Stitch Roadies No 130

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[Music] good afternoon stitch roadies yeah it's a gorgeous day outside oh my gosh it's like the perfect fall day the perfect fall day and so much of life right now is just you just want to embrace it you just want to embrace it it's absolutely gorgeous i can't say that enough it's absolutely gorgeous perfect fall temperature just a little bit of crisp but not enough that you need a jacket and um there's all the only clouds in the sky are like vapor trails from uh a lot of the military jets that fly in the area and um it's kind of interesting it's kind of interesting the patterns that they make but uh today is um a lot of this and that a lot of this and that and i um i just want to um say up front i'm going to turn my phone off so that it doesn't go ringing on us um i just want to say up front that you know i really wish i had um i mean i wish for you that i had a pattern to my um costume and i know some of you so kindly uh have said you do not care which i really appreciate but i know that there are many people who feel um more comfortable when there's a certain amount of structure and consistency and i i wish i could be that for you i really do but um i've been embracing um who i am and it totally cracked me up when i found out that october not only being my birth month but that it also is adhd awareness month do you think somebody knows something do you think somebody knows something yeah so i've been all doing all over the board and i am just going to share it as it rolls off the tongue how about that well first of all i want to um you remember how willard scott remember willard scott on the today show how he used to um shout out different people you know whose 100th birthday it was or you know he would do all that well i just wanted to do a very special shout out to a follower a subscriber however you want to look at yourself this gal has been with me and so i just want to say a special hello to joyce leafdale joyce i can't tell you how much i enjoy knowing that you're out there and so thank you thank you for um tuning in and putting up with all my shenanigans so what has been going on this week well it's a little bit of this a little bit of that i have finishes i have starts i have happy mail i have haul um yeah it's one of those and um i was really um i had gotten a message from janine at the owner of acorns and threads that there was a package for me there and um and when i went there and opened it up i just had to like gasp of course i have all it's in my bag of haul my my acorns and threads janine sells this bag and so that when you come into the shop if you bring your bag to the shop uh i think it's you get an extra punch on the punch card that you have there and these are made out of the same tags as the tags on the back of blue jeans so washable washable washable let me just find out let me let me let me dig to the bottom of the bag oh it's not that bad it's not that bad maybe it is a little bit but um queen bee grandma b sent me the most beautiful needle minder it's absolutely stunning it's by kelm scott designs and oh man is it ever beautiful um thank you so much thank you i also um had placed an order with as the you flies as you at um chris and so i will show you what i ordered but she sent me in the package a little bit of a birthday surprise it's first of all i have got this adorable card and there was a you know this floss card look at that isn't that cute yeah and i'll put the links down below for her shop yeah she has an etsy shop because she makes these like you put them on the ring of your floss and it just it's just another embellishment that makes you smile when you're stitching and she sews them and then on the back so it says dream fairy cherish yesterday dream tomorrow and live today and keep calm and stitch on thank you so much chris um the ones i ordered and you kind of have to be quick you know it's kind of like um several of our favorite etsy shops um oh there's just so many i can't even begin to name them all you have to kind of get on there right when they're posting they have something for sale because it's gone and so i ordered three more of these and the ring goes on top and then you put your floss cards on the ring and this one is this gorgeous one that says best friends and they has a little bead and string life is like a cup of tea it's all and how you make it inspire i mean they're just they're little works of art this one look at that sunflower what's not to love right yeah so i was really really happy about that um i might as well just continue on with the haul huh so i was watching um brenda and the serial starter yeah they're a problem they are like a cross-stitch gang members you know like like you got to do the dance you got to stop the floss tube you got to go order you it's just like you know i feel like when a new flosstube comes up that i'm like at a rock concert i'm screaming yay man oh man so i um they showed some fabric um it was i can't even remember if it was laura or brenda but they showed some fabric i stopped the video i googled it and i found it at the missouri star company and um it's it's this fabric it's kind of it has the look of like that stamped cross stitch but it is awesome and i don't know what i'm going to do whether i you know first i thought i was gonna cut it up and use it on the back of um you know projects but it has all these awesome sayings on it and and i thought maybe i should make a project bag maybe i should make a project but i don't know all i know is right now i just need to have it and i need to um just pet it yeah just pet it because it's just um it's just so fun it's just so fun so good um i'm doing i'm doing a handful of sows not a lot of them but i'm doing a handful of them and one of them is with um megan who is the frozen crafter on instagram and she also is a designer and we started a harry potter project um hogwarts and so i made for us this is now don't judge me don't judge me i've been nagging ever so slightly whenever i see marrying the librarian not being really pestering but i love her snippeties and i use them but i have to keep moving them from bag to bag and what i would like to have is one in each bag and so i asked her the last time uh are you gonna ever start making those again and she said she was thinking about it so i'm keeping my fingers crossed because let me tell you the ones i made for megan and i don't even compare in in um precise sewing they're not professional looking so what is a snippety it is a a postcard that has like felt or batting on one side so that when your floss when you have your extra floss it's kind of just sticks to it it's not that this is sticky but it it just grabs it and so you don't have to keep putting the floss if you're working with a certain color you don't have to put the floss back in the bag or wind it back on the little floss bitty thing so um i decided to try to make one for megan and i to put in our harry potter project and this is the one i made so i had some harry potter fabric and um yeah i'm glad i'm glad this isn't a close-up shot because this is really not not my best work if i do say so but it's gonna work um so i made one for megan and one for me maybe that'll help me get on with my project i um i've been working on the prairie schooler santa and you know i will put down in the description box i was contacted by a stitcher who wants to set up a lending library um for prairie schooler santas and i guess there's a lending library out there for blackbird design and it's it's not to take away from the designer or the income of the designer but a lot of these are hard to find or don't exist anymore um and so rather than you know never finding them there are certain people that have stepped forward and set up a lending library i don't know how it quite works and i'm not a part of that so i will just put in the contact information she has agreed to have her contact information in the description box so that those of you who are looking to borrow it's much like an author who writes a book and it you check it out at the library um this is a very on a much smaller scale than than the thousands millions of libraries in the world but um yeah so she's setting that up which is really nice um i have no affiliation with it though it's just that i'm putting her name out there because she has agreed to that what i've found is i'm curious about is um i've been putting together my own um my own prairie school or santa group you know trying to get them all and i lack only five out of all the years that they've been published and my intention is once i do them all which may be another year or two to get them all done once i do them all then that whole bundle will be a giveaway because i'm not one that keeps my charts i i can't imagine at my age that i would stitch anything more than once i can see me stitching the prairie school or santas more than once there's a couple that i can see me stitching more than once but mostly i don't and so probably down the line i'll i'll give those away though as one awesome giant giveaway but in the meantime i'm hoarding them uh i did finish uh fully finish my last one which was the a and the g disney cute and i know that i have been told that people get off count on them and i realize that that's happened to me also you would think that they look pretty straightforward but you do you get off count for whatever reason the good thing about these is even if you're off count you don't you don't necessarily have to frog it back out you can just it's easy on a prairie school or santa to um adjust it's called adjustable cross stitch yeah but he's awful cute and i i like to personalize where i can so like the one that i'm working on right now i will be stitching my grandson's name on it and maybe the year because i would like to make my grandchildren an ornament every year as long as i can see and stitch i would like to do that so okay let's see where are we oh well i think it's time for a chocolate i bought this bag of dove chocolates she doesn't particularly care for this chocolate as much he says it's not very good to him comparatively to other chocolates not anything negative about dove but i like them not even for the chocolate although i'm going to pop this one in my mouth but because it has a little message in it [Music] well this one speaks to me be fearlessly authentic i always say what you see is what you get sometimes i pay for it though oh i don't know what g's talking about that's good so let's see i finally got started on generation sal which i'm doing with cheryl and she's one half of stitching with sisterly's colleen's doing a quilt and cheryl is doing the stitching and it's at twin peaks primitives and the reason i loved this chart is because not only is it stitching the generations together but my father-in-law as i've said before was he dyed yarn he spun it this is g's dad he spun it and he would do weaving and um the first quilt and you know i'm a quilter and the first quilt i ever saw though was made by my father-in-law and it was worn to bits by my older son he used that quilt until it just literally fell apart so i am doing this on the called for fabric not the call it just tells the count i don't know what this is actually but it's 14 count ada and this is how far i've gotten i'm loving it i'm loving this project and it's going to be perfect a perfect addition to my home i also oh see here's one that's made by uh marion the librarian who is um caddy cross stitches is their etsy shop and see this just looks it's so perfect this one not so much but i love having them in there and the thread just sticks to it so i i'm doing this with um a handful of girlfriends away we ride by black bird this was my birthday start for 2021 i was reminded i do not have my 20 20 birthday start done which was diligence i thought it was the thanksgiving pumpkin but that was 20 20. and i'm doing this on joblin 28 count sage and i just love this i love the fabric i had lunch yesterday with janine who owns acorns and threads and i asked her what's with garden gate you know and she gave me the lowdown as she knew it but it's it's the same thing that's going on around the world availability distribution you know so on that particular uh piece of floss garden gate i'm not using i'm using the suggested uh two different color strands of dmc which works fine which works fine okay so now oh autumn beauty fat quarter shop oh is that i mean you just gotta love you gotta love this project but let me tell you the the border the border is intense not hard intense and so um i work on a little bit of uh the border and let's see it goes like this oh this this is the top like this and a little bit of something else and then a little bit of the border and a little bit of something else the border is absolutely the most perfect stitch for when you're zooming with someone because you don't have to count really you just it's uh like those like when you leave fill in for um you know for when you're zooming so you don't get off count and then let's see oh this is the bag that isn't this bad gorgeous oh my gosh this bag is gorgeous this was a gift to me and i'm using it for my generations sal but um you know not only is the outside beautiful but the bottles on the inside like a note in a bottle have you ever found a note in a bottle i did one time long time ago i can't even remember what it said yeah i can't remember what it said i had another finish oh i haven't even told you about the haul yeah but i had another finish i finished the you know cross stitch university that that quarter shop was doing it was it's so perfect it's a housewarming gift and um i finished it on i did kind of the flat fold and then put it on this board isn't that just adorable it's just adorable i got a piece of my hair stuck in there yes so i went to it's all all grandma b's fault i went there to pick up the package that that um janine said was waiting for me and you know what this is a gorgeous needle minder and then you just can't not go in there and not not shop so i went in there and i looked all around and i found this chart that is going to be perfect as a gift for my sister in the future maybe next year's birthday or something it's by the salty stitcher design and you can get it you can get all this as acorns and threads but it's a quote by dr maya angelou and it says i've learned that people will forget what you said people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel yeah it's the truth i know that in my own life but there's some things that you think oh i didn't feel quite right around that person but you can't remember why yeah so it's a beautiful beautifully charted like sampler and this is a new to me designer salty stitcher designs it's just it's beautiful and then blackbird design they got a new um new small stocking that was in the shop that i didn't have this is probably in um you know it's like a re-release it's probably in a book or something but yeah then i got i decided i was going to get a new little wood hoop the i love these hoops and i got this at acorns um well i got all the stuff at eight quarts and threads this is a wooden embroidery hoop and you can kind of tell the difference you know the bamboo ones that you get at the um boxcraft stores you know they're skinny and i don't they just don't feel right in the hand to me and so these are um just really it's kind of like the bee uh skip that peter makes um you can just feel you can feel the the quality you can feel the quality and so the wood and the quality of these hoops is so much better and i just wanted a little smaller size one so i picked up one of those i picked up a pack of 24 size needles and then then what happens then and then janine and i go have lunch and we're just hanging out you know talking away and stuff and and then i gotta go home and but i have to go use the restroom in the shop because you know it takes me about 25 minutes to get home and you never know if you get stuck in traffic and you know when you got a bladder my age you know you better just go to the bathroom when you can dangerous let me just say dangerous because it forced me back into the shop yeah back into the shop and as i was weaving through to the bathroom something caught my eye and i was like what i didn't see that before and so yeah and um jolin who does all the finishing at the shop uh you know and for people who bring their stuff in to finish was the one who made the sample and i just was like oh that's so gorgeous it it's so different it's a small it's um yeah it's i don't know there was something different about it and i just fell in love with it and if you look on my um instagram or facebook feed i put a picture of the finished one that uh jalen made but with the threads and then it comes with the el the packet of little buttons absolutely gorgeous absolutely gorgeous and jalen said that she did this on 16 count ada oh it's stunning it's absolutely stunning so my trip to the restroom resulted in more haul yeah resulted in more haul oh well oh well my bladder felt better i got excited yeah it's a good life isn't it it's a good life well i'm really excited because this next week i'm going to be traveling it will be the first time i'm flying anywhere in a couple years um i actually think it was yeah it was uh maybe maybe it was a year ago no almost two years almost two years anyway whenever i went to road to california was the last time i flew which is a big quilt um a big quilt show in southern california which is really funny because on the way home from that flight i was at the airport and i'm standing there and there's my cousin and his son and i mean my cousin lives in west virginia west virginia or virginia i haven't seen him probably since i got married maybe in 30 maybe we've been married 44 years no i probably saw him after that a little bit but you know he got married oh no i saw him uh at another cousin's wedding about 10 years ago but you know he had little kids and and now here i'm in the airport and he's with a this young man who was his son and i come out of the restroom they're calling my flight and i see my cousin and i go tommy and he's like and you know both of our brains are doing that you know i mean he lives on the east coast i'm on the west coast you know he's an airport with his son and we had like exactly like less than five minutes to hug and say hi and the world is a very very interesting place you know you just have to pay attention you just have to pay attention but that's see i'm i'm i'm all over the board so that was the last time i flew and so next week i'm flying back east again to minnesota um and i'll be going to a place called buttermilk basin which um my girlfriend stacy owns and is the designer i'm staying with another friend of mine uh who lives back there and then i'm going to get to see my sister who is currently residing in fargo and then i get to go to stitchville usa so probably the next video that you see after this one will be the stitchville usa video i am like i just can't wait i cannot wait um so be sure well be sure you stay tuned at the end of this one because um g will put up one of those little postcard things of who the winter winner of the um project bag the project bag from fat quarter shop and the floss bitties so um i will post that at the end of this video or g will post that at the end of this video and so you guys all take care it'll be an exciting time next week i'm taking stitching with me and maybe i'll get something done because you know kind of like when you're you don't have all your worldly distractions um you get a lot more stitching done well let's hope that happens thank you thank you for stopping by i hope i see you again and please take a moment subscribe to the channel and press the like button would love that you take care love you guys you
Channel: Stitch Roadie
Views: 6,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lx3x2zirtOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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