close-up view. Everyone who is viewing   the footage is baffled at what they are  witnessing. Suddenly an orange ball of   flames erupts from under the right wing. This  fireball is coming from the right booster. The Challenger crew and mission control  have no idea that anything is wrong as   the space shuttle’s telemetry  all reads nominal. The fireball   from under the wing merges with the  flames of the solid rocket boosters. 58 seconds after liftoff. Challenger accelerates past 1,539 miles per  hour or 2,477 kilometers per hour. It has an   altitude of 26,127 feet or 7,963.5 meters.  Scobee gives the command to throttle the   engines back as planned. Smith confirms the  command. Mission control confirms that the   three engines of the space shuttle  have throttled down to 65% thrust. While this is happening, the tracking  camera on the ground observes the first   evidence that there is now something seriously  wrong with the right solid rocket booster. An   abnormal plume of smoke has begun pouring  out of the rocket. The Challenger crew has   no sensors in the cockpit that display the  performance of the solid rocket boosters and,   therefore, are unaware that  they are in serious danger. A second later, Challenger passes through the  region of maximum aerodynamic pressure, which   pushes against the space shuttle and its boosters  with 720 pounds of pressure per square foot or   7,750 pounds per square meter. The plume of smoke  coming from the side of the booster intensifies. Inside the booster itself, an O-ring has  disintegrated, the very same component   that engineers at NASA were warning would fail  if the space shuttle launches were not dialed   back. The O-ring on the booster was meant  to seal the joints between separate parts   of the rocket and prevent the leaking  of fluids and gasses from one chamber   to another. With the O-ring destroyed, fuel  is making its way through the booster and   igniting due to the intense heat of the flames.  A continuous inferno is expelled from the right   booster along the side furthest away from the  space shuttle. The windows in the cockpit give   Scobee and Smith limited visibility, and they  are not able to see the fire from the shuttle. 60 seconds after liftoff. "Feel that mother go!" Smith says over the  intercom. Another member of the crew is heard   yelling with joy in the background. At that  moment, mission control receives data that   indicates the internal pressure in the right  side solid rocket booster has begun to drop.   It’s not known at the time, but this severe drop  in pressure is the result of the hole created by   the ignited fuel spewing out the side of  the rocket where the O-ring has failed. The flames pouring out of the side of  the rocket begin to lick the fitting   attachments that couple the back end of the  booster to the external fuel tank on the   underside of the space shuttle. This starts  to degrade the integrity of the couplings. 62 seconds after liftoff. Challenger shudders once again from high  wind speeds. The shuttle rolls slightly   to compensate as it passes 35,000 feet and  approaches Mach 1.5. The wind is worse than   predicted and stronger than any of the  previous 24 shuttle missions. However,   it’s still within acceptable limits, even if  it puts slightly more stress on the shuttle. 64 seconds after liftoff. The flame in the right side booster changes shape  suddenly as the heat from the fire melts through   metal plating, and liquid hydrogen begins  to fuel the fire. The glow on the outside of   the booster intensifies. As the force of the  raging fire builds up, it begins to move the   engine nozzle in large arcs. This momentum  begins to shift the space shuttles course,   which the computer then adjusts for. The  right booster’s thrust levels are thrown   off due to the leaking fuel and fire burning  on the side. However, the NAV system manages   to compensate. Tremors vibrate through the  cockpit as the hydrogen fuel is ignited but   gets lost in the turbulence experienced due  to the massive acceleration and wind sheers. 66 seconds after liftoff. "Throttle up, three at 104,” mission control says  over the com. Houston and the Challenger flight   crew are still unaware of the fire coming  out of the middle of the right booster,   and other than a drop in pressure, there is no  indication that there is a serious problem. The   fire outside of the shuttle spread further. The  flames creep toward the belly of the shuttle,   where the external liquid hydrogen tank  is located. The pressure inside the fuel   tank suddenly begins to drop, indicating that an  alarming amount of liquid hydrogen is leaking out. The fuel tank gauge plummets inside the cockpit,   but Smith and Scobee don’t notice it as they  are focused on throttling up the engines and   preparing to disengage the boosters. Even if  either crewmember was looking at the fuel gauge,   the rapid dropping of pressure happened so  quickly that there was nothing they could have   done. The fuel tank can only be disengaged  when all other engines are turned off,   and the shuttle is in a benign aerodynamic  environment higher up in the atmosphere. If   they had disengaged the fuel tank to get away  from the leak at this stage, the Challenger   would have been forced into the fuel tank and  the still-burning solid rocket booster exhaust. 68 seconds after liftoff. The fire spewing from the side of the  rocket connects to the exhaust plume.   The liquid oxygen propellant being fed into  the main engines of the space shuttle falls   drastically. Smith continues to throttle  up the engines to reach 104% thrust. 72 seconds after liftoff. The back end of the right booster is ripped  away from the external fuel tank. The strut   that had been securing it has been compromised  and failed. The back end of the right booster is   now moving up and down relative to the space  shuttle and fuel tank. Another explosion,   likely from the stress and leaking  fuel, occurs higher up on the booster   near Challenger’s cabin. The flame near  the top of the booster grows rapidly,   creating an enormous fireball. The nozzles of  the engines on the back of the space shuttle   begin moving at a rate of 5 feet per second in  order to compensate for the unhinged booster. The top of the right booster is  still connected to the fuel tank,   but the loose back end causes a burst  of lateral acceleration that jerks   the shuttle. The main engine pressure  decreases. Engine nozzle motion rates   are off the chart. Things are very, very bad.  Challenger sends its final navigation update. 73 seconds after liftoff. “Uh oh…” Smith says. These will be the last words  uttered over the comms by any of the Challenger   crew. It’s not clear what Smith is referring  to, but it’s likely that several sensors begin   showing clear signs that something is wrong. The  fuel tank and loose booster begin breaking apart.   The shuttle jerks the opposite way it had moments  before. The right booster is now producing 100,000   pounds of thrust less than the left booster.  The unbalanced acceleration begins forcing   the right booster up into the liquid  oxygen section of the external fuel tank. Liquid hydrogen and oxygen begin leaking out of  the external tank. A cloud of fuel accumulates   outside. The right-side booster pushes  further into the fuel tank and increases   the amount of liquid oxygen being expelled.  Milliseconds later, the inevitable happens. There is a bright flash of light located between  the Challenger shuttle and the external fuel tank.   The leaking fuel has been ignited. The fireball  engulfs the space shuttle. There is a crackling   sound over the intercom as ground transmitters  search for a signal that is no longer there.   Another explosion occurs near the front of the  external fuel tank. This ignites the remainder of   the fuel inside the front section of the tank,  causing it to detonate. Challenger’s engines   redline and the computer initiates an emergency  shutdown. Main engine 3 goes first, followed by   number 1. The last telemetry signal from the space  shuttle is sent while it is being torn apart. 74 seconds after liftoff. The radio signal from Challenger goes silent. Another explosion occurs near the space shuttle's  nose. The cockpit with all seven members of the   crew is engulfed in flames as the rocket fuel  in the forward reaction control system ignites.   The debris of the destroyed shuttle continues  traveling upward at Mach 1.92, or approximately   twice the speed of sound. It reaches an altitude  of 46,000 feet or 14,021 meters. Challenger’s tail   emerges from the fireball around the same moment  that a wing can be seen. The fuselage and payload   bay are torn apart by the rush of air forced in  from the tail being ripped off, overpressurizing   the payload bay and breaking it apart from the  inside out. Wires and electrical cables flail   behind the fuselage like tentacles. The satellites  in the cargo bay are ejected into the air. The crew cabin arcs out of the flames  and smoke. It seems to be intact,   although there is a gaping hole where it  used to be connected to the rest of the   shuttle. Some of the crew may still be alive and  awake, but when the Challenger is ripped apart,   all of the air is sucked out of the cockpit,  and a dramatic pressure drops results in   everyone passing out. For this mission, the  astronauts did not wear pressurized suits   during liftoff. As they slump in their seats  unconscious, oxygen deprivation settles in.   Any crewmember who is still alive will  suffocate within the next few minutes. The two solid rocket boosters continue  to fly upwards at different angles,   now free from the struts that connected  them to the external fuel tank. 1 second after the Challenger  space shuttle explodes. Mission control does not yet know that the  Challenger space shuttle has exploded. "One   minute 15 seconds. Velocity 2,900 feet per second.  Altitude nine nautical miles. Downrange distance   seven nautical miles," says Stephen Nesbitt,  the public affairs officer at mission control. 2 seconds after the Challenger  space shuttle explodes. A parachute emerges from the carnage, giving  people hope. But as the tracking camera focuses,   it turns out to be the nose cap of the  right solid rocket booster. Smoke and   flaming debris arc outward from the blast.  The rocket boosters continue to fly upward,   leaving a corkscrew trail of smoke behind them. 15 seconds after the Challenger  space shuttle explodes. "Flight, GC, we've had negative contact,  loss of downlink," says ground control   engineer N.R. Talbott. It’s at this  point that mission control is aware   something tragic has happened and  is trying to figure out exactly   what happened. They are informed that the  Challenger space shuttle has been lost. 36 seconds after the Challenger  space shuttle explodes. A self-destruct signal is sent to the  rogue solid rocket boosters triggering   an emergency detonation. Both rockets explode  in a plume of black smoke. Debris falls back   towards the Earth. Without the weight  of the space shuttle and fuel tank,   there was no telling how far the rockets  would have gone before burning the last   of their fuel. They needed to be detonated  to eliminate the risk of them crashing back   to Earth in a populated area rather than in  the desolate waters of the Atlantic Ocean. 1 minute and 31 seconds after the  Challenger space shuttle explodes. Multiple sources have now confirmed   that Challenger STS-51-L has been  lost. Rescue efforts are launched. 2 minutes and 11 seconds after the  Challenger space shuttle explodes. The TV tracking camera spots the first pieces  of the space shuttle crashing into the ocean.   33 seconds later, the crew cabin slams into  the waves of the Atlantic at approximately 200   miles per hour or 322 kilometers per hour. At a  breaking force 200 times that of normal gravity,   the crew cabin disintegrates on impact and  sinks 100 feet to the bottom of the ocean. For the next few minutes, debris continues to  splash down into the ocean east of Patrick Air   Force Base. A cloud of brown smoke lingers  over the surface of the water as a result   of the hydrazine rocket fuel that covered the  wreckage as it entered the ocean. Mission control   pinpoints the crash site as being approximately  28.64 degrees North and 80.28 degrees West. 5 minutes after the Challenger  space shuttle explodes. The broadcast on NASA television has been  eerily quiet as everyone tries to take in   what just happened. The camera view switches  from the ocean back to the grandstand at   the press site. Observers stand with their  backs to the camera, looking up at the sky,   where a white cloud of smoke still lingers.  White wisps of haze extend from the explosion   site like weeping willow vines indicating  where burning debris fell from the sky. 8 minutes and 5 seconds after the  Challenger space shuttle explodes. "This is mission control, Houston. We are  coordinating with recovery forces in the field.   Range safety equipment, recovery vehicles intended  for the recovery of the SRBs in the general area,"   says Stephen Nesbitt in a somber voice. The  only thing left to do is go through the data,   recover as much of the space shuttle as  possible, and determine what caused the   horrific accident that led to the loss of 7  people aboard the Challenger space shuttle. March 7, 1986, 1 month and 10 days after  the Challenger space shuttle disaster. The USS Preserver bobs up and down in  the dark waters of the Atlantic Ocean.   A dive team has just been deployed to  scout the hypothesized location of the   Challenger cabin. The divers locate  the wreckage that was the front of   the space shuttle and confirm that the  bodies of the crew are still inside. The aftermath of the Challenger  space shuttle disaster. All space shuttles are immediately grounded, and  any upcoming launches are canceled pending a full   investigation of what happened to the Challenger.  NASA and a group of men appointed by President   Ronald Regan, known as the Rogers Commission,  begin looking into the chain of events that led to   the loss of the space shuttle and its crew. It’s  concluded that the space shuttles are being pushed   too hard, and the concerns of engineers working on  the crafts are being ignored or overlooked. What   it came down to was that NASA has been trying  to accomplish too much with too little funding. The investigation also determines that  the two rubber O-rings, which led to   the fuel leak in the right booster and eventual  catastrophic explosion of the external fuel tank,   were compromised by the severe cold from  the night before the launch. Unfortunately,   even if the crew had been aware of a problem  at liftoff, there would have been no way for   them to avoid the disastrous consequences.  The space shuttle wouldn’t have been able   to survive a high-speed separation even if it was  attempted before the external fuel tank exploded. On June 6, the report is given to the President,  who determines Marshall Space Flight Center in   Huntsville, Alabama, Morton Thiokol Inc.,  and NASA as a whole are responsible for the   Challenger disaster. Marshall Space Flight  Center constructed the shuttle boosters,   engines, and tank, while Morton Thiokol  manufactured and built the booster motors.   It’s also uncovered during the investigation from  several engineers who testify that they expressed   concerns specifically about the O-rings and their  seals to their supervisors for at least two years   prior to the loss of the Challenger. The Rogers  Commission recommends that communication between   engineers and NASA management be tightened,  quality control procedures be improved,   and several more checkpoints be added  to the shuttle safety advisory panel. On September 29, 1988, the space shuttle Discovery  launches with five veteran astronauts on board.   This is the first mission since the Challenger  disaster. The space shuttle program lasts for   23 more years. On July 8, 2011, Atlantis launches  from Cape Canaveral. It will be the 135th space   shuttle mission. Atlantis lands on Jul 21, 2011,  marking the official end of the space shuttle era. Two space shuttles were lost during the 30  years that they were in use. On February 1,   2003, Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated as  it reentered the atmosphere, and on January 28,   1986, Challenger exploded due to a faulty  O-ring. Both crafts held a crew of 7, all of   which were lost and all of which were heroes. Now watch “Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and   Nagasaki (Minute by Minute)” Or check out “What  If USA Launched a Nuclear Bomb (Minute by Minute)”
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Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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