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throw your theories into the incinerator the finale of True Detective night country is here where everything was perfectly explained and there's no need for this video right first time while the finale did answer a lot of The Season's burning questions it also raised a whole lot more who left Annie's tongue where did Navaro go did Rose actually kill rust Cole's father in this video we're going to be going over all these unanswered questions and more with all the clues so you can make up your own mind on what exactly happened in Enis Alaska so even though Liz might say some questions just don't have answers we're going to answer them anyway now if you've liked the videos I've done this season be sure to drop a like And subscribe and leave a comment about what you thought of this season the events of night country have led detectives Liz danverse and Evangeline Navaro to an opening at Brooks range a Cave System mapped out by Otis Heist a man who was tragically killed by Officer Hank prior in episode 5 this cave might hold the answers in into the death of Annie Koto a protester of the local mind whose body was found 6 years ago brutally stabbed and placed in a storage container with her tongue ripped out Liz and Navaro dig their way into the cave and as they enter Navaro senses something you feel it too don't you this presence is something bigger than the both of them with the show suggesting something Supernatural can't you hear it she's calling we'll get more into this idea of the Supernatural and who this is in a bit their exploration finds them falling deeper into the cave and right into the hiding spot of Raymond Clark the salal scientist who's been the prime suspect in both Annie's murder and that of the salal scientists turns out the scientists had been conducting secret work in a hidden underground lab connected to the research facility itself this is where Annie died Liz and Navaro note the spiral-shaped bones buried within the ice the same bones found in Annie's video remember that Annie's body was covered in 32 star-shaped wounds I initially thought these could be from ice cleats but turns out they're from this sharp unidentified research tool Annie's death was the direct result of her relationship with Raymond they met when Annie came over to the station to give the men haircuts but what Annie didn't know was that Raymond and the other salal scientists were actively encouraging the mine who they received the majority of their funding from to pollute the area even more but why jeopardize their career ERS in the Integrity of their scientific research to help a greedy Corporation a corporation I might add that is owned by the tuttles the season one family that had their own murderous cult and who owned much of Louisiana the answer lay in the ice Liz and Navaro already know that the scientists were extracting DNA from a microorganism that could save the world we're talking about something that could both cure diseases and point to the origins of existence but what they don't know is that the scientists C raed it they were successful the min's pollution helped soften the permafrost allowing them to extract the DNA faster and with less damage to make sure Annie didn't find out about the scientists linked to the mine Raymond purchased a trailer where they could have their romantic Tris but Raymond was sloppy and left out some notes that Annie must have found this prompted her to break into salal and search for Clues ultimately stumbling upon the underground lab where she would destroy their years of research likely thinking this was all part of in the town what makes Raymond's account of things problematic is that we can't be 100% sure he's telling the truth many of the flashbacks we've seen throughout the season differ from the person who's recollecting them for example when Liz tells Peter about the wheeler case she says wheeler was dead before they got there but in the flashback we see he's still alive in Raymond's recollection of events he says he didn't kill Annie but the flashback shows us that he did so we have to take what he says with a grain of salt if we're to believe Raymond he woke up to find to lond in the Act of Killing Annie with that star-shaped object as the other scientists come down they too take part in this brutal murder I personally find this story hard to believe especially the viciousness and ease at which these scientists turned to kill her yes I get that she destroyed a potentially Humanity changing breakthrough but if I were one of these scientists and came rushing down to see my coworker killing a woman I wouldn't immediately join in and turn into a bloodthirsty murderer you'd think with there being eight scientists at least one of them would be like hey guys can we stop for a moment and think this through these are after all really intelligent and I would assume rational people and to see them all animalistic makes me question the validity of Raymond's story remember we're talking about a guy who's been living on the run for 15 days in The Frigid cold made a creepy Shrine to Annie in his trailer and doesn't seem that mentally stable but there are even more discrepancies in the first episode Navaro tells us the autopsy report stated Annie was kicked after she was was dead we never see anyone kicking her after she died there's also no mention of Suffocation the way we see Raymond killing her I also noticed the lights flickering as Raymond goes to save Annie lights going out or radio frequencies being interrupted is something we've seen throughout the season and usually accompanies something more Supernatural so it being here just adds to the strangeness of this whole scenario regardless we still have this dead body that needs to be disposed of this is where Kate mckitrick and the mine come in the mine still needs salal to fudge their pollution numbers so she sends over Hank to dispose of the body in return for giving him the role of chief of police then there's the question of who cut out Annie's tongue according to Raymond it was none of the scientists and most likely Hank in order to send a message he must have cut out the tongue to to to send a warning or something everyone knew Annie was against the mind so by cutting out her tongue you send a message to others that if you get in the way of the mine this could happen to you but if Hank removed her tongue how did it appear 6 years later at the salow station almost as if no time had passed for the tongue to be found at salow it more than likely means Hank or one of the other scientists had to cut it there noted the storage containers where Annie's body was found salal is equipped with special freezers where the tongue could have been stored in a relatively safe environment but that leaves the question why keep part of the evidence linking these scientists to the murder the answer the tongue could have been used as part of their experiments when the forensics report on the tongue comes back this is what Liz says tissue has some unusual cellular damage remember that the scientist's research centers around DNA and DNA is the genetic material that directs the structure and function of cells there would be cellular damage there if they performed experiments on it this may also explain what Liz experience is here notice how the ice creates an outline of Annie's tongue something about where was placed has created this almost Supernatural occurrence An Occurrence which may not be Supernatural but perhaps a result of lizz's drinking or somehow link to the experiments conducted on the tongue there are two other problems the first is that Raymond says the scientists didn't cut out the tongue he could either be lying his memory could be jumbled or the other scientists kept this a secret from him remember that in the wake of Annie's murder Raymond went a little nutty with the supply guy stating that he'd often see Raymond walking around the station naked locked in his room crying or staring at nothing but last couple times I went out there he he was talking to himself he was staring into nothing Raymond was not right in the head yet the other scientists kept him employed there 6 years after the murder and it makes sense Raymond knows about the murder and the min's pollution better to keep him close by than have him go back home where he could potentially foil their entire operation the second problem is how did that tongue get under the kitchen counter couldn't have been the scientist because they were abruptly sent out in the middle of the night by the cleaners it's likely not the cleaners because a they wouldn't have known where this tongue was B they probably wouldn't know it was Annie's tongue and see this tongue was most likely stored underground where they didn't have access because Raymond was holding the hatched or shut this leaves only one possible solution Raymond Clark it's possible he found the tongue or already knew its whereabouts and in his loopy State just left it there remember this is a guy who ran around wearing Annie's coat he loved to keep trinkets of her but the show actually gives us a more Supernatural explanation that a power beyond our knowing is at the center of the events in Enis and this power took over Raymond and used him as her Pawn when Raymond is interrogated he talks about how the scientists awakened an entity she's been hiding in those caves Forever This Echoes what beatric says about a great spirit that would decide the fates of the scientists if she wanted them she would take them the spirit is referred to to as she she's awake by digging into the ice the scientists awoke her when they dug in her home in the ice they woke her up when Novar returns to the station after Raymond has been killed she sees a vision of him almost as if his body was overtaken by this Spirit was it Raymond under control of this spirit that placed the tongue there so that Liz and Navaro would eventually connect salal with Annie's murders or are we simply looking at a mentally unstable man who left the tongue there the show it up to us to decide the spirit is represented by this swirl a symbol Rose says is older than Anis itself beatric marks the forehead of one of the scientists with a symbol marking them so the spirit can decide whether to kill or save them but the spiral takes on other meanings it's used by hunters to note thin parts of the ice and for Naro the swirl reminds her of the long strands of orange her mother would peel the orange A continuing Motif throughout the season is a representation of Julia and Navarro's trauma caused by their mother 's mental illness Navaro has been haunted by her mother in episode two she has this flashback which shows her as a kid holding Julia during one of her mother's episodes and in this sequence we see her mother's cross necklace one which is found in Navaro squad car which she'll later throw out the window What's even more strange is that Liz finds a cross necklace buried in her hair while trying to get to bed is it the same cross Navaro threw out the window and does it hint at Navarro's mother being there with them when Navaro goes to turn on the generator you can see a ghostlike figure behind her is this her mother or is it that greater spirit it's possible it could be both the spirit might manifest as her mother it's that spirit that causes Liz to see a hubcap rolling down the hallway but more on that in a bit one of The Season's overarching Mysteries is what exactly happened to Navaro during her time with the Marines unfortunately we don't get a clear answer on this just that it looks like her Convoy was attacked but when Navaro goes out into the blizz liard she is transported back to this day and a hand reaches out to her telling her her nupak name in episode three we learned that Navarro's mother died before she could tell her this name which would imply this hand belongs to her mother but in this flashback her mother doesn't have those tattoos on her hand so is this her mom or could it be the spirit Navaro has her eyes closed the entire time so we never get to see if she recognizes who this person is I also thought it was pretty sneaky to have the magnets on the fridge read the only journey is the one within no doubt a nod to Navaro and lizz's internal struggles this season Raymond ends up killing himself after Navaro lets him go he'll end up frozen solid outside the storm and Liz is pissed because he was their only witness unbeknownst to Liz Navaro recorded Raymond's confession of sala's collusion with silver sky mine at the end of the episode we'll see the mine has since been shut down and I like how the season started with a hunter and ends with one what we don't know is if this confession included anything about Annie K's murder murder most likely not and if it did I imagine Liz would have deleted it after finding out the involvement of the local women in the deaths of the scientists when questioned about who leaked this video Liz says she doesn't know but we know it was her navaru left behind her cell phone with his confession along with the oneeyed polar bear plushy in episode four Liz threw out this plushy which she kept as a reminder of her dead son Navaro must have picked it up after she left Liz's home Liz's Journey this season revolves around overcoming the grief of losing her child and accepting that there could be a world beyond our own throughout the season she pokes fun at Navaro spirituality how she prays and chastises her for believing there's more out there there's nothing except us the dead are gone but deep down Liz doesn't believe this the dead or gone is a lie she tells herself to cope with the trauma of losing her child we never find out the exact details of what happened to her husband and son just that there was some sort of car crash hence the hubcap these dead deaths also explain why she pushes people away with her cerous personality she can't get hurt if she never gets close to anyone it's only after her near-death experience falling through the ice that she Embraces a world Beyond earlier in the episode Navaro reveals that she saw lizz's son in a dream and that he had a message for her this triggers Liz how dare Navaro make up stories about her dead son but after her near-death fall through the ice Liz now wants to know she accepts that there is something beyond our comprehension something greater than us out there learning that Holden said I see you knowing that her son is out there and watching over her allows Liz to get over his death it becomes a comfort to her this seemingly repairs her relationship with Leah as we'll see them getting along together in the car eating sandwiches that look identical to the one the salal scientist was making in episode 1 speaking of salal we haven't yet touched on the deaths of the scientists when Liz remembers Raymond held down the hatch from someone trying to get in that the night of the scientist murders it gives her an idea no I'm no forensic scientist but Liz is able to reveal the fingerprints surrounding the hatch using a UV light and some chemicals revealing a handprint with two missing fingers Liz recalls that a similar handprint was found on a boot of one of the scientists and nvar remembers Blair Hartman the woman abused at the crab plant in episode one had missing fingers Blair and beatric had worked as cleaners at salal so Liz and Navaro MOS on over to ask some questions I like how Navaro can now proudly State her nupc name which beatric says means the return of the sun after the long Darkness now I know a lot of you out there including myself theorized that Navaro was sedna a mythological figure in innuit folklore while it turns out she wasn't this it's possible that the greater Spirit mentioned by beatric is some sort of variation of this and that Navaro at various times throughout the season was controlled by her years after the death of Annie Kay beatric found the hatch while cleaning at the station uncovering The Hidden lab with the star-shaped weapon another woman took pictures of Annie's Case Files while cleaning the police station which shows those star-shaped wounds with all their work they pieced together that the scientists were responsible for Annie's death and rather than notify the cops who historically have done nothing for their people they took matters into their own hands remember we are listening to one person's account of things so it may or may not be true but I think for the most part what we're told here is the truth the cleaners take over the station starting by shutting down the power which explains why the lights go off here in episode one they proceed to crwl all the scientists at gunpoint with the exception of Raymond who's hiding under the hatch the men are taken out into the tundra Asad this robe and beatric even puts a swirl on one of their foreheads assigned to the greater Spirit to decide if these men should be killed or spared the women neatly plac their clothes should this Spirit spare them and guide them back but the spirit was vengeful and had them killed now let's say you don't believe in spirits well the for report conducted on the bodies of the corpsicle concluded that the scientist's death were result of a slab Avalanche okay well why then do they have burnt corneas bleeding ears and self-mutilation in episode 2 it's Liz who refers to their corneas as burnt but I think she's misinformed you can actually have something called Frozen cornea which can happen when exposed to extreme cold and strong winds the bleeding ears might have been caused by various types of pressure caused by the Avalanche and the self-mutilation by hypo IA induced delirium so the show leaves it up to us the viewer to make the call ourselves was this really an avalanche or was there something beyond our understanding at play here with the women essentially confessing they murdered the scientists although they say it's quote just a story Liz and Navaro have to make a choice take them in or let them go both of them decide to leave the case where it is closed but Navaro ask which one of them left Annie's tongue there that's not part of our story I'm inclined to believe her since the women never had access to the secret lab where Annie's tongue would likely have been stored we fast forward a few months to May 12th the first long day of the year it's kind of poetic that we're now out of the night country and into the day this interview here like those done in season 1 act as a good way to tie up many of the seasons's Loose Ends first is the death of Hank prior in Otis Heist Navaro devised this elaborate story where Hank killed Otis and while disposing of his body died in some freak accident where his body has yet to be recovered come Su we'll find him we always do Peter is still working alongside Liz and we'll see him deliver coffee in a cheeky Hawaiian mug Peter's journey in the finale leads him to Rose agono the woman Navaro told him would help with disposing of the bodies Rose leads us to believe this isn't the first time she's done this telling Peter to look away as she cuts the lungs open so the bodies won't float this is clearly someone who has done this before she also tells Peter that the worst part of killing someone isn't disposed cling of the body but what comes after I think that Rose killed her ex-lover Travis who also happens to be season 1's rust koh's father according to Rose Travis killed himself by drowning in the ice after being diagnosed with leukemia but in season 1 we learned that there was no hospital records of that and no one in town had even seen Travis in over 30 years near as we can tell his pops never had leukemia no hospital record of that fact nobody in that town Alaska seen Travis Co in more than 30 years now this doesn't mean Rose deliciously murdered him it's possible she helped in an assisted suicide if he were indeed diagnosed with cancer the final big question of the series is what happened to Navaro throughout the series Navaro has expressed this feeling of wanting to walk out so far that she'll just disappear she is a character fraught with internal trauma and believes that she is cursed with the same mental issues as both her mother and sister something she calls the family curse Liz tells her that if she decides one day to walk out which I interpret as committing suicide to make sure to come back and that's what Navaro does in the very final shot neither Liz nor Navaro acknowledge each other here suggesting Navaro is a ghost and I like how this curtain in the middle separates them the living to the left and the dead on the right with this accompanied by Liz's line that nobody ever really leaves and US seeing Navaro walk out into the distance I think it's safe to say she's died Navaro planned this packing up her home leaving Raymond's confession and giving back kak's present of the SpongeBob toothbrush by his home this is a woman who has decided not to come back the investigators do tell us there have been sightings of Navaro but it's left ambiguous whether these sightings are actually her or her as some sort of ghost or Spirit you see people who are gone sometimes when Liz says you won't find Navaro on the ice she's referring to Navarro's Spirit which is still alive like her sons something she now believes in this ending in my opinion is far more poetic than if Navaro had just packed everything up and left town one of the things I really enjoyed about this season is how the writers straddled the line between reality and the supernatural it's in this ambiguity that we can make up our own stories on what happened but now I turn it over to you do you have a different take on what happened in NIS and what do you think of the season I want to hear your thoughts and theories in the comments below thanks for watching be sure to like And subscribe and for more bad takes you can follow me on Twitter on Instagram at@ thinkstory YT until next time remember ET Cosmic chpa Loompa
Channel: Think Story
Views: 219,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true detective, true detective season 4, true detective night country, true detective season 4 ending explained, true detective night country ending explained, true detective season 4 episode 6 breakdown, true detective season 4 episode 6, true detective night country episode 6, true detective night country episode 6 breakdown, true detective season 5 episode 6 ending explained, true detective season 4 review, true detective end, true detective theory, true detective theories
Id: YgNjecXl4sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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