The Cast of Scrubs Reunites at Vulture Festival

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[Music] [Applause] standing ovations what that's more like it we come all this way and you don't want to stay this happening my name is Catherine fan Darren donk and I am so excited for Lawrence we have Kristen Miller we have Zach Braff we have Sarah Chalke we have Donald Faison we have Jhansi McKinley we have Judy Reyes we have Ken Jenkins and we have Neil Flynn so how long has it been since you guys have all seen each other we spend most every weekend you two accepted get together and watch all the same sure yeah which episodes do you watch she was joking way by the way this is the true story we have not been together as a full group like this I think since the show really since the show wrapped and if anybody's doing a TV festival if you call Zach and you say there's gonna be free alcohol there's a chance that we'll all come but the truth is that we've passed on a lot of these and this is the very first one we've all come to as a group so let's do it [Applause] yeah please get this out of the way so you guys know how the Internet's toxic my wife did not get a facelift in through her forehead she fell and got stitches so if I did that [ __ ] me too was doing something very athletic and very dangerous and very scary you were walking in pajamas right pajamas hashtag facelift I'm just kidding I'm just kidding okay that were too long and I'm already almost 510 so who makes pajamas that are too long that's cool how you got your height in there you're pretty proud of that I'm just saying just so you know I didn't get a facelift through my forehead stitches and I've black eyes and I have a crack rib and I just want to get it out of the way I just wonder is it possible to get a facelift through foreheads did you think that one through my abdomen they can do it and and I didn't want to come because I felt really stupid and embarrassed and I came because [Applause] [Music] thank you so so much for for joining everyone because I know without I think you know this this Scrubs panel just become about Kristin yes this rolled out this way okay so so let's make it about everyone then so when the show started it was a slightly weird but not super weird medical comedy right and then as it developed it became really very very weird can you how did that happen what gave you the confidence to be like yeah we're gonna have a fantasy scene where they JD and Turk plant one of Turks testicles and he grows into my favorite thing was that what he grew another Turkey couldn't talk he couldn't ah did you do that alright I'm gonna take a couple things one is there's a bunch of the writers from that show and the most outed writing styles I've ever gotten to work with and there's a bunch of them here yelling noise right now if there's a writer here there we go alright so it was a I see one of holy I know do you believe Instructables so uh guys I'm speaking have to say something poignant you guys there was alcohol room so I apologize know the way the show became weird quite honestly is we went in a time that if once your show had kind of a very passionate fan base which you all are part of you knew you could stay on for a while if you kept feeding people what they're enjoying and we pledged early on - even if we kind of went down with the ship to do stuff that we thought was funny and it made us all laugh and I was able to do that with a really talented writing staff but also with actors and actresses you know I can't tell you how many lines people have come up to me and said I really love that and I know one of these people made it up on their feet and you know what I say I just go thank you because I'm modest but I think that the show is able to evolve because we had a fan base that followed us from time slot to time slot in year to year did you guys so you know you have this a script and you're in the hospital and then you start reading the script and then you discover like some very bonkers thing is happening what were your favorite fantasy sequences and were there ever any where you were like nope too weird can't do it well I was always funny that bill would they would sometimes let something go through to the reality world that was completely a fantasy like Neil literally built a home sized sandcastle that he was living in in the parking lot what right that was not the fantasy world toward the end there was a time I remember you particularly saying but we're not fantasizing at the moment and why wait why were you look it's a slippery slope you guys were all around for some of our mistakes I wrote and directed an episode that I believe that the Turk used to smuggle JD into movie theaters in his background that is that was also we did this shot where I was literally in the backpack I mean we head through a table there was like a fake leg going up but I look back and it was like no that wasn't a fantasy I was in the back yeah yeah there's a couple of writers here Neil Goldman might've been the one that did it the most but by the way those Neil Goldman cheering for himself also cheering for himself but the that we would we reached a certain spot in the fifth year that we were right we might have I don't say that there was marijuana involved it doesn't matter it's legal now but we we might have gone too far with crossing the line what are the moment what moments on the show were you're like nope that's too far never no I don't think I had the fantasies were all but like all of our favorite thing to do and I mean the Star Wars on where all the Star Wars cast and I got to make out a lot hot ladies like Judy Reyes Mandy Moore but there was one fantasy where bill gets too far when we were so excited was the first fantasy I did I was supposed to be a nerd in headgear and lots of zits and we kind of just like we're having fun with it I came down bills like what is on your lip I'm like it's a corn flake it suppose to be a cold sore he's like no that's too far shouldn't have to say lose the cold sore just somebody my favorite thing though is if you would read a script bill I shouldn't say this cuz bill such a brilliant writer but it would say that Bill's such a brilliant writer and they're made if you know they're very it would say the janitor says says whatever says says whatever think of a janitor lying we would some time is right next to the Jan in a script it would say janitor and underneath it would say kneel say something funny and I can't I can't ever I don't know if you guys can I can't ever remember people are so nice to ask me about different things in the show and what they were and I can't remember any of it but one thing I do remember was you had to come up one of the Neil's say something funny thing was you had to explain why you had killed a duck once and you invented a riff that you guys got in a fight in your car it was a duck by the way and that you fighting over the radio stage yeah some of the radios and you pulled over to the side of the road took her she said the next thing you knew me and the duck both had our shirts off I'm like the Ducks got it out and so you beat a duck to death in a street side fight and that is one of the many moments that people come and say that was so funny I'm like thank you my favorite is my favorite is when you explained to Zack how your wife knitted the shorts I'm a doctor I can't wear short shorts to work if you look at the at the gag reel of the bloopers I think that's the hardest I've ever laughed was Neal Express explained to me that his wife with her limited fingers using the scrubs material she had made me short shorts and that it was an insult to not wear them and my line was I'm a doctor I can't wear short shorts to work Neal do you have a favorite like moment that you remember ad-libbing or that you like a line that just really you were like I can't even say it because it's too goof it like he just made you laugh well I because I haven't been able been allowed to do that since so I remembered even more finely than I enjoyed it at the time and it was it was good I didn't have a very big part of the show so I got to have this extra fun which was wonderful I remember saying to Christa something about add well this is all credit that bill because he would say and then if you think of something else you know say that or I would goof around in rehearsal and say good say that or we'll do one light will do one that way too and we'll do one that way too I was telling you about the janitors childhood or something and this is in the cage when you had the caves remember that I remember saying that my my first pillow was a pile of handguns I remember that but it was all I mean I say I don't know you just said basically handed me the ball and you didn't watch my mouth to stop moving and then you would talk my favorite was when I said to you is there some kind of underground canal system under the hospital I I think I saw a manatee and you said was his name Julian yeah and I said I don't know we didn't exchange pleasantries and you said that's Julia Julia that was I believe that was scripted no that was not that was not everybody's people will people will sometimes say to me you know is it true that you made up all your lines and of course that's not true that would be chaos there's another person in the scene with the scripted lines I can't just say you know so sometimes I was allowed to ad-lib but oftentimes with Zack we would change the dialogue a little bit but yes but most of it was written so there are some people who are called upon to I think be the straight person in the scene more than the goofy ones Judi I feel like your job often was to gravitas yeah yeah that's what bill would tell me when I would go to him at least yearly rains every year Judy would she would go by the way she's like I'm going to I'm plenty of [ __ ] Johnny C wait Johnny C tell me to say to Judy what you said to us in the car driving here I said she's one of the best [ __ ] actresses on the planet [Applause] I know but I could act funny I just think jokes I need fantasy but you just must men here is a well set I tell you what we're talking about this in the car and it's corny but shows like this only work if you walk this I'm gesturing with a drink very well don't you guys think can land a moment that way i watch so anyways the only work if you have someone that can ground it and make it seem real and that judy could kind of help us switch gears to the pathos and the drama and the emotional stuff in this show and i was trying to catch up on the show and remember it and was watching a scene that she did with Aloma right when nurse Roberts passed away and she's such a good actress there's one of the main things that made the show work so the show is like we've been talking so wildly funny but it it works because so much of it is threaded through with these really you know emotional relationships between these characters I wonder if there were points sort of throughout because that you were able to be on together for so long points where you felt like you were really happy that you were pushing the character in new directions moments where you were like ah this relationship now speaks to me differently I think in the sizzle reel we had the one with you and dr. Cox and sort of when he broke down right that was one of them I wonder if there are others you know I'll hand it off but one of my favorite ones and this is how TV shows evolved for you guys is we became a family working together and enjoyed each other ken Jenkins and John Simek generally had such a good relationship in real life and were such cantankerous you know antagonists on the show I really enjoyed the end when we made them friends and it would it mattered to me on a personal level cuz I could watch those two do scenes instead of being mean to each other that they were treating each other like they did in real life you guys remember that part yeah vaguely [Laughter] I really like beating him up with balloons so we're there I mean other big sort of relationships I know the the JD Turk relationship obviously is one of the cores of the show I think after we sank I love I knew this relationship will last yeah Harmon it is once you sing a love song into another man's eyes I found out about his about his hands being inside of you it was surgery one of the fun things you guys going online and seen like bachelor parties and weddings where the best man sings that to his groom they're everywhere I've never seen going to but now I'm going I see the gifts a lot I have to say nine years of scrubs gifts are really great because you can really when you're sending a text there's a gift of yourself for every emotion so I often like use them scrub tips which ones do you use they're often like me and Donald rubbing our heads together I'm like I miss you in that it's me and Dom that's like that that's I think that might be my favorite yeah I've ever seen in my life but for any emotion you can pick up and then not even looking for them if I'm put in like oh I'm happy it'll like scrubs gift will come up but I'll just use that but I'm one thing I think that's so unique about the show and a credit to Bill and the other writers I've never seen something that navigated in without commercials it's 22 minutes so that would navigate from the broadest comedy you can think of all the stuff we're all laughing about and then find a way to be have a scene like the one that you show with Johnny C and I played completely straight Meharry interno that on paper you sometimes you wouldn't even think that could work but but it usually did the weirdest thing it's a story we tell Matt Tarsus wrote an episode the first year called my old lady which Catherine how to pronounce her last name Jocelyn she since passed away nice way to from the West Wing she it's an episode in which it's the third episode of our show and each one of our interns gets a patient you're told that one out of three of these people will die and it was a trick as a manipulative tricks we decided in the writers room that all three of them were gonna die and this is how we were gonna tell all of you that this show is gonna be a little different right and the way TV works in network television we you know I never handed and outlines or scripts or anything on time but when I did eventually tell them what we were doing the first call we got is I did it they all have to die I'm like well yeah well couldn't one of them die or just get very very sick and I'm like no they're all gonna die like well they're all gonna die could they be like could they be racists and horrible Nazis and people you know that we want to seed I'm like no they're gonna be people you like and they're still gonna die and the fact that we were able to do that show early and the people here's embraced it it was very nerve-wracking for us because I thought there was a chance that everybody would turn on a show that they were hoping to laugh at and find that to be not what they wanted to see on TV but once we got permission not from the network but from the audience we decided to do it for the whole run so I I got one and good for the network for doing it I I confess I don't remember much of this it's sort of like a Chinese chopped salad blown in a tornado oh yeah I was there and I loved it it's a wonderful feeling but I remember one of those turns and I just thought of it and my favorite one of those turns was in an episode with Brendan Fraser yeah yeah boy did did it it just felt like he'd been there right from the beginning constantly why haven't I seen you oh yeah you've always been here but there was there was one that Johnny C was talking and he was in an argument with with Brendan and he was having a tremendous argument with him and Zach says who do you think you're talking to and you pan back and you realize you're at the funeral and you're left with Johnny C's face and you just go into that face and that was the whole drama of his death was just that one shot just going into his his face and you turned on a dime just on an instantaneous dime in debt BAM that's a great trick that's better [Applause] [Music] I tell you guys my my random favorite thing about Ken those a lot of people out here I'm sure actors actresses writers in and around the industry you always have to be very careful with people this talented if you're gonna tell them any I'm not good at giving notes you're not supposed to give aligned readings when I started my career if someone did a joke differently then I heard at my head since I knew I wasn't supposed to get my wine reading I'd say don't say it like that say it like this remember a room you know which is a line reading just with noises why don't you zip when you start your crew you did that to us all the time you're not supposed even line ringing and bill would get around to be like he thought if he's made noises and didn't say the words it didn't count good but ken Jenkins is one of my favorite experiences because just so you all know if you program his name onto your DVR it'll explode because he's been in every movie ever since the dawn of time and I used to come to 10 ken nervously when we started having you do you know come really acerbic jokes and I wasn't sure if you always knew what I was going for and I would bump her around and then Ken would just interrupt me he's like bill I'm old just tell me how to say it it took me three seasons to get him to give me a line reading that's all I wanted and then we all did that just say just say how you wanted to say oh another bill trick for you aspiring filmmakers out there directors was was something I've used that I stole from bill he'd go you know at the table read you know we all got around the table reading goes you did it in a really really funny way I just wanna get back to that you did it like this and he would say how he wanted to say it alive and the actor would be like that is good that's how I did it he's like yeah that's exactly how you did it and it's [ __ ] genius and I've stolen that thank you no he was right because if you if you get somebody to do it right in a rehearsal right before you go in to shoot it you're sure to [ __ ] it up when you shoot it he was right then prayed on actors he goes there like I was I was that good wasn't so funny I was Torian well he killed me at the table read when you did it like that I'm like I'll definitely do it like that when we get to shoot it you always wasn't on this show but on another show I actually did that and the actor Courtney Cox the actress said we didn't have a table read whatever so you're all hilariously funny who is the worst at keeping a straight face Sarah Chalke is a charm to the point it got to the point where like these guys can make one noise who is this noise ready we'd like this [Music] and we do it like I like to in the morning when the crew wanted to go home and they would be like so pissed off and we just wanted even you know PTSD all right so watching that clip show when Johnny C is doing a help me to help you help me help you guys are enjoying that and I was flashing back to that was at night and every time he got to this move Sarah Cooper screaming myself in my head going these people have families everyone wants to go home here [ __ ] [ __ ] together Chalmers Justin Baker stop laughing there were she would berate herself about the families of the crew she could like these market people want to go home and take care of their kids and then I would literally get to a point where I just turn I turn away and I turned back in the room I just have to see someone's face right after her pet talked I'll now be like and then I think we got to a point where one thing this one time where everyone's like I guess I guess we just move on I don't think we have it but I don't think we're gonna get it so I guess we just Sarah would say just so you guys know what that song means that means Sarah wants one more take even when she's had nine takes thank you for explaining that bill that might have been conceived that's a good boy everyone the show had a song and it started with Gabby alan greenberg who was one of the writers who only listens on fridays if you're talking about an inside joke really it's really okay so alright now gonna discuss all of our inside jokes so let's come back out there so by the way turn for the moderator you she just saved the evening that's good so there so many so many amazing minor secondary characters on the show right one of the one of the philosophies of this show early on we were talking as the staff was to do it like The Simpsons and the cool thing about animation usually on a TV show you notice the secondary characters job is to come in and go where are you going who you date and what time is it where do you work what's your job and on our show we said what if we made them all be you know funny like you know the Simpsons whether it's Moe the bartender you know our Barney or whoever they pop on their own and we decided to kind of fill our world with all these odd ducks I'll take a is anybody have a reference to who their favorite is is there a hand anywhere what's everybody near dared to say it's beautiful say damn it I'll take one where Z right there where hooch hooch is crazy I got a question wait I got a question was that left side right front you guys I miss you fine everyone [Applause] I was so hoping for a banana hammock I was so hoping for a banana hammock the BOC anymore hey guys let's hear it for Rob Maggio everybody let me just say this scrubs fans don't forget this you're just a little bit better than everybody else scrubs meeting five four people streaming at home long distance five mental five betrayal five hiding the big dog who told you where we were Ted thank you good night Oh all jokes aside I want to give a shout out because one of the things that made this show work was this not everybody felt that their job rightfully so is the most important and whether it's Samoyed playing Ted with my favorite acapella band of all time or Rob masao playing the taught or Aloma right playing nurse Roberts just the people we brought into this world some of them are here I want to thank them and thank you guys for liking them so much so demented [Applause] Oh Rob it's over Rob Rob Rob it's over it'll happen from NBC to ABC cuz it's Disney we were no longer allowed to show Robin his banana happy really yeah that's true that's true they do notice when I was directing I had to frame above his Pete in the back and the Bahamas episode he comes out and flexes on the beach and we had to blow up that shot because it was it showed the banana Rob Rob's banana hammock is not Disney approved it's a loss for Humanity really it is were there other changes that you had to between when you switched other things about the show there is one thing one blob you don't know this trivia is we only shot one thing ever that bill had to throw out if I'm not mistaken it was a medicinal marijuana you know not many years ago they were like but this little marijuana I get the hell out of here I don't want to make a dumb point but this is how screwed up network television is Oh God all right no there's people watch Donald Trump nuts [Applause] they would not let us do a story about getting medicinal marijuana for somebody that was having trouble with chemo and cancer and so to make a point I said what if it's a what if the patient that's dying is a virgin and when I have sex for the first time and Carla and Elliot want to go looking for a male prostitute forward they're like oh that's fine no I can go I mean the kids on Disney you can see is getting a prostitute just not met and medicinal marijuana was the only thing you actually shot it and you we shot a couple scenes I remember no there was one where there was one I want to say it was my old lady where these two had a storyline it was one where no forgive me if I'm wrong if I remember this incorrectly but didn't you guys have a kid that didn't make it and it got cut out of the show am I wrong for that no the medicinal marijuana maybe I was smoking but do you remember dick because they were looking through a window this is what I remember and I remember we shot it and then it turned into something completely and it was a pee and everything like that but it was a dark turn at the end of an episode where these two are looking at a baby the baby where she was like I don't buy where she has the book oh yeah yeah yeah and but and they see the baby this is what it's like for all of us trying to remember our own work wait so what was the story that was like you were like playing about something yeah but you said something in the window were you like I miss our baby and he says yeah I know and then the network you're right we we had we had the couple that you guys when you were married we said that your marriage dissolved at one point because you had a kid that didn't make it we took that out my most embarrassing moment actually was something that almost got to what happened was is I've never gotten in trouble from Bill except for this one time and it was they almost had a take out but they fixed it and Bill came up to me one day he's like okay Chucky so harder than any special effect we had to do in eight years harder than making Zach's head explode in a fantasy sequence was making you look less like an oompa loompa because what happened was I somebody told Sarah that self-tanning is cool wait scrubs had gotten nominated for an Emmy every was super excited I didn't have anything to wear everyone's like you got to hire a stylist I've never done that before I did she said you need to be tan I said I'm not gonna do that I'm not going to the Sun she said go to one of those booths and was like the episode of Friends where Ross ends up like a nine like it's really complicated I mean there's this weird cream and there's a mask and there's all this stuff and I had my dog with me and anyways I get to scrubs and the Tim increases over time so I've never seen anything right away not to bring out not to bring it Barry she looks like Donald Trump she was orange she was like is something different about have your eyes always been that blue thank you and you're like no it's a spray tan I think bill called me from work he said what do you do I don't know what you do that stuff it smells like rotten meat to you guys done that I have an apology to make because I and it's someone hasn't spoken a lot yet so this writing staff it was wasn't there I was my fault we always gave these guys material late we often is one of the only shows that I think sometimes you guys would be shooting a scene from a show that you didn't know what the show was yet because dude we used to get scripts in your hand written John easy but I used to hand John C McKinley to page monologues by the way the morning of I'd be like hey John if it's cool we're gonna shoot this right before lunch and then I would run up and he's a very scary human being so I would scurry away as quickly as I could well how did you do that like do you have strategies for when you get handed a handwritten monologue and then you'd have to learn it I'm just filled with self-loathing okay in order to hate myself less I had to do it otherwise I would have to face the man in the mirror and just want to wrap my fist around my esophagus kill myself sounds very healthy and so I was so competitive with Billie I was like [ __ ] you I'll learn this [ __ ] by the way and he thought he was winning but then my 29 year old ahead or 30 year old head I would go oh I obviously don't need to get him in the material that early next time I could push it up right up against lunch sometimes the scripted comes too late and we get we'd be like hey bill called down the writers room can you tell dial 9 why we're on a table because we we the scene just opens and we're standing on a table and we don't we have no idea what's going on he goes oh oh sorry yeah what happens so he's like shoot a scene there was one time where we each got the voiceover like Zac oh he said the voice-over this one episode where we each had to turn with a voiceover as my turn with the voice-over and the script wasn't bill three pennies threaten Zac I didn't know the backstory you know what anyone can do I guess they had an argument over something no it was he goes you know a new intern can always walk in I was gonna get back at Billy one time and it was I don't know what season was the season you brought on the actor from kids in the whole foley what's up boys couple boys go for the show of mine hey guys okay Foley so you brought Dave Foley on and he was he was gonna walk everybody through the seven stages of loss or something and so I had a monologue with him because I wasn't buying any of the stuff that he was doing and you gave it to me and I had enough time to subvert it and so I I remember this by this is you're gonna see a cathartic moment between the two of us because we battled and so and so it was late into six-episode year five or six or seven and so I gotten into this really plane with weird cadence for dr. Cox know this really strange sound I'm like all right well I'm gonna I'm gonna take this to its logical extreme and the lotto you not you did not play with word this the extreme was I was gonna make it incoherent yeah and so I did it and I did it really fast like this Martin Scorsese syncopation really fast and we shot it we're good you guys are saying I went into editing because the crew was just happy to be done were six years in and they're gone and I'm like hey I gotta cut this scene and I'm looking as literally Jhansi McKinley giving a speech going like this you guys are in a newsroom there's rumors I thought I thought I'd had a stroke I thought it wasn't hearing did your mouth ever hurt because you spend so much time on the show going like like with that from either really Billy had the last laugh on this one because he made me reach it it and Johnny see you don't reshoot you can see by the way here's a good piece of trivia you can see when John C McKinley as a performer whether it's because of the way it's being shot or how the day is going you can see when he's actually angry when you see you guys watch the show that you see this part of his jaw just start to twitch you doing that Q flex that thing now I'm not angry so when we were talking on the on the phone about doing this one thing we mentioned Bill you said like well we're not really reboot people and I wondered if you could explain a little bit about why this show why you don't and why you don't want like that sweet sweet reboot money no all right I'm gonna navigate this without getting myself in trouble I would I know right I would do anything to get to work with not only this group but they're the writers that are around and do it again it was the best time in my life so much so that I often find myself now trying to grab a gold ring you know that I've already been lucky enough to have grabbed before you know you can never equal that experience that said sometimes reboots not all the time sometimes they feel like a money grab you know and like people are just trying to and one of the cool things if this group came to me destitute and unemployed and said oh my god we need to do scrubs again or the crew did or the writing staff did we would do it but you are looking at a group of people that work whenever and however they want to because of how talented they are and so the only reason to do it would be to do something for you guys and enjoy the time together so if we ever do it we'll do it as a short little movie or something like that I wonder though by the way and on that topic you guys know all these everyone here is just crushing it the most annoying thing to me on the ride here my son is here somewhere and he's so excited because Sarah Chalke is one of the voices on Rick and Morty and that's what he did and then in the car with Johnny C and krysta and me and then he said I just recently watched the whole binge watch the whole series of The Office and then I said have you seen scrubs yet and John do you remember what he said I watched an episode or two I wonder though like if you were in a position where you were gonna do a revival are there are you what kinds of stories would you imagine you wanting to tell about your characters now that might have been different than the kinds of stories you would have been telling when the show was originally on where do you see marijuana episode okay well sure at the marijuana episode are there other ways that you imagine like what would you want to imagine your character is doing I've been asked when people have asked us about asked me about doing the show again and I think the problem for me is if I did it I would just want to see where everybody yeah was in their life I would want to see where their marriage is I would want to see where their marriage is I would want to see if there's the respect working for the CIA it makes sense that's speaking of favorite episodes hold on let's talk about freaking watching the fugitive and waiting waiting for the credits to roll just so we could find out what the janitors name is oh yeah by the way hop on train raise your hand if you're one of the people that found a way to contact me and go if the janitor was in the fugitive then his name is Neil Flynn by the way everybody that found a way to contact me and say that I personally got back to them and said he lied that's not his name yeah his name is Glen Matthews or is it Neil did you feel like your character had a name and you just never told anyone what it was gonna be did you did you for yourself like just like secretly like my name is Steve had you know I've been I would have been fine never having a name and anything anything like at the end when I said Glen Matthews that could easily be a lie in fact the very next thing someone says hey Joe do you know do you know when we decided on the name Glen you know and Clone High he played a janitor named Glen we decided that it was his actual name when he was young he tore yeah Judy where do you imagine Karla would be now definitely with a couple of kids and I don't you know we talked about early in in scrubs about her aspiring to be a doctor and I didn't think I liked her running the show as a nurse Judy you should clap because Judy and all the actors and actresses were so protective of their characters I would talk about things to him and and Judy took the time to say that she thinks that Carl was very proud of her job and would do it for life and that's who she was protecting I'm like defensive is I think she wants to be a doctor my wife she's an amazing nurse I mean I feel bad I was like I think I was a little [ __ ] hahaha no but I thought it made sense that she's but I I I don't you know I think she'd be like menopause and I was like I think I need more we're gonna take questions from the audience in a minute and there there are mics that are gonna be in the back as you are arranging that I have one question that I was told that I had to ask if I was gonna come out here which is about the poison dance no no no no no if you want to see it you could play for at night because they jacked that [ __ ] my kid is here and she's a huge fan and she does that did you play for tonight yeah just so you guys know it's real trivia for at night had to inquire for the legal the cavity of it yes and it's fine because it's just a character dancing but no money but no I didn't get no money I know that's what you're thinking right well if somebody got Farrell's no Donald no I did not Donald I'm I stole that [ __ ] I mean I might know more I made the decision I knew that Donald would be cool with me getting the money for that they said I've explained this to the audience they said that was cool that for tonight dance you did and I said thank you Billie Krishna sent me a picture of them on vacation I was like what are you guys doing like we're spinning our Donald for tonight money oh that's a [ __ ] it's all money nobody got money for it no but by the way you know they really did a screen capture of you in side-by-sides the same yeah it's exact same dance that's amazing how long did it take you to learn the dance second I don't think you would even read the scene when they're out there read the script that day I was late what am i doing and airbandz right yet it was it was I walked in and I was late and I remember you being like yo what the [ __ ] and me being like alright alright and I remember the whole studio being the whole studio the whole crew being in the room when I had to do that dance and I was like by the way I was also is the best thing about Donald just so you guys know how talented he is I go do you work on this chicks it's supposed to be good he's like oh yeah the song you could see him registering like because he had no idea what the song was gonna be even though I was in the script he's like oh poison I got that I know this one that's amazing and I'm the opposite of so type-a bills like well you do and I told you so dance I'm like in my dressing I'm trying to plan every do it do one of them told us no dance I gotta get paid now fortnight already took all that money yeah if he doesn't okay do this all by for at night now do we have any audience questions like okay in the back what do you got there are people with mics so find a person with a mic right there in the red you can hand that young lady a mic I just want to know where did the joke come from worth of janitor was I was going to make do so I I know that it happened a handful of times only because I was I think that was to find your short shorts in the dumpster and my line was liar and I asked I said this anyone on the set know what liar is in Spanish and they said it was minted or so I just thought that was more interesting I assume I asked you if it was okay yeah and then by the way this is the way this show works he would say is it okay and then we would say yes and whenever you have to say a liar from now on for nine years say excellent okay next question I'm a doctor myself you're welcome you can't you get the sense of humor alive and I wanted to know throughout your time filming did you guys yourselves get to go to a hospital and like really see how boring and lame it is and then try to find things that you know you felt you before these guys talk I'm going to say two things one the thing that I'm most proud of about this show is the amount of medical professionals that have said that we either caught what they were going through or influenced them and becoming nurses or doctors my brother-in-law oh it's very it means so much to me so thank you so much for saying that and for doing it I think it's really cool okay number two when these guys can speak to it my best friend if you have a heart problem out here in LA and the real JD dr. John Doris is a cardiologist and this show exists and heart surgeon because he was my best friend from age 18 on we got to college together and were roommates and I don't know about you guys but he was a screw-up and my nightmare would be waking up in an emergency room and seeing him be over me and going like you're gonna be fine I'd be like I've seen you so drunk it's so great but it created the feeling for me that doctors and nurses are like any of us they laugh they joke they do what they can to get through stuff and I think everybody here had moments with him one of my favorite things about this show is that he he and his wife who Elliott was based on he married a doctor who's also a family physician out here named dolly clock were the medical advisors on the show and the when he was on set helping us with the medical stuff they all called him real they called him real JD so his nickname was real and the best part is he was a real cardiologist and we'd be doing be advising us being like okay you're gonna hold this like this and this and then it was still in the time of pagers I think right wasn't it well doctors had pagers and he'd be like oh [Music] if you uh if you all watched the real finale of the show this would mean a lot to me there is a in the main the real finale of the show is when I'm always season 9 if you watch the real finale of the show Zack walks by a actual doctor that looks a little like him with black hair slicked back and says goodnight and that guy is the real JD and he's the one the whole show is based on she made the mistake of giving me his cell phone number and there's been numerous times that have been like real do you think this is the problem and you know bill not only played the the guy who married Sam Lloyd sorry this character should know this Ted married Neal oh sorry janitor that was married and and Ted sang here yeah and then and then he was the janitor at the very end of season 8 that pulls down the the sheet that's being projected on bill was amazing actor on the poster for this thing there was a collage of all our faces and Bill and I saw him on one of the social media someone was like why did they put up the guy who married those two in the bar like ten lines by the way the Bahamas part which I feel was my opus so I feel I was amazing in it when I was marrying Neil and Kip on jetty is a great talented actress who's actually here somewhere what up kid I knew it I knew it was my moment to shine and the entire cast was in the pool off-camera watching me and drinking and I feel I was amazing they feel I was horrible it's a good I thought you were amazing bill remember my character named stretch it out thank you ban his dad's name yeah the guy by the way just so you guys know that tiny island in the Bahamas it's called a hope town population is about 600 we took the whole island over to shoot it and the reason I did it there the gentleman sitting next to Ken Jenkins at the bar for the whole show is my father and that's where they live and he's a terrific actor how did we get an episode shot like I don't even know how that like we've got talking to at the beginning and they were like guys if you don't show up at your call time we're gonna have no way of getting ahold of you so just like that I wouldn't had no roads we just took our entire crew there and a whole bunch of booze and went around on boats and shot that show for a week was super fun more questions yes next question we didn't answer your question but a I have a lot of good answers but we all have answers to that we'll find you after and you get to come out with us because we're just gonna talk about what happened in the hospitals to all of us he's lying you guys did an episode where a Turk gets a new cell phone and his cell phone number was 911 six call Turk I was in high school on like the message boards on and people were like call this number you'll get to the set and I did and like Donald Faison answered remember do I recognize that boys wait wait Steve clothes what is it Sam can I tell you the funniest person that you'll do your question by the way we believe all right it's a good opportunity to say how grateful we are because this show stayed on because people this loyal to the show kept kept engaged you know and did stuff like this my favorite moment of the phone it was a it was a marketing moment and we all took turns answering that phone because I thought we thought it would be a great idea to put that number out that number is discontinued by the way because 10 years after if you turned that phone on it never stopped ringing we had we had a map and every country in the world we kept it up in the building we would get calls and every person up here took turns answering it and my favorite moment and I'm sorry I'm gonna tell him this but so anyways I was working late and my wife likes to sleep she has his magic trick if you look away when you look back she's got a mouth guard and sleep mask on it's very weird so I came home talking to a fan and you know because I'm a nerd I'm so excited that someone cares about a writer and I'm like yeah we came up with that outfit and and my wife screamed from the bedroom and she goes are you [ __ ] talking on the phone at 1:00 in the morning and the girl on the phone goes oh my god is that Jordan [Laughter] I go I go it is but I have to go hey sorry did you have a question your question man that look I believe I thank you yes thank you yeah the the staff and I but one of my things that I think you have to do if you're creating any type of art out there any of you we live in a world that if you're passionate about it market it yourself and we used to sit around coming up with ideas to kind of engage you guys and take it to people and that was one of mine and then we had an idea that we did a multi-camera episode of the show that we brought in a lot of scrubs fans to see it taped live even though it's not a sitcom and I just believe this you know if people are this passionate they're gonna show up 17 years later you got to feed them stuff and do stuff like that so that they can have access to you it's part of the fun you know [Applause] [Music] unfortunately we are out of time oh well if you look at the clock behind you it says we have 2700 we know we passed it it's now going up is now going let's do let's do a last good question good question or two there's wait way in the back he's very excited yes yeah it is time now it is time to bars the show yes it started don't be licking me no more matter of fact can I get a hand ey [Applause] hey the last thing I told myself and my wife that I would do you guys might not realize it it is a gift that anybody would still care about something that we did this long after the fact I'm touched I'm grateful this show it not exists were it not for the fans and for people still keeping it alive I just wanted to take this opportunity for me and for the whole cast to say thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Vulture
Views: 56,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrubs, scrubs reunion, scrubs cast, donald faison, zach braff, hospital, comedy, sarah chalke, christa miller, neil flynn, ken jenkins, judy reyes, john c mcginley
Id: E-ybuhiEbl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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