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you guys are right but you're wrong it's not clear it's clearing efficiency you have to know how to clear as fast as possible maximize as many seconds as possible because obviously like there's situations like if i get a better leash or i can clear faster i can be able to x spot faster and again every second early game the game is in a really snowball heavy state as i'm sure you guys are aware will save you so much time cars is one of the most important champs for i mean he's not very meta right now but there's several things about cars not my people know you have to know how to use three different ways of clearing so example the first thing you have every jungler has is their jungle item right level one you do 5x10 damage burns so let's spawn some caps right here i'm going to cue this right what do you guys what can you guys tell me about this it's burning for why's it bringing 11. what did he buff this it's supposed to be 5x10 wait when the [ __ ] does this happen has to be a bug i guess it's on blue buff well i actually didn't know that what the [ __ ] okay anyways let me open the notepad real fast okay camp clearing efficiency karthik example let's get started okay you guys ready gonna buy this gonna buy this so as karthus again your your damage burn dps burn from item 5x11 on buffs 5x10 non-buffs i actually didn't know that till now but apparently i know that now so the difference between what can you talk about karthus like he has level one has two ways to pull camps auto attacks q right so you have to know which way to pull campson so if you do that properly you save several seconds which i'll show you in a bit so you got your cues you got your auto attacks and you got your smite so everything you should be aware of once you're doing your camps right and obviously your q damage you should be taking note of it while you're clearing so so step number one we want to clear as efficiently as possible we have absolute focus honestly high hp is possible and this again will save my clearing speed so let's fast forward a bit here and i mean i haven't played card this much let me set up my character that i want to clear properly as possible so q auto 8538 now it's going down because that was a take from the burn i can left click this and see the actual burn so i'm gonna drink a pot here because it's a leashless not the best they they buff the camps and move faster it's a bit harder to kite but you can still do a lot of dps if you pay properly and here it's gonna be in a weird range see how this is that 54 i'm gonna cue this out of this you understand that because it pulls the camp to me and does more damage i don't need them like my q's two times my auto attack damage so i end up doing more damage and still pulling the camp even better you guys understand that because that's really crucial for your car to square several champions have stuff like this you have to be aware of and yeah just be aware of your burn i'll probably see another burn tactic here i'm not maybe you're like 100 aware of like right here it's gonna be low hp i can just i can just cue it but in theory maybe like auto it but it doesn't really matter much you can probably get the q off in that isolate doesn't really matter that much either but just keep spamming your qs and ease and here i'm going to cue this auto this because it dies to my burn right and i pull the cap too so i got another few seconds save from there probably do another one here if i did properly this one i [ __ ] up actually stopped to cue this but not the worst you know you're getting four player carpets which is preview 15. i mean i didn't even do that well because i'm rusty but remember the burn is 5x10 level one i love one camps and then that's progressively higher so clearing efficiency cars i can show you guys other chance we can do it i'll do one more champ i guess which time you guys want to see second i'm about cutting with melee champs yeah we're talking about cutting that's not we're not at cutting yet right clearing efficiency so like i said the four different things that they're going to count on chapter karthus cues auto attack smite um and the burn oh i should click finish game i'm seeing a lot of graves graze is a very simple one but he has a reload they have to take an account as well melee champ what the [ __ ] this happened but you guys understand this because that's like really important if you're playing cart this if you say one of your most played you have to know and differentiate auto attacks from cues and the burn also really helps off camps or not off buffs i should say okay i'm just going to click finish game every time i think but while we're waiting again other stuff we're going to go over like stuff like kiting we're not there yet i guess i can maybe make it in the same topic but would you always smite grandpa's karthus um typically you want to farm you want to smite your third camp you would always not smoke but if you're leashless if this might blow most of the time i didn't do that but kane that one takes a bit like there's stuff you can do like cue to your wolves and blue holy [ __ ] i guess you just have to press finish game every time seeing a lot of kha'zix seeing kane graves just gonna just can we pull real fast i can't get in a [ __ ] practice hole at least in like i said i don't have to do go on a chance to show the clear there's stuff that you can count like lee sin has a q execute lee sin has a a passive where he does he gets more attack spare times as a spell so like you have to just be able to rotate those properly kindred it's like he's mostly an auto attacker but you want to like kite the there's like stuff like like cut the wolves over the wall your higher hp etc like the wolves wall oh offset i guess gonna do olaf should i actually relog holy [ __ ] if you're getting a fat leash on knock during your w but if you are gonna shitless just goku well that's a good tip thanks for letting me know but yeah that's your first tip of knowing how to clear camps more efficiently we didn't talk about cutting yet i'll do that on the next one because we're doing a melee champ olaf should be good can do olaf what else any other anything else better than olaf maybe nocturne is like way too simple olaf has a clearing pattern with his cues his axes and my mods are [ __ ] gone same with donald trump clearing pattern with her with her passive the attacks you get auto attack speed i don't know why they're in a discord let me just tweet this real fast i mean we already started but sub seminar live this one will be free for clubs so we can get some feedback also some internal issues kha'zix i mean kha'zix is really easy like he doesn't have anything about us clear like it i guess we'll do kha'zix fine i'm gonna do a few more after but this i wanna get like the basic idea like the jungle burns of one of the most important things i want people like know how to utilize like i see challenger generally is not able to do it or utilize it so all right well kha'zix so this is the last chapter in terms of clearing efficiency where yeah because it's a melee i'll show you how to create camps and pull them and it's actually quite simple there's a learning pattern i don't really do it that much because i really do do that much but on like on buffs like red buff you can know when you should walk backwards so kha'zix it is i'll just skip forward so the the pattern is basically three autos and i mean two red buff autos you can typically auto three times if you don't have a spell rotation and on the second auto after red buff you just walk backwards oh there's a pool now i'm seeing a lot of nidalee okay i'll do another two but nearly like pretty nearly a lot easier than you should think so we're just gonna q auto always spell first if you're fighting it's typically so see auto number one i'll remember it's going to auto again here i don't move backwards now it's going to auto now i walk backwards see that after you see the auto attack that's when you move back like here it's going to get pulled see that i can just pull as far as i want to please watch the burn one more i get smite here boom that's as efficient as you can be on a leashless and then here it's going to die to my red buff burn so i don't auto it i get the q isolation right here and here i just want to order the big one that might we spell it boom like quite simple no it'll take you some practice but i mean i have like thousands of calzix games so it's quite easy this here i'm not sure it's more efficient because your w will be up for raptor so i think it's better to just do this like this and s key is really good because you can max auto attack range when they're walking towards you you don't want to walk backwards and walk back so s king is another tip you can do to have stuff walk towards you but yeah i'm fully trying to pull it a bit walk in get these all to neutral hb and then my w burn will kill them all so right here i missed one here so i can just cue that and these will all die and just order this and i'm out again burn remember the burn very important factor for clearing see i'm wasting no time on these very important with saving three seconds on a really simple tip you got two points if you're full clearing same concept i can use my aoe to kill these i can ask you here because i messed up aoe again ascii ascii left quick for always left left clicking for hp very important always left click big clear hp my auditory 68 my q is 181 so i can see if i want to auto this or cue this so right here i can pull i mean it was perfect hp it was 181 but in general you can just like i could w this camp and then have it walk towards me and cue this to last with it if it was like auto cue range you know what i mean it's a quite important way of saving time i mean here i can just pull it away from ikea boom politics very easy so i'm going to click on finish game i don't want to be logging every time but does that help you guys cause expansion chat because that was like the basic fundamentals of clown kha'zix on your first rotation don't worry yes don't worry either okay we did call it i want to move on because i mean i think you guys know very simple ways of clearing better i mean every champion there's champs that like reloads attack speed buffs etc you got to be able to get your rotation in properly on those characters to clear as fast as possible you have xu champs like elise ellison etc you got attack speed buffs on champs like diana olaf you want to be lawyer on olaf a tip like on olaf i i learned recently like a lot like last year or something you don't want to smite the big krug you want to be as loyal as possible to my mini chrome after the big one does because you want to be as low as possible right i get extra hex people yeah okay everything good on cam clearing efficiency any questions in the chat feel free to ask s keying you just sk's when you stand still when you hit on s your champion stays mobile so if you're like if you left click let's say your blue buff and then you click s key the s key while you're walking there you're gonna stand still and it's good for clearing your camps and having them walk towards you know how many people do that i don't see many challenger generals do at all actually and i'm one of the few people that do it because i mean i'm just better than them i'll do nearly later i mean for now like i don't want to be in the same topic for [ __ ] half an hour i mean we're already like 15 minutes in on this one but yeah let's move on for now there's a spreadsheet with all recent clears great okay so let's talk about pathing this one is very important i mean the lower elo you are the easiest to gank lanes so if you're silver i don't think you should be playing champs like uh i don't know if you're silver you shouldn't be playing champs like like lee sin you shouldn't be playing champs like elise you shouldn't be playing champs like i don't [ __ ] know like are there any level three ganking junglers this meta there's like none at all but in general like you want to protest the champ like volley bear level three really good level three champ a champ like i mean hecarim was pretty good for a while but now he's a lot worse so like let's say hecarim from a few patches ago that's a really good chance let me get my vaults i had saved okay this fall i got a few timers i want to go over very important information so again if you're playing a champ like diana typically you're like yeah i just want to rush my level 4 play for crap either reset or look for a gank right but one sec this is the most important thing that planers don't really do that you should definitely do so let's see the game state right wait what the [ __ ] is my timer wrong i was wrong okay so i start the game i start my red right and this means i'm i can't really i'm not gonna gankball it i have a janna thresh or sorry janet carthus versus thresh tristana so their bot lane is super strong super defensive as well at the same time i'm just looking at mid lane i'm saying i can maybe level three gank here he won't expect it i have sweeper i swept no word and i see he's playing really safe like whatever i'm going to go back to my top side also look at top playing we have double melee match very volatile camille versus lee sin i [ __ ] up my clear here but i mean i'm streaming i'm not paying attention but you shouldn't ever [ __ ] up your clear there's a lot of seconds waist i could be at wolves already so you'll see i'm holding my w for the clearing because once this goes down i use this get my extra attack speed every time this goes down you get attacks from using your spells right and right now my plays i look at top i look at mid right because these are my two proximity lanes i should only be having my camera mid top if i'm resetting yes i can look at bottom right now butlin is not matter at all i'll never know position every help outside so i have two options here i can either clear my blue and gromp and commit to that because i can multi camera i have double aoe spells i actually have triple with my passive but i look at midlane i see my kiana's one hit once i start this buff and he's pinging so i'm like oh [ __ ] this guy wants to push in the wave and i believe zach's gonna gank here the next three seconds and i think my mid laner survives so you see how i smite this you typically don't want to smite this because what happens for the crab but i noticed i want to be there asap because like you see this wave state is sorry i forgot to say the mid has no tp in this game so killing him is really crucial and if he can't push in this wave he's basically [ __ ] the rest of the game and you'll see zach is not here to i mean he's trying to kill the kiana he can but he's typically here to just help him push the wave in because he has no flash and no tp so i just say i know i have to condense this wave i can't let them push this wave in for free and that's why we don't do the gromp there and you won't see this often in hot or lower elos you don't see the jungler help push in lanes it's more that the laner will either like kill your laner and then try to push the wave in or they're just trying to push the wave in i don't know maybe your lane is like reset or something so if you see this angle like skip a camp the only information you have is from looking at your lanes i didn't look top lane because mid was just a lot more volatile and they were heart trading so we escape grant there we smite our blue asap and get it here fast let's see what we get out of it so i flash ekw just to be not given a chance to w for hb this guy has no e from his gank we kill him we kill them both and we get the pass i'm looking topping they've seen his leaking tp so i'm gonna be ready for that and wave is frozen but i think he wants me to shove actually wave is neutral i didn't shove it and then we get the crab and he types nice because we just literally won the game off that off that small little thing we won the game but you see how like this is why you don't want to full clear every single game there are games where like if you have really volatile lanes that are trading and fighting aggressively and they have no tps which you won't see tp often in low elo if you can kill those laners once and shove in the way they're fog rest of the game so definitely look for those opportunities and the rest of this game isn't really crazy i have mid prior i go for his top side i zone their top point out here like i'm not even trying to kill their top players because i know their junglers on dragon because they're both sides winning remember our boss got [ __ ] on this game and lee knows i'm here but i don't even have to kill lee at all here i'm trying to zone off the wave why do you think me killing lee does anything here at all look what he's losing we get three plates and we deny the entire way worth of gold he gets xp most of it i guess but he lost three waves and like this game is just pretty much over because i got a free early game as diana and i can just sit mid contest as camps and we're laps like so much gold on enemy zach and even though like our bot lane ran it we still end up winning this game pretty happily so perfect next example from the same vlog 218 regarding lane states and such i believe it's 218. yeah it's this one so this game i opted to pass bot lane because er got you know alarm er got fattest leashes ever right so i want a path ball we have blitz zaya and their bot lanes gin thresh so both lanes want to trade and fight so this is why i want a path bot lane exact same concept i smite my buff i skip my krugs i see they're fighting and i don't need to do like what is doing crooks here i know this is a free kill and killing them here even gets me the crab at a higher success rate because their ball is going to be out of lane i mean thresh will be at the craft first he's already dead but my my blitz can be there for the crap so i just skipped my krugs again exact same concept exact same top 10 account like if i'm skipping camps i get kills in [ __ ] challenger top 10 account you can skip camps to get kills in [ __ ] silver every single day of the week so you don't have to full clear every game again you want to clear as fast as possible very important to do so but i mean i push the wave in they get a great reset jim misses most of the way i get the correct actually here i outplay them this is this end of being a huge deal because i know this guy's passing bought so i dropped my work i see him here and we'll see how already gets i'll play i have i have hp runes kind of the best but i saved my e like i know i cannot fight this or they're both full hp my only best bet here is to play off the priority i created and my top winner i guess somehow he's in lane second so he tp's here i just eoa i got my damage off and just flashed to my spotlight that i just ganked and guess what that is guys that's uh that's a jungle different all chat the game is just over i haven't had gg and all chat you lost you want the crap you shouldn't have gone too my teammates are human in this game and the game is over so i mean i'll fast forward most of this we just keep full clearing get our free crabs our bot lanes winning i can i can invade his grump same exact concept as the other game we just showcased i'm just here to get the camp tonight fiddlesticks and to make sure they can't walk the wave you'll see this game their adc has like he's down like 30 40 cs and he's a team liquid academy player it's not like a [ __ ] slow key random doesn't matter how good he is if their junglers out of the game originals in the game and my botlane knows how to play the game they're zoned off their tower they can't play the game at all obviously i won't have people this good that know how to pressure this well but in theory it's the same concept here i know one x be off level six i go in i think i s did i kill this guy oh yeah you see how well i play that but i missed q here but a bit unfortunate hey bargain up anyways again they missed the wave we got plates press press tab targets i don't see the cs up 11 cs that's pretty much a kill worth of gold just like that in early game so that's something you definitely should be looking for as a jungler i mean the matchups are pretty it's hard to explain because not everyone will like your laners won't always work the raptors and stuff but in general like this meta was all about full clear leash list but it's slowly changing if you see it a morgan enemy team audrey starts red side but a rumble goes w level one overheat starts a buff only etc stuff like that so okay we're done topic number two if there's any questions in chat feel free to ask but why wouldn't discord vc i know for future ones if i don't get my sub stream privileges i guess we'll just do on discord but this is the first one i want to see what people's feedback is snowballing the lead and keeping yeah we'll talk about that after we're still in i mean i guess i should highlight where we're at what's the balancing cranking or farming this is something i explain a lot when i coach people if you're fresh off a reset and you're close to a level you want to farm x amount of camps to get that let's say you're like half a level or like if you're half a level to a level then you want to clear like three caps so like i'll say your right side's up you do this three caps and then look for a play you don't go to your top side as well if you're a blue side and you just get that level asap and just look for a play so you want to play off fresh level spikes not like doesn't matter if you're level six or level like your level six is a huge spike but let's say you're you're playing like i don't change wise a lot on a on a q or something like level nine is a pretty big spike so you don't have to hit like level nine like ten percent you wanna hit level nine and get on map force the red force of dragon so get those x amount of caps you need to be able to get your level 9 and get back on the map and be looking for situations for fights and stuff ganking lanes with the wave that does not ex doesn't necessarily explain it i just showed it like this i showed like three different examples top side bot side and mid the lane states like you should be able to know when the lane's in like in a slope push state or pushing back etc reverse clears that's pretty simple i mean i explained that to tyler the other day but if i can find a vault of that i can definitely show that as well i'm gonna add that later or like a future topic yes like another thing is like a lot of people like they look for plays when they're not the strongest whenever you're as strong as it's like all gold is spent you have your actives you have your flash it's that depends on the champs you're playing obviously but there's so many different ways to make it strongest like if i'm playing hecarim hecarim with no r you like lose like i don't know a lot of kill pressure is gone right if i'm playing hecarim with no ghost we lose kill pressure and there's a lot of different things like different champions like if i'm playing noctur with no r i'm probably just farming if i know like the maps in my in my uh advantage where like my bottom mirror winning i can just force dragon right while my alt is being removed off cooldown so there's a lot of different things like a lot of different champions you can't really look for plays that's why these to go leaves in italy are always at their strongest because like an extra point in ultimate or just they have no alt cd doesn't really do much for them i mean all cd or all levels and on it is pretty nice and at least do more damage but it's not it's not like a game-changing ultimate you know what i mean like hacker mult versus nearly all in the fight like right you know what if you're playing something like uder and you have put two points in r should you digital full clear no you already committed to that that's why like let's say you're doing you're click playing or udir and you clear your red side while walking to your top side from blue side on blue side of the map being left you have to see like can i kind of skip a camp did their jungler start bot second invade his red side you might admit in top half prior you have to already establish that already before you put the point in like if i'm playing kha'zix and i like like that last example i should have cleared on kha'zix if i put two points in queue and i walk to my top side there i'm coming into full clear because i can't contest crap if i know the drillers bathing dog i'm just gonna clear all three camp stops i get level four and then look for because i get the extra dps and clear a bit faster that's about it on evelyn i mean evelyn's the kind of champ where it's hard to explain like you can if you know that enemy jungler is cross map from you and you can just trade flash for a flash or kill i mean just look for that situation you can definitely look for a flash for flash kill on evelyn if they have the proper champs let's see your top players playing renekt in their tops playing like nasus you can easily tower tower dive top point as well but really comes down to the champs you're playing into like your champ can easily just flash with charm and get a free kill early game doesn't matter if you're not level six just use your flash cooldown but it'll be a lot more volatile in your jungle as well if against like a really invade heavy if you have like a lee sin or something then or utier it's kind of hard for you to play in your own jungle so just make sure there's enemy junglers like siobhan or zach you're gonna like look for that play that doesn't really want to contest you in your jungle but yeah okay playing from behind champs capitalizing mistakes let me turn up sub mode for a second let me see with the so far plebs i'm gonna turn off submit okay i want to see what you guys think i mean you guys can ask a few questions too and have you learned anything so far as a question i have has this helped you at all is this something you would want to be a part of the future if i'm your subscriber only streams for this twice a month let's hear it plebs yes hi we free yes this is sick great okay good to hear guys i'm glad sorry i have to turn the segment off for the subscribers to ask questions but again perfect and the chat is so dead and subplot i turned it off and i'm like oh there's there's everyone i'm glad it's helping you guys anyways playing from behind champs cattle plaza capitalizing mistakes so i don't even remember like the champs oh yeah so different champs have different play styles let me try to open up a friend of law heroes recently let me just go through my vaults honestly i mean i should have probably for next seminar i'm gonna have every example listed obviously i had a few for the last category but this one was obviously our first ones for not 100 we're not examples for everything but i if i can just speak about it i think it will definitely help but for sure in the future i'll have examples so let's say your bot lane i guess i get this so often my bot lane sucks they're 0-10 how do i win the game well number one is do i have three losing lanes one losing lean or two losing lanes right it doesn't matter if you have losing lanes if you have information if you know where the enemy jungler is he's just camping bought he's playing he's smurfing on lee sin he watches insect he's just permit camping bought with his thresh duo you can't win the game that's your imagine like you know you can't get any dragons at all so enemy lee's doing every dragon what is going through your head what are you supposed to do this game type it in chat emmy jungle is playing lee sin already champion doesn't really want to you know farm much and he's just camping excellent you're playing i don't know diana morgana rumble farm heavy junglers that don't really want to skirmishes i want to look for a set of plays ff-15 okay what are you actually doing are you just farming are you ganking tops are ganking mid like what are you doing counter jungle play top side rift yes so it really comes down to what is more of a win con for you do you feel like if if you're playing morgana and take his entire top services you know where every example we're going to look at from blue side if you're digging his raptors in red is that enough gold and xp for you to carry a game if you're if you're taking a rift is that enough golden xp to carry the game it comes down to that does your mid half prior is it neutral it doesn't really matter because the lower evil you are the freer neutrals are going to be so in theory i would just farm his tops and then go to rift because it's very low odds of the enemy thresh resets after you know the play they made bot lane runs the rift it could happen but it's very low odds and higher though it's pretty high odds but just be confident to take his top set nvidia stops get deep vision and just set him as behind as possible for just sitting about side so you're playing morgana you do aoe camp so fast take his raptors he gets red maybe look for a cheeky play top you know your top skin smash is still a numbered advantageous situation and their journal is not playing a global champ and their mid has no tp it's not tf whatever you can look for the top side look for the plate top take the blast gun dude rift and then yeah go back to farming your camps reset and then look for the 14 minute plates or i mean again he goes he goes back straight up you go ba top from your base and then try to kill enemy top later break tower get like one key gold that is how i win games with losing boats right now i mean it's pretty bot centric so you should be camping bot lane more often but try to exp from top player no i don't agree with that if rift is up and they're doing dragon you should always go for real first it's like the most broken objective really game you get so much free gold in xb i mean not i mean the xp is like good but it's not like a game-changing xp but it's just neutrals get a lot of experience so i think like solar rift pretty nice to get it off but that's what i would do like let me see if i have recent games to go over i mean this game i think all of our [ __ ] a lot i can i mean yeah i gotta rift this this is a perfect game for this not wrong one more one okay this morgan game i just realized it was actually a perfect game awesome that's what a small world literally the last game i played a perfect example for this i got riff this coming producer right so as you can see i show you guys the play bot when we just played this game we got [ __ ] clobbered guess who gets dragon guys so this means obviously obviously if we have like top prime mid pro which we don't have the entire game i'd walk to his top side here actually no i do walk in his top side okay perfect i do walk in his top side here obviously this is really important here i want to get six before entering his top stick i do crap so fast so i just do crap first so i can be a bit more safe in his jungle or more offensive so karthus does that and then we get mid prior and top prior even though our [ __ ] bot win is beyond dog [ __ ] i can still play offensively here because i know they're literally shown on dragon and unless there's like a challenger [ __ ] like lcs support these [ __ ] losers just all path bought win so karthus greets his red side i think his blue side i just waited i thought he would run he would reset and rent off so if he didn't so boom we take karthus as blue and he's just so removed from the game doing this is a bit risky and doing this is a bit risky too but i know at this point i have no win condition i need to be able to read this referral as much as possible we get the riff herald let's see our goal right now it's 3 000 to 3 000. even though it's bought smurfing on mine doesn't really matter their bottom mid are smurfing but yeah we got the riff herald and i can't really go talks it's the wave is pretty big so i just clear my camps first i think yeah and i still want to go top lane but our top laner is like freezing so instead i just go to see what i can do i've shown a word i'm like what i can't do much right now on this timer they [ __ ] on my bot one again i just push in mid and i just riff mid but in general if your top learner is like winning or you can pressure top here you would look for the play top but the wave is too fat so it's kind of hard to tv1 set here and i think i'd die afterwards but yeah in theory like exactly this exhibit was exactly what you should do take top side take your top say if there's nothing else to do and then if you're at top players volatile after you've got rift you can look for a play there but yeah perfect that's a good example but we get the rift off and the kill but set's already a really very strong 1v2 champion so yeah you get so much gold for many rifts and stuff on first tower make sure to drop it at two and a half plates would you dive top was jason or set yes of course if the champion's a lot more volatile the wave is crashing but the wave was slow pushing the tf blade and he couldn't really push he's playing shen pushes really slowly as soon fire bammy and set in general is kind of 1v2 champ's really [ __ ] broken right now so that is what you should do okay barry's different even winning lane but only got two players or he's referring to his name but get first tower that comes down to if your laner can get the five place on his own if your laner can just if the laner wants to keep the enemy laner in lane i mean you guys are you guys aren't playing challenger games just get it wherever you get the most resources your most consistent way of climbing should be planet carry or playing to enable champs to enable your champions you can play volleyball get your lanes ahead look for early skirmishes get them gold die frontline for them if you're not a carry like again obviously old headquaram would be a very good example of championship play for golden xb on but in general like in higher elos if your lane's winning really hard and wants them to stay in line you don't really if it's like one or two plates you don't play it because you can just get the plates himself you play for another lane that's typically how the high evil consensus is or like the professional play rift usage on rift one but yeah carry roll loyal versus champers play style so like i said we just went over that right now different junglers do different things and this sample size pretty low but why do these junglers have the highest win rate why do you guys think because they are low income low xp util like needed and they just offer so much from a head or from behind so if you're playing skarner you already increase your weight your chances of winning obviously they're not the best high-level champions they can get like countered pretty hard and get invaded all game but in low elo people do not know how to play jungle you can get away with playing anything so let's say you're a gold player let's see the highest rank you see morgana up there you see fiddlesticks zinzal trundle nocturne again all of these champs have so much utility if you're a head or behind right if you're behind on morgana you have your shield you have your alt you have your route if you're under fiddly every silence every you have an aoe and you have your zombies to stall time zones out you can go and you can use your r stall times uh knock up slow soak damage trundle you're behind pillar r nocturne e all these champions have utility chances like at least hard to see her tops or her when it's so high because i mean she only has a stun she can dive early again that's about it she does dragons okay at six but for the most part if you're playing these champions that carry like our plate to carry why are they so low right now because you can't really carry anymore they've made their role i mean i'm not ranting right now it's just it is what it is right like you see all these champions used to be a character used to be a carry carry carry carry i don't know why this guy's gonna write solo it's [ __ ] weird but you have the idea right you you are already paying yourself a disadvantage by not playing enabling champions or just utility champions but that wasn't gold that's why the one right on rumble solo but you have that idea right even high low like the jungle roll is just an amplifier an enabler and not much of a character unless your entire comp is playing around you so like i said if you're playing in silver elo gold the champion should be looking at her let me see i literally i want to really recommend more she's pretty high winner but i don't know do silver players know how to clear on morgana do you know how to like pull their raptors and rat and do them at the same time i'm not sure great champion i recommend again volleyball has been an s3 on my tier list for a very long time he is so easy to play he does so much he can do dragon's fast and skirmish well he can tower dive he can clear like he does everything perfectly this is my number one chapter recommend if you want to get free elo i've been saying play vlogger for the last like three months after you got the uh the recent buff all my clients that coach haven't been playing rumble and are not vulnerable volleyball have been climbing like very high play volleyball trundle got several buffs in a row he's gonna next patch when when catch with xp's introduced he's gonna be the best one in the game i promise you if the catch-up xp thing goes through you're gonna see trundle and lcs every single game i promise trundle bear champs in that fashion but yeah you four players ball or gank at three volleyball you're never full clear you always go you can three camp game you get four cam bang oregon five can gank simpler to the diana game i showed you you will typically just four count though depends on where they end let's say you're starting blue side and there's only starting blue side you want to definitely clear your entire blue side because if he's going bot to top and sees you have like 16 cs ganking bot lane means your wolves or something we're down you know what i mean i mean you skip raptors but you got the idea right i'm just trying to give you an actual example like if they're gonna clear towards your side clear every camp there before you look for a level or a four camp clear into gank no problem productive anyways you guys exactly right these are the kind of champs you should play what i'm trivoli i think kemp thinks pretty [ __ ] now i go gauntlet it's really nice on him i think i played him a few uh days i stopped playing because he's so boring but like he's good i had i had pretty bad games okay like teammates were really bad i had really unlucky teams like these were like some of the most unplayable [ __ ] humans i've ever seen in my life but trust me he's good like look at my team's ever like it's in low elo if you're playing volleyball people don't help with the game you'll have free free kills free everything and he does everything just perfectly everything generally wants to do works another championship probably look to pick up if the cash backs you buffs go through because he sucks at doing aoe camps which is why he's a weak but he's been buffed and stuff and like the met is like shifting towards him you'll see him very soon in high or low not high though he's not a high level champ but you have that idea right she's the kind of champion should be playing but yeah anything else we want to go over and we went over to champs play style so again if you're playing a champ like hecarim or sorry old hecarim for like a month ago like if my if i'm losing every dragon bought side like i said we are taking we're playing top side strong side top side if their mid has no tp their jungler is not a global champion look like karthus alter something let's play top sides so offensively take the rift play for tower plates play for the tower kill and just get the towers like one key gold right there if i can make that happen so that should be your place though if you're playing a champ like hecarim and you know the month a month ago everybody sounds like volleyball jesus if you're playing sound like volleyball again you wanna just look for early plays early fights early dragons or same thing with the riffs but riff would be more towards your teammate not you depends if like a dude or something skarner is very strong very good champ and very easy it just comes down to what you're playing and what your play stall is as a jungler if you're playing nunu don't take your red buff in blue buffalo game you're not gonna you're gonna make your job easier i know it's gonna be like oh i can clear fast i gotta build his perma mana but are you actually gonna win a game with blue buff on dunya league game what what if your orianna or your victor has it what if you take red buff from your your kaiser six items but you're just dropping your odds of winning and playing champ like six item kindred maybe red buff might be better on you that game because your ac is a bit weaker it just comes down to what you're playing and you know what is the win condition of the game three losing these ff50 not really you can play for scale but i mean it's very hard to you can still affect cross map plays with the information you have it's just a lot harder because your lanes don't really offer much we already went over that cooler boy i mean that's like the easiest way cross map dragon versus riff top set etc you say jungle isn't carry roll anymore but if you strive with a carry playstall what do you reckon me to play right now carrying in jungle is like rumble diana morgana um those are probably like the top junglers right now in ohio i've seen nidalee is also like okay but we are definitely dropping the carry approach for jungle i think it's we're going to go back to tank utility next batch if the cash of xp stuff does happen but yeah there aren't really many great carry genres right now zack's really good for low though he's a bit harder because your early color is really bad they buff them but he's also like i think i put him at eight here or beacher on loyola to your list probably a no lily is not a good champ to pick up right now a bit too hard it's hard to clear because you lose so much hp early dragons waste of time though if there's a consistent win condition for you early dragons are the easiest way to win games i'm just generally if you get soul in loyola 100 win not 100 but really high odds of winning yeah ap generals are the best right now for hylo and i mean you need to play other stuff in louisville too but i would recommend playing the champs i went over skarner new new volley bears god tier zach if you're like frontline and breaking your passive laner teammates carry you but that is that i think right so i mean we this kind of went into this but again i talked about the leveling stuff too like if you're if you're in a situation where you just got out of base and you're you just spent all your gold but you're really close to a level you're still on a farm because you want to get that level off and then look for a place you want to be the strongest spot you can be i'm level seven and a half i can do two three camps in my top side i'll do this count before ganking obviously if like i can spot an actual gank to go for beforehand i can just look for that as well and then go back to farming my accounts but i'll need like one cam to get level 8 from the xp from the kill or the assist you get the idea so we kind of went over this with the other stuff here tracking enemy jungler let's have a final this is pretty easy to do but this is kind of team dependent because you either have to work or they have the word oh can you do it one of our scrims no it's a game we got invaded in i think this is the game they invaded us with no we didn't have to check out this was game five oh yeah so you can do stuff to track enemy jungler but in general we have to just know like how these champions path what is what buff what does kindred start she's forced to start a buff every single time she can't solo wool she can solo raptors she will always solo a buff correct champions like morgana kane have a lot more flexibility morgan stole the raptors she can solo should actually duo cap raptors red same with fiddle sticks kane can do star rat wolves we're gonna start wolves and do like youtube camps but end of the day what helps the most is having information and vision so let's just get forward a bit i don't know if i can get much from this game but we word i think we get early prior mid again it's silas versus elusion we've got the counter pick his firefighter's probably aggro zoning him off the wave slow pushing can get like a crash and reset maybe a cheetah recall but he ordered my red buff he sees me here so he has information that i am in this you know and his spot let's see when that's the word up he actually did this yeah he did word at level 1 we thought he faked it but we thought they're going to invade us again because it was game five this was game five right this might have been game no this was one of the earlier games i think it was game two this was game two but we we're picking his camp's ball outside because he worded this late so we know he's gonna start top side i mean lucian wears his raptors anyways and i'm not sure if he shows yeah he doesn't show but we know he's bought set anyways and we tell our mid laner we think he's gonna invade our bot side because their bots like hard shoving away look at their bot lane they're like slope fishing and then they start hard crashing it to go invader or blue side so you can tell i'm like really afraid right now i don't see kindred yet i think this is a game we get invaded on yeah it is and then i smite because i'm kind of afraid and boom see how they were off the map and they slow push this wave in the crash we were ready for this that's why we told 5 would do the exact same thing and lucian versus stylus silas is going to have a lot less easier time to move in so yeah we didn't have any information we had the uh raptors word but it accomplished nothing we just either way knew he was here because he worded my blue side like one minute ten or so was it was a timer and also we knew they had prior bot lane so we know he's gonna play for a bot side play yo pierre you're [ __ ] nuts thank you for 100 subs crazy man so i'm gonna show the world one more time i guess you can reset but in general like you can only assume if there are bot lanes in lane if they're bot lanes in lane and they're playing thresh affiliates kendrick cannot solo a buff it'll take weight if she can but it's like really inefficient so already here we knew they're in the hardship of bot lane our kaiser's counterback is like the hardest counter kaiser and we knew he's gonna play for this level three play and we're ready for it so we'll see what happens here i had the q i ordered this for level four i e blind to block the q and they just get [ __ ] i only have to flash here i mean they get completely [ __ ] on i missed my q barely but i could maybe walk here and do it but it's still it's still uh it's a clean sweep but you see like even though we have the raptor ward on this guy we still knew where he was because of the information had bought side how they were playing and i mean the typical path kinder does she skips raptors anyways she either full clear her top side or do two buffs in the camp so blue gromp uh red in this case here i agreed i didn't know silas warded this while we were fighting and i die here so this is actually doing like lower elo and how you lose whatever happened to you your support won't walk to [ __ ] raptors here but this is a competitive play against like a 10k tournament so yes he like the mark is top you're assuming and he has top price so i'm like yeah he's going to go top mark for free but thresh sets up the play here and it's not really greedy it's just this word is really good by them and kindred opts to discard the mark which ends up being better for us imo also i'm gonna have smite here and i could maybe live but the e-flash it's kind of hard so i think either way this is better for me i'm up three camps and yeah you just think end of the day you should know what camps different champ takes so give me an example chat type some champions i'll tell you there's specific paths rek'sai red side full clear rek'sai red raptors ground rek'sai two buffs uh gromp or something um blue side level three go for the cheeky level three game on the rec side like if you full clear blue side level three tunnel back to red et cetera while you're transitioning mid volleyball same thing as rex or rex taking red side full quick and double buff gromp diana i mean we remember that kane yeah kane this one's more interesting i've seen canes use so many different paths i've seen like wolves raptors krogs into red and then you go back to your blue side and you multi-camp your blue gromp and then your wolves are up and then your raptors up and you're like krugs rub everything that see like you understand like let me see if we can find a map here this is like the most important let me see if i can find a jumbo cap one like the thing on cane is like if you're playing a farm heavy jungler that has a lot of flexibility to want to farm if you go wolves this this this and then go here and clear all of these all these three camps will be respawn by the time you're done on your before you reset first time what i mean what the [ __ ] is that what happened wait was my chair i think sorry what up i didn't hear anything you guys get the idea though this is a path you can do on any jungler with aoe but it's probably the best on kane it was on discord i'm not a discord i'm not even on discord what you guys are trolling i i think you guys are in the vc that's what happens but you get that deal right so this becomes harder to do if you're against the champlain king obviously because you don't know you have to be able to count cs yes that counting is like pretty important every camp gives four and if you see like there's several games i'm coaching so i'm like oh his raptors upgrade he's like no they're not i'm like yes they are trust me and he goes the raptors are like oh how did you know i'm like bro you see he's level three he has x amount of cs we know what caps he did or couldn't do and yeah it would be better if i can find an example for that i'm still gonna find a game but i don't think in any of these customs like you don't really maybe i can try this game another kindred game another chance i can't really do raptors early game unless you are playing for five camp i guess so we got to obviously go on red side vision this is the game we got [ __ ] it we lose this game so we go right side vision let's get forward we assume he starts topside again he's they started our blue sorry they started our blue so i just do wolves because i know he can't be here right he's taking my top side he did really bad this was a really bad path by him he did blue into his bot side and went back top and then like again kendra's a chance i can't really wrap it and it's too long so once we do see him we can only assume xcamp is up let's see when this kindred show he just hit sprayer we don't see him yet we don't have information can't see a cs score but yeah he shows here 20 cs what does this tell you he has double buffs he's level three we can't see the xp bar unless you're you know on replay mode like we are but what what are the camps you guys think he did this game here's double buffs so eight hcs right there blue red right he's level three so again another extra cap whatever it could be krugs he'd be grump all three of these camps together you can also do blue red gromp or a blue red crux path i didn't go about for level three but it takes a bit longer so we don't have wars on raptors but i know the only camp that's off bot side is raptors i can tell because of the way like how fast he he got this to the state of the game and how fast his champ is to clear you know x cap i think we uh yeah i got first blood here just for information that there's no for crab i kill him for free and we burn flash here because my champ [ __ ] owns but yeah so look at that perfect perfect example why do i walk the raptors guys because i know they're up oh my god i'm smurfing even in [ __ ] replays boom why did i go for crap first because i know this camp should be taken first their mid and bot cannot contest and unfortunately firefighters have to shove the wave mid another thing went over in the past but no he he he kind of trolled me he's like i need you to push me he's like oh no i'm fine i'm fine so i like i got off raptors there but i've been unfortunate but it's fine i could have been level five right there firefighter trolled me man i've been level five right now five and a half [ __ ] like out like if you watch me in solo queue like i finished raptors every day of the week but firefighter wasn't sure if it was gonna crash so i just went mid and yeah i lost big raptor i guess and here huge play that was really random we could dive bot here i'm level oh mike i actually got [ __ ] by this i was in level five and i ended up dying i was level five this fight would've been different holy [ __ ] i got trolled by a flat fire anyways so here i'm like okay kindreds top sides up there is no way or is going to be up there's no ways it bought side right but i for this was a mistake by me we were split map so he could still go to his crowd as i did early game correct and unfortunately he ends up being in this brush which isn't really an issue for me i can't really guide him 1v1 but he does have items and i thought my ball had prior unfortunately just found an early game and this ended up being a pretty big deal because i forgot to take an account the map is split he can run to crocs from base he doesn't have to run to his his grunt that's spawning like 10 seconds or like my bot side is going to spawn so i ended up giving him a freebie yeah if i was level five i still die there like they have flashes and stuff so see even myself like i don't play against vertical jungling every single game he can opt to skip his camp there and come to me so tarzan giveth tarzan taketh i'm actually really surprised the first bot i clicked we got a good exhibit of everything i just went over it's really nice so yeah this is this is the easiest way to know information from words gets related to what the raptors or i mean this is a meta we always do raptors and stuff so and yeah okay trinket usage when to swap this one is quite important it really comes down to what your goal is so i'm playing a champ like diana am i really gonna gank on diana if if i can gank i don't need to clear vision it's basically the theory we should have because that means your overextender or just low hp or just dead because diamond doesn't really gank well she just power forms and i mean if you're under tower when hp down i can get any champion gank that right so on tablet data you basically just want to hold your little trigger the entire game or the entire early to mid game and then swap the sweeper once it's like many more like flanks over the walls and stuff because that's how she functions right she wants to play fogger boar and just e flash or er flash um if you're playing against a uh jungler like i don't know lee sin but the germans went over rex let me go pee actually let me just type it before i so don't forget rek'sai give you everyone sucks sorry about that squishy okay i'm back sorry about that all right i'm gonna turn submit off again let's see what the plebs think are you guys enjoying this is helping you we are probably pretty much an hour in already holy [ __ ] this one a lot slower than i thought it would but i mean i'm enjoying it hopefully you guys are doing it too so i'm gonna turn some of it off and what you guys think so far is this something you enjoy is it something that's helping you yeah if you're shooting one trick it probably shouldn't help you but if you're actually trying to learn jungle you might all right great go to no clubs glad it's helping you out okay anyways rexella lee or sudan so i'm gonna say that brexit lee they don't ever full clear if you're folkloring they're just out of the game they're playing brexit they know they scale like [ __ ] you're picking diana they want to make your life miserable you're playing evelyn they want to make your life miserable so typically you'll see the champions like late start your buff or something like more like olaf i goes and you want to ward your actual buff at 52 seconds and reset or like you can word it while channeling your reset and you can still get to your you know your cross map you can also even sell your your yellow for red if you're playing a champ that wants a gank but you just do this in theory to not get you know three buffed or something because some champs require blue buffs more than others and reds etcetera like imagine playing graves without red buff how the [ __ ] do you gank you can't imagine playing card that's not blue how the [ __ ] you farm you can't see what i mean so really comes down to uh the champs you're playing into how much probably have etc one suck jesus okay where was i oh yeah so let me uh show an example what i would do if i know where their jungler is starting i mean this is kind of hard to show without other people in the game but so i'm playing diamond so if you were watching our games yesterday against uh c9 steam we know xu chooses level one a lot so we knew we had the word level one actually let me just do that now which game do we have olaf that one game which [ __ ] game was it this one but in general if you're playing like champs like dan i'd recommend holding yellow trinket and just trying to work their camps like their cross map and just knowing where they are and just knowing what camps are up and what camps aren't complaining for those camps camp timers so i wore my top side because this is the typical word you'll see a lot and like if you watch the korean jungler splits it's like the most optimal word if anything gonna work this way but i work this way i mean if you're playing against like lee sin and graves like e over this wall if they hug this part incredibly you can maybe see them so everybody has like graves lead kindred maybe even word here instead like in the center if you're a blue side under red he knows and you know he starts right and go like red into your blue like remember the game in super metroid today i'll watch the bottom of that in a sec real fast and then we'll go over that as well but i dropped my award i reset by sweeper we know they're being read we even prepared for it as you can see and unfortunately we kind of trolled because we told him to leave and the moment he leaves they walk in so a bit unfortunate but we can still get a kill here if leona opts to go around but they like they waited for a while here and take a while to walk here and unfortunately not vision so i could maybe threw a q on him for vision but i wanted to get make sure i hit my key on the right target and ended not being the best so let's watch the game versus uh mr uh super [ __ ] troy we had today where we play kindred and to buy so again why is really weak champ level two she goes we are her main spells so very volatile if she can't contest her or buff level two you shouldn't invade same with the least not the strongest champ level two just kind of champs you want to like go you know over the wall and try to tube off or three buff or something so they don't end up boarding either so this is why you should always on a champ where you're really weak level one or your blue instead or where's your red i'm playing nocturne or something i'm gonna award my red reset walk to my blue by sweeper and if your jungler lead invades or just starts my buff i'll see it so i end up starting red and one is blue and he has no information he doesn't see me here he doesn't know he comes in blind if i was ready and that spells up he can actually just die here so but i know his champions like i was i was like stunned him like what the [ __ ] is going on why is he here why do you go red to blue and there's the ward so why would you hold the ward if you just drop a level one but yeah so i have wrong wins this game as well i don't have peach i mean pta is all stronger than the game but conquers buffers within and he doesn't i don't have smite and he just runs and doesn't see my teammates and he has to give up the buff so this is why you should ward your buff if you're at your most like exploitable if your champ can fight level two ward it at level one if your champ can fight at level three but you don't see the angle let's say i playing karthus you're playing lee sin and he started red what does that tell me i should probably keep my word for this situation right lee can't really level two universe i'm gonna ward hop here and fight me with his w you know what i mean so i would clear my blue side walk here start my raptors and pull here and maybe like word here or get my later word here or maybe just start like don't sit around this word here and i get my landers to work here or something and that's how you make sure i'm going to get understandable as like a chaplin karthus or something again depends on the champs you're playing and how like vulnerable they are like at least level three is so much different at least level two fight level three different from by level two you wanna get them at their most exploitable states a champ like evelyn level one level two three doesn't really change much she can go like w level three they must go two points q but still you have to understand that concept if you're playing as hecarim very rarely or the old hecarim you'll see very rarely people having a point of e example this would be the money match let me actually find this tarzan versus general sniper money match i think his game what is this video mr g snipes jesus i think it's the game he has kindred it's game two i'm pretty sure yeah it's this game so you'll see so this ends up being a good invent by kindred but i'll show you how i spot it out so my team words level one for late invade whatever this is when i already killed him a bit too early hopefully they show me i'm still like really ahead okay still really ahead actually so i started blue side i path bought what camp what counts the kindred dude the one we went over right we actually don't even see on this word this is not spotted i wish he showed the vision but we don't even know he's here but i still pull the buff because i know this guy is playing kindred he's not gonna like trade farm with me as hecarim and crazily enough i have two points q here so if he kites me properly i can never win but i have ghosts and phasers so it depends and here this is something you do as well pull your buff to this brush and if it walks away from you it means enemy jungler or someone's there what does this say guys enemy kindred's here because they're all they're all on the map kindred's here and that's why i'm like oh i'm thinking first i'm telling him like today fight here i don't mind he's not smooth either so we got lucky kind of and my smite just came up the moment it wasn't up you'll see so i'll just try to stall not dps it boom smite's up boom it's okay i don't have my e but i'm i'm head crimp level two so my ew is down too beat us [ __ ] ass boom that's what that's how you should pull it you shouldn't do the red before it spawns if you're a melee champ you want to pull it as much as possible i'm getting good examples holy [ __ ] just top of my head i like that but yeah and kendra's out of the game end up carrying this game like pretty [ __ ] hard even though kindred is getting into the heck room i mean we just play for our camps we could have played for our camps a lot more of this game but we're kind of i mean our bot lane like our champions aren't playing to fight early game right they have leona we have these champs so you get the idea if you know the video on your melee chat pull to that brush if you are a range champion maybe ward or just pull either way but yeah you have to know the patient's born to stuff and knowing how to pull as far as possible so this should help with that we went over this right oh thank you lovely appreciate that bro right there i think where's the double pink since it gets in solo queue depends on what you're playing and solo queue like if you're a low ilo you should just buy pink words for like if you're gonna do dragon but i think we're do it if you're gonna do rift by one pink won't do it like you don't really play for vision control one there's a denial i when i coach my clients i say just get one ping get the x objective play that side of the map reset buy another pink but play other side of the map etc okay vertical i mean we kind of just did in the last game i just showed no against xu i pretty much just showed that no the nocturne game i guess i'm going to show you how to get the biggest lead possible from it yes dan is still viable have you love your coached several hundreds not as many as i thought as you would probably think so this is like our second game against them i believe or was that our first yeah it was our first so we didn't know they would choose us every single game but after this game we started warding every single time we actually didn't ever even did we see them yeah we do see them so this is the first game after that we started warning level in every game but we see my blue what does that tell you means this side of the map is kindred and this side is mine so i want to get as much as i can and i'm not on doctor i want to get level three asap so i got a really nice release from out of the room i keep my somebody's gonna clear as fast as boss level two swing get more damage off waiting for my passive to order those boom and here's something i did differently that might not be able to do like if you're playing hecarim evelyn um nocturne and you don't have a point in your e i mean for for evelyn it's w for ackerman's e example you're a lot more volatile in the jungle and i mean we do have private mid art on top our lanes are somewhat winning but even then they could like reset tp on top it was a word or something and i just wanna be as safe as possible all of my here because i have two points of queue i get caught the extra damage won't really do much for me at all and here's something you should do as well you definitely want to clear bot to top rather than top the bot because you'll be less closer to the crab and you'll be in a more volatile state as well i'll be more deep in the jungle at x amount of time where maybe set kind of tp and been there you understand that because that's really important as well so why would we do wolves first because let's say this guy gets pushed in and then they have like a ward somewhere here and there's tp afterwards and on that timer it's a lot more volatile for me to die whereas right now it's trying to get these wolves asap and just get towards here closer to my top laner further away from their mid et cetera so wolves first and then we multi-campus because i i assume i'm safe because my mid and top are running pretty hard you don't reset or do anything or beat the leave sight so i can multi-camp and then difference already so far this from this uh map split they're losing because he's down at camp and he walked back and forth several times i got the crab my mid laner tp's waves in a really good spot for him he can freeze it which he does i reset here and then we see kendra on crab and i'm like okay i mean their bot lane wants to crash this wave in and tf has to reset because our admit just reset so we just walked him face first what is kendra's mistake here guys he didn't crack push crab ball i know we have zyracon but i mean these champs are pretty [ __ ] ops like early game too but he should have pushed crab ball because our mid was in a better position right now because he just tp fresh reset and they actually use their spells on our prize so here we got the rudolph and i know if i just flash eat him he's dead and you'll see me make a mistake here even though we went over the camp knowledge i know his raptors are up i do the raptors and i make a mistake here we went over why didn't finish raptors because firefighter wasn't sure if he needed me or not it kind of [ __ ] me for level five but they didn't really lose us the game that's why this around me wander mid i'm like what the [ __ ] it crashed bro i don't need to be here i don't get the raptor and then here i do this but you have to understand the map is split so it's not like kindred cleared top to bot i got her top side so she in theory should be at her bot's side or her her crimes are going to my bot side basically but instead she just walks bot and i get caught off guard here because it's not i'm not used to verticling so often i don't very clean sulky very often and yeah that's where i make my mistake and kendra's krugs are up now so i made a mistake and i gave what i got back and what made you go to this blue side yeah vision i'm doing a really level one we uh rakan just spotted after this we realized that she's every game so we just ordered level one every game as you can see yeah i got a really good leash i got a really early game and i kind of threw it it's not like a game losing death but i mean i was so ahead of like right let's see if i beat on kinder right here right after i kill her if i take raptors here let me see okay if i take raptors here i'm level five and crab raptors and crap level 500 100 right so let's say i do that right now i'm walking a crab kindred's level three and eighty percent i'm level five game is over but yeah i make a mistake because craig's responding and i just i forgot to understand that he's going to beat the bot side only and this was my mistake on vertical right here 100 my mistake but i mean i'm maybe gonna play the three with you better or baited spells because i didn't die to their bot lane having spells up but i've also i mean if i walk left river i'm dead to this guy so i think i'm just dead there no matter what just by walking there i have to wait here for this play to be efficient level five like it doesn't win the game like me getting that wouldn't have won this game like my chap into their champs is very [ __ ] bad and we did throw our [ __ ] fat lead too so okay that's vertical for the most part this one we went over and i think this is going to be our last topic of the day it's been an hour and 20 minutes holy sh hour 10 minutes so last topic for today's first seminar ever i'll answer questions in a bit well right now i guess your level five maybe i live but i don't know it's hard might be a lot tankier or a bit more attack here how do you smurf create lead and smurf q to 1v9 you i mean again we went over this champs play style if i'm playing volleyball i'm playing a game i'm not playing a farm if i'm playing uh diana or old hacker i'm playing a farm and get kills off you know on proper lane states what side you service kha'zix i mean depends on kha'zix i want the best switch possible i typically start blues or bot side but starting blue is always decent too i mean you don't need a leash on kha'zix like minimal leash is fine i like getting level three off my blue side and then seeing if i can go like a point of e and five camp ganking or just two points q on volleyball you would drop your yellow level one and reset for a rat of 52 seconds so once you're at a minute in the game you're already sweeping running back to your cross map master yi clear uh i'm not sure i think these start blue i don't like there's several there's like a report you can look at i think this guy called like you shh i think this is his name yeah if you can watch their vlogs i don't i don't play master i can't tell you bro how did they land anyway properly went to yeah we're about really at that right now i guess yeah we can talk about that yeah we went over maintaining leads and creating them i don't know which type to pick with your team though i have anything about this like it's just damage distribution like if i have like renekton on my team set pantheon i want to pick like ali's nidalee different damage same lockdown they're both really got locking down champions and diving so you want the same synergy from that always starting camps like on x-champion depends on matchups yes what lane you want to play towards if i have a janna ezreal bot lane and they have a soraka tristan it's kind of hard to gank from both ends right unless i play really aggro so i want a pathway from that lane so i could go if i'm blue side doing red going red krug is raptors yanking with level three or just skipping and going blue and then invading topspin or ganking top depends want to rush level four or not why do you skip crossing something are you going over that bro i was like if you watch the games but i already showed the bot for it i'll do it one more time if i can to this one it's not this odd i mean i already showed it okay now it is just fun i'll show one more time i full clear top to bot again a volatile lane bot lane blood screen versus thresh jen versus ayah both have no real escapes i skipped krugs here because they fought bot lane he's really low and we push in the wave and then we just win the game here we go shut this so you can go back to the ball it's really i talk about like 10 minutes so should i dodge promos you care about mmr dodging the best way to climb again what do you enemy team ladies are opposite buff i mean if you are in a champ that cannot like contest i mean you should have all rewarded it so you could know but if you don't know it and it happened then it would take a lot more contacts and i would have to watch the game and tell you what to do what if kindred rotated after your blue buff straight into her blue side we would be able to see it or take her too long i'd be i mean like the thing is like if she would do that she'd be level two i'd be level three either way that's what you do the right side full player right i mean i'm a level three knocker resolution dragon just one shotter i can just flash on her i flash eat her melody range auto her red bluff slow and i q wherever she lands on the fear she's just dead that's the thing like that's why you want to just rush your level through a stop on chat like nocturnal situation okay we'll just talk about these last two then we'll answer questions and we'll let the plebs answer or send an few questions as well and we'll call it there level one invading so again again a lot of these customs should showcase that let me think which one is the best one oh this one's a good one this one's one of my personal favorites i'm so glad we have the tournament because so many of these games like are just showcasing what we're talking about it's a matter of before i start yes 100 always matters because it just leads to where you're pathing towards and where you're gonna go and what your game plan is sometimes get tearless yes you got your little sphere sub okay i am playing olaf they are playing elise they are very heavy about side i have mr runes and what is the game plan guys how do we win this game we have jinx leona they have lulu caitlyn if caitlyn if if our bottling is ahead their lulu can't play the games beverly on yeah face like vision she can't do anything she don't do like [ __ ] really play the game as little adversity from behind so if we landed bot side and split the map then they can't play the game so what do we do guys we walk bot side they don't drop the word if you blew the word here the game was not as easy but we walk in we sweep they we don't have no vision unless you know they're baiting us or trapping us but we laid invade what is the least level one do you guys they tell me to walk around i do wait for a queue i hit the axe on that we actually [ __ ] up there on leon which i went for elise but somehow we still kill elizabeth i guess he sucks but yeah now map is split and these are the kind of champs you want to bait on you're playing olaf and against evelyn elise rexella usually weak level one champs you wanna invade and same thing as last game i go wolves first there's more volatility than crop first walking back and forth so don't want to walk downwards after and yeah map is split now he wants to actually look for a play bot not really do it why not it's worded clear the ward go to my bot side and here he's even too scheduled with my tops because i've been in top prior right i told him about my top side shows on crap i to crap him game's pretty much over for release right again same thing we went over before i'm not playing i killed malphite i clear his word he cannot contest the wave he's too low and he actually ends up i guess knowing he can 1v2 here and i guess i'll learn playing defense and showcases that i'm not there anymore but you get that dear right if you're headquartered yes if i'm playing olaf in a headquarter i'm a hundred percent leading meeting 100 whether it's like him being there for a fight or not but you should make sure a champ like hecarim fiddle can't get a full clear off for free you want to invade them as early as possible and set the tone i'm playing olaf if i get to late game i'm [ __ ] worthless if i'm behind on olaf early game gg so the best way to make that not happen is just the fight i'm when i'm at my strongest and olaf level one's insane especially with ghost and approach velocity his passive his base stats etc all very good and at least what you throw a [ __ ] w at me nice man like you don't really accomplish much on the top of the lease and again that's the best way to win games if you are you should play as your strongest and the game starts level one so push yourself in that position and look at the look at the general diff right now you'll see this game he's just so behind the entire game my character is going to be up uh solid 150 xp a level and a half at five minutes i get every dragon because i'm so ahead i hit level six off my crux here so here's another thing i went over i guess no this is something i want to talk about as well um so we have winning lanes right do i actually go to dragon here i don't i actually opt to work this first because i don't know we thought like firefighter kind of plays aggro and i mean they have a lulu they can't really invade or gank this but in general i should just want the crux here and if i had private mid and top i could have skipped krugs and then dragon for six i want to be like if i'm fixing olaf polymorph out of the case elise could cooking out of the case so i'm gonna put myself in the best situation possible i wanna do my crux first levels if crab is up i'm gonna do six and then do dragon but here i think i'm gonna do my crux first for level six strong as possible with the dragon fight wolf6 is game changing and they even over extend ballin i don't know if we killed him here yeah we killed one we need at least or this guy no flash and he's just dead right so i took a big kill of value and boom even if there was no kill botlane i would start dragging on sixer because they can't like look like they're done with it like elise is the hardest counter the harder standard at least is olaf so she's even standing bit here getting experience she's so behind and if i didn't late invade what could i do i mean i mean i could just like you have to play for folklore on olaf or silly if you can't invade because you clear faster than her that's your other one con i guess then here i'm like okay i can get dragon for free but i want to do his blue instead of even more behind because elise is so out of the game he even opts to go for crab and this is i think this was a mistake by me i think it's just some dragon here but i mean they're minis on timer too because he got killed so he's on way first so it's hard to say i think dragon there is risky because he is i mean he has an alt but in a lower elo game you're fine to do whatever in this situation and a competitive game like this is a bit more risky and could change out from the game so i just opt to go for dragon instantly anyways i'm pretty sure right after doing raptors and this gives me level seven which is very nice i guess close to level seven i push in boom for my bot set again but yeah okay runes builders with specific matchups i like this one let me see if anything can go over really recent oh there's one down okay diana jesus my wife my loss is under kind of ugly but diana is a champion where she can go two different setups you can go for the dps setup that you want to run against you know tank melees because you can't one shot them right you can do a lot of damage in the early game but as the game progressively gets longer i do less damage to champ like this guy because i can't 100 to zero him same with stylus same with thresh lee like these channels even kill them early game with the luxury really easily but again it's it makes the game progressively harder for myself so just better have the late game insurance of having conquer because like if you have a conqueror you're a dps champion you're you can go nashers you don't have to just rush full ep so example for this would be this game this game they're pretty squishy they're only tank tanks are this and this but if i'm playing the fights properly i'm hitting these three so i want to execute this game and instead of going naturally just rush proto belt or night harvest or just better i think the dash was better this game because these champs don't really have actual dash if they engage on them so i just want to heard about this game first and runes are a bit different so yeah i go about putting revitalize sometimes depends on the matchup stuff it's like early in fighting yeah for sure but there are like i mean it's pretty simple like for jungle it's really simple i guess it's gonna show like another champion oh these would be one thing about elise is you don't want to conquer every game but when i run conquer i just win every game so same with at least if i'm against a lot of melee champs this game they have irelia j4 galileo i'm not doing much damage in play game i can build items to do that but in theory i want to have leandries i want to have nashers too i want to be able to dps and then [ __ ] them over from just raw dps not bursting not he's just using spells i'm gonna auto attack him to death in spider form or just conquer on them i'm against champs like this vladimir kane zed kaiser thresh thrash obviously a bit more tanky but these other four champions i i guess the vladimir conqueror is like debatable but for these three champs i pressure this is red blue cane so electrocute is your best bet when you leave i just run it every game because it's if i'm playing at least i want to be able to snowball as much as possible and if i'm picking fights incorrectly means like i just picked them incorrectly not going i mean i know i have no flash so i'm gonna put myself in the worst position possible it does help you so much if you block your if you have conquer fully stacked and you get your traff proc you can just do like 1v2 and 1v3s pretty easily so yeah plus 30 minus i mean this was before yeah those were the days when this account was getting plus 30 at 1klp is there any other chance you want me to go over i mean it's pretty simple like i can't do all 150 champs in the game but the ones you guys want to chat i it's mean at least another good example like if they're full of squishy i don't want conqueror i want electrocute or dark harvest or something right if they're full tanky i'm already [ __ ] by picking lee but i can still go conquer i mean i should oh that's a good example as well okay this is a bit more different it's same primary but it's different secondary so i'm playing against champs like samira camille karthus lucian that are very mobile i need to be on top of i want to go approach velocity right so i want to stay on top of them if i had the first cue i can chase like the dilution or something or the karthus whereas if i'm against champs like rengar irelia echo they're gonna be on top of me i can opt to go for this setup instead because i'm not gonna have to chase them they need to be on top of me do damage anyways right so just having these runes are a lot more efficient i did this in one of our games today actually or yesterday um this game they had this game no it's not this one it's the other olaf game this game they have this team played a lot of melee bruisers so this is a perfect example they like they have aatrox dana said galio kaiser the only chap i want a first floss didn't do is kaiser right these four champs to do damage they have to be on top of me so what do we run same exact thing so it's another good example you guys can utilize you don't throw the exact same runes every single game i see a lot of greys but i mean this one is like more like what you prefer so this game they have four really squishy champs that are pretty vulnerable but they're also basically like high range like this champ's considered high range which is not really a range champ but you get that idea like these champs i need phase rush to be on top of them and instead of going my typical shield by one guild 470b on top as much as possible that's just like one of the hardest kinds of greatest because she just he perm outranges me right he can cue me you can eat me i can't really touch him unless i'm behind him or i chase him down river or something with like phase rush and water walking so gale force is really important i mean even that's watching like i don't i might ignite pretty bashful and flash this game but yeah gale force game with phase rush perfect let me see now we see champs like this we see kled we see volleyball we see this we see this little ranger dc wants to go in and then this what does this tell you fleet footwork game right and the damage kind of indicates that i am in their faces and it cannot even kill me because i i don't need the extra movement speed i need the extra minimum s with extra healing and being able to like reposition just drain tank them as much as possible this is when you go fleet as far as the secondary it doesn't really matter i mean it's just phase rush versus fleet you can go this you can go sorcery whatever you prefer i do i've been trying sorcery so i've been double adaptive like this does a lot more damage i feel like but end of the day it comes down to what she against right this game i could have gone fleet it's nice against dc but it's bad against c3 just comes down to what you're mostly against so there's your groove setup or setups okay i think we're gonna i mean it's been a [ __ ] hour and a half this is a lot longer than i thought it would be so i mean pretty good for our first seminar i think i think we went i don't want to do like every topic in the world so we can't have any actual information for the next seminar in two weeks from now so pretty happy with that one so next one will be in two weeks from now may 16th i guess it'll be 4 pm estimate it'll be subject to change but yeah i hope you guys enjoy the seminar i'm gonna turn off subscriber mode i'm going to answer questions from us do a few more sub questions and then we're gonna do plebs so okay any other questions i want to go over before you call it gentlemen grace is broken yeah it should stay available city star red and warhawk drag pit which champs are weak to level two to ground play karthus carlos isn't that weak level two it's more like champs at a really weak level too so if let's say on blue side go red to enemy gronks i know he started blue he's playing like i don't know shyvana shyvana wants to prefer to get a blue slide at least or about side leash but you can also start red just comes down to like the information you have if you're gonna go for that path worth their buff level one whether you work there red or blue it's good because most junglers can only serve buffs so you know where he started again he might be on gromps you can definitely steal that and kill him it's mostly just steel though very helpful glad to hear it bro white blue cups unlocked and if they have again similar to olaf if they're gonna be on top of me i'd rather have that like gorgeous like okay i guess but eclipse i like it for the extra it gives it feels like afraid of i tried this armor pen or lethality there's one of them so whatever html just outweighs armor nmr at level nine so if you know you're going to play for full queens levels that's your best bet love you too man we went over that leo like we went over all of this i told you what you should do if you're playing x champion y champion and how you should do it again in the future i'll have like better examples but people watching like some people's vlogs like go through them fast but another condition for the 3k gold holy [ __ ] we're at the 3k subs almost thank you guys so much appreciate you all hopefully you guys enjoyed it whether you're sub or not in the future like i said we're going to try to get our subscriber streams available i know what the [ __ ] happened but yeah hopefully it helped you guys that can't actually subscribe was my mouse weird yes it's available best chance to get to diamond again bro i went over that i'm gonna have a tearless you're a sub you can see the t-rex just look at that i'm glad you guys enjoyed it good [ __ ] how'd i play avalon earlier we are are you guys even listening there's no shot you're serious unless you just join i said if you're playing really weak level one champs i know you're like if you're volatile level one like i'd say everyone's like olaf gonna work level one he's less he's not gonna beat you level three as olaf very lower chance more games in pistol what do you mean no smith thanks to the five gifted subs are people even listening i talked for an hour and a half straight i have no voice like how do you know it's just oh my god bro are you guys trolling how do you know what's champagne with your team call i give an example nidalee renekton pantheon like you have to know damage distribution winning cons like are you playing earlier playing late like if i have a cast in mid i can't pick a kindred because i want to play for marx right even though we i have a d and he's he's ap it's harder because midline dictates crabs and like dragons and stuff this headquarters is bad and i don't want an offer or bother to first clear his karthus okay at least you added the troll face anyways enough questions for today if you have any questions i'm gonna make us ask him to sub general chat and discord just tag me and if it's not a stupid question or just message me if your sub i'll respond anyways hopefully you guys into this sub centimeters i don't i don't want to do anymore i'm [ __ ] tired but i'll turn sub mode off and we'll see what the plebs think or thoughts about the stream
Channel: Tarzaned
Views: 219,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tarzaned, league of legends, twitch, streamer, youtuber, lol stream, stream highlights, best of streams, tarzaned jungler, tarzaned god, jungle god, challenger, season 10, rank 1, rank 1 smurf, best graves, best graves NA, best jungler NA
Id: 0XuRCZMd0Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 30sec (5670 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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