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all right my friends welcome to another video i'm here with my dad in the midwest at one of our favorite ponds this is our second crack at making this video our first try was a couple days ago and i could try and tell y'all all that went wrong but instead i'll just show you guys whoa faster departure than usual it's getting dark what's that it is getting dark unbelievable dark this is really gonna rain geez look at the clouds i know i can't even see anything i know that's so crazy fish i'm telling you we're gonna wreck them beautiful that's rain no that's wind okay holy shoot here comes the rain buddy you hear it you feel it that did not win oh crap fishing is insane oh my gosh oh man oh and he comes off right there and i catch him you got him what a monster look at that that far out of here bud [Music] so that was pretty bad um there was probably two to three inches of rain in the bottom of this boat in a matter of seconds it was just crazy but i did get that huge hybrid bluegill got a quick quick photo of him before he went away we're back out here today it's one of the last nice days in the fall literally it's 70 degrees right now and there's a huge cold front coming dad's hooking fish right now yeah he got off but what we're doing is we've got tons of structure in about 12 feet of water right under us and as it's getting cold these big crappie big bass and big blue gills relate super close to that structure and we're just dropping our little 1 16 ounce jigs right into that structure and trying to get bit thank you guys for watching see that worm sink for quite a ways yes yes got one that took quite a while right that's big bluegill something nice oh yeah yes almost a double almost come on junior look at the coffee it feels like a crappie no big bluegill it's a nice bluegill oh it's a hybrid bluegill yeah look at it he is nice oh yeah oh i just wanted to see thick him happy ah after that very unsuccessful deer contest it feels good to have something go right there he is no shoot oh oh oh that's crappy it is yes it is a nice he's big yeah and healthy look at that guy yeah oh that water is cold wow nice how long is he getting me at least 13. but look how thick he is i don't know i'm going to take a picture and send the larynx hey larry what are you doing sorry about that oh look at that hybrid nice oh man look at how much more oh it's gonna say how much more subdued his colors are in the cold water is that because there's not enough sun out here i think that could be part of it too but they're just not spawning at all so they're not trying to show off you know big hybrid bluegill nice that is awesome okay got him yeah nice oh he's massive that's the same one no it's not it's weird it is all right i know but it's way bigger oh it is bigger due to the bigger mouth if it's a pure bluegill it's just absolutely huge but i don't think it's a pure bluegill because uh okay how big the mouth is in the ear tab i don't know you need a picture with him i think that dude is nice he's a nice slab all right i'm good if you are okay but what's that what be that big crappie yes double ooh it has a big crappie you've got look at that dude nice what you got a bluegill dude look at him he's all sorts of messed up i'm gonna fly for that unit look at his fence yeah the sides of his body are lumpy too he's got only got one two three four five six seven dorsals that is a strange fish but a cool catch regardless that's something nice is it yeah it might just be another bath though it's probably another bath no get the net get the net get the net get the net get the net what is it oh my gosh dad look at it look at it oh my gosh oh it's a huge bluegill it's a mess oh my gosh look at that dude get him oh look at that dude no oh that's a huge bluegill buddy oh my gosh there that helps the biggest hybrid bluegill and probably the biggest bluegill of any species i've ever caught look it it's got a five head or a six head not a forehead goodness i'm gonna take a picture and send it to larry all day for just one big giant bluegill and we finally got him yeah that's the biggest i've ever seen it's insane that is insane make sure look at that fish the biggest hybrid bluegill i have ever look at him he can barely swim he was so fat you if you come down in in uh over christmas or sometime we gotta do the uh the redfishing thing from the jetties no yeah you would enjoy that how big are they 30 40 pounds oh they're just massive my head would explode the average that's like the average is probably 20 25 pounds yeah me too got a double what's yours go easy now go easy now what is it what is it i don't know it's a bass nice still think my bluegill was bigger all right my friends thank you for watching you know i appreciate it and so does dad we had an absolute blast out here today it was a good fun day throughout catching the crappie and the bluegill and whatnot and then i caught that one that was just absurd i've got some big panfish in lake havasu but as far as bluegill and hybrid bluegill goes that is the biggest i have ever caught in my life and i have done a lot of bluegill fishing so i am insanely stoked i can't believe it happened with the water temperature probably at about 47 48 degrees which is crazy like i said last nice day today probably of the year big cold front coming this will ice over in three to four weeks probably something like that but it was an honor to catch that fish cannot believe that happened maybe someday i'll catch a bigger one but for now i'm pretty stoked with that being my biggest that's a snag but for now i'm pretty stoked with that being the biggest bluegill or hybrid bluegill species that i have ever caught thank you guys for watching you know i appreciate it we'll see you on the next one right you
Channel: Ty PigPatrol
Views: 587,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UTKf3jd6UWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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