The Boys do Secret Santa - Christmas Special

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foreign [Music] because blue check marks don't matter thanks to Elon on Twitter when kids around the world wait for the new Nintendo game the cries fall on deaf ears as Santa's shot over Ukraine and there are some people out there who can be cross and could make up stories in court but the truth always gets heard but tonight this house is a life with joyful banter as the boys open presents around our nine foot like Santa [Music] I was beautiful narrative thank you that was lovely my favorite poem about Christmas Time by James Patterson yep boy I can't believe it's been a whole year how did we make it this far without getting canceled no clue what was your favorite moment of the Year sweet gentle Molly my favorite part of the year I don't know come back to me go someone else okay Eddie my favorite part of the year was bringing you Chick-fil-A sauce while you had kovid and I had to leave them at your front door and you couldn't get them Chick-fil-A sauce from My Boy Molly we'll get for you we'll see you soon sorry bro sad you know my favorite part of the year was boys what was it one of my favorite moments of the year was probably when we interviewed Hezbollah remember that yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry and then your dog died yeah yeah literally the next day yes yeah [Music] um narrator what was your favorite book yeah oh man there's so many but I think my favorite moment when we were in a plane and we were zipping around the sky and then Eddie threw up hey yeah you did my favorite part yeah was probably we're in the clan motel and Eddie scared the living [ __ ] out of us yeah ghosts or not you call me I'm gonna beat your face what about you juicy if I was to pick my favorite part of this year it'd be impossible because my favorite parts or anytime I get to spend with you boys editor play every video of the year is set up 10 times you think you're not next it's been a wild ride boys it has what's next for the boys oh funny you might ask Josh well we've been working on a movie oh Tyler Perry plays Josh and all five of the boys Molly's playing Black Santa in the movie like Tropic Thunder ah we should open presents it's time for secret santa shout out to my homie J Christ hey wait who's that who's that Mel Gibson wait what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ it's me Santa no Molly you're Molly hey you're not real don't be ridiculous Santa's Black Molly who's on the naughty and nice list well you see boys and girls you're all on the nice list oh he's on the naughty list Kanye West is on the naughty list Elon Musk is on the naughty list this year what because he's a naughty boy and he's doing bad things on the internet on the nice list Riley Reed [Laughter] I gave her all 12 inches of my candy canes really emptied your sack at her house huh I did empty my sacrifad no not November oh wait but it's Christmas Day I don't know how that happened call that a white Christmas ah it was a white Christmas when she got out okay that's all right Santa all right I'm Santa you're sledding the wrong slopes there all right okay where's the okay Josh Josh is up first who did he get juicy juicy he got juicy I've got the perfect gift for you oh can't wait to see you what about me what about me I want who do I who do I get for Secret Santa this year you will have to get Josh a gift I got the perfect gift for you Joshy what does that mean narrator yeah for your Secret Santa you will have to pick are you Santa me you drew my name but you have everything I'll have to really think about this one ah juicy it's narrator oh I know the perfect thing I'm so excited you are gonna love it okay it takes Santa's credit card it takes Santa's credit card put a JPEG of a credit card right here editor can I just grab the credit card oh oh [ __ ] oh narrator remember to catch it catch oh [Laughter] okay boys well now that we all got our names uh-huh let's go out and get our gifts and meet back right here Rick narrator's name out of the the hat so what are you getting Josh I like it I like it yep and then I think that's a [ __ ] banging idea I'm actually looking for a bunch of uh like as far as like yeah like It's All That Jazz yeah yeah yeah yeah I feel like to get Eddie into the festive spirit we're gonna get him I think the best gifts are the ones that you think of in the moment when you're walking through a store and you see something and you're like that one person pops into your head and you're like they would love that you know when it comes straight from the heart on a whim's notice I'm not thinking obviously he needs a head I think he'll he'll be he'll really like these this will be this will be cool to get him like a really [ __ ] we're at my favorite place on Earth Walmart I love Walmart because you can do stuff like this and no one even looks at you so let's just walk around see what catches our eye oh oh whoa we have arrived at the first location for Josh's gift Christmas is about to be changed forever for this thorough Australia Eddie's gonna buy a [ __ ] gun [Applause] [Music] oh oh [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] genius it's a Walmart Walmart has everything okay what's next perfect oh here we go now this is the section we're looking for oh wait not this one look we need to we need a bowl for oh for Jesus present yeah what the [ __ ] is that I don't know he likes to go camping right he says Outdoors is his element does an area even own a bike oh they have paintball guns strong stay strong they're a cute thing wait this okay grab that for you this idea is disgusting yeah yeah boy dad dude will this fit a narrator max weight 130. narrator weighs 130 in kilos right less than 130. probably yeah and kilo she's definitely less than 130. all right all right oh now we're just gonna love this thing creeper oh man [Laughter] oh wow oh that was fun that was awesome all right everybody got their gifts right I hope you didn't spend too much who gets to go first a non-profit I think I should probably go first Eddie oh it's always the order of subscribers but Juicy's gift what do you get the boy that has everything right look at him a puppy close [Music] that's close no I got you something very special Greg what the [ __ ] who's that it's good it come sit down Greg hey man hi Greg how you doing hi Greg who is Greg Josh got you a person that's uh that's Greg he's yours with all weekend you do whatever you want with him Home Depot oh John you knew just what I wanted can you spell onomatopoeia I'm Greg i'm Greg wow is it what you wanted to find him tried to drive to a whole bunch of Home Depots and just find something I wanted to get a kid from Ethiopia but that double backs they can't come did you program him to just stare at juices he's yours for the weekend hi Greg he's all yours wow this is something so if you have Greg for the whole weekend you should test out Greg's features um the um I have the receipt still with you no no no no I love it okay yeah he's awesome he's awesome you have a whole person for Christmas dude I got you a present for Christmas that's illegal I'll go next okay all right I'll go next um and they're rap beautiful and then there's one more one more hang on hey Sally come in what who's Sally Sally I'm just [ __ ] with you oh bro I was gonna say okay Josh [Laughter] why is he looking like that why does he keep looking like that he's Greg did you see okay how many ps5s did you get me okay well for real though what's in these boxes is worth like five or six ps5s oh I know what those are area oh your first All-American boots what the [ __ ] they have the American flag on them cowboy Josh I need you to put these on what that's oh [ __ ] damn all right those little good on you big guy new Christmas boots yeah next box okay this is the PS5 yeah yeah oh you sound really ungrateful right now eh I worked really hard for these gifts I put a lot of thought into this what's that oh no you didn't do it I think you did whoa [Laughter] whoa oh my God a vest they're best he's gonna have to me and Greg want to see your outfit I feel like I feel dumb Josh is coming out we're not gonna say anything [Laughter] [Applause] come on oh my God why are you so upset man you look good guys I feel stuck you look fantastic where's the belt I got you it's not connecting oh you're missing a belt buckle yeah oh once you open up this box oh no way that is a legitimate cowboy hat stupid if it's perfect no don't cry they can adjust it whoa what is that it's metal dude it's not just metal dude it's not just metal it's gold [ __ ] genuine cowboy belt buckle Jesus that's the real deal and so tuck it in Big Boy and um put the buckle on this is how narrative dresses when he's not shooting for the boys I know it yep there'd be some gold around these parts wait until you perch those lips on a whole cows udders I want to taste that cow [ __ ] Eddie what do you think about that Greg [Music] I knew he would agree come on get in there Daddy get that first buckles right there Josh after one Lincoln America can't even get rebuilt that's right that's right I had a ribeye steak down in the old couple joint right now I'm big fatty best is so smart at me just the right way you know you get that better than the fields water on oh you got it come on there it is [Applause] oh my God it's hard to sit down with this thing yeah that's why they sit like that they're gonna now I'm present there there you go you won't pray there Cowboy wouldn't be complete without this a cow oh it's a box I love cardboard oh it's heavy oh my God a cowboy would not be complete without a side piece oh man I'm not getting back into Australia oh that's a great American gift yep yep that's true all right the Cowboys is very old gun wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait first rule of gun safety Cowboy hold on there never pointed it anymore at anything you're not willing to shoot I'm a cowboy thanks Eddie [Applause] take that off him oh sorry okay I think I'm I'll hold on to this for now yeah I think that's a good idea and then when you go to leave to go back to Australia I'll give it back to you that was that was my gift what did you think it was actually amazing ah see Mexicans and Americans can get along what what do you think Greg yeah that's right that's right Josh does he say only I'm Greg is that I don't know dude I found him in like the electronics section of Home Depot all right next present I could go next okay go well narrator let me go get your gift okay honestly it looks really good on you oh I couldn't find any wrapping paper but I found the carpet aisle prepare to be shocked whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I saw something moving that she moved buried her calm down open it open it open it open it how heavy is that I think it's we wait it's like 60 pounds yeah it's about 60 pounds do you like the wrapping Eddie help me with the wrapping it was really hard to wrap it that that's a cool picture bumpy I I'm ready to be shot all right what do you think is in there dude it can be anything just a box man okay how do I just pull it just open it I just couldn't pick one thing for you really yeah you know I had so many things remind me of you and I you just wanted to spoil you so I got you this and then there's another thing I have another thing oh yeah dude I'm ready what my butt is so wait one by one one by one oh okay my butt is so Christmasy the first line in it is uh Santa is coming Santa is coming tonight it's Christmas day tomorrow and our house is filled with delight I'm skipping and flipping jumping and dipping because Santa is coming tonight yes he is what is that I have little grogu those are so you don't slip in the shower and hit your head on a rail and die dude how did you know I needed this feeling I'm so slippery in the shower me too I'm the same apparently yeah it's a plush throw blanket it's a wolf of a wolf that's cool wolves are cool yeah yeah I helped him pick it out thanks Eddie I appreciate it we thought it reminded you of your fursona that made me think of you when you do legrell dude do the growl it's very soft can you do the growl I can't right now try it's Christmas [Laughter] keep going keep going oh you [ __ ] um you had an acid problem so I got you Tums these are all just thoughtful gifts yeah these are just just you're just I have a serious case of GERD what the [ __ ] is that I know for a fact Eddie helped you pick this [ __ ] out wait I sing and I dance do it [Music] all right we reached our Spanish quality audience there Feliz Navidad Merry Christmas I wanna wish you a merry Christmas I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom oh my God is that a [ __ ] candle it's got George W bush on it it's it's a George W bush sudden candle can I smell it go ahead sir the George W bush candle yeah what smell like burning Towers this was a Christmas yeah 9 11. UM those were up let's go say it let's go [Laughter] aloe infused Ultra Comfort sucks it's because you never stop saying let's go dude yeah that's true that is true I got so much cool stuff my little elf good work little elf we're working together dude oh it's a motion lamp wait open it it's all smashed isn't it [Music] pull it out okay I got a little topper and then I got built in there um so it's a Lavalette but I couldn't afford the lava but you can bite separately at Walmart what the [ __ ] it's got the lamp in there too it's got the whole thing yeah oh you just gotta find lava for it yeah but I you know I could have I didn't have enough money to buy lava for it I drink everything out of that before all right next oh this next thing that's anytime you need juicy you just ring that ring it oh here I come no matter where you are in the world if you were in that I'll be there I found you oh hi Greg I'm great see it works this is and Greg will come too I just I just know that Josh must be really uncomfortable right now with that are you right now how are you feeling [ __ ] I think I've lost one of my testicles I'm too scared to check which one now this one takes some explaining I was at the community center and they were doing a raffle for a 60 gift basket I bought you every ticket you win I bought the whole roll what do I win it's a gift basket I bought every ticket so you're gonna win where do I go how much was that well it was about 700 in raffle tickets but you know it's yeah we could we we could use that for another video you win okay this is gonna be a heavy buck so oh [ __ ] this one is in that okay I'm gonna need you to hold this to keep your eyes closed okay it's heavy though don't let it fall okay now open your eyes open up the box open up the box keep opening it what the [ __ ] is this oh my God what do you think why is that hair in it is this Play-Doh yeah it's 70 pounds of it so are these pubes oh you're just playing with it wouldn't put it in the Box we played with before we put it there it's your Play-Doh it's a square of Play-Doh juicy how many how many played 242. dude and you got Kevin's pubes in here yeah this is awesome I love it have some do you like it dude I'm gonna share this with the world now narrator no we got a big one you bought me a grandma me when you see what's inside that's that's me when you see what's inside all right here we go what is it open it show up open it open it it's a [ __ ] Master Chief spark warthog oh my God you actually bought it it's got it it has a [ __ ] gosh cannon on it you can kill people with it oh my God it goes nine miles an hour that's amazing I can just give away my car keys now it's your own warthog do you like it yes I like it this is awesome oh my God [Applause] we actually saw this and I was like this is all I want as a child I'm sorry warthog oh my God it's just a warthog oh you have to build it wow this is a good Christmas dude juicy all right all right where's the gun seriously where'd you hide it no don't I've searched everywhere he's all right who's next this whole holiday is about giving and Santa gives a lot I think it's time that Santa got stuff for him don't you agree don't look at me like that I think he should Santa I got you something okay it's really good what the [ __ ] let's go is it a railroad tie is it really that heavy no it's not good oh god dude for me fall for You Santa all for you what'd you get Santa whoa whoa what's that whoa wait boxing shin guards she wait what the [ __ ] is this wow they're actually I don't know how you're gonna fight no there must be a woman somewhere are you shaking Santa you're shaking you're shaking so bad I'm nervous man what do you think there's a MMA fighter uh oh that would be very weird wouldn't it that would be crazy that would be if an MMA fighter came out and kicked Santa's [ __ ] ass right on Christmas that would be nuts I'm suited up boys yeah well we're not done yet you got you got more stuff Santa what'd you get oh I know how bumpy it gets on your sleigh rides I want you to be protecting oh you look confused where is this going I don't know go around and find out Santa Claus look at you yeah yeah you look so handsome wait what's that a sauna suit whoa thanks what are you saying I'm fat I'm saying you're eating a lot of cookies and that'll help you got me a sauna suit yeah go go put it on what the [ __ ] oh my God yo I think there's a kink for that yeah that was just a little bit tighter a little bit tighter you say fully enough so that's padding why for protection okay oh oh it's a little it's gonna be a little tight I'm a fat boy act surprised well yeah do this first go ahead core supporter yeah with a cop yeah great whoa so if you put that in first thanks yeah is it working oh if that really does work [Laughter] a mouth guard a mouth guard put that in thank you and your very last one I got these super cool things nice look at those you look [ __ ] crazy why in the world would you get a protective gear um Santa has been known sometimes when he gets out of milk and cookies he turns into a woman beater so Santa mully Molly I wanted you to know what it's like to be on the other end oh ladies oh my God what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is this oh all right all right ladies you're good you're good can I just remind everyone that uh this started this started as a tweet I lost a challenge you made me say I hit women I don't actually hit women I after seeing all of this I'm a little nervous for my gift you should be what'd you think about that Greg angry oh he's right yeah okay did you like your present yeah I liked it I loved it thank you thanks man no no problem man whose turn is it your turn amigo or me gold I'm nervous but I'm excited what I want you to do is take all of your clothes off there you go naked and put these on I got you some pants oh boy oh that's cool all right all right soft pants and I got you this uh this this little sweater it says Santa's favorite oh that's so sweet that's cute okay okay can I still wear this jacket over it no no no it's not store new merch man as cool as that jacket is I mean Eddie come here are you all dressed yes all right come here yep Christmas Time's my favorite time of the year your Christmas dreams make sure you don't step on nothing I'm excited this is usually like the best gifts or like when you when you get blindfolded and [ __ ] okay okay Gabriella did you get something it's beautiful man okay did you get are you ready come outside no no wait wait wait come outside a little there's a little curb careful your curve okay why are you holding me like this because what the [ __ ] hey what the [ __ ] hey no no no no no no wait what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] take the blindfold off eggs eggs I went to Denny's and got you five hundred dollars of eggs it took him an hour to make a jumping castle too man have a place and he bounce around it you got to bounce around in it foreign have a taste you have to taste in front of me bro they're like three hours old you smell like four pans of hickory smoked for [ __ ] you smell you smell really bad all right all right all right little jump man don't be ungrateful oh no you're getting eggs everywhere this is your [ __ ] fault do you like it oh you were not coming inside yeah Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas hey yo let me why would you do this you love it when I send you food oh the cup is coming on that's Buzzy you know where his weak point is this Rubble arena is sponsored by Denny's eggs first one to pin the other one on the back wins go go ah wait that was a low hit oh it looks like this is gonna be an excellent challenge don't worry I'm Yoki it is the Denny's eggs that you have always given me there's always a sunny upside to these battles I'm telling you who here's what they taste like Molly we got some money over here I got 1200 on your red I got 2400 on black [Laughter] [Music] oh my God I love Christmas you like it I win this round [ __ ] did you like your gift I'm kidding me Nick till next time that was a good fight Merry Christmas boys Merry Christmas everyone goodbye a good night this [ __ ] smells disgusting and come on come on
Channel: The Boys
Views: 1,595,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: 282kEdmHECE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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