Biden proven unreliable and untrustworthy regarding Israel war on Gaza: Marwan Bishara

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senior political anal Maran bashara he joins us on Skype from London now and I don't know if you're listening Maran to some of what uh Omar was saying but uh I suppose the calculation on the part of the Biden Administration now is that after their strong support for Israel over the past seven months and tens of thousands of Palestinian deaths including women children and civilians that if this continues it's going to lose him the election well look I mean I hate to say it but he really deserves it I mean he was the most unreliable untrustworthy American leaders in a in a in decades I've never seen and I'm a student of American uh foreign policy I've never seen an American president uh so shamelessly and shamefully um supporting uh uh you know the the the war crimes of a foreign leaders the way Biden has uh following on natany footsteps boxing America behind basically an indicted war criminal like an a fascist fanatical government the Israeli government having done that over so many months and risking American standing reputation and interests in the greater Middle East and so on so forth risking the accusations of hypocrisy on double standard and losing at home a whole generation of Americans alienated by his policies I mean seriously this is not leadership this is the absence of leadership and now as you said in a way it's a bit too late for him you know to try to save the day as it were he's not going to save no day and even the way he repeats the Israeli proposals I mean he's what is he a Salesman a used car salesman why is he selling an Israeli proposal trying to make it as if this is Paradise on Earth it is not Paradise on Earth did you see in this proposal an end to the occupation of Gaza the redeployment of all Israeli soldiers out of Gaza did we see the end of the siege of Gaza I haven't and so what what what do you think [ __ ] because you know the Urgent thing right now is for there to be a ceasefire for humanitarian assistance to be allowed through the land Crossing so that people can survive they have access to food water and medicine and those things but if there is a if Trump gets back into the White House what then are the prospects for Palestinians being allowed to return to their homes especially in the north of Gaza where we know Israelis were planning on uh drawing up plans for settlements there but honestly uh maram what homes right return to what homes yeah we've seen the images yesterday of Palestinians going back to their homes in jabalia I honestly you know since the beginning of the war maybe I should say since the beginning of my career I've never seen a sadder more dramatic more tragic scene than Palestinian women and children heading back to their destroyed neighborhoods destroyed homes houses and so on so forth it was just it was just I don't know um you know uh incredible uh the scenery of uh of the destruction and of people just going back to basically nothing and now uh Biden is re promising reconstruction does anyone really believe it I mean with Israeli soldiers deployed outside the populated areas does anyone really really truly believe it and will Biden be president in come January 2025 and Will trump follow I mean Trump is the transactional president remember I mean if he does actually become president again the Felon come president is he going to spend any political or financial capital on Gaza really I mean who who thinks that and will any Gulf country or another country spend money on Gaza while uh the Israeli government calls the Palestinian Authority terrorist nazil like and calls Hamas Isis like and says there will be no Palestinian leadership in Gaza either Authority other PA or Hamas I mean which Gul country is going to invest in a in such a Gaza having said all of that maram having said all of that I understand that the people on Gaza are suffering so much that Hamas understands that it must come to some deal of some sort Netanyahu also fearsome of building International pressure at the ICC on the icj feels that he needs to maybe work out something and certainly Biden feels too little too late but he needs to do something so there might be a momentum of the desperate right a momentum of those so desperate for something but to think that this something will Pro will will will resolve the problems of Gaza will resolve the Israeli occupation apartate in Gaza and in Palestine absolutely not okay thank you Maran Bashar joining us there from London make sure to subscribe to our channel to get the latest news from aler
Channel: Al Jazeera English
Views: 102,324
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Keywords: Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera English, Al Jazeera Latest, Al Jazeera Live, Al Jazeera Live News, Al Jazeera Video, Free Gaza, Gaza, Gaza Under Attack, Gaza Under Fire, Gaza Under Siege, Gaza War, Israel, Palestine, Stop the War, pray for Gaza
Id: o50ZN-TOtII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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