Rasta Cooking in Downtown Kingston Jamaica | Coronation Market | Street Food Vegan Burger

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[Applause] [Music] all right guys welcome back to stockholm island where i'm stuck with you guys and we are always smiling so uh if you guys never caught the last video where we went to this vegan spot called chef and don you don't know that is a place that empresses like these go and get sick but check out that video it's really cool um it was good to go back there and see everything but anyway this was the original plan for today which was to check out a spot that my uncle mahu khan had mentioned to me that has really good vegan food that is on orange street downtown kingston so i found a place not so hard to find um it's just in between where dennis brown's studio is and where there is also some furniture building spots so we are here right now and i'll go up there and see what kind of iteal food them up up there too funny i'm excited it's really full but you know medicine this was literally like 30 minutes ago well i'll go up let's unwrap some food i guess we can come here like which one feel more isn't me yeah excited for that can we eat right all right yo so let's get into the video all right for just some quick reference that that is sign over there so kind of nice about that's a sign and then the place the update so that's what we are for ready well there's gonna be like a bunch of stuff [Music] ready so these are the ends like a stefan some item music i'll go on so you don't know i think it's a 30. [Music] yeah how much i celebrated from 700. [Music] bills [Music] so anybody that actually wants this pipe just let me know and i'll ship it off to you guys it will be a gift from sorry um yeah part of the trip part of the memories give me your best one want it nice is when i go when i say rasta mr [Music] seven different [Music] you can see the pumpkin seed has green they're not good they're manufactured actually it's a real thing and then shoot when i open a pumpkin i never see a green pumpkin seed it is always this so this is how we got munchpan right now at the moment on the way to the food ready so everything is our vegan thing so i'm gonna get there the bread fruit bun has a bread bone and you all get the polenta polenta is uh it's a farmer mixture isn't it all right so here's there's more of the vibe i'll meet the dog still in terms of um here comes our restaurant isn't it the real kind of roots rasta jamaican vibe so well i'll get that here i'm gonna try this on the pumpkin seed thing where you feel what about i love it you like it though really amazing i want my kind of like it's just hidden up and i don't own things on it it's like you wouldn't know what's it thrown inside of this type of green we are you know this type of vibe oh man of course anything apart rusty go get something nice little info and things you ever go like a rasta you had before yeah same vibe same vibe it's just all right so now go sit down and try this thing this is actually he said five different um greens from the sea this is what the um the fishes consume that's what they said contains spirulina kelp [Music] really good [Music] is it almost tastes like gummy bears but just blend it out that's what it yeah whatever flavor gum really nice though so it's about kind of gelatinous type barley no um and two other stuff i can't remember but it's basically the five five different um greens from lucy um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um i love this i love these i like them on a camera but our old one okay as in getting subzero yo these are beautiful on my lightbody look like they were almost look manufactured which is our compliment to itself kathy means they're not horrifying it's my life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna give these away i'm not about him for myself [Music] all right so all right so i'm also getting one of these for one of you guys so drop it in the comments if you want a pipe that i got earlier or if you want this and i'll ship it off to you no matter where you are if you're in the u.s or whatever the case did i get it for you guys [Music] right you know what representation it's like a religious sign it represents life like this part right here represent the yeah all right so basically it's saying man woman homosexual um ideology that they bring from europe and try to make the whole world accept that yeah so what i'm doing now the christian them know them papa the woman yeah and then put two penis i mean so when we are christian class you are represent homosexuality and you are celebrate homosexuality you know i celebrate life like i said it'll be a tree man father son so these represent this actually older than the cross this is what they saw when them came to akibolan kemet yeah it was the name of egypt before the european change of egypt right no they saw this this is not what it was and what they represent so they they steal it and they they um put different things on it to make it look like they are the original this is the original all right you can come see each other [Music] yo this i've never seen a burger like this one anywhere yet it's a freaking breadfruit burger so the buns are made from jamaican bread gluten i want to use bread and flour yeah with white flour vibes and the the party is made from like beans yeah yeah and this now is our polenta yeah that's a polenta calendar burger so i think the pollen top is made from calming but it's very flavorful right mm-hmm all right coronation market now all right so we're gonna take a quick look at more really quick check out my spawn [Music] that i have for you guys all right so this is another spoon here how much is somebody coming so i want to check out that spoon and bite how much should i sell it for you sure you're going for that spooner honestly the only reason i'm gonna i'm gonna get that spoon and the cosmetics i wanna just more isn't it what about kind of more functional so mario would i wanna um yo this is some really nice carving work see that so pineapple point like like a sugar loaf pineapple was it man i got this with the ankh if you guys really enjoyed this video drop a like on it drop a comment and i might just come back and get these spoons here so i can send it off to you guys or take somebody else our tiffany on page because paige don't leave a gluten wipes these are these are really neat and then smooth too all right so syria now ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] see how much of this on them [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and this is close to coronation market you guys might have seen that video the video has like bought almost a million views on it i'm gonna drop a link so you guys can check it out so everything fresh from coronation market enough to move fast far to get food so other [Music] i've never eaten before i get a nice sweetness from the day then which melon [Music] the dates have that sweetness and in the guacamole whenever earlier yeah if you eat jamaican tamarind you know [Music] anime after green pepper red onions sweet pepper tomato this freaking dish has been worth it yo i know what's surprising though you don't miss a burger bun like the bun itself like the the the bread fruit one it have a wicked pizza vibe food you can't get it roast our friend everyone fried this on fried yeah it took that kind of milk it feels soft same on the inside but that is a fried bread burger [Music] [Music] bro like honestly you guys drop comments and say you don't want to see some vegan type these are eaten this is one way i've had vegan burgers before where me eating dinner yeah yeah let me eat some healthy but this one actually feels fun to eat like the flavors then when it's nice when i have a life you can't eat as much as you want oh yeah [Music] this is a is a mud piece of burger this oh fashion one are you oh sweet pepper nut cheese [Music] [Music] but [Music] more bread food so like this so this is good for your immune system okay the two foods are making fully alkaline foods tambourine jamaica and tamarind okay [Music] um [Music] like this [Music] [Music] that's okay [Music] you know the rice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and ireland vlogs no it is primarily tamarind [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sir [Music] this burger is well overall this spot in terms of a height of you guys have seen the videos remember blue moons and you talk about the the rasta spot up there so the chefing done and there so this one is by far the best one reason being the way how the burger was prepared how complex it looks simply you know at first when i started in the shelf as like oh okay but when they put it together set it right off and you don't eat mine already even as simple as the the pumpkin seed them i was just like yeah i'm on a regular roasted pumpkin seed so by the way but when you're biting tj i get a only power herbs and spice tonight the green pumpkin seeds yeah my mention to them already so the green you must say the green one is artificial though [Music] is [Music] so you can have genetically modified people working well so you gotta have human [Music] the chicken is not real food exactly so when you eat it no you will figure it out here chicken is not really food right these are scratches but we never educate yourself to go back to the original food saying traditional food [Music] [Music] imagine you will have sex and a food where you [Music] [Music] manipulated [Music] why don't you bring this food to to europe come to europe and live here i like mira is the people mother said i'm not leave i'm love the unconscious so that's the way the corruption can really start when they go global everybody knows [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] all right yeah this is the thickest if you want to live you're drinking this right okay and the brand is [Music] anybody who want detox yeah this is where you use a detox right what is that you take it last thing at night and then you take it first thing in the morning right you can do a five day day tax or a seven year detox right you were in and your face is overlooked and smells different for two or five or seven years depending on how much gas you use because adapter can determine ck is by the color you're urine true you can buy the quality of pieces you texture your features so if you want to live this is it how much for this 500 so if you drink and smoke there's a slime on your chest you need to use this washer for slimer yeah i thought if a dream can smoke right if you eat pig and i eat corn water meat you need this okay you see a cola no this watch your things as well all right so you see a poland wrapped around a torso you know in various ways and shape and if it if you're if you're little at your toes up your colon you're taller than your body you know you like twice the size of your body when you say it wrapped around the torso and now the parts of your body right no when you eat certain food some amount of food eat your pollen that's why people catch colon cancer that's why they don't clean up because some of the food eats up in some part they can't get push out because your colon is small like this or even smaller right yeah no if the colon is this small there's certain foods don't design to pass through that so yeah so that's why you're gonna get clogged up yeah and that's all some people are poland cancer like right and these are some of the ingredients spring water aloe vera cersei rice beaten guinean and more hands on it so if you want to live take a shot yeah you take two shots of this at night lasting at night and first thing in the morning i'll make it anymore every morning [Music] increase every cells in your body okay it's not just nuni alone there's no neon other stuff inside of it [Music] right [Music] and they wanted to know how the gorillas feel themselves all right because the girl at them for dominance sometimes and hurt themselves so our ancestors watch them you know the gorilla no let them get this big chap and scrape and cut an island in there mm-hmm the girl i find the looney trees right no the gorilla don't leave the moon until him heal himself no so what a girl i don't know and chew they [Music] and that healing no that information our ancestors used this as a healer as well yeah so that information the person of our ancestors and family about them to ignore this [Music] [Music] okay don't know what it is people here to them don't understand him true and guitar kind of name on everything but once you know the alcoholicity inside of it the medicine the information they carry they carry a very powerful medicinal information you know everybody need i and everybody so anything where i see we show up i think we'll we'll hire you as well yeah because all right let me explain something all right one at a time right no you see the reason why we use these soap right because you see the iris spring you see the the the dog yeah the base of it is made from pig oil from pork oh wow yeah yeah so every every soup have a base yeah right this place is made from coconut milk good for your skin no when you buy a irish spring either buy a palmolive swap or any other local software shop chances are 99.9 are the chances are you buying a soap that contains big oil or chicken you have some 15 letter word right in in that 15 letter word is pig oil yeah with different names big island chicken fat oil if you break it down and go in at a scientific um dictionary you know what i mean yeah no when they use them swap them right first thing your your perspiration smell away yeah the first thing right the reason why because you clog up your pores i call the isle from the pig you're gonna take somebody a dna from an animal and put in your skin and i'm talking gonna cleanse your body with it no man mate you're destroying your skin with it you know what i mean so nokia oh it smells nice this is just those are those flavored water with pig oil that's all it is you know what i mean so if you want natural stuff for your skin this [Music] your body is the most important thing you've ever owned in your life and the most expensive thing you ever own is your body you're not you're firing it off so if you don't take care of your body you're not going to have the car in the house so your first investment is invest in yourself first impression waiting for that too [Music] deep [Music] you always hear the talk say oh um take care of yourself health wise before i get sick or whatever but whenever think about my body itself as the most expensive thing on my own [Music] um right so when your family now spend money upon you you end up spending money for yourself when you lose your car or your seller car and you don't no longer have your car you still have yourself you still have to spend money for yourself so it's not a horse not a car it's the most expensive thing it's you yourself [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you guys have been killing me about getting you guys some color brushes so [Music] foreign [Music] is yeah all right so i know you guys always want me to get these so i'm gonna try stocking my keys for you depending on how much money you have i'm gonna get some of these and then you guys can probably jump on the store or whatever and cut them so i got you guys a spoon drop in the comments i'll make you guys help that and also the pipe and i'm gonna try to get some of these as well all right guys so this is gonna be on the website for sale soy store dot com you guys can check it out this one i'm actually giving away so this won't be on the side but this one this one is really unique i don't know how them actually carve out this in there but there's the african um the continent is actually carved into it really cool and the way it carved proper it's so smooth it feel like something that was manufactured you can see the different transitions between the wood the different colors this is blowing my hole yeah whoa awesome so you guys know what type of um wood makes it i don't know you guys and this is the only way in the world this [Music] definitely come back and get someone also myself because i always wanted some women's problems [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] this is [Applause] i'm [Music] [Music] so we'll just take a quick look at look how well i go by the um around the area one thing that we almost notice that around here a lot of artists has been around here right so come around here to eat on our food and stuff like that and to film different things so yeah i think growing hairs are definitely a good vibe in terms of the whole rasta feel at your natural stuff we got educated in today's video on a lot of stuff whether it's health-wise food-wise and let me just say the food never tastes like one of those foods that be like okay yeah i mean i eat vegan it tasted really good like i really enjoyed what i had um don't know rasta colors and the best flag biggest flood don't know jamaican flag is there and like the you know the the mixture of the zinc and how they colorize stuff so it does have that very artistic thing around it i don't know rastamandam always have knowledge so we say chess also is it when i say korean game brain food so i will fight but i'm really enjoying yourself overall experience what do you think tiffany i love it here i can see that you're at is very peaceful i feel very protected i feel very safe i feel very healthy right now i'm not gonna lie i feel full but the good kind of fruit and yeah i feel like i love it so it's just a nice look of vibes you don't want the kind of liquid anything and it's like i think it's like a hidden gem yeah it's like one of those places that i've driven past time and time again and i do have a pop-up market on the 21st of this month here they say you'll find like foods and stuff that you never really see out there yeah i think you guys would really love this bribes blessed by marley forever all the time so that's it overall experience to enjoy today so it's the second time on cyblocks that's in like a day yes second time it's been an amazing experience thank you stephen no problem man it's a vibe i was a vibe having tiffany on if you guys want to see more videos with tiffany jump in the comments i'm trying to like keep going like no i mean but you don't know the things that already i like having good company around me and stuff until they finally it blew me away at first i was like okay it was gonna be different i never brought my camera inside and stuff film with the phone and stuff but then welcoming them willing to just gear information teach about food i was impressed by that dish that's a 10 out of 10 for me that burger like but there was no mistakes with that burger so much nutrients and stuff and it was great having a vibe in downtown kingston where there is it's like a natural kind of vibe it's like a hole in the wall type of spot that's what it's like i think i'm gonna show them again but it's a hole in the wall kind of spot with just those cool raster vibrations i enjoyed it but anyway i'll catch you guys on the next video already three things love nature and adaptation oh and if you're vegan drop a like on the video because i did this one for you guys pause remember
Views: 120,364
Rating: 4.9425778 out of 5
Keywords: Jamaica Vlog, Jamaica, Soai Vlogs, things to do in Jamaica, Vacation, travel vlog, Reggae, food porn, eating show, food review, tasty food, food video, streetfood, Outdoor cooking, ASMR, Almazankitchen, Primitive cooking, Coronation market, Downtown Kingston Jamaica, Rasta food, Ital food cooking, Raskitchen, Rasta Cooking in Downtown Kingston Jamaica | Coronation Market | Street Food Vegan Burger, Vegan food, Vegan burger
Id: Y1Lea6z5ELQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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