The Carbonaro Effect: Inside Carbonaro - Child-in-a-Box | truTV

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Guten Tag. Guten Tag. Now, you might not know this, but I actually set up two delivery guys to deliver this special package. And now here it is -- an exclusive look at the guy you have not seen until now. [ Indistinct conversations ] Oh! Hey. Guten Tag. How do you say -- How do you say "hello" in German again? I have no clue. Did you -- Here you go. -Are you serious? -What? [ Chuckling ] There was a kid. Here you go. Gunther, there's the tickets. You take that. You go play? All right. Welcome. Guten -- I don't know how to say, um, "welcome" in Germany. I had the French one down. Okay. Ohh. I did not know there was a kid in there. Huh? I didn't know there was a kid in there. Did you -- -I'm sorry. -Wait. What'd you say? I didn't know there was a kid in there. Oh. Yeah. What? I had him in my car all night. You what? I had him in my car all night. They didn't tell me what it was. Man, I -- I wasn't tossing it around or nothing -- it was just in my car. Were you supposed to deliver it last night? No. 11:30. Oh. That's when I came to deliver it. Oh, how long have you had this? Since last night. Oh. Okay. I was gonna call and say to deliver it last night. Oh, okay. But we get a good -- we get a good 48-hour window. You know, we're doing an exchange program for beta game testing -- you know what I mean? We have games here that they're not allowed to deliver to Germany. Yeah. And they want to know if the kids are gonna respond to them. -[ Chuckling ] Wow. -So, they send the kids over. We let them play, and then, if they respond to the games, then we ship the games over. Okay. So, yeah. You were -- What? I was -- I just didn't know there was a kid in there. It was just in my car all night. Oh, yeah, yeah. So... They're pretty well-trained, though. You know, they give them some pillows, a blanket, and, you know, they get that -- they get that little game thing going, and... Oh, my God. All right, I'm cool. I'm cool. I'm cool. Yes. They give them a ball. They give them some toys. And...they always pack them with, like, some kind of game tablet or something like that, 'cause they'll just, you know, zone out the whole trip. -All right. I got you. -But...yeah. And then, if you just sign right there... That was delivered. And that confirms that you didn't give him any food or you didn't open it up. No. No, yeah, he's got a nut allergy. All right. And we're both verifying he arrived. Yeah. You know? And the balloon, and the little thing to play a game, and they are fine. Yeah. All right, good. I'll put "good spirits" -- I'll initial that, as well. Yeah. They can get them over here so fast overseas now. Long as he's safe, that's all that matters. All right, hang on. I'm just gonna -- I'm just gonna get my boss to verify it. I'll be right back. Stay here for a second? Okay. ♪♪ Oh, my God.
Channel: truTV
Views: 262,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: “truTv, Shows”, ”truTV, New, Series”, episode, clips”, youtube”, “true, tv”, “truetv”, youtube, channel”, “the, trutv”, Carbonaro Effect, The Carbonaro Effect, Magic, Michael Carbonaro, Carbonaro, Michael Carbonaro Effect, Cabenero Effect, Carbanaro Effect, New Carbonaro Effect, The Carbanaro Effect, The carbonaro Effect Season 2, Magic Tricks, Magic Trick, truTV, The Carbonaro Effect: Inside Carbonaro, child, delivery, rabbit, hat, magician, Child-in-a-Box, Pulling, box
Id: MFvlYeRrmeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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