The brilliant reason she cuts up a Dollar Store fence

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all right so we are going to start our project with these uh flexible plastic garden fences i got mine at dollar tree you should only need about four of these for this project um and i'm gonna start with the first two i'm gonna start by cutting the bottoms off of this just using regular scissors for this part you want to make sure you're using sharp scissors these ones are a little dull so now that i've cut the spikes off i'm going to get those out of the way um what we're going to be doing is we are going to be laying our pieces of garden fence kind of overlapping so i'm going to have it overlap about this much so these two pieces are kind of overlapping with the other side but i'm just going to cut it and i'm going to secure these two pieces together now you can use a variety of things for this i'm going to be using floral wire for this um i'm going to be securing this on three points so i'm probably gonna secure it up here and here because i don't want it wiggling too much so see if it if you only secure it in one spot it's really um gonna be a little harder to work with especially with what we're going to do for this project now what we're going to do is we're going to basically connect these on the same place over here we still want to maintain that round shape but we'll get into that in a bit um so yeah we're going to do the same thing essentially on the other side and we will be back so we're going to do is we are going to take our round piece and we're going to lay it over because essentially we're going to be using this as our bottom so yeah so we're going to use this over our bottom kind of best fit and see where we need to cut along the fence here so i think i'm actually going to cut right here so we're going to set this aside we're going to place this over and we are going to work on attaching this top piece to this bottom piece i'm going to do it i'm going to start in four corners and then i'm going to see what other positions need to be added so now what we're going to do is we are going to um cut off the excess over here so if you can see we have a little bit of excess here i'm going to flip this over i'm just going to make sure i cut off as much of it as i can there we go all right so now we have this round piece finished we got our base done so we're going to move on to our next step which is creating a top all right for this next step we're going to take our fourth piece of fence and we are going to essentially be separating it so i'm going to cut down the middle first just to make it a little easier to work with okay so we're going to start by using this bottom half piece and we're going to cut the spikes off again like we did on the last couple of fences for the basket and so we're going to keep this side nice and we're going to uh we're going to cut right above this little guy right here this little piece and we're going to go straight across okay so we have this piece already i'm going to put it on this to the side so we can work on the other one for this piece we are going to cut across but we are going to cut across this top part we're going to get rid of the little spiky guys and the little hoops so what we're going to do for this part is we're just going to lay them on top of one another and we're just going to secure them in place with our wire so pulling out my handy dandy wire again we're going to do the same thing we did to secure the other part of our basket so stay tuned we will be back when this is all secured together and reinforced with our wire we're going to do it exactly the same way we just want these two pieces to stay attached all right so this is now secured so we are going to attach this piece to our lower part with wire and then we are going to attach it on the other side so it's gonna um it's gonna become a basket all right so now that this is all attached we are going to add a coat of some of my rust-oleum chalked linen white you can paint this obviously any color you want but i want to give it kind of an age rustic vibe so i'm going to be using a normal brush and probably a foam brush for this step we're just going to start applying our paint and like i said we want this to kind of look a little rustic so it doesn't need to be perfectly coated but we're gonna cover the entire thing and we'll let it dry all right so now we've let the paint dry for our basket and i'm going to add my own little spin to this so you can stop at this point if you'd like but i'm going to be adding some twine uh to my basket in certain areas just to give it like a really nice decorative accent and also to keep the the basket in the position that i want it to be so first i'm going to start with my side the sides of my handles but i want to kind of like i said reinforce this so it doesn't go anywhere but also kind of give it like a rustic look and so i'm probably going to have to ball up my twine a little bit just so it's easier to work with essentially i'm just going to try and kind of cover up this area so i'm going to go ahead and keep wrapping my twine so we will be back when we're ready to move on to the next step so now i've wrapped the the top and the sides with the twine so we're going to take this and we're going to go put it out on my screened in porch where it's going to live [Music] so we're going to start with one end of the hose and using a lighter duty hose is better than a heavy duty one so it's easy to bend and we're just gonna start to wrap this hose around itself and secure it with zip ties and pull it nice and tight now as we go you can leave these ends hanging and we'll clip them off later if you have a hose that's a little inflexible you can always put it out in the sun for a little while it softens up the rubber like material and it's going to make it easier to work with and ideally you want zip ties on four sides of your circle that you're making here so that if you put anything in this basket the bottom is not going to fall out so now that we've got a good size base i'm going to go ahead and just trim off these extra here so that they don't get in a way in the way when we make our sides so now it's time to make the sides of the basket and we're going to use the same process so as we're rolling this we're just going to bring it up a little bit and then attach the side to the bottom using zip ties now to make this look appealing on the outside as i go up to my next layer i'm going to try to line up the zip ties so it just has kind of one nice stripe going all the way up all right i've made it to the end i've got my last little bit of hose i've got some beautiful height on this basket here so i am just going to add the last couple of zip ties to hold this in place now if you wanted you could create some handles for this you could maybe pull this out a little bit and leave a handle on the side there i'm just going to make mine flat all the way around it's going to make it a really usable both gift basket and planter now i want to go in and trim all of those off and before i do that i just want to make sure that everything is pulled nice and tight and my hose is placed exactly where i want it and then we'll clean this up all right so we're all cleaned up on the inside a few tips here these edges can get um a little sharp so um try to cut them down as close as you can if you're going to put a plant in here this has ample drainage you can just pop a plastic pot inside i'm going to turn this into a spring gift basket i hope you found this video inspirational and that you're gonna go grab an old garden hose and make it into a really cute gift basket or planter thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Hometalk
Views: 178,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hometalk, how to, do it yourself, diy, home, garden, tutorial, instructions, craft, decor
Id: tfLr2Be3HLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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