How to Trim Your Cat's Nails (Without Death Happening)

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hi and welcome to alcohol Kat this week we'll be talking about how to trim your cats males without death happening you should trim your cat's nails for a variety of reasons one to keep their nails nice and healthy two to minimize any damage done by scratching your furniture or while playing and three because indoor cats don't wear down their nails as much as cats that go indoors and outdoors so if your cats are mostly indoors you should think about trimming their nails or not now of course some people choose to get their cat's nails trimmed either at a groomer or at a vet but honestly it's a lot easier to teach yourself how to do it and since cats typically don't like traveling taking them to a vet or a groomer it's only teaching them to hate having their nails trimmed even more in order to trim your cat's nails you're going to need a pair of nail trimmers and your cat's favorite treats all right let's go trim some cat nails step 1 drink this will help boost your self-esteem and minimize the pain I'm ready step 2 know things average cat will have four claws on its front paw and then the dewclaw on the side four toes on the back feet polydactyl cats are cats I have more than five claws on the front and four in the back they sometimes even look like they have thumbs what's cool about cat nails is that they're translucent so you can actually see the blood vessel and know exactly where to trim kitty it's really important that you're not stressed out and your cats not stressed out while trimming their nails so try to make it a pleasurable experience for both of you start by just giving your cat something it likes like a good pet it's also helped the easiest way to trim your cat's nails is with little to no restraint more restraints such as wrapping them in a towel or scruffing down is only going to cause more stress for your cat so again try to use as little as possible if you have a friend to help you trim your cat's nails that's great but if you're a crazy cat lady like me you may not have any friends so it's important to try to learn how to do it yourself once you have your cat sitting on your lap facing away from you get your nail trimmers in hand gently lift your cat's paw and push on its pads to release the nails then just trim as quickly as possible while maintaining accuracy don't forget the dewclaws if you have a young cat or kitten or just a very easygoing cat make sure that when you're doing some good cuddle time that you're playing with their paws this desensitizes them to your touch and then they won't put up as much of a fight when it comes time to trim their nails some cats don't need their back nails trimmed because they wear them down naturally just by running and jumping however you should still take a look at them as some cats aren't as good at wearing them down if you need to trim your cats back nails just gently lift up the back foot and trim them and again after your cat's done a good job give them a treat now it's okay if your cat struggles a little bit but if it starts to get way too stressed out just let it go you'd rather get one or two nails trimmed at any given time then try to force your cat to endure all of them if you're anything like me some of your cats you didn't get as kitten so you never really have the opportunity to desensitize their paws still not all hope is lost again just make it a pleasant experience as much as possible using treats and love treats and love your cat isn't great at having its nails trimmed and you're not great at trimming them try to find a friend who has an easygoing cat for you to practice on because once you're faster at trimming the nails it'll definitely make the experience a lot easier now you may be thinking Liz this is all good and well but Mike has a crazy psycho well not to fear one of my cats used to be a crazy psycho too Smirnov see off a crazy psycho cat like I do try to find a flat surface like a desk or a table so that his head can be above the desk and the nails that you're trimming are below the desk and then have a buttload of treats but his head goes above the table while I trim his nails underneath you may be thinking hey Liz that wasn't so bad Smirnov did a great thing up job and you didn't die well that's because it's progressed over time it's gotten better yeah it used to be that I took smart off to the groomer until he bit them and then I took him to the vet where they would hog-tie him down and so that was no good and then now I can trim his nails true story I'm her dad I just trimmed three four eight I just trimmed 62 cat nails don't forget to reward your cat's because they're the ones that put up with you every day the videos you put on the Internet tell those Instagram photos
Channel: AlcoholCats
Views: 305,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cat (Animal), cats, animal, animals, pet, pets, DIY, do it yourself, animal health, pet health, nail trimming, how-to, comedy, humor, alcohol
Id: FlfpBL63PIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 19 2014
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