The Cat Burrito: Ninja Towel Wrap to Restrain Your Difficult Cat - Cat Health Vet Advice

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today I'm going to use this towel to show you how you can give a difficult cat appeal how you can medicate two cats who really doesn't want that to happen or how you can clip a difficult cat's nails so stay tuned hi I'm dr. Alex from our pets health comm where my aim is to help you and your pet to live a healthier happier life and today I've recruited my cat Molly to show you how you can use a towel to help you clip their nails or to give them medication if they really don't like it so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to get a nice towel it's a nice big beach towel I'm also prefer using a towel it's maybe a little bit older so it's a little bit thinner and easier to handle that way and what we're going to do is we're going to lay that nicely and we're going to put our cat down kind of in about the middle and then we're going to just get them to push down so what you can do is you can put your hand behind their back and behind their head and then you use your forearm to kind of hold them down to the ground and you can see how Molly you know she went down quite nicely there she's actually already been a little bit wound up because if you saw the video from a few weeks ago where I showed you how to check her for fleas she already knows something's up so we're just filming this straight after that so you can use your forearm and if you just kind of squish the cat you know not too hard but just firm pressure on their back then that will actually you know help to to keep them still so what we're then going to do is we're going to take one corner it doesn't matter which one whichever you prefer and we're going to wrap that in front and then we're going to come round and wrap it lift up their head with your hand and wrap it underneath their head there what we're then going to do is we're going to keep that pressure down with your other hand and then we're going to take that towel and we're going to do exactly the same thing this one isn't quite so important and what we can do is you can hold on to the end that you wrapped under their chin to start with and then you can hold on to this bit at the top now what you will see some people do is you can wrap it completely round now you can certainly do that but in my mind it's not really needed so what we can do is now I've got really full control and I can then move up and use my knees to help keep her still and then that's alright I can open up her mouth and give her a weight now if you're going to have to do this quite a lot then it's good idea to have some treats handy because what you can then do is you can give her a treat she doesn't really want it but if it's something that you did like you could give her that treat there we go she's eating it just to keep her happy because you don't want them to associate the towel coming out with something bad happening you want it to be associated with something good happening so that they don't mind so that's how you can wrap them up in the in the towel to make a little kitty burrito you can see that her feet are really well controlled there's no way she's going to be able to reach out and crawl me and you can concentrate on giving the medication now if you've got someone to help you you could just hold onto your cat like this and then the other person can hold their head and give the medication but it's something that you can certainly do yourself as well and I'll link to another video in the description down below about how to give a cat a pill that will show you how you can go about doing that now you can also use this technique to clip their nails now what we'll do here is we'll just keep the pressure on because I think she will run away from me so remember if you want to cat to stay still you can just squish that cat so you can just put your forearm there if you put your hand behind their head and use your forearm pressure downwards just gentle pressure it doesn't need to be too firm but that will keep them still but what we can do is if we want to cut this nail we'll just keep that foot out we'll wrap the towel rather than having it in front of there in front of their leg we'll just wrap it under their arm and then again we can go down like this and then we'll just keep that other leg in and then we'll just bring this one over the top remember just keep that downward pressure I saw like Emily Hey and there we go so now I've got her well controlled she's got one leg out and I've got full control of her so she can't actually get to me now I've not done a very good job of wrapping that front foot up but that's something that you could do I don't need to worry too much with Molly so you could have both I mean you could even have both out depending on how your cat is in this way you just have good control of their head you can roll them onto their side even that can be helpful there and then you can clip their nails now again if you've got someone else to help you that makes life a lot easier because you can just concentrate on gently holding your cat while the other person concentrates on getting their nails clipped so that's really all there is to the kitty burrito technique the cat burrito technique or some people will call it the cat scarf technique as well or just the scarf technique remember that downward pressure that really helps you know you don't need to hold them firmly remember to have the treats and then especially if you're giving medication and you're having to do this regularly you don't want them to be put off whenever you get the towel out so I hope that helps you to give your cat some medication to help control a cat who's you know being a little bit difficult trying to scratch you're trying to bite you Molly's getting fed up now so remember to subscribe if you find these videos helpful and until next time this is our pets health because they're family
Channel: Our Pets Health
Views: 179,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ourpetshealth, our pets health, dr alex avery, vet advice, vet advice for cats, towel wrap, towel wrap cat, towel wrap tutorial, towel wrap techniques for handling cats, fractious cat handling, restraining fractious cat, trimming cat nails, fractious cat, vet advice on cat handling, towel wrap body, cat burrito wrap, cat burrito technique, cat burrito restraint, cat burrito to clip nails, cat burrito method, cat burrito towel, cat towel restraint, cat towel wrap
Id: pGI2kDjhHbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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