The Cautionary Tale of Jaclyn Hill: YouTube Fame, Money, & Scandal | Documentary (Part 2)

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so if you want to know how to do it keep on watching some of you obviously want to know what my personal favorite eyeshadows are and I guess I'll say I'm flattered 1 million people have subscribed to my channel and I'm just I'm blown away this was my dream to be a a makeup artist that can inspire people and encourage people and teach them makeup Artistry and make them feel beautiful inside and out my whole family is pissing me off right now I just really feel like the world hates me what else do I have to complain about I'm launching a huge huge brand that has cost me so much money I own Jaclyn Cosmetics I'm the CEO of my cosmetic brand I am revealing my brand new brand cozy I don't want to be known as the Cozy girl I don't want to be known as the blanket girl so I understand why the time frame looked messy online but no there was no cheating there was no Affair that is not what ended my ex-husband and I's relationship at all from either sides it was not about an affair in part one we learned about Jacqueline's missionary parents and her rise from the farm to fame how she built a YouTube channel with almost 6 million subscribers and had people standing in line for hours to meet her she along with several other famous YouTubers promoted a company called morphe brushes morphe brushes would soon turn into morphe Cosmetics helping jacn launch a successful 35 pan eyeshadow palette and turning her into a millionaire but behind the Glamour and flashy lights things were not as they seemed according to John Hill her then husband of 9 years Jacqueline moved all of his things out of their mansion while he was in rehab then she filed for divorce before announcing a few months later that she was dating his friend and former employee the video grapher and aspiring rapper Jordan [Music] Tor that wasn't satire in 2018 Jaclyn launched the Vault eyeshadow palettes with more they had major quality issues and had to be recalled before being re-released with stickers over old batch codes while a lot happened for Jacqueline from when she started YouTube in 2011 to 2018 it would be nothing compared to the scandals that would take place from 2019 to present day scandals involving contaminated makeup rudeness towards her customers talking badly about her ex-husband to her followers and screwing over more women who own small businesses but while Jac sat on a throne of Lies there would be a year of Reckoning for her when everything she did behind the scenes came to light and she didn't handle it well instead she became defensive and threw blame on anyone in her orbit she would lose once close friends her reputation and all her businesses at the time of this recording she's been losing over 10,000 YouTube subscribers a month and the only thing she promotes these days are Walmart and Amazon affiliate links what was one a promising and bright future was destroyed within a few short years this is part two of the cautionary tale of Jaclyn [Music] Hill we ended part two at the end of 2018 Jaclyn's first post of 2019 showed her decked out in Gucci and excited for the new year she also began posting often about her new man Jordan Tori she even posted a video titled get ready with me for date night in which she took viewers through her closet to pick out an outfit in jewelry showed Jordan on video for the first time and then gave a makeup tutorial she captioned the video in the description box with quote I'm dating again you guys I've actually never dated in my life my boyfriend loves to go out and do things with me and it's so new for me end quote in 2017 she shared a video of her and John's new mansion now in 2019 she shared a video of her decorated Master Suite complete with chandeliers Chanel black and silver drapes a neon light that reads love me a makeup and vanity area and a bar I just have to call out this moment because I preach self Lov and it's very important to love yourself if you don't love yourself you can't love anybody else right so that's why I have me does it look about the same you are nailing it I'll wake up in the morning just so miserable and just like and I'll look over I'll be like who is she this is not real life like I want to take off my bra and then over here this is my beauty space that I love so much when I first moved into this house I had no idea what I was going to do with the space I was very confused I was like okay we've got the bedroom here this little Nook how do I make it like purposeful like I need to give it a reason and a meaning and at first I just had like this huge Sha's Lounge there was a size of like a double bed sitting there and like nothing else and it was just like no one ever walked in here it didn't feel inviting it just kind of felt like a waste of space it was like oh hey great bedroom but like what is this right it took me over a year of living here to finally realize what I wanted to do which was have my own cozy comforting realistic everyday Beauty space so over here is the bar oh my God you guys this backsplash this is my favorite backsplash my favorite like anything ever and I hate that like I can't see it all the time because like in this little Nook and honestly you know how many times I've used this bar not once I have never once used this bar I just went ahead and stocked this honestly you guys for the video because I just thought that it looked cute and the only time I ever come over here actually is to get something to drink in the middle of the night like I wake up every single night of my life thirsty and I always have a bottle of water next to my bed but it's never enough so I'll run over here in the middle of the night like stubbing my toe just miserable and grab something to drink over here which it's always the water that I have right there but that's that's it despite Jaclyn's long history of controversy and putting her name to poor quality products there was nothing which could have prepared The Beauty World for what was about to come lipstick gate 2019 was the Golden Era for beauty launches and Jaclyn chose to bring her own Cosmetics brand to the market in May of that year it would be called Jaclyn cosmetics and was a long time coming she had been teasing her own makeup line since as far back as subscribers could remember and now finally it was ready to launch just like with all of her other collabs and releases jacine made a long video introducing her signature product lipsticks she opened the video by saying she had been preparing for the launch since 2015 and that it had always been her dream to have a brand of her own she told viewers that the delays were were because she wanted to make the perfect product anything less than Flawless wouldn't be good enough to put her name to jacine reminded everyone that she could be trusted and so could her brand no one could have foreseen how far from reality that statement would end up being well maybe one person could have but more on that later for years Jaclyn's signature makeup looks more times than not included a nude lip color so she excitedly started her own brand with 20 shades of nude Jaclyn through each color in painstaking detail as she swatched and giggled about her journey to get to that moment I cannot believe that I'm filming this video right now oh I cannot believe that I'm about to show this on camera what the heck it's so heavy like so heavy duty and it shakes like okay I'm going to open it I'm going to open [Music] it it's so crazy every single time I open it it's just like I can't take it are you joking it's just it's it's too good there's an LED light in there there's like loose diamonds and glitter backdrop paper just to make it so fun and just like a fantasy I I live for it so this is my nude lipstick collection we are launching with 20 shades of all nude yay I challenged myself into creating the best lipstick that I have ever used and it took so long long it took many different Labs many different samples I am so proud of this lipstick you guys it is cruelty-free it is made in the USA the ingredients are beautiful there's avocado oil in there there's collagen in there all I know is the ingredients are incredible and it makes my lipstick so rich and so creamy and so buttery and that's why we call it the so rich lipstick collection because it is amazing it is so moisturizing when you take it off your lips feel better than when you put it on it's just the perfect amount a cream I did not create this my mom did I gave her full range and I said listen it's a new lipstick line but Mom you create whatever you want I don't care if it's a bright orange if it's a bright red I don't care what it is you deserve to have something of your own in this line that people know like they are buying into a family business when they purchase from Jaclyn Cosmetics it is named Mom that's it you guys welcome to the world of Jaclyn Cosmetics Jaclyn Cosmetics Jaclyn Hill Cosmetics you can use my first name my full name do whatever pleases you I don't care JH Cosmetics whatever you say welcome hang on tight you guys because there is a lot coming Jacqueline also offered her viewers a little insight into the process of creating a makeup product she had to find the perfect manufacturer who could guarantee the quality she demanded then there was the painstaking reiterations at every step of the process to make sure that what buyers got in their hands was exactly what she had intended the perfect perfect nude lipstick she even uploaded a video showing a behind the scenes with her at the lab it goes on it Glides on honestly like a glass slipper it is so beautiful and it can be paired with anything you can put gloss over top of it you can put a lip liner underneath it it doesn't fall up that video has since been deleted finally the lipsticks went live in May of 2019 there were a few issues with the launch itself including customers losing their place in line or being charged the wrong amount of tax if color range and website issues were the biggest problems Jaclyn's own brand had to face it wouldn't have been that big of a deal but all of that would quickly Fade Into Oblivion when customers began to receive their lipsticks on June 12th Jaclyn released a follow-up video about her lipsticks it might have felt like deja vu for her subscribers because just like so many times before it was an explanation video see from the very first customer who had purchased Jaclyn's lipsticks there had been a problem a big hairy moldy problem customer reviews came flooding in about issues with not only the quality of the product but also potential contamination it might just be the first time anyone had ever complained of a hairy lipstick but sure enough videos were being uploaded in the hundreds and they showed glossy pink shades with curly hairs embedded into the product others found mold growing on the surface while some found holes in the lipsticks or received them completely melted customers were also complaining that it appeared as though the lipsticks had already been used or at least swatched due to the Impressions left on the usually glossy surface of their products more customers complained of finding tiny plastic balls and shards in their lipsticks and some even posted pictures of allergic reactions they had had while the lipsticks just wanted to be free and let their hair down people weren't having it it wasn't just paying customers who were receiving contaminated lip Li sticks influencers who had received PR packages from Jaclyn Cosmetics were also posting videos and tweets to their millions of followers one Beauty YouTuber by the name raw Beauty Christie recorded a video where she examined the lipsticks up close with a microscope what was particularly notable about her review is that the lipstick she received in PR had significantly fewer issues than those she purchased herself which made viewers ask the obvious question had Jacqueline knowingly sent out fresh stock to influencers to make them review her brand positively all the while knowing that her publicly available stock was old and expired the idea that her lipsticks had been lying around in a warehouse for years was further backed up when fans went through her old post where she occasionally mentioned her upcoming Cosmetics line in one 2016 video she used a pinky nude lipstick on her lips and teased quote coming in 2017 coming in 2017 two years after that video in a collab with James Charles Jacqueline asked him when his makeup line was coming out only to have him flip it on her James are you ever going to release your own brand mm really talk to me about that cuz I'm actually genuinely interested in that as well well I actually love to hear where Jaclyn Hill Cosmetics is after the past five years of be talking about it ma'am Jaclyn claimed in that video quote I'm finally getting to the point where I just need to launch the products that that I have because I literally have products that have been created and they're ready to be filled and they're ready to go end quote I'm just going to say like to be completely honest when it comes to Jaclyn Hill Cosmetics the reason it has not launched and this is hard for me to say is genuinely because of my perfectionism I am such a psychopath it's a whole another level when it comes to my actual brand that is my brand like from beginning to end because the tiniest thing is going to fall on my back like when you do a collab there's certain things a lot of stuff falls on the actual Brand's back when it's your own brand it is 100% your baby and if one tiny thing is goes wrong like it's all on you it's so much responsibility and I know that people are like dying for it and it's every single day it's all over my social media and I'm just like oh like I'm such a perfectionist that it really scares me I'm finally getting to the point where I'm like I just need to launch the products that I have because I literally have products that have been created and they are they're ready to be filled and they're ready to go I'm just like cuz I overthink everything but the first launch is going to be absolutely incredible and I cannot wait in April 2017 she replied to a Fan's tweet by saying that her own makeup line had gone into production the previous month later that year she tweeted that her lipsticks were quote at the lab and ready to go some even went so far as to speculate that maybe Jacqueline held off on releasing the lipsticks until after her divorce was finalized so Jon wouldn't benefit from the launch all that to say people were concerned that the products they were putting on their mouths had been sitting in a warehouse for years when most lip products have a shelf life of 12 months or less to further add to their concern consumers noticed that all of the lipsticks and all of the shades had exactly the same batch coats which meant that there was no way to pin down if just one color or production run of lipsticks was affected by the quality issues the implications of a product which is intended to be used on the lips being contaminated cannot be understated the mouth is a gateway to the body and exposing the lips to contaminants could result in serious health consequences especially for imuno compromised individuals the fact that there was anything in these lipsticks that wasn't supposed to be there meant contamination ultimately the public was looking for an explanation and an acknowledgement from jacine about exactly what had gone wrong with her lipsticks since the day of the launch consumers had been tagging her on Twitter asking why their lipsticks were fuzzy or gritty in each response 29-year-old Jaclyn went on the attack to One customer she replied quote it's obvious that lipstick is used and not fresh from the factory in another tweet she explained that the hairs visible in many of the lipsticks had come from Lab workers wearing white cotton gloves the explanation about cotton gloves being used in production didn't land for many reasons but most notably many of the pictures taken of the lipsticks showed dark hair and many of the hairs were deeply embedded into the product not just sitting on the outside and then there was video evidence when one puts their whole life on YouTube it's natural that their fans will call on their previous footage as proof of whatever they say jacine had shared footage of the process of visiting the lab she had selected to produce the lipsticks in the video she can be seen wearing standard disposable gloves not white cotton gloves like she claimed but even if the explanation about white gloves was accurate it called into question the quality of the manufacturer Jaclyn had chosen remember Jaclyn herself had already described how meticulous she was in choosing a lab that met her standards so naturally customers believe that if the lab was dodgy then Jaclyn surely must have known about it and they demanded an explanation the day before Jacqueline's explainer video went live she posted a tweet saying quote I plan on breaking my silence and addressing the issues regarding my lipsticks very soon I have been working hard to gather all of the facts and detail so I can give you accurate answers I appreciate you allowing me time to wrap my head around all of this and invest investigate end quote at the same time as Jaclyn's video went live a statement was posted on the Jaclyn Cosmetics website in short the message was that the lipsticks were safe to use only a small number of products were affected and that the lab was FDA registered and compliant the statement also claimed that the products were manufactured in the same month they were launched and it repeated the claims about white gloves being used in the process then came her video Jaclyn at first sounded almost annoyed with her audience then she tearfully addressed the controversy surrounding her contaminated lipsticks she put the failures down to the size of her quality control team saying quote I did not have a quality control team big enough to handle what I was doing at all and I totally messed up end quote and then she downplayed her role in checking the quality of the first products to ever carry her name saying quote I was way too overconfident in my launch and I was not enough involved in quality control I overhyped it for you guys I trusted the wrong people I did a lot of things that I should not have done end quote hey guys welcome back to my channel for today's video I don't even need to give you an intro you know why we are here I want to address some of the issues that my customers are having with my first launch of my brand Jack and cosmetics and my lipsticks I know it's taken me a couple days to get all my ducks in a row and get this video out for you guys but I've been going through all the documentation and on the phone with labs and chemists and the owner of my lab and my entire team for several days and doing a very in-depth investigation to figure out exactly what's going on so I can give you the most informed information as a brand owner the first thing that I want to address before anything else is the accusations that my lipsticks are expired moldy or hazardous in any way shape or form I'm going to put up documents throughout this entire video so you guys can see the actual proof cuz I'm not going to sit here and like read papers to you guys I'm going to put it right there on the screen so you can see proof so number one let's start with the expired accusation my lipsticks did not go into mass production until the same month that I actually launched my brand although I had been so in-depth with my formulation my colors and approving all of that mass production did not go into production until right before my launch because we wanted them to be fresh we didn't want them to sit on shelves and because my brand has been pushed back so many times I actually already went through the same situation with a different lab several years ago I went into mass production ended up having an issue while in mass production and then didn't launch my brand and had to go to a whole new lab because I didn't want the issues to happen again so I canceled them and went somewhere else I tried to cover my tracks I up but they are not expired second of all my lipsticks are not moldy they are not hazardous they are not contaminated they are not unsafe for you in any way shape or form every single ingredient in my lipstick is new and it is FDA approved and again I will give you proof right here if you guys want to look over these documents in depth and tear them apart you go right ahead and see that they are not contaminated every single ingredient is FDA approved and they are not expired I want to ease your minds with that before even getting into all the nitty-gritty stuff of this video so that you're not sitting here thinking like oh my gosh is it true that if I use this lipstick that it's going to it's going to hurt me in some way no that is not the case now you guys have seen that so let's move forward just like the previous failed launches Jacqueline was forced to refund every single purchase of her lipsticks in the wake of the online Firestorm Jacqueline announced she was going off social media indefinitely and for proceeded to deactivate all of her social media accounts indefinitely lasted 1 month but during the time she was offline the public was trying to get to the truth of what really happened with the hairy lipsticks as most didn't believe Jaclyn's white fuzzy gloves explanation internet sleuths combed through the documents she had released as well as the still images from Jaclyn's promotional video that showed her handling her lipsticks inside a lab with blue gloves on this led to them finding out oxygen development was the lab used used oxygen development is a cosmetic product manufacturer in Palm Springs Florida in 2013 during an inspection by the fda's Department of Health and Human Services it was observed and documented that oxygen Development LLC failed their quality control policies and procedures as if that wasn't problematic enough an employee from oxygen Labs tweeted that a dog had been able to wander inside their facility and another showed a cat allegedly inside the facility as well Cassandra bankson a medical esthetician and YouTuber put the hair she pulled out of Jaclyn's lipsticks under a microscope and believed it to allegedly be mouse or rat hair another YouTuber by the name Kenna whitnell is a cosmetic chemist who spent $400 of her money to have her four Jaclyn Cosmetics lipsticks tested at a lab now what I will mention about all of these samples that I ran is they're really small sample sizes just testing you know maybe four to five lipsticks is generally not enough to make a very conclusive decision but this was kind of all I had to work with in the beginning um as far as samples to send in and I think this is a good representation of both you know open products unopen products and then a couple of controls to have a solid comparison of what's going on here um and for the last Jaclyn Hill sample um again total plate count yeast mold less than 10 Colony forming units per gram eoli staff samella and ponus are all negative so what does this mean well it means that all of these samples are negative for microbial contamination as far as all of the tests that I did um but is the product contaminated well I think that we all visually saw from all the you know the microscope videos all of the close-up videos yes this product is contaminated um if you can see something in a product it is definitely contaminated at but my biggest concern was for human um health and safety and the things that you maybe can't see um so from my reports there is no microbial contamination in these products but that doesn't mean that they're not contaminated with something else because we all saw that they are but from my accounts there is actually no microbial contamination in both of the samples that I sent in for testing um with the Jaclyn Hill Cosmetics lipsticks a few weeks after that video jacn returned to social media on July 23rd of 2019 she posted a video titled where I've been in the first 3 minutes of the video jacine talks about her relationship with her subscribers how much she loves them and even mentions her anxiety depression and divorce later in the video she states she just needs to get back to doing what she loves which is doing makeup tutorial videos she apologizes says she's learned a lot and then goes on to state she fired so many people during the time she was off social media she then says the reason she deactivated her social media accounts wasn't because she was running away from accountability but because she needed to rebuild as a boss an owner and a CEO during the rest of the video she continues to talk about how she knows it's her Destiny to have a Cosmetics brand she's not giving up and talks about new products she has coming in the future and how they're with a completely different lab she states what a disappointment this is because she had so many things in the pipeline and was supposed to have a launch every 6 to 8 weeks for the rest of the year but now won't be able to for her longtime fans and customers hoping for a more thorough explanation and some accountability for the lipstick debacle the video was a letdown instead of a detailed explanation jacine touched once again on her personal struggles and promised to do better with her next launch never once in her video did she say the lipstick were contaminated maybe because she didn't believe they were only 4 years later in 2023 on one of her social media accounts Jaclyn uploaded a video making fun of the fact that people called it contaminated when she shows herself using one of her 2019 lipsticks with the text on screen saying quote point of view you're still using Jaclyn Hills quote contaminated lipsticks 4 years later end quote jacine did give an apology in her video to the first girl on Twitter that she SN snapped at about the lipsticks and said she also reached out to her privately and that she was very sweet to accept her apology Jaclyn ended her apology video by saying quote I have made you guys lose trust in me and it sucks so bad and the fact that this was my brand and I was so confident and this happened like I can't even tell you how embarrassed I am at the end of the day I have to rise up end quote Jaclyn had told her followers multiple times that they were supporting a family-owned brand and how she was CEO and owner of Jaclyn Cosmetics but you see before Jaclyn disappeared from social media she had released the certificate of good manufacturing documents to the public this was supposed to prove that the lab had been quality controlled and tested prior to her lipstick launch but internet sleuths noticed something in these documents that wasn't redacted well enough it was clear to see in this document on page five under the microbiological certificate of analysis that Jaclyn's so rich lipstick had been submitted for testing by morphe not Jaclyn cosmetics in fact years after her first failed lipsti launch in what some called karma or the consequences of her own actions court documents would confirm that the internet sleuths were correct Jaclyn Hill was not the owner of any Cosmetic Company she had licensed her name to morphe jacine had been linked with morphe since she first mentioned them in 2015 back when they were a Cosmetics brush's brand she and the co-owner Linda Towell had grown extremely close Linda plays the Fairy Godmother in this morphe promo video Jacqueline and Jeffree Star did in 2016 please keep in mind the music has been changed for copyright reasons [Music] now morphe or more accurately morphy's parent company Forma was the owner of jacn Cosmetics but more on what would play out in court later which brings us back around to the person who might have been able to foresee the problems with the lipstick launch in part one of this documentary we discussed how Marina stelle the the former owner of Makeup Geek had once found white fuzzy hairs fingerprints and shards of plastic in a full production of concealers during quality control because of this she canel the entire launch of concealers Marina who had been friends with jacine at the time warned her about Labs she should stare clear of due to substandard production methods and poor quality control which had burned Makeup Geek in the past but jacine didn't listen Marina has never been afraid of speaking her mind and sharing the hidden secrets of the beauty industry back in 2018 she posted a video revealing that beauty influencers were demanding $60,000 in exchange for a positive product review Marina believed the reason for the rushed production of Jaclyn's so rich lipsticks was because in 2019 morphe was allegedly in Dire Straits financially she believed they were desperate for a huge launch to give them a cash injection so they allegedly skipped the usual quality quality control steps and went with a substandard manufacturer Jacqueline couldn't blame morphe for the failure during her apology video because that would mean revealing she wasn't the owner and had only licensed her name to morphe but that wasn't all Marina had to say in a podcast episode years after the lipstick launch she revealed that when there were issues with the Vault that morphe and Jaclyn launched in 2018 morphe claimed they replaced all of the affected pallets in only 6 weeks but Marina knew that was simply impossible they would have needed to procure raw materials manufacture the product and the packaging ship the product from China to the US clear customs and then stock in retail stores in 6 weeks time in marena's experience with her company Makeup Geek it takes 6 weeks alone just to procure the raw materials which also called into question Jaclyn's assertion that all of her lipsticks were manufactured in the same month they were sold in dispatch in August of 2019 only a few months after the failed lipstick launch Jacqueline posted a picture of her and her sister and wrote a caption about some days she struggles to get out of bed but even with anxiety she made it to a Cubs game and told herself that everything would be okay she reminded her followers to breathe and that everything will work out one month later she posted a video titled why I had to move in which she talks about her bedroom ceiling collapsing in her home so she moved from FLA Florida to La until it was fixed and although her longtime fans were happy she was okay they noticed Jaclyn was acting erratic in the video she claimed her family was pissing her off and complained about emergency service Sirens while sitting in designer clothes and mentioned showering in front of her assistant while many longtime fans were thankful she was talking about dealing with depression and anxiety especially because depression and anxiety don't discriminate no matter one's financial status or race other fans could no longer relate to a woman who had everything yet still complained so openly Jacqueline had the ability to move herself her dogs her boyfriend mother and stepfather and several employees across the country while her home was being repaired it was as if the girl who used to film makeup videos in front of her fridge in her apartment was becoming very out of touch 2019 was also the year JN released a video on social media about something that happened the year before before before their divorce JN had relapsed in an interview with billboard he said he was excited to come home and spend Christmas with jacine only to find out that she had moved all of his things out of their mansion and wanted a divorce he stated it was hard not knowing who she was with only two months later John had relapsed and it was his father who came to his rescue his father who lived in another state had called Jon in the middle of the night after hearing that whoever Jon had been hanging around with had stolen thousands thousands of dollars from him when he overdosed while on the phone with his dad johon was in withdrawal but he stated he was coherent enough to tell his father everything worried about him his father decided he had to get Jon to rehab so he convinced Jon to go on vacation with him John agreed but by the next day he said he was done being vulnerable and told his dad he was fine but it didn't matter Jon's father was on a plane to get him Jon told this story in an Instagram post this is the exact moment his dad picked him up and got him out of his apartment to take him to rehab John can be heard crying while his dad hugs him and gives him some encouraging words John wrote quote this was the moment my dad dropped everything he was doing and flew to Florida to pick me up after hearing about my overdoses to get me to another rehab he told me we were going on vacation I remember none of this moment except the extreme desire to not want to go on anymore I'm so grateful I wasn't in control once he came into the picture because once I got to the other side and was thinking clearly again that thought was so hard to grasp it was even a thought at one point without him I know I wouldn't be here and wouldn't have made it a few more days I was unable to pee and had a mini stroke it's such a miracle to have this guy by my side today my song to him will always be hero from Foo Fighters I love you Dad my next music video is the story of everything that led up to this moment starting from me leaving rehab and everything that led me going back it's intense and very dark but I hope it can help another addict to relate and feel hope or show people the reality of the extreme lows this path leads you this clip was hard to share but it's not about me looking cool anymore and hasn't been for a while I made a decision while in rehab right after my dad got me to use my voice for purpose and try to help as many people as I can however that might be I'm not perf per and Recovery is a process with trial and error involved it takes time don't be too hard on yourself if you get weak keep fighting every day and reach out to people who won't judge your situation and who have experience in making it out end quote while sober JN continued making music and promoting his album titled the John Hill project he also spoke out a lot more about addiction and offered support to those struggling like he once had jacine would once again upset some of her longtime followers who didn't think she was taking the contaminated lipstick launch seriously enough when in October of that year she posted a picture of her Halloween costume and the costume had Jaclyn Hill is cancelled written on it she wrote in the caption quote over the last several years the internet has become more and more cruel and has developed what we now call cancel culture not one day has gone by in over 2 years where I have not seen your cancelled online I want wanted to create a look showing the Glam side of the industry and the Ugly so here it is you want me cancelled you got it baby and I know my haters are going to hate this costume but that's okay I love you anyway end quote she then posted a video that took viewers through the Halloween party she threw in La which featured flying in her party planner from Florida hiring florist who created Immaculate archways and displays with thousands of roses also flying her friends in from Florida and setting up a bar lighting candelabras spiderwebs and staging furniture she also hired fire dancers as entertainment the back of Jaclyn's costume read she's cancelled in November of 2019 Jaclyn did her first makeup launch since lipstick gate when she released her holiday highlight collection she hosted an all-white party in LA full of other Beauty influencers to kick off the launch this collection was well received and customers praised the highlighters many Shades and quality glow Jaclyn ended 2019 celebrating that all of Jaclyn Cosmetics were now in every morphe store in the US going on to say quote this is such a huge moment for me you guys I discovered morphe when they had 12 employees and one tiny little store in Burbank I fell in love with this company and the owners of the brand I was their first ever affiliate and we grew together through several collabs and have shared our ups and downs by each other's side seeing this company grow into to such a Powerhouse has been so inspiring and encouraging seeing my very own brand in their store is nothing short of completely surreal thank you to my beautiful morphe brushes family for believing in me from the beginning the future is bright baby end quote in February of 2020 Jaclyn collabed with morphe again to release the Jaclyn Hill palette Volume 2 another eyeshadow palette she released a video on her YouTube channel where she swatched the palette but didn't do a tutorial with any looks from it by now fans were voicing their concerns that it seemed like Jacqueline only uploaded a YouTube video when she wanted to sell something while jacine was still selling the lie that Jaclyn Cosmetics was her own brand when it really belonged to Forma morphy's parent company she clarified in her video about why she was working with morphe for the pallet launch and knowing what we know now the LIE doesn't even make sense but it was well rehearsed so it is a new one and I am so excited for these to be swatched on my arm so you can see all them one thing that I want to address before jumping into swatches is I see so many comments and questions on social media asking why I would be collaborating with morphe again since I now am a brand owner and have Jaclyn Cosmetics as my own and the reason why that is is because morphe has helped me grow into who I am as a businesswoman they have helped me from the very beginning and just T taken me under their wing and taught me so much about product and I appreciate them and value the relationship with them so much and I'm able to create things with morphe that I cannot create on my own I would not be able or have the resources or the knowledge as of right now to create a 35 color palette with all different formulas that are beautiful and creamy and pigmented for only $39 I just couldn't do that at this time in my career so being able to work with them is such an honor and a pleasure and I I love morphe and I love working with them and I love being able to give you guys such great products for an expensive price that is why I'm collaborating with them again as you guys have seen there's been several other people who are also business owners and CEOs who collaborate with morphe as well and I'm just another one of them Jaclyn didn't upload a tutorial using her new eyeshadow palette until 3 months later in a video titled how to easy cat eye makeup and she wouldn't use the palette in a video again until 6 months after that that being said she was still pulling in over a million views per video during quarantine Jaclyn released a video with her boyfriend Jordan she also made several posts about how she had been going through a lot how poor her mental health had been and that she was learning to work on herself that same month she posted a YouTube video about her pantry showing all the snacks and food she kept stalked she told her followers not to be afraid to put themselves first her next post 2 months into the covid-19 pandemic was of her posing in her Lamborghini some followers in the comments declared it wasn't an in appropriate post given that people were dying of covid-19 millions had lost their jobs and those who are considered essential workers were struggling to make ends meet that was soon forgotten however when sadly Jaclyn's father passed away 1 month later in September of 2020 Jacqueline posted a video titled assumptions about me in which she responds to her followers assumptions and just like with the Lamborghini post she appears even more out of touch when during the pandemic she tells tells her audience there is no cap on what they can earn because if she did it they can do it too you are a spoiled brat I'm a spoiled brat you guys I'm a spoiled brat I earned everything that I own by myself no man ever backed me up I never had an investor in anything I did all the on my own and somehow one of the number one assumptions is that I'm a spoil PR I think that people thinking like owning nice things means you're spoiled so I like let that one slide on social media all the time but for me when I think a spoiled person or a brat like a spoil brat I think of like give this to me like I think of entitlement and just like bitchiness and just like I deserve that you know what I'm saying but like to me it's like no I worked for this I have been a hard worker ever since I was a little girl my dad thank you Lord for him God Rest his soul he taught me just he taught me how to be a hard worker right alongside of my mom I mean he pushed me I've had had a job since I was 14 years old and ever since I've never not had a job you know I've worked very hard I know what I want out of life and I provide things for myself and all this that you see I worked for it and that's always what I preach to people I'm like I did this you can too if I can earn this you can too there is no there's no cap and there's no end on the amount of money that available for you guys to earn if I can do this you can do this and I had a great time doing it I did what I loved I found my passion and it just worked for a young poor girl it worked not poor growing up everyone always gets me Twisted but poor at the time when I started my career I'm doing great now jacine then claimed that she doesn't come to YouTube only to sell things and to prove that point mentions that she hasn't had a launch in almost a year but this video was uploaded only 7 months after the launch of her Jaclyn Hill and morphy volume 2 palette you only upload on YouTube when you're trying to sell something another very popular assumption that is which is kind of concerning to me because honestly if you just look at facts what have I sold this year like I haven't had a launch since almost an entire full year ago what am I selling like really I see this all the time people on Twitter oh the only reason she's going to upload is cuz she's selling something I don't know if people are referring to like maybe links that I put in my description bar that I've been doing for seven years since I started my YouTube channel of just reward style links or Amazon links I don't know if that's what people are referring to if so I'm like that's not that that that's not my income you know I'm not trying to sell you something uh no the answer is absolutely no like for instance this video right now I'm literally just here talking just to talk just to shoot with you guys cuz I enjoy it and that's it during this time John Hill had been in his own business and only uploading things about his life music and Frankie to his social media he mentioned Jacqueline in April of that year after he posted a picture of her on his Instagram and captioned it with quote after all that we've been through I know we're cool end quote but things weren't cool when in November of 2020 while covid-19 ravaged the US Jacqueline uploaded a photo to her stories of a shirt that read 2020 is still better than my first marriage John had had it and and he posted the screenshot to his Instagram and captioned it with quote dude if you're going to freak at me every time I mention your existence then don't do petty BS like this one-sided much end quote in the comments Jon responded to his followers and had a lot to say including that it had kept him up at night when he had heard jacine tell their nieces to call Jordan uncle farum farum is one of Jordan's nicknames and he didn't understand why she told them that John went on to say quot quote I get [ __ ] on on her videos and called a liar on her Twitter and have I said one word about her no I took the blame for the marriage took the blame for the addiction and she's still throwing shade grow up end quote another comment red quote I'm honestly not even mad at the shirt I think it's kind of funny but I just hate that if I even mention her name at all she DMS me within 5 seconds and then does this it's just so one-sided that's what annoys me end quote and this wouldn't be the only only time jacine publicly threw shade at John when Jordan moved in she made a post and captioned it with quote we are officially moving in together Jordan has officially cancelled his lease at his apartment and is moving in this is such a huge deal to me because I've never lived with a boyfriend and I've also never shared bills and household responsibilities with anyone before I know that seems crazy end quote John Hill worked when the two of them got together and even during their marriage and as Jaclyn didn't become YouTube famous until years into their marriage it didn't take long for jacine to change the caption to just we are officially moving in together we are so excited to call it our home but the internet is forever before we look back at a specific timeline let's watch Jacqueline answer whether or not she cheated on JN in this video she says things that don't line up with the timeline like that she didn't announce her divorce until the end of June in 2018 but it was May when Jaclyn and John announced it she also claims that Jon had moved out before 2018 started but we have a video from Jon's Instagram from mid January of 2018 of jacine John and Jordan hanging out on jacine and John's couch in which JN shows jacine some of the work Jordan's done for him and jacn calls John babe she also claims she and John told her parents they were divorcing between Thanksgiving and Christmas of 2017 but jacine uploaded a Q&A video with her husband in mid November 2017 John posted a screenshot of the video to his Instagram on November 16th excited that their video had hit 1 million views in a single day November was also when jacine and John posted photos from their coup's photo shoot including the one of them flipping off the camera and saying that it was for everyone who said their relationship wouldn't last jacine and John also held a Christmas party in December of 2017 called Deck The Hills Jordan and his then girlfriend attended and JN even let Jordan wear one of his nice suits for the party as you can see in these photos Jon is wearing the suit another time and Jordan is wearing it at the hills Christmas party here's Jaclyn's take from 2020 on whether or not she cheated on John this was a very popular one the elephant in the room I cheated on my ex-husband with his best friend Jordan this is definitely a very sensitive question on one hand but not at all on the other when Jordan and I first got together I saw these speculations drama channels gossip channels whatever you want to call them and just people all over social media saying that I was a cheater and I was a liar and I had an affair and whatever it may be and I was so upset how dare they do this to me like they're questioning my character like At first I was so panicked at the idea of social media thinking this I went through my phone and my DMs and I screenshotted everything I put it into a folder with proof like proof of dates and times of when Jord and I started talking so that I could like show the world everything and debunk all the allegations and then I was just like why why like I I know that I didn't cheat so no no it's I understand why though I do that's the thing is I understand why people assume that I cheated because Jordan and I got together so quickly it was like bye on to the next like absolutely but also a lot of people say well look at it look at the Timeline it's so obvious here's the thing is no one knows the actual timeline when I got on camera and announced that I was getting a divorce my ex-husband and I had been separated completely and he had been moved out of the house for over 6 months at that point like completely completely to the point that on New Year's Eve he was living in the Marriott Suites hotel on the beach and came and stopped by the house for like five minutes to take a picture on Snapchat to make people think that we were celebrating New Year's together because we didn't want to deal with the outside drama we told my parents before Christmas my entire family we told them in between nove between Thanksgiving and December we're getting divorced and I did not tell the world until the end of June the following year so there was a lot of time that you guys did not know about and a lot that happened even before that so I understand why the time frame looked messy online but no there was no cheating there was no Affair that is not what ended my ex-husband and I's relationship at all from either sides it was not about an affair and that's another thing that I see that drives me crazy is not only did people like refer to me as a cheater and how I had fair but I did it with John's best friend and that drove me insane because the fact that he was referred to as his best friend which it doesn't matter if they're acquaintances if they're friends if they're best friends if they work together it doesn't matter but it just drives me crazy because the idea when I think of like best friend I think of like the person that you grew up with you share everything with and I'm like that's a lot that's just not the case if I'm going to really dive into assumptions Jordan and my ex-husband they met at the Studio because Jordan had at the time was working on an album of his own and he also owns his own business where he does filming and editing and so myself and my ex-husband hired him to film his videos and edit them so he had come over to the house a couple of times in which case there was no flirting no attraction no touching nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing it wasn't until John and I had gone through a divorce that somehow him and I through DMs casually started talking about filming cuz I had some questions and editing and next thing you know it it just started it sparked up there was an interest there I pursued him 100% I was like oh my God this guy's awesome nothing ever happened before I divorced though being called a cheater is not fun when you pride yourself on being loyal even if you're miserable when you pride yourself on being loyal it's like don't call me a cheater in a 2023 interview with his friends that was filmed in Jacqueline's backyard Jordan talked about why he quit music and states that he flew out to Vegas to film his y time 3 music video and then started dating jacine he goes on to say once the relationship was made public he started receiving a lot of hate on his music videos this matters because of how things line up in the timeline the reason I stopped so I dropped bubblegum trap I flew out to Vegas I filmed a video for y times 3 you know what I mean like I was super experimental at that time like I'm still proud of that project I like it I cringe at some songs you know what I mean but it's like that's part of it you know that's that's growth that's that's how it is um I started dating her and then when our relationship became public I started getting like the craziest comments bro and like I had a few thousand followers at that point you know my battle I had a couple battles over 100,000 views I was getting all these comments like oh this [ __ ] is garbage this is trash like he's got a black scent he wants to be black so bad like look at you your all this [ __ ] bro like just like trashing me and it gave me some kind of insecurity bro or I was like yo I want to make music I have this like this whole audience that I have in front of me now and like I want to make music that I can like capitalize off of them with but like I like that's not what like I don't make that [ __ ] like you know what I mean like I just made what I made because I liked it and because it felt right like that that's what Artistry is right it's like you don't paint something for somebody just you know that you just paint what you feel when I was in and I was in the booth I would just rap and sing what I felt and it's like what what that was got trashed and I was just getting ripped apart by all these people and it was just like bro nobody nobody knew your story bro of course nobody know my story it was all these people that got introd all these like Beauty fans that got introduced to me and it's just like a completely different audience right but in my mind I'm like okay like they don't like that and I got all these followers now so like I have to that's I I got to like put something that they're going to like out let's forwind to 2018 and look again as mentioned earlier while jacine and John were still married John had uploaded a video of the three of them hanging out together in January of that year Jordan was John's friend and he was also filming some music videos for Jon who was a drummer the following month in February Jordan released his album titled bubblegum trap with the Y times 3 music video also being uploaded to YouTube in the same month also in February Jaclyn posted a snap to her Snapchat of Jon eating popcorn off her chest Jon was normally pretty active on his Instagram but from February 24th to April 8th he didn't post at all although we don't know the specific date according to John he went to rehab before they announced their divorce in May it's safe to assume Jon went to rehab sometime between late February and April as he stated in his 2019 billboard interview when he returned all of his things had been moved out of his and Jaclyn's home and he didn't know who she was with it's also assumed Jon was gone in March because on Saturday March 31st of 2018 jacine was seen with Jordan at a demi levado concert a few days later she didn't post pictures of the concert but she captioned one of her photos with quote had so much fun at Demi's concert on Saturday such a talented Ed woman end quote jacn and John then announced their divorce on Instagram on May 16th and John told billboard he was back in rehab within 2 months specifically on July 1st this contradicts Jaclyn's timeline that Jon was moved out before 2018 and then there's J's now deleted comment from his Instagram where he wrote quote no one has any idea exactly what's happening she went after my best friend while I was getting better in December of that year Jaclyn made hers and Jordan's relationship public regardless of what happened in the demise of their relationship jacine never issued an apology to Jon for throwing shade at him on social media in November of 2020 but instead went on to show what Christmas looked like at her home where she hosted her family for Holiday dinners she may or may not have regretted not issuing that apology to John only a couple years later jacn declared that she wasn't giving up on her dreams and wanted her brand to come back better than ever and 2021 would be the year of makeup launches for Jaclyn Cosmetics she first launched a highlighter and blush collection and it was a significant launch because the products weren't just launching online but also in Ulta Beauty Stores she then made her first big attempt back into the world of lipstick she went into full girl boss mode and released a video about the collection and how she was Rising above her past failures to set an example for people everywhere A lot of people say that when one door closes another one opens and I disagree because sometimes you have to break that door down this is the most anticipated exciting and nerve-wracking thing I think I've ever done because I'm coming out with lip products this collection is so much more than makeup I have realized that with everything that I have been given in life how important it is for me to be a role model to so many different people to young girls out there who are different who don't fit in who are bullied who have a big dream and feel like no one encourages them you can be whatever you want to be even if a million people tell you no it doesn't matter it is up to you you are the only one in control of your life and your destiny even when I look at my nieces I just have no choice but to stand up to rise up and be the best that I can be for them and that's exactly what this collection represents so I say own your mistakes own who you are and be pout spoken and while holding her new liquid lipstick collection she spoke in her YouTube video about how she had been so blessed with the platform and millions of followers she has yet that video didn't even break a million views Jaclyn's views were falling upon her new lipstick collection's release jacine uploaded a video showing her entire team and family celebrating at the office for the release while her mother brother and nieces celebrated her with champagne followers noticed her sister was absent Rachel Jaclyn's sister wasn't the only one noticeably absent from Jaclyn's social media accounts and videos people were asking where her best friend Jackie was so much so that jacine addressed it in a 2019 Q&A video claiming that she hung out with Jackie a lot because she had been in an unhappy relationship with John but now she was happy with Jordan where has Jackie been who knows Jackie's busy and so am I everyone thinks we're not friends anymore and we definitely are but ever since I got into a new relationship I just don't spend time with my friends I'm just that [ __ ] I'm busy Jackie is actually really really busy she's doing a lot right now I'm very proud of her and as am I you'll see a lot of stuff that I've been working on coming to life very soon and me and Jackie are still the bestest of friends and still adore each other we still hang out it's just not like it was like when I was in my last relationship and I was married Me and Jackie hung out all the time because like we didn't really spend much time together my husband and I so I was always like looking for a distraction and going and having fun with her and just like living my life and now that's not the case so I'm busier and so is she and we're both in happy relationships and that's the tee followers noticed that although jacn claimed they were still good friends Jackie was no longer making public appearances on Jaclyn's social media in fact the last time jacine posted anything with Jackie was in March of 2018 in 2023 for the first time Jackie addressed her and Jaclyn's former relationship went on a post about her birthday a follower asked if she was still best friends with jacine because she loved seeing them together Jackie replied quote we are not currently in each other's lives let me say this once and never again I wish her a imense Joy but I am Jackie Riley it's my birthday my Artistry my vision my page and I am done being ask this question if God chooses to unite us then beautiful but I am an individual end quote one of the recurring themes across Jaclyn's social media accounts have been her comments about her dependence on alcohol to manage her emotions Jack has often mention that she would rather use liquor than prescription drugs one of the first times she mentioned a problem with alcohol was post lipstick gate when she said instead of confronting the problems headon she drank to avoid it she stated she took several tequila shots before recording her lipstick apology video her fans didn't have a problem with her admitting she had a problem with alcohol but they were confused why she continued to post about it on her social media after saying she needed to stop drinking followers didn't know what to think but one major change I have made and I'm going to get super vulnerable with you guys cuz this is something that I really didn't talk about and touch much on all my other videos and there's a reason for it so let me jump to that quickly I talked about having a dependency on alcohol maybe like a year and a half ago I discussed it and how after I went through all my lipstick situation you know and had to like refund everybody and all that you know the hairy lipsticks whatever I became very dependent on alcohol and I was very open and honest about that and because of my openness and my honesty I got so much feedback and a lot of it was very damaging and just people being very ignorant to alcohol abuse and you know people telling me that oh if she was really an alcoholic she would have gone to rehab well I never said I was an alcoholic that's the thing I never said I was an addict um so I kind of just I just shut it up I shut the hell up and I didn't talk about it again because I didn't want to deal with that you know and it's a touchy subject for a lot of people so I don't deal with it but I'm ready to talk about it again and bring it back to the surface because here's the deal am I an addict no am I an alcoholic I could be I definitely am not at the point where like I'm meeting rehab you know what I'm saying but I use alcohol to cope with anxiety my doctor tells me that you know I just use it as self-medication the same way I would use anx but I don't use pills I use alcohol instead and as my anxiety has been getting so much better I have been able to cut back on alcohol which has been amazing because at a certain point when I was dealing with the lipsticks I was drinking basically all day every day and now it's like I use it here and there when I'm super anxious it's like okay got to have a drink you know got got to get some alcohol in my system to like just take the edge off sort of thing you know and I've just realized I just I'm done with that situation it's so bad for me mentally physically for inflammation for everything and I'm just I I don't want that to be my life anymore so the the past week I've been on a journey of really knocking that out like learning to cope with anxiety on my own without turning to anything you know and for some people it's prescription drugs other people it's just drugs for some people it's alcohol whatever it may be people have their viic and I know for me at one point my vice was coloring like just adult coloring books was just helping me so much and that's how I was coping and I need to find things like that again whether it be working out or going on walks or whatever it is and the past week one of the things that Jan and I have been doing is trying new restaurants and that's just like one of those things it gets me out of the house if I start to feel anxious I'm like you know what you're fine what happens if you like fall over right now pass out and die well guess what that's just what's going to happen that's what's in the cards for you you can't change it moving on you know and just keeping myself busy is really my main focus right now so that's really what I'm dealing with if you are with somebody you know maybe your significant other or your child whoever it is you know a cousin a friend deals with really bad anxiety whether it's just like all mental or physical whatever it is I want to encourage you guys just to love them through it like love them at their lowest cuz I'm telling you it's the most empowering thing that you can do it's just to tell them I love you right now who you are yes you have anxiety But anxiety is not you jacqulyn continued 2021 with several makeup launches including bougie Rouge bougie Rouge included a variety of blushes from creams to powders and a few Rosy lip Shades this was the same year John found out he would only be receiving a 3% cut of the merch he had designed in part one one I mentioned # holdtight when referencing a 2015 post Jaclyn made about how she loved proving people wrong about their relationship Jon also had a whole tight tattoo Jon asked his followers not to buy from the website where the merch was and to order directly from him so he could give them a discount and receive the full profit a significant launch for Jacqueline in 2021 was when she veered away from makeup to jewelry in October of 2021 she launched Jaclyn roxan a jewelry line Jaclyn promised that sensitive skin would love this line while it seemed to do well at first like most of Jaclyn's launches that wouldn't last many customers complained that the Jaclyn roxan jewelry rusted and turned their skin green after only a couple uses some even complained of allergic reactions One customer wrote quote buyer beware not nickle-free my neck is so irritated from the Royal link chain once again Corners were cut I'm done with her and everything she does it's so sad because she could really do well if she stopped being cheap and cutting corners only product that was good was her highlighters because she was ashamed of how many corners she cut on her lipstick launch it's a mess and it's sad because I want to like her products but I can't deal with the BS anymore it's not cheap either if I'm paying a premium I expect a certain quality at the very least not false advertising end quote winter of 21 would see Jaclyn and Jordan vacationing in Aspen Colorado jacine was excited for the new year and didn't plan to slow down on morphe makeup launches under the Jaclyn Cosmetics name she closed out 2021 with a holiday collection but not before Jordan proposed to her right before Christmas Day the couple went into the new year celebrating their engagement Jaclyn was now doing makeup and jewelry and despite her past it appeared as if she was having a lot of success in May of 2022 she and her mother Robin did A Mother's Day collection called the Lux Legacy Collection Robin had been Jaclyn's manager from the beginning followers noticed that Jaclyn's YouTube videos stopped being about makeup and more about something she called Jaclyn's Journey my skin is breaking out I'm not losing weight I'm tired I'm hungry and I'm doing too much too soon that's what it comes down to I'm in a really bad mood this is the first time literally in one month cuz tomorrow is the one month day of when I woke up with that terrible hangover and I decided like I'm done this is the first time that I genuinely want to like go back to my old ways today like I seriously want just to cancel the day and drink mhm I hate this that's why I took the scale out of the bathroom I can't do this food thing I have to wait I told you it's just too much and how did I eat all that Cuban food the other night and wake up a pound less my God my eyes are like so dry they burn I ruined my makeup I don't even see it oh you're right I did it that's the video I watch I cry like how do I my make the eye makeup I think I felt like I was already so discouraged and then when you started reading off all those meals that's when I was like wanted to kill myself cuz I was like okay this is horrible I told you a week ago not to do this she was like trying to do everything and I'm like stop I'm like just focus on not drinking and throw in some exercise I was like don't worry about your diet we can do that when you're when you feel like you've overcome everything else and you're in a routine you can't be in a calorie deficit for one day and expect to like see a big difference on scale you have to do that for a month I was just angry that the scale went up I'm fine with it saying the same I'm just angry that it went up no more scale and go off you're how your clothes fit I'm telling you that was the first thing that I did and it made such a difference scales in the garbage moving forward I have nothing to say this sucks that's real life say this nothing what's that what do they say where they say like nothing that's worth it comes easier some stupid [ __ ] like that what do people say to make people feel better about themselves that that's what I have to say I think that's is got it super motivated today I'm done in May of 2022 Jordan and Ja Jac took a photo in front of the California coastline to celebrate the fact that they had found their wedding venue on Jordan's feet was a pair of Gucci shoes the exact ones only a few years earlier he had filmed JN in and wrapped about a video that John would upload to his Instagram and tag his friend in hey hey guys so today we are finally going to be doing the husband do husband tag husband tag that's kind of dark to be Foundation I think so I I'm just going to I'm going to keep going see I find something that looks I I told you that I'm going to do good uh go like this with your cheeks there you go oh I nailed out of the one then I'm serious I love that color okay so that is this how I normally look when I do my makeup no you look way hotter when you do your makeup okay look up look up oh my God don't poke me in the eye I'm trusting you Bab promise I promise he me oh are we blending again got to blend both YouTube makeup King I think you actually did a really good job for my first time for well I don't think there's going to be a second time today's video we are going to be doing the what's m challenge oh my God why did you make that noise close your eyes open your mouth don't you dare throw up on me oh you're getting it now God no this is Spam isn't it this is Spam I never actually had spam actually think I have Guam I his mom usam all the time I'm so nervous I hate you this is how she sounds at the doctor's office she's like oh you go I [Music] [Music] only a few months after that post Jon would tragically be found lifeless on a sidewalk in La he had relapsed and overdosed one of the more recent posts before Jon's death would be captioned quote if you've given up on me and wrote me off peace out I keep getting called Lost let's see you have my childhood then at 21 get ran rly thrown into a life of endless money and detention that you never expected and everyone wanting something from you or hating you for what you won't gladly give away then it gets ripped away in a very public divorce and have no choice but to start over knowing things that you can't mention that no one cares to even acknowledge when they eat away at you daily and on top of that battle a very real and serious addiction let's see if you'd have it all together anyway good morning from quote unquote one lost soul to another and please I don't need sympathy or pity I know my capabilities and my resilience isn't going anywhere I adapt at my own pace this is my journey not yours and if you're into competing with everyone and pretending you're above others you're not but do your thing if it makes you feel purpose I'll stick with my tunnel vision and accepting I'm no better than the homeless guy who stands in front of me in line at my clinic we all feel pain and we all deserve a voice likes and followers literally don't mean a thing you're not less than someone with 30 million followers guarantee you're more interesting more down to earth and appreciate the beauty in what others are blind to see end quote John Hill passed away on August 10th of 2022 two days later on her Instagram Jacklin shared quote I can't believe this day has actually come I am so out of my mind right now now I don't know how I'm even going to type this but I'm going to try John you were the most kind and compassionate person I've ever known you looked people in the eyes and you truly listened and cared about what they had to say you had so much talent you didn't even know what to do with it you turned your pain into art and touched so many people with your honesty and your music you were one of the funniest people I've ever met you made everybody laugh uncontrollably and I will forever miss that about you I know we ended our marriage but we never stopped loving and caring for each other all I ever wanted was for you to find happiness and be free from your struggles my heart is broken knowing that you are gone but my spirit knows that you are finally free and I know that you're up there playing the drums right now making everyone laugh I will carry our memories and inside jokes with me for the rest of my life rest peacefully love Twix end quote Jaclyn's very next post was for a new release of her jewelry line which she called quote incredibly necessary a few posts later it was of her driving around in her restored Bronco Jacqueline wasn't letting anything get in her way as she continued with makeup and jewelry launches and showing what's in her closet what came next would perhaps be one of the biggest things to hurt her career and cause her followers to lose trust in her let's rewind to 2017 when a Canadian woman named kayn Nicholson became the owner of a small business business called All Things Co Inc all things Co started as an online store that originally sold hoodies dresswear and mugs kayn didn't have a team of people or a warehouse she was a one-woman show and launched the business from her Toronto apartment she had bulk items shipped to her and then from her apartment she shipped the goods out to her customers but kayn had bigger dreams than selling Comfort items and clothes she self-published books under CO's publishing That Grew into a coook Vlog Co kitchen and a CO YouTube channel kayin herself had a couple YouTube channels she started uploading to in 2015 one under her name kin Nicholson in which she shared lifestyle Vlogs and one called kayn's Coffee Talk throughout the last decade she shared her journey as a businesswoman entering motherhood and more she did well for herself with her main Channel kayn Nicholson amassing 1.3 million subscribers as Co grew she was able to higher help and had even bigger plans for her business she wanted to write many more books under CO's publishing launch CO's planners and had started a membership platform and online community that included three yoga live streams per week as kayn was also a certified yoga teacher she also had a podcast under the all things Co umbrella kayn is a go-getter in every sense of the word in a 2022 YouTube video kayn said she grew up a lot from the narcissism she got wrapped up in in the YouTube influencer space around 2016 to 2018 and all things Co felt like her grown-up safe space where she got to do her business and create a comforting atmosphere for her customers but all that would change in June of 2022 while kayin was in her second trimester jacine created an Instagram account called be cozy and uploaded its first post an image that looked eerily similar to kin's co line had the exact same name and spelling the only difference was pronunciation the caption read coming soon instantly people began tagging kayn and her brand to say kin was stressed would be an understatement while pregnant with her first child she was now forced to try and save her brand that she had spent the last 5 years building she immediately reached out to Jaclyn and her team to try to get this figured out and when no one got back to her she even commented publicly on the coming soon post trying to make jacine and her team aware of her brand jacine nor anyone from her team ever replied to Kin but the very next be cozy Instagram post showed the brand name again this time with the trademark logo next to it the Brand's tagline was be kind to you but maybe jacqulyn should have remembered to be kind to others because only a few months later in October while kyn was busy with a two-month-old baby jacn uploaded a post of herself sitting on her kitchen counter announcing her third business cozy she captioned it quote I can't believe today is the day I'm launching my third brand like what little girl me is sobbing her eyes out right now I wish I could run into my childhood bedroom and hug my younger self right now and have a dance party like we are doing big things I'm so emotional and so grateful I was able to include my family in this launch and do this in my home thankful that my team trusted me and my vision I cannot wait for you guys to experience my be cozy products one 1 p.m. Eastern today end quote her next post was a video showing her Instagram bio next to calling herself the proud CEO of Jaclyn cosmetics and Jaclyn roxan she added be cozy unfortunately CN had not trademarked her brand and several of Jaclyn's followers told kin this was her fault because she should have on October 20th jacine uploaded a video titled I can't believe it's finally here introducing cozy the comments were immediately critical of what jacqulyn had done to Kin and a year and a half later the video has yet to receive even 500,000 views one comment read quote jacine you helped shape the YouTube makeup industry we have stood by you through so much controversy praying you would do better all you have proven is that you are exactly what we have all defended you were not karma is a real thing and it's coming for you this was the last straw end quote another red quote this isn't just stealing the name The Branding is almost identical to kin's this is flat out sad there is no way Jaclyn didn't know she just saw that kin hadn't trademarked it and took it at least address it poor kin had to put an end to her 5-year business Co wasn't just a business with kin it was a community and now it's ending great job jacine you took away a community just so you can have more money kayn reached out to you and you ignored her kayn messed up by not trademarking so yes as this may be legal it's not ethical end quote jacn launched cozy with socks slippers a robe a blanket and two different styles of pajamas customer soon complained about the fabric not holding up well a couple weeks later while on maternity leave kin uploaded a video titled saying goodbye to co and a couple weeks back I want to say it was like second week of October I started getting a couple DMS and a couple tags in a post that said Co ketti and from what I was reading from the comments and from what people were telling me that this was going to be the brand launch of a really big Creator and I was like oh [ __ ] I really hope not and I mean when I fell across this Instagram this Instagram only had like 300 followers at the time and only one post from July and remember that it was from July CU that will become important in a moment and nothing else like there was no confirmation that this Creator was involved there was no confirmation this was aand that was even being launched and I didn't want to be Hasty so I basically just was like okay what can I do here so I just posted a comment on that Instagram post which only had a couple hundred likes just saying like hey I don't know if this is a brand launch of somebody but if it is I and like maybe you didn't know I exist but now you might uh I am a YouTuber I have a brand called All Things Co I did not create the Cozy aesthetic by any means and there's definitely enough pie for everybody like I don't know what this brand even is supposed to be at this point if it's going to be a huge Lifestyle brand umbrella like I've created that's awesome if it's just merchandise that's also awesome like cozy comforting wear that's also awesome uh but do you mind maybe just going by any other name and again I mean this was not launched at this point there was a post from July I just wanted to kind of like give a little heads up and just be like please please don't do that because what that does one the biggest thing is that it would squash my SEO which is search engine optimization if you go and you Google Coes Koz e I'm the first thing that pops up or my B my business is the first thing that pops up and my YouTube is also the second thing that pops up it's like a bunch of videos if this Creator was the creator that was going to launch this brand I knew it was going to do really well I knew that they were definitely going to have a lot more resources as well as a lot more following so that now when you look up codes Not only would I not show up in that search engine optimization towards the top um still I probably would but the other thing that was a bigger worry for me is that the brand recognization itself when you saw the word Co would no longer you would would no longer be kin it would not like Co kin it would become Co this Creator or Co this brand and you would forget kind of about this brand not to mention if someone's walking around with a sweater like this or I'm walking around with a sweater like this someone might think I'm rep I'm repping that brand you know if they don't know about my brand those are the two main reasons and then it followed into more reasons and to be honest this Creator tends to have videos made about them that was the other thing I was worried about is that now when you would look up Coes the other thing that was going to start happening is that tea videos would show up or what is called like tea videos or Drama videos and I've never been in any tea or in any drama and I don't want to be I also don't want the brand affiliated with like like I don't want people to look up codes and then be like ooh drama you know what I mean and so that was another issue uh and I really want to be as kind as possible possible but I also want to be honest and I didn't get any response back from said Creator and then a couple I want to say a week or two later it was confirmed that this Creator was launching this business I knew at that point they had seen my comment if I'm being very very Frank and honest if you were to start any business if you were to start any company what would be the first thing you would do when you come up with the name would you not look it up on social media and look it up on Google because if you did both of those things you would definitely see my codes the other main issue was well you didn't trademarket I am aware that was [ __ ] on my part what really kind of put a bad taste in my mouth was instead of this Creator responding their team or they did just posted a real with the word Co or they call it cozy with a TM beside it the reason why that put a bad taste in my mouth is because one the energy was weird it was weird because it just kind of gave a like yeah I saw your comment here's my my response trademarked I was working with lawyers who looked it up and they hadn't trademarked it in fact the first post for this brand was in July so usually when you file a trademark it takes a week or two to show up in the database it had been months there was no no trademark filed under this person or their LLC which is kind of like their incorporation like it's called an incorporation in Canada it's an LLC in the US and then a lot of the comments were kind of like yeah shove it in her face kind of thing and that energy was like not not my cup of tea it looked one way when reality was a different way because the trademark didn't exist kin's lawyers told her because Jacqueline had not trademarked Co and because kyn had been selling Goods under the brand name for 5 years she could send jacine a cease and desist and then take her to court to pursue making the CO's brand name officially hers but the cost would be $95,000 minimum which is well over a 100,000 in Canadian currency kin said that as a new mom she didn't want a legal battle nor did she want the drama it would bring from Jaclyn's followers and possibly jacine I'm going to move on with my life I'm going to mind my own business I'm going to wipe my hands clean of this I'm going to go Rebrand which also another thing that my lawyer was telling me is I technically also had grounds to Sue and ask for money for the money it's going to cost me to Rebrand for the money it is costing me to Rebrand I don't want to because again I don't want to take any legal course of action against this person I don't want the drama from it and I don't want the stress on either end the stress on me or the stress on this person like I don't want any ill will towards this person even if they don't give a [ __ ] about me or my company it's just not the way I move through life and jacine didn't give a [ __ ] about kyn because she never addressed kin's concerns or the closure of her brand and when jacine would talk about kin in a future her YouTube video she refused to address her by name but more on that later sadly kyn closed down her business deleted the CO's website and social accounts and decided to move on in the meantime jacine and J's former friend had a wedding to plan a few weeks after launching Co jacine went to Miami to shop for a wedding dress and then held her bachelorette party with her best friend Linda right by her side Linda the co-owner of morphe would be Jaclyn's maid of honor and her only bridesmaid by now morphe wasn't doing as well as in 2019 when they received their $2 billion valuation prior to the pandemic morphe was well-loved among the beauty scene and influencers like Jeffree Star and James Charles would launch their makeup or makeup collabs only in morphe stores this turned into a major event and on launch day for a new influencer makeup product morphe would hire a DJ and security guards prior to opening where hundreds to sometimes thousands thousand of people would stand in line for hours to get their hands on their favorite influencer's newest release but even pre pandemic things started going downhill with all the influencer drama tarnishing the brand Insider reported when they visited a New Jersey morphe store in February of 2020 for Jeffree star's bloodlust makeup launch morphe had once again prepared for a huge launch with a DJ insecurity but less than 30 people were standing in line an hour before opening try as they may post-pandemic morphe was even worse the company had shifted away from beauty gurus like Jeffrey and James and geared their marketing more towards smaller influencers and gen Z there was just one problem gen Z wasn't interested morphe customers and employees began to notice the shelves weren't as regularly stocked and a financial report stated that morphe sales had dropped from 500 million in 2020 to 295 million in 2021 only a few weeks after Jaclyn's bachelorette party several morphe employees showed up to work only to find all the shelves empty they were then notified they no longer had a job morphe had closed all their stores in January of 2023 Forma morphy's parent company filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy jacine appeared unbothered in March she told her followers she was releasing a wedding collection from her Jaclyn Roxanne jewelry line unlike her makeup and jewelry line jacine had only posted once about Cozy on her personal Instagram since it first launched that might have been because nearly every comment on her be cozy Instagram page called her a thief told her to apologize to Kin or at least address the situation or yelled Justice for kyn at her it mostly seemed as if Jacqueline didn't care too much for cozy as the majority of brand photos were taken against a plain white backdrop and out of 50 57 posts on the Brand's Instagram Jaclyn herself only appeared in 11 meanwhile jacine and Jordan shared a video of them looking for a wedding venue she's got her ice but yeah we're on the way to Cali go do some wedding things so our toxic trait is being the last on the plane okay so not to sound like a spoiled [ __ ] but any time I travel in like the last eight years I've always had assistants or like a team like literally like a personal assistant like help me with everything but now that I've got Jordan he's much more um Wheeling this he's much more humble than me and he likes to do everything so no assistance so we're on the way to see if we can change rooms because uh ja has a fear of the first floor I don't want someone just to like walk into my room you know what it's it's rational Ral have we ever checked into a hotel ever where I've just feel like it's perfect it's never happened I always have to change I always have to change a room it's okay all right what we just order Mexican Mexican oh they don't have this [ __ ] in Florida I know basic how are we close to Mexico and we're eating basic Mexican food what five stars what are you giving it two oh man we just ordered some breakfast hopefully it's pretty good uh the dinner last night was tragic we ordered there's like two salads in a pizza over there and all night Jack was on the verge of throwing up so um the food here is not ideal but um hopefully breakfast slps hopefully breakfast laps so we can set ourselves up for success we're about to go do a wine tour right now as you can see jacine is pinked out first drink she's doing it we're doing it cheers baby cheers tastes like B tastes like wine all right quick update there's no phones allowed here um so my shoe broke we super glued it I'm Barefoot Jaclyn's Barefoot because she's got blisters and she forgot tissues so she cried all her makeup off so we had to go back to the hotel get superg glue redo the makeup what else happened spill water all over my Apple watch it's it's been a [ __ ] show it's been a [ __ ] show the iron didn't iron it actually burn my suit and did not work on her dress so I love you can Mar you I know at venes but it's always about it's always about us sorry about on April 29th of 2023 Jaclyn Hill became Jaclyn Tori in name only not in brand they were married in California with their close friends and family in attendance followers noticed Jaclyn posted wedding photos less than 24 hours after the wedding and that the couple didn't take a honeymoon one year after Jaclyn uploaded their wedding video to her YouTube channel it still has yet to hit half a million views at the time of this recording one month after the wedding on a podcast with his friends Jordan had a lot to say about lipstick gate and also strangely defended R Kelly and Bill Cosby in doing so switching gear for just a second still tying of jacking cuz with everything she kind of went through over the past years we saw all the [ __ ] that she went through how do we feel about cancel culture oh bro yo as somebody who watched their love one get destroyed from that cuz to you it's just a comment on a forum or an Instagram post or a YouTube video but like you put enough of those together and that [ __ ] turns from a sentence to a bullet and you can kill somebody with that [ __ ] Bro here's the thing if you are if your identity is tied to whatever is getting cancelled because everybody's got Fame and they got their personal life right if your identity is tied to that it will ruin you it will ruin you I'm not saying that some people don't deserve to be like hey I don't [ __ ] with him no more I don't [ __ ] with her no more like I get that man but like it's so dangerous to to the person on the other side of that yeah and I've got firsthand experience of how that [ __ ] can rock your world and it's like and the truth is bro like what my girl went through with her lipsticks was not her fault like I'm not going to go into details just for like legal reasons and I don't want to dabble in that but like my like that was literally not my girl's fault and the internet ruined her for a while like like she'll tell straight up out of everything she's been through those are that was a like one of the worst experiences of her life and it's like and because people made assumptions on [ __ ] they don't know you don't work with Labs you're not signing contracts you're not negotiation rooms you're not in a war room it's like you don't know what's going on you don't you don't know this [ __ ] it's like Alec Baldwin when he when he when the girl got shot on set every he's a murder he's it's like I I don't comment on that [ __ ] because I don't no I wasn't there I don't know what happened and just because I watched what happened what has happened to my girl time over time again with people coming after with these scandals it's like you don't know you're not there there is so much more that goes on behind the scenes so many more people involved so many more hands that are in this so many more angles and and obstacles and all this stuff and it's like you read a couple things and you make a judgment and then you call somebody a piece of [ __ ] it's like like yo [ __ ] you you don't know what you're talking about I will never leave a comment on somebody's [ __ ] when they're going through something popping [ __ ] about them because the truth is you never know it's like Tory Lane's a mega nost stallion man we've been through court it's been years we've heard T we still don't know what happened we got people that [ __ ] on both of them and it's like you don't know what happened why do you have an opinion okay well what about a situation like R Kelly or or Bill Cosby how do you feel about that because where do we draw the line there that's a good question if there bro I feel like if there's like undeniable truth to it but how is it undeniable we because at the end of the day we still don't know even if it's like I watch the documentaries listen you they are absolutely painted in a certain way I also watched a bunch of YouTube videos on my girl that made my girl look like the worst person on Earth and that she did all this [ __ ] that she didn't do so it's like and they make it believable bro you can spin anything you can literally spin anything and it's just like I just take everything with a grain of salt now if somebody's on video and they shoot somebody and that's what I'm saying you got proof it's got to be type of proof straight up cancel culture I'm not with it if you see something that's literally undeniable factual hard proof that that you think is messed up fine when the former bankruptcy documents were released the public began to pour over them in these documents they found that jacn who claimed Jaclyn Cosmetics was a family-owned business that she was CEO of found that Jaclyn Hill had no ownership whatsoever of Jaclyn Cosmetics it was owned by Forma and the name Jaclyn Cosmetics was trademarked by Jaclyn herself and then licensed to Forma who owned and operated Jaclyn Cosmetics Jaclyn Hill did own Jaclyn Hill LLC but she was not the CEO president or even an officer of Jaclyn Cosmetics when Forma filed for bankruptcy Jaclyn Hill was an unsecured creditor she was owed over $900,000 by morphe and over $1.1 million in royalties from Forma thanks to the bankruptcy jacine was now out $2 million this created a whirlwind in the beauty Community longtime fans and former followers wanted to know what was going on especially since Jaclyn herself was ref refusing to address it she ignored comments asking why she lied about being the owner for all those years and if Jaclyn Cosmetics was closing now that Forma filed bankruptcy instead Jacqueline continued posting and not addressing the problem she shared about her weight loss Journey non-alcoholic recipes she was making restaurants she was eating at and things she was buying by now every post had questions about how she could steal kalin's brand as well as questions about if Jaclyn Cosmetics was closing jacine didn't answer directly but she did post a video titled let's chat that alluded to the fact that change was coming and that she didn't owe her followers an explanation hi guys I would like to say I'm back but like I haven't really been gone that long and I feel like every video I've ever made in the history of my channel I start off with like I'm back I don't know why I always have to like reintroduce myself honestly you guys while I'm sitting here doing this like if we're going to have an open transparent conversation I'm literally like I could just sell everything like I could just sell Jaclyn rockan sell cozy Cosmetics just quit it all and just do this like as far as like happiness and fulfillment inside my heart like I could just be an influencer and like be good you know like just so much so many challenges that's like the hardest thing that I learned from the lipsticks is having like the whole internet talk about me and just question who I am as a person and I felt like there was no way out of it and it's like even still I deal with it on a weekly on a monthly basis people thinking that I'm Shady that I have terrible business practice that I I'm stealing things from people or I'm not being transparent and it's like it's so exhausting when it comes to business cuz it's like guys it's business like I do not owe you explanations you do not know what's going on behind the scenes you do not know the conversations that are being had you you literally don't know you don't know I don't care what documents you've seen you don't know what's in process you don't know what's happened you don't know who's lying out there you don't know unless you literally work for me you don't know and I'm so sick of constantly having to defend my character so I've decided like I made a pack with myself and my therapist and God a few months ago where I was like I'm done I'm not explaining myself anymore if you think I'm a good person thank you come back and watch my videos let's chat I'll see you in my DMs if you think I'm a liar if you think I'm Shady if you think whatever then literally unfollow me cuz I'm not going to explain myself to you that's where I'm at I feel like I just need to get that off my chest cuz I feel like I'm entering a new era I'm enjoying this video so much I'm enjoying this process so much that I'm trying to have an honest open conversation and I know that people are going to get pissed people want me to address every little thing so that they can go watch your favorite gospel channels make videos about it so they can sit there and be like oh my God I knew she was a terrible person and it's like I'm so do you know how emotionally exhausting that is do you know how toxic that is anyways moving on it may come as no surprise that her refusing to address the controversy and instead acting defensive and annoyed only made her followers and ex fans more critical of her now that the forma's court documents clearly showed all the years of Jaclyn's lies people wondered what other documents they could find so they decided to dig it came to light that in 2013 a man named Matthew Chase Gilbert had The Misfortune to work with Jacqueline the pair were friends and he created a logo artwork and branding for Jaclyn's business under the agreement that if she became successful she would pay him and employ him in her company Jack agreed and for years she used his artwork in branding and even had him modify it several times the logo and branding were used for collaboration she did with morphe and several other brands instead of following through on their agreement once the money started piling up she convinced him to sign a work for hire document allegedly under the guise that it just claimed Matthew didn't own any part of her company but in reality the document gave jacine all rights to Matthew's artwork logo and branding in return he would be paid $10 after the documents were signed she cut him out of both her professional and personal life Matthew Gilbert ended up suing jacqulyn for fraud intellectual property rights and breach of agreement the case was dismissed in 2016 other documents show that in 2018 Jacqueline quietly created a charity organization called lions and lipsticks no one knows why for sure but it led down another rabbit hole that showed the charity was closed after Jaclyn Hill received two PPP loans from the government in 2020 but there was something that caught people's attention on Jacqueline's PPP loan filing she listed her race as American Indian or Alaskan native something Jaclyn Hill nor anyone in her family has ever claimed to be jacine applied for two PPP loans totaling over $391,000 both loans were forgiven by the US government meaning she didn't have to pay anything back as all this information came to light others who had been burned by jacine began to speak out along with Mara Estelle who is irate at what Jaclyn did to Kin and her former company Makeup Geek a woman named Jen Gerard posted to a Reddit for that Jaclyn tried to ruin her Jen Gerard is the owner of Gerard cosmetics and considered jacqulyn a friend back in 2014 she collabed with jacine on a collection called Jaclyn's M which included two lipsticks and two glosses the lipsticks were named 1995 and Buttercup and the glosses were Rose Hill and buttercream industry standard is usually 10 to 15% commission without royalties but according to Jen Jacqueline received a 30% commission plus royalties for every unit sold this included the product sold as individuals jacine did not do any work on the product formula nor did she design the packaging or branding she simply chose chose the four colors this collab netted Jaclyn more than $500,000 from Gerard Cosmetics but in 2015 around the time Jaclyn was promoting champagne pop Jen received an email saying Jaclyn wanted to end the business relationship and demanded a fee of $250,000 so that things didn't get quote dirty when Jen told Jaclyn no as that wasn't part of their contract jacine made a video on her Snapchat badmouthing Jen Gerard saying it was costing her a lot to work with Gerard cosmetics and that she had to put her morals above everything else therefore she would no longer be working with Gerard Cosmetics articles and posts were then made slandering the brand and its owner and many influencers stopped working with the company after Jacqueline's Snapchat the company lost a lot of customers as well then there was a woman named Gabby who also decided to speak out in 2023 she is the owner of Gabby Ross makeup in 2017 she created a makeup brush called the face Master which is a name she trademarked but only one year later Jaclyn posted about her brush collab with morphe which she called the face collection despite a trademark strike forcing morphe to change the name their position as a then makeup superpower meant that for years a quick Google of the keyword face Master brought up their collaboration before Gaby's at the time of this recording Jacqueline still has the trademarked word Master listed in the description box under her video as all these dirty behind closed door dealings came to light through podcast and Reddit forms and while social media was Ablaze with talk of Jaclyn's misdeeds jacine pretended to be unaware but cracks in the facade began to show when in August of 2023 she posted a video titled I'm closing my brands in the video she blamed the Yes Men she had in her life after her lipstick launch failure and that she doesn't want to be a brand owner and hasn't been happy for at least 2 years throughout the video she talks about her decision to close down her jewelry line Jackin roxan and cozy only 10 months after kin closed her entire business of 5 years because of Jaclyn taking the name jacine was bored of it in her video she said quote I get excited over Cosmetics I'm not excited over these things and I kind of had this aha moment recently where I don't want to be known as the co girl I don't want to be known as the blanket girl I don't want to be known as the jewelry girl like that's not supposed to be my legacy my legacy was supposed to be Cosmetics end quote Midway through the video jacine declared that she did want to talk about choosing to name her brand cozy I do want to take a moment to address the naming of my brand cozy because there's been a lot of talk about it and although I have not addressed it publicly does not mean that I am not handling it privately it's really something that I wish the internet would be more aware of is that you only see moments and minutes throughout my entire week in my life but behind the scenes is where everything is actually happening so although I may not address something does not mean that it's not keeping me up at night and something that I am constantly dealing with and obsessing over and trying to make right I just want you guys to keep that in mind what you see here on camera is just a tiny tiny glimpse into what my life actually looks like so as a lot of you guys may know there is a Canadian Creator and she had an online digital platform called All Things Coast and Co was spelled the same way as my brand K Ze so at the time I hired a trademark attorney to make sure that whatever name my team and I came up with from my brand was going to be able to be used legally we came up with over a 100 different names everything was taken we created names from scratch taken everything was trademarked until we came up with the name cozy spelled k o z e my attorney told me trademark is open it's all yours great where I personally messed up as an owner as a Founder as a CEO was not doing my own due diligence on the social media side of things I was not made aware that there was a smaller Canadian creator with an online platform that had that exact same spelling within the brand name until we had placed an order for everything for the blankets for the robes for the pajamas for the socks for the slippers and that's when I was made aware of the spelling being the same the second that I was made aware of the situation my team and I reached out to her directly to try to make this right and we never heard back from her and I completely understand why because I would be pissed off if I was her as well all right the situation sucks I'm just giving you my perspective of what happened behind the scenes of the camera kayn has denied ever receiving an email from jacine or anyone on Jaclyn's team jacine went on to address Jaclyn cosmetics and continued to perpetuate the lie that she was CEO and owner and could decide the company's fate honestly you guys I don't know the future of my brand I really don't I mean because of everything that I've said to you this entire video I really don't know I mean I just I really stepped away and I really just did the bare minimum and I was given such an incredible opportunity to be in ALA stores and I've done the bare minimum supporting my brand in Ulta which is crazy because that's literally my dream I could just cry over this like I remember working at the Mac Store all right and this is when I was physically on food stamps and during my lunch break at Mac I would walk upstairs in the Chicago Woodfield Mall and I would go into to the Ala store and I'll just walk around and stare and I remember feeling like always slightly embarrassed because like the sales girls would be like can I help you and I'd be like oh no it's okay cuz I did not have a dollar to spend on makeup but I'll just walk around and Swatch stuff and just like dream about like being able to own these things and I've talked about this I talked about this like eight years ago on my YouTube channel and just to then fast forward and have my own Jaclyn cosmetics in ALA stor like talk about and um and I didn't I haven't even given that relationship the love that it deserves because I just felt like such a failure even though Ulta believed in me I didn't believe in myself how crazy is that um so at this point I don't know what's going to happen with Jaclyn Cosmetics because of the decisions that I've made because of the fact that I did the bare minimum um it's just wild to think that that is what started my YouTube career turning on some Rinky Dink camera using a lamp as my lighting recreating a Kim Kardashian Cosmopolitan winged eyeliner look like with nothing to get out of it I didn't know you could make money on YouTube I didn't know you could make a career out of it I just thought it was a community that you could possibly build where you learn makeup like that's all I thought it was back in 2011 um and so yeah I definitely feel ashamed and like I blew it and that might be the case but I'm going to own up to it and own my [ __ ] and at this point it's like let's just see what the future holds you know but I'm just sick of trying to chase validation I just want to be happy I want mental stability I'm so sick of feeling lost or doing what I feel like I'm supposed to do or what people are telling me to do like I'm just ready to take my life into my own hands and I've been working really hard on that recently I said what I said we're done and just moving forward with what I want to do what's going to make me happy no matter what that looks like all I know is we do have one last launch in our pipeline that's actually coming out this month and it's the most Innovative product that I've ever created you will see that I really put time and effort into this product with my team there's nothing like it there's no formula that I have ever seen on the market like this it is so beautiful and so unique and I'm so excited for it to launch and I just want to be able to give my brand the love that it deserves even if it ends up shutting down too like on the way out I've got to just like stay true to myself and like that little Jacqueline if you will I've got I've got to honor that I've got to honor my true original love and passion and dream and that's where I'm at while jacine pretended to be vague about what she was going to do with Jaclyn Cosmetics after saying makeup was her passion a lot was happening behind the scenes court documents showed that Forma had offered Jaclyn the opportunity to buy back Jaclyn cosmetics in the bankruptcy proceedings so the brand could stay alive but Jacqueline whether because of money or something else declined to do so and thus Jaclyn Cosmetics would be no more soon after Ulta removed it from their stores and the company's makeup began piling up in discount stores like TJ Maxx and Marshalls at the time of this recording Jaclyn Hill has never addressed the fact that Forma owned Jaclyn cosmetics and that it wasn't a small family brand as she stated many times throughout the years in December of 2023 jacine finally addressed that Jaclyn Cosmetics was closing but she announced that it was her decision in a statement not posted on any of her social accounts but only to the Instagram for Jaclyn Cosmetics she wrote quote 2023 has come to an end and it's truly been a transformational year for me the joy you're seeing In Me Is Real however the road to get here has come with a lot of tough realities and decisions I have had to make as well with that being said I have decided to close the doors on Jaclyn Cosmetics for the foreseeable future there has been plenty of talk but what I will say is the brand has been such an important chapter in my book and one I will always cherish but am ready to close end quote less than 2 years after after getting together Jordan had stopped making music and stopped working as a videographer he started posting cooking videos to his YouTube channel and gained over 600,000 subscribers jacine made Regular appearances in his videos in 2024 Jordan became a contestant on Next Level Chef after being eliminated Jordan and jacine made the decision to move to California it's unclear what Jordan's career plans are he was recently seen with his bare back side against the stove in one of his cooking videos let's make a surf and turf sandwich thing bigger than my hat we're starting with our shrimp marinate them in olive oil lemon juice salt pepper smoked paprika and about a teaspoon of corn starch next we got fried shallots and it's literally as easy as one two and three speaking of three we've got our three ingredient aoli sauté your calabrian chili garlic a little salt take your Mayo into a bowl garlic and chilies in get all that oil now mix and taste as you go that's how good it is me so hungry get your mind out of the gutter cut up your scallion butter lemon juice that's fresh scallion now we taste it's also unclear what Jacqueline's plans are for her career in the video where she announced she was closing her Brands she claimed that her social media looked like one Big Brand deal and she was sick of pushing products in people's faces however that is mostly what she does today jacqulyn posts an Amazon link almost daily if not multiple a day to her Instagram stories in June of 2024 jacine posted to her stories that she had spent over 2 hours putting products in her Amazon storefront for her followers she currently has over 900 Amazon products listed in her Amazon storefront one of those being toilet paper jacine still claims to be friends with Linda during the morphe days Linda allegedly owned a company titled SMD mnm an acronym most commonly known for scared money don't make no money in June of 2024 Jacqueline's mother Robin was seen promoting a crypto multi-level marketing company on her Instagram stories where she invited her followers to join her and their Community for a Thursday night meeting in that same month Jacqueline posted a patronizing video to her stories in which she told followers that if they wanted to become multi-millionaires nothing was holding them back but them before I play this clip Please be aware of the wind in interference in the video you can change your life if you're in an unhappy relationship you can leave I've done it okay I did it with millions of eyes on me you can leave if you feel miserable and you need and want to lose weight you can do it I've done it if you want to shut down your businesses and let go of four people you can do it I've done it you want to move across the country you can do it I've done it if you want to put yourself out there when no one else believes in you and you're dead broke on food stamps and you don't even know what's next for yourself you can do it I've done it you can do it okay I'm just saying we all have One Life to Live one life and it's okay to be selfish every once in a while and take care of you it's okay to chase your dreams whatever that may be if you want to be super successful you want to be a multi-millionaire you know you can do that right like they didn't just stop printing money today other people are multi-millionaires so why can't you be like it's available it's there for you you know so whatever it is I just think that a lot of us women especially young women I'm speaking to like my former self now I think that we do not acknowledge how much we're actually capable of and how much control we actually have over our own lives and our own destiny so leave that shitty relationship leave that whack ass man who isn't taking care of you go make something for yourself go back to school close down your businesses move across the country get weird get wild do something for you be selfish for a change take control is all I'm saying find your happiness I love you I'm out while other Beauty gurus continue to receive millions of views on their videos because they haven't broken their audience's trust and some creators even built makeup brands that became a global Powerhouse and are still consistently putting out great products it's another story entirely for Jacqueline Jaclyn Hill had YouTube Fame and went from having thousands of people line up to meet her her products sold in the biggest Beauty retailers across the country and more opportunity and money than most can fathom in a lifetime to losing it all betraying those who helped her along the way and becoming a mean girl who hopes to earn a commission from your toilet paper sales this has been the cautionary tale of Jaclyn Hill [Music] [Music] he
Views: 73,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jaclyn Hill, Jordan Torrey, Farnum Grindtime, Next Level Chef, Gordon Ramsey, Morphe, Linda Tawil, Lipstick Gate, Huda Beauty, NikkieTutorials, Jon Hill, The Jon Hill Project, GabyRosMakeup, Gerard Cosmetics, Marlena Stell, Makeup Geek, Aspen Colorado, Florida, California, James Charles, Jeffree Star, RawBeautyKristi
Id: g6jdf36RmDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 41sec (7181 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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