The Cat Burrito: Ninja Towel Wrap to Restrain Your Difficult Cat - Cat Health Vet Advice
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Our Pets Health
Views: 179,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ourpetshealth, our pets health, dr alex avery, vet advice, vet advice for cats, towel wrap, towel wrap cat, towel wrap tutorial, towel wrap techniques for handling cats, fractious cat handling, restraining fractious cat, trimming cat nails, fractious cat, vet advice on cat handling, towel wrap body, cat burrito wrap, cat burrito technique, cat burrito restraint, cat burrito to clip nails, cat burrito method, cat burrito towel, cat towel restraint, cat towel wrap
Id: pGI2kDjhHbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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