The Carbonaro Effect - Shaquille O'Neal and Michael Carbonaro Prank an Unsuspecting Fan

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I have a very special guest on the show today Shaquille O'Neal said he was a fan of the show thought you could come on in and help me fool somebody today let's do it bro right yeah go hide oh it's do it we're what's your name ace you can call me ace ace you are gonna be our model for this whoo this is my invention this is the egg spa and we're taking just pictures with real people using it um we've got a pretty good endorsement possibility happening so you know Shaquille O'Neal yeah so we got to win it this is the thing oh okay he expressed interest you loved my invention and if we can get his sign off on it it'll be a lot easier to cut going big right and we were it's called egg spa but we thought we'd call it the egg Shack if if he do if he do it okay so he's gonna come later today and I want to show him some pictures okay I want you to take a look and I'll tell you a little bit about the Machine yes the idea for this is that this is something that you could actually have in your kitchen and if you have a live chicken that would live inside here and it's like a little spa environment now a chicken usually only lays one egg a day so the chicken can be inside here in a little nest and it's warm and when it's closed up in the machines turned on the light turns from UV light to infrared light and then back again and the chicken thinks that a day has passed I just heard mind and egg hopefully yes Oh weird right so why don't you step over here great yeah perfect yeah just standing next to it yeah hand on top that's great nice little picture now if you're have you ever held a real chicken yeah no okay that's even better don't worry okay my brother raises them yes they're like family pets animals period good it'd be great if we had a shot of him holding just oh yeah oh yeah so you want to hold them right really sweet yeah looks fun in my RV so people really believe yeah you're natural that's good maybe and maybe putting them inside the gem right yeah it's good yeah buddy okay actually step to that side yeah good yeah close the back door up yeah it's great yeah and then Chloe yeah close the front door up it's good yeah it's nice and slow says good yeah so turn it on just give it the tiniest little turn in the turn yeah oh good that's good it'll kind of go through a cycle smile it's easy all right yeah and turn it on yeah it's good open the door again yeah outside yeah that's really there's an egg in there god dude it laid an egg perfect that's good okay ma did you get the shot yep back at me and there's a little wire rack next to you over there take the egg out and put it in there that's good yep and right in that rack I didn't I I thought it was because the power was warm and everything well that's totally the way it's what's up bro hello sir O'Neal Michael Carbonaro thank you hello yes yes I did um this was going off shack on a stung face oh my gosh I totally blanked on you yeah obviously we were just taking some pictures and waiting for you to arrive and it and she's chill she's totally fine she's loving the new machine is this a product room indoors I would love that so I gotta make a call oh yeah we'll set it up again and okay get it over you up so happy to have you here Ronia thank you Michael am I gonna get a pic yeah I got you you got me yeah I got you big bro you know we gotta get it to work for him okay excuse Oh click the light on and off that's that bottom button uh yep I'm back on it is working so it's working I'm gonna close it let's turn it on yeah yeah so I'm saying okay good yeah crazy so if it's not pulsing that's odd that's why I don't oh no I didn't really oh my god oh my gosh that is okay this is out of here you know see what is this get out of here yep shoot everything stuck which one oh yeah let's go you know what that's for that leads it there okay don't let don't let it back in here should I take it down yes oh wait you know what there's another chicken there's a guy little keep pulling on snooze day him you're staying here just stand like you were posing for the picture tell him I'm going to clean it tell mice we didn't do it again and I'm not gonna yell just right back I'm gonna I'll be right back yeah it is o'clock Harry oh Sh Oliver soon he'll be right back he's going he'll be right back thanks man I got stuff to do let me check up can't do it cool hey mama leave me Lee what he told me to leave it he said don't let he said just don't open it face just me and you though well open it up man let me see she killed hey so I gotta go walk out of here hey can I see it we are gonna show you how it works absolutely I would I had it on before Roy and um let me just turn this little puppy on right here girl there was a seat this car is good he wouldn't know no you know what it is the power was forcing too much power into it so it was you know the Sun simulator was getting messed up by the Carbonaro effect you know what that is the Carbonaro effect yeah I know the Carbonaro effect this Shawn huh I gotta show him all right you got it whip it down his house the Carbonaro effect it's the name of a hidden-camera magic TV show got you whoa like the one you're on that's right buddy yeah give a lar - dude you were awesome gotcha yes Gary little bit well no duh dream with Shaquille O'Neal we're chickens come back to life you were awesome get him out of here Sheila
Channel: truTV
Views: 1,159,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: truTv, Carbonaro Effect, The Carbonaro Effect, Magic, Michael Carbonaro, Carbonaro, Michael Carbonaro Effect, Cabenero Effect, Carbanaro Effect, New Carbonaro Effect, The Carbanaro Effect, Shaquille O'Neal, Shaq, Shaq Basketball, Carbonaro Effect Full Episode, Full Episode, Prank, Full
Id: 2N6AYqe-wx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2016
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