The Burning Ones || James Aladiran

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[Music] how many of you want to hear something God has to say right now I believe James has a word from the Lord for us and I think we need to hear it so tell us what it is amen thank you thank you well it's an honor to be here is an honor to be speaking this morning I got up this morning I was I was having some prayer time and I you know I've been around around for about 10 years now my first connection in the ramp was 2007 prior to that I was a university around the corner from here sulfur university of salford and I connected with the ramp online watching some of their videos that's like back in 2004 2005 and over the years I kind of built some amazing relationships and you know some of the leaders of the ramp would always say you know just be prepared in every season cuz you never know miss can I just call you up to speak so basically I go a Texas morning saying I don't love you to speak this morning so here I am and somehow I'm actually gonna share is connected to that in some ways I stopped my prayer time and Miss Karen sent to text and and I was just stood I knew the Lord wanted to do something specific this morning even some of the songs we've been singing I believe it absolutely key before I going to war I feel the Lord stirred my heart just a bit of background because I don't I appreciate that some of you may not know me I understand what's going on here and I think it's good we have prophetic perspective of what God's doing my parents and missionaries and we came over to the UK in 2001 and a series of supernatural events basically I ended up at the ramp in 2007 some around I just finished University and I was actually as I was about to finish University I was watching a live stream and we call her Miss Karen but over here that doesn't make sense in the UK so people said call a pastor Karen why actually being was more appropriate apostle Karen Wheaton she isn't a fossil now what what happened was I was watching her on the platform just talk to people at the ramp about a gathering that was coming up seven seven oh seven was the date a seventh of July 2007 and she she was just repeating or just calling people to this vision that Lou ingo who leads the call had been kind of mobilizing for across America and it was calling for a forty day fast and the forty day fast was gonna build up an end on the seventh of the seventh oh seven so I heard can retain past the Karen I posted Karen talking about that and I was stirred in my heart kissed I was just in the process of finishing my university degree and I was thinking lord I don't know what to do next time I just need to spend some time sticking you so I thought you know what I've never been on a 40-day fast before so I'm you know I'm gonna join in with this call - first I went on the Daniel fast in that 40 day period and I thought to myself well as well as going on that fast I'm going to visit the round the summer ramp conference and I'm gonna go to the coal gathering well I think the 40 day fast is a picture of 40 weeks of pregnancy because in those 40 days of fasting everything I'm doing right now as a ministry was birth in those 40 days I had no idea of the significance of the time I was about to enter into but just my simple saying yes God I'm gonna I'm gonna join in with this bus I'm gonna stick your face as I started to fast and pray God started to stir things in my heart I showed up at the ramp didn't have much of an understanding what happened when passed Karen was here in Manchester and gosh Tara had in 2004 so she shared that story with the conference and invited me and my friends who have visiting to come up on the platform and as at that time we'd no really met properly but she said to James I just love you to great people you know you come all the way from Manchester for this gathering you know so you gave me the microphone to just greet people now you don't understand because I've been on a fast I was already prepared for that moment because that times God knows what he wants to do in your life five years from now - the hour - the minute - the second he knows exactly where he wants you to be in that moment and because he has foresight he starts to prepare you for that moment and it's that's Anansi to put things aside to to let go of some things to begin to focus and put in some ways and if you're not obedient to his lodgings and his leadings now when that hour comes and that moment comes you missed the moment passes you by and goes to someone else so I thank God for His grace that I was prepared for that moment because that moment I believe is why I can stand before you today I share this story all the time and I'm amazed in that moment she said James would you greet people and say something even the microphone 1,100 kids there so I start to speak what God was already stirring in my heart during the fast and I was still on the fast stir in my heart about Joel 2:28 which has become a kid scripture for me the Lord says you pour this spray on all flesh as I'm just releasing this word God you pour your spirit on flesh you know sons and daughters and I'm speaking this word it was like I felt this spirit like from here just came was like a spirit of intercession something I've never explained before in that degree next thing I know from speaking I'm on my face I'm weeping and crying out to God for revival in the UK well we know what happened it was like an explosion went off in the room and everyone was just cry out to God weeping just groaning and crying out to God for a move of his spirit in the UK that moment birth something that moment birth something because I came back to the UK I haven't been to the core 7 7 or 7 I went with the guys from the ramp as well and my life was radically changed I mean a radically radically change I mean I've been a personal prayer before I went to the round but I've been going haven't been to the ramp into the call I came back with a whole new level of burning for God I found myself praying and seeking God and I remember say miss to the Lord I just finished University so I was thinking Lord I don't know how I'm gonna do next now I didn't say this to got out of laziness I felt those faith on it because actually why I said it won't happen I said lord I am NOT gonna apply for any jobs right now applying for lots of jobs and you know figuring what they're gonna do next and at that time I didn't really think I was gonna be in ministry like I am right now so I just oh Lord I don't feel like I'm not gonna apply for any jobs the right job you have for me he's gonna come to me now I'm not asking to say that if there's no faith to say that and pray that but that's what I had faithful I don't know I just had faith first sometimes faith is like a gift God just puts in your heart just know he's gonna happen so I declared and I knew it and I just went a little time just prayin hours and hours waking up early in the morning 5 6 4 3 a.m. and praying to 11 p.m. at night understand that's not an easy thing to do if God is no releasing such the grace on you to push in 4 15 16 17 sometimes 24 hours just pushing in in intercession now I'm saying that now and I'm even surprised because I know something went on in that time I'm looking at myself saying James what happened to you you you're pushing in prayer for 16 hours 24 hours no sleep just continuing pointing to the Chronicle for the nation I'm not saying that to boss because I know God knows but mean something in that season now I knew something was shifting over the city and in those times of prayer the Lord just give me a water knowledge about someone in the city I don't know who they were but I felt it's a search for them online a lady called evergreen send her a video of me and the guys of the RAM praying for Manchester a senator she said it's your guy Gandhi Hawthorne he played there the message spread a message crosses the ministry here in Manchester and when he played that video in the maintain the same thing that happened at the ramp happen in the meeting people are just weeping calling out to God someone in the meeting however knew me I had not seen them for a long time so they sent me a message saying James I just saw this video of you praying or some meter in America I think you should come around to the message and meet with Andy Hawthorne they arranged a meeting with me and Andy hold on I'm Andy hold on you know I said to me James I love you to be a prayer coordinator I got offered a job at the message trust now listen I never planned to be in that prayer ministry never plans to lead a prayer ministry in fire it baffles me I'm leading the prime minister because I never really enjoyed prayer I grew up in a Christian family and my mom would have us pray together one after the other and I'm like God why do I have to do this you know I didn't really enjoy so if you're hearing a struggling I can relate to that and the fact that I am talking and not just talking about prayer live in a prayer life and leading a prayer ministry if I can do it you can do it because this is a miracle trust me now I and the Hawthorn offered me a job with a message trust so for the next seven years I was my job was to mobilize prayer for mission organization which is based here man chest and now spreading across the world and then out of my time mobilizing prayer in the ministry I started again in touch connect with Lord prayer meetings around the city and what struck me was a lot of the prayer meetings I was going to had mostly women no men and no young people so I'm going to this primary and what's going on where are the teenagers where the teenage intercessors so I'm feeling really stirred in my heart thinking God something is to ship because I believe Joel 2:28 you pour your spirit or flesh sons and daughters the young people are keep out of that and if they're a key part of that they need to snatch inside now not wait till then then it's that now so where are those teenage prayer warriors where those young adults are gonna fast and pray I'm looking for that because I wasn't saying I thought we know what I'm gonna stop something so I started to mobilize young people around to gather together to pray and eventually that's what turned into what I do right now as a full-time ministry Prestone and I look back and I'm just incredibly grateful to God but also just amazed at what God has done and I know God is up to something in the United Kingdom because he's stirring people to pray and the fact that you are here is known accident the word you're about to hear I believe is going to challenge you is gonna stir you is gonna convict you it's gonna push you to realize the significance of this ministry of Prayer in session and your role in it because many times you can you can come to gathering like this and look at the people on the platform and almost place a demand on them to bring a word or to release a prophetic water to release a prayer but you don't realize heaven is placing a demand on you to manifest the kingdom around you so you've come to place a demand on the whole I want to hear word from God give me a prophetic warning goes like I'm also placed a demand on you to manifest what was already been invested in you around you everywhere you go so we've got to realize our spiritual responsibility and I am just amazed and thankful to God for what he's doing in the UK it's like we are things that things are increasing in momentum in the spirit realm and we need to understand that these are very significant times that we're living in I want to actually start by giving you an understanding of the spirit realm and why I think this is a necessary foundation for us to be able to push in prayer and understand the role of prayer in spiritual awakening and revivals and even in our lives you know as I said to you earlier on I never really enjoyed prayer that much and however I can say this I don't know if my mom is here my mom is a woman of Prayer so many times as a young person I'll go into a room to to see her to ask her for something and she's on a knees praying now there's something about saying someone do something you know you're supposed to be doing you're not doing that convicts you about doing it even though I don't know much about prayer the fact that I'm seeing my mom Melanie's pray somehow brings conviction to me that I should be doing that so I'm gonna say to parents in here don't underestimate your actions don't let you make the way you live your life in front of your kids okay so you gotta be the prayer warrior in the house okay you can't allow your kids to be more familiar with your preaching voice than your prayer voice you can't afford your kids to be more familiar with you in the pulpit you're jumping up and down praising going out here but you don't do that at home what's the point putting on a display out here that's not reality our home okay so I'm after the real deal I'm the real deal I want the real deal and we need to break up all these stuff that's just the facade of we just want to look good in front of people but we don't look good before god when no one is looking God is calling us to something deep so my mom became almost like God initiating stir in my heart into this minister prayer intercession now I started to get hungry for God that became my foundation hungry for God I didn't start to pray because I heard a sermon about prayer I didn't start to pray because someone said you have to pray your Christian that's the way you have to do you have to pray that in prayer out of obligation I prayed out of desperation because I realized I could not and I still realize I cannot exist I cannot function as a Christian without ongoing communication with God now we say no time Christian isn't about religion is about relationship that's right yes we all know that it's a cliche thing we all say it's true to many degrees in fact we're praying about religion today but the reality is many of us in the church are not really in relationship where most stock and religious routines no relationship religious routines we know how long the service is gonna be you know fine you know so many songs and the preach is gonna be this long and we're looking at time ready to go home and and we come to church we say all these words like Lord I'm hungry for you one more of you and then we get home and we don't even talk to him so actually we're speaking all these words in this setting but the words that just lip service because it's not become lifestyle and I found myself saying to God Lord I don't want to just say to you I'm hungry for you and I want my life to say it words are cheap it's easy to say many you can't I go damn hungry you know you know if I'm saying go and I want more of you and go to send back to you I want more of you you can't have more of him if all your life is preoccupied with YouTube Facebook movies friends and lots of stuff and you just have 2 minutes 5 minutes every night and you say God I need you help me pass my exams bless my parents I need you to hear my friend cancer and they just come to church how do you explain to go deep in God of just five minutes of communication with a members often you're not gonna go deep it doesn't happen that way real relationships that carry value have depth to them and for them to have depth time has to be invested in them right so you can relationship outside of the context of communication so most of us I mean this routines but when actually stepped into relationship and relationship means when he speaks I know his voice if you're in relationship with me and we know each other and when I call you on the phone I don't have to tell you who's calling you know it's me calling cuz you recognize my voice so my question to you is are you in the degree of relationship rapport you recognize when he's talking drop everything and do what he says or are you just so filled up with so many voices of the world that you can't even discern when he's speaking because you're stuck in all these activities but you have no reality of communication and depth of relationship so my journey started we've just hunger for God go on Elmer V and I want to draw you into that reality today as I talk about some concepts of prayer now apart from understanding that I need more of God and going after me and spending more time in prayer it was like my the artwork hand of my hunger was the fat was my prayer life it's impossible to tell me that you are hungry for God and have a non-existent prayer life you can't be hungry for God and not pray you know in the natural when you lose your appetite it's a sign that something is wrong in the natural way don't wanna eat and all of a sudden you just just lose something is wrong you go to the doctors go to GP and the check you tell you what's wrong now the point is in the spirit you realize it's the same if you lose your spiritual appetite something is wrong because when you lose your spiritual appetite you don't want to pray when you lose just right you don't agree the word you don't want to spend time with God he tells me some visual you probably been engaging and fellowshipping with something that's now contaminated your desires so you do desire God boys he's just there he's not first place it's just somewhere there so when all those other others are the temptations and things that may not even be sin such a pull on your flesh you're more likely to give in that's that you are to given to spiritual things now you with me today are you hearing me today so God is calling you to be invest in yourself and spiritual things feeding on spiritual things so I start to find that my hunger led to prayer my hunger led to time in the world in while I was at university was making hours to pray to fast the signal I was in fasting and praying for ministry I was in fasting and praying for God to do something amazing in my life so I could be the man of power for the hour who has a huge ministry time in the world I wasn't fastening proof I know that stuff I'll just fast and pray because I want to know God period how about we just want to know God because the people who know their God will be strong and do exploits exploits but the X words are connected to the depth of the relationship how deep is your relationship with God or are you in a shallow place today which is where most of the church is we are in a shallow place and many times I have to admit might have to admit to the Lord I feel shallow I am no I am no where me to be in the depth of encounter and relationship I'm supposed to be with you so I started spending time seeking God now one of the concepts that became very important for me and this one where I want to kind of start so that was an introduction is the reality of the spirit realm everyone say the reality of the spirit realm okay now you need to understand you are not a body Adam and Eve were created in the garden and the Bible said that they walked with God in the cool of the day now they saw God and we talked to God okay the the reality that Adam and Eve were created in is far from the reality we are living now in they saw God they were flesh-and-blood okay they saw God spoke to God it wasn't natural for them to engage what but then John tells us that God is spirit so Adam and Eve were physical body and God his spirits and they could engage of God and wasn't weird for them that tells me they were very aware of the spirit world and it was not an unnatural thing for them to engage with spiritual things he says God formed Adam from the dust of the earth okay so God from Adams shale Adams body from the dust of the earth Adam was not in Michele until God released the breath of life into that shell when God breathed into the shell it became a living being only then was out of minutes so that tells me Adam is not the physical body your body is not you your body is your container and one day you're gonna die your body is gonna you know death really is separation and its simplest form death is your your spirit and your soul separate from your body that's death because your body is now put back in the earth but the fact that your body is putting enough does not mean you cease to exist so the real you lives forever newsflash every human being lives forever why do I say that you remember Jeremiah 1 the Lord said to Jeremiah before you were formed in the womb I knew you and I would deign you so God is sent to Jeremiah before you got into your mother's womb you existed go to Center for you go to your mother to exist and now where did your Maya exist he existed in God's mind before he got into his mother's womb the same way Adam existed in God before God briefed Adam in his shell right so because God is an eternal being whatever comes out of him is it Chinese life is it sure is going Turnitin written in it so every human being has eternity written in their soul in this spirit so every single human being is gonna live forever the question is where are you gonna live because that's in heaven there's heaven and as hell angels are real demons real God is real heaven Israel and hell is real Islam the church starts to admit and talk about these things more so God created Adam from the dust of the earth breathe life into into the body Adam became a living soul and I don't know stairs to engage with God in that reality Adam was more God conscious than flesh conscious so Adam was a spiritual being that was a way of spiritual realities okay now sin comes into the world Adam fell Adam started off being spirit conscious say what's kind of spirit soul body as sin came into the world they became a reversal Adam becomes more body conscious so he noticed he's naked first are you with me are you with me so he notices is naked and they start to cover up and hide from God so it there's a reversal that takes place it now becomes a body soul and spirit so right now we generally tend to be more body conscious than spirit conscious but that's not to say that spiritual world is not real this spiritual world is more real than you are okay scripture Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11 verse 3 it is by faith this is the good news Bible II it is by faith that we understand that the universe was created by God's Word so that what is sin okay you with me so that what is sin was made out of what cannot be seen are you hearing me God is saying that the world and the universe was created by God from a spiritual dimension so what we see what we see came out of an unseen realm everything we see around us came out of another because God is spirit beam and he spoke the same realm from their own sin realm he says in other translations the things that are seen when made from things on sing so they're spiritual things that exist but the fact that you don't see them doesn't mean they're real and the fact that this realm came from that realm tells me that realm is superior to this realm that realm the sphere around which you already exist in by the way because you have a spirit I mean you don't have your re spirits that realm is superior to this room in that room is a parent realm to this realm there are a lot of activities going on on the earth right now a lot of things we see in the news a lot of activities that happen around us and everyone is kind of like you know you're getting everyone is shocked by it and and wondering how could this happen and and what's going on here and we don't realize before things happen in this realm they are conceived in that realm so if we're gonna change this realm addictions perversion laws and compel you know the junk around us if we're gonna change this realm we have to first do our homework in the spirit realm are you with me this platform this pulpit casts a shadow this money to hearing from is casting a shadow the shadow is a reflection of the monitor the shadow is not the monitor the shadow is a reflection of the money support money so if I want to move the shadow around I don't move the shadow around by trying to move around if I want to move the shadow around I have to move the thin that's casting the shadow that is the reality we're living in there are things in the realm of the spirit that cast shadows so to speak in the visible natural realm and we have to be more aware of that realm than we are right now as the believer as the people of God because I mean many Christians that almost live their lives like that the Bible isn't true you can't tell me you're reading the Bible and you can't tell me you're really really read in the Bible and think what I'm saying is weird they're weirder things in the book [Applause] the ground opened up in swallowing someone literal fire falling from heaven soon being levitated into the into the air Jesus been lifted I mean people walking through walls the sea parted into weird things that happen in that book and the only reason why they're able to happen is something is taking place in the spirit realm which is the parent realm that shifts the laws of physical reality so they're manifested in this realm so you cannot tell me you're Christian and not believe what I'm saying because I'm telling you you have to be more aware of spiritual realities spiritual things now I lived in Nigeria till I was 16 17 I came to the UK when I was 17 2001 and I always like to say I never meant a fist until I came to the UK I said literally I'm leaving joking my whole life 16 I never met an 8 I never met Sean that told me to my face or even I heard anyone say they know someone that knows someone that does not believe God is real why because when you live in that part of the world Nigeria Liberia Ghana you live in you know some certain countries like Africa there's certain countries as well in fact you know what realized the rest of the world apart from the West are very spiritual it's only in the West and even in the churches in the West we're all intellectual and alternate theological nano cameras are only there's nothing wrong with theology as long as your theology leads to reality because many people have big heads and small hearts all these ideas about God but not leaving anything else so no gains theology well can't you go up to theology and we don't have any reality of encountering God because you don't really know God until you experience him I don't care how much knowledge you know you still don't know even Paul says that I may know him so after all these revelations is still saying I still don't know this God that well I still need to know him more okay so we need to we need to realize God wants to come into that place of encountering his presence and Counting who is really not just having all these ideas I never met atheist until I came to the UK because in that side of the world there is a lot of negative spiritual activities that and he seems very it seems more open and more obvious so even people that don't believe in Jesus believe God is real because you see all kinds of weird activities and if you're from that part of the world you can appreciate I'm saying now you come to the West is none of those activities are not taking place they just repackaged my mother mineral recently was a went out somewhere I think to do a pedicure and all these things that women do the person doing it for her was involved in the occult and she never bleeding this person to salvation to Jesus and this person ends up confessing to her about rituals that they do around here in the mountains just in times on the mouth going to sacrifice things this is not some black person in some village that has that never heard Jesus and it's living in some primitive way this is someone who lives in the West engage in its spiritual or cosmic activities sacrificing things because they understand what goes on the spirit listen carefully to me prayer is powerful whatever realm you're in prays powerful on the negative side and prayer is powerful on the processor because which is pray praise where divinity meets human where humanity meets divinity praise like an altar is a place of exchange something takes place when people start to deliberately engage with the spirit realm and it seems to me like people on the dark side the which is the wall of their courses tend to take the spirit world more serious than the people on the light side what's going on with us Church we they they're they're very intense for what they do now I use on my own you know I don't want to scare I'm trying to scare you I don't need to apologize for I'm saying because it's happening right here around us the sooner we realize it the better it is for us yes so we're trying to deal with a lot of activities in this realm but we're not dealing with the source of weights come from in the spirit realm and I'm saying to you it's time wake up to that reality there's only one way I found to engage the spirit realm in a way that affects change lasting change in this realm and that's when we engage with the heart of God through the Ministry of prayer and intercession we shift things in the spirit realm around us and it will eventually manifest in the natural another concept of intercession that will help you understand one trying to communicate is when you think about Parliament and we think about the laws that are made in Parliament the laws are made but the fact that the law is made does not mean the law is obeyed everywhere so Jesus defeated Satan on the cross or by the way Satan is not the opposite of God God has no opposites and we'll never have any opposite if there's an opposite force it and it must be another high-ranking angel so the fight is not between Satan and God is more between Satan and his kingdom and the people of God we us so he came as us to defeat him to show us how we should defeat him are you with me now where was I Pilate thank you Parliament Parliament passes the law and then the fact that a law is passed does not mean that the law is obeyed okay in the same way Jesus won the victory on the cross okay the fact that the victory has been worn on the cross does not mean that victory is manifested everywhere now have you met people I have and probably meet them and maybe you're here you believe this Jesus is one the best on the cross he said it is finished all we need to do is rest in that victory and do nothing we just need to chill out and just just just just enjoy the grace and the victory that God has given us you know this warfare know this fight and you know it's already done it's finished why you why you why are you being so intense just chill out have you ever heard an argument I hear that all the time okay so my mind my answer to the argument is this Jesus said it is finished and Paul then writes after jesus said it's finished in Ephesians that we wrestle we wrestle not against flesh and blood okay the weapon with weapons of our warfare they're not carnal so Paul is admitting that even though Jesus said it is finished we are so wrestling okay a wrestling match is different to a boxing match because the wrestling is a lot of tossing back and forth we're pushing there's a lot of intelligent spiritual intelligence required in the kind of battle we're involved in it's not just one punch in Europe there's a lot of pushing forth and that many times is a picture winter session can be like we're contending we're pushing we're contending for God's purposes now this way I'm going with this Parliament passes the law the law is no less really obeyed everywhere and you know what they have after that we have what we call law and forces the job of the law enforcer is to enforce what has already been passed in parliament so if the law enforcer doesn't do his job there's gonna be a rebellion everywhere the fact that the law the fact that Jesus won a victory on the cross domain of victories manifested everywhere so he calls us into the Ministry of law enforcement victory enforcement welcome to the Ministry of intercession [Applause] we have to take the victory of the cross and enforce it in every sphere of society if we do nothing the enemy rebels against that victory and people remain bound heaven is looking at us to exercise our god-given Authority in those realms okay next thing I want to talk about that's connected to that is your spiritual responsibility to enforce that victory I started by saying it's easy for us to come here and place a demand on the platform and say give me a word without realizing heaven is already placing demand on us this morning I woke up had some prayer time and then I got a text about speaking to here today and um I want to say to you if at the end of this meeting pastor Karen Cameron said to you we love you to speak at the next section maybe the next section or maybe the evening section I love you to speak for an hour so if you came and said that to you I guarantee you after this meeting you're not gonna go home and watch some movies after this meeting you're not gonna go home and hang out with your friends to just chat about nothing you know you just gonna watch your favorite youtuber or what your favorite series are you're not gonna go into that why because when you receive that word from her what hit you was spiritual responsibility you already have spiritual discernment the question is why do we need to wait for so to ask us to preach or to sing before we realize we have spiritual responsibility most of you will never stand on a platform to do one thing right now most of the church is gonna be our main society but most times the church takes off their responsibility because they only come to church to hear from the pastor hear from the man of God are powerful now receive a prophetic word we're not realizing that simply man has been placed on you by heaven in your workplace you have spiritual responsibility so when you realize that you have spiritual responsibility you go to your workplace prayed up you go into meetings like this ready you're just coming to suck someone you come into also release what's in you and as a leader myself I find that the meetings I enjoy going through the parameters I enjoy Boehner and the premises where the people in the meeting and I just come in to drain and receive but they're coming to release and give because they understand the special responsibilities and they're warriors in themselves we will not see God move in the UK to the degree we wanna see if it's only gonna be a one-man show a man of power for the hour with a healing anointing who's gonna lay hands on everyone in the room no no you need to arise as the woman of God as the girl of God as the boy of God taking on your spiritual responsibility and realize and when you go into your school we're going to your workplace you're going to university you have to prepare to go into that environment like you prepare to speak on a platform so you realize your prayer life is important I may not have been speaking here this morning but I was still gonna wake up to pray I'm not praying because I have to preach I preach because I pray so I don't wait for a big speaking assignment and then okay and it's a fast I need to pray oh this is so big no no no we're I guess we can engagement or no when I speak in front of thousands of five people I am gonna fast and pray if I love this idea that it doesn't matter when I'm speaking to a crowd of 50,000 or five it's still a step down from one-on-one conversation with the king of kings [Applause] so that means my priority is in the hidden place my priority with Sangha Darren is to be a blaze in the secret place where no one is looking and I'm gonna go to this next point now nothing I might finish here the Bible says of John the Baptist John 5:35 that he was a burning and a shining lamp everyone say burning and say shining and then in Matthew 5 Jesus says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven so we understand that the shine of the light is a picture of your outward activity in your ministries both the end Hach of the light is connected to internal conditions of burning jesus said of john he was a burning and a shining lamp i wanna redo this quote from aw Tozer and i love what he's trying to say because as a look at this i think it connects to where we are in many ways in in our church world right now and Micah you know this is this the forces of religion and making dramatic gains and the churches are more prosperous than at any time within the past several hundred years but the alarming thing is that our gains are mostly external and our losses are wholly internal and since it is the quality of our religion that's affected by internal conditions it may be that our supposed external gains but losses spread over a wider field it's talking about what is going on in the church today when we tend to celebrate a lot of external activities but we've not much death spiritually can I just say this to you the fact that fifty thousand people gather in a stadium does not mean God is there the only say can fill a stadium so we can't just look at external things to George if God is moving or not because today we've got multimedia we've got great communicators great ability we can we can gather the crowd but the fact that the church is able to exercise his gifts and caligra does not mean when we gather something of real death happens that shifts the heavens and God is calling us to be people that are more concerned about internal conditions that external gains I mean external ministry gain like some people think oh I laid hands on the sick and may go heal though I pray for this person when that happens that means something well with God never never never George your relationship with God by the outworking of your ministry for God internal conditions because we can easily get distracted by external things so if we gain externally more people coming we have bigger meetings and we lose internally no burn in life in a secret place we have in turn lost externally if we gain externally and lose internally where internal loss externally so God is calling us to be like John the burning man the burning girl what does it look like to be a burning one it means you're in a desert what does it mean to be in a desert it means you're not uncomfortable and you're in a comfortable place John I mean you know Jesus went to fasting and praying there's 40 days it doesn't tell us he had a bed to sleep on so he must have been sleeping on the floor lying down on stones have you tried to sleep on the floor before desert conditions and not easy conditions but God's greatest prophets and forged in the deserts this one Lou Engel says God's greatest prophets are thoughts in the deserts of fasting not the deserts of feasting if you want to be a burning one for God in your generation you need to learn how to embrace the desert that means people may look at you and call you weird that means your Christian friends may looking and say you just you just over doing this you just used to be a radical what what's all this about just chill out that means you're not always gonna fit in and in fact you forget about trying to fit in if you're gonna be a burning one that means you need to learn how to appreciate the isolation the time when God takes you apart to be with him the most important thing on the life of the burning one is when there before the burning one alone you know where Jen got his flame from there's only one place to go his flame from the Burning Man himself his eyes burn like fire the several lamps around him they're on fire the Seraphim another word for them are burning once they're on fire you read Ezekiel Micah rather el Iran a description of G of the of the Lord on the throne the description is he's on fire Daniel talks about fire coming out from the throne a stream of fire coming out of his front basically everything around him is on fire so if everything around the Lord is on fire you cannot tell me you're close to him and not be on fire everything of close proximity to the throne is fire in this generation in a roundup now and if the band can come up they'll be awesome in this generation we're living in the level of darkness we're facing the level of perversion we're dealing with requires that we become burning ones although wise we will not survive what's out there can I say this to you that if all you do is come to a conference like this and saying God set me ablaze and all you do is go to church and all you do is go to this event in that event and that's all you do as a Christian by default you backslide I always love this illustration if now I don't really know how to swim I don't know if it's a black thing but [Laughter] but from what I understand if you're trying to swim upstream and the river coming downstream for example sake is coming downstream 60 miles an hour if you're trying to swim upstream and you do nothing what happens you get swept away if you try to swim upstream and the force you apply upstream is equal to the force coming downstream what happens you remain in the same position so if you want to really swim upstream you have to apply a force that's greater than that which come against you welcome to our generation welcome to the life of spiritual violence the only way to grow spiritually in our culture the only way to don't look upon really this meeting the only way to have your heart your focused and effective in the kingdom is to learn how to apply spiritual violence it's not physical violence you're swimming upstream you're applying spiritual force that's greater than now which is coming against you that means your hearts in the secret place when a man dies that means your prayer life is not cold you will not survive I don't see it as a negative process ever from experience you will not survive as a Christian if all you do just go to church activities you have to have a reality of a burning life when no one is looking and then that burning life becomes the foundation through which God uses you to become a voice that shifts things in the heavens because now you're not concerned about being a celebrity on earth you become a voice in the heavens shifts in the powers of darkness that be and preparing the way of the Lord because now God is willing to raise up for people who are burning in the secret place and because you're burning when you pray from not burning place your words your prayers become like flaming arrows being released like intercontinental ballistic missiles that God begins to release to begin explode and destroy the works of darkness because you're coming from that burning place when you say a word the enemy knows in fact when you wake up aminos gosh the enemies scare by your wake the that's the kind of people that God's calling us to be and if we don't leave this if we leave this conference just excited about nice meeting and don't leave this conference thank God I want to be that Burning Man then the legacy of this conference is nothing because the outworking of what God does here is when you go home by yourself when there's no one here to lead in worship and you just in your room by yourself and you're gonna have your Bible and your I don't know your high-powered in your iPad or whatever and you want to just spend some time with God and Facebook is calling your name food is calling your name all kinds of distractions are calling your name that is the test of what happens here what you're doing those moments because God wants you to burn for him now imagine what would happen you know I'm here ten years on for my first connection on the ramp imagined would happen five years from now if we all start to live this reality in your school you become a burning man now I start to burn for God honey in Italy tomato mixture of Prayer intercession you start to burn forgotten your secret place and it might lead you into governmental positions and it might lead you to be a teacher at a school and it might lead you to be a pastor of a church and in my in my live in order but as you begin a burn wherever you go you shift the atmosphere okay I said I was gonna make my last point this is gonna be my last point hopefully many Christians are not affecting the world around them they're being infected by the darkness around them as opposed to affect in it nothing one of the reasons for that is this Jesus was able to hang around sinners and when he go around then he changed the atmosphere because Jesus was stronger in the light in his burning for God than they were in their darkness whoever is strong on whatever side whoever strongest on whatever side dominates the atmosphere so when you go to school and your friends are stronger than your cult in their commitment to darkness then you are in your devotion to God and you only have a tiny flicker of flame and you only struggle and there's nothing going on in here when you get around them they dominate the atmosphere and then you become like a boat on water that is allowing the water to games of the boat eventually you sink you can't sustain that the only way to really step into that place and exercise the god-given authority that is given us and be effective is to be way stronger in the light than they are in the darkness so by doing that we become thermostats not thermometers everywhere we go where atmosphere shifters and we shift the spiritual temperature and atmosphere in the place through our lifestyles and we prepare the way for what God wants to do because we choose the life of burning do you understand with me [Laughter] I read Matthew five then it starts by saying let your light he didn't say let his light the responsibility is on you your light how bright is your light today it's my question to you how deep is your burning within is my question to you are you raising your hands up here and get excited Wow there's shallowness darkness disconnection no reality of God in here because what I want to invite you in certain this morning is for you to press into the reality of burning Lord now these are dangerous breads pray what you're gonna pray if you want it God whatever it takes make me a burning one whatever it looks like I wanna be a man a woman a boy a girl of Prayer I wanna know what it is to gaze into your eyes like fire and I want to feel those flames on my heart I don't just want to hear someone else talk about burning for God I want to burn for you for real father I am yours and I want to encounter your flame not just at a conference but tomorrow morning and next week and next year and five years from now ten years from now I want to be burning for you yes make me a personal prayer I want to go deeper into your presence and I want to be a voice in the heavens yes if you're in the front I'd like you to take some steps backwards cause we're gonna respond to this right now I'm gonna call you to come I want those of you in front take some steps back right now now I'm not gonna just do an altar call because that's what we do I'm doing this because I want this will be a sign of you saying god whatever it looks like in my school in my university my workplace even in my ministry lord I want to be a burning one whatever it looks like make me a burning one I want to go deep in prayer I don't understand my spiritual responsibility what I have a platform to speak to the masses or not I want to understand what you've called me to be and if that's you here today I want to invite you to come forward and as you come forward I went to get on your knees and say father today is a is that in a starting point make me a burning one today today today make me a burning one there is no other way for me I've got a plan for you I have got to burn for you I have got to be who you've caused me to be there is no other way I need to be a burning man I need to be a burning woman I want to be a personal prayer a Muslim intercession you Jesus [Music] there is no other way for me there is no other way for me there's no other way for me there is no point for me I have got to see your face I have got some work for you I have got to be a warrior in my generation I wanna be a boy or girl [Music] human fire set me on fire consuming fire [Music] concealed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my the fire baby make me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you're responding to these are likely to lift your hands right now and repeat these words after me say with all sincerity say father I offer myself as a living sacrifice let's say like I said father [Music] my side to you as a living sacrifice lord set me on fire now say miss Eliza [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: PrayerStormTV
Views: 7,481
Rating: 4.9135137 out of 5
Id: 6gzPZabEEbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2017
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