Motor Torpedo Boat 102 (MTB 102) | Historical Tour and Sea Trip
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Channel: The Captain's Blog
Views: 150,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boating Blog, Boat Blog, Norfolk Blog, Norfolk Holiday, Cruise Blog, Cruising Video, Sailing Video, barge cruise, canal, boat holiday, Norfolk broads holiday, the Norfolk broads, captain, crash, holiday, travel blog, cruising Norfolk broads hire boat holiday holiday hire England, winston churchill mtb, Motor Torpedo Boat (Ship Type), Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 (Ship), mtb, Dunkirk Evacuation (Military Conflict), mtb 102, chuchill boat, winston churchhill boat, world war II ship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 17 2014
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