Dr. Who DESTROYED By WOKE Diversity Propaganda!!!

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[Music] [Music] all right I'm not going to lie at this point and for a while now I've had no actual interests in Doctor Who like as a franchise I'm not actually thinking oh wow maybe this looks good should I check it out can't wait for the next episode no now at this point any discussion of Doctor Who that happens on this channel it's it's merely 100% from the standpoint of let us sit back and enjoy the dumpster fire that is happening in front of us and to that end let's talk about entertainment Weekly's new piece with the current doctor or one of the current doctors there's two now it's it's a lot to discuss so the dancing gentleman you see on your screen before you is named CTI gatwa I'm probably saying his first name wrong also a good chance I'm mispronouncing his last name as well I'm just going to call him gatwa and hope for the best here he is the new Doctor Who that you guys may remember was introduced in one of the Christmas specials that aired last year you see in that special when G's character was introduced it was kind of confusing because usually Doctor Who regenerates and that's why you have all these new doctors and it makes sense in the Canon that there's different actors but this time there was what writers are calling by generation I.E Doctor Who split in two so now there are two different Doctor Who's simultaneously existing at the same time anyway one of those Doctor Who's is this guy and as we can see here we got a nice photo shoot of this man in a skirt and anyone saying hang on Lauren that's a Kil I'm like 99% sure that is a skirt and in this article he admits to wearing skirts we're going to okay we're getting there so yes he is wearing a skirt and as this article proudly proclaims he is the first black and first openly queer man to take on the role of doctor isn't that just what Doctor Who fans at this point were missing even more diversity even more representation for the lgbtq community because I don't know about you guys but when I look at a Sci-Fi show the first thing that I want to see is black queer people you don't have black queer people in your Sci-Fi show then I'm sorry I'm just not interested okay because what even is sci-fi without the black queers and I wish I was being hyperbolic here but it honestly seems like that is actually the mindset that the show's writers have here we have another shot of him and yeah what is very clearly a skirt not a kilt that's just straight up a skirt and it's crazy because four years now the reviews and the ratings for Doctor Who have been falling and falling but simultaneously and for some reason this article explains that the show is actually failing upward in that it's moving to Disney plus and they're getting more money than they've previously had like there are people who have looked at this show looked at the fact that the fans are leaving it in droves and they've said you know what this but more expensive like yes let's do it let's double down it says here for the first time ever the BBC is partnering with Disney plus to launch the show worldwide and when the new season premieres May 10th it will Air simultaneously around the globe the move comes with a bigger budget a bigger platform and bigger scrutiny why does it need a bigger budget okay I'm sorry but writing Tans Down the most important part of a series and if you can't nail that with like I don't know whatever budget they had previously no you don't deserve more money to do the same crappy show like the show is not going to be better if suddenly your non-binary alien creatures now look more realistic like that was not the problem that's not what people aren't liking and as if we needed further proof that yeah the creative team behind Doctor Who they are just total ideologues this article also says that the show had its writer now it needed its doctor Davies said he searched the Galaxy auditioning men women and non-binary actors from all sorts of diverse backgrounds okay it's not an accident that we had you know female Doctor Who and now black gay Doctor Who no the people who are behind the show this is this is purposeful they are looking for this you can bet your bottom dollar that even though it says here we were looking for people from all sorts of diverse backgrounds like no they were not looking for white people they're not looking for white men especially not white straight men as I mentioned in my video about Hollywood diversity by diversity here they very purposefully mean anyone who is not white straight and male and here we have another shot of the skirt and look I'm not trying to be homophobic or whatever it's just this does not look good this is not high fashioned even if this was a woman wearing the skirt it's just an ugly skirt it's shapeless I'm sorry another part of this article I want to highlight it says here Davies and gatwa both promised that no prior knowledge will be necessary to follow the show sure there'll be plenty of callbacks and references for Die Hard fans but the goal is to create a fresh starting point for newcomers to jump aboard this kind of Screams Kathleen Kennedy's Star Wars approach to me like they're essentially throwing the fans of the old franch under the bus and saying hey let the past die kill it if you have to this is a new thing and obviously if you have a good show I think new fans should always be welcomed but when you are going out of your way to explicitly say you could just ignore everything else we're starting fresh like I don't think that's a good sign if what you liked was the old parts of Doctor Who it seems like they really are transforming the entire franchise the series into something totally different which considering how Doctor Who specifically has this decade long Legacy in British TV is actually really sad it's like that tolken quote evil cannot create it can only destroy if you want to have like black queer space Adventurer why not make that its own new show I mean I'll tell you why it's because they know it'll fail they're hoping that Doctor Who as a franchise has enough Goodwill that it will carry their crappy writing next the article goes on to talk about the doctor's companion uh who is a young woman in this case she looks cute I I don't have anything against her but I'm not sure that the dynamic damic between these two characters the new Doctor Who and His companion are going to be what people have come to expect from the show the last name of the actress who plays the companion is named Gibson and it says if we were at school together we would be in such trouble gatwa says of his bond with Gibson the teachers would never allow us to sit together he also adds there's never been a younger sort of relationship where it's more like two girls in school giggling and gossiping he adds is that really the dynamic that we want to see from our doctor whoop Sci-Fi show giggling girls in SCH like okay okay I mean it's it's fine you guys are going for like just a totally different thing which is all right but own that it's no longer Doctor Who at least not in any meaningful way oh yeah look at that hoans there's there's your franchise there is the future of Doctor Who soak it in and the reason why I keep bringing up this guy skirt in addition to the fact that it's just not common or expected for a man to wear a skirt is because it seems like they are going to make skirt wearing part of this new doctor's identity I'm not kidding and no I'm not referring to Kilts here it says that the actor who plays Doctor Who quickly befriended costume designer Pam down and together they dreamed up an entire Tardis closet for the doctor she laid out her sketches on the table and I saw Kilts and skirts and all kinds of gender pushing societal pushing outfits he recalls and I was like yes let's do all of them you guys excited are you are you excited for your black gay crossdressing Doctor Who the article closes off by going over gacha's desire for I guess Doctor Who to become come a musical because hey why not it says also on G's wish list another dance scene the 15th doctor Charmed Ruby and fans by hitting the dance floor in the Christmas special and after performing I'm just k at the Oscars with Barbie co-star Ryan Gosling apparently this guy was in Barbie I don't remember him he says he's ready to put that choreography experience to use on who I need a big dance number he says that's what I'm going to put into the Universe I need the doctor to have a big Fierce dance routine that like destroys a monster with twerking or maybe some death drops and that's what will drop the monster so we've got dancing we've got girls gossiping we've got crossdressing it all just sounds so amazing I can't wait for this new season how about you guys anyway that's all for me and as always I want to hear from you are you still watching Doctor Who at this point are you even going to bother to hate watch this new season out of like morbid curiosity or is it just white noise at this point because you know it's going to be terrible let me know down below that's it for now though thank you so much for tuning in until next time
Channel: Mediaholic
Views: 55,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4PrDH58uZko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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