Community - The Cast Does a Table Read

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so let's welcome the cast on stage right now first off you love his food reviews he plays Leonard it's special guest Richard earned men hey Leonard it's the real sex symbol of this caste next up he wrote this very episode and I'm forever disturbed by his Twitter icon if I haven't seen it it spits pretty disturbing he's the white childish gambino it's Andy buh bro playing Troy Barnes for this episode into that or that is Donald Glover so I'm I think I'm legally required to actually mention his Oscar win he plays Dean Pelton it's Jim rash next up I don't know if you saw found the other night but she is a hip-hop maestro annie edison allison mother-effing breathe next up she's she's she's the nicest person on the show on twitter and in real life Shirley Bennett Yvette Nicole Brown next up I think we're going to have to have him do his Christian Bale Batman impersonation before the the panel's over I bet nadir mr. Danny Pudi alright let's hope she doesn't Britta this table read Britta Perry Gillian Jacobs next up of course we know him as Jeff Winger I love him as the host of round with Brian Williams Joel McHale all right now this this is a special treat guys give a hand a special guest star Fred Willard Fred will be playing both versions of Pierce Hawthorne the other actor who plays Pierce I cannot make it tonight next up he directed the episode and he'll be reading the stage director direction Tristram Shapiro alright and with that Tricia I'll let you take it away sir here we go okay great okay everybody ready yeah I don't understand your rights are you a Marine oh boy all right we go we kind of read we're gonna read upside 4:01 of this season history 101 written by mr. Bob row at the end this is just like a real table read by the way that's just like a real table Rika Debbie's not here thank you everything of them all right here we go so cold open fade in interior study room Arbus multi-camera fantasy day ah Troy Abbot back from summer big applause from the audience wait a minute something's changed those 12 additional thumbtacks on that board they're driving me crazy he put on he puts on the Eddie hipster glasses no I meant this I'm trying out the hipster look it's cool but also not the audience laughs destroy not bad sit down Britta Renta is also wearing nerdy hipster glasses hey guys how was your summer take them off Troy and Britta stare each other down Annie enters also wearing nerdy hipster glasses happy first day of school Oh Shirley enters with brownies also wearing hipster glasses good morning I brought brownies Oh Jeff enters not wearing glasses good morning I brought this awesome tan I see you've all reinvented ourselves over the summer a little late the trendy hipster party much a little much on them much much we should get to class where's peers older peers player enters peers played by another actor who could that be he enters wearing nerd glasses hey oh sorry I'm late damn Mexican cleaning woman did a church on my glasses so I gotta wear this old pair Britta immediately takes off her glasses and everyone else follows so suits the audience loved it after beat of laughter we hear it at all a different Britta urban scene two interior birds bedroom we are back to our normal world Britta stealing glasses sits with our bed who stares often at me with an amused grin Abed huh did you go to your happy place yep did you envision the babbling brook like I described it I started out with the babbling brook but then I layered in elements from our world I'm sure fans of the babbling brook will complain but I felt it was limiting birth best if it's simple babbling brook okay here's the deal Jessica Biel's first day of senior year is going to be emotional for all of us so I hereby therapize you to visit your happy place when you ever you feel stressed out Oh Troy 90 enta annie has a notebook okay I found my lucky notebook Troy has a piece of cereal I found my lucky charm baa Abed are you ready for our first last day of school I just need a minute we push into our beds eyes as we go into opening credits good various multicam starla over our new bouncy theme music we she socks from previous episodes remade multicam style there is a place there I can go where I can watch my favorite show it's about me with all my friends a place where no never Seth and the fun never ends all those times when life's too hard to face I'll find some happy in my happy place Oh you and that's the that's the end of our opening credits oh I won't bore you with all the I wonder maybe I should Annie gets frustrated searching for a backpack and a missing pan yelling at others our bird walks into the study room wearing a goatee holding a boner at the bone saw Troy in a varsity jacket holding a football that's scared but peels off the goatee and they both laugh Shirley's doing her crotch cradle with yarn she holds out her hands for her partner's next move reveal her partner is Chang he's covered in yarn Dean Pelton in a hallway looking back and forth at a men's restroom a women's restroom he can't decide Geoff backing his way into the study room shooting his paint gun he backs directly into Britta doing the same thing from the opposite direction they drop their guns and kids altarpiece opens his locker and hundreds of golf balls pour out he tries to look cool for the hot girl nearby all nine characters fall onto couches in the study room Act one fade in hallway a little later Troy Britta Annie and Abed walk down a hallway I can't believe we finally got into this class I can't believe there's a class called the history of ice cream Shirley comes up and greets them enthusiastically Pierce arrives at roughly the same time Oh we need another riddle to rebuild all the response seniors and ad-lib greetings as they go in for a group hug excluded from this peers tries to hug a cute girl but she ferries by as the group hug breaks up he pretends to have been part of it great hug seniors I'm thinking of seniors I decided to do senioritis this year you know just hanging out blowing off classes doing some pranks not saying magine I'll do some pranks with you okay or Jeff or whoever you know whoever's around whatever so Abed after class that we do in our first day of school tradition you know it we make wishes in the fountain Oh wishes aren't real if you want something you have to work hard or use a spell our wishes always come true last year Troi wished we got bin Laden and the Dorito taco Obama got credit for both did you wish for Jeff to be on time for once no wasting wishes on a pot no no wasting wishes on impossibilities we got to make this year count since is our last Abed panics we here a multicam music sting he relaxes into a smile they turn a corner to see a huge crowd of students outside a classroom nail is one of them oh no is this all for history of ice cream they overbooked it I'm Neil now so now the first-come first-serve duh just like real ice cream Jeff sticks his head outside the classroom he has nerdy hipster glasses guys over here as soon as he sees Britta's glasses he takes his off a group make their way into the classroom classroom continuous the class is full of people every seat fold Jeff you're early don't you read Garrett's Twitter feed he posted a crisis alert about it I got here early to save a seats Jeff walks up to Rove six cute freshman girls they're paired up taking cell phone pictures of themselves Jeff holds up a flier oh oh you know what girls I gave you the old flyer Instagram for besties is it room 44 they all get up and leave our groups takes their seats showing up early thinking of others sending girls away could see a whole new Jeff Winger let's not ruin it by approving it Troy cut Troy casually guides Britta into a seat with a hand on her hip Jeff sees it okay so that's progressed it's progressed but it hasn't progressed progressed it's progressive good luck Troy am I the only one who has a problem with the obvious age difference hey they don't get to just walk in here I've been pissing in jars for an hour to hold it other students start complaining - not fair it's first-come first-serve excetera Dean Pelton enters ok alright alright alright oh this can't be good he's dressed as himself okay apparently Greendale's registration system has been hacked that's right someone hacked open the supply closet and counterfeited these history of ice cream admission cards he holds up two plain pink note cards with history of ice cream handwritten in girly script on each one okay whoever did this was good there's only one fair way to solve this so follow me to the emotions to everyone to follow him out into the hall hallway continuously felt held on to his to the whole time leading the students down the hall he's there still going into the cafeteria it has been transformed into an obstacle course with climbing walls and things to call through and jump over et cetera he motions to everyone sat then there is he scurried off behind a black curtain still chewing behind the car he emerging a katniss everdeen costume from The Hunger Games riding in a chariot pulled by hot guys in uniforms costumes like Kennedy winner of each one of these contests will be awarded a red rubber ball no ball no ice-cream and they are impossible to counterfeit because each has been marked my distinct bite print Oh Lord no everyone bails except Jeff yeah prevailing feeling Maui yeah hey guys guys we need to take this class is the only history credit this semester whatevs take it next to miss I need it now I need it now oh why you need it yeah okay oh okay I took extra classes online I'm one history credit away from graduating this semester this this hits them especially Abed you're graduating Abed Abed panics multicam music you are better lateral I'm line there you're graduating early sorry graduating college after 30 can't be characterized as early so that's why you held our seats for your own selfish reasons no I I want us to take this class together I want it to be the last class we take together I I should probably phrase that differently fine not win your red ball what do I care I got a senior prank to pull Shirley mm-hmm come on come on haven't we proven that we'll be friends no matter what yeah we discussed that at my fourth of July party you missed that's not in the script by the way I see you guys now Abed Abed ready to make some wishes make chocolate hot dogs a reality actually um why don't you go with Britta I think I'll just hang out here and watch are you sure yeah I'm fine if I and II or FY in one of those is our code word for not fine F Y and E okay good ol head out and he turns back to Jeff see you later old Jeff no I'm new Jeff a new Jeff is not just out for himself I'm gonna win seven red balls because I won't take this class unless you're all there with me Annie walks away we all have to leave this place sometime like an ice cream cone in the Sun our time here can't last forever was a part of the speech I was going to give we zoom in on our bad panicking then self calming study room are bits multi fat camera fantasy day everyone in the group holds brochures labeled jobs our bed enters hey guys what's going on oh just making plans for the future can't pee Greendale forever Alta Pierce looks up from his brochure labeled coffins it's mine different than yours Dean Pelton enters dressed as a sexy 1920s aviator look out below coming in for a landing Amelia Earhart ah clothes I am America's sexiest aviator Leo DiCaprio and just as his character lost his mind so have I lost all your stupids what I can't believe it yeah Millia Earhart would have been faster as you know our student records are stored in a Microsoft Paint file with which I was assured was boot of hills which I was a shoot us is classic Joel messing up three has any way to recover as you know our student records are stored in a Microsoft Paint Phi which I was assured was future-proof meanwhile our extended warranty is not being honored by the restaurant that used to be Circuit City it's ah it's it's a perfect storm but I think the fairest way to handle this is just to have everyone repeat the last three years what you can't be serious indeed I am the audience laughs and Abed smiles we're going to be here forever cafeteria as before Abed eyes glazed smiling I'm gonna be in here forever the Dean raises his arms as a eunuch a unicorn guy likes a match okay light me up boys end of act 1 act 2 fade in interior cafeteria day Dean Pelton dresses the competitors now now in a singed dress gentlemen and ladies yeah he points to a climbing pyramid with several ropes hanging down at the very up at the very top is a red ball on a Ledge my first red ball is way up high to touch my ball there's touch this guy there is a mad dash for the wall frantic chlorine Jeff gets on a rope first but meets stiff competition from Leonard give up Leonard I'm gonna eat your ice cream winger Leonard nods to someone behind Jeff reveal it's Annie Kim who slams Jeff heads Jeff's head into the wall ah you you're premed I want ice cream and I want to graduate with dignity he grabs Annie Kim's glasses he flounders blindly in with the glasses in his hand he punches Leonard in the face both Leonard and Annie fall off we angle on our bed and Pierce watching the action oh just really going after that ball there's got to be a joke in there Jeff runs up and drops off his first ball our bed stares at it and panics new Jeff that's my first ball give me a minute Abed looks at the ball in dismay then looks up as we push into his iron through the wormhole to the study group our beds multi-camera fantasy the group is there looking at course catalogs alter pairs finishes Pierce sent until my laundry evidence laughs the others roll our eyes lovingly you know if we're doing the first three years over again I could change majors I've always been curious about forensics the audience goes crazy and we see mister I see an ad bug on screen graphics Troy and Abed enter from camera left wearing chef's outfits a la Top Chef they hold long swords they look seriously at camera as if they are the tough judges on a cooking show the chyron shows American sword cooks premiered the Aryan is full hey did you know you did you know you could major in antics I checked you need a time foolery prereq but they wave it for women sure Troy and Abed's showing that share and knowing look Alta Pierce is looking at a brochure Marc coffins this is lunacy we're not going to start over as freshmen freshmen girls from earlier walk in holding flyers hey there's a freshman mixer tonight you guys freshmen we can be we pull out of the wormhole back to the cafeteria we continue zooming out of our beds i and here's now smiling in calm interior dean's office day Annie and Shirley opened the door to the dean's office and sneaked inside this prank is amazing he's gonna come in here later and have the creepy feeling someone was in here we should go before we get caught okay where are we gonna do something out over here to some day alright up a bank on up ray good okay let's move everything on his desk over an inch except for his stapler then he'll think that we moved his stapler oh my god there's so many levels to this how about we just fill this car with popcorn that sounds messy that sounds messy okay keys we know they're in here somewhere she would never let them throw off the lines in his pants okay hmm okay I'm the Dean I come into my office turn on the light pet the Dalmatian oh my did my stapler grow legs that move that's offensive accurate I'll scrub that I check my ass in the mirror spin come over here for coffee I would hide my keys in there's a tall filing cabinet next to the coffee maker and he gets an idea she opens a filing cabinet draw about an arm about arm height and reaches in but no keys huh she gets on her tiptoes opens the drawer above it voila she pulls out the keys heels you got skills mm-hmm Jeff runs up looking beat-up and sexy showing Annie his second red ball oh look who got his ball my ball no your ball just wanted you to see it new Jeff and he's a little surprised and a little disappointed Oh Jeffrey yeah I chose to do surprised and disappointed in two O's for this performance Jeffrey is that blood on your shirt it's cool it's Leonard's huh Jeff runs off with the ball interior cafeteria Jeff runs up to Pierce and Abed and drops off his second ball two balls give me a minute I got this ibid looks at the second ball concerned we here ominous music exterior fountain de Troy and Britta at the fountain he has a jar of coins it's a little weird not doing this with our bed come on it'll be fun put my Britta twist on it I got scheme I asked you know Facebook Oh sting it's okay sorry okay okay let's get started you do the first one together one two three I wish I wished a thousand years a great school year the first wish is always for a thousand wishes oh I didn't know he reaches into the bag pulls out a coin and tosses it in I wish for Britta to have 499 of my remaining wishes I have to get creative with I have to get creative to get all mine in thank you I wish for a thousand wishes don't you you can't you can't trick the fountain it knows that one will start again at four hundred and ninety-eight cafeteria verus a little later a montage Jeff standing on a cafeteria table in a poodle stick contest with Neil Jeff lumbering forward appalled across his shoulders hanging off each her cash registers the Dean is there with the stopwatch Jeff crawling through a tunnel with dirty socks hanging down he's caked in mud Jeff runs up and slaps ball number three on the table title and Jeff's hand slipping slapping ball number four on the table Pierce holds four balls in his hand befuddled trying to figure out a joke zoom in zoom in on our bed watching the action panicking Jeff rams up runs up to Arbonne and Pierce and hands it to Pierce knew Jeff Jeff runs out likes balls as much as old Jeff his elbows our bed our bed stares often laughs Oh Pierce Pierce delights in our beds reaction exterior parking lot a little later Shirley in any of funneling popcorn kernels into the Sun roof of the Dean's car and he's not into it stupid selfish Jeff coming here and ruining our senior year oh great my G's are back oh it's crummy that Jeff is leaving early but we're all graduating eventually surely nanny begins to set up a mysterious series of mirrors and tinfoil yep but why the rush what so Jeff can run off and be a gross lawyer again in Troy and Abed start drinking coffee and I become a boring hospital administrator who wants to do that you do right well in my experience hey hospital administration I can't wait to be buried alive under a pile of paperwork in bedpans while I try to summon the courage to ask out dr. Patel the gorgeous Indian neurosurgeon who doesn't even know I exist this isn't a conversation is it the sad slow march toward death begins the car fills with popcorn Annie hangs her head moping senioritis back at the fountain with Britta and Troy is before his patience is wearing thin I wish to end all wars okay rule number six no wishes that include the word all guaranteed ironic consequences I don't think anyone will miss Wars um storage wars some Wars VII storage wars hey fun I do that again yeah you you literally wrote this you lose it I need a cute readme hen I don't think anyone will miss war uh Star Wars some wars me like storage wars fine Ritter puts one foot in the fountain you can't get in the fountain I'm taking back the penny I already told you the pennies out the wishes can you flip a wish don't be ridiculous your rules are ridiculous there Abed's rules and they're awesome and they always work well Abed's not here so unwish you can't do that I just did he throws the coin back in the fountain she goes for it and starts throwing out as many coins as she can grab he climbs in to stop her wish you're helping me splashing around fighting back in the cafeteria Jeff stands with some other candidates Dean Pelton addresses them well well well looks like someone wants to be a hero a big man a huge throbbing sweaty I just want to get my history credits so I can get out of here and I need to know just how bad you want it the next challenge should be particularly difficult for some of you because it requires a complete emotional commitment the tango I will be the judge there can be only one winner so choose your partner's wisely NIM and Vickie Parra if it's not me I hope it's you me as you just don't make me look bad Annie Kim Tottenham breaking please - Jeff come on winger partners I give you your best chance you give me mine sorry my dance card is full for my partner in the tango competition I choose the Dean as as the Dean gasp the unicorn guys immediately rip off his can Katniss gown to reveal a tango gown underneath face brick they spritz Jeff's body and muscles hair fountain works the lights change in the dance begins Pierce and a glassy eyed we don't remember it is the glassy eyed Abed watch from the sidelines all these balls so close I can taste our bed looks of the balls even more alarmed he looks forward and emits a nervous sound we push into his eyes and into the worm hole in the cat back in the cafeteria our bids multi-camera fantasy night it's the freshman mixer and the cafeteria is decorated accordingly the gang - Anya right in the thick of a raucous food fights the audience is loving it Pierce only you Pierce only you could turn a freshman mixer into a disaster I was this close to getting two of those girls Jeff look how close you're holding your fingers together that's your penis and it washes up oh sorry hey hey through guys-guys-guys-guys good I always thought the guy's three great news after just one forensics class I found a way to retrieve our student records Annie pulls out a very stylized safe it's round and red echoing the look of the red balls it turns out there's a backup and it's in this safe omitted omitted oh man cafeteria little lated Jeff and Dean Pelton are doing a fantastic tango imagine I don't know ID as soon no I don't know Oh you remember yep very deep Alton do town I don't think you want me to graduate Oh another mystery twice on the top history but it disappeared from the course schedule right after a trip summer classes you're chilling don't arm yeah that's gotta move I can't stop looking at it I'm faking grief I wanted you to win them Jeff does when lost spectacular move so much butt crack you got he had you want to show that you def does one last spectacular movie a unicorn guy runs up and takes a picture both smile for the camera defeated Dean Pelton gives Jeff a red ball angle on Pierce and Abed arbiters worse than before non-communicative Pierce is using his hands as puppets they are arguing in foreign gibberish women I can't believe we gave them the right to swim Jeff comes up and hands his ball to Abed here I have one more ball to go it's another dance contest so I think it got it what's wrong with Abed Abed's multi-camera fantasy in the cafeteria the gang is with war and he's working to open the safe no no no no no don't open the safe we're redoing our first three years it's what I want it's okay Abed here's a trick I use when I feel overwhelmed just imagine a happy place and then go there happy place audience laughs we push into his eyes we bow into an animation the Greendale cast is represented by cute babies all playing happily outdoors a theme song please ding do babies they're happy and every week retail babies it's fun for you we know this snail gonna meet their babies we'll be right back and of act 2 act 3 fade in interior cafeteria moments later Jeff and Pierce are there with Abed he was out of it and he comes in with Shirley what did you do to our bed Pierce what did you do to a loving ball so much nailed it Troy and Britta enter wet from their fight don't ask don't tell Oh poor Abed is he in his imagination emporia um Dreamatorium know it seems like something new it's a little harsh I try to do it that way in the episode of living my dream so harsh and uh someone makes sure he's okay I have one more ball to get one ball your words not mine he looks at Abed for a reaction but there's none holy crap something's wrong with our bed okay Abed was having some anxiety about all the changes this year sewing me I've told him to go to a happy place in his mind you told him to go somewhere in his mind do you realize who you said that to Jeff thank you I can contest time sleep way yep honestly you can go no one will think you're selfish Jeff starts to walk off oh this looks bad I wish we're laughing about this look Donald a diamond oh I'm sorry yeah yeah first I say I'm sorry this looks bad I wish I hadn't broken Abed let me let me try something ours lost on set I could not get it together my god thinking about it is hilarious we go we going back into the car to our beds cartoon fantasy all the babies - Jeff for playing hey let's play pretend yeah we could be cowboys we could be space right that's right baby Pierce we can play forever back in the cafeteria the group - Jeff holding hands our beds still unresponsive it's not working on Jeff looking back at them from his POV we see the group holding hands without him he considers joining the contest but he knows he can't god I hate new Jeff back in the cartoon fan Albert's cartoon fantasy baby Jeff waddles up to the others hey guys I have something to say I was just outside babyville there's nothing outside babyville you know what you know what there is Larry because change is always scary but when I thought of you guys I wasn't so scared we push into baby our beds eyes and transition up one level to the cafeteria our beds multi-camera fantasy at night the group stands around our bed our bed when you brought this group together you changed our lives but then we changed each other and we're going to keep changing in unexpected ways during Jeff's speech we see another of those add bugs on screen Annie and Britta enter from camera left both wearing surgical scrubs and he also wears sunglasses and is clearly blind Britta places a scalpel in Annie's hand and guide her to do a cutting motion both look seriously at camera through Annie Annie looks around still blind chyron blind Blonde marathon and you're cutting into you and we'll still be friends even if we're all become professors at Greendale or open a restaurant together or move into the same apartment building after Pierce dies you have to trust that even if we go somewhere we're not we're not going anywhere Oh how'd you guys know our bed snaps out of his trance we're back in the cafeteria in present-day the whole group is sitting around the table all holding hands our bed snaps out of his trance here too that was a killer speech Jeff I literally just sat down mm-hmm I know I made the speech for you it hit all the right notes I was trying to hang on to this moment because I was so afraid of the future but then I realized all of this was once the future it was completely different from what I'd known before and it was happening so fast but in the end or in the now I guess it turned out great I met you guys yes yes and like ice cream Troy motions to Jack now I just had to run the scenario to find out sorry I missed the fountain it's okay Britta introduced a new rule no rules cool we can discuss it well well now that we're not in history of ice cream I can finally take advanced claim denial you should take forensics and someone tell me what the hell we just did Leonard runs by holding six Red Bulls well there were in cepting I got their balls he swarmed by students in Terry Jeff's apartment hallway evening Jeff carries groceries about to open the door Dean Pelton walks up with some popcorn starter hey Jeffrey Jeffrey wait what are you oh you smell like the floor of a movie theater not for the usual reasons I am oh yeah back that way it used to be it well I've had a I've had a rough day our our dance photo didn't come out someone moved my stapler and and worst of all I hurt you but you'll be happy to know that we'll be offering another history class because I care about you and not because I found out if we don't offer a real history class we'll lose like $40,000 in grandma Oh Thank You Dean good by the way you didn't have to come all the way this way to tell me that oh no no problem it was on my way Dean the Dean turns to unlock the apartment door behind him please tell me you're breaking into that condo no I bought it okay we're almost ruins oh good you've got wine I've got friends with benefits and no subtext I don't know why I was so worried about change this year's gonna be great we cut to the exterior of a city street day a pleasant Greendale street a postman is collecting mail a naked man appears dripping wet he hands the postman a note on Greendale stationery hello my name is Kevin I have changnesia the postman looks up and reveals Chang in all his naked glory end of act 3 the tag fade in interior hallway Abed's multi-camera fantasy day there's a classroom with a sign that says antics 101 women only we see a couple of fresh Maine Girls file in Troy and Abed's sneak up to the door dressed as women do you think this you think this will work that's guaranteed to work it's an antic Dean Pelton walks up not in drag hold on a second you two Abed and Troy buck bite their wrists scared get ready to run in these heels where did you get those dresses they're fabulous bakers in walking Britta walks up Richard walks up and starts to go in ah not so fast mister get out of here man he sticks ahead out of the classroom Oh Lord no Oh you you
Channel: The Paley Center for Media
Views: 565,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Community, PaleyFest, Russ Krasnoff, David Guarascio, Moses Port, Tristram Shapeero, Joel McHale, Jeff Winger, Gillian Jacobs, Britta Perry, Yvette Nicole Brown, Shirley Bennett, Danny Pudi, Abed Nadir, Alison Brie, Annie Edison, Jim Rash, Dean Pelton, Richard Erdman, Troy Barnes, Fred Willard, Pierce Hawthorne, Table Read, Paley Center
Id: aIGz6mi3JkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 12 2014
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