The Book of Jude - Adrian Davis

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[Music] okay so what I was saying there is that we're into the book of Jude and this is a fascinating book it's right before the book of Revelation and that makes sense to me now that I've studied it it also is just wonderful that we've studied Revelation we've studied Hebrews and the book of Jude just fits perfectly with Revelation with Hebrews and and Jude it's kind of one message the three books together so let me get started out I'm assuming that everybody can hear me and what I was saying as well as since this is one book I'm going to go through the chapter we're going to do a summary of the book and then we're gonna have Q&A and pastor Marie will join me for the Q&A so we're going through the book just if you have any questions you can post them on Facebook and you can post them on the chat and I don't think I'll be able to check you too but Facebook and chat will be good and I'm just gonna open up the chat here as well so that actually I lost customer a tip to monitor the chat I'll monitor Facebook and that way we can have an interactive session at the end of this so with all of that said let us get into the book of Jude and we will start then with chapter one and let me just make sure that we can see this perfectly okay bit of a rough start but I think we're in good shape now so here we go he says I organize myself here so dude it starts with the author of the letter Jude Judas and it's interesting that this is a letter about apostasy he bruises about apostasy Jude is about apostasy and Judas of course was the greatest apostate he betrayed our Lord but this is a faithful Judas and so Jude who is the servant or the slave the bond servant bound for life the slave of Jesus Christ and the brother of James so very very interesting choice of words James is the brother of Jesus and so is Jude but Jude does not make his claim that he's the brother of Jesus he's just he's the season upon slave of Jesus but he's the brother of James so because he's the brother of James we actually know and understand that he's also the brother of Jesus he's the slave of Jesus and so are we and we know that because in the book of Revelation the revelation was given to the servants of Christ so that we could know the things that are going to take place shortly and one of the things that we see in the book of Revelation that is certainly going to take place is apostasy there are going to be many that are going to turn away from Christ and turn towards the Beast and worship the Beast and then lose their their salvation and so this letter the book of Jude becomes very critical to us very important to us in terms of those two epistle those two chapters in revelation from Jesus Christ where he is warning the church that the expansion of that warning is here in Jude that that we can really take heart of the advice that's given here in the in the book of Jude and we'll go through that as we as we unfold the letter so this is from Jude the slave of Jesus and the brother of James to who to them that are sanctified by God the Father so that is us this is a letter to us so and certainly for those of us in the end time this is extremely relevant but he was writing to the Brethren in his time in the FIR century but we know the wisdom of God these are these letters are designed for those of us upon whom the end of the world is come so they are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called so we are preserved in Jesus Christ and that's important and we know that Jesus Christ is our high priest we learned that from revelation from Hebrews and he is devoted to us and he has sacrificed his very life in order to preserve us but from the book of Hebrews it's also quite clear that there's a role that we have so he will keep us but we must keep to him he will hold on to us but we have to hold on to him and certainly if that was not true then the rest of this letter from Jude would be irrelevant he would just say were sanctified by God the Father and were preserved in Jesus Christ and that's the end of the story don't worry about anything else but in fact you'll see that Jude is extremely concerned this is a letter of intense urgency that he's writing to us so he says here he's preserved in Jesus Christ and called and we see here then that we want to mercy unto us and peace and love be multiplied multiplied so you really every time we read these most of the epistles I think there's maybe one or two exceptions that the authors are constantly expressing God's goodwill to the Saints even when we read revelation we see the goodwill that God has to the Saints even though there are very very stern warnings there is there is goodwill toward the Saints Oh mercy to us which is unmerited pardon we don't deserve this mercy peace to us and love multiplied so again very good goodwill now he begins the letter so all of that was just the introduction now he is gonna give us his purpose statement why is he writing the letter he says beloved when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation so what he's saying to us here is we are loved and out of this expression of love to he sat down to write a letter to us about the the common salvation there's one salvation for all of us and we are we are working towards that salvation and it is such great news is so encouraging it's what blessedness and so he's responsible for this congregation and he's sitting down and he begins to pin this letter to them and then something happens he says while I say I was like I've got to write to this congregation so you know pastor Maria and I were responsible for two different congregations and it might be we're traveling and we haven't seen our congregation one of our congregations for awhile and we just have to reach out to them and encourage them and just you know what a wonderful joyful salvation we are a part of and keep going you're doing well like just just rejoice in the love of the Lord and so we sit down to prepare this letter that's our intention and then something happens he says it became necessary it was needful for me to write unto you so he changed his mind look the letter that he was gonna write you almost have this impression if he began to write the letter and just tore it up something happened either he got news about the state of the congregation or the Holy Spirit he provided the revelation that was provided to John maybe he got a taste of that revelation by the Holy Spirit we don't know what happened but something happened to cause him to change his mind and the letter that he was going to write he abandoned it and instead he chose to write this letter so he says it became necessary for me it became urgent for me to write to you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered so something has happened something has gone wrong and there is a great risk of wolves penetrating the sheepfold and destroying the sheep and when when he gets wind of this of what is going to happen to God's people how God's people are going to be destroyed that positive encouraging letter that he was gonna becomes irrelevant and instead he wants them to contend earnestly contend for the faith and that earnest contention is it's a fight they need to understand that this is a fight for the faith something something is going terribly wrong and the church is at great risk and in order to avoid the risk the danger of what could happen the church must earnestly contend for the faith and so he is just wow when he gets what he can see what is coming upon the church and he's saying you that there's a faith that was once delivered we must fight for that faith and and to fight means to earnestly contend we have to be strategic about this we have to be tactical about it we have to be earnest about it and realize the risk that we are facing and so he wants to the Brethren to earnestly contend for this faith and so he continues now earnestly contend and that verb earnestly contend is in the middle voice which means it's reflective it comes back on itself so it's something that we have to do for our own benefit so it we're the ones who are at risk and the earnest contention for the faith is to our own benefit so we must earnestly contend for the faith which faith the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints so there is a degradation there is a deviation from the original faith and what we have to do is plug into the original faith and fortunately we have the scriptures and we can search the scriptures and so we have the standard we don't need to follow man we need to follow the Word of God and we need to be asking ourselves are we earnestly contending if we are not earnestly contending we're not part of the solution there's a big problem in the church and if we are not earnestly contending to go back to the original faith that was originally delivered to the Saints if we're not part of that effort and that that earnest contention for that then we're part of the problem we are part of the devil's strategy to water down the face to caused the Saints to deviate from the faith that was originally delivered so it's just a question that we have to ask ourselves are we with the program are we earnestly contending for the faith and Paul says provoke one another provoke one another to love and good works are we provoking one another or are we letting things slide you know we're going into congregations that's obvious you know you look at how the women dress you listen to how the men talk and it's just obvious the congregation is declining the congregation is getting mixed up with the world and we see it but we don't contend we don't provoke one another we just we just all let it go then we're part of the problem if we're contending and it doesn't mean we go and give you give our brother a sister a black eye but it means that we see the deviation and we figure out how can we get the congregation back to the faith that was once delivered in love not not in when he says contend that doesn't necessarily mean contention it means just real effort agony striving real efforts praying over it fasting over it trying to figure out how do we do this but we clearly see what the problem is and that's what we're contending for so he goes on now to say now I want to just show why this book is so important is this prophecy in second Thessalonians but let's not be deceived by any means for that day the end time shall not come except there come a falling away first and the son of man of sin be revealed the son of perdition so this prophecy tells us that apostasy is part of the program Christ in Christ Himself said when the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth so it's clear that in the end time the issue is faced the issue is faced and that's the we spent this whole time in the book of Hebrews seeing how to contend when faith is being challenged when faith is being lost contend for the faith and so Hebrews gave us part of the equation but not the whole Jude gives us the other half there's two halves to the contention and what we're going to see as we study Jude is while Hebrews focused on external persecution and because of that external persecution brethren growing weak brethren faltering and brethren a pasta sizing that's external persecution what Jude deals with is internal infiltration that the persecution comes from within and because of that infiltration there's apostasy and of the two infiltration is the greater danger actually when when the church is persecuted from the outside what do they say the cream rises to the top that those who are truly who truly love God were willing to give everything and and so the person the church actually grows in persecution even though of course there is apostasy but in persecution people actually join the church they see the purpose of the church and and the church actually grows but we're where we fall into danger is when we don't have that external pressure instead we have infiltration and we begin to water down we begin to let down our guard and all of a sudden or it's in the all of a sudden but over time we're not what we used to be we lose our first love and you know Christ in the seven epistles there are so many warnings in there from this great priest king or king priest with eyes like a flame of fire he is furious and it is a furious god a god full of wrath that is returning and we have this sort of softie Tofte oh I'm okay you're okay and you know what God's okay - we're all okay no we're not all okay God is furious and the world is evil and God's people cannot be mixed up in this evil we have to fear God and and get out of this world have nothing to do with the world purify ourselves as men and women who realize God is coming and he's full of Wrath and we need to be under the blood of it's like the the early Israelites they had to put that blood on their doorposts in order to avoid the wrath of God if we don't if we are not under the blood of Christ this wrath is coming upon us and and I think too many of us have this kind of Protestant view of God of everything's okay God loves everybody and it's all fine he's just you know just it's okay no no no when we read the scriptures it's not okay it is of the highest urgency and this is and Jude is writing to us with with the sense of alarm and an urgency and we have to receive this letter with that same sense of alarm and urgency so it's very clear apostasy is what the end right before the return of Jesus Christ great apostasy and how does it happen it happens little by little and then and then a lot and even here Paul writes to Timothy that the spirit speaks expressly it couldn't be any clearer the spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times this is our time this is you look around us look at the news there's this sense of acceleration the world is just changing you know you go to bed you wake up you go to bed you wake up and in a way everything seems the same but at the same time it's very clear it's not the same from decade to decade an out sort of every five years the world is a totally different place and so something is happening something is accelerating the devil is running out of time and the spirits speak the spirit could not be any clearer that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith it's all about faith Hebrews was all about faith Jude is all about faith revelation is all about faith it's all about faith and when the Son of Man returns will he find faith so here there there's gonna be this apostasy giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils so this is what Jude is all about how to avoid these seducing spirits and these doctrines of devils because bad doctrine leads to bad behavior good doctrine leads to good behavior so we have to protect our doctrine we have to and for the right doctrine and so we have to be careful and that's where again we have to be careful about the teachers we need teachers who were gonna bring good doctrine and good doctrine is right from the Word of God it's not what I think it's not what pastor Murray thinks it's not what any of our pastors think it's it's what the Word of God says and all our job is just to give you the Word of God and unfortunately sometimes you know the Word of God isn't sweet it's not sweet it's not bitter and so Paul when he wrote Hebrews he ended it saying allow this word of exhortation this has been a rough rough letter but allow it it's out of love for you and here we're gonna see a rough exhortation as well from from Jude now when we were studying Hebrews so we're contending for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints and so there's one there's one doctrine there's one faith and it's the same faith as our Father father Abraham it's not that Abraham had a certain faith and we have a different faith it's it's the faith that was once delivered to the Saints all the saints have the one face and so Paul wrote in Hebrews unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them so the forefathers had the same gospel preached to them but the word preached to them did not profit them because it was not mixed with faith so that was the only problem the problem was not with the doctrine they received the problem was not with the gospel they received the problem was it wasn't mixed with faith but that gospel that they received is the same gospel that's preached to us so this faith that we are fighting and contending for it's the same faith that was preached to the father's and then went with with this contention you know the Hebrews are feeling sorry for themselves and Paul is not feeling sorry for them they're feeling sorry for themselves all the persecution that they've faced and now they're gonna be facing another wave of persecution and they want a little bit of a pity party and Paul says no no pity party you know put your big-boy pants on and get get up and get going again because you have not resisted unto blood striving against sin and that's the expectation that Paul as that as you contend for the faith you might get bloodied so you're not gonna win this fight without contention and then that means it's gonna hurt you're gonna get bruised but so what because what we're fighting for is so glorious that we're willing to pay the price and that's what Paul is saying you must be willing to resist unto blood if you even shed blood that's not too much for you to ask why because we're slaves of Jesus Christ we go where he sends us we do what he tells us and even whatever we do it's still not enough for everything that he's done for us and then Paul remember that there was this real focus in in Hebrews that were to consider one another to provoke one another and that that provocation is not a light word it can sometimes it can mean sharp contention but the intent is to provoke one another to love and good works we understand the risk what we are rid what the Hebrews in the first century and us in the 21st century what is the risk of failure and when we understand the risk of failure we're just we're just considering one another and helping one another and now we need to have this view of a kind of a macro view of our congregation and realize that we have to contend for the faith we need to make sure that our congregations are pure our congregations are holy that when Jesus Christ returns he returns to a congregation that is ready for him we can't be so selfish that we're just thinking it's just me in the Lord and as long as when the Lord returns I'm good I don't care about anybody else as long as I make it this is not the the view of the Christian Philippians 2 tells us to let this mind be in us which was also in Jesus Christ and it's the mind that esteems the brother greater than ourselves and we just we look at our congregation and we need to make sure that the whole congregation it's a day of rejoicing when our Lord returns we may be Mourning we may be full of grief in this world prior to his return but even in that grief there's an inner joy but when he returns we rejoice there's a loud shout of triumph and that's what we're looking for for the Hong Kong gation so we're gonna be provoking one another to love and good works this is exactly what do to say same message so now Jude explains why there is this concern what why he's so concerned he explains here that he says for certain men are crept in unawares so they have been sneaking in unawares we we we haven't we don't know why how they got in but they've snuck in and they're contentious and they're seductive and they are of the devil and they've crept into the congregation and he says here who were before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ so this is quite strong wording that he has here there is ancient prophecy that says that these men are coming and so it's no surprise to - Jude that they are actually here and he's warning us he's warning the congregation that look this is ancient prophecy they this this was prophesied that in the end time there would be this ungodliness and so they're just fulfilling the ancient prophecy and what is it that do that they're doing specifically they're turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness this word means just looseness nope no self-control anything goes living out our lusts and desires and it's all fine it's all good God is gracious so you know let's sin abound because so so let's in a balance of grace can abound this is this is their doctrine so there's a high permissiveness that they're sneaking into the church with their little whispering campaign and the standards of god of the church are lowering and they're were getting into behavior that is uncomely for since but if it's the world around us is doing it so it seems quite normal and they're denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ so this is blasphemous behavior and blasphemous doctrine and it's this it's the seducing spirits and it's the doctrines of devils and so in this case this is lasciviousness but it doesn't mean that the the answer to this is you know being totally legalistic no there there is a balance in the middle that we have this freedom in the Holy Spirit that frees us from the bonds of sin we with this freedom we want to serve God we want to do God's will and so we don't need people you know measuring and and and shake and wagging the finger at us and this sort of cultish behavior in the in the congregations there's a freedom in the holy spirit and it's a freedom where the law of God is in our hearts so everybody wants to do God's will but they they now are taking this you know in Galatians we have the problem of people being legalistic and and and removing God from the picture with their legalism but here in this net case now we have the opposite it's all about lasciviousness and and doing whatever we like and there's this filth let's call it what it is there's filth in the church and we're okay with it we're not earnestly contending we're not seeing that you know a good tree bears good fruit and a bad tree bears evil fruit but a word word world were becoming complacent and were okay with this filth in the church now Habakkuk was not okay when Habakkuk saw the filth in the covenant community he complained to God remember we we read there he says why do you show me iniquity and caused me to behold grievance oh he's looking in the in the in the church in the leader ancient church the covenant community and he's seeing this filth and he's asking God like how come I understand the law I understand your word and and I'm seeing this filth and you're not doing anything about it he says spoiling and violence are before me so these are ravenous wolves and they have violence in them and then baka Kasim this and there are the rays of strife and contention so they've gotten into the community and this is what they're doing and therefore the law is slacked and that's exactly what's happening now the law is slap we don't we don't love God in the way that we should and judgment never goes forth everything everything's okay God it's okay to and you're okay and I'm okay in the worlds okay and gods okay and there's no standards this is this is not new Ibaka suffer fate has suffered when he saw this in the covenant community the law is slacked judgment never goes forth and the wicked surround the righteous they sneak in and and what they're all about is dominance and they get into positions of power and this is what they do therefore a wrong judgment precedes and so Habakkuk saw this and he complained bitterly to God and and Jude is saying is the same thing for us in the end time so he says I will therefore put you in remembrance so the very first thing that Jude says is you need to remember this this is a teaching that you've already had and you're straying from it go back to the teacher go back to the teaching and I'm gonna remind you of what I've you've already been taught though you once knew this what is the very first lesson that he points out to them cuz there's gonna be three the first one he says I want you to remember you you knew this once I want to remind you now how about the Lord having saved the people out of the land of Egypt afterward destroyed them that believed not this is some powerful powerful messaging from Jude so again if we have this notion it's nice to be in Christ it's nice to know the Lord the Lord's okay I'm okay you're okay and the world is okay everything's okay I need to remind you that the same Lord who moved and through the power of the blood of Christ through that power of that blood of Christ he was able to save the people through that Passover he was able to save the people from his wrath and through that salvation bring them out of the land of Egypt and these same people that were saved by the blood of Christ these very same people the same Lord destroyed so it's not I'm okay you're okay God's okay the world's okay everything's okay no it's not okay God is not to be trifled with God is to be feared and just because he brings us out of Egypt it's not there's no one saved always saved here we must understand who we're dealing with and his expectations and we must strive to live up to those expectations so the same thing that Paul was dealing with the Hebrews with and reminding them of the original Israelites and the original salvation and how they were still destroyed Jude is pointing to the same message this is apostasy so these Israelites they came out they had enough faith to come out but then they a pasta sized they became unbelievers they turned their back on God and God destroyed them this is the first lesson that we need to understand the reason he's telling us this is it's the same God it's the same blood of Christ that that that has brought us out and now we're in deep trouble if we harden our hearts and that's why Paul said to the Hebrews don't harden your hearts as in the day of provocation the day in the wilderness of temptation when your father's tempted me proved me and saw my works for forty years therefore I was grieved with that generation and said they do always err in their heart and they have not not known my ways so I swore in my wrath God can be angry god is angry goddess is pregnant with wrath and he's about to unleash his wrath on the world we need to understand this and we need to hide ourselves from this wrath so I swore in my wrath they shall not enter into my rest we don't want him looking at us and swearing in his wrath that we shall not and into his rest Jude continues so that was the first apostasy now he comes to so he will just go back to what he said about this first apostasy that he wants us to remember these ancient forefathers who were saved from the wrath of God on Egypt and then that wrath of God destroyed them then he says the second apostasy and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day so there is a set of angels that had a certain habitation or a certain position and they left that and they have pasta side and they turned it against God and now they are reserved in Chains they're imprisoned until this great day of judgment so it's not all the angels but there is a subset of angels here that this is their punishment trifling with God for a pasta sizing then he gives this third warning or third example which which Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them so even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the Vengeance of eternal fire so three examples of unfaithfulness three examples of apostasy three examples of perversion and three examples of God's wrath for this perversion for this unfaithfulness for this apostasy so he wants us to remind three wants to remind us of this Paul in Hebrews dealing with the same thing warned us lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright so there seems to be this very clear connection between bad doctrine bad ideas and bad behavior and more often than not the behavior that see the seducing spirits Satan and his Sadducees it's the behavior that they want to tempt us with is sexual in nature because of the holy meaning of matrimony what a husband and wife the sexuality between a husband and wife just how beautiful it is what it actually means that the symbolism of that Satan is against that he rails against that and so he wants to do everything he can to destroy that sacredness and and warp our minds and I think the thing about sexual perversion is it has no depth it has no depth you start off with fornication you get married you are on to adultery you go into homosexuality next thing you know you're into pedophilia and then there's no age limit to the pedophilia to the point where you have grown mad I won't even talk about it but it's just disgusting and something happens to the mind when Satan can warp us with sexuality so anybody out there if you are involved with perversion sexual perversion go to the high priest get out of it because it has no bottom each sin it becomes oh well that's boring now I need to go to the next level stay in holiness you know beem get get married and if you can't be married just keep yourself pure and everybody get out of this because in the end time these seducing spirits sexuality is all you can't you can hardly turn anything on without being bombarded with perversion and so we have to guard ourselves because this is how the devil works and so beware because this is this is the onslaught this is the total onslaught in the end time and a lot of it has to do with sexual perversion so in the same way so he goes through these three examples you got ancient Israel you've got these set of angels and you've got Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around Sodom and Gomorrah all three punished in different ways but all three severely punished with the wrath of God so that filth that perversion in the same way likewise also these filthy dreamers who have infiltrated the church these are the devil's puppets so we have the devil's puppets externally persecuting the church but we also have soldiers of the devil soldiers of Satan penetrating the church and what they do they defile the flesh this is their objective defile the flesh then they also despise Dominion and speak evil of dignities dignities so Christ says out of them out of the heart are the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks he also says by their fruits you shall know them he also says that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit neither can a bad tree bear good fruit so we have to see the fruit and even before the fruit we can listen to the words and so when people are speaking seductions their flirtatious their seductive in their language red flag red flag red flag when people are how shall I say disrespectful to Authority kind of pull you aside and they want to tear down the ministry where in Hebrews Paul is constantly saying obey them that have the rule over you greet them that have the rule over you you know we acknowledge those that have the rule over you why because that's how God is going to work to preserve us we're all one unit but he's given us different gifts and roles but these they're going to speak evil they're going to try to tear down and discredit the shepherds and they're also going to speak seductively this is what we can we know the devil is at work this is contending how we can contend for the faith so this is what they do they despise Dominion and they speak evil of dignitaries Joe Guidice yet McKell the ark angel so you know Lucifer is out now we have Michael this this arc angel when contending with the devil so he's earnestly contending when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses so this is in Jewish literature they had I think this is the assumption of Moses there so he's writing to a Jewish audience that this is the literature that they have and they have this inside about the argument that Michael had about who owns the body of Moses to bury it so when Michael was disputing with the devil about this he did he dared not bring against him a railing accusation instead he said the Lord rebuke you so this is the example of righteousness that if Michael who is this Archangel when he was contending with Satan who was Lucifer about the body of Moses he respected the fact that Satan holds this office holds an office and even though he's been rejected by God until Christ came and took that office away from him he was in that office Adam failed and so Michael respected the office and and rather than rebuked Satan directly and you would think that would be deserved he says you know what the Lord rebuke you and so this is an example of how right how the righteous deal with authority but these these filthy dreamers who have infiltrated the church they speak evil of those things which they know not so they're completely ignorant they don't really understand God's plan and God's will and God's counsel and yet they feel free to speak evil of what they don't understand but what they know naturally as brute beasts in those things they corrupt themselves so they are you know the I think was a first Corinthians the 2nd chapter where he says you know without the Holy Spirit we cannot know the things of God the same way that animals cannot know the things of humans without the human spirit humans cannot know the things of God without the Holy Spirit and so these people don't have the Holy Spirit they've lost the spirit and they have they are now operating at the level of animals but in that understanding of no access to the understanding of God are they corrupting themselves woe unto them they are cursed woe unto them Jude is not pulling punches here woe unto them for they have gone in the way of Cain so now so first he gave three examples of apostasy now he's going to give three examples of selfishness three examples of the the way he wants us to understand how these people think and so he's gonna give us three examples of how these people think they're cursed why are they cursed because they've gone the way of Cain and they have ran greedily after the error of Balaam of Balaam for reward and perished in the gainsaying of core so Cain so all three of these are just really really selfish people they don't love people they don't care about anybody they just care about themselves Cain became envious of his brother Abel Abel did his best he brought a beautiful reward or offering to God that has nothing to do with Cain that's between Abel and God Cain became envious and slew his brother that's that's what was working in the mind of Cain then we have Balaam who was a prophet but he was a prophet who was for hire and he tried to get Israel cursed for for hire for it for gain and selfish and core Korah who resisted Moses you know why's Moses why Moses and Aaron the leaders we're all leaders we're all holy what makes them different and really he wanted to be the leader and again there's this selfishness of three different examples of how these filthy dreamers who have infiltrated the church how they really think Jude wants us to be alert that anybody can put on a suit in our day and age in our culture suit and tie or a nice dress everybody can put on perfume and cologne and make themselves look and smell nice and everything looks good on the surface Jude wants us to understand the heart and the first indication of the heart is what comes out of the mouth that they're going to speak filth there's their seduction there's flirtation there's sexual innuendo coming out of the mouth or there's despising of Dominion they don't like structure they don't like Authority in the church they don't want anybody to be oh really they want to be over everybody but what they're saying is they don't want no we're all we're all holy we're all elders nobody should be over us but really and truly they want to be in charge and in power but we need to be wise as serpents we need to understand how human nature works especially when it's devoid of the Holy Spirit so now with all of this infiltration in the church and Habakkuk in his time he was really worried about this and he was frustrated with God that God wasn't doing anything and so in the same way now we could feel the same way like we're earnestly contending feel like God isn't doing anything here's the answer to buck behold you among the heathen the answer to all of this apostasy all of this pour of filthy behavior in the church the answer is actually going to come from outside and this is why we need to prepare ourselves for this because it is a massive answer so Habakkuk said you're not doing anything God says I am look out of don't don't look inside the community look outside look among the heathen and regard and wonder marvelously for I will work a work in your days which you will not believe though it be told you and then he goes on to say that just shall live by faith so as we contend for this faith we become among those that God says are just and when this massive correction comes upon the church and lo it will wait for it though it Terry it will not tarry anymore and it will come so all of this is going on in the church we have to contend for the faith that was once delivered while we're contending we're being categorized as the just and then this massive correction is going to come upon the church and this is really the link between Jude and Hebrews that Jude is about this fighting against the internal infiltration he bruises about what we do when the massive correction comes he says these are spark spots in your feasts of charity your agape feasts and there was a meal that the church had annually called the agape meal and it preceded Passover and it was a love feast and it just ensured that there was full love in the congregation and now they these people have infiltrated the congregation and during the agape meals they're actually spots that instead of a congregation that's full of love you know fervent love for one another we have these spots inside that are participating in the agape meal but they have designs on the Brethren and they actually want to destroy the church and yet they're part of the agape meal and they're full of lust they're full of carnal desire and this is how they come to the meal and we can see that in 1st Corinthians 11 you'll actually see these same people operating in 1st Corinthians 11 where Paul is like what is going on with the agape meal what are you doing one is drunk and another is starving this one is eaten so much like a glutton and he's full of wine and another one comes a poor brother comes and he's a bit late and all the food is gone how does this happen these are spots on your agape meals when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear and again go back and read 1st Corinthians 11 to see that the conduct of these people they are selfish the agape meal is about all about loving one another and and looking after one another they just come and look after themselves feeding themselves without fear they don't fear God they're okay the world's ok everything's fine no need to fear God clouds they are without water carried about of winds so you know if you're a farmer and you're just looking for that rain and you begin to see clouds there's a sense of hope and there's no there's no water in the clouds it's a it's just useless it's a mirage carried about a wind trees whose fruit withereth roots from the tree they're fruit Withers they're without fruit twice dead plucked up by the roots they're dead twice so there's this is the second death they're completely useless and they're they're finished woe unto them now here we see in 1st Corinthians 11 and you go back and read the whole chapter where they're dealing with the agape meal but he says here for there must also be heresies among you why that they which are approved may be made manifest among you so these people are infiltrating the church and what it actually does is it makes it clear to God who are the just who are the ones that truly are earnestly contending for the faith that's why there has to be heresy if these heretics were not among us then we would not be known so we have to use all things work together for good so as long as we love God and were called according to his purpose we just have to contend and he says when you come together therefore into one place this is not to eat the Lord's Supper so there was a meal before the Passover and he's saying look you're not you're not doing this right for in eating everyone takes before the other his own supper so they're feeding themselves why are you doing this this is the agape meal you're supposed to be look fervently loving one another looking for opportunity to serve one another instead you come and you feed yourself everyone takes before the other his own supper instead of esteeming the other better than himself so one comes and after this feast visits a feast he's hungry there's there's no food left for him he's poor he can't get off work until sunset by the time he gets off work and comes to the meal all the food is gone and the one that was wealthier and didn't have to work or could get off work early he's eaten so much and had so much wine it's been a real feast for him he's drunk Paul is beside himself he's like how does this happen in the agape feast this is not the Lord's Supper you're that's the devil's dinner you're you're into something else you have perverted the whole practice he says what don't you have houses that you can eat and drink in or is it that you despise the Church of God and and shame them that better pour what shall I say to you shall I praise you in this I have no praise for you so that's the the agape feast now when he says they were twice dead this is going back to Genesis when God says to Adam that this knowledge this tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of it in the day that you eat a bit the Hebrew says you shall die die you shall die die the Greek says you shall die the death so there's a double die here twice dead there's this is the second death and so these people they obviously had the holy spirit but they've allowed themselves to what what we saw in Hebrews six now it's impossible to renew them to the faith he says here in Jude they are raging waves of the sea so this is this is how Jude sees them they're just raging waves of the sea and he says here creating waves of the sea foaming out there shame so you get the sense of the sea that just creates all of this foam and this is they're raging they're they're all these lusts and desires inside them and they're foaming out their shame they can't help it all of their shame just comes out wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of Darkness forever Jude is not pulling any punches here these are filthy people that have come into the church and their lust will become evident to everyone and then he goes on to say he goes on now to quote the Book of Enoch and again Jewish literature this is the Book of Enoch and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints so he began saying this is ancient prophecy said that this is coming so Enoch seventh from Adam had a view into the end time of the time of the Lord's return and when the Lord returns Enoch could see he returns in a state to a state of apostasy so he's saying look this is and you read the literature of the Book of Enoch you'll see this that he prophesied that the Lord comes with ten thousands of his Saints so the Lord is coming with his Saints what's he coming to do to execute he's furious if we don't portray if we don't understand Jesus coming full of wrath then we don't know Jesus he's coming to execute judgment upon all and to convince all and and this is just so it's it's so poetic but it's so heartbreaking he's coming to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him I think we get the idea here this rampant ungodliness people just don't have God in their lives they are completely devoid of God and this is this is the world that Enoch said that Jesus is coming back to this is our world so between today and the return of Christ we're going to see this wholesale ungodliness in the world and Jude is saying and it's going to be in the church this this disease that that penetrates the church it doesn't just penetrate the church and stay quiet it penetrates the church and they have such desire and such designs and they're under the operation of the devil that it spreads in the church and it overtake is like a cancer that just overtakes the church and destroys the church and Christ says when the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth that's how destructive this is and and Paul tells us wholesale apostasy he tells Timothy that you know seducing spirits and doctrines of devils are going to overtake so now he says the who who are these people how do we identify them as we earnestly contend for the faith how do we know who are contending with how do we spot them there it's prophesied that they're going to infiltrate how do we hide we spot them okay this is how these are murmurers complainers we spot them by their speech out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks they're not speaking of love you don't hear agape instead you hear murmuring complaining despising Dominion they don't want anybody over there why because they want to do whatever they want to do this is it murmurs and complainers walking after their own lusts they don't want to be governed they want to be free not to do the law of God free to do the opposite free to pursue their losses walking after their own lust and their mouth speaks great swelling words this is what he's saying contend for the faith now here's how to know where the enemy is working and we need and he's gonna tell us how to know where the enemy is working then he's gonna tell us how to actually contend so their mouth speaks great swelling words having men's persons in admiration because of advantage so when you look at Paul when Paul came to address the Hebrews he didn't come and say you're okay I'm okay God's okay the world's okay everything's fine you guys are wonderful he came with sharp contention you know you guys ought to be teachers by now and it's like I have to go back to kindergarten MIT it's a shame your your spiritual state is a disaster this is how Paul spoke he wasn't looking to flatter us so that we think Oh Paul loves us I love him it's like know that the love of God comes with a sharp sword sometimes and so we we want people who will speak the truth in love not people who are gonna flatter us so they can manipulate us is there's just a human condition that when we are flattered we favor the person is flattering us so we just have to be careful there's nothing wrong with a sincere compliment somebody telling us about our gift that they are edified by the gift that we have and it's truly sincere and and they're not saying it so they can have designs on us they're just saying it out of a true sense of appreciation that's fine but these they were on the one hand despise Dominion they will despise others and then they'll flatter us ah doesn't work like that if you're going to despise my brother I can't believe in you're flattering me because we're all one body and if you'll despise my brother despise my brother behind his back then you're gonna do the same about me behind my back we have to be wise as serpents so they have men's persons in admiration because of advantage but beloved remember you the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ so he says this is anciently predicted and going all the way back to Enoch he could see the return of Christ in a time of apostasy but now he's saying you don't even have to go back that far just go back to what the Apostles taught us so the Apostle you heard what the Apostles taught and we can go into Ephesians in fact and see how Paul worried over the the church at Ephesus because of infiltration saying that if you go into Acts I believe it's I think it's AB 17 might not be but it's in his in acts where he's worried very that's 20 he's worried about the Ephesian Church and and the elders and that even amongst the elders there were he could see wolves that were after his departure we're going to infiltrate the church and shipwreck it so the Apostles how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts so we have this tension between the Word of God we owe so I just saw that it's a thanks pastor Murray it's acts twenty twenty five to thirty one so in acts twenty twenty five to thirty one is where you see Paul worried about the infiltration in the church and so the Apostles warned of this and they told us that in the last time there will be mockers so they're going to be in the church but they're not taking the Word of God seriously so it creates this tension in the church there's going to be brethren who are reading the Word of God wanting to take it seriously and then there's going to be other apparently brethren in the church saying you don't need to take that seriously it's not real and it creates this tension and Jude is saying in this tension we have to earnestly contend for the faith and understand we listen to their words and understand that the battery that's powering them is ungodly lusts they want what they want and they see manipulating the church in order to achieve their ungodly life and some of these you know some of these churches of god I it's a shame I have to say this the leaders are filthy dreamers the leaders are perverse and they have entire Kong and not just congregations but multiple congregations worldwide Church and they're filthy dreamers and they have ungodly lusts and they're just using the people and flattering them and telling them oh you're a Philadelphian Christian and everybody else is Laodicea and they're just tools of the devil these be they who separate themselves sensual having not the spirit so they they are they believe in separating themselves being exclusive we're the exclusive people everyone else is evil you're so beautiful you're wonderful as long as you follow me we're off to the place of safety and all of this nonsense they separate themselves their sensual they don't have the spirit and you can hear by the way they speak but you beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith so it is about faith we have to build up ourselves and again when we studied Philippians 2 and we saw that every time Paul used the word you it was in the plural here these verbs and the you y'all and it's all it's plural it's it's it's a collective effort we have to edify each other edify the church build ourselves up on our most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit keep yourselves in the love of God so God can keep us but we have a part to play too we have to keep ourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life and he says he's going to appear unto them who love his appearing so everyone is gonna be terrified of his appearing but those of us who are keeping ourselves in the love of God we're looking for his appearing we're desiring is a prayer appearing because we're looking for his mercy unto eternal life now now he tells us how to contend so there is a difference so everybody's not the same we need to be aware we need to listen to how people talk we need to look at their fruit we need to look at their behavior but he says to make a difference he says and some of some have compassion making a difference that they're not everybody's not the same we need to make a difference so you know here we have otters but there's a cat in the midst you know just cause you're tall that doesn't make you did what this is a different beast all together so we have to understand there's differences so make a difference he says and others save with fear pulling them out of the fire so there's some that are just weak and and and and you know Paul says to look after the week you know warned them that are unruly and and comfort those who are weak so some people are just weak and we want to work with compassion with the weak and and there's a difference they're not they're not the same others we have to save with fear pulling them out of the fire so these people are on their way our God is a consuming fire these people are on their way to destruction now we need to see like wow they've gone over there actually seduced by these spirits and we need to figure out how we can pull them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh so they're involved in sexual perversion and we hate it but they're our brothers and our sisters and we've got to yank them out of the fire what you're committing adultery you're committing fornication wake up read to provoke do you have any idea who we're dealing with do you realize you have to stand before God do you know what's gonna happen to you and we need to provoke them unto love and good works and at the same time hating what they're involved in and so this is where Paul says let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works and then Paul Jude now begins to conclude his letter now unto him that is able to keep you from falling so he is able to keep us from falling he's our high priest but we have to keep ourselves in his love so to him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy we need to think about this with all of our faults with all of our foibles with all of our weaknesses with all of our sin he is able to present us faultless this the just shall live by faith we become just not because of our righteousness but because of his righteousness and because what we need that is faith in his righteousness faith believing in him because he was angry with those who didn't believe so we believe and because of our belief he's able to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy these are we have to just meditate on these words it's hard to digest it's hard to express but this is our future and so it's all about believing in the high priest and that's what Paul said in Hebrews we don't have a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin so he's been through this he's a high priest that's compassionate and so Jude now ends by saying to the only wise God this when we look at revelation when we look at Jude when we look at Hebrews there's a wisdom in these books and it comes from God and any other so-called doctrine we're not interested there's only one wise God and we believe in his word to the only wise God Our Saviour be glory and Majesty Dominion and power both now and ever amen amen amen amen so that ends the book of Jude bit of a fast pace through it hopefully you have some questions and thoughts I'm gonna bring pastor Murray in a moment but what I want to do is just go ahead and just summarize the book and also how it ties to the other two books that we've studied recently so first of all in terms of summary the structure of the book there's an introduction and and there's this urgent need to write the his purpose is to address the infiltration the church is in danger it's urgent he was gonna write one letter basically tore it up threw it away it's in somebody down nine-one-one the churches at risk and this this goes right before the book of Revelation and the epistles of Jesus to the seven churches are basically wringing the same alarm so there's infiltration we need to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered he then warns us by showing how a pop what what is the result of turning our back on God what is the result of apostasy and gives us three different examples of perversion and how the the wrath of God came down on that perversion and then he exhorts us he shows us what to look out for and and how to work with how to contend for the faith there there's a difference there are some that are weak and we just need to encourage them and have compassion on them and there are others that have defiled themselves they have fallen victim to seduction of these the demonic spirits and they're getting involved in sexual perversion and we need to pull them out of the fire because they are going to be burned up destroyed by God so we need to have this compassion on them as well and pull them out of the fire while we absolutely hate the perversion that they've been involved in so this is a fight and that's what Jude is warning us about now in terms of comparing it to Hebrews we see this similarity where they're both a word of exhortation Paul is Jude is exhorting us Paul is exhorting us it's all about faith Hebrews the whole book of Hebrews is all about faith so is Jude it's all about faith it's clear that the examples of the forefathers we cannot forget their unfaithfulness and and the wrath that came upon them and there's this concern that did it the way the devil works the way he's gonna destroy us is through our lusts and we have to escape the the lusts that are in the world we have to become pure we have to become holy and not fall victim to this desire for worldly gratification that is inappropriate so God is coming he's a he's a consuming fire we have to shake this notion shake this concept that you know God is this you know long haired hippie with sandals that just loves everybody loves the whole world just wants to give the whole world a great big hug and a great big kiss and just everything's fine he is full of route there's such evil in this world it's we can't even speak about it it's so evil and God is furious and we need to escape this wrath and we need to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together not become exclusive just make sure that we have fervent love for the Brethren and really be thinking about one another not just caught up in our own salvation but really thinking of the whole congregation and I'm really understanding that it's God it's his faithfulness it's his promise to Abraham we are living under his faithfulness and he's gonna present us to himself without fault and now I just want to tie together the books that we've studied so Revelation is sort of the overarching pattern where we saw it begins with a message to the churches get ready can work work the sin out of your congregations don't tolerate sin in your congregations why because a crisis is coming and if the congregation is weak it's gonna be overrun if the congregation is spiritually strong it will stand up to the Beast power it will witness faithfully because the congregation is strong so get you in the time we have before the Beast flexes its muscle let's get our congregations strong then the Beast flexes its muscle we are overcomers the Lord returns with a reward for us or we are overcome by the Beast and the reward is a punishment so that's the pattern now we see Jude really aligns itself with the epistles of Christ it's about getting the church getting ready before the crisis comes but in this process of getting ready there will be this infiltration the infiltration will have a measure of success in some congregations will completely overcome the congregation and destroy them in others it will be contained because there's gonna be this contention for the faith once delivered in any case like Habakkuk there is going to be this injustice this corruption that enters the covenant community and God is going to correct it from the outside and so that leads to the crisis that Habakkuk saw that Paul when he was warning the Hebrews he thought that they were in the end time and that crisis that have that vision of Habakkuk for the end time he thought that was what was coming on the Hebrews in the first century turns out it's for us in the 21st century and that is the beast power that's coming and so that crisis when it comes we then turn to the book of Hebrews when that external person first the internal infiltration we have contend for the faith then the massive correction and then one or two out one of two outcomes either because of this massive correction we don't have the confidence in God we don't have the relationship with God we don't have the relationship with it with each other we apostasy or we have been contending for the faith and when this massive crisis comes we are we are governed by the Holy Spirit we witness faithfully we stand on on the promises of God and we are faithful through the crisis and then the reward comes at the end so these books all fully tied together and what we'll do now God willing is we will bring in pastor Murray and we're here to answer your questions your thoughts your comments on the book of Jude and we will what should I say here you can ask the questions on Facebook and on CGI dot church online org and we'll go ahead and speak with you there are you there pasta Murray yeah I'm here okay hear me I don't I can hear you know you can hear me now perfect yeah yeah okay good so let me take a look and you check a look at the check actually before sure I should ask you brother any thoughts comments either on he bruised or Jew yeah just a few comments while the folks prepare some questions are you it actually means who were written about before connected previously or Judas basically saying the prophets have told us in times past that this would happen and these folks are just fulfilling the fulfilling this prophecy they weren't evil instrument of God too important understand that they're another I was having a problem with the sound I'm getting a message that we're not getting sound from you I can hear you clearly for some reason oh no I can hear and see you clearly Wow yeah let me just check here you what why don't we just not hold hold hope yawn again yeah so why don't we just I will text you through slack anything from a nice little from the unfortunately you I'm not sure what's going on with the sound here but I'm giving this message that we're not getting sound let's just see here Sam I'm not sure what's going on I'm throwing you a couple of comments from me through slit through slack okay and it seems like so I'm just trying to see if we're getting sound are you on the chat Marie can you see if they're hearing me oh so it's just your connection is it's a bad connection with you but I think everybody can hear me okay so okay so read your comments from slack so you in verse 12 where it speaks about spots they're like rocks in the water so I guess people collide with those and let's see it I'll see if there's any questions on Facebook here okay so back I think the sound will just have to work through it it should be fine and let's see if we have any car any questions on the chat right no no no questions so far on the chat can you hear me over right yes it I can and on Facebook it looks like everything's good it seems like people can hear you as well oh so if you can hear me yes okay you can hear me so much they make it here both of us oh okay good bye okay can I'll just circle back on a couple of things I was absolutely okay so verse 12 the spots in the love feasts that word spots and those word spots actually means a Ledge or a reef of rock in the sea and you were really touching on how these folks that were that we're doing this weren't even real church members they were had infiltrated and were evil so what how that word spots in Greek really acts as as these are our dangers under the water that can't be seen that can this can dislodge a ship that's very so that's a very brief some yeah reefs of rock under the sea and then just a couple more down to verse 22 that we're making a distinction or making a difference in the King James that's that word diet credo which means discernment and that's it's it's it's the command to the the church to use proper discernment whether to have compassion over those that just you know need some guidance out of out of their ways and or to save with fear and that fears well that's that word that you've talked to us about before which is phobia this isn't the respectful fear of God this is the time that people actually need to be terrorized back into back into place very good so just some color to to add to the support supportive teachings you're talking about me good and I just want to be clear that everybody sees the connection between Revelation Jude Habakkuk and Hebrews so revelation just gives us the the whole story and then that pattern in Revelation as church get ready crisis and that reward and so church get ready Jude really brings that out for us to say we need to get fix our you know not tolerate sinfulness not tolerate apostasy Christ covers all of these images and his epistles Jude really warns us urgently and I don't know whether it was the Holy Spirit coming upon him and giving him this revelation of what's gonna happen in the end or if he just got a sense or a report of what's happening in the congregation but something happened to him to compel him to write to the church with this very urgent warning to fix yours get yourself right with God in order to be successful through this apostasy that's coming the the the crisis then comes which in Revelation we see the Beast prevailing against the Saints in Habakkuk we see the vision of Habakkuk God saying I'm gonna fix this it's done I'm gonna fix it from the outside and then in Hebrews we see when this persecution comes on the church the Hebrews panic and they're trying to find a way to escape the persecution instead of standing up faithfully about preaching the gospel and just going forward knowing that the just shall live by faith there are a couple of questions here if I can read them to you watch from JD who asks why are some fallen angels and chains while others are active William makes a comment before I ask you he says the answer you seek is in the Book of Enoch but did you want to expand upon that yes so this is Jewish literature that really goes back to Genesis 6 and it appears from the Book of Enoch that there were a set of angels that left their state and started to manipulate or participate in human sexuality and sort of similar as if a human were to participate in animal sexuality and these specific angels are set aside and there they're chained or imprisoned until the judgment comes this is what the Book of Enoch speaks about and so this is this is the Hebrew or Jewish literature that Jude would know that the Saints that he's writing to would be very familiar with these teachings because they themselves were Jewish and reading this this literature thank you and the next one comes from gray who says how can so many turn their back on God there but for the grace of God go I I think the question of the really question we should ask is how can God have so much mercy on us that he's going to present us before his throne faultless and it really comes around to that that faith of Abraham that God said it we believe it and we're just gonna follow through and cling to him no matter what I think the natural condition is actually apostasy that we don't believe God we believe in our own righteousness we believe in other human beings and this is sort of the natural state we need the Holy Spirit to be in that supernatural state of faithfulness I agree no other questions here just a few thank-yous from JD from Ray from Rick for on your answers and your study great and on YouTube there's a comment from angels app saying I have to repent of all the bad deeds amen brother we all do like I really hope that what we get from the Word of God is God is not to be trifled with this is not a game this is this is eternal life that we're dealing with and if we are involved in things that we know we should not be involved in go to the high priest repent we can't do this by ourselves there's no there's no sense beating ourselves out because we fail and we fall and then we're like oh I'm never gonna make it this is not the Christian Way the Christian Way is I'm a human being I'm there's no righteousness within me there's nothing good in me oh but then God gives me his Holy Spirit reason he gives me his Holy Spirit he wants to put me to work and so he has everything he's putting me in this body to work the body works are my body works your body works it's functional and so we're put in the body to function and we just we get down on our knees we take it to our high priest and over time we see like I'm not the same person I was last year and I'm becoming a new person and this time next year I'm stronger than I was at this time and it's all the work of God so we just brethren please repent and when and when we that actually falls right in line with the end of Jude where he's telling the Brethren to have that type of distinction or discernment to treat those who are in in a in a repentant state with compassion and those who aren't treat they need some terrorists set them straight Christ is obviously a perfect example and if we are repentant he will he will be ever compassion of course exactly nothing wrong with fearing God you know nothing wrong with being afraid to damage one another this is this is good here and and then I think it's really important that as we contend for the faith we're not beating everybody up in the congregation there really is a sense of there but for the grace of God go I and sometimes we do have to provoke one another but it's always with this heart of compassion and a view to the endgame and that again that word provoked and you've touched on it several times back in Hebrews has the connotation of a jab that is designed to elicit a reaction right and this I think Paul says it best in Hebrews when he says our God is a destroying fire and Jude repeats that when he says hey I just want to remind you that the very people that got saved from Egypt those very same people who destroyed for lack of faith our God is a destroying fire and I think we just have to have this all and respect for God that we're not to toy we don't have God in our back pocket and it's like oh I need a healing look I need healing oh I'll pull out God and I'll get healed oh I need some money I need I need I need a new house plug God I get a new house we're dealing with God and we have to have this great sense of regard and great sense of awe and and right fear for him right reference there great very good so past him right in in again if you know if you're out there and you're thinking about baptism that's what this is all about making disciples and so if you if you need baptism reach out to us Adrian Davis at CGI Canada org and Marie dot Palmateer at CGI Canada dot org and we're happy to work with you and I know customer is doing a lot of counseling for brethren who are seeking or people who are seeking baptism I do want to mention that we want to give on to the Book of Isaiah we're going to do that book next God willing however for the month of September because of the holy days because of my travel schedule we have the feast coming up we will not have any Wednesday night that grieves me but that's the situation we're going to resume Wednesday night Bible study in October so for those of you who know about the feast days our brethren have a wonderful fall festival season but those of you are tuning in you don't really understand what we're talking about right to us but you have to understand the holy days they're a part of God's righteous plan and if you don't understand the holy days you really can't understand what God is doing so we're going to resume Bible study God willing with the Book of Isaiah on October 3rd pastor Murray any any last words just from our family and our congregations to everyone out there have a most meaningful and edify fall festival season these are these are exciting times and and as we've heard over the last number of studies about how difficult it's going to be it's that it's during these festival times when we work together for a longer period of time that we build up the reserves that will help us endure so I have a great tough amen so let's love one another let's love our God Jesus Christ is king he's coming soon and let's let's hide from his wrath and we'll do that by loving him by loving one another and heeding his word god bless God bless Murray good night all good night
Channel: CGI Digital Network
Views: 2,193
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Keywords: cgi, Church of God International, Jesus
Id: ksJRdTyzrfE
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Length: 84min 22sec (5062 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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