Jesus Forgives the Sinful Woman (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Music] we are on our second week of our series entitled grace changes everything it is a great series and i appreciate you by last week okay that's just the first of the four uh preachings now then and we've been saying it's only the grace of god make great skinny god you have everything and our object lesson last week as we've said the japanese art of restoring broken pottery right and for those of you just joining us today it's the art of uh the japanese in the 15th century but broken potted in a really store punila they use this gold like locker now parang and it turned out young a broken pieces pagner restore it becomes more valuable compare padonza india broken so nothing right when god restores us we're better off sometimes we're so broken and we don't turn to god and sometimes we just accept it as it is i mean this is the way i was brought up some of us are so broken some of us are so desperate and we just accept it as it is and we try to compare it at least you feel like it's better than others you just accept it as it is your brokenness has led you to just you know origin or means that some of us have come to accept it in terms of having a coping mechanism so pat we're trying to patch up those broken bits and pieces in our lives with other stuff problematic finances around the world and all and sometimes you feel there's still that emptiness there's still the brokenness there's that hole now you're trying to patch up with something very lagging ugly leak anybody here you have all the money in the world boyfriend are you getting the point because sometimes we think our brokenness is something that we can you know we can we can uh uh resolve by ourselves and that's why last week we talked about this woman um a widow and her only son died how broken can you get neva just go to our website for the week one and today we're going to look at another story of this broken woman another woman okay so tamara kalinin announced with the jack mcjoint pokemon soul sisters so if we're going to look at luke chapter 7 verses 36 to 50 okay we're just gonna go through the verse one by one and it's gonna be an exciting time for us to study the word of god let's bow our heads and pray lord we thank you for this story a powerful story of your grace and compassion lord we just ask that you minister to us this afternoon we pray lord god that every one here in this room including myself lord help us to get to know you in a deeper more personal way help us to understand more of your grace in jesus name amen it's important because our perception drives our action right the way we perceive something drives the way we act on it your perspective right on something your perception drives your action and our perspective of our brokenness can lead us to a lot of stuff last week's in habitat our brokenness can blur or can break our picture of who god is and you might not encounter your perspective it's a brokenness not or worse we don't see ourselves as broken as we can say we're going to look at the story these three characters and hopefully we can relate to one of these uh the faith of the sinful prostitute he's a sinful woman and then we're going to look at the pride of the self-righteous pharisee and then eventually we're going to look at how the grace of this compassionate savior addresses these issues are you ready so let's open our bible to chapter 7 verse 36 the first verse story that says here when one of the pharisees invited jesus sometimes to a pharisee and invited jesus oftentimes we see in the bible see jesus is always engaging these pharisees in a uh many times a bible so this time in invite he invited jesus to have dinner with him now it's interesting because he says of course so we can see here that the pharisee invited jesus and jesus uh peter began in fact we can only surmise buckets and invite them pharisees we don't know exactly the name of the pharisee simon okay so simon says go to our my house okay this is going to william game the simon says so we don't know exactly why this simon invited jesus there are a couple of possible reasons maybe he loves to be associated with celebrities because during the time this time see jesus we see katna and rabbal puny jesus he goes from one town to another and ahana but you can see him on disciples of paul they go to the synagogue okay the synagogue is what replaces the temple so you can go there you can find jews there atmo so normally is a synagogue you call that synagogue ruler or among a staff so maybe this pharisee is one of those leaders in the synagogue so out of courtesy speak because well known as jesus rabbi maybe out of obligation maybe being a synagogue staff as i've said oh maybe the man is just plain curious jesus while preaching in the synagogue wow makes sense to mama so baja who knows but we don't have um about a concrete reason why okay but invite the pharisees now interestingly jesus went to the house and he reclined at the table now we don't know the culture back then but the greek line but indeed he sat on a chair and ate at the table hindi poganon ampaka they feel so close towards one another yeah you eating is really a picture of being intimate you don't just invite someone and become intimate and if you look at this picture let me see jesus recline and the houses of this rich people they have this courtyard okay so i don't know the houses of this rich people they have this what they called courtyard in the middle of the house and and oftentimes most especially if a grabbed by your teacher and invited there are people not just observe they're just going to lean on the wall and they're going to listen to that rabbi and teachers they're not going to eat they're just there to listen to learn are you getting the point because now you know that that it's it's it's like a public place whenever there's an invited guest people can come in i get another point cultural background the word here a woman of the city killed alice is a bong city because she was a sinner killer bong town now she has this profession not prostitute but my day of the prostitutes substitute so she was really she she she has she's a very sinful woman alumni now here's an interesting three words that you need to understand but that means will not get the gist of the story it says here when she learned when she learned that jesus was invited mean to say these three words meant she had the previous encounter with jesus this is not just a first encounter saying jesus no no no i don't know maybe she was there no not jesus a synagogue maybe she felt something about this teacher and contemplated on what she he just thought it's actually a pale mineral that's soft enough for carving it's very apparent most of the time an alabaster jar is an heirloom so an alabaster jar it's a greek word that means perfume vase okay and then you see jesus let's continue with the story now she stood behind him and here's a picture she was sweeping you know any word not crying aburito she began to wet jesus's feet with her tears i mean this is the picture and we will learn later in the indeed jesus can i just remind you in the uson sneaker snog they were wearing these open sandals and they walk somebody just imagine the dust on jesus's feet my three inches thick let me see jesus and then she wiped them with their hair okay now let me tell you something in the ancient time that's a no-no in those times you can only do that in private sabbah mo it's a public you cannot just bombay here more it's it's it's it's uh it's like an immoral woman if you do that so it says here she wiped them with their hair kiss them and poured perfume on them she was actually and the minute there's only one reason for the sinful a prostitute to enter a pharisee's house you know what that word is desperation that's the only reason maybe she heard as i've said it's a ceremony jesus maybe she heard the invitation of jesus in the synagogue come to me oh you're really i don't know but she knew something she contemplated on something possession and came there whipping and whipping and it says she can't even mumble a word she was just so broken there's a sense of lostness this sense of helplessness and wins when she saw the opportunity but there's just no way of letting go this opportunity she just won't let go she surrendered to jesus with utter humility i mean with absolute nothingness except her faith in this man and not only there's a sense of losses there's a sense of we can say a sense of urgency jesus and go to another town opinion of the people back then she was just so broken she can't utter a single word he can speak but here's the thing jesus knew her heart words were not necessary during this time she just poured out her and then at the end of it she poured that alabaster jar the content it's a perfume that's the fate of this woman let me ask you this question how desperate are we in inviting jesus into our lives granuka when it comes to inviting jesus because oftentimes time on christiano we think that jesus is a sunday for the 5 30 thingy seniors young thing so how desperate are we not in jesus i want you to come into my life are we all out or are we preserving how desperate are we when we when we approach him do we have reservations because this woman is different because the faith of this sinful woman this prostitute she can and everybody is watching and then the host we're going to look at the pride of this dude the self-righteous pharisees maybe you cannot relate to the sinful woman you you may not be a prosecutor you may not be that sinful you may be a man can become but maybe you can relate to this man didn't happen this audience all right we'll see the pride of this self-righteous pharisee now look at that look up on the screen now when the pharisee who had invited him so the guy's name is simon as i've said he said to himself if this man were a prophet he would have known consider you maha this very important part of the story maybe he invited jesus maybe he's actually seeking and killing them preaching as a synagogue omg okay a distinct group shortly after the maccabean revolt around 165 to 160 bc okay from the assyrians to the persians and to the babylonians and the pharisees is one of those never again remember influence a hellenistic [Music] so now this prideful self-righteous pharisee he think is better than two sets of people number one he is better than the sinful woman because he's happy that she's a sinner and where that among the pharisees they they think that sin can be transferred by touching the scene there was a spring of whatever maintenance spring and then they feel so dirty they have this prayer lord thank you you didn't make me a dog or a gentile i'm a jew a sinful people because they feel like these pharisees think we are better than that sinful woman and not only that number two simon thought he's better than jesus because he judges correctly [Music] and all and jesus answered and said to him simon i have something to say to you simon say it teacher teacher i go out but then jesus shared the parable let me jesus just say you know it's an expert telecom brilliant storyteller lageti parable parable and you know what the parable is right it's a made-up story and normally a parable is thought you can relate yourself to one of the characters of parabola getting the point and telling me jesus simon listen a certain money lender had two debtors one owed 500 denarii the other 50. you know what the daenery means a denarius is a day's wage okay almost two months difference right and then jesus continued when they could not pay he canceled the debt of both now which of them will love him more moon it's interesting the word death the original aramaic word it means it's interesting the word death and sin is interchangeable in fact if you look at the lord's prayer in matthew and luke lord forgive us our sins say some translation forgive us our debts are you getting the point so the sin and death they're interchangeable now okay then turning towards the woman he said to simon ibanez i mean simon is a brilliant guy he's a pharisee so when jesus said simon do you see this woman no no no i'm just starting jesus as if saying we're going to process the parable we're going to apply the parable because actually that's not the fact that that's not a parable of two debtors it's a parable of two sinners it says if jesus was saying do you see this woman simon yeah the woman i entered your house you gave me no water for my feet it's a basic common courtesy but not invite cat during this time in this ancient near east but like invite me normally but my slave pupuna jesus you gave me no water from my feet but she she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair okay and maybe the people are asking and this up in terms of jesus you gave me no key so normally has a shoulder and then it's a sign of a welcoming it will bring playgrounds to the whole place and somebody jesus but you gave me no kiss but from the time i came in she has not ceased to case my feet and then moving on you did not anoint my head with oil which is basic common courtesy too okay but she anointed my feet with ointment wow now they know where the story is going now they realize omg jesus enslaved simon now realized because jesus concluded therefore the word is therefore i tell you her sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much but he was forgiven little loves little fun because and he felt i don't need a savior he felt hindi language jesus you know where these people are who loves little active beyonce i'm not that bad i don't need much church church activity because i am a good person and sometimes we feel i don't need much forgiveness because i'm not that bad all along jesus knew his heart jesus just exposes his prideful self-righteous heart because the demonstration of our love reveals the condition of our heart how much you love god determine the condition of your heart towards him how how broken are we when it comes to approaching god is god the sunday thing long it's got someone because the demonstration of how much you love god will really determine and reveal you condition them personas are we broken before god oh you feel like i don't need i don't need you know much of god but we'll see the last character in this story the fate of the sinful prostitute the pride of the self-righteous pharisee we're going to see the grace of this compassionate savior we're going to see the grace of this jesus christ because sometimes we feel indian and we become so self-righteous what if i tell you we're in the same boat as hitler wow because i behind the lord see hitler you're just in the same boat seven million anybody here you feel you're better than other people everybody here you feel me oh and sometimes we feel we're better than others right are there people in the bottom feeling that alternative anybody here you feel indeed deserved to go to heaven i have badness for you we don't deserve heaven all of us we don't what we deserve is hell that's what the bible says for the wages of sin is death and for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god if there's one thing we deserve that's hell that's what you deserve can people is a deal his son died so that you may live he will remain grateful for heaven are you aware of that kite in the titanic he remained just and he remained god but thanks be to god he's not just just he is loving and compassionate he doesn't want anyone to go to hell that's what the bible says he is patient not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance so before kamak victory group leaders wow i think you have a problem if you think by doing something for god you gain his love and approval i think that's a wrong theology i think you don't have to open your mouth just like that sinful woman and come to him with nothing come to him with utter desperation lord jesus i just want to pour out my heart to you you know when you see the holiness of god you'll see how filthy we are because your perspective of your holiness is totally dependent on how you view god his holiness [Music] i think we have a problem this woman was really utterly desperate lost hopeless and says here and jesus said to her your sins are forgiven wow imagine the drama in that courtyard imagine the joy i mean can you just imagine listening to jesus human your sins are forgiven wow it's funny because simon and the woman are witnessing the same jesus they encounter the same jesus in the same place at the same time at the same spot but that they have a different perspective see simon and invite us how far will we go to invite jesus into our lives do you want him a savior and not as lord because we want jesus as a savior i'm not on the same piano right but he's the bad news he was referred 24 times as savior in the bible and 622 times as lord we often wanted jesus was a savior but not as lord daley wow that's the problem my problem your problem because we treat jesus as a buffet we can't do that to jesus it's either his lord of all or not at all then we come to a point your sins will be forgiven psalm 51 17 i love this sami says the sacrifice you desire is this not your money not your time but volunteering that's not what jesus is asking that's not what god is asking not your energy you know what god desires a broken spirit with no pretension with no pride you will not reject a broken and repentant heart oh god and sometimes we come to god with the set of requests you do this god you do this you do this lord i pray for healing i pray for bishops but are we so broken or we have this set of more requests if i come before you broken wow what are we willing to break for you to be made whole what are you rather it's so personal this question should pierce your heart take a picture jeff what are you willing to break today for you to be made whole what are we willing to be but to offer before god god is dealing with that and you keep on you keep on shining foreign try me offer it before me i'll see how it works apart from me you can do nothing that's what jesus cleanly boldly i mean clean apart from me you cannot do that i really need to break with that person hello hello are you ready to break up with that person ala moana hindi but jesus is my life she's my everything hirapano you know why come on come on let's give him praise [Applause] because the blessing of god are for those who obey but if you want to be blessed just come here come here [Music] [Applause] because we're always basing our decision on what we see what we feel what we hear well faith is not like that faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what we do not see when jesus saw the faith of this woman look up here and he said to the woman you're washing up my feet i save you is that what it says here your crying has saved you is that what he said here no no no your faith which is her response in fact he he throw this welcome invitation come to me and then chance to begin the lord and i think i don't dignity on august 10 august 10 5 30 pm 20 minutes this is the day of your salvation listen some of you have been contemplating but it's hard because your physical reality and you cannot go over and beyond what you see right now she was saved because of her faith not by her works not by kissing not by sobbing but by the invitation even her faith to come guiding jesus to give up to be broken before me this is the day we're going to raise a hallelujah today we're going to raise a banner today because i believe god wants you set free today not tomorrow not yesterday today this is the perfect timing to some of you just just this is not the blind faith now no no no faith is being sure i'm going to give this up because god cares and look at the verse look up here this is the last part number first now sabine jesus your faith has saved you go in what you know the word peace shalom it means completion it means nothing's broken nothing is missing she came broken she went out whole how about that and here's a funny thing and domina during the time even simon was there the convict bashar we don't know maybe later we don't know but during the time on that very moment this woman received salvation and some of you here today you will go out of this place you're going to go out of this place change you're going to go out of this place with peace either way some of you you will go out of that room the door in peace or stealing condemnation and guilt some of you never had peace now don't worry this is not for you but to some of you this is your moment this is your time this is the time that we're gonna go in peace we're gonna sing amazing grace again let's all stand on our feet today okay look up here we're gonna we're gonna sing amazing grace because you need to hear this i believe god wants you to experience his grace this afternoon don't leave here we're gonna sing this song again and then afterwards i'll come back i'm going to pray for some of you here this morning this afternoon [Music] amazing grace sing it to the lord [Music] i once was lost but now thank you god i see second verse towards grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears really [Music] how precious did that grace appear [Music] my chains are gone thank you god has ransomed me and like of love his mercy reigns unending love amazing grace lord has promised good to hear his word my whole sister he will my shield and positioned me as long as and goes my chains are gone my chains are gone come on church [Music] his mercy raise unending love amazing grace one more my chainsaw [Music] his mercy reigns unending love [Music] [Applause] amazing grace one more unending love amazing grace for the last time unending love amazing grace [Applause] all right you know what the devil will always give you that lie that you don't have what it takes the devil will always give you that lie you're not worth it the devil will give you that line han ganjan kalarang or maybe the devil can give you a lie you don't need any mending or any fixing your your great but you can sense your heart if that's you today you can sense that i don't want to extend this invitation can you go to my verse in matthew kanina uh jack alluded to this it says come to me he's a gentleman god he's a gentle man he won't impose himself to us so those of you were broken this afternoon i don't know what's your issue but god wants you set free in fact some of you have been contemplating jesus and just automatically just stop what i'm doing so those fear that haunts you i believe it's not going to happen god wants you to go all in and all out for him because he has so many plans and destiny for you only if you'll allow him only if you will come to him us who are weary and burdened he's going to give us rest bow down your heads close your eyes if that's you this morning this afternoon there's a brokenness that god is dealing to you today leave it before god and say lord have it your way if that's you raise your hand as a sign of surrender lord i cannot do this alone i've tried for those of you watching us online can just raise your hand as well as a sign of surrender you're saying lord have it your way lord you see these hands raised before you lord actually they're so weary and burdened they have this front the parang okay you have this facebook and ig story and you're okay but deep inside you know okay and it's only god who knows [Music] and god is telling you right now and up just come to me i'll give you rest [Music] father in the name of jesus as they raise their hand today give them lord get your assurance i will go before you i will carry you i will hide you under the shadow of my wings i will strengthen you you will fly like an eagle you will run and not grow weary you will walk and will not fame because i will carry you i will be with you no matter what the world says i will be with you my presence is enough you will come here you will come out of this place whole peace in jesus name put on your hands lastly we have time for those of you who came here maybe you're just seeking maybe you're you're simon i don't know maybe maybe you're that woman and you don't have a relationship with christ now this is the greatest moment of your life some of you need to give your life to christ and and watch him move and drive your life some of you came here some of you are watching so that you can give your life to christ the way we did it many years ago but to some of you know individual young boy mother jesus christ all it takes is just a surrender let's have even lord jesus i surrender my life to you so if that's you today we're gonna celebrate with you the bible says the heavens are rejoicing if one sinner repent so from the balcony here in front and to the those people watching if you want to receive christ raise your hand come on if you want to receive the lord jesus christ as your lord and savior come on wow come on give give god praise come on keep it praise praise god praise god all right for those of you raising your hands come on keep it raised i'm gonna lead you into a powerful prayer daily prayer the powerful you know why because you're going to pray this personally so heart mo and i believe the holy spirit will come in power will come to you if you're raising your hand in fact if you're beside this person lay your hands before them those raising your hands lord jesus i'm giving my life to you i'm surrendering my life to you i know i'm a sinner and i can never save myself but starting today i repent from all my sins and i now accept you not just my savior but my lord have it your way lord jesus in my life i now receive you as my savior this i pray in jesus name amen amen email email amen praise god for those of you raise your hand we can pray for you more and and talk about what you just did today for those of you the rest of you lord we thank you for this afternoon lord we know we are made whole we were made whole lord god because you came into our life so father help us to be constantly reminded that apart from you were nothing help us to be totally dependent on you alone just like that woman lord god we're nothing apart from you in jesus name amen amen amen you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 31,637
Rating: 4.8497653 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: KDvlmGjjgLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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