The Call Of A Prophet

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remain standing with me if you would and I want you to take your Bibles and I want you to turn with me to Exodus chapter 3 if you and do that I am very excited today because we have guests with us from New York we have the completo family that they here and then we have my daughter Valerie and her two of our children here from California god bless you Val glad you're here praise the Lord take your Bibles with me and turn with me to Exodus chapter 3 today today I want to talk to you about the call of a prophet the call of a prophet Exodus chapter 3 he got it it says now Moses was pastoring the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb the mountain of God and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in the blazing fire from the midst of the bush and he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire yet the fire was not consumed so Moses said I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight why the bush has not burned up and when the Lord saw that he was turned aside to look God called to him from the midst of the bush it said Moses Moses and he said Here I am and then he said do not come near here remove your sandals from your feet for the place where you are standing is holy ground he said also I am the God of your father the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob and then Moses hid his face and he was afraid to look at God and the Lord said I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and I have given heed to their cry because of their taskmasters from I'm aware of their sufferings so I have come down to deliver them from the power of the Egyptians to bring them up from the land to a good and spacious land a land flowing with milk and honey a place of the Canaanites and land the Hittites the amorite that parasites the highlights in the GEB you site and now behold the cry of the sons of Israel's come to me furthermore I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians are opressing them therefore come now somebody say now come now and I will send you to Pharaoh so that you may bring my people the sons of Israel out of Egypt but Moses said to God Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt and he said certainly I will be with you and this shall be assigned to you what is that I have sent you and I have brought the people out of Egypt you shall worship God on this mountain and then Moses said to God behold I'm going to the sons of Israel and I will say to them the god of your father's has sent me now they will say to me who is his name and what shall I say to them and God said I am Who I am and he said thus you shall say to the sons of Israel I am has sent me to you did you notice this conversation taking place that moment today I entitled this message the call of a prophet but I was you know whenever I title a message it is very important to me because I want you to capture right on the onset what God wants to say to us so I want to broaden that term the call of a prophet I want you to realize Moses was a servant of the Lord he was a mouthpiece of the Lord so it's not just about a prophet some of you may be thinking well I'm not a prophet I want you to know this is the call of a servant of God are you a servant of God all right let's pray father I thank you for the word that's going to come for us I thank you God you're going to bring forth the word of the book you're going to bring for your Rhema word today we're going to hear from you in Jesus name Amen amen god bless you a baby seated praise the Lord the call of a prophet God has his hand on every one of us God is calling you to my friend you have a particular place in God's kingdom God has a particular work for you to do at God's calling you to obedience he's calling each of us you know there's a verse in the Bible that we've all read that can be quite quite quite revealing it says for many are called but few are chosen have you ever thought about that verse many are called but few are chosen I often thought about that what does that mean many a call few are chosen and you know what we're grappling and wrestling with that verse I've come to the Joe Sapienza translation and here it is many are invited to serve but few respond to the invitation many are invited many are called but few are chosen many are invited to serve but few respond to the invitation today I want to talk to you about the call of the Prophet the call of Moses this this individual that where I believe we're familiar with the story that you know he grew up in Pharaoh's household he was a son of privilege and yet at a particular time he reached that time in his life when he had a step into his calling and we know what happened with Moses when he tried to take charge in his own strength and and he fought that Egyptian he killed the Egyptian and then he was ostracized from Egypt by his own people and from Pharaoh and he ran and the Bible tells us he ran way deep into the desert way far into the desert and he came to a place called Midian and there he met his father-in-law and his wife and he began tending the flock and he spent many years there he spent 40 years in the desert and then all of a sudden this one day we read about it in Exodus chapter 3 the call of the Prophet and Moses turns aside he sees a bush that's on fire and God speaks from that bush and the Lord says Moses Moses and he says Here I am somebody say Here I am Here I am God is speaking to every one of us today and that's all you need to say you see he's right now it's not asking anything except respond to the call Here I am the call Here I am you could find that over and over again you can find that that God's call pursues us we don't pursue the call of God if you're pursuing the call of God you're just running after a pipe dream but when God calls you by name Moses remember Samuel that was that the young boy that was in the temple and all of a sudden you know he's he's in the temple of the Lord and here's Samuel Samuel he didn't know what to do with it he was receiving the call of God last week I spoke you about David how he was called by God and he was in the he was there tending the Sheep and yet God anointed him and called him and you can see over and over you can see the Apostle Paul that was persecuting the church and and he was trying to carry out his threats against the church would all of a sudden God met him on the road to Damascus and said Saul Saul you see the call of God pursues us somebody say Amen and God knows you by name hallelujah that's a good thing God knows us by name you are not a nobody God knows you by name jesus said you know I called my sheep by name he knows you so God called Moses by name he was pursuing that call but I love this because we not only pursue the coal but the coal is personal he's saying Sam come out he's saying Brian come out mr. Haskins come out he called you by name Peter come out you're called you got a gift thing you need to come out and to serve he called you personally God's calling us by name he's calling us personally he wants us to respond nobody can respond for you the call of God has no grandchildren the call of God is personal and you're going to pursue it and you got to respond to it the thing that gets me about the call of God even with Moses Moses would not was not expecting this the call of God many times it's unexpected how many people know that God will get you when you least expect it and he will speak to you could be in a shower to be driving to work it could be you know there you are you're sitting at a desk and and you're just going through the mundane stuff or you're you're working with an individual and you know you're not even thinking about it and God speaks to you about something and called you by name personally Moses Moses unexpected tending the flock he wanted to leave Egypt behind him Egypt was where he grew up and he didn't have many fond memories he wanted to run as far as he could from Egypt but the call of God unexpectedly came to him there and what had God to say to him when God spoke to him and says Moses Moses and Moses responds Here I am and God begins to speak to Moses about what he wanted him to do but one of the first things God said to Moses before you take one more step towards me before you take one more step in this call what does he tell them to do take your shoes off you're standing on holy ground if you want to pursue the call of God in your life let me tell you something friends the call of God is holy it's sacred it's special you're going to meet with God God has an assignment somebody say assignment I have an assignment for you your assignment my friend is not my assignment my assignment is Simon is wholly your that means your assignment is set apart your assignment is it's very special we're called a holy people the Bible tells us that that means we are set apart for God for his service you know I've heard of people doing ministry in so many ways these days I never even thought about you know we have one pastor in in southern New England here and his ministry he's a gamer now how many you know what a gamer is you go online and you play games he has a gaming Church and what he does is as he's online gaming with hundreds of young people he's conversing with them he's he's sharing with them he's he's having conversations with them while he's gaming with them you know what that's what that blows my mind you know he had to hear you know what's his name pastor Susa he had here Souza Souza I'm calling you to these young people and you're gonna do something holy you see our calling is holy you are a chosen people you are set apart and if whatever your ministry is whatever your gifting is you need to be faithful to that thing but listen to this I want you to hear what the Apostle Paul said about our calling he said this you talk about the holiness of God's calling you know if God's called you and I believe many are called and if you will respond to that call you got to walk in His Holiness the Apostle Paul said about our calling he said all things are lawful but not all things are profitable did you hear that there are things that we can do that that society says is okay but God says don't touch it now living by as this I'm allowed to do anything but not everything is good for you matter of fact you'll notice in your bulletins on the on the back of your bulletin with some upcoming series we're going to be having community groups small groups and one of the things we're going to be talking about is you know good and God there are things that may be good but is it god there are things that people say you can do and society says you can do but you know what I'm not here to tell you what you can do and can't do but God is a God who will tell you what you can do and you can't do if you will listen to him say you're standing on holy ground and you'll discover what's acceptable and what's profitable in God's sight the call of God is holy but the call of God is always redemptive when God called Moses he said I'm going to send you to Pharaoh and you're going to tell Pharaoh to let my people go and I'm going to bring them into a land of their forefathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob they're going to come back into their inheritance in their heritage I'm going to redeem them from the bondage of Egypt the call of God is always redemptive he said I've come to deliver them from the power of the Egyptians I've heard their cry of bondage and I'm going to deliver them God's call in our life is redemptive that means God wants us to be in the business of loving people to life in the business of bringing people from death to life in the business of caring having compassion and concern for the welfare of people's souls are you with me but listen this is really important I want you to notice with me in verse 10 in that passage the call of God always demands action the call of God always demands action and I asked you to say that word now remember because he said come now not manana come now and deliver my people come now and I will send you you know that's really important because God's called demands action and I love it because sometimes we got the call of God and we have that call sitting on a shelf of our life and we're wondering when God is going to facilitate if for instance if God called you to be a way to lead and be part of a worship team you don't just sit there day after day and say God I know you've called me to be on the worship team and I I'm just waiting and trusting that brother Lemmy will come and tap me on the shoulder and say would you join my team we've been waiting for you if you call to be on the worship team first of all you need to begin to practice at home you need to begin worshiping you need to be a worshiper you need to be improving you need to be you need to begin receiving teaching instruction on how to how to worship God and you need to pursue this calling with a sense of action in your life you don't just sit back and hope this thing will happen you're going to become part of the process Moses come now he didn't know what exactly that meant but come now start the journey begin the process listening how the Apostle Paul talked about responding to God's call he said we all have different gifts we agree with that right according to the grace given to us 1st Corinthians chapter 12 if your gift is prophesying then prophesy if it's serving then serve if it's teaching then teach action if it's encouraging encourage if it's Bing give generously if it's leaning do it diligently if it's showing mercy give it cheerfully you see it calls for action God's call demands a response remember when Jesus was assembling the disciples and he was calling them out he began he began you know talking to people and and saying follow me follow me and some people say but Lord let me first go bury the dead let me first go take care of that let me first take care of this in Luke chapter 9 and Jesus said no no no no no you need to come now so the call of God is personal the call of God is sacred the call of God demands action the call of God calls for preparation so Moses says here am i and then God begins to tell him what he wants him to do and you're going to be able to identify with this God tells him what he wants to do and Moses doesn't necessarily like it and how does Moses respond Who am I Who am I God you got the right person I don't have the credentials we know that with when you read about Moses and the conversations that he had with God about this he said god I can't speak well God I don't have the abilities I don't have the talents I've not been trained properly I tried once before and failed Who am I are you really calling me you see Moses was looking at his failures can somebody identify with that Moses remembered the failures that he had in his life Who am I so today I want to talk to you about what I call the challenge the challenges when God calls you then you always got to face the challenge of the call if God called you to be a worshiper you got to face the challenge of the call and that means you got to face some obstacles and be able to navigate through them over them I want to talk about the challenges that Moses had in his life first of all the challenge that every one of us must understand if we're going to be faithful to the call of God what does a call of a prophet the call of a teacher the call of an encourage you to call of a giver whatever it is this is the challenge that you and I going to face you must see yourself as God sees you do you see yourself as God sees you Moses I'm calling you Who am I that's the cry Who am I do you see yourself as God sees you not as people try to describe you don't see yourself according to your past failures don't see yourself in light of what other people say so am I your identity jesus knew his identity he knew he was the son of God the apostles knew their identity and you could look on and on and Christians we need to know our identity we're children of God somebody say Amen society is so mixed up today it always has been confused about identity for some reason society doesn't understand how important identity is and as a result of that I believe one of the diabolical plans of the devil is to get people confused about their identity God has a plan for them and the devil will try to somehow confuse that plan and challenge their identity matter of fact you can see it you know what happens in the natural always happens in a spiritual level who would believe that we're living in a day and age now where now they are change how we even reference people you can't use phrases like him or her hello there they're training teachers now in schools in certain states that they got to use gender free identity because we don't know who we're talking to anymore you talk about confusion identity how are you going to ever know you're a child of God if you don't know what you were born with who am i Moses said he didn't know his identity he didn't understand he was called to be a prophet he didn't see any of that he just said like a lot of us say Who am I Who am I we need to understand an identity can somebody say Amen I believe Christians are suffering from an identity crisis they don't know who they are you want to know who you are some on that you want to know who you are you got to begin reading who you are somebody say Who am I I'm an overcoming child of God somebody say Who am I I am an heir of Jesus Christ somebody say Who am I I am a joint heir with Jesus and I have the Spirit of God inside of me somebody say Who am I I'm redeemed I'm forgiven I'm a saint of the Most High God somebody say Who am I I am complete in Jesus Christ God doesn't make junk hallelujah somebody say Who am I I'm a child of destiny I was born with a with a direction from God I had written over me the call of God in my life somebody say Who am I all things that passed away behold all things become new I am a new creation somebody praise God for that somebody else say Who am I I am established I am anointed I have them I have the Spirit of God on me somebody say Who am I I am seated with Christ in heavenly places I have direct access to God I have been chosen to bear fruit I am a living stone I have the Spirit of God in there I'm adopted into a family I have a price upon me that was paid to the cross the challenge is we've got to understand who we are because the devil is going to tell you you don't mean anything he's going to tell you your failures are going to I are going to identify you your whole life he's going to tell you that you've messed up so many times there's no use going forward you got to say devil get behind me I am forgiven I am loved you got to know who you are that's the challenge you got to know who you are Moses Moses Who am I Who am I the challenge is now I want you to get this the challenge is you've got to look beyond your past failures I'd like to know is there anybody here never failed does I want you to be here preaching anybody here never failed come on you got to realize when God called Moses he took a real step I mean he literally stepped out of his Egyptian identity and he came to the rescue of a Hebrew that was being abused by the Egyptian he killed that Egyptian it was standing up for the people of God and he was run out of town he had on him by the elders of Israel and by the Egyptians he had written all over him failure he not only ran away but he ran so far away they will never find me here I am NOT going to face this again I want to forget the past I don't want to be bugged by my past failures I I don't want to bring up my past rejections I'm here to tell you today the biggest challenge we got a face if we're going to fulfill our call the biggest challenge we're going to face is we've got to face our old failures sometimes you got a step over a failure you got to do it well you can't do that you you blundered that in the past well in the name of the Lord I'm forgiven in the name of the Lord God's going to give me another chance in the name of the Lord I'm not going to let that failure identify me any longer in the name of the Lord I'm going to take a step of faith there are benefits to failure I know you won't hear that by many preachers but there are benefits to failure when you fail you should learn something in the truth I had the privilege last week my granddaughter that's here I taught her how to ride a bicycle I mean she was ready I put that bicycle in the fellowship hall over there and I was running behind her running behind Lily come on Lily you can do it you can do it and she was riding and she was doing and she was pedaling and there were it happened a few times she didn't have negotiate a turn and she had a failure the bike fell Lily come on what do we learn by that you got to make the turn wider get back on the bike come on now get back on the bike we could do this and after a few turns she was getting it that she literally I had her do in figure eights because when we fail when we fall when we make a mistake when there's a misstep there's something we could learn from that thing to become a better person Moses Who am I Moses it's time to face your failure remember when when Peter denied the Lord and he denied him three times and he went back to fishing and Jesus met him there on that shore and said Peter what are you doing fishing you love being boiled in these fish come on I'm calling you to love my people feed bye people take care of my flock you got to get over the failure you got to take it again you got to do it again is this speaking to somebody and if we are going to face our failures I believe part of that challenge is this we must believe in our heart that God is a God of second chances come on now we got to believe God is a God of second chances and I might add third chances fourth chances fifth chances people may write you off but God doesn't write you off Who am I Lord I tried and I failed I don't deserve another chance yes you do Moses you know those of you that are into electronics and you have electronic gizmos at home did you ever get to a point where you know you're programming something or trying to use something and it's just all messed up you can't you can't get this electronic thing to use you know my favorite tool is you take out a paperclip you open that paperclip and there's a little hole in that electronic device you know what I'm talking about and you push that electron you bush that that paperclip into this mysterious little hole and all of a sudden it resets it's like it's brand-new you could start all over you got to get that the little paperclip there is a reset button that God allows us to push in life and it's called redemption and whenever you find yourself in the fix when ever you feel like you failed one too many times whenever you feel like well there's no use let me tell you something God has a permanent reset button it's called the blood of Jesus Christ and every time you every time you hit that button every time you say Jesus forgive me you could hit that button Jesus let's do it again God will give you another chance the only people that don't hit that reset button or the prideful and God will resist the proud but God always gives grace to the humble the challenge to believe God for another chance but not only that BC when Moses said Who am I you've got to get this the first time that Moses tried to deliver Egypt he tried to do it in his own strength that's why he failed so the challenge for you and I is this if we're going to do anything significant for God if we're going to fill our calling we cannot do it in our own strength we got to do it in the strength of the Lord come on now the Bible says it's not by might it's not by power but it's by my spirit saith the Lord we've got to rely on the Holy Spirit and not ourselves matter of fact God takes pleasure in using people that just seem incompetent yes first Corinthians Paul was speaking to the church and said church have you noticed have you noticed about your calling have you yet discovered that not many of you are wise according to the flesh not many of you are mighty and not many of you are noble these are not the people God has chosen but he says God has chosen the foolish thing some they say foolish you see the foolish things of the world to confound the wise God's chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty God takes pleasure in using people that seem in confident and he will empower you if you will walk in his strength and his might and he will empower you to do the thing he called you to do i all told you my testimony how i grew up and i I had this learning difficulty I don't know what it was called we didn't even have a name for it when I was a young kid but I couldn't comprehend I couldn't learn I had difficulties learning anything and I i literally you know just saw education as a great big hurdle and i couldn't wait till I got through that hurdle and somehow someway through that whole morass of trying to be educated I came up a great big zero and then you talk about the reset button God saved me and redemption started working in me and all my life I heard people say you can't learn your you're dumb you you're not smart enough you'll never be able to do it learn to work with your hands Joseph because you can't use your brain you know you hear that your whole life and you begin to believe the lie and but then I discovered that God had does something in my life and God wanted to enable me to do what I couldn't do before and God confounded the wise and confounded this simple and confounded the weak by working in my life and gave me the ability to do what I couldn't do on my own because this time round I wasn't going to try to do to my own strengths I was going to trust God and watch God do it I want to talk about another challenge Moses faced the last challenge when he said Who am I you know what knows what Moses knew he knew that if he was going to respond to this call he had to go back and face Pharaoh are you hearing me this is the person that he grew up in his household he had to go back and face Pharaoh who wanted him dead if you're going to fulfill God's call sometimes you got to face some old enemies hello there are people you've written out of your life there are people that you said you know what you go your way I'll go my way we'll be happy is it God amazing when you least expect it God will say it's Tana have a face to face it's time to face your old enemies it's time to come out of the fear and the bondage of what has happened in your life because of them you got to get this it might be an old business partner that try to destroy you it might be a friend that betrayed you it might be a husband or a wife that walked out of you you could allow that separation to entrap you to entrench you to keep you captive your whole life but I will tell you if you want a full deliverance there comes a time when you got to face an old enemy Moses Moses go to Pharaoh it's liberating are you hearing me now you're all quiet now because you don't want to go there you don't want to go there but there are times when you get to face an old enemy I have seen people how many people know what cancer survivor' I have known people that not only face cancer once but faced it twice and three times sometimes you'll forced to face an old enemy and trust God to bring you through but there are other times when you are given the opportunity to take that step and face that individual and do what God wants you to do to bring about a resolve who about now here's the good news you wanna hear the good news look with me at verse 14 it will wrap this up with verse 14 God began this conversation Moses Moses the call Here I am God then God began unravelling and unfolding and revealing the plan and Moses had whoa Who am I and now God responds verse 14 the Lord answers him I am that I am Here I am Who am I I am then I am somebody's a confidence the call of God and the challenges of God are met by divine confidence we serve the great I am God is the great I am you see the confidence is this Moses you are not alone I am with you the confidence is you are not going to face Pharaoh by yourself we're going to go together matter of fact I'm just asking you to hold a stick and I'm asking you to repeat after me and you say whatever I tell you to say and your confidence is I am going to be the one that will work miracles signs and wonders through you and then we see when you you and I had time we'd read about what Moses did in Egypt and you would discover it over and over again the Egyptians they would they would the Lord would harden Pharaoh's heart and even though he knew was the right thing to do he would resist and mow would come back to him and Moses would save to save the Lord you see I am that I am is the confidence that listen to me God is more than enough Alleluia whatever you need somebody said God is more than enough finances he's more than enough health he's more than enough a firm future he's more than enough I've discovered that God is more than enough we serve a God of overflow you know what I discovered when I looked at that phrase in a Hebrew I am that I am interesting phrase that God described himself as I am that I am and here's what it literally means I am I was and I shall be you get that I am present I was past and I am what I shall be future it is I am what I will be it's about your past it's about your present it's about your future it's all wrapped up in God he is the I am I am let me wrap it up by saying this Jesus when he came on the scene there was a couple of occasions when the religious leaders wanted to know who are you and Jesus said I am in the Greek ago Amy the same phrase that is comparable in the Hebrew I am there was one time when they came the soldiers came to seize Jesus and lead him off to his execution and they said are you the one and he said I am and the Bible says I believe it's in the Gospel of John the Bible says when he said I am they fell down by the power of God in the Gospel of John Jesus describes himself I am the bread of life I am the light of the world I am the gate and the door I am The Good Shepherd I am the resurrection and the life I am the way the truth and the life I am the vine you are the branches beloved I want you to spend with me right now I want you to lift a hand up right now and I want you to receive this the confidence I want you to possess today is this the confidence that the great I am will finish in you the work that he started the Bible says he who began a good work in me will complete until the day of his appearing Philippians tells us that so I want you to know God be for you who can be against you I want you to know that you are more somebody say more more than a conquerer I want you to know that I can do all things hallelujah through Christ who strengthens me I want you to discover the confidence that if the son sets you free you are free indeed last of all I want you to know that God will finish what he has started in your life you have a call in your life the call there'll be a challenge you'll have to know your identity he will call you to serve you must grapple with your identity if you allow the world to squeeze you into its mold you will never fulfill your call in life but if you will lift your head up and listen to the Lord lift in speak to you by name you will discover that your your calling is not based on the identity the world gives you but your calling is based on the identity he gives you Who am I and then the Lord will tell you I am that I am I'm enough I'm more I will take you I will carry you I will finish are you hearing me Moses met God at a burning bush some of them spend the last three or four years we called it beating around the bush God's called you and you're beating around the bush God's called you to teach and God's called you to serve God's called you to love God's called you to to do certain things and and use your gift things and you've been beating around the bush instead of beating around the bush just let the bush burn let it burn what did we discover today beloved we discovered that God will take us from where we are and he will bring us to a destiny is we will allow him to speak to us to speak into our lives and the Transformers we discovered that God calls ordinary people not superstars ordinary people he calls us to fulfill that destiny then to believe in second chances the faith old enemies to do what we can't do in our own strength so that he can get over glory Wheeler's that we learned that God is God and there's none like him would you lift your hands right now Oh hallelujah hallelujah while your hands are raised you're in the presence of the Lord today I want to ask you one question just one thing will you respond to God's calling your life today [Music] maybe for the last few years you've said Who am I Who am I I can't I don't understand it well maybe this is the first time you ever heard about responding to the call of God responding to the call of God is simply this Jesus Here I am Here I am that's what Moses said Lord spoke to him and said Here I am that's all you need to do Here I am you have my attention and then let God work out your identity let God show you who you are discover your inheritance discover your god-given Authority discover your god-given identity that's why we read the word that's what we fellowship that's why we go to church that's why we we we commune with the Lord to discover our identity and then you will discover in that conversation with God you will discover God say over it over again in every challenge I am that I am well Lord you know I don't have the ability yes I am that I am well Lord you know that I've tried it before it failed yes I am that I am well Lord you you know God that death I don't have a great influence in my life will people really listen to me yes I am that is not your failures not your pain not your past but I am that I am I was I am and I shall be I am that I am [Music] so I want you to just pray this prayer with me a very simple prayer Lord Here I am say it again Lord Here I am thank you for calling me by name [Music] thank you for the wonderful plan you have for me I will serve you in your strength I want to discover my identity as a child of God and I'm trusting you to reveal to me your heart your purpose and your will for my life somebody say Amen now listen before you go Tony I want you to come down won't you say you were God gave him a dream about his garden and one thing I want to add to it he's going to tell you about the one thing I want to add to a total that guarded is the church that garden is our life okay so when he talks to you talking about our life two weeks ago that's preached on so so so plan plan plan tree free free the Friday before the priests step we planted a garden two foot by six foot we had animals like deer all the kinds of things coming and I decided we should put a fence around to protect them the Monday after service I bought the material put clothes up we're going to put the fence up I got to check in the spirit and when I get a check in the spirit I usually get a little pain in my chest that day I felt the soul would go right through me and I knew God didn't want me to put a centum I didn't know why I said I'll wait on God wait to see what he wants why he doesn't want me to put this sense up the next morning was Tuesday I had a dream and in that dream Jamie and I were encased in a cage made out of that wire and we were being thrown over a cliff to our death and I will write off right away and I said God what's that all about what are you trying to tell me God spoke to me very plain very clearly he says you are my people this where you live is my land that garden that you planted that's my guy my pastor said the church the church is his garden we are his garden we are the plants in his garden he said to me you don't need what a sense around that guy I will protect it I will keep it no wild animal will come and touch that those plants because I am going to defend it I never felt the power of God and the interfere the intimacy that God had for me that he cared about me that much I could feel his arms coming around me around that property protecting us not just from wild animals but from everything else that would try and attack us and hurt us any way God is going to be gone you have to decide am I going to follow God am I going to receive what God has for me am I going to trust him with my life and I'm going to be like Moses and I'm going to say Who am I and God is going to say I am that I am is I am that I am each one of you each one is I'm no different than you god it's going to be God in this church and he's going to move in mighty and powerful ways and you can have a part in it while you can depending upon your choice but if you're smart and if you're listening to me and hear the voice of the Spirit stage you receive me choose me prepare to come and be my servant like Moses because God is going to move and I tell you he's going to move big big time if you want a part of that then open up your heart to open up your minds trust God believe God because there's nobody else like him [Music] [Applause] you got it all right now want to bless you as you go father I thank you for your people Lord as we heard today there's a call there is a challenge but we have great confidence in God and Lord I send your people out loud that fulfill that mission in life at the workplace at the home in the community Lord that we could be the light of the world I send them out and Lord we're going to be reminded all week long that whenever we say Who am I we will hear you clearly define us I am that I am and we will march forward in faith so god bless your people God go with your people God work through your people this week in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen you
Channel: Celebration International Church
Views: 2,743
Rating: 4.6721311 out of 5
Keywords: CIC, CICAlive, CIC Alive, Burning Bush, Moses
Id: p9Btyrh_MJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 19sec (3259 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2017
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