The BRUTAL Finale That Ruined 'Night Country' (True Detective Review)

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my spirit animal eats old white ladies like you for breakfast there okay to be perfectly honest with you guys I wasn't initially planning on reviewing True Detective night country even though I have been watching the show and that's because even though I didn't hate it I also didn't love it and I feel like videos like that where I'm just kind of lukewarm on the subject matter that's not always the most interesting for you guys to watch so I was just I was just going to leave it but then then I watched the season finale it's like okay okay now now I am actually mad so here you go you get a video True Detective night country is the fourth season of HBO's True Detective show and it is of course an anthology series meaning that in addition to focusing on a different murder case every season the show also features a new cast of characters so just because you haven't seen season 1 that doesn't necessarily mean you can't watch season 3 of the show because you're introduced to an entirely new set of cops detectives Etc and I'll admit even though this is kind of considered thinkable in certain circles that I've never been the biggest True Detective fan it's true I think I watched season 1 once and then got partway through season two and then just sort of lost interest I didn't even bother with season 3 however when it came to season 4 I.E night country I was just immediately interested in the premise of the show you see tree detective night country takes place in the Alaskan town of Enis and by the way guys if you're not familiar with me in addition to being interested in all things murder and True Crime because I am you know a woman in my late 20s I also have a new found interest in Alaska yeah I I visited it last summer and it was just gorgeous beautiful I like legit wouldn't mind having a summer home there so I mean True Detective night country it's about crime in Alaska sign me up so the premise of the season and if you haven't seen it yet by the way we're not getting into spoilers just yet so you can sit tight is that just outside this town of Enis there is an Arctic scientific research center there's a handful of scientists who work up there kind of secluded from everyone but one day specifically the day that starts off the weeks without sunlight in Alaska this team of scientists goes missing they just vanish Without a Trace oh I'm sorry they actually do leave behind one clue and that is a severed human tongue curious right and so assigned to this case to try to figure out what exactly happened to these scientists our hardened police chief Elizabeth Danvers played by jod Foster who is awesome as well as her underling Plucky but green Detective prior played by I actually I don't know who this actor is he's good but I haven't seen him in anything else and also rounding out the cast is state trooper Evangeline Navaro who used to be danver's partner before the pair had some sort of falling out and you see Navaro is absolutely convinced that this case of the missing scientist is somehow linked to the murder case of an indigenous woman that she worked on but was unable to solve years ago that's a cool premise if you ask me for concept alone I would give this 10 out of 10 and I was really excited going into the show I remember I was pretty hyped for the first episode in a way that I actually hadn't been for a show in quite a while however even though the show was ultimately good enough to keep my attention throughout its six episode run it was pretty clear almost from the start that this was not going to be an amazing show at least in my opinion and yeah there were warning signs that people pretty quickly picked up on I mean yeah I'll just say it female lead writer look I'm not trying to be a sexist but in this day and age that just screams de I'll say it we also have not one but two uh strong empowered competent hard lady cops like that that's just a lot and they're partners with each other like it's 2024 I understand you are probably going to have a genderbent version of the stereotypical like tough as Nails salty police officer working the murder case you know but have them be female but it's like this show has two of those and they're partners with each other I'm of course referring to Danvers and Navaro and it's like it's a lot like it's just it's a bit much to take in and it's like even though I like jod Foster I think she she is good in this role neither her character nor that of Navaro are sympathetic or likable or anything like that there's also in the show no good strong male character I mean Peter PRI the junior detective who works under danverse who's the chief of police he is he's a good guy but he's not really a a strong guy and he's certainly not as competent as Navaro or Danver is portrayed as being and then aside from him you also have his father Hank prior who is also a cop and just portrayed as the biggest a-hole ever and I guess that brings us to the whole racial aspect of the show early on um there were some clips of you know a character's whiteness being brought up by one of the indigenous characters and essentially people were sharing it online asking okay is this show going to be just you know six episodes of white people bad and it's not I mean yeah the issue of race does come up now and then just because they're dealing with indigenous uh characters who live in Alaska but you know as someone who does have like extended indigenous family members I'll say it like they they do talk about the white man like that sometimes so maybe if you're watching this you are so fed up with being force-fed propaganda three Your Entertainment that like these things would be enough to turn you off from the show for me personally I was willing to overlook all of those things as long as the writing as it pertains to the mystery or the crime the show was talking about as long as that was good however as I mentioned in the beginning the season finale was so bad and just really Illustrated that the writing wasn't going any specific direction that I I'm am resending my lukewarm feelings toward the show and I'm now I'm coming out and saying that this this is not a good show and by the way spoiler warning from here on out if you haven't seen the show and you are considering it then I would say pause this video and come back to it later because we're going to get into what exactly happens so obviously if you're watching a murder mystery or a who done it which True Detective night country is basically trying to be I think the most important aspect of the show should be the fact that the detectives are trying to fix figure out the case and along the way there are kind of twists and turns to it new information keeps getting revealed that kind of changes your perspective on what happened and I think ideally again if a murder mystery is Well written the culprit who actually committed the crime it will be a surprise to audiences but also something that they could have worked out themselves if they were paying attention works by Agatha Christie are a great example of this and I would say even Knives Out is a good example of how this genre is done well probably more so than any other genre the ending of murder mysteries or just mysteries in general can make or break the series or movie and that's exactly where unfortunately night country fails so so spectacularly so I mean just to come out and say it ultimately uh the people who were responsible for killing the scientists turn out to be like this group of women led by the housekeeper who managed to uncover the secret Ice Caves Ice Caves that contained a secret lab that even we as an audience only learned about like really that episode and here's the thing cuz I'm kind of nerdy admittedly as I've been watching the show I've also been watching uh videos about each episode kind of looking to see what people are pointing out uh what Clues the showrunners may have left in each episode to point us to the killer or in this case killers and I've got to say uh none of the people that I've been watching videos by were able to guess the ending because no one could have guessed the ending the ending doesn't really make sense it's completely unsat satisfying and in terms of pacing it really does seem like the writers were having fun kind of dealing with all this interpersonal drama between the officers but then they got to episode 6 and they realized hang on a second we actually have a murder that they need to solve and so they kind of threw something together and don't get me wrong I understand if done well again all this is if done well murder mysteries Mysteries they're probably one of the hardest genres to write because you have to kind of come up with a crime that's interesting and also write it in such a way where you can kind of reveal little Clues here and there but not make it obvious and also gradually reveal tantalizing details about the case to keep the turns and the twists going and the audience interested like I'm not saying that it's an easy thing to do or that I personally could do it better I'm just saying these people didn't do it well and aside from it being kind of clumsy just basically saying oh by the way it was these people and you couldn't possibly have guessed it because we didn't reveal information to you that would have led you to them until like just now the ending is also frustrating because it's just it's so cartoonish social justice infused so for me to better explain the motives behind what the scientist's murder was basically there was this indigenous woman Annie who was dating one of the scientists who found out that the lab was actually encouraging the town's mind to pollute more on purpose so they could like dig into permafrost for their research he discovered this uh trash the lab and so all of the scientists the men together end up holding this woman down this indigenous woman down and and killing her and so in order to get Justice for Annie like this group of indigenous women kill all of these like evil white scientists it's just it's so hamfisted and unbelievable and it really does ruin like retroactively what I thought was a really cool opening episode a really cool premise for a crime and it's just disappointing I really I went into this series with an open mind even throughout the series as I was watching it people were saying oh this is so woke all the men are stupid the women are the only competent ones I I stood up for the show when I was talking to people I was like yeah but it's well written it's interesting don't you find like the murder aspect compelling well you know what I was wrong you guys were right this is stupid it is woke and it's just too bad because the atmosphere of the show is also really good and any case though that's basically all I have to say I'm mad very unsatisfying ending to what could have been a great show or at the very least a mediocre show uh as always though I want to hear from you guys did you end end up watching True Detective night country if so what did you think of it and are there any other murder mystery similar Vibe shows or films that I should check out let me know down below that's it for now though if you enjoyed this video please be sure to like share and subscribe until next time
Channel: Mediaholic
Views: 39,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True Detective, Tv Show review, Jodie Foster, True Detective finale, Night Country Finale, Night Country Woke, Night Country Jodie Foster, True Detective Woke, Lauren Chen, Lauren Chen Reviews
Id: vl6rwQ3AK5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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