The Boss of RASTA JAMAICAN FOOD!! πŸ‡―πŸ‡² Legendary Ras Mokko at @Ras Kitchen - Jamaica!

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I personally find Mark wiens unwatchable

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Diggerbarnes145 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 09 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens I'm in Jamaica and today is a big day we're on our way to the small village of sunning Hill which is home to Ross moko the legendary Ross moko the man behind the Ross kitchen he's one of the most laid-back probably one of the most chilled out cooks in the world and just his his presence his kindness his cooking skills and his laid-back miss is what stands out he's gonna be cooking for us he's gonna be showing us giving us a full tour of his property his place at Sunny Hill we're also gonna be hanging out with Matt who is the man behind Roth's kitchen who films I can't wait to share all of the food with you hanging out with the legendary Ross moko of Jamaica of Sunny Hill Jamaica [Music] [Applause] [Music] yesterday we drove along the north coast of Jamaica and then on to the east coast where somewhere past Boston Bay and we stopped for the night here wake up this morning on the coast it's absolutely spectacular the water the peacefulness it's so quiet pristine clean fresh and we're gonna have a quick breakfast and then we're gonna leave it's going to be about an hour drive from the coast inland into the mountains I believe it's at like the base of the the blue mountain range which is where sunning Hill is which is where we're gonna be meet up with Rasta moco and Matt [Music] this is fantastic overlooking to see the rolling waves coming in the weather is perfect today for breakfast I got the callaloo which is the vegetable and then it's sauteed looks like there's some onions and carrots in there and then served with a bunch of different starches including banana I think I don't think that's plantain I think that's green banana and then some other starches I believe that smells and looks delicious though mm-hmm well that's awesome there's green peppers in there too healthy hearty and the cow has a wonderful like kind of nutty flavor to it okay some of that green banana [Music] I needed to add a little bit of that pepper sauce that scotch bonnet pepper sauce add a little bit more for good measure mmm not sure what type of juice this is but it looks very fresh [Music] we are on our way here we go to Sunny Hill Jamaica and Google Maps says it's about an hour drive 58 minutes to be exact but it might take a little bit longer that road looks really windy and then we're gonna be going up into the mountains to the foothills of the Blue Mountains of Jamaica [Music] Brij just driving along now and these are the beautiful just peaceful just quiet serene beaches that Portland parish is known for [Music] so we've come to the junction now I think that way it goes to Kingston this way it goes towards bat we're heading towards bath into the mountains the foothills of the Blue Mountains now yeah got some coffee to go for the drive on the way to Sunny Hill it's just so spectacular Lee beautiful now and so I mean the whole Drive has been beautiful I think we're in Sunny Hill we're crossing over the river again and this way rasa moko this way to the Rast kitchen I think which one which is the gate for a smoker a smoker a smoker gate okay it's the old past the two cars okay thank you thank you thanks welcome to Sunny Hill Jamaica or a beautifully lush place there's cows munching on some plants people are killed and laid back we're still trying to find the exact house I think back over there oh that driveway okay thank you so much man yeah have a coffee sitting in a hammock it's walking down the path through the garden through the trees through the lush through the lush year lush greenery on our way to Ross kitchen [Music] nice to meet you that's not good this is this is the Ross kitchen here I met up smoke oh good to be hanging out with Matt this is the spot man compound this is the ultimate growing barrel fire stone this is where the cooking yards so we have fresh soursop picked right around the area okay he mixes it with Guinness beer and condensed milk and it sounds just horrific but you will believe it once you taste it even looks nasty but it's amazing yeah and also although the rundown today yeah red herring rundown which is a classic yeah if you do a wide ditch in right now and just checking out some rust both those produce from the slow farm everything organic beautiful there's some cacao there's some fruits there's some pumpkins and some gourds oh these are grapefruits thank you very much [Music] immediately as he slices into that you can smell the citrus acidity thank you a grapefruit to get get our taste buds started mm-hmm yeah it so sweet and so juicy almost tastes like a cross between an orange Inuk and a grapefruit cuz it's so sweet and just like perfectly tart awesome also just opened up a coconut this is gonna be further run down because run down is a dish it's gonna be made with fish but it the important ingredient is coconut milk oh yeah that's awesome hmm never gets old this one no best drink in the world yeah right right about that so far I mean the chilled out relaxed atmosphere and what I like is there's no sound pollution you don't hear any cars all you can hear is the clocking of the chickens you can hear birds chirping peaceful place yeah yeah hearing the sounds of nature Yeti bird yep the sounds of nature come on singing sweet song you know it's beautiful I'll meet with that fresh coconut he's now dragging it up the coconut moved into the kitchen now and moko is now he has some red herring which has been salted and it's been dried also very dry okay you can smell that amazing aroma coming off of it he's just peeling off some of the main bone structure boning it a little bit putting and doing the pan below [Music] the rundown cooking has begun once he finished the boning that salted red herring I put that into the pan put that over the fire and then he added in the coconut milk and that's just gonna simmer away that's simmering over the the burning fire would you smell the smoky aroma it's perfect because it's perfect waist level for cooking that's a great technique beautiful cooking technique [Music] God a little bit of time already smells so incredibly good he added in some scallions sometimes in garlic the aroma of that coconut milk simmering down the fire the dry fish already in our hockey you know through this you know better and this random they must said this one awesome kill number one that you come media yes Hindi yes [Applause] I'm still good already everyone yeah you can smell that coconut milk kind of condensing thickening yes the surprise a key a little bit of taste tester moco's giving me a taste ed genius that moko to add that a key in there oh man man that is a new shot many more difficult otherwise many times in it is a keen that wow that is extraordinary new recipe so you've already been roasting you know it may just want me to normally get Wow and then me peel him alright the breadfruit was pre cooked earlier awesome mocha just a little bit more to to get it hot and he's been looking for his knife that kitchen knife somewhere around that's why we've been using your pocket knife you can find the kitchen [Music] yeah killed it just like the grapefruit [Music] okay this is a key right here guys ready to eat ready oh yeah you can already see how the breadfruit is just already soaking up that rundown sauce that coconut milk okay I'm gonna take a piece of that bread fruit the gummy gummy nosov it get a little bit of that icky first bite thank you so much younger than what okay I'll bring it for her Oh [Laughter] finger lickin I think like each of the common components on their own is just spectacular ly flavorful but when it's like combined together you taste the layers of the smokiness because the breadfruit breadfruit is it literally I mean you know why it's called breadfruit the moment you taste it because it tastes like bread like dough bread - bread like it has it tastes like something that's been freshly baked and yet it's kind of like doughy at this end it tastes more like a half baked loaf of bread fresh out the fire smokey layers going through it it's kind of gummy yeah it's a little bit fruity sweet and then combined with the coconut milk with and the Aki Aki is just it's a gym it's so buttery rich it's so flavorful it has this nutty taste to it then you've got the saltiness of that salt and red herring you've got the scallions and garlic in there all just blended together and the breadfruit just perfectly matches with it perfectly soaks up like a sponge all that rundown it's just amazing every single time I like salt mackerel in a key or you know that you make an official one but yeah with their herring is my it's more smoky more smoky to it okay the slow food slow cooking slow farming slow farm slow food but it makes all the difference and you got to get like ratios of the rundown and breadfruit to complement each other I think part of the best thing about here also the meal stories and chatter that goes around moco telling stories as we're children I did not want this plate of bread fruit and run down a queue to end mmm that was just extraordinary and a perfect combination of everything together textures flavors layers of smokiness that was delicious [Music] and mocha getting ready can make us a special beverage that includes soursop Guinness beer in this beer and betty milk and betty milk they've got the soursop here and then just feel it too so the first step is the fresh sour South juice and soursop is very like when it's very ripe it's very sweet and very sour and then it also has this almost like milky milky starchiness to it and so he added some water he's squeezing that out taking out the seeds in this yeah but that aroma you smell it vibrantly I love sour sauce already smells incredible mm-hmm such an aromatic fruit too yeah so fragrant [Music] [Music] [Music] next step awesome to a smoker he he added in what's that first the first was almond like extract juice but I think the fruity almond that they have here in Jamaica and then he added in some he poured in some vanilla extract that goes into the soursop juice and then the Guinness discussing quickly how much penis to add for this drastic look it's kind of crazy okay so Betty milk Betty milk is the condensed that's a brand of the condensed milk that is the the next ingredient and moko stirred that around and you can see it just turned like creamy and bubbly and carbonated a little more a little more Betty milk then just in the kitchen getting the cups now we are ready to go you can smell that sour stuff yeah yes its sourness let's get everyone on the table yeah yeah sky wind power up oh that's incredible it's like the perfect milkiness that comes from a result of the actual soursop plus that foamy head of the guiness like combining together yeah it's like soursop foam and guinness foam but the Guinness is almost there because it's only one Guinness for that whole bucket I think it's more the Guinness is more therefore the foam actually for the texture for the texture that soursop flavor though is beautiful it's milky okay oh I forgot about the condensed milk which makes it creamy to a hint of bitterness from the Guinness special beverage and you can go more Guinness tune it's still good it just tastes so just call that yeah shocking and surprisingly delicious combination into fruity milkiness and I think moko is definitely right about the warm beer it would be good cold too but the warmth it's kind of soothing and kind of like mixed together with that everything together in harmony beautiful harmony oh thank you just a little bit more from last night moco is taking a little afternoon break in as he's doing that we're gonna go down to the river we're gonna take a little swim to refresh to cool down [Music] only filming once you're in the under the water [Applause] and I think one of the best things about Jamaica all again with so many good things about Jamaica but another great thing is you're always near water whether that be see whether that be river that's fantastic dude yeah [Music] how are you as we were taking the swim down by the river moco had put on an herbal tea so that's boiling over he's just getting a spoon to like stir that up to show us but that's just simmering over the fire and you can see that bubble you can see that foam you can see the herbs in there that's gonna continue to simmer away over that fire and in the meantime we're gonna go walk around the farm mocha is gonna show us some of the crops some of the fruits that he grows right here [Music] is this one like a squash oka home pumpkin okay pumpkin the red stripe oh really you're on the grid strip under you bomb me I like moko's natural style of farming too because it's kind of like different crops growing in between other crops natural style there's sweet potato there's cassava and taro fruits growing everywhere it's just lush and green [Music] Boombah cucumber yes got the beard yes come brother man okay Tom oh I their guy convert to Marin James handing up at the breadfruit tree and I noticed this brown bird which is an owl just sleeping there I don't think I've ever seen an owl in wild sitting in a tree in the daytime like that and then as we were still admiring the owl moko went down there and could have cut a fresh piece of sugarcane Oh what is that one other card will appear okay that's gonna be a full tree he's cleaning out some banana leaves old banana a dead tree this is the most relaxed most chilled out place possibly in the world this is just a good classic afternoon in sunny hill don't come and steal it you know kind no time a day that is big my kid what did you call this type of cane sugar cane what what pipe is it the big lie Cali bamboo de anima okay be a big I know the baby like sugar can tell grows like the size of this bamboo over here but just fresh can be like that Buddha when you bite into it to the common juicy it's so sweet okay Randall Bagley they're ready just brought us a lime moco squeeze that directly onto the cane and that's you can already smell the lime juice so it's gonna complement that sugar the sweetness mmm-hmm all for me that's perfect because because just the pure sugar cane it's only one dimensional or only sweet when you add that lime that makes a two dimensional sweet and sour you just make the juice in your mouth [Music] okay so to the to the T moco added some coconut milk now as you want to get out all those nutrients all those vitamins from the herbs yeah I know we dream awesome yeah [Music] it smells incredible the fullness of it the mix of herbs and he put it not only you put not only the the leaves but the entire stems so that extracts so much flavor and nutrients then its final step is adding this oh yeah the coconut milk is well the coconut juice and then what a description this is beverage number two today unique beverage number two can happen sometimes [Music] yeah it's soul herbal a hint of bitterness yeah oh the sea receding Wow it's wonderful yeah and you put the whole the herb stalk stem everything seriously on its own I find it's very bitter and it's very healthy for you but it's so much nicer with a bit of a mega mega bump your burger your point more a bit of blood ah some words of wisdom though this tea so many health benefits it makes your heart pump more blood so it increases your circulation that herbs and mochas to explaining to us the only thing it doesn't cure or help with is if you have a bad mind from the start gotta keep your that has to be a decision you make yeah that has to be a decision you make keep it positive [Music] thank you for an unbelievably awesome day amazing food thinking that thanks for coming that was great amazing it was great having guys thanks Joel appreciate it see you man so cool to meet you bye bye [Music] we are walking out of a vast kitchen after just a stunning spectacular day hanging out that was just so incredibly fun quickly a couple of things number one Matt and Massimo go they have a YouTube channel last kitchen which I will leave in the link description below click on that link go watch their videos go support them they make amazingly chilled out cooking videos at Ross kitchen so go check that out go subscribe to them and then number two they have some cabins the Riverside cool cabins that you can book you can stay here when you're in Jamaica as well and so that completes our day with Ross kitchen in sunny hill Jamaica thank you all very much for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and if you haven't watched this entire Jamaican food series I'll have the link in the description box be sure to watch all the videos we're eating through Jamaica amazing food in Jamaica yeah Jamaica is just a special place goodbye from Sunny Hill Jamaica see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 3,093,720
Rating: 4.8429718 out of 5
Keywords: Rasta, Jamaica, Jamaican food, Rastafari, Rastafarian, Ital food, Mark Wiens, Ras Kitchen, Rasta Mokko, Ras Mokko, Jamaican culture, rasta culture, things to do in Jamaica, food videos, Caribbean food, Caribbean, food, Jamaican rundown, Jamaican herbal, food documentary, Rastafarian culture, Jamaican travel, travel guide
Id: tEz3eEKtsJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 44sec (2024 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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