Paul Hollywood Fail At Making Pretzels In Munich | Paul Hollywood's City Bakes | Tonic

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I'm visiting the baking capitals of the world volition in search of the people the places and the traditions that make the very best of baking Wow from the laid-back sunshine vibe of Miami to the European chic of Paris ah super [Applause] [Music] this time of city bakes I'm in the Bavarian region of Germany in the city of Munich so what do you think of me think of Munich rye breads pretzels lay the whole beer it's a beautiful city situated in Bavaria as with most European cities this is a major tourist destination but I want to go beyond that I want to check out the bacon culture and the backstreets word to the people of Munich actually eat the seem to be bakeries all over Munich and I want to visit as many as I can look at that I'll Safin it's cool I've never seen one before not puff pastry grandpa simple that's delicious welcome to Munich exploring the city is easy it's quite compact and perfect for strolling I live in a small village in cancer and actually the churches across the road every Sunday we get woken up by the bell ringers was actually quite cute but in Munich bells seemed to go off all the time to celebrate the hell's even the town hall tower has 43 bells in it that entertained the crowd at 11 a.m. every day this is one of the few things I remember from my first visit to Munich when I was just 16 my dad said let's want to take you to a paper exhibition it was my real first foray into the baking world he said you need to get smartened up so we went out and bought me a suit a sandy colored suit with a waistcoat with sandy shoes I'm sure no one recognizes me Munich is what you call a foodie City amazing the people here seem to make time to enjoy the good things in life that's more like it the German sausage this is Munich's food market central parts of Munich this is not necessarily a tourist area but this is where the people of Munich come to buy their food like Old Market should be this appears to be the city's meeting place for a lunch in the sunshine with friends I could explore all day but I've arranged to meet a friend hey Paul nice to see you again and welcome from Germany Falco Berkut is going to show me around the baking of Munich Falco trained in Stuttgart and actually owns a chain of bakeries in Scotland what he doesn't know about German baking he could fit on a postage stamp Falco has promised to show me parts of Munich bacon I would never find on my own and his first stop is it doughnut shop doughnuts I didn't know that the Germans are famous for making doughnuts which is strange I know you wouldn't think like that bad should we go try let's go try it Andreas is a doughnut maker his family business has been going here since 1973 and it's a favourite pit stop for locals we College might say it's the kind of a Munich breakfast you know you should try yeah I will I mean you can see how thin that is it's bit it's like a ring doner please still got a bit of skin awesome unique they call it as well pulled out one see how he's doing it it has pulled the door out and drops it in my taste buds what do you think it's quite a light batter HD it does taste very very good andreas makes several shapes of donuts this one is called the streets or takes me that's where I was a kid going to the carnival the fairgrounds yeah fresh doughnut you're going on all the rides that's what the youth carnival as well traditionally end of the year like we call it Sylvester you call it New Year's Eve P and then on carnival before Lent starts with his traditional eats in as well but a good dose so that it's very difficult to be delicious absolutely delicious fired up by deep-fried dough and sugar and just as well as the weather in Munich turn fast I'm ready for Falco's next trick so tell me about this place we're gonna visit the next one is the cafe Coit scum it's one of the oldest condition high places here in Munich but is the high end I'm looking forward to this then a con dieter I Cafe is something uniquely German so what are we looking at here so this is the proper Conda - hi all high quality products so what is that is that a cake guy a pastry guy you would call it a pastry chef in Germany it's called a corny Torah and O'Connor - is a shop where the Condit's on my sister works in ok it's going the condenser who baked these cakes would have trained for eight years to qualify as a condita Meister just like my friend Falco so he knows what to look out for it's all regulated I mean if you look at for example the fence again and tortoise a speciality from Munich yes he has to have seven layers it has to be precision it's like with the cars but should look as the same as possible if you didn't follow the rules and decided to do your own thing what would been the punishment I mean it's down how heavy you mistreat the law I mean in the old days you got jail well these days you just end up in front of a court and possibly your place will be shut down jailed for making a cake wrong imagine this Prince Regent torta has been made exactly like this for probably a century it's so neat that is what makes a con do to my sister this is the are to do a proper on a strike each layer is baked individually mathematically measured out so they are precisely the same depth the flavors coming through a delicious actually the buttercream it's got a slight nutty flavor in there as well yes actually I doubt that with a cup of tea any day any day the next cake is a creature cam torta alex amazing though that quite thick layers there isn't it yes rooty apricot mmm it's tart but it's delicious the final cake is like nothing I've seen before it's sliced sideways how do you eat this just pick it up with your fingers no house less instrument [Laughter] and see the layers all you can see individually the layers go all the way up there's so thick this is a bomb koukin which translates as tree cake because of its rings what's in this the easiest to explain it is like a heavy sponge mix mm-hmm which is nice not as soft as of traditional so Victoria sandwich for instance vom cotton was invented about 4 500 years ago and it was made really popular with the last Kaiser because he wanted a bomb : in every city he's going to visit this was his favorite cake it's so neat it's so elegant it's so German it's hard to imagine how candita Meister's achieve a round cake that's bait with layers so dense and so thin but of course falco has the answer cafe crew scams bakery is testament to just how popular these cakes are in germany it's a condenser factory and they ship their cakes as far away as Japan and there they are rolls and rolls of bamboo can gently cooling these are probably the strangest cakes I've ever seen impressively and still all handmade they're all perfect that is seconded to my sister coming through again and the boss's candy Sagmeister Frank and I can't wait to try and make one myself so can you take us through the process where does it all start so though he's made with fresh ingredients we never open fire of gas and you bake it layer by layer I've never seen anything like this before the cake batter coats the horizontal spits and they slowly rotate as the batter is cooked by grills at the back it's strangely similar to a kebab machine laid on its side it's fascinating to watch thankfully I'm not on the ate cake machine but a single bound Cooper machine at the back so what is this mix you got flour eggs Matt Japan elements sugar spices so the only riser agent in it is the egg yeah I know you're not allowed to add baking powder okay there's one of these things where otherwise you could be jail as each layer roasts it caramelizes like the outside of any normal cake this gives the bound kook and its intense flavor right through it it's such a strange cake to make I mean the idea it's really strange yeah what I'm trying to figure out you know the roles that you do and it's all goes how did you do that that's you see in the next steps you want to have a go yeah line it and press it on there yeah and hold it in an angle yeah that's it that's it just dip it so the drips are coming off pull it towards you it's Tripel perfect after baking they are cooled before being cut and glazed in a variety of ways it's beautiful perfect German precision in a 500 year old cake a fitting end to my first day in Munich we have to try to take one of these over with me and we're gonna get that into play next well I get a taste of good old-fashioned Bavarian hospitality I'm sent round the twist baking a local delicacy and I take inspiration from this warm-hearted City to create a damp noodle a delicious Munich pudding that is great baked at home my adventures around the world's best baking cities has brought me to Munich in Germany it's a city with a gentle almost village-like feel where the only high rises of the church spires and this the tower on the Magnificent Town Hall loved the door and I've been allowed up to get a few over the brief tops now we got to go up to the top and this is a very tight staircase here we go Wow oh dear wow what a view that is incredible it's the center of Munich it's amazing although much of Munich was flattened in World War two it's since been faithfully rebuilt so today I really feel like I'm looking back in time that looks quite new actually that bit of Munich as you'd pan around you see the a little bit but what gets me is this view here panoramic view of the Alps all the way along that is beautiful I've gotta take a photo selfie on top of tower in luncheon can see in the distance the Alps great selfie I know there's more baking to explore down at street-level German bread is famous around the world I can't wait to try some thank you this bakery just off the market has been owned by the same Munich family for five generations and everything is baked locally so we've got three distinctive threads here the first one soft very vanilla a very brief like this is Rashard Street cyl a really old Bavarian recipe baked here for four generations the almonds on it really take off it's a nice life it's a very very good life it's just fascinating so Drive flowers of fresh herbs on the top of that one as well I've never seen dried petals on bread like this before but this is a blue tank rooster a new per variant bread it was created for a flower festival just ten years ago great flavor to it nice lot though where it's the seeds inside that that's the winner you can see the seeds there I think it's a bit of roughage right there keep you regular this is where liebe a traditional taste of Bavaria a rye sourdough it's a follow that one perfect though it's delicately spiced with fennel caraway coriander and star anis so that's quite an intense flavor a going strong sour in there stone-baked heavy crust that's what I expected to see when I came to Munich and as if on cue bells the bells yeah let's have another one join us as well shall we we need a third really thick there we go there's the third wandering this isn't that marvelous the celebrating the bread that's what they're doing the celebrating the road I'm meeting up again with my friend Falco he's invited me out for a beer to one of the most famous of all the beer halls in Munich under a magnificent vaulted ceiling and Oompa band plays beer is drunk by the liter [Music] is that as much as brilliant but copy our violet every pub in Britain I love that now I know this is really do the big pints the big litres it'll be announced that they used to be always in fellas but this one here because it's a egg supplier to the King had the purpose-built building for that beers delivered here not in barrels for by the tanker load and it's served by the stein [Music] beijos and Bavaria are not just about getting drunk Germans like to eat and get drunk pretzels have been baked in Bavaria since the 12th century and they have to be sold fresh and salty these things globally are so popular yeah and which would Bavarians you want me to get a pretzel and a beer and if you're still peckish big chunks of meat and huge sausages are the staple nothing subtle about this cuisine but there's a pudding on the menu that caught my eye thank you it's like so nice to have at school dinners wait till you try that this is what is known as a damp noodle a comfort food it is big style well it's warm its fat its fluffy yeah it tastes good what you've got there is a steamed dough it's a plain basic dough it's great it's comfort food move me beer in Bavaria with me mates good but off brush Oh gross yeah the pretzels on sale here are bigger and fresher than I've ever seen before you buy them by stopping one this sellers how many of these would you sell in a day it can be on the date to 200 230 230 is an impressive amount Falco tells me that Munich's pretzels have a secret they are nearly all made by a hidden bakery that supplies most of the beer houses this needs investigating okay I'm looking for the bakery matsyas its Matthews bakery Lanza I'm on the right Road before there's no bakery in sight hello but deep underground I enter pretzel world further in the capital with the Beatles duvet and his team make nothing but pretzels here 6,000 small ones and a thousand large pretzels on an average day they promise Munich's beer halls that when an order is found through fresh pretzels will be delivered within two hours this is gonna be interesting I need to have a go at this they're made with a deaf flick of the wrist [Music] apparently a bear hug okay okay so that's how pretzels are made these guys make theirs in eight seconds how is applet please don't start timing me how the hell [Music] it's not anything like witchcraft our swine the meal ID to be good itself straight away and I'm just not maybe my baking skills can be best used elsewhere to achieve the pretzels rich color they are dipped in a caustic drain cleaner it's an alkaline solution known as lie [Music] thankfully it is harmless after its baked after a large sprinkle of salt the pretzels are now ready for the oven the color on a bear incredible a beautiful rich color coming from the alkali Baba nothing thank you sure that is how you make a proper pretzel before I leave Munich I want to create my own City bake inspired by something I've experienced but with my own Hollywood twist and I know just the thing having spoken to Falco I candy some ice there and we've decided to make a damp noodle this is the pudding we enjoyed in the beer hall but I want to make mine with the fruity surprise inside thanks for the Hat by the way let me correct this well on the side yeah slightly to make a damp noodle we need a basic dough is there any chance you warm that up for me and I'll put that in there yeah quickly go to testing starting with melted butter and warm milk stop laughing in my hat now what I'm gonna do in this bowl is put some flour we need some dried yeast and one egg and then we need to add a little bit of salt there you go ah perfect okay the next thing I'm gonna add is some sugar do you made that Moodle before oh yeah it's it's a childhood thing you learn it that's the first thing with your mother Falco's warm milk and butter will bring everything together to form a nice soft dough popped up back in there this needs to rise for an hour or so so this is the dough reduces divide this into six pieces that foodle are usually plain but I want mine to have a Hollywood twist so now these are black Morello cherries this sauce has been reduced it's a little thicker than normal we're going to do is put about three cherries into each ball to cook them I'm going to follow the method Falco grew up with see that simple a bit butter mm-hmm now we need a bit salt than a bit sugar there are salt on top of the butter salt and sugar go the damp noodles so you end up with all the rolls in there so pour about a centimeter maximum of water in which will create when it's cooking steam after a short proof these go on to a moderate stovetop the water will evaporate and then the butter will crisp in the base that's it that's all we need to do that will be steamed now for about 15-20 minutes we're gonna have a little custard with it it should be absolutely delicious [Music] I really like it I like the cherries - mm-hmm gives a bit more interest it does I really enjoy that my first damn lugal damn moody look what a comforting way to end my visit to Munich I think it's an amazing city culturally I think it's one of those cities that you just have to visit it's that precision not just in German engineering which is so famous but it's in there baking to the Italian baked from the heart the passion II the Germans have two things they do have the passion and they do have the precision and you know what I've looked me in it I've looked the people have loved the food and I've loved the place and I will definitely be coming back
Channel: Tonic
Views: 289,044
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Keywords: Paul Hollywood, paul hollywood's city bakes, city bakes, city bakes full episodes, paul hollywood munich, Paul Hollywood full episodes, City bakes, city bakes paul hollywood, full episode, full episodes, season 1, season 1 episode 8, tonic, tonic channel, what to eat in munich, Tonic, food in munich, german doughnuts, german doughnut recipe, pretzel recipe, german pretzel recipe, german pretzel bread, german pretzel making, how to make pretzels
Id: PspBxtVFMuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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