Paradise SDA Church Service

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yes of god on the margin of the river washing up his silver spray we will grace our spirits will deliver and provide a robe and crown yes we'll gather at the river of god soon we'll reach the shining river soon our pilgrimage will cease soon our happy up oh please it does oh see my face believe that jesus his precious blood from sin to set me free sweet promise of him the kingdom restored to you shall begin come enter my joy sit down on my throne bright crowns bright hope comes to all summer is not far away hope last till i come sweet promise of him the kingdom restored to you shall begin come enter my joys sit down on my throne bright crowns are in waiting hold fast till i come yes this is our hope it is built on his word the glorious appearing of jesus our lord behold i come quickly hold fast till i come hold fast i come sweet promise of him the kingdom restored to you shall begin come into my toys sit down on my throne bright crowns are it waiting hold fast you'll like like to take this moment to welcome our visitors how many of our guests are here please raise your hand if you're a guest today at paradise and where are you from more time please okay the one before that oh washington state we're glad that you're here anybody else who else yes california right next door who's in the back amen we're so glad that you're all here and you know what just let us know when you're moving here except for the ones that already live here we hey we'd love to have you here paradise come here just for that amen oh that's right you were in california right isn't that paradise too we're so glad that you're here glad that you guys are here today and uh those who are watching online we're glad that you're here with us too today so there's so much we have so much to be thankful for we're in the time of the hour as we've been singing that jesus is coming but we're so glad that we still have the freedom to come together to worship god on his holy sabbath day amen so uh just some a moment for announcements uh let's see we have bible exploration class this afternoon at 4 00 p.m as a pastor said before with the bible exploration they've got 25 lesson bible studies and they're going to give you the whole box but just as an insurance that you come to every lesson uh they want you to leave a deposit just a deposit you get it back okay of ten dollars we know that once you start you're not going to want to quit amen so today at 4 p.m bible exploration you're not gonna if you miss it come back the next week but come on back okay um intercessory prayer hour uh if you're not able to be here present you can be online uh charisma says charisma is on for prayer line from 4 to 5 p.m uh charisma are you still going to do that you're still going to do it right okay bible expiration here and then charisma if you're not making the bible expiration and you want prayer it could be for anything that you need to pray for charisma elder charisma the phone number's here and you can call him anytime at between four and five o'clock amen the food pantry new dates the first and third sat sabbath from 12 30 to 2 30 first and third sabbath from 12 30 to 2 30. so if you know somebody that needs that and for church members at 12 on those dates i think that's about it is there anything else i'm leaving out i just think yes oh yes oh in the back okay oh also today is communion sabbath uh last night we were asking everyone to watch their feet at home and we're going to have our communion service today and you are welcome to be here amen join us uh oh the time okay we also got wednesday night prayer meeting at 6 30 on wednesday and the phone number's there if you can if you can't make it you can be online all right on the phone backs for the homeless okay transfers of membership second reading to join paradise church darlene june garcia are you present amen all right darlene and uh from stockton mayfair sca church in stockton california and martha w lopez from little rock martha you here martha all right martha okay we'd like to ask a motion to accept these two young ladies because we have a motion we have a second all in favor say hallelujah amen welcome home y'all welcome home ladies god bless you it's kerry anybody opposed no we know the devil does but he don't he don't count does he amen all right i think that's about it did i leave anything else out donna thank you donna okay now we're gonna have our uh opening song please rise as we sing come let us worship the lord in jesus name homes and places one in his love we come let us worship the lord let us his glories proclaim worship the savior we love come let us honor his name come in with songs and praises speak of his love and grace thank him for all his goodness gaze on his ones come let us worship the lord let us the savior we love come let us honor his name come let us name i will exalt the lord at all times his praise will always be on my lips my soul will post in the lord let the afflicted hear and rejoice glorify the lord with me let us exalt his name together let us pray oh heavenly father we thank you so much for bringing your people on your holy shepherd to worship you as we hear your word this morning lord let the people of paradise church under this judge lord to exalt your name together with me and give you glory and honor and praise because of your love father we thank you we heard even the afflicted they hear your voice in your name and they rejoice let us rejoice together with your people and give you honor glory and praise lord we thank you for everything we ask you to please this worship without you we are nothing and we ask you to please have your holy spirit be upon us have your glory hoover upon your people so we give you glory and honor teach us how to praise you and give you glory with all our hearts this morning father be with us from the beginning until the end and we give you glory and thank you lord for everything in the name of our lord jesus christ amen our opening hymn this morning will be hymn number 271 pray thou bread of life break thou the bread of life dear lord to me as though we take the notes beside i see me lord by spirit bless now the truth to me to them shall abundances art the bread of pride oh lord to me worth the truth teach me to love thy truth i thou watch you may be seated now it's time for a children's story children please come forward for what much you thank you well um this morning we are going to talk about the word support who knows what the word support means that's kind of a tricky one huh so let's do this can i have a volunteer to come up and i think i see a volunteer over here come on thank you for volunteering now watch what the pastor is going to do go no that's not um what i want the pastor to do is to stand when i say go stand on one leg and we are going to count to ten and see if pastor niren can stand on one leg until the count of ten okay so what well hold on you're going to the second part so okay um so are you all ready to count to ten okay and we're going to do really fast we're gonna go one two three okay so let me move this are you ready yeah okay and thank you again for volunteering i appreciate that okay here we go ready are you all ready okay here we go one two three oh now we have to start over okay okay let's do it again ready one two three four five don't get hurt we don't have anybody else okay well that was pretty good huh now let's see who yells let's see what happens if we give pastor nery some support can i have two volunteers to come up i promise i won't hurt you i won't embarrass you okay thank you would you two come up here and what i am going to ask you to do is will you hold pastor neary's hand and would you hold past near his hand so let's go ahead and ask him to raise his foot up and count to ten okay you ready you ready okay here we go one two count with me three four five six seven eight nine ten all right pastor niri did it that time good job fast neri why could pastor neri do it the second time better than the first time what because he had support because she had support exactly so let's do another example thank you pastor i have some books in here written by somebody named ellen white who has heard of ellen white okay pastors okay good pastor is going to continue his sermons about gems about treasures things and people that we hold dear to us that help us become closer to jesus now somebody named ellen white wrote some books and i've had my favorite books that she wrote one is called the desire of ages i'll put it right here one is called the great controversy okay those are some big words huh one is called child guidance which i love and i have been in education for 44 years so education happens to be one of my favorite what do you think is inside these books well that's a good guess what's inside these books hmm say anything teachings teachings words right okay these words support these words okay this is a bible as you all and the bible has god's word right these books are not as important as this book but these books support the bible okay so see how the bible can stand up over these books that's because ellen white's books are supporting what the bible says so support is very important for people and ellen white's book and the bible support us each and every day would someone like to pray you don't want me to do it ah all right good thank you so much what's your name kylie all right kylie okay let's all close our eyes in our heads and uh bail ourselves i mean and kylie would you pray help us to have a great day and help us to have traveling merchants and help us to have good days in jesus name amen amen that was beautiful so you may go back to your mommies and daddies and have a wonderful sabbath day thank you good morning and happy 7th i'm sorry i'm always believe as a time the best time on our worship service today as we each one of us even slowly can talking to god as we're going to sing the song and the in the end of it those who will kneel to pray to our lord and our savior now please be let to join me to standing as we sing the song please oh now as we come to you and pray oh righteous father we come before you lord in the name of jesus we have nothing good we can bring to you we just come in just as we are as a sinner as a sinner come to asking for forgiveness for our sin and pardon for our iniquity and lord in the name of jesus please show us the truth because jesus said if we know the truth the truth will set us free indeed we need that freedom we thank you for the privilege we gathered together as a brother and sister with one mind to worship you and worship you in truth in a spirit jesus said if you worship me worship me with your whole heart and am i lord that's what we're here to do lord we pray for those among us who suffering those who lost the loved one we leave them though all in the palm of your hand lord put harm around them reminding them lord they're not alone you dare with them even they cannot touch you but the faith in your word lord as you say you will never leave never forsake and lord we pray for our family our brother papa joe and his wife both in the hospital lord we asking father i know the angel will always visit this family and then be with them lord be with their family their children lord and grandchildren lord we pray for hadassah you know the situation has gone mother was spread to us yesterday father we believe you are more than a great physician as nothing is too big or too little father you cannot do so we chose to touch this young lady's lord and lord we have a prayerly slaughter they have a lot people need help people in the financial problem people looking for jobs all father you can take care of that what kind of god we save lord we trust in you and now lord i'm going to pause give a opportunity with each person silently they're going to pray to you bring their petition to you yes lord at this quiet moment lord i know you know all the petition lord no matter maybe some petition for their children maybe petition for the marriage may we petition lord for the one of the parents you hear them all grant that weakness lord please and now lord we pray for our pastor who's going to share the bread of life with us today lord may your spirit will anoint him more lord especially lord today we have a communion service we ask your spirit to guide and lead us in every aspect of the service all honor and glory is for you and you alone in christ's name i pray amen and when good good morning and happy sabbath church family today i'll be reading amos 3 verse 7. surely the lord does to the lord god does nothing unless he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets may the lord add a blessing to the reading of his word thank you good morning god's people i have to apologize for being late you know why i just bought a new rv a small class b motorhome and having acceleration problem coming up here i left this morning at loma linda at 6 30 and i just got here about 20 minutes ago i'm supposed to be here at 10 30 to practice with a gracious lady who has consented to accompanying me but on the way i called the church and i told whoever answered the phone say i'm very sorry i cannot make it in time i'll be late so i'm here i i don't know i haven't had any practice hope you'll understand if i goof up in my thing all right bless you thank you do so the things of earth and things offered that caused the heart to tremble the catheter will only bring us but until then my heart will go wrong until the day my eyes behold god thank you for listening god bless thank you james that is our brother james ho who came all the way from loma linda had car trouble and god got him here on time and we're glad he did amen and diane that would be like somebody coming up and saying here's your sermon pastor preach it i'd go anyway that was beautiful okay i need your cooperation please this is important can i have all the lights on this morning i had communion at the hospital with papa joe pomeranzo and i want the back of the four sections to stand the front to stay seated and i want you to wave to papa joe and by the way he's at henderson hospital congestive heart failure his wife is at a rehab with congestive white heart failure they haven't seen each other in about five or six weeks so i want you to stand him back and wave and in front just wave and i'm going to take a video and send it to joe who's with his father right now at the hospital stand up here the back rows stand up the back rows and wave so everybody can see you front row come on wave say hi papa joel yeah papa joel and jackie jackie all right you know thank you everyone that was godsent and and i joe junior we call him papa joe's son is at the hospital with him did bring his laptop but he didn't really know if he could get the wi-fi but they may be watching right now in this room so we had communion together this morning also one other thing you may have mentioned ron i can't remember but that is um i need to see the pre-nominating committee up front here after church just for a sec pre-nominating committee all right and i need my clicker larry can you get my clicker as soon as they get me up by the way welcome everybody to the paradise church i'm so glad you're here it is communion but it won't be uh you know we don't do foot washing right now and jenny and i washed each other's feet this morning and if you may have forgot that take communion and when you get home this afternoon wash each other's feet it's a really neat experience it's a humbling thing okay if we don't the reason i'm hesitating i would start my sermon but i want to show you the pictures of the baptism from last sabbath not the baptism we had here last sabbath but the baptism we had in the afternoon in the backyard at a swimming pool maybe i should just get started oh look well that's not bad okay can you can you put it on okay okay um harold where are harold standout uh he's a he's a growly old bear let me tell you this is harold's backyard with his lovely wife joanne who is she she can't hear very well and she can't see out of one eye and both her knees are weak so we did the baptism instead of here because of our steps up and down we did it in their backyard and so these are the pitchers there's one of the actors right there and we welcome you to the church okay if they pull them up we can see them again let me pray father in heaven we're indeed thank you for these we indeed thank you for these challenges because every time this happens it's a chance to remind us that without you we can do nothing so lord if you want powerpoint so everybody can see end here then get it fixed if not we're still going to praise you as best we can lord because there is no one worthy like you now use me to be a blessing in spite of me lord so we can see and hear jesus in his name amen well that was a nice answer to prayer so there's each one individually and then our group picture i still don't have my clicker oh i wonder if it's in my office okay and by the way that big fella most of you know but you're a visitor that's our associate uh pastor ryan johnson don't mess with him and he's at his church in trump preaching right now okay all right i'll take the next slide we've been looking at a series called gems from god's treasure chest next slide and from his treasure chest we found out something that's absolutely essential to get in our minds riveted in our minds that paul said this listen paul said now brethren concerning the coming of our lord jesus christ and the gathering together to him we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled neither either by spirit or by word or by letter as if it came from us as though the day of christ has already come and then he said this let no one deceive you by any means for that day what's that reference to that day what is it talking about that day the second coming of jesus will not come unless what a falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition and friends to our shock and horror next slide we find that for 14th century the pure truth that came from jesus to the apostles to the early church began suddenly to be replaced with heathen ideas and it lasted all the way for 14 centuries until martin luther nailed the 95 thesis to the wall or to the door of his church and that started an incredible fire that just went across all of europe into scandinavia and into north america called the reformation and so we've been looking at some of the recaptured gems that believe it or not were lost next slide look at this gem number one from martin luther and the reformers we found out it's the bible and the bible only and at that time martin luther read the bible chained to a wall because the church then didn't want anybody to have a bible and that's how the church went like this 14 centuries and then they came up with in the reformation salvation by grace through faith for in that amount of time it changed to salvation by faith and works that's not what the bible teaches they brought it back and they also brought that the pope is the antichrist that's what every one of the reformers taught well then we move down the line a little farther and suddenly we get the second coming of jesus christ 1840s to 1840 1840 31 i should say to 1840 and you here who have been for this series you know that we found out the news of the second coming started in south america and then came up into mexico in central america then was translated to english and went to england and then there was even a jewish convert preacher who went to the middle east and taught that jesus is coming back around 1844 and then came william miller here in north america and that gem was rediscovered and remember i told you i was a member of the largest christian organization and never heard of the second coming of jesus christ never even used the bible and then giant gem number three mortalism i try to use a tricky name believe it or not before ellen white was called into ministry before the seventh-day adventist church came into existence alan white's mother and sister went to hear a preacher who taught when you die you don't go to heaven or hell no you you go to sleep that's what the bible teaches they were teaching when you die you go to heaven or hell and why on please lord help me ah because plato through jewish people that respected him and threw into the christian church came this idea that inside of you is an immortal soul that cannot die therefore you got to go to heaven or hell and that comes from paganism and it entered into the church and then came the sanctuary 1844 they discovered the sanctuary and friends there were all whoops there were all kinds of truths that came from the sanctuary and then today we're going to look at the lesser light the lesser light time prophecy number one you ready you might want to write these down genesis 7 4 for after seven more days i will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights and i will destroy from the face of the earth all the living things that i have made and noah did according to all that the lord commanded him to do and genesis 8 1 says this and then god remembered noah and every living thing and all the animals that were with him on the ark and the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were also stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained and when that time prophecy came true noah was there okay let's look at the next time prophecy who is that abraham abraham said this then he said to abram know certainly that your descendants will be in a strange land that is not theirs and will serve them and they will afflict them for 400 years and then we come to exodus 1240 and it came to pass at the end of the 430 years on the very same day came to pass that all the armies of the lord went out from the land of egypt and moses was there and then we come to the third time prophecy jeremiah wrote behold i will send nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon my servant and you shall serve the king of babylon 70 years and then it will come to pass when seventy years are complete that i will punish the king of babylon and that nation the land of the chaldeans for their iniquity says the lord and i and it will be a perpetual desolation and bring you back i mean i'm going wait a minute and when the 70 years were up we have three different commands from uh actually for from from persia and kings and at the end of the 70 years so rubbable was there at the end of the 70 years ezra came next and then at the end of the 70 years nehemiah was there and by the way i put daniel was there why you know that daniel was there with cyrus and is the one that said hey i want to show you this prophecy in the bible you're to let the people go god wrote that hundreds of years ago and so they were there prophecy number four 70 weeks 490 years are determined for your people for your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sin to make a reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy and friends after 490 years who was there john the baptist the next day john the baptist saw jesus coming and said behold the lamb of god which takes away the sins of the world that means the messiah and in the 490-year prophecy in daniel he said two messiah the prince and then there was jesus jesus came to galilee listen what he said preaching the gospel of the kingdom of god he said that time is fulfilled you got it yeah the 490 years are over i'm the one that was predicted is supposed to come and so who was there john the baptist was there jesus was there the disciples were there and the holy spirit ascended on jesus at his baptism indicating he was the anointed one the messiah well let's look at time prophecy number five how long will the vision be concerning the daily sacrifice the transgression of desolation the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot and he said to them unto 2300 days and then the sanctuary shall be cleansed and we know that's 1844. and by the way i want to tell you something i learned in preparing for this series i didn't know this ellen white makes a statement and it's found in volume one of her biography written by her one of her grandkids arthur white and arthur white quotes ellen white that in the great disappointment time even non-believers admitted that time calculations were correct did you know that so now wait a minute we've had four time prophecies and at the end of every one there was a prophet there to help the church get through another period of time 1844 so because god is the same yesterday today and forever it turns out that god provided alan white in 1844 to be that prophet that carries the church forward after listen the devastating great disappointment do you know the vast majority that believed that jesus was coming 184 they left they were gone but there was a small nucleus that hung in there they knew that 1844 was correct based on how god had proved himself in all their meetings so they decided the date wasn't wrong something is wrong with our interpretation and they found the sanctuary and so after every time prophecy in the bible god pre-provided a prophet now i want to tell you something you can read that a third grade education 5 000 periodical article articles and 40 books in her lifetime she's the most translated woman writer in the entire history of literature and most translated american author of either gender a third grade education and from and from nothing you know i think of this i got to tell you this and then i'm just about done when the disciples that had courage enough to stand before the cross one of the prominent thoughts is not only is our history or our future destroyed but we have no money we have no resources we don't even have a tomb to bury the savior our master in and god sent joseph of arimathea provided a beautiful tomb for the savior and stepped up to the plate with nicodemus and started giving money and the church began to grow from nothing except the bible says 120. look at our church today from great disappointment i did some checking a while ago i should have done some more checking the seventh-day adventist church is second only to catholics in the most hospitals around the world schools around the world dispensaries around the world from nothing in fact from a disappointment and the bible says that by your fruits you will know them and yet we have adventists that reject her and i for my experience it's mostly because they don't like what she says like stop it well i like it stop it we don't like to be told to stop it do we wow and so you see we're part of a movement that started in the 16th century by the reformers who stood up defenseless against the powerful church of that time nailed it from bible prophecy that the pope is the antichrist and by the way if you think this is all a futility let me tell you most christians today believe that the antichrist hasn't come yet he's in the future most christians believe that before the second coming of jesus is a rapture most christians believe that when you die you go to heaven or hell and don't even know that it came from first of all eastern religion through persian religion into greek philosophy into the the jewish the jewish religion and from there it came into the christian religion and now the majority believe that these are jim's friends that have to be shared they may appear to be lost but the ten commandments are eternal and most christians believe they were nailed to the cross so friends we have a work to do by the way in your bulletin i provided a quote for you i want you to hear this first of all i didn't provide this quote for you it's on the page that says worship in the beauty of holiness with the picture little heed is given to the bible she wrote the lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light and she was talking about herself she never called herself a prophet she said she was a messenger and the other day that grumbling bear back there harold he came up to me since we studied the bible all 24 lessons before his baptism and he said to me in this lesson on prophets i figured it out a prophet is someone who helps us understand the bible i thought harold i have never said it that that well and so friends after every time prophecy there was a prophet and after 1844 by their fruits you shall know them was seventh-day adventist ellen g white father in heaven i want to pause to pray as we go into communion now to thank you for each person who's come and oh how i want to quote ellen white never take me above the bible never quote me only go to your bible never called attention to herself and help us lord to utilize in fact bruce's children's story was brilliant he figured that out himself i never talked to him and the way he illustrated it was so powerful for our kids and so lord i thank you for that miracle you performed using bruce to help us understand that her writings support the bible and the bible is on top don't let anybody leave here without making a decision lord between you and them on any of these matters that we've talked about so that we can be thoroughly established in our minds what your precious gems are and not only believe them but teach them i pray in jesus name amen it's now time for communion service nope right there thank you go ahead it's your turn for i receive from the lord that which i also delivered to you that the lord jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he has given thanks he broken it and said take it this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me as the elder and deacon and deaconess will need and pray the congregation will remain seated our loving father merciful god we thank you for the privilege we thank you for the example you left for us as we continue to do that lord you you that reminding us father i'll save you our lord jesus christ and then father we can't wait to see when you will come and we can eat and drink with you together again now bless us as we take the bread in jesus name we pray amen in the same way after supper he took the cup saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this whenever you drink it in remembrance of me for whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes congregation remains sitting while the elders deacons and dignits will kneel down and i'll lead us in a prayer o heavenly father lord god almighty we thank you so much we give you glory and honor as we are gathered together on this communion lord we thank you for the sacrifice the offering that you did for us on the cross on calvary to forgive each and every one of us father we are ready to take this communion as you said to us it's a remembrance of the sacrifice that you did for us lord we ask you to please be with us and bless the wine that we will drink as a symbol of your blood jesus christ and we remember lord jesus christ you said you promised you will not drink the fruit of this wine anymore until that day when you drink new with us in the kingdom of your father and we are awaiting on that day that beautiful day when we all take communion together with you and we thank you lord thank you so very much bless us in your name we pray amen hmm if there's anyone would like to make a testimony short testimony please hold your hand up so we can come over with the mic hi my name is diane i was baptized here last week thankfully blessedly i was going to do this testimony last week but i got really nervous and chickened out in december of 2013 i was diagnosed with a heart attack and brought to the hospital had to have open heart surgery on december 23rd i was released on new year's day 2014 when i went back two weeks later to for my checkup i was greeted by another doctor a lung specialist who said they saw a shadow spot during my open-heart surgery and laid dye to do a biopsy when i went back for the results of the biopsy it was stage 3b lung cancer i went through therapy this was in just in february i'm sorry of 2014 and i was diagnosed i went through my therapy my ready my radiation and my chemotherapy for a year a couple of years with the pet scans and everything else being tested in february 2019 i went to my oncologist and she said well i don't think i'll be seeing you anymore and i get a little nervous i said why i thought i was going downhill and she said uh you're cured i said you mean i'm in remission she said no you're cured for the next month month and a half i kept trying to figure out why why was this happening to me why why was i saved why was i blessed i liked pastor neri for over 50 years belonged to another religion the same one and never heard about the second coming of christ in there two month time i found jesus i found a bible i started reading it and on april 1st i started my studies my bible studies here at paradise with some wonderful members and i am very grateful today and thankful to everyone here amen okay my name is ion osby in 2019 i received surgery for breast cancer one week from that day i lost my brother the last brother of the family fast forward to the covet i lost six family members fast forward to this day i've had um glaucoma and cataracts and last week i had my last surgery and i'm seeing well and i am just so thankful and blessed to be here and i like to thank the uh pastor passionary pastor ryan all the elders and deacons and all my church family members thank you amen there's the other time for a testimony out that we take too you got this new gadget in your hand some of you may be the first time and by the way i'm praising god we ran out and we had over 200 i'm thanking jesus but we didn't get anything you take you take this and on top is your bread so you pull back the transparent cover not not the cellophane and you did the cellophane shame on you and that will expose your your bread and be careful it it's it's very hard okay go ahead and take it okay now was everybody able to get it out and if you spill it i can't help you the bible says jesus said take and eat this this is my body broken for you do this in remembrance of me i hear i'll give it back all right now you take the cellophane on the tinfoil and you pull that back and that will expose the grape juice jesus said this is my blood stream all of it in remembrance of me not only mentioned that they put the money in their balls for the title offerings oh yeah okay all right thank you jesus i wanted to say this to all of you first of all we take no offering except when you leave the deacons will be there with a basket and your ties and offerings go in there plus we always take an offering after communion for the deacons fund which is an emergency fund now folks if you just put it in there with that basket it will be taken as an offering and it'll go somewhere else if you want it to be for the deacon's fund put it in the tithe envelope in the back of the seat in front of you and mark it and then turn that in and then this will go to the deacon's fund all right here's what i wanted to say and then we'll sing our closing hymn and by the way you've been beautiful i really feel god is here there's a lot of hurting people including us and the one one of the reasons now that i never knew this before never is god instituted the communion service to remind us that if he was willing to die for us whatever we're going through he will be there for us this is a reminder i paid the extreme price do you think i'm going to let you down now i'm not going to so let us sing our closing hymn it's him number the cleansing wave him number i don't know the number oh is me praise the lord amazing grace yes father in heaven we thank you so much for your bountiful blessings to us and the blessing of this communion sabbath today bless each one of us lord and walk with us as we go home as we drive home keep us safe and watch over us dear lord as you promised and help us to be faithful to you as you are faithful to us in jesus name we pray amen thank
Channel: Paradise SDA Church
Views: 168
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wLcLIq17NpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 15sec (5475 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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