The bloodshed in Rafah | Faye D'Souza

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all eyes on Rafa if you're on Instagram you've probably seen this visual multiple times it's been shared over 41 million times in the last couple of days it's a visual of neatly lined up rows of tents on a Dusty ground till the end of The Horizon with the words all eyes on Rafa it's gone completely viral and it's been shared by multiple celebrities Priyanka Chopra for example Sonam Kapoor Samantha pru swar basar Rich Chada the mza all of them have been sharing it but what does it mean well if you split it up between the visual and first look at the slogan all eyes on Rafa was first said by this man Dr Rick peperon the director of The Who office in occupied Palestine he was having a press briefing in February this year when Israel had first announced its intention to attack Rafa when he said all eyes on Rafa he was talking about how the medical team on location was struggling to meet the demand for medical care in Rafa and how an attack would be a humanitarian Nightmare and he said all eyes on Rafa in an attempt to get the world not to look away and not to allow Israel an opportunity to attack Rafa in the dark after he said it other organizations like save the children Americans for justice in Palestine Jewish voice for peace the Palestinian solidarity campaign all repeated the slogan and then it became a rally cry across the world in Paris London New York in Los Angeles it is now surfaced on social media over the last 3 days on a story template that was created by an account called cha. my it appears to be a Malaysian car and photography Enthusiast but while the message is going viral now we must remember that this is not what Rafa looks like it's not neatly lined up it's not neat roads of tents and as the visual suggests it's not peaceful this is what Rafa looks like millions of people crammed together in a small space living in tents without access to Safe Drinking Water food or health a lethal lack of Sanitation that's making people terribly sick no medicine no warm clothes satellite images of Rafa in fact show that nearly every open space right now is covered in 10 so it is one large camp and it was the last safe space marked in all of Gaza which is why so many people were crammed into that space now it's being attacked and set on fire on Sunday Israel attacked Rafa portions of that camp killing at least 45 people 23 of whom were women and small children at least 249 were injured and the exact number is difficult to tell because the hospital that was treating those injured people was also attacked and then forced to shut down Witnesses saw eight missiles hit these stents and completely set them on fire as it caught fire around 9:00 on Sunday night the shelters burst into flames when people were still inside them effectively the red crescent Society has said it burnt these people alive there's a trigger warning here but as part of this campaign I also ask you not to look away horrific images have appeared after that of people rumaging through the burnt remains with their bare hands looking for pieces of their loved ones there was one image of a man holding up the charred body of a child that was missing its head the whole world at this point is feeling outrage and pain and survivor's guilt and begging Israel to please stop now but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin nanahu who called the attack a tragic mishap he said it's our utmost effort not to harm civilians but this was a tragic mishapen in the same breath he also said I do not intend to end the war until every goal is achieved this is a laughable response from Israel because according to the latest numbers they have killed 36,50 Palestinians in comparison to the attack on the 7th of October that killed 1,200 Israelis now over 880,000 people have been injured and Israel has no intention to stop and is obviously not avoiding the deaths of Innocence because it has killed over 13,000 small children since the war can 7 months ago the world is begging Israel to stop stop now in fact the international court of justice has also asked Israel to Halt immediately its attack on Rafa Israel has called this uh demand from the icj outrageous and disgusting the world is asking Israel to stop the European Union is discussing sanctions for the first time the Spanish foreign minister has said he will ask other member countries to put pressure in Israel to respect the is decision the foreign minister from Germany has said icj decision is binding and must be complied with Saudi Arabia has said Israel is committing genocide the United Nations security Council convened an emergency meeting on the latest developments of Rafa and is asking to Stop The Killing In Rafa even so Israel attacked Rafa again on Wednesday morning in the early hours a Palestinian security sources Israeli tanks have now marched into Rafa as well Al jaaz is talking about a complete shutdown of telecommunications and internet services in Rafa where these million people are in camps and in tents and they now being forced to move again the only country that is standing firmly uh with Israel right now is the United States saying that its attack on Rafa did not cross the red line as far as the United States is concerned the world is begging Israel to stop and to stop now and that brings us back to this visual this sanitized AI generated visual that is doing the rounds a lot of people are asking what is the point this is not even the truth this is not even what it looks like but there are two points I want to bring forward to you one even though it is not the truth it's the only kind of visual a platform like Instagram will allow to become viral because it's not the truth but two it gets the message across all eyes on Rafa means Israel needs to stop Israel needs to stop now the world is watching is you attempt to wipe out and murder an entire population that you are starving them you are breaking their bones you breaking their spirit and you are forcing them to bury bits and pieces of their children the world is watching all eyes are on Rafa stop now
Channel: Faye D'Souza
Views: 17,711
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Keywords: faye d'souza, faye d'souza channel, faye d'souza news, Faye news youtube, rafah, gaza, rafah gaza, israel, hamas, palestine, israel hamas war, gaza war, israel war, all eyes on rafah, israel gaza war, israel palestine, israel gaza, israel rafah, all eyes on rafah instagram story kya hai, all eyes on rafah insta story, all eyes on rafah instagram trend, what is all eyes on rafah news, rafah news, rafah explained, israel news today, israel hamas war updates, israel hamas
Id: w6N_toDCl-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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