The Book of Daniel Chapter 5

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[Music] i'd like to pray for the nation we are praying especially that god's hand would continue to rest upon us to protect us in this time of global pandemic we want to pray for those in authority over us here in the cayman islands and of course wherever you are that god will protect the residents there and protect the leadership of the country so let's get into prayer please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me fine god bless you let us pray our heavenly father and our god we do command this steady into your hands tonight let the name of jesus christ be exalted by everything that we do and everything that we say in his name we pray amen amen oh man well you may be seated we again want to welcome all of you here tonight thank you for coming out and those of you online we appreciate you staying with us uh tonight we're going to be looking at the book of daniel again we're looking at chapter five now the book of daniel is a most exciting book i mean every chapter is just filled with excitement as a matter of fact the first half of the book every single chapter has the you see the miraculous power of god operating in every single every one of the first uh the first six chapters of the book of daniel so tonight we're looking at daniel chapter 5 daniel chapter 5. in chapter 4 we see the humiliation of nebuchadnezzar where god allowed nebuchadnezzar to be driven from his throne [Music] he lived as a common animal for seven years imagine this i mean eating grass like a cattle his nails grew like the nails of a bird his hair like feathers and for seven years he was humiliated by god because god wanted to teach him a lesson until such time that he realized that god rules in the affairs of men so tonight we're looking at daniel chapter chapter five i trust you got a handout okay so we're gonna look at that to begin with we're going to read together daniel chapter 5. if you have your hand out read along with me okay belshazzar the king gave a great banquet for 1 000 of his officials who drank wine with him during this time he gave orders for all the gold and silver goblets that his father brought from the jerusalem temple to be brought in let me make this uh very clear quickly remember daniel was called beltisa and the king here is belshazza okay so notice that difference with the t it refers to daniel belty but for the king here is belshazza no t all right so let's pick up the second paragraph this was done so that the king his officials his wives and concubines could drink from them this was done and they drank from them and they praised the gods of gold silver bronze iron wood and stone in a moment a hand appeared and wrote on the wall belshazza turned pale he watched in great consternation and his feet buckled under him he called his advisors so that they could interpret the writing and he offered them a reward to be clothed in purple to be given a gold chain to wear and to be the number three ruler in the kingdom when the advisers could not interpret the writing this frightened the king even further and his noblemen were perplexed when the queen heard the commotion she went into the hall she sought to calm the king letting him know that there was a man in the kingdom who has the insight to explain the writing this man she told him has the spirit of the gods within him that gave him insight nebuchadnezzar his father she told the belshazza appointed him daniel and made him the chief of the wise men he should call for him because he's able to explain complex things and he will explain the writing daniel was brought before the king the king then asked him if he was daniel and if he was the wall it was one of the exiles that the king brought from judah he further asked him regarding his intelligence and insight he continued by telling him that his advisors were unable to read and interpret the writing he told daniel that he daniel could give the interpretation he promised daniel that he would be clothed in purple and given a gold chain to wear and made the third highest ruler in the kingdom if he would interpret the writing for him daniel told the king that he would not take his gifts but he would read and interpret the writing daniel proceeded to tell the king of the great position that god gave to his father nebuchadnezzar he was ruler over all the nations he dealt with people as he pleased promoting and demoting as he wished but he became proud and arrogant and god stripped him of his glory he was driven from his throne and given the mind of an animal and he lived like the cattle in the fields drenched with the dew he lived like this until he acknowledged that god was suffering over the affairs of men and that god puts in charge anyone he wishes daniel told belshazza that even though he knew all that he told him about nebuchadnezzar that he did not humble himself he exalted himself against god he brought the vessels of god's temple and gave them to his nobles wives and concubines to drink from them they praised the gods of gold silver bronze iron wood and stone those lifeless objects because of what belshazza did god sent the hand and wrote the words many many tikel parsons the interpretation was many that god has shortened the days of his reign to hell he has been weighed in the balance and found wanting perez his kingdom is shared and will be given to the medes and the persians belchaza rewarded daniel as he promised him that same night belshazza was killed and as the 62 year old made darius took over the kingdom very interesting a lesson for everyone to learn that god exalts god humbles as he pleases okay so i'm now going to go ahead and read from the actual text i'm reading from the new international version it's a rather long chapter as a matter of fact all the chapters of daniel are long very long so bear with me please as i read for those who want to follow on the overhead i think we have it on the overhead as well uh king belshazzar gave a great banquet for a thousand of his nobles and drank wine with them while belshazza was drinking his wine he gave orders to bring in the gold and silver goblets that nebuchadnezzar his father had taken from the temple in jerusalem so that the king and his nobles his wives and concubines may drink from them so they brought in the gold goblets that had been taken from the temple of god in jerusalem and the king and his nobles his wives and concubines drank from them as they drank the wine they praised the gods of gold and silver of bronze iron wood and stone suddenly the finger of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall near the lamb stand in the royal palace the king watched the hand as it wrote his face turned pale and he was so frightened that his knees buckled together knocked together and his legs gave way the king called out for the enchanters astrologers and diviners to be brought and said to them to the wise men of babylon whoever reads this writing and tells me what it means will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around his neck and he will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom then all the king's wise men came in but they could not read the writing or tell the king what it meant so king belshazza became even more terrified his face grew more pale his nobles were baffled the queen hearing the voices of the king and his nobles came into the banquet hall oh king live forever she said don't be alarmed don't look so pale there is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him in the time of your father he was found to have insight and intelligence and wisdom like that of the gods king nebula king nebuchadnezzar your father your father the king i say appointed him chief of the magicians enchanters astrologers and diviners this man daniel whom the king called belteshazza was found to have a keen mind and knowledge and understanding and also the ability to interpret dreams explain riddles and solve difficult problems call for him call for daniel and he will tell you what the writing means so daniel was brought uh before the king and the king said to him are you daniel one of the exiles my father the king brought from judah i have heard that the spirit of the gods is in you and that you have insight intelligence and understanding wisdom the wise men and enchanters were brought before me to read this writing and tell me what it means but they could not explain it now i have heard that you are able to give interpretations and to solve difficult problems if you can read this writing and tell me what it means you will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around your neck and you will be made the third highest ruler in the kingdom then daniel answered the king you may keep your gifts for yourself and give your rewards to someone else nevertheless i will read the writing for the king and tell him what it means okay the most high god gave your father nebuchadnezzar sovereignty and greatness and glory and splendor because of the high position he gave him all the peoples and nations and men of every language dreaded and feared him those he those the king wanted to put to death he put to death those he wanted to live he spared those he wanted to promote he promoted those he wanted to humble he humbled but when the heart when his heart became arrogant and hardened with pride he was deposed from his royal throne and stripped of his glory he was driven away from people and given the mind of an animal he lived with the wild donkeys and eat grass like cattle and his body was drenched with the dew from heaven until he acknowledged that the most high god is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes but you his son obelshasa have not humbled yourself although you knew all this instead you have set yourself up against the lord of heaven you have you had the goblets from his temple brought to you and you and your nobles your wives your concubines drank from them you praise the gods of silver and gold of bronze iron wood and stone which cannot see or hear or understand but you did not honor the god who holds in his hand your life and all your ways therefore he sent the hand that wrote the inscription this is the inscription that was written many many to hell pausing this is what these words mean many god has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end tikel you have been weighed in the scales and found wanting perez your kingdom is divided and given to the medes and the persians then at belt at belshazza's command daniel was clothed in purple a gold chain was placed around his neck and he was proclaimed the third highest ruler in the kingdom that very night belshazzar king of the babylonians was slain and daniel or darius the mede took over the kingdom at the age of 62. that's quite a thing folk you know men will exalt themselves and pretend that they are so powerful that they are so high they are so special but i think everybody needs to read from this book of daniel and you realize that man is like the flower of the field you are here today and tomorrow you wither away okay so let's go through the chapter uh verse by verse if i can and i'll give you the opportunity for questions um as we go a little later on in about 15 minutes okay so here we see belshazzar um now so in chapter four we see nebuchadnezzar as the king nebuchadnezzar dies uh nebuchadnezzar reigned for many years and now belshazzar he follows nebuchadnezzar now historians believe that there were actually two persons ruling at that same time um there was belshazzar and then there was navonidas um who was also ruling but this other ruler he tended to be more like a general out on the fields whereas belshazza was the one who actually stayed in babylon because later on you will see the reward that um belshazza was awarding is that the person will became the third become the third highest ruler in the kingdom so there was belshazzar then there was nabanidas and of course the third highest ruler will be whoever interprets the dream okay so here we see belshazza being the king of babylon and he gives a great banquet now these babylonian kings man they did things in a lavish way very very lavish some commentators say that sometimes they would throw a banquet for thousands of people thousands of people up to 12 000 people they would throw a banquet i mean rich skelton nothing to compare now babylon was a great power babylon was a world power babylon felt that she was invincible what do i mean by that babylon felt that nobody can conquer them some commentators said that the walls of around babylon were so thick that several chariots could ride abreast each other at the same time thicker than the width of the church the walls around babylon i was reading a commentator who spoke about the walls being hundreds of feet high i have to establish that but the point is that babylon felt that nobody could conquer it now the medes and the persians they were fighting on the outskirts and you would have thought that you would have thought that belshazzar instead of throwing a feast for a thousand of his nobles he would plan strategy to protect himself but they felt that babylon was invincible the walls were so thick they were so high that nobody could conquer them as a matter of fact remember nebuchadnezzar in chapter four how he walked on his palace roof and he said is this the great babylon that i have built babylon was a powerful kingdom as a matter of fact uh one of the seven ancient wonders of the world the hanging gardens of babylon i mean the the the palace was ornate it was huge i mean to give a banquet for 1 000 people i i'm not sure how many places here in the cayman islands can hold a thousand people for a banquet uh we had something at the marriott a few years ago how many we had there but um a rich skeleton can hold probably what about i don't know how many which skulls can hold but you can imagine and the thousand is not just the cert not you're not counting the servants so if you have a thousand people attending and the everybody had the and entourage with them and all the servants you can imagine the size of that place and so i mean belshazzar he just gave a big banquet they were enjoying the wine and everybody enjoying themselves and it seems that when he got high and trinidad would say he got tipsy what he did he called that they bring in all the golden vessels all the silver goblets remember that his that nebuchadnezzar his father when he went into jerusalem he brought in all of the uh vessels from the temple he brought in exiles and then he burnt down the temple so all of the precious vessels from the temple in jerusalem nebuchadnezzar had in a special place never you could never had sense enough not to touch it but belshazza now he gets proud have you ever noticed when people get a little when um they start drinking how how they become sometimes out of control and that evidently is what happened so he told them bring in all the goblets from the temple to gifts to give to his wives and concubines and all of his nobles he's now showing off and everybody started to drink and as they drank they praised the gods common gods of wood and stones of gold and silver in other words they feel that these are the gods that gave them all that they have they were able to conquer the god of jerusalem and here it was in the height of things belshazza he sees a hat probably just the wrists writing on the wall he was the only one in a way who could have seen it because uh where his throne was and then the audience would be over there so at the back of the audience the king sees that han writing on the wall just a bare hand now if you see something like that i mean you could imagine the scriptures tell us let's see what it says here it says that um the king watched the hand and as it wrote and his face turned pale and he was so frightened that his knees knocked together and his legs gave way that's a nice way to say that his knee started to buckle started to shake and he just dropped to the ground that's the king now this man who boasts giving this big feast so the king called for his nobles i mean for his wise men his enchanters astrologers to come and interpret the writing read the writing all of them came they couldn't explain it to the king the king got even more frightened all the blood run out his face now pay like a ghost then the queen mother or the queen mother his mother he has all the commotion so she comes in she says don't worry there's a man in the kingdom you know god always has a man always has a person with the answer hallelujah the man was daniel she said in the time of your father nebuchadnezzar this man daniel was called beltisa was able to interpret all of the various uh dreams and visions and riddles he was able to explain it now evidently at this time daniel was not known by belshazza you see back in the day when when a king died he would generally get rid of the ones who were there before his wise men the wise men who were there before he would get rid of his physicians because the physicians were supposed to keep him alive and he didn't keep him alive so the new king now will get new doctors and the um the new king now will get rid of the wise men or the advisers because the advisors were not able to properly advise the king and he died you see so they will get new advisors they will get new physicians and so daniel was not known by belchaza but the queen remembered daniel how daniel gave direction taking nebuchadnezzar so he called for daniel so daniel was really not among the practicing let me put that over there practicing wise man at the time he probably was in his own private residence so they sent for him and he came and belsheiter said said are you daniel evidently he didn't know daniel he said are you daniel are you one of the exiles my father brought from judah and are you able to interpret dreams and visions as a matter of fact if you do i will clothe you in purple i'll put a gold chain around your neck and you'll be the third highest ruler in the kingdom daniel said look king you can keep your gifts you can give your reward to someone else daniel was bold he wasn't afraid of the king but he said i'll give you the interpretation and then he reminded him he said your father god blessed him god promoted him he was the he was he was the greatest ruler in his time who he wanted to promote he promoted who he wanted killed they killed them who you wanted restored was restored but his heart became hardened and proud and therefore god caused him to be driven from his palace driven from his throne he was given the heart of an animal and made to eat grass like a like cattle and live with the wild animals and the dew from heaven just watered him like a common animal and this happened until he acknowledged the great god of heaven and daniel said to him you belshazzar you knew all of that and yet you have put yourself against this god and you commanded the precious goblets that your father took from jerusalem's temple from the temple of god to be brought for you and your nobles and your wives and your concubines to drink from it and therefore this is why god sent this hand to right on the wall and this is what it means he said many means god has numbered your days for the days of your reign and they are brought to an end tickle you've been weighed in the balances of the scales and you have been found wanting perez your kingdom is divided and given to the medes and the persians remember what i said earlier that the babylonians felt that babylon was invincible nobody could conquer it and instead of setting up strategy to protect the kingdom from the medes and the persians here it is he's giving a banquet for one thousand of his nobles and notice what it says your kingdom is divided and given to the medes and the persians and so belshazza decides to go through with his promise to daniel clothe him in purple a gold chain around his neck proclaim him the third highest ruler in the kingdom but you notice why daniel said keep your gifts give your rewards to somebody else it says that very night that very night belshazzar the king of the babylonians he was killed that very night and darius the mede he took over the kingdom that very night folk god still rules in the affairs of men god knows how to raise up god knows how to put down no matter who it is how brilliant any individual might be no one can put himself against god and expect to be able to stand okay we're going to open the session for questions we're going to keep open to the internet for those of you who are viewing so that you can have a part in the questions what are we going to have to what we're going to ask you to do please if you can go to the mic and ask your question this way everybody will be able to follow um so we have a mic there in the center and as you get ready with your questions let me just um go over this a little bit uh let's realize that after after nebuchadnezzar we then had uh these two rulers ruling babylon uh nabanitis and belshazza and after the babylonian empire now the uh middle persian empire the medes and the persians they come and they take over from the nation from the kingdom of babylon all right any questions um as we uh open the session hallelujah yeah um you'd have to come to the mic sorry about that so that um others will be able to follow amen yes um two things i i want to mention ask about one i noticed when um they said that belshazzar he saw the hand and then um the thing the the writing was on the wall so it seems the people and the people who around him they didn't see the hand at all well i think eventually they saw it but remember it seems to me that they were facing this way and the king are facing that way uh the way the palace was designed so the king evidently saw it first oh but eventually the other saw it yeah the other side eventually the other thing i'm wondering about nebuchadnezzar he got um like two mornings or he he got two he got a lot of warnings right a lot of visions and so on and then he also um he was uh made to eat grass or whatever so like he got he got time to i guess repent as we would say yes but belshazza he never got any time at all i don't know about that yes but he got time and i tell you why i say he got time because listen to what listen to what daniel told belshazza he says but you uh let me just read a little uh he says but you did not honor the god who holds uh your life um your life and all your ways so he he clearly tells him that um he says oh here we are he says but you his son obsessed have not humbled yourself though you knew all this so belshazza knew he would have known about the image of gold that nebuchadnezzar made and how the three hebrew boys were delivered from the fiery furnace he knew about that he would have known how nebuchadnezzar for seven years lived like a common animal uh belch velvet daniel told belshazza that he said you knew but you did nothing about it so belshazza knew he knew that is why it's important for us to learn from history any other questions contributions yeah you have to go to the mic but pastor as it is said there is nothing new under the sun because all these examples from way back when people in this present time is still doing the same thing although they know what god you are correct people are still doing the same thing yeah you know the song says when will they ever learn when will they ever learn people are still doing the same thing same thing that's why i ask you to read from first corinthians chapter 10 god gave examples to us so that we would not do the same wrong things you know and here it is god has given his word and people are still saying i don't believe that is that true any other questions yeah you have to come to the mic thank you for this ah so this is too short for me yeah well just just uh you can raise it up all right um so one of my questions is uh did the words say how nebuchadnezzar died i repeat that did the word say how it never connected no the word does not tell about how he died no okay any idea of how i believe he died a natural death okay and i believe he died honoring god that is what i wanted i believe he died honoring god and and serving god the scripture doesn't tell us that but i believe that okay yeah now um we knew that nebuchadnezzar was obviously when he died he died a natural death that's what you're saying i believe that yes so daniel his age what were you guessing is his age at the time right daniel is believed that this time was about 90 years of age oh yeah okay he is about 90 years of age at this time and evidently belshazza did not know daniel because he believed that daniel was now living in his own private residence and daniel was not recognized by belshazzar as one of the advisors yeah do you think if um belshazzar has taken heed the moment when daniel um told him about their writing do you think that would have been any different it seems that he had passed the um the line of no return okay it seems that it was too late for him okay yeah you remember with with nebuchadnezzar when when he when daniel advised him to turn from his wicked ways a year after because he didn't turn nebuchadnezzar was deposed but i think it was too late for belshazza yeah that very night he was killed uh very night he was killed you know that teaches us some serious serious lessons god still rules in the affairs of men and you see what is happening on the world scene folk don't worry about it it's our duty to pray it's our duty to pray and our prayer has to be thy kingdom come thy will be done you hear when different presidents and rulers and chancellors and heads of state and different committees are raving and ranting don't worry about that god is going to have the final say in the affairs of men no privy council no supreme court no caught in the hague can ever outlast what god has planned god is still in charge hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let's all stand and let's lift our hands in praise and honor and glory to god let us give him praise because he is good and his mercy endures forever our heavenly father and our god we give you praise we give you honor we give you glory because you are the great god of the universe and so father we commit our way to you our prayer tonight is thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven father we lift up the cayman islands before you oh god have your way in the affairs of this country oh father the various countries of the world you have your way let your kingdom come raise up laborers in the various countries to proclaim your word that man will know that there is a god in heaven who rules over the affairs of men and so we commit our nation to you we commit ourselves to you every person here tonight everyone viewing on the internet whatever challenges they might be facing whatever burdens they may be carrying you are the great bird and bearer you are the friend who sticks closer than a brother we cast our cares upon you because you care for us and to guide us we pray and grant us all a great evening in the name of jesus amen amen you may be seated in those viewing on the internet thank you for taking the time next week we're into the book of daniel again and this is going to be another exciting chapter we're into chapter six there's no chapter like this in the bible where a man was saved from a dead enough lions god bless you amen so we're gonna put the offering receptacle um on one of the containers
Channel: First Assembly of God Cayman Islands
Views: 52
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9knBafZWO0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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