LIVE From Jerusalem: Hamas HQs Hit

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here this morning from Cyprus and I think I might have to move here in a minute it looks like there's something going on it's nice to see so many people around in Jerusalem as I walked around today uh actually saw quite a few people uh looks like maybe the uh tourism is coming back a little bit and that's a very good thing to see uh so even with the ongoing war and all the things that are happening all the uncertainty people are still deciding to support Israel and I'm really happy to see that so um I if I if I have to move here in a minute I will got more and more people coming out looks like they're actually getting ready for a event of some kind uh just my luck after I got set up out here but uh we got a lot to talk about there's a lot going on in Rafa and we have some new information about the strike that happened yesterday uh and that many in the main M stream media are trying to call the massacre in Rafa uh that Massacre is uh well more details are coming to light let's say and those details have a lot to do with um the fact that we things that we knew already that were already just a a very I'm going to move over here a little bit people are just very loud loud people um so things that we we talked about yesterday the fact that uh it you can't trust anything that's coming out of the Gaza Health Ministry for one certainly not uh out of Hamas or really out of the Palestinians even U so we the the the news was reporting almost instantly after that strike took place it was actually on the 26th that strike took place that um there was uh 40 plus people dead now they're saying 45 people that were killed uh and you know they they they came out with that number so fast that it would have almost been impossible for them to actually have collected and counted the Dead uh especially since it was at night a lot of chaos people running around uh etc etc and so the fact that they came out with a number almost immediately after uh the strike took place was a red flag for me made me say well wait a minute uh they are very likely just making those numbers up and as it turns out uh they were asked to provide the names of the dead and so far they've come up with the names of 25 people uh not not 45 uh the Gaza Health Ministry claims that 46 people were killed yesterday in on that day in uh Gaza and 45 of them were in that one strike but there were a lot of people the the the I'll talk about in a minute the IDF hit a uh headquarters Hamas headquarters uh in the jabalia refugee camp which is in the northern part of Gaza and they say they killed over a hundred terrorists so I'm not sure where uh ham where Hamas or Gaza Health Ministry is getting its numbers but they don't add up and they never added up and that's not a surprise anymore so we sort of expected to take whatever the initial news about that strike was with a grain of salt well now the IDF has had some time to um investigate and those investigations have brought out several things first of all that the uh distance 15 km On the Border civilian safe place okay um the the information that the IDF is putting out is that they were striking a known headquarters element of Hamas in fact they claim they have the names of two of the commanders that they killed in U in that strike and they have released some aerial photographs that show military hardware equipment very close to where that strike happened now some in the mainstream media have said that this is a um a known safe area a declared safe area that IDF one of the areas that IDF told the people that they could go to Apparently that is not the case this was a place where certainly where a lot of refugees were taking Refuge were were you know living in tents and stuff but it was not a declared safe zone now keep in mind as that what I've mentioned before that the IDF has provided safe zones where people in Rafa can go if they don't want to be involved in the fighting they're not attacking all of Rafa at once they've separated it up into bite-sized chunks and they are putting out the word okay tomorrow we're going into this this neighborhood or this block okay and so the people know and they have places where they can go the amount of area that has been provided for the people in Rafa to go to right nearby is larger than the area of Rafa itself so they have plenty of space to go to the mainstream media is acting like they are uh crammed in there they have nowhere to go they're being surrounded on every side by the IDF and pushed into a corner that is certainly not the case this strike however took place in one of those places where the people were going and had set up some tents now I said on the on the live I did yesterday we know that Hamas hides among civilians therefore we know that it whatever places where the civilians are gravitating to that's where they're going to that's where the Hamas uh Fighters or commanders are going to be most of them and it turns out that's true they were hiding among the civilians using the civilians as human Shields now not all of this has been corroborated yet but uh it looks like from some of the videos that are going around on social media that they struck this headquarters command post uh for Hamas again situated in an area whoa what's going on over there beeper guy he just see he came and found me beeper guy there he goes it's actually the same van that's funny folks I'm at the um the three arches Hotel in Downtown Jerusalem right across from the King David uh it's one of my favorite places to go because of what you see behind me it's a beautiful hotel and I highly recommend it it's uh not super expensive but that's partially because it's an older Hotel the rooms are older they're trying to upgrade them and that's sort of thing but the internet's not great I can't use the Wi-Fi here to do my lives I have to use uh cellular uh data to do my lives out here but isn't it beautiful I mean I just love this place anyway so the IDF struck this headquarters command post that's in this place where a bunch of civilians were when they and they did that with a high explosive Precision guided munition that Precision guided munition uh is able to okay we're back I don't know it CRA it it died for a minute uh so those are very precise Munitions and they are high explosive Munitions what you need to know about high explosive Munitions is that they're not incendiary necessarily by their nature as a matter of fact they could even put out fires because they are explosive it blows all the oxygen out of the room now I have seen them start fires when there is an accelerant present so if you throw a grenade into a room it's not like in the movies where the whole house blows up and it's a giant Fireball that looks good on the movies but that's not how it is in real life a high explosive grenade will shatter the windows in a room uh but is very unlikely to start a fire in the room unless the room has some like a bunch of lighter fluid or G gasoline or something in the room already okay uh so it is not a patently incendiary device and that's what they dropped on this command post a Precision guided high explosive ordinance probably from a drone or an airplane that Precision guided ordinance would not normally have caused the whole neighborhood to go up in Flames but we know that Hamas is hoarding caches of fuel uh they are taking fuel that is being shipped into Gaza for free and given as humanitarian aid for the people they are taking that and they are hoarding it for themselves and so it's not surprising that there might have been a cash of gasoline uh or something like that some kind of accelerant that was there at the site where this Command Post took place uh and so that's not a surprise if it hit that it would certainly have caused a fire also one of the things that we see in the video that's going around that hasn't been corroborated now I'm people are sharing this all over social media and so a lot of people would just assume that it's legit I I'm going to tell you it looks to my eye like it is legitimate but it hasn't been corroborated by other media it's hard would be very hard to do it's cell phone video there's people speaking in the video as they're filming the flames and they're saying we got to get out of here because the Hamas the Hamas has a bunch of rockets around here and those Rockets uh might go off and hit us so we got to get out of the way we need to get out of here so obviously the people in the area knew that Hamas was there they knew that Hamas had weapons there and Rockets there as a matter of fact they showed that they found a rocket launcher very close to where that munition hit nearby uh not close enough to have been uh blown up by the munition most likely but in the area so they know that H Hamas was using that area that sort of Civilian area to hide rockets and Munitions in no question uh so the in the video you're seeing all these Flames which to me I'm looking at that and I'm thinking those are gasoline Flames like that's you don't see Flames like that because a a tent went I mean I've seen a lot of things destroyed and to me it looked like there was definitely some kind of accelerant but in the midst of the fire you start to see fireworks pow pow pow pow pow coming out of there and that tells me that there is ammunition cooking off uh and that's what happens when a when a let's say a vehicle that has a bunch of Rockets or ammunition of some kind in it catches fire starts to burn that ammunition will H you know cook off and you'll hear like popcorn po I saw this a lot in Afghanistan and irck Whenever there was an IED something like that uh you'd see ammunition cooking off and if that starts happening you do want to get out of the way because that stuff will go in every direction and um it is very dangerous so uh it it is Apparent from what we're from what we know right now that number one the IDF hit a legitimate military Target they they did claim to have killed two commanders number two uh that the death toll is much lower than what is being reported probably nowhere near 45 people probably 20 if if there were 25 people killed I'd be surprised okay so we know that Hamas has a vested interest in making these things look worse than they are as a matter of fact there was video coming out almost immediately after the uh explosion of people running around with bodies on stretchers uh it just was all too convenient it was uh it just seemed to me like it was almost like it was planned but that's I can't I can't prove that what we can prove is that there is a lot of that kind of video that is circulating on social media where you'll see a a bunch of pales Indians carrying a stretcher with a body on it wrapped in a shroud and then something happens uh you know they trip the body falls off and then that cadav jumps up and and runs away uh I saw one today where these guys were carrying a cadaver wrapped in a shroud and a air raid siren went off warning them that there was a Israeli munition coming in and they dropped the stretcher and and ran in all the all directions and the kadav after about 5 Seconds works his way out of his shroud and runs off himself as some kid uh in there so there's a lot of what they call polywood uh pistan and Bollywood Palestine and Bollywood put together plywood uh kind of videos coming out and so the upshot of those videos whether or not these uh Paige says Chuck can you debunk some conspiracy theories please sure tell me what they are and I'll tell you what I think hey thank you very much PC we appreciate that is Iran close to having a nuclear weapon um closer than they were for three years ago I I would say it's it's a for drawn conclusion that they're closer than there were three years ago how close they are we don't know they have made clear that if they uh if they do get one that they're going to use it on Tel Aviv immediately I kind of doubt that because that would mean the end of Iran as well since Israel has a lot more than one nuclear bombs uh nuclear bombs only work as a deterrent they don't work as a weapon uh because they it's a good way to kill yourself you know what I mean uh question do you believe this war will ever end well eventually it will end uh I don't think it's going to end for some time they are making progress in Gaza but what they're getting into now and I wanted to talk about this next is more of an Insurgency and that is where we come upon a problem it's a real real big problem uh question is the Gaza floating dock still floating well folks I'm going to talk about the Gaza floating dock on my podcast on over on my YouTube channel immediately after this video ends I'm going to go over to my channel and do a a sort of more in-depth look at the pier in Gaza and what is happening with it tomorrow I'm going to go down to ashdod and see if I can see the pieces that have floated away but without a doubt the the pier is a debacle and I I think that that's becoming clearer by the day and that's something I've been saying since the very beginning since they first announced the pier but uh I will talk about it uh on my YouTube channel shortly after this video ends okay so uh let's talk about what's happening in Northern Gaza now so you might say well wait a minute didn't they already clear out Northern Gaza they they swept through there in the beginning and they uh they cleared it all out right they killed every body all the bad guys in in that part thank you Fernando very kind of you but actually no they didn't so there were still some hundreds of thousands of people who refused to leave the north uh of course Israel told everybody to leave they gave them places to go to they open corridors to help them get there and none of that mattered because they didn't force people to leave if they didn't want to leave and so hundreds of thousands of people stayed in the north and never left now about from what I hear about 60% of the buildings in the northern part of Gaza have been damaged or destroyed uh and so there's a lot less housing in Gaza now in Northern Gaza than there used to be but um yeah it's uh pretty pretty well destroyed but they did not clear every building they did not go through every bedroom every every everything they did the best they could and then pushed on to you know the ultimate objective is just wiping out Hamas well as it turns out Hamas is infiltrated back into uh the northern part of Gaza they say that there was at least one battalion or or I'm sorry one Brigade of Hamas Fighters about 2,000 guys that were not in Rafa there was four brigades in Rafa and one Brigade that was floating around that was the last I heard so that's still couple thousand guys uh we know according to the IDF numbers that they have killed upwards of 14,000 terrorists already and have wounded many more and have arrested more than that as well so you're talking about um shooting from the other what I'm I'm getting distracted by the comments uh so so there have been oh easily 40,000 bad guys taken off the chessboard on the side of uh the thank you Mark Akerman uh on the side of Hamas not dead but dead wounded to the point where they they're not going to be able to fight anymore or arrested more than 40,000 is the numbers that I'm seeing uh now they say that that Hamas had 45,000 to begin with that was the numbers I heard today but you have to understand how it works if you're in AA and Hamas shows up and says hey guess what you're going to work for us now um it's or we kill your whole family maybe sometimes and we kill your whole family you know uh you don't have a lot of choice there wasn't a lot of upward mobility in Gaza there weren't a lot of other things to do it's not like they had a lot of farming or a lot of Industry they didn't have anything the the unemployment rate in Gaza is astronomical 75% something like that virtually they were just living on Aid and so if you're a bored young man what do you what other thing do you have to do besides join Hamas right so there there goes an ambulance motorcycle so that being the case it's hard to really say how many Hamas Fighters there were because really any military AIDS male would qualify as far as Hamas is concerned Hamas can just come and go hey you're working for us now I mean it's a terrorist criminal organization it's like the mafia if the mafia was the also the government so if I mean sounds like a lot they've taken 40,000 guys off the chessboard but there's probably oh I don't know hundreds of thousands more military age males in Gaza and so here's the yeah no there's ambulances beeper guy actually beeper guy is driving by right this minute there's a right down there there he goes that that black van is beeper guy that's him so he's still around he's looking for a moment to start his noise and interrupt our broadcast so in Northern Gaza the IDF has had to go back in there and start reclearing the area that they had already cleared that's something that you could have kind of guessed was going to happen uh because the people in Gaza it is a fairly small area they don't have a lot of places to go so if they push the isra Israeli forces push South then the gazans are going to go back North and vice versa and they're going to keep sloshing the Gins back and forth until they're able to basically kill off anybody who who wants to fight but this is where this is no longer a so much of a conventional operation as it is a Insurgency and with it becoming an Insurgency that is a real problem in terms of finishing this fight now Israel does have one very big thing going for it that may help it work out better than the insurgencies at the United States has been in for some time as they've gone back North into North jabalia uh and those camps up there they're finding huge caches of weapons and explosives and more missiles and it you just go like I thought they found all those the first time no no they didn't they have cashes buried everywhere they have tunnels everywhere so they're still finding them and fighting in an urban environment is the most difficult combat environment to be in but even more difficult than that is fighting in an urban environment that's already been destroyed because then everything is a matter of it's not a matter of scanning the windows in that building it's a matter of scanning every little Rat Hole in the rubble and there are just a lot more places places to hide and with all the tunnels it's almost certain that they didn't find them all and so they're still finding more tunnels as time goes on they there has been some of the worst fighting in the entire since they went into Gaza some of the worst fighting that they have faced the most intense face-to-face combat has been taking place in Northern Gaza in the last week and you're not hearing a ton about it because it's gotten to be normal you know I say this all the time but news exists to report the out of the ordinary right news is supposed to tell you what's going on that's not n not normal you know what's normal so you don't need us to tell you about that but in this case When The War has gone on for so long and it's gotten into a rhythm of you know combat same thing as what we've seen we've seen in Ukraine it kind of stops being news because that becomes normal and so that's why you're not hearing a ton about it unless you're just following it very closely so when you look at the combat that's taking place in Northern Gaza right now it's really pretty astounding it's it's astounding because like I say they already had their major fight in Gaza uh in Northern Gaza against large numbers of actual brigades of Hamas Fighters but now they're not fighting against brigades they're fighting against onesies and twozies that have been infiltrating in there and now it's and they're hiding among the civilian population once again they're being supported by the civilian population and that makes for a very difficult War to win but not impossible it's not impossible especially in this case because the Israelis have the fact going for them that they can fairly tightly control right now the amount of weapons and explosives coming into Gaza because they are in Rafa and they're shutting off the smuggling tunnels they have found more than 50 tunnels so far another 10 in the last week tunnels that go from Gaza into Egypt and they are systematically destroying those tunnels okay they're systematically destroying destroying those tunnels and so uh that is putting a real dent in hamas's ability to smuggle more weapons and explosives into Gaza so whatever they have there now is probably all they're going to have for some time now this is causing a pretty serious dent in the not only the ability to bring in weapons but also their ability to tax Goods that come in Via those tunnels so those smuggling tunnels were not just used for weapons they were used for all kinds of things the tunnels some of them were big enough to drive trucks through so uh they were bringing in a lot of product from uh from Egypt on a regular basis and now they're increasingly not able to do that anymore since they're not able to do that anymore it's causing a huge drop in the revenue that Hamas typically would generate from the taxes they charge on all the goods that come across the border see they can't charge taxes on the aid that's being sent in there and they were making now some of the things I saw were like up upwards of uh4 million no $40 million a month in taxes uh before the war started that they were gleaning off of those uh you know sort of smuggling tunnels and the Contraband that was coming through them somebody just asked do you think any hostages still exist yes I think there are hostages still alive um I think the chances of them getting out that way are declining by the day and that's why you're seeing the number of protesters here in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and hia and different places uh increasing uh there have been very large protests over the past few weeks every Saturday in Tel Aviv they have a big protest uh and they are pressuring the government to lose the war in order to get back some of the maybe some of the hostages there these people are saying it's worth it to lose the war to give up to pull out a Gaza all together in order to get back whatever hostages they can still get back alive and then in addition to that you have another group of of protesters not quite as large but very powerful protesters who are saying no we need to keep up this fight because the these protesters happen to be the families of people who were killed mostly soldiers so some of the soldiers who were killed in the war and they're saying don't you dare stop before we win or you will make our son daughter to have died in vain and so there you have these two competing U groups of people I would say most people in Israel still want Israel to win the war but they want the there is a increasingly large group of them who are saying you do whatever you have to do to get our hostages back and even if that means declaring a ceasefire pulling all the troops out of Gaza get our get whatever hostages back we can and then go back into Gaza and finish the finish the job something like that but it's not really that easy uh it it would not be that easy if uh Israel stops right now they have momentum in this war if they stop now uh it would be almost as bad as if they hadn't gone in at all uh because even if they just pulled out for a month now imagine if they accepted a ceasefire deal that included pulling all their troops out of Gaza and they pulled their troops out completely and then what's the world body going to do they're going to pressure them to continue that ceasefire continue the ceasefire not just a month let's make it two months let's make it three months and Hamas is not going to give back all the hostages immediately it's just not going to work that way they would require they would demand that they get thousands of Palestinian murderers rapists and terrorists back um from Israeli jails in exchange for being able to get to give up one or two host they would trickle out one or two hostages and they're going to draw that out as long as they can and the it really is unlikely that they would ever give all of them up because those hostages represent the only leverage they have anymore except for the fake news that they keep putting out and and getting uh the Israelis condemned for you know whatever they do so if the Israelis were to accept a ceasefire and pull everything out first of all they'd give up all their momentum militarily they would allow Hamas to survive and reconstitute they would not there so there would be very likely that Hamas would be able to smuggle in some more weapons get you know resupplies start building more Rockets Etc and then the world body would pressure Hamas more and more I'm sorry would pressure the the IDF more and more and more to make the ceasefire permanent to the point where they it it would be very very difficult to Marshall all their forces once again and send them back in okay so one tired mama says bobby socks asked a question could the hostages be in Egypt there's a very real possibility some of the hostages are no longer in Israel are in Gaza uh I I'm not sure uh about that because I mean they wouldn't be able to do that without the knowledge of the Egyptians and if the Egyptians had knowledge of that and it gets out to Israel I mean that that's a an act of War U so I don't think Egypt would actually go for allowing them to smuggle hostages out into Egypt I just don't think they would allow it and that is I think that relationship Believe It or Not between Egypt and and Israel is still hanging on uh there was this incident yesterday where uh in Rafa right near the border fence with Egypt the Israelis were in pursuit of some terrorists who were shooting at them and were duking it out with these Hamas terrorists near right near the border an Egyptian Soldier saw it and for some reason decided that he needed to get involved in that and he started shooting at the IDF maybe he was confused and thought the IDF was shooting at him uh I've been on both sides of uh you know getting shot at and it is sometimes difficult to tell exactly what direction the bullets are going but if you see people or if you hear people shooting close by you could very well think that they're shooting at you so there could have been some fog of War type confusion there whatever suffice it to say the Egyptian started shooting at the IDF Soldiers the IDF soldiers then returned fire and killed one Egyptian Soldier and wounded another and we just got word about an hour ago that that second Soldier has also died so these are two Egyptian soldiers that were just killed by the IDF so you would wonder are we about to launch into a larger Regional war is that an escalation point well it doesn't appear so because because they already had the funeral of the first soldier who died the Egyptian guy and it was not as big a deal the the funeral was not a military funeral per se it if if the put it this way if the Egyptian government felt very strongly about what had happened and felt like and was very angry at at Israel for what had happened they would have made these two guys that died into absolute Heroes and they would have given them all full military honors they would have you know had a big parade whatever uh at their funeral but their funerals were not like that it was you know there was a lot of people there but it wasn't a military funeral and so I don't think Egypt wants to get into a shooting war with Israel anytime soon and that's a very good thing uh so we'll thank God for that for sure uh now there was an as I was talking about the fighting that's going on up in the north um somebody asked do you know if Egypt is doing something about the tunnels exiting on their side no they haven't done anything about that as far as I know but the Israelis are blowing them up and collapsing them so it's going to be a long time before those tunnels uh get rebuilt um uh probably we don't know uh now in the course of the combat that's happened in Northern Gaza over the past uh couple of weeks just a few days ago there was a video that was released by Hamas claiming that they had captured some isra an Israeli soldier or some Israeli soldiers three I think and they they said it was in a fight in the tunnels in Northern Gaza there was a big tunnel fight they said and they uh they claimed to have captured some soldiers they released a grainy cell cell phone video of them dragging a bloody body um you know through the tunnels and claimed it was an Israeli soldier but uh it's let me let me just break down why that probably is not uh correct it's not a that probably why that's fake news number one it's coming from Hamas so you have to be pretty dubious for that reason alone number two the the video that shows them dragging the body is not a guy in uniform the body they're dragging is in civilian clothes well the IDF typically doesn't fight in civilian clothes and so it's not likely it was an IDF Soldier uh number three they released photographs that they claim are of the gear that they captured from the Israeli soldiers and that's the most telling part because it's kind of comical anybody that knows what they're looking at with military gear looks at that and goes did that come from some airsofters or what I mean this gear uh is not standard issue IDF military gear the the weapons that they displayed were uh CZ scorpion weapons which uh as far as I know have never been used in the IDF the IDF does not use scorpions uh at all uh they don't use CZ weapons at all as far as I know now some people have said well they could have been special forces and yes Special Forces sometimes get a lot of leeway on what kind of weapons they use and a CZ scorpion might work better for uh fighting in a tunnel than the the standard weapons that the IDF is using but U I still think that's pretty dubious okay so somebody saying the tunnels are in Egypt why the a bunch of the tunnels went from Raa into Egypt so that they could smuggle people and goods in and out of Gaza and they've been there for years and they're very well established and they were supposed to be flooded under an agreement between Israel and Egypt years ago but they they were not flooded at least not all of them and they were still in use they're not going to be in use anymore because the IDF now right after the icj made this pronouncement that the Israelis must stop fighting in Rafa and the Israelis went yeah no thank you but no thank you we're going to keep fighting in Rafa um immediately after that happened a barrage of rockets flew out of Rafa into Israel it's almost like the it's almost like Hamas is going we don't want the war to end we don't want a ceasefire because you would think if the icj came out and said we demand a ceasefire that hamasa be like yes they're demanding a ceasefire just be quiet don't shoot at anybody and maybe we'll get a ceasefire out of this maybe we'll get a a break but no they immediately started firing off Rockets out of Rafa the very area where they are telling the Israelis not to go and so it's like they're proving the Israelis point for them the Israelis are like uh okay we're not going to commit genocide in Rafa we promise we're just going to drop bombs on anybody that's shooting at us and that's exactly what they've been doing so that is kind of the the update a lot of people keep asking about the host is do we know where they are they if they knew where they were they would go get them do we know if they're alive they they cannot Pro say for sure whether or not they're alive I I think there are likely quite a few that are not alive at this point they still say that they're waiting on 125 hostages to return home they know some of those at at least a good portion of those ostriches several dozen of those 125 are not among the living any anymore but they don't know about the rest of them I would say it's very likely that many of the hostages are still alive and um we'll just hope that some of them will be able to get back to their homes and families sometime very soon okay so any questions uh let's see if we got any more questions here did anyone happen to notice after Israel's independence Memorial Day uh blah blah blah now uh I'm going to be uh going as soon as this is over here I'm going to I wrap this up in a couple minutes I'm going to head over to my podcast uh on The Hot Zone on YouTube and I'm going to be talking some more about the jots system that Pier that the United States put into Gaza and what an absolute debacle that is it's getting worse by the day and we've got some new information about that so uh uh question any hope for embed with the IDF yes there is hope I'm working on that I got an invitation from a military unit that's fighting in Gaza and so the military is saying you can come but the spokesman for the IDF has to sign off on it and that's what we're trying to get them to do is trying to get them to allow me to go in with them and so we'll see what happens I think the likelihood is low especially right now because of what just happened in in Rafa but I'm going to try I'm going to keep trying okay I hope I get into but there's plenty of stuff to report on if I don't get into Gaza because as it turns out some of the stuff is coming to us so uh I should there goes let's see if this is an ambulance yep [Music] it's our nightly ambulance uh okay so that is about all I've got for tonight folks thank you for watching uh so again you can follow me by going to The Hot Zone with Chuck Holton here on YouTube and uh maybe my wife or somebody can put that up on the screen on the in the chat but uh or you can go to Chuck I just posted a video that was released by the IDF of the combat that taking place in Northern Gaza and in Rafa right now um there's a lot more to talk about about what's happening on the northern border as well that'll have to be uh tomorrow's live or we'll we'll see uh but I'm going to be here for a week or so and so we got a lot coming so I hope you'll stay tuned and I hope you'll go over to and support us over there uh it's tax deductible and we certainly appreciate appreciate all of your donations whether they're right here on YouTube or over on so God bless you very much and uh let's say a prayer real quick for the Peace of Israel Lord God we just come to you right now and we ask for you to bring peace in this country we pray for peace in Gaza we pray for peace in Rafa Lord we know that there are a lot of uh Palestinians who don't want to have any part of this they just want this to be over and I pray Lord that this event eventually will change a lot of minds and will make a lot of Israel's enemies decide that maybe it would be easier just to be friends rather than to Harbor these this hatred for another generation so I pray Lord that uh you would make yourself powerful and evident to the people here in Israel and in Gaza and I pray that you would bless Israel and bring peace here in Jerusalem in Jesus name amen all right thanks folks uh like I said go over to The Hot Zone I'm going to be live there in just a few minutes so we'll see you
Channel: CBN News
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Keywords: cbn, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, cbn digital
Id: ONgwpknMwmQ
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Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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