Sunday Service: "An Outsider's Amazing Faith" (Sunday 12 September 2021)

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welcome to our all souls online service we start a new autumn preaching series in luke chapter 7 today which means that we start the autumn focused on the lord jesus christ our aim here at all souls is to be all for jesus and i pray that gathering like this online will help you to know him better in a world full of injustice and pain many people ask where is god and in luke 7 we hear the answer from malachi the prophet i will send my messenger who will prepare the way before me then suddenly the lord you are seeking will come to his temple in jesus the creator god has come in person to his world the lord you are seeking has come and our first song this morning has ambitions we command all the created order to praise god so let's sing together [Music] [Applause] you [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] him [Music] is [Music] christmas [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] in the book of malachi the people ask where is the god of justice and malachi tells them that the lord you are seeking will come to his temple but at once he warns them who can endure the day of his coming who can stand when he appears it's an invitation to reflect on what god sees when he looks at us knowing every thought word and deed i'm going to leave a bit of space now for us to examine ourselves and then our lead us as we confess our sins together so together all mighty gods are heavenly father we have sinned against you and against our neighbors in thought and word and deed through negligence through weakness through our own deliberate fault we are truly sorry and repent of all our sins for the sake of your son jesus christ who died for us forgive us all this is past and grant that we may serve you in newness of life to the glory of your name amen in luke chapter 7 jesus meets a woman who is written off as a sinner by her neighbors but who came in faith to him for forgiveness he says i tell you her many sins have been forgiven and then to her your sins are forgiven your faith has saved you go in peace so if you have turned to jesus as a sinner in faith then he has forgiven you so please join with all of us in the words of the prayer that he taught his disciples lead us now into [Music] our children's song now reminds us that the whole bible story introduces us to the same gods who we meet in jesus let's sing though we built the most enormous boat they kept the birds and animals afloat the lord was good the lord was strong and nowhere lived his heart for him moses led his people through the sea taking them away from slavery the lord was good the lord was strong and moses lived beside him oh thank you oh thank you that all through history you were faithful thank you oh thank you that you are just the same when it comes to me when he comes to me [Music] david for goliath and he won yeah a humble shepherd i became a king the lord was good the lord was strong and david lit his heart for him [Music] daniel was inside the lion's den and god brought him to safety once again the lord was good the lord was strong and daniel lived his life for him oh thank you oh thank you that all through history you were faithful thank you oh thank you but you are just the same when it comes to me when it comes to me [Music] jesus died to take away our sin so we can get to know our lord again the lord is good the lord is strong and we will live our lives for him thank you oh thank you that all through history you have able thank you oh thank you but you are just when he comes to me thank you oh thank you and all through history thank you oh thank you [Music] when he comes to me [Music] i am delighted to introduce to you pamela brown peterside who is the director of all souls serve the city the that's the the ministry's adult souls where we are serving fellow londoners who are vulnerable pamela welcome welcome to also you've been with us a few months but um welcome we'd like to get to know you and you your father is nigerian your mother is northern irish you grew up in northern nigeria and i've heard you say that you grew up privileged in a country where most people are poor um could you just say a bit about the impact that that had on you absolutely thank you charlie it's lovely lovely to to be here um yeah i just began to realize as i got older particularly in adolescence i began to recognize that i had opportunities that those less fortunate than me than me didn't have particularly through people that were working with my father and i think basically what god did is he gave me a heart for uh the vulnerable and that affected the choices the career choices actually that i made subsequently so i ended up going into public health once i left nigeria i went to university in america because i had been to an american missionary school in in jos where i was born and raised and i was going to go into medicine but then opted to go into public health so the the lord has brought us a public health expert was it covered do you study code i didn't study covid but i hope that all of us now recognize the value and importance of public health because of what it has done for us in the pandemic so what did you do with that so i ended up actually pursuing a doctorate in public health my my heart was really for poor black women initially for their fertility helping them to decide when and if they would have children and then subsequently i worked in hiv and aids and god used that desire to then propel me to an opportunity that opened up in uganda yeah and so many of us would have been reading pamela your book um during the summer so say we have um and this is a a very personal an honest kind of record of your time you're feeling while you're in uganda um just does what did the lord teach you during your time though well i came to realize that though i had chosen public health and had these very honorable choices for my career and for the ways i was living i i came to recognize that actually those choices were mine and not necessarily out of a calling that god had on my life and and he really exposed that when i went to uganda um i also went realized that i had gone to to serve to help people with the expertise and the training that i had and i was able to offer that but god also helped me to see that actually i had a lot to learn from people who are less fortunate than me and so there was hospitality welcome kindness compassion resilience and perseverance from people who were these were some of the most poorest people in the world so he was showing god was showing me his own heart through this community through these people and and by doing that he was also changing me deeply internally from inside to out in a very slow incremental way and fortunately i hope that journey of change is continuing up to today and you've come to us sort of via more time in new york and then on the city mission and but you're you're not entirely new to all souls are you just tell us a bit about your your history with ourselves well it's just amazing how god works because actually between my first uh degrees and going back to uh new york for um the doctorate i actually lived in london for a couple of years and i worshipped here at all souls i wasn't plugged in i didn't really know people but you know god brought me here in the late 80s um and then when my mom moved back to london after my father passed away which was over 20 years ago now she has been coming here along so she's part of this this church family and every time i would visit her i was coming along to all souls as well and she's a she's a regular at the online so this service is tell us a bit more about the ministry that um that we've asked you to lead here so tell us a bit more about the city and how we can get involved yes so serve the city as you mentioned very early on is really uh the ministries at all souls where we serve fellow londoners who are vulnerable with the message and the ministries and the love of jesus and in particular we focus on those who are isolated overlooked and or exploited so for example one of our ministries is called tamar it works with women who are involved in sex work and or who've also been trafficked um so we we seek to to meet the needs of those women as best we can but also to introduce them to the person and the love of jesus and so that we have multiple opportunities to serve um we're just getting going a post lockdown in this new stage of the pandemic so please do think about coming along we've got opportunities on a saturday morning with aslan our sleep site visiting program homeless to the homeless we've got opportunities in the evenings we've got weekday opportunities we have opportunities for people who speak different languages mandarin or romanian so um on our website all forward slash serve please take a look and indicate your interest and we will be in touch with you palette thank you it it's wonderful that you're here i'm i'm so grateful and it's wonderful to be able to introduce you to everyone like this please do um take the chance to get to know pamela uh over the next the next months um i i want to go straight on from what pamela said so all serve and that is how you can sign up to volunteer in those crucial important ministries that serve the city it's also what um i'd come today to encourage you to do in every area of the church's life so as we open things up after covid there are opportunities to serve right across the church family in leading groups and helping our sunday services run in any number of areas and if you were to go to that link we would love to uh start a conversation with you about where you can best serve in our church family and the other um page on the website i would love to direct us all to is all forward slash hello and it may be that uh you're joining us from another part of the world entirely and that you have local christians there that you meet with regularly but if you are in london i would strongly encourage you to to find your way to one of our life groups so that would be a group of other christians meeting around god's word to look at the person of jesus to grow in understanding and there are groups for those who are not christians and right outside of christian faith right through to groups for those who've been at all souls for years and years and years so uh if you would go to that link forward slash hello and again answer a few questions there and someone will be in touch with you as every week we want to express our thanks to those who give money to support the ministry here including many of you who join us online and also our thanks to the lord god who gives us all of the resources that we enjoy and use for his glory so we say together all things come from you o lord and of your own have we given you let us join now to pray for our church our world and ourselves add your voice to the prayers by saying amen at the end of each prayer heavenly father we commit ourselves to you afresh at this time of year which is the start of new things for so many in our church family new jobs new schools and universities new places to live help us to be welcoming to those joining us for the first time and guide them in how they can use their gifts in learning and serving together with us we thank you for the new members on our staff team the new ministry trainees and church assistants and we pray that you will help them to settle into their roles and to get to know the church family may we commit to praying for them and to encouraging them in their ministry in jesus name amen dear lord we know you are a compassionate god and we lift up to you those people in afghanistan who are fearful of the future give courage to christian believers to share their faith and to give hope to those in despair we pray for the local staff of ngos who are trying to keep some medical projects going may those needing treatment be able to access these services lord in your mercy hear our prayer amen heavenly father we pray for our mission partners working in southeast asia as they learn a new language and culture make new connections and discern the good things god is calling them too in a new season of their lives we pray for friends to encourage and a deeper trust in you in this difficult season of change for them as a family we ask for opportunities to share the good news and hope of jesus with people from a country which is increasingly authoritarian and tightly controlled we praise you that your word is not chained may the transforming power of gospel hope flow out irresistibly in jesus name amen father god we commit to you our brothers and sisters in algeria where believers are at risk of harassment beatings threats and imprisonment because they have chosen to convert to christianity fill believers with courage that they might remain steadfast despite opposition we give you thanks that a church building that had been forcibly closed was handed back to its congregation earlier this summer and we ask that more of the churches closed by the government might reopen so that believers might be free to meet again in jesus name amen and finally we pray for ourselves loving lord as we start a new sermon series from luke's gospel we pray that we will come with expectant hearts eager to hear what you will say to us from your word opened to us by chris increase our faith stir our hearts and motivate our wills to walk in your ways we pray in jesus name amen our next song emphasizes that the same person the disciples met in jesus that we're going to hear in our reading in just a second is the same one who is calling us now to trust him so we'll sing and then we'll hear our reading and chris will come and preach for us [Music] you and choose them high you choose the weak and make them strong you heal a brokenness inside and give us life the same level the same love the open eyes this is calling my soul by name you are calling us all by name the same for the spirit of heaven's wise the same god that was [Music] is [Music] [Music] and the crowd is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] the same love yeah [Music] this is [Music] oh [Music] us to the cross you're calling you're calling you're calling us to the cross hello i'm rachel olney a mission partner in vienna in austria if you could pray that music students and musicians in vienna would be all for jesus amongst their colleagues and as they play in other settings that would be great this morning's reading is taken from luke chapter 7 verses 1 to 10. luke chapter 7 verses 1 to 10 when jesus had finished saying all this to the people who were listening he entered capernaum there a centurion servant whom his master valued highly was ill and about to die the centurion heard of jesus and sent some elders of the jews to him asking him to come and heal his servant when they came to him they pleaded earnestly with him this man deserves to have you do this because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue so jesus went with them he was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him lord don't trouble yourself for i do not deserve to have you come under my roof that is why i did not even consider myself worthy to come to you but say the word and my servant will be healed for i myself am a man under authority with soldiers under me i tell this one go and he goes and that one come and he comes i say to my servant do this and he does it when jesus heard this he was amazed at him and turning to the crowd following him he said i tell you i have not found such great faith even in israel then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant well this is the word of the lord thanks be to god good morning i hope you can keep that chapter open in front of you from luke chapter 7. and let me ask you to use your imagination for a moment you're among the crowds in galilee who are trying to figure out what's going on with this jesus this this carpenter's son from nazareth i mean you've not read the rest of the story in the gospel you haven't got the letters of the apostle paul to explain all about the cross and resurrection and anyway they haven't happened yet and along with your family and many others you were just longing for god to come and do something about the shameful suffering of your people and you got all excited when that strange prophet fellow john was preaching and baptizing down there at the river jordan and maybe you went along and it sounded like god was doing something special maybe even that god's messiah god's true king was about to arrive or was he already here could it be this jesus but now john's in prison i mean that doesn't seem very fair and the religious leaders they don't think much of this jesus in fact there are those that want to kill him that doesn't sound like the real messiah does it well that's something of the turmoil you see that jesus was arising among the people and luke in this chapter and the next few chapters of his gospel wants to show us how people responded to him specifically as you can see from the title that we've given to this short series on luke chapter 7 was jesus the real messiah or not then how could you tell i mean what evidence would convince you now can you look down for a moment at verses 28 and 29 because they really are the hinge of the chapter they're the central point of what luke wants us to see can you see it there all the people even the tax collectors when they heard jesus words acknowledge that god's way was right because they'd been baptized by john but the pharisees and the experts in the law they rejected god's purpose for themselves because they'd not been baptized by john so you see some people responded to jesus teaching by acknowledging that god was right and they were the despised outsiders whereas others responded by rejecting god's purpose and they were the religious leaders who knew the scriptures so what made the difference and luke tells us that that first group had been baptized by john that is they had repented they had turned from their sin they had changed their ways and so they welcomed jesus with faith and with joy whereas that second group they refused to be baptized because they thought they'd got nothing to repent for and there's all these other people who were the sinners and we'll meet somebody who thought like that at the end of this chapter so they not only rejected jesus but they resented the fact that he welcomed those sinners as they called them so the crunch question you see that will come in the middle of our sermon series on this chapter is the one that's there that john's disciples asked jesus they're in verse 19 can you see it are you really the coming one the true messiah or should we look for somebody else and jesus pointed them to the evidence and that's what luke is doing all through this chapter so over these next few weeks here we will join these crowds in galilee and we'll see the saving faith of a gentile soldier the raising of a widow's dead son the fulfillment of ancient prophecy and the forgiveness of a sinner woman all challenging us to make up our minds about this jesus and if he is the real thing then what are we going to do about it so we begin today then with an outsider's amazing faith luke chapter 7 verses 1 to 10. here we are in the little village of capernaum by the sea of galilee and there's a soldier stationed there a centurion that is he's an important officer probably from king herod's forces and he's in charge of a small platoon of soldiers and he's got a servant a servant who he values a lot but he's sick indeed he's dying and this centurion has heard a lot about jesus as a healer and so he just wonders if jesus might be persuaded to have a go at healing his servant but he's a gentile of course and it wouldn't do just to rock up as a foreign soldier in uniform and summon this jewish rabbi directly not good for community relations you understand no he he'd better show some respect if he wants jesus help you know religious sensitivity and all that so he asks some jewish civic leaders the elders in his village that he happens to know and respect he asks them to go and ask jesus on his behalf and they do so and jesus agrees to go along but then the centurion sends others to tell jesus not to risk his jewish scruples by entering the house of this gentile because that would have made him unclean no he says just say the word that'll be enough and jesus is amazed at his faith and the servant is healed just like that well it's a simple it's a charming story but it packs a few surprises along the way and here's the first i think that luke wants us to detect some surprising echoes of scripture meaning of course the old testament scriptures that luke has been quoting so many times already in his gospel and first of all there is here a clear echo of abraham why well because here's a gentile here's somebody from those non-jewish nations who comes into god's blessing by meeting and trusting in god's messiah jesus see god had promised to abraham that through his people israel all nations on the earth would be blessed israel had been chosen by god for the very purpose of bringing blessing to the rest of the nations now luke has already reminded us of that earlier on in his gospel and indeed he'll go on to show us how that blessing to the nations will explode in the mission of the early church to the gentiles in his second volume that is the book of acts especially through the apostle paul but for the moment here in his gospel here is just one the first one one gentile one foreigner who is blessed and he gets blessed for the same reason as abraham that is through faith and that's the key to this whole story as we'll see a little bit later in fact this is a little bit like cornelius you remember that roman soldier in acts chapter 10 who also comes to saving faith in jesus and so here this centurion in luke's gospel is the first the first of multitudes multitudes that now include us if that is we have responded to jesus with the same faith that he exercised so there's an echo here of abraham blessing to the nations but secondly it seems to me that there's an echo of solomon now this may not seem quite so obvious and i can't be sure even that luke has it in mind but i find it quite striking and it comes from that odd and interesting detail that luke tells us about how those elders of the jews that is just some of the local leaders in capernaum plead earnestly with jesus to do what the centurion was asking and they pleaded earnestly because of course it would have been surprising to jesus that as jewish leaders they would want to help this man at all being a gentile and they couldn't by any means assume that jesus would want to help him either so they plead they beg they entreat that jesus would do for the man what he was asking for that jesus would in a sense answer his prayer now just listen as i read to you part of the prayer of solomon at the dedication of his temple in 1st kings chapter 8. and most of solomon's prayer is asking god to hear and answer the prayers of the israelites in various situations but then listen to this here it is in verse 41 as for the foreigner who does not belong to your people israel but has come from a distant land because of your name when they come and pray towards this temple then hear from heaven your dwelling place and do whatever the foreigner asks of you so that all the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you as do your own people israel so you see solomon prays that when outsiders foreigners who had arrived in the land of israel for whatever reason when they come praying to the god of israel and seeking his blessing solomon prays that god would hear and answer their prayer so that the name and the reputation of the god of israel would spread to all the nations to the ends of the earth and that's a thoroughly missional vision i mean that's like abraham and here these local village elders come asking jesus to do for this gentile soldier exactly what solomon had asked god to do for foreigners whatever they ask according to their need which in this case of course is healing for a dying servant the gentile slave of a gentile soldier i mean who cares if he dies it's just one less unclean gentile defiling our holy land who cares god cares and jesus cares for you see whether they knew it or not these jewish elders are reflecting the love of god in christ that reaches out across barriers of race and religion dissolving hatred with compassion and replacing prejudice with prayer so these are at least two of the surprising echoes of scripture echoes of abraham and of solomon now later on in this chapter luke will point out some more scriptures quite explicitly and we'll see in a later sermon that this is one part of the evidence that jesus is indeed the real messiah because all around him in what he says and what he does the word of god in the scriptures is being acted out these small stories about jesus and the gospels they all point to that much larger story the whole bible story of god himself and his plan for all the nations on earth god himself is here god is at work just like in the scriptures can you believe it will you trust him see that's what counts here's then a second surprise in this story and i've called it a surprising contrast of assumptions i wonder did you notice the way that luke contrasts what the jewish leaders say about the centurion with what he says about himself look first of all at their assumption in verse 4 can you see it there they say this man deserves to have jesus help him they say because of what he's done for our town i mean they give him a really resounding character reference as we might say as they plead his case to jesus he loves our nation they say he's built our synagogue well that's quite something to say about a gentile and a soldier who well he must have had a pretty good army salary to build a synagogue for the jews what's happening here is that they describe him as one of those gentiles and we know that there are many of them who had come to respect the jews and their god and their faith in the book of acts luke calls them god fearers that is gentiles who attended the jewish synagogues and then responded very positively to the good news about jesus when paul and barnabas turned up one sabbath day and probably luke wants us to see this centurion in his gospel as very similar to that other one that we meet in acts chapter 10 that i mentioned earlier where we read that at caesarea there was a man named cornelius a centurion of what was known as the italian cohort he was a devout man who feared god with all his household gave arms generously to the people and prayed continually to god which sounds just like the one in our story so these jewish elders make an assumption the kind of assumption that we very easily make this man deserves to have god answer his prayer and heal his servant so if jesus can do that for others then surely he should do it for this guy i mean okay he's a gentile but you know he's one of the good guys he's generous he's kind to us he's done us a favor so he's entitled to expect that god will do him a favor i mean isn't that exactly how people often think about their relationship with god transactional entitled tit for tat in a good sense of course you do the good stuff and god will give you all the goodies in return now in one sense they had a point i mean after all didn't god promise that abraham quotes that those who bless you i will bless that is that god will bless those who show kindness to god's own people just as this outsider had done and the cornelius story and act shows that god does indeed recognize such good deeds but in another sense of course they were quite wrong for that blessing of abraham rested in god's grace and god's promise it was not something to be earned or deserved and they were certainly wrong about jesus if they thought that he could be persuaded and motivated to help somebody because they deserved it on the contrary jesus reached out constantly to those who deserve nothing or if anything deserved god's judgment on their sin but instead through jesus found forgiveness which will be our last story in this chapter so that takes us then to the contrasting assumption these jewish friends say this man deserves for you to help him but then the man himself insists can you see it there in verse 6 i do not deserve he says not even to have jesus come under his roof indeed as he adds there in verse 7 he didn't even consider himself worthy to approach jesus outside personally not deserving anything he thinks not worthy of even speaking to jesus himself that was his assumption and again you see in one sense he was right not just because he was a gentile and could expect no favors from a jew like jesus but because he was indeed just as unworthy and undeserving as all of us are before god okay he liked the jews and he paid for their synagogue but that didn't make him any less of a fallen sinner than all the other gentiles or indeed than the jews themselves some non-christian people quite like their christian friends and they give to charity and even to church building funds but that doesn't make anyone worthy or deserving of favors from god no in that sense the centurion got it right with his assumption of his own unworthiness but in another sense you know he got it wrong because in coming to jesus you see it was not a matter of who deserves what or who is worthy or not it never was it never will be this man's anxiety that perhaps jesus would snub his request because he was not worthy to make it was completely beside the point jesus would respond to his need not because he deserved it but simply because jesus was the embodiment of the grace of god that is the undeserved love of god for the undeserving the unworthy the unlovely all of us in other words but the centurion did grasp something very clearly that even if he felt unworthy that didn't ultimately matter for what counted you see was the word of jesus himself and so he says yeah he was an army man he knew the power of commands when they are issued by someone who stands within the chain of authority with his authority derived from king herod he could say go or come or do this and it would happen and he recognized that jesus has an authority derived from god his word could make it happen could heal his precious servant so just say the word jesus there's no need to come and meet me or touch my servant just say the word and my servant will be healed i trust you i trust your word and that brings us doesn't it to our third surprise because this is indeed a surprising act of faith and this time this time it's jesus who is surprised luke luke's quite emphatic he says jesus was amazed at this man astounded filled with astonishment astonishment that was mixed with wonder and admiration i mean that's what the word actually means it's the same word as when the disciples saw jesus quiet in the storm on the sea by his word and they were amazed they said who is this that the wind and the waves obey him now we've seen the elders perspective on this situation they point to what the man deserves and we've seen the centurion's own perspective he admits that he deserves nothing now we see jesus perspective because what he sees is this man's incredible faith and it amazes him the only other time that the gospels tell us that jesus was astonished is when he was amazed at the lack of faith in the towns of galilee sadly many of his own people would not believe in him and yet here's this foreigner this man of authority who recognizes an authority higher than his own and puts his faith in the mere word of jesus and jesus comments on that that contrast to the crowd can you see it there in verse 9 when jesus heard this he was amazed at him and turning to the crowd that we're following he said i tell you i have not found such great faith even in israel and that's rather bittersweet isn't it i mean that's the paradox that john also describes in his gospel that jesus came to that which was his own but his own did not receive him and yet to all who did receive him to those who believed in his name like the centurion he gave the right to become the children of god so this man trusts in the sheer word of jesus and that word was sufficient to meet his need his servant's life is saved now we're not told what happened next but it's not hard to imagine that this centurion and his servant and perhaps even many of his soldiers believed in jesus from that point on as the true messiah that he was and followed him as best they were able now luke in this chapter clearly makes that comment by jesus there in verse 19 verse 9 the climax of this whole story this is the main point that he wants us to grasp see it's not just that jesus is indeed the real messiah the one who came to seek and to save the lost it's not just even that the love and the grace of jesus are reaching out across barriers to outsiders who know that they deserve nothing from him although that is happening the key thing the thing that really excites jesus here is when somebody puts their faith in jesus and in his word and that's the crunch issue so you see that's the challenge that confronts all of us because today obviously we don't get to have the physical earthly jesus walk into our homes even if we think ourselves unworthy that that should happen just as centurion did the only way that jesus walks in on us now is through his word specifically through the word of scripture through these gospel accounts of his life and his teaching his death and his resurrection and as the holy spirit takes these words of scripture and by reading or preaching breathes them into our ears and our minds and our hearts then as our friend mark mendel likes to put it jesus walks off the pages of scripture and the question is are you responding to him and his word by faith faith in the words of jesus jesus said i am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me do you believe that jesus said whoever comes to me i will never drive away do you believe that have you come to jesus jesus said whoever hears my word and believes in him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life do you believe in jesus and the god who sent him jesus said to a woman whose brother had just died i am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in me will live even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die do you believe this said jesus and martha replied yes lord i believe that you are the messiah the son of god who is to come into the world that's the challenge of this story beyond its surprising echoes of scripture and its surprising contrast of assumptions what luke really wants is for us to imitate this surprising faith of the centurion he put his faith in the word of jesus and his servant's life was saved put your faith in the promises of jesus and your life will be saved for all eternity amen oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] uh so [Music] [Music] [Music] in isaiah the lord says to his servant to the lord jesus it is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of jacob i will also make you a light for the gentiles that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth amen you
Channel: All Souls Langham Place
Views: 6,738
Rating: 4.1666665 out of 5
Id: DaiK7hPzROM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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