The Catholic Church: Masterpiece Of Deception

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[Music] the Roman Catholic Church possesses a nearly unparalleled level of power and influence on the global stage today from world leaders to the impoverished third world she has ensnared and deceived untold billions as she grows in power and influence in the geopolitical realm as well as the evangelical world we must take special care to understand both the nature and the consequences of being seduced by such a cunning foe to the Catholic loyalists I urge you to come out from among her before that great and terrible day of the Lord [Music] welcome my name is Joshua and today we have our work cut out for us in discussing a topic that has been rigorously debated for the last several hundred years even to the point of bloodshed and given that literally millions of books articles and videos have been produced on the topic of Catholicism I don't reasonably expect that I can add anything particularly new or insightful substantively to this debate but I do pray that perhaps something insightful in terms of perspective or at least sequence might be afforded to here so firstly if you're a Catholic I would urge you to come and reason together with us through these things as they are of eternal importance and I suspect you might just be surprised if not shocked at some of the things that are shared here at least in the way in which they're going to be shared and the aim of the video is basically threefold one for the genuine believer in Jesus already that your faith would be strengthened as a result of better understanding why it is you believe what you believe and as it concerns Catholicism that you would be better equipped to engage in meaningful dialogue evangelistically oriented with those who are ensnared by the deception that is Catholicism friends family co-workers etc that's the goal we don't want to just have knowledge but knowledge with some application and in this case it's twofold in helping you better understand and be confirmed in your beliefs and also that you might be better equipped to share the good news of Jesus by faith alone in Christ alone with those you know that identify with Catholicism which brings me to the second point which is if you're a Catholic I hope this video itself serves as an evangelistic tool and that the Catholic dogmas that we're going to address here might be confusing to the degree that hopefully you're even frustrated and are forced to wrestle with why it is you believe what you believe with the end goal ultimately and prayerfully that you would put your faith alone in Christ alone and the third point will be a general warning against ecumenism not a new problem but an increasingly glaring problem in today's evangelical landscape and those loosely within the Protestant vein minimizing or diminishing differences between them and Catholics saying things like we have more in common than those things that divide us which is a radically untrue statement as we are going to see for most Catholics the thing that unites them most strongly to Catholicism is not the truth-value of Catholicism but it is the cultural value of Catholicism for most Catholics there are exceptions to everything but for most lay Catholics the family heritage that they have in Catholicism is the strongest bond to Catholicism you see this especially in Hispanic communities most especially in Central and South America where being Catholic is nearly synonymous with being a citizen of said country whichever country that is but if your great-grandparents and your grandparents and your parents are Catholic you get married in the Catholic Church you get buried in the Catholic cemetery this institution of the Catholic Church becomes part of your family heritage and it becomes the bonding factor between you and other families in your community and so to disavow Catholicism for many would be to disavow their entire families which is not all that dissimilar from the problem of a parent problem that faced Jews in the first century who would be put out of the synagogue if they were following Jesus and so I would commend you to Jesus words when he said whoever doesn't hate his mother his father his brothers his sister's yes his own life also he cannot be my disciple and whoever doesn't take up his own cross and come after me day is not worthy of me are you prepared to loose yourself from those things even if your family is offended and if you're not might I suggest it's not Jesus that you're seeking culture is a very and tradition and family heritage is a very strong element for some it's an insurmountable one what we want to do is get at the truth we want to get at the truth whatever the consequences may be jesus said your own life also whoever seeks to save his life will lose it whoever loses his life for my sake will truly find it we want to get at the truth and if the truth contradicts the views that you have grown up with the question is what do you want what do you love more and of course I'm speaking to Catholics now but these are questions you should ask Catholic family or friends does truth really matter so where are we going to start we're gonna start we're gonna be peeling largely to the Catholic catechism to avoid any objections that the wrong source of authority was appealed to this is the Catechism signed off by John Paul the second in I think 1994 just to read an opening statement from it it says the Catechism of the Catholic Church which I approved June 25th last on the publication of which I today order by virtue of my apostolic authority is a statement of the church's faith end of Catholic doctrine attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture the apostolic tradition and the church's Magisterium the three sources of authority for the Catholic Church I declare it to be a shore norm for teaching the faith and thus a valid and legitimate instrument for ecclesial communion so this is a fifth official Catholic teacher there are many hundreds of topics we simply don't have time to touch on at all and anything that I do could be expounded on for hours at length so what I've sought to do is pick the fundamental elements that are going to help us understand why the rest are wrong as well right if we can understand the source of an error right the the root cause of an error then the other things are symptoms of that so what we have to understand is that Catholicism is not merely wrong or off or a different denomination but fundamentally the gospel proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church is a false gospel precisely because the Jesus that is proclaimed by the Roman Catholic Church is a false Jesus these are big statements and I'm prepared to defend them so again if you're a Catholic please come and reason together with us this is of eternal importance we are going to begin with something I suspect many Catholics even devout Catholics might not be aware of now they're more aware than perhaps they would have been a few years ago last year Pope Francis signed a document with an imam in the united arab emirates about fraternity between Muslims and Catholics a lot of people were put off by this confused by it questioning whether or not the Pope was an anti Pope and all sorts of things but this is nothing new since at least 1964 the Catholic Church has had official teachings on their relationship with Muslims now at that time a during the Vatican two councils of the mid 1960s one very important document for the Catholic Church ratified called lumen gentium in Latin light of the world is written this statement the church's relationship with the Muslims listen the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims these profess to hold the faith of Abraham and together with us they adore the one merciful God mankind's judge on the last day far from being a statement of criticism it is an effective statement of unity notice what they said together with us they adore the one merciful God and they base this on the profession that Muslims hold the faith of Abraham yes Muslims do profess to hold the faith of Abraham but there's a whole lot of things the Muslims profess we're going to examine just two of those from their Quran starting in surah number 4 verse 157 listen very carefully they declared we have put to death the Messiah Jesus son of Mary the Messenger of God they did not kill him nor did they crucify him but it only seemed to them as if it had been done so and those who differ in this matter are in doubt concerning it they have no definite knowledge about it but only follow mere conjecture but they certainly did not kill him immediately the entire credibility of the Quran and therefor the Islamic faith is called into question because this statement we just read is an historical farce you will scarcely find even a secular historian that denies Jesus was crucified by Romans they might deny that he rose from the dead because their worldview precludes that possibility but unanimously nearly across the board even atheist historians agree Jesus was crucified by the Romans why do they believe this because the eyewitnesses of Jesus death say so first century historians say so literally hundreds of people were witness to Jesus being crucified by the Romans and six hundred years later a man named Mohammed who by the way married a six-year-old named Aisha comes along and says that never happened on a purely historical basis Islam is absurd and untenable and therefore the entire integrity of this entire this entire book is called into question on that basis alone but if that weren't enough verse 171 says this people of the book do not go to extremes in your religion say nothing but the truth about God the Christ Jesus son of Mary was only a Messenger of God and His Word conveyed to Mary a spirit from him so believe in God and his messengers and do not say there are three gods desist it will be better for you indeed God is the one and only God His Holiness is far above having a son this is an express denial that Jesus is the Son of God and is supposed to be some kind of polemic against the notion of the Trinity which was well established at this time don't say there are three gods Jesus was only a messenger now I want to share with you what the Apostle John said about all who would share such things as we just read first John chapter 2 and verse 22 says this who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist who denies the father and the son whoever denies the son does not have the father either it is a spirit of Antichrist that denies that Jesus is the Son and yet the Catholic Church officially teaches that together with them Muslims adore the one merciful God the true God but according to the Bible those who deny that Jesus is the Son don't have the father either so whoever Muslims are adoring it's not the one merciful God it's not the creator of the universe it's something or someone else unless we wish to make John the Apostle a liar and they'll say no but they profess to hold the faith of Abraham well the Jesus of the Quran is a false Jesus as we know the Jesus in the Quran was never crucified much less resurrected that's a false Jesus and they have the false Jesus because they also have a false Abraham if they truly believed in Abraham the real Abraham they would believe Jesus we see the same thing pan out in John chapter 8 a group of Jews appealing to Abraham to validate their legitimacy nah we are descendants of Abraham and Jesus said you're actually of your father the devil if you were of Abraham you would do the works of Abraham and if you really loved my father you would love me because I came forth from my father Jesus says the same thing about Moses if you really believed in the writings of Moses you would believe me because Moses wrote about me so for all those whether they're Orthodox Jews or Muslims who claim to follow Moses or follow Abraham if that profession were true they would also be followers of Jesus that's coming from Jesus himself he said Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and he was glad so the Jesus proclaimed by Islam is false because the Abraham that they professed to hold the faith of is a false Abraham if they really followed the true Abraham they would be following the true Christ already you can see the problem the entire Catholic catechism on that basis alone is called into question lending credence to the spirit of Antichrist saying that those who deny the Jesus's of the Son of God deny that he was crucified much less risen from the dead somehow still with them together adore the true creator they make John the Apostle a liar and they make God's Word of no effect I wonder how many Catholics know that this is official Catholic teaching how many of you who have been devout Catholics knew that the Catholic Church teaches that Muslims are part of the plan of salvation and together with them adorn the same God this is a lie and this is to lend credence to the spirit of Antichrist and no wonder as we're going to see the Catholic Church is well steeped in the spirit of Antichrist as well these are not just sensational sentiments putting up here those things which usurp the authority of Christ and supplant the Word of God we will see that the Jesus in Catholicism is likewise not the Jesus in the Bible but before you can have a meaningful conversation you have to establish some ground rules because when I appeal to the Word of God I appeal to this written word of God when the Catholic Church appeals to the Word of God they appeal to as we read Sacred Scripture apostolic tradition and the Magisterium of the church the tradition and the scripture are both to be interpreted by the Magisterium of the church so without that you couldn't possibly know what this says or what tradition means and so we already have a bit of a problem so our first objective here is going to be to remove two of those pillars of authority from the Catholic Church and to show you that apostolic tradition is taught by the Catholic Church and the Magisterium of the church as taught by the Catholic Church are both untenable and irrelevant altogether rubbish once we remove those two we'll be left with Sacred Scripture and then perhaps we can have something of a meaningful dialogue but the Church's official teaching is sacred tradition and sacred scripture are bound closely together and communicate with one another listen as a result the church to whom the transmission and interpretation of Revelation is entrusted does not derive her certainty about all revealed truths from the Holy Scriptures alone both Scripture and tradition must be accepted and onto honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence equal sentiments of devotion and reverence and the tradition here in question comes from the Apostles they say that is those apostles especially Peter who is professed to be the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church and all of his successors thereafter and the College of Bishops that are in communion with Peter they received a separate oral tradition that is to be regarded with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence with the Word of God all right this is not a new concept most people are familiar with this now here's the problem immediately we really don't need to look past the Church of Ephesus to disprove this there are a thousand arguments and like I said the scripture Sola scriptura and the notion of apostolic tradition here this could be a two-hour video easily just by itself but the church of ephesus founded by the apostle paul he lived among the people of ephesus for at least three years and despite its having apostolic influence and bishops and overseers that were appointed by a confirmed apostle we see this same church being rebuked by Jesus himself in Revelation chapter 2 why because they deviated from God's Word and if you like they even deviated from whatever tradition they might have received but wait a second if they had been appointed elders by an apostle then they had been entrusted to carry on this tradition the fact that they were being rebuked by Jesus shows you that whatever tradition they might have received was no guarantee that they were going to continue in it so then what's the authority the written word it is always only the final Court of Appeal for Jesus for the Apostles always in Acts chapter 20 paul summons the elders of the church of ephesus to him in a place called Meletis not far from ephesus here's what he says to them the elders mind you the bishops and overseers of the church in ephesus here's what he says starting in verse 29 for I know this that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock listen also from among yourselves men will rise up speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves therefore watch and remember that I did not cease to warn you now day four three years with tears from among yourselves he's speaking to the elders that he had appointed and he basically prophesized that they are going to become corrupted so then if it's possible for the successors right this is how the Catholic Church views all bishops the College of Bishops our successors of the successors of the Apostles to carry on apostolic tradition if it's even possible for them to become corrupted then tradition is not trustworthy and Paul says point blank among yourselves men will rise up speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves Peter says a similar thing false prophets will arise among you so tradition couldn't possibly be trustworthy what is the written word of God this is why people leave last wills and Testaments it's very easy to claim after somebody's died that they said something to you there's no way to prove or disprove it it's a lot harder to start amending what has been put in writing there's a reason that the appeal of the Apostles and the appeal of Jesus is always to the written word of God this is not a new problem like the Catholic Church does today the Pharisees in Jesus day were in the habit of appealing to some esoteric law outside of the written one they had the written Torah and then they had what they called the Oral Torah what we now know as the Mishnah which was transcribed by a Jew to the prints and I think 200 which is devoutly followed the Jewish Talmud by Orthodox Jews today the Pharisees were in the habit of appealing to this oral tradition which was a source of dispute among them and the Sadducees we read in the writings of Josephus who didn't make the Sadducees much better they also denied the resurrection and the existence of angels and so forth but nevertheless the Pharisees had some other source of authority and like the Catholic Church they appealed to a succession they claimed that they had received this tradition from Moses down through Joshua and so forth into their rabbinic circles and it was well-established at the time of Jesus the oral tradition was well known well-established and similarly to what we read in the Catholic catechism regarded with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence to the written word and very often superseding the written word of God now despite this being a well-established oral tradition Jesus never once appeals to it the constant refrain from Jesus himself is it is written it is written it is written have you not read you are deceived and not knowing the Scriptures Jesus only appeals to the written word of God and when he does mention the oral tradition it's to rebuke those who are following it quoting from Isaiah this isn't this wasn't even new at their time going back to the time of Isaiah mark chapter 7 it says this verse 6 well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites as it is written again Jesus appeal to what is written this people honors me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and in vain they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men for laying aside the commandment of God you hold the tradition of men the washing of pitchers and cups and many other such things you do many such things they had a well-established oral tradition what they referred to as the tradition of the elders Jesus gave no mind to it rebuked them for it and said that they lay aside the commandment of God in order to keep their tradition Jesus put no stock in their tradition now notice the contrast when he says they teach as doctrine doctrines the commandments of men and he says laying aside the commandments of God you hold the tradition of men this contract presupposes that one is written and one is not the commandments of God are written the traditions of men are not and so like the Pharisees who were enamored with an oral esoteric tradition that only they had been given the Catholic Church appeals to something outside of God's word which will always be the cause of folly and yet the Catholic Church agrees that the written word of God new testament included is sacred scripture here's what they say sacred scripture is the speech of God as it is put down in writing under the breath of the Holy Spirit okay so we agree that Sacred Scripture Old and New Testament are both Holy Spirit breathed Word of God because when the argument is made Jesus quoted from the scriptures typically a Catholic apologist will say yeah but that's the Old Testament Scriptures yes that's true but even Catholics agree that New Testament Scriptures are in fact the breeze breathed Word of God it's only to establish the point that the method of appeal is always to what is written which the Apostle Paul tells us in 1st Corinthians chapter 4 do not think beyond what is written but we agree that New Testament Scriptures are also the breathed Word of God there's no debate there so there's no need to engage in an argument Catholics agree with that much now follow this syllogism the New Testament Scriptures as well as the old are the breathed words of God we agree ok number one number two scriptures cannot be broken how do we know that John chapter 10 and verse 35 Jesus said the Scriptures cannot be broken and we know that that's the Word of God therefore it's true the Scriptures cannot be broken number 3 therefore if we find in Catholic tradition anything that contradicts the written word of God one of them must be lying and we know it can't be the written word because we've already agreed that this is in fact the Word of God and the Catholic Church will say wait a second the Bible actually teaches tradition it teaches tradition for exam in first Corinthians 11 and second Thessalonians chapter 2 let's just briefly look what does the Bible say well just the Apostle Paul say 2nd Thessalonians 2 says this verse 15 therefore brethren stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught whether by word or our epistle so it's very clearly says that there's a written tradition and then there's a spoken tradition and that would seem compelling on the surface if not for verse 5 of the same book where the tradition he's referring to is also written keep this in mind any oral tradition referred to was temporary and was eventually written down there is no good reason whatsoever to believe that the Apostles failed to write down any tradition that was necessary every tradition that they passed on orally first was also transcribed in writing every one there's not a good argument has ever been furnished to believe otherwise and even the two verses that are appealed to as some substantiation of oral tradition are refuted within the same paragraphs so Paul mentions this oral tradition but verse 5 says do you not remember that when I was with you still I told you these things what things the next 10 verses he reiterates what he had told them so that oral tradition that he had given them is found here written in 2nd Thessalonians so the natural progression of things obviously is to say at first before it's written Jesus spoke the Sermon on the Mount before it was transcribed but it was eventually transcribed during the time of the Apostles but if you want further illumination to this text in Thessalonians we go to Acts chapter 17 it says this when they came to Thessalonica right the Church of the Thessalonians where there was a synagogue of the Jews then Paul as was his custom went into them and for three Sabbath's reasoned with them from the scriptures from the written word of God explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead and saying this Jesus whom I preached to you is the Christ so Paul's tradition and his custom with the Thessalonians was rooted in reasoning from the scriptures from the written word of God shortly after this they go to Berea and note that the Bereans received what Paul said orally and then they went to the written word of God to confirm it and in first Corinthians 11 Paul says I praise you that you remember me in all things and that you hold to the traditions just as I delivered them to you and in the very same chapter he explains what he delivered to them and so there's no tradition that was spoken that wasn't also written down it was all written down and we have it preserved right here the Bible says as I said not to think beyond what is written Paul says to the Corinthians in chapter 14 he says the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord but here's where it gets tricky for the Catholic Church listen 2nd Peter chapter 1 his divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by glory and virtue all things that pertain to life and godliness given to us through a knowledge of Jesus and whereas the knowledge of Jesus found right here all of his teachings are found here and the expounding upon those teachings by his apostles found right here all things given that pertain to life and godliness found in a knowledge of Jesus but wait 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 listen very carefully the Holy Scriptures the written word graph a in Greek are able to make you wise for salvation through faith faith alone which is in Christ Jesus the Holy Scriptures are able to make you wise for salvation now if the Holy Scriptures are able to make you wise for salvation then they are sufficient to make you wise for salvation and therefore tradition is unnecessary here is a massive problem for the Catholic Church officially taught listen Christ the Lord in whom the entire revelation of the Most High God is summed up that's a big statement all by itself we know that the entire revelation of God is summed up in Jesus and all we know about Jesus is found right here therefore the entire revelation of God is found in your Bible commanded the Apostles to preach the gospel which had been promised beforehand by the prophets in the written word of God okay in the written word of God was my parenthetical commentary and which he fulfilled in his own person and promulgated with his own lips in preaching the gospel they were to communicate the gifts of God to all men listen this gospel was to be the source of all saving truth and moral discipline this is official Catholic teaching the gospel is the source of all saving truth and moral discipline now second Timothy 3 says what the Holy Scriptures are able to make you wise for salvation therefore the gospel must be found in the Holy Scriptures and it is therefore if within the Holy Scriptures I have the source of all saving truth and moral discipline then tradition is irrelevant do you see then that tradition is disproven unwittingly by the Catholic catechism itself by admitting that the gospel is the source of all saving truth and moral discipline and admitting that 2nd timothy 3:15 is god-breathed and we therefore know that the Holy Scriptures are able to make us wise for salvation then the gospel must be found in the Holy Scriptures and no wonder if the Catholic Church wishes to say the gospel is not found in the Holy Scriptures we have some peculiar things to overcome such as the categorization of four books as the Gospels even the Catholic Church refers to Matthew Mark Luke and John as the Gospels are we to believe that the gospel is not found in the Gospels if so why are they referenced as the Gospels mark opens his gospel with those words the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ according to the prophets and an immediate appeal to the written word of God in order to establish apostolic tradition to be regarded with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence we have to make the Apostles liars at the end of John's Gospel chapter 20 we read this near the end these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you may have life in his name that is a saving truth now remember the Catholic Church says the gospel is the source of all saving truth and moral discipline and John says I've written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing that belief faith faith alone you might have life in his name so if I have life in his name then that's a saving truth which means the gospel must be found somewhere in the Gospel of John and if the source of all truth all saving truth and moral discipline again is found in the scriptures then tradition is altogether irrelevant in terms of being necessary or to be regarded as holding equal weight with Scripture the notion is disproved by the Catholic catechism itself and so therefore all saving truth and moral discipline is found in the scriptures all of it because we know the gospel is found in the scriptures in the book of Romans in the book of first Corinthians in the book of Galatians coupled with the Gospels themselves we know the gospel is found in the Holy Scriptures and therefore these are the source of all saving truth and moral discipline tradition therefore is irrelevant now the authority of the Catholic Church must be rooted in the Magisterium now they say apostolic preaching real quick was to be preserved in a continuous line of succession until the end of time that is plucked right out of thin air it has a basis in nothing and they just declared it's an example of circular reasoning by the Catholic Church they merely assert that apostolic preaching was to continue in a line of succession until the end of time but where they get that from they didn't get it from the Bible so they'll say well it's we got it from tradition how do we know this is part of tradition well because according to the Magisterium the teaching authority of the church we validated that as tradition well how do I know that the Magisterium of the church is valid well because that's also part of the tradition so they just circularly go around declaring things by this standard you can declare anything now whence cometh the Magisterium of the catholic church listen the task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God whether in its written form or in the form of tradition has been entrusted to the living teaching office of the church alone its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ this means the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the bishops in communion with the successor of Peter bishop of rome and we further read that the roman pontiff by reason of his office as vicar of christ and pastor of the entire church has full supreme and universal power over the whole church a power which he can always exercise unhindered that's quite an office so if you furnish an argument from scripture to the catholic church all they have to say as a trump card is you're not a part of the Magisterium therefore you don't know how to interpret that correctly interpretation is solely given to the Catholic Church therefore nothing you say is valid it's a very convenient trump card now of course they're not the only ones that say this the Mormon Church would say the same thing Greek Orthodox would say the same thing that you ovas witnesses would say the same thing now what if I said that now you need the Magisterium of Josh to interpret that verse the Catholic Church would say no no you need our Magisterium and I say no no you need my Magisterium well who's right eventually you'd play this back and forth long enough at the Vatican one council the appeal was basically to the the influence of the Catholic Church you can you can look at the Catholic Church and because she is so influential and invincible as they put it and holy and in all things good that's how you know that our Magisterium is true but it's ultimately rooted in Peter being the first pope and if Peter was not the first pope the entire Magisterium crumbles so follow with me now we're gonna show you that neither Peter nor the Apostles nor Jesus himself had any clue that Peter was a pastor of the whole Church papal bull issued by Pope Boniface a the 8th in a November of 1302 says this we we declare we state we define that is it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature that they be subject to the Roman Pontiff absolutely necessary for salvation out of this same statement came the Catholic doctrine of extra ecclesiam nulla Salus outside of the church there is no salvation you don't have salvation outside of the church and if you're not subject to the Roman pontiff according to bona fide she the eighth you're not gonna be saved which is very peculiar because again we'll go back to the argument if the gospel is the source of all saving truth and moral discipline and the Holy Scriptures are able to make us wise for salvation and this statement that we have to be subject to the Roman pontiff is not found in the role the holy scriptures then the Catholic catechism the authority of the Catholic Church and Pope Boniface the eighth is a lie it's called into question because all necessary saving truth is found in the Holy Scriptures because the gospel is found in the Holy Scriptures and nowhere is there any mention of a pope much less that we have to be subject to him so again the entire Catholic catechism is crumbling before our eyes now as we read the apostolic succession is tied to Peter those who came after Peter and the College of Bishops in communion with him where do they get this from most of you know this already so just briefly this is found in Matthew chapter 16 this is how Peter is substantiated as the foundation and the leader of the church okay Matthew 16 Jesus says who do you say that I am and Peter responds you are the Christ the Son of the Living God jesus said to him blessed are you simon barjona Simon Simon son of Jonah for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my father who is in heaven and I also say to you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven so Before we jump into Peter I want to preface it by saying this it is a grave mistake of Protestants throughout history anybody even loosely associated with the term Protestant those who protest the Catholic Church to jump into the error of over correction it's it's human nature you see one thing that's really bad and you want to get so far away from it that you go into another error so while we can recognize the error of declaring Peter the Vicar of Christ and the supreme pastor of the whole church we don't therefore conclude that Peter wasn't important or that he wasn't a prominent and esteemed apostle he was he was very important Jesus picked him to do important things just like he picked many people to do important things so unfortunately Peter's reputation has been hijacked by the Roman Catholic Church he was important he was an apostle and there's a lot we can learn from Peter so I want to preface it by saying that all right just like Mary Mary was important she was chosen by God for a specific task but her veneration into idolatry by the Roman Catholic Church is unwarranted and again there's so many things we just don't have time to get into but on this statement is the big substantiation that Peter was the first pope because jesus said on this rock I will build my church and clearly Peter's the rock okay again I'm not the first person to say this I probably won't be the last but track with me for a moment he says Jesus I say to you that you are Peter Petrus in Greek all right that's the word Petrus and on this Petra I will build my church it's a different word completely related but different now if Jesus wanted to make the point that Peter was who he was building his church on why didn't he say you are Peter and on you I will build my church or you are Petrus and on this Petrus I will build my church he doesn't say that he conspicuously uses a different word it's wordplay in Greek and the word Petra is a different type of rock it is again wordplay but this Petra is an a movable large cliff would be a better way to visualize it versus a Petra's which is not it's a smaller fragment but you don't have to be a Greek linguist to understand this Jesus says you are Petrus and on this Petra I will build my church conveniently for us in Scripture the word Petra is used three other times in relation to a person it's used more times than that but in three specific instances it is used to describe a person and all three times it is used to describe Jesus himself listen first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 4 says this speaking of the children of Israel for they drink of that same spiritual Petra that followed them the rock and that Petra was Christ the rock was Christ the rock is Christ Petra is defined as Christ the Petra was Christ we see the same in Romans chapter 9 and verse 33 another citation from Isaiah who is heavily quoted in the New Testament behold I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and a Petra of a fence a rock of offense and whoever believes on him will not be put to shame who's the Petra Jesus Jesus is the Petra now with that background when you go back to Matthew 16 the passage makes perfect sense Peter who do you say that I am you are the Christ the Son of the Living God yes and on this Petra I will build my church on who on me Christ you are the Christ the Son of the Living God we know this very clearly it says in first Corinthians 3 no other foundation can anyone lay that that than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is the foundation in Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 20 also speaking of the members of God's household the church having been built on the foundation of the Apostles plural and the prophets plural Jesus himself being the chief Cornerstone so that Jesus is the chief cornerstone on which apostles and prophets plural build the church and yet Peter is not mentioned here he's not distinguished as the rock it is a plurality of apostles and prophets if Paul did somebody forget to tell Paul that Peter was the rock on which the church was built this conclusion by Peter and Matthew 16 mirrors what we read at the end of John's Gospel in chapter 20 you remember when John said these things have been written why that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing you may have life in his name the church is built on that declaration that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God it's exactly what Peter said in Matthew 16 who is the Petra that Petra is Christ now Paul makes no mention of the office of the Pope in ephesians chapter 4 he says some have been given apostles prophets evangelists pastors teachers he's listing offices in the church and he doesn't even hint that there's an official head pastor or a chief apostle not even so much as a hint given the prominence of this office in the Catholic Church without which there really is no Catholic Church it is very curious that it is nowhere even hinted at in the entire New Testament and the best first the Catholic Church can come up with is Peter saying you're the Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus saying yes and on this Petra I will build my church so Paul doesn't mention it Peter doesn't even know he's the Pope or the chief apostle 1st Peter chapter 1 he describes himself as an apostle one of many an apostle a fellow elder in 1st Peter chapter 5 I exhort the elders among you I who am a fellow elder not the elder not the chief elder but just a fellow absolutely an apostle absolutely an elder absolutely a pillar in the church but not the pillar Paul equates Apollo's himself and Peter as equal in first Corinthians chapter 1 he says now each of you says I'm of Paul or I'm of Apollo's or I'm of Cephas or I'm of Christ is Christ divided he goes on in chapter 3 to say neither he who plants as anything nor he who waters but God gives the increase therefore listen to his conclusion let no one boast in men for all things are yours whether Paul or Apollo's or Cephas there is equality among them he doesn't distinguish Peter when he had every reason to conclude to the Corinthians regard Peter as the supreme pontiff who exercises authority with on him endured power he doesn't say that in Galatians 2 he says Peter James and John all seemed to be pillars sure Peter was a pillar so was John so was James and then two verses later Paul says I was stood Peter to his face because he was a hypocrite and he wasn't being forthright about the truth of the gospel did the Holy Spirit forget to inform Paul that Peter was to exercise power unhindered because he had no problem with standing him to his face in Antioch interesting but perhaps most interesting for me is the chronology not everything in the Gospels is in chronological order but some things are and Matthew 16 came before Matthew 23 so supposedly Peter was commissioned as the first pope in the leader of the church in matthew 16 and after that in Matthew 23 Jesus says this to his disciples but you do not be called rabbi for one is your teacher the Christ and you are all brethren do not call anyone on earth your father for one is your father he who's in heaven and do not be called teachers for one is your teacher the Christ but he who is greatest among you shall be your servants he makes them all equal if ever Jesus wanted to reiterate what he had done before surely he would have said you all know that I commissioned Peter as the chief apostle and the lead pastor of the whole church therefore regard him he doesn't say that he says you are all brethren don't call anyone father rabbi or teacher now I've done a whole teaching on this please see it I think the title is stop calling yourself pastor breaking down in detail this pull passage about pastors bishops rabbis and so forth they are descriptions when they are used elsewhere never as titles Paul refers to himself as an apostle Peter refers to himself as an apostle not Apostle Peter or Apostle Paul or teacher John or whatever descriptions are not titles Jesus is telling them not to distinguish themselves above another and he says you're all brethren it doesn't make sense it becomes incoherent in light of what the Catholic Church teaches Jesus did not Commission Peter as the chief apostle else he wouldn't have said you're all brethren you're all equal whoever exalts himself will be humbled and yet people say well the Catholic Church says Jesus gave Peter Authority whatever he binds on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever he loses on earth will be loosed in heaven that's what it says in Matthew 16 two chapters over in Matthew 18 Jesus gives the exact same authority to all of his disciples this was not exclusive to Peter he says whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven where two or three are gathered in my name there am I in their midst Peter did not have this exclusive power and the other so-called Pope's immediately succeeding Peter Linus cletus Clement first Clement R Clement the first they're not mentioned in John's writings the book of Revelation references these seven churches and yet Jesus seems to be unaware that there is a Pope of the whole church why because there wasn't there wasn't the only chief Shepherd is Jesus himself Paul was a leader was a leader John was a leader Peter James all of them were pillars in the church and there was never one pillar there's just no evidence for it whatsoever in fact Ignatius of Antioch writes some letters in the early second century one of them is to Rome he's completely silent about any leader or head bishop in Rome it's a massive testament against the notion of some Pope there was no PO he didn't address it or it didn't even hint that there was some lead Bishop there in Rome he's completely silent on the matter pretty fascinating who is the Petra the Petra is Christ the real son of God and believing in him you will have life in his name but now we get into the false Jesus as proclaimed by Catholicism and again I say if your Jesus is false your gospel will necessarily be false as well now there's a resurgence of infatuation with the Catholic Church by so-called evangelicals whether it's their tradition their liturgy many things are luring for different people we've had guys like Rick Warren partnering with Catholics for a while and and recently Francis Chan talking about the Eucharist and the Lord's Supper as though he were beginning to believe that transubstantiation was in fact a valid doctrine causing confusion for a lot of people no doubt and we're gonna focus here on the Eucharist and an element of the doctrine of purgatory to show that the Jesus in Catholicism is not the real Jesus he couldn't possibly be but we need to understand a fundamental truth in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 Paul writes this beginning in verse 3 but I fear lest somehow as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness so your minds may be did from the simplicity that is in Christ for if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached or you receive a different spirit which you have not received or a different gospel which you have not accepted you might very well put up with it continuing in verse 13 he says for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into ain't apostles of Christ and no wonder for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light therefore it's no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end will be according to their works what do we see here we see there is such a thing as false apostles a false spirit a false gospel and a false Jesus effectively an entire false church and so we need to be aware now these false apostles don't come in the name of a false apostle they come in the name of Jesus they say the same name but Paul says it's another Jesus it's not the same Jesus there's another spirit it's another gospel and he tells the Galatians if we or even an angel from heaven preach to you any other gospel let him be a curse let him be damned let him be anathema so there is such a thing as another Jesus and if you have another Jesus you will have another gospel and those who are proclaiming them are false apostles now the Catholic Church teaches that the Eucharist is really the sacrament of sacraments it is the sacrament to which all other sacraments are oriented it is the centerpiece of the mass and in fact the mass itself is part and parcel of the Eucharistic sacrifice weekly listen the mass is at the same time and inseparably the sacrificial memorial in which the sacrifice of the Cross is perpetuated and the sacred banquet of communion with the Lord's body and blood so they say that Jesus is most especially present in the Eucharist speech he's above all what do they mean by this in the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus and therefore the whole Christ is truly really and substantially contained because Christ our Redeemer said that it was truly his body that he was offering under the species of bread it has always been the conviction of the Church of God and this holy council now declares again that by consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of wine into the substance of his blood this change the Holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation okay the bread and the wine literally become his actual physical body and his actual physical blood that's the official teaching and they worship the Eucharist we express our faith in the real presence of Christ under the species of bread and wine by among other ways genuflecting or bowing deeply as a sign of adoration to the Lord okay now Jesus had a pattern of teaching we see this very clearly in John chapter 10 after speaking to them about him being the Shepherd the Good Shepherd says this verse 6 Jesus used this illustration but they did not understand the things which he spoke to them they didn't understand it why because it was an illustration right it was metaphorical language in John chapter 16 Jesus himself says these things I have spoken to you verse 25 in figurative language so this isn't new he used illustrations and he used figurative language we see Nicodemus in John chapter 3 becoming confused Jesus says you must be born again and he goes how am I supposed to go a second time into my mother's womb it was figurative he wasn't talking about a literal birth now here's a massive problem with this notion of transubstantiation which effectively becomes an exercise of cannibalism and vampirism that's how bad this problem is the teaching that you are eating physical flesh and drinking actual blood makes it cannibalistic and Vampira sztyc Jesus spoke in figurative language but he said in Matthew 26 take this drink of it it is the cup of that this is my blood in the new covenant which is shed for many so it says the Catholic Church says on the basis of that he turned it into his actual blood because he said this is my blood well let's talk about some other things that Jesus said he said to his disciples you are the salt of the earth with no stipulation with no clarification he just said you are the salt of the earth question were the disciples transubstantiated in that moment did they become literal salt under the species of human flesh answer no it's absurd it was figurative Jesus said I am the vine and you are the branches question was Jesus transubstantiated into a vine and his disciples into branches under the species of human flesh answer no it's ridiculous that was figurative language when he said whoever thirsts let him come to me and out of your heart will flow rivers of living water question is it a literal river of water that will be flowing out of your heart answer no it's ridiculous it is figurative language likewise when Jesus says take and drink this is my blood in the new covenant which is shed for many was that literally his blood in the cup not any more than he literally turned his disciples into salt when he called them the salt of the earth it was figurative about an event which had not yet happened and Paul clarifies for us in Roman sorry first Corinthians 11 that we do this in remembrance of the Lord and as often as we do it we proclaimed the Lord's death so if the blood and body of Jesus literally becomes present in the bread and the wine then when he said you're the salt of the earth they literally became salt and weed when he said you are the vine I'm the vine and you are the branches then they literally became branches but still appeared to be humans you don't get to have it both ways and see the Catholic Church is fond of recognizing the literary device of hyperbole when it fits their doctrine for example when you question the teaching of calling priests or the Pope Father much less holy father which so typifies the character of Antichrist it's staggering this is a moniker that's used to describe God alone and the Pope blasphemously has you call him Holy Father and they'll say no no Jesus was using hyperbole to rebuke the rabbis well isn't that convenient when when a very clear passage with with no metaphorical allusion is necessary when he says don't call yourself rabbi which is a normal term that was used he's talking about something that's actually happening they say no that's just hyperbole but when Jesus says take and drink this is my blood which is shed for money they said ah that literally became his blood now you have a huge problem because the Catholic Church is now teaching two incarnations and two sacrifices now they will say it's only one we don't we don't believe in two sacrifices it's only one sacrifice the sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice the victim is one in the same the same now offers through the Ministry of priests who then offered himself on the cross only the manner of offering is different in this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the mass the same Christ who offered himself once a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and offered in an unbloody manner now first thing to note here is that their own description of the Eucharist in the mass contradicts their teaching how can one be bloody and one be unbloody because if the wine is literally turned into blood then that is also a bloody sacrifice but even they describe it as an unbloody sacrifice their description is confusing because the doctrine is incoherent it's a matter of time when you come up with strange doctrines before they start contradicting your own statements and you'll find many such in the Catholic catechism you don't get to call one a bloody sacrifice and one an unbloody sacrifice and maintain that real blood is in the unbloody sacrifice how could it be unbloody if that's the real blood of Jesus if you have a priest please ask him this how how do we call it unbloody if this is actual the actually the blood of Jesus doesn't make any sense so you have two incarnations Jesus according to the Catholic Church is sitting there in front of his disciples he takes the bread and then he clones himself in the form of bread sacrifices or kills himself in his own hands and then watches his disciples cannibalize him I'm not saying this to sound sensational that's what's taught Jesus cloned himself in the form of bread and then killed himself sacrificed himself separated his blood somehow from the body and then watched his disciples cannibalize him and then did the same thing with his blood you have two separate incarnations of Jesus which contradicts everything we know about the incarnation of Jesus the word became flesh and dwelt among us but according to the Catholic Church the flesh then became bread and wine somehow in his own hands there were two Jesus's under with two different bodies and one of them got eaten in the presence of one the other one watching while they ate him this is massively incoherent and frankly weird this was figurative language which is why in John chapter 6 when he is alluding to this many turned away and walked away from him when Jesus said I tell you the truth if you don't drink my blood and eat my flesh you have no part with me this this like his other teachings were figurative but you have two incarnations and two sacrifices despite the Catholic Church trying to maintain it's the same sacrifice it couldn't possibly be because Jesus according to them sacrificed himself the night before he was sacrificed so he was sacrificed twice in 24 hours otherwise one of them's not a sacrifice now they they say well one's a bloody sacrifice and one's an unbloody sacrifice well that statements already incoherent as we've determined it couldn't possibly be unbloody if that's real blood they're both bloody sacrifices then you're telling me Jesus sacrificed himself before he was crucified you have two incarnations and two sacrifices constituting a different Jesus the moment the Jesus of the bread Jesus and the wine Jesus came into the picture you had a different Jesus which means that the Jesus that cloned that Jesus is also a different Jesus this is nowhere described in the Bible Jesus cloning himself and then killing himself in his own hands and watching his disciples cannibalize him that my friends is another Jesus nor could there possibly be two sacrifices now I mentioned that they you know they genuflect and venerate the the Eucharist right which which they call the host in Latin the victim now here's what it says we carry out this command by the Lord of the Lord by celebrating the memorial of his sacrifice in so doing we offer to the father which he himself has given to us the gifts of his creation bread and wine which by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the words of Christ have become the blood and Body of Christ notice how they describe it the gifts of his creation this is near a near admission of blatant idolatry as we find in Romans chapter 1 the Apostle Paul verse 22 through 25 says this professing to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like that of corruptible man and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things therefore God gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts to dishonour their bodies among themselves listen who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator the Catholic Church teaches that they worship the creation of God bread and wine Paul says those who worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator are idolatrous it's it's it's a staggering admission you have to jesus' with two separate sacrifices and so he killed himself before he was killed on the cross and yet while he died in the presence of his disciples he remained alive this is wildly incoherent and it proves the author of Hebrews according to the Catholic Church to be a liar once again we have a tradition that contradicts the Word of God making one of them a lie and it can't be this written word therefore the Catholic Church is lying chapter 9 and verse 24 of Hebrews 4 this Christ has not in the holy place made with hands which are copies of the true but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God for us not that he should offer himself often as the high priest enters the most holy place a ver every year with the blood of another then he would have to suffer often since the foundation of the world but now once once at the end of time at the end of the ages he has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of him self once he did this and as it is appointed to men to die once but after this the judgment so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many to those who eagerly await for his second coming and also in chapter 10 listen by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all once for all and every priest stands ministering daily the offering repeatedly in the same sacrifices which can never take away sins talking about Old Testament priests but this man after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down at the right hand of God from that time waiting till his enemies are made his footstool for by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified by one offering he's perfected those very clearly says he would have to suffer often if he didn't do this once but that's exactly what the Catholic Church teaches is that every Sunday Jesus is sacrificed anew in the Eucharist in the ritual of the mass he is sacrificed every week which makes the angels in Acts chapter 1 verse 11 liars they said Christ was going to come back and like form according to the Catholic Church he comes every Sunday in the presence of bread and wine creatures created things which they worship as if they were God this is blatant idolatry why is this a false Jesus apart from the obvious things we've just talked about well there are two specific teachings 1371 listen the Eucharistic sacrifice is also offered for the faithful departed who have died in Christ but are not yet wholly purified so that they may be able to enter into the light and peace of Christ so the Eucharist is offered for the dead those dead that are classified as not yet wholly purified they're faithful but not yet wholly purified now in their section on purgatory which we won't go into in detail we read something similar all who die in God's grace and friendship but still imperfectly purified are indeed assured of their eternal salvation but after death they undergo purification so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven here described for us in the Catholic Church is a Jesus whose blood cannot perfectly cleanse you it is insufficient blood and therefore it is a false Christ the notion of those anyone being imperfectly purified by the blood of Jesus has no part in Scripture and so the Bible teaches that Christ in you as the hope of glory Colossians 1:27 but of him you are in Christ Jesus who became for us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification 1st Corinthians 1:30 listen he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him 2nd Corinthians 5:21 the Catholic Church renders all these verses lies and therefore they make the Holy Spirit a liar but now in Christ Jesus you who were once a far off have been brought near by the blood of Jesus so the Jesus according to scripture in first John 1:7 his blood cleanses us from all sin the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin Jesus loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood revelation 1:5 in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins Ephesians 1:7 Jesus purified he uses the exact same word purified for himself his own special people Titus 2:14 he himself is the propitiation for our sins first John what is that first John 2:2 you were redeemed not with corruptible things things but with the blood the precious blood of Jesus first Peter 1:18 and 19 Jesus himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree by whose stripes you were healed now notice it says he bore our sins on the tree not on the Eucharist not on the Eucharist that was figurative language now they make Peter a liar because according to first Peter our sins were born in his own body on the tree Peter doesn't seem to think that his body was in bread and wine now again don't overcorrect and and diminish the importance of the Lord's Supper there is a place for it but to the extent that people are genuflecting in front of bread and wine this is idolatry 2nd 1st Peter 2 says Jesus bore our sins in his own body on the tree by whose stripes you were healed that's the only sacrifice the Apostles know of that's the only sacrifice the author of Hebrew knows of one sacrifice forever not a bloody end and unbloody sacrifice which makes no sense one sacrifice Jesus is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse or purify us from all unrighteousness I think it was John Wesley who made the argument if ever there was to be somebody that was classified as not yet wholly purified surely it would be the thief on the cross who but to that point had lived a life of sin culminating in his death sentence and there he hung if ever somebody could be described as imperfectly purified surely it would be a man whose whole life was filled with sin until the very moment of death and what did Jesus say today you will be with me in paradise why because his blood cleanses from all unrighteousness he purifies for himself his own people we become the righteousness of God in him he bore our sins on the tree so that everyone in Christ is perfectly purified what is Romans 8 say there is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus there's no reference there's no hint there's no allusion to him being imperfectly purified therefore the Jesus referenced in the Catholic catechism the Eucharistic Jesus is a false Jesus because he cannot perfectly purify you and you need additional sacrifices and sacraments and purgatory where this this weird kind of blurry notion of purification you must undergo has to happen where you achieve a certain holiness the Jesus of Catholicism has insufficient blood and therefore the Jesus of Catholicism is a false Jesus which begets the false gospel of Catholicism that is wrapped up in all the sacraments because the Jesus of Catholicism is insufficient therefore you must adhere to all these other doctrines of the Catholic Church you need other modes of purification which include being dipped in water if you think water saves you then the then Jesus died in vain if you think eating bread and wine saves you then Jesus died in vain and his blood is insufficient if you think being subject to the Roman pontiff saves you then Jesus died in vain and his blood is insufficient different attributes equal a different Jesus and a different Jesus equals a different gospel so here's what Jesus said this sacramental gospel as proclaimed by the Catholic Church all of these things are necessary because the Jesus is insufficient and the Jesus is insufficient because he's not the real Jesus here's what the Bible says Jesus at least 6 times or more says your faith has made you well your faith has made you well it was their faith that made them well nothing else your faith has made you well repent and believe the gospel the word believe in the word faith are effectively the same words not salvation by sacraments salvation by faith whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes Romans 1:16 when Jesus saw their faith listen to what he said he said to the paralytic son of good cheer be of good cheer your sins are forgiven you why were his sins forgiven because Jesus saw his faith Jesus didn't see his baptism Jesus didn't see his sacramental indulgences Jesus saw his faith and said your sins are forgiven you your faith has saved you go in peace the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith not by sacraments by faith Romans 1:17 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe or have faith Romans 3:20 - he demonstrates his righteousness that he is just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus Romans 326 it is by faith not of works lest any man should boast and the Roman Catholic will say yes but James says that a man is also justified by his work these are not liturgical works James references one of the works James talks about is from a harlot letting people out of window that's not a liturgical or a sacramental work this wasn't a ceremonial work it is the proof that she had real faith yes real faith will be demonstrated in action but the action didn't save her it proved that she had real faith what action did the thief on the Pross do he confessed with his mouth and believed in his heart that's what he did he had faith in Jesus so the the household of Cornelius receives the holy spirit before they're baptized again that's proof that this sacrament of baptism had nothing to do with their salvation they were saved before they were baptized the thief on the cross wasn't baptized he didn't do any good works you know what he did he said Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom that's what he said just like the paralytic when they saw the faith of them coming to Jesus he said be of good cheer your sins are forgiven you but now for what does the scripture say says Paul in Romans 4 abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness now to him who works the wages are not counted as grace but his debt but him who does not work but believes on him who justifies the ungodly his faith is accounted for righteousness just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works blessed are those who lawless whose lawless deeds are forgiven and those who are covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin for we say that faith was accounted to Abraham for righteousness listen how then was it accounted while he was circumcised or uncircumcised not while circumsized but while uncircumcised and he received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still uncircumcised that he might be the father of all those who believed though they are uncircumcised that righteousness might be imputed to them also and the father of the circumcision to those who are of the uncircumcision Abraham did not undergo some sacramental ritual before he was saved or before he was accounted as righteous his righteousness was accounted to him before he ever underwent the right or the ritual of circumcision his faith made him well his faith healed him his faith is what saved him circumcision was just a seal of the faith it came afterward his faith is what saved him and Paul warns the Galatians about a similar error you are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ for as many as you as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ now understand it's not the water that saves you the word baptized or baptized Oh simply means to immerse those of you who were immersed into Christ Cornelius and his household were immersed into Christ before they were dipped in water the Holy Spirit was given to them why because they had faith faith before baptism the baptism didn't save them they were baptized into Christ by their faith the water was a confirmation or an outward sign if you think water saves you then the blood of Jesus is insufficient and you have a false Jesus now stand there for Galatians 5:1 stand fast therefore in the Liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage indeed I Paul say to you that if you become circumcised Christ will profit you nothing and I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law you have become estranged from Christ you who attempt to be justified by the law you have fallen from grace for we through the spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything but faith working through love those people who were attempting to be justified by some sacramental ritual which by the way God commanded Abraham to be circumcised it wasn't the circumcision that saved him it was his faith that came before the circumcision what is Paul saying those of you who are attempting to be now he's mentioning the Old Covenant law but Catholics and many other such people will refer to the new law you who attempt to be justified by anything other than faith in Christ and Christ alone are fallen from grace and estranged from Jesus it is a false gospel because the Jesus is insufficient therefore you need sacraments and rituals and rites and so forth again don't overcorrect and diminish the importance of the Lord's Supper or baptism or these other institutions understand them in their proper context faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and you are justified by faith not by works of the law by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified neither old law nor new law and when James says that a man is justified by works and he references Rahab the harlot letting people out a window that is hardly a ceremonial work that is hardly some sacramental work it is the proof that she had faith in the God of Israel not a ceremonial work not some Ritualist rich ritual to bring her closer to God the word work it's as a form of equivocation when the Catholic Church uses the word works and references James they're not using the word works as James is using the word works Jesus talks about visiting people in prison and and and clothing the naked and and feeding the hungry it's not a sacramental work your faith has made you well and so those who are who should know better who are pushing for unity with Catholicism this is a very brief treatment on why Catholicism preaches a false gospel because they have a false Jesus there Jesus cannot save you which is why you need all of these other rituals which is why you need the Pope and you need the apostolic tradition and you need a sacrament after sacrament you need all of these other things to help purify you because the blood of Jesus in the Catholic Church is not sufficient and it's not sufficient because it's the wrong Jesus the Jesus of the Bible will cleanse you from all unrighteousness the Jesus of the Bible purifies for himself his own special people the Jesus of the Bible makes you the righteousness of God in him the Jesus of the Bible makes him who knew no sin to have taken your sin on a tree not in the Eucharist he took your sin on the cross the Jesus of the righteousness says whoever comes to ever believes in me will not perish but have eternal life whoever has faith in Him that's the Jesus of the Bible and his blood is able to save to the utmost one sacrifice once for all on all who believe he is just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Him and so when you hear Protestant leaders so-called talking about communion with Catholicism and let's acknowledge our similarities the similarities are merely superficial great the Catholic Church believes that the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit are all deity unfortunately the son that they proclaim is not the son of the Bible there Jesus has insufficient cleansing blood the Jesus of the Bible will cleanse you from all unrighteousness by faith in him alone and so for the Catholic again Luke 14:26 whoever doesn't hate his father and mother his brothers his sister's yes his own life also he cannot be my disciple many Jews were scared of being put out of the synagogue at the time of Jesus because their life was wrapped up in the synagogue culture there their whole family heritage was wrapped up in and to be put out for many people meant to give up their livelihood to be cut off from the whole support of their family friends and their countrymen Jesus says whoever loses his life for my sake will find it the Jesus we read about just briefly and this Catholic catechism cannot save you his blood is insufficient and therefore you you have to achieve your own holiness in purgatory or you have to sacrifice bread and wine over and over making the one sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of no effect and attempting to be justified by the law like those who are attempting to be justified by circumcision Paul says Christ will profit you nothing if there's anything you are looking to other than faith in Jesus and faith in Him alone look to the Lord Christ will profit you nothing but if you have faith in the one true Jesus nothing else matters you don't need anything else like the thief on the cross you can look to Jesus and say Lord remember me when you come into your heaven when do you come into your kingdom the just shall live by faith I pray that there is something of benefit here for you and perhaps those that are not Catholic will have some tools to better engage those who are ensnared by this deception of Catholicism there are there's much more that could be said on all of these topics perhaps there'll be a series forthcoming later but for now there's a general overview of why the gospel of Catholicism is false because the Jesus of Catholicism is false he cannot save you the Jesus of the Bible can and will save all who call upon his name call upon the Lord Jesus until next time god bless and Godspeed [Music] Oh
Channel: Servus Christi
Views: 144,494
Rating: 4.3655233 out of 5
Keywords: servus christi, catholicism, catholic church, deception, pope, antichrist, false teacher, false prophet, last days, prophecy, false jesus, false gospel, eucharist, sola scriptura, ascension presents, ecumenical, rick warren, francis chan, masterpiece of deception, jesuit, vatican, exposed, bishop robert barron, catholic answers, reformation, terminus, jd hall
Id: QVmnawGFaVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 33sec (5733 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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