The Blessing of Brokenness by Carter Conlon

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Luke chapter 7 please if you'll turn in your New Testament Luke chapter 7 I want to speak to you on the blessing of brokenness the blessing of brokenness believe it or not this is a Mother's Day message I'm not a thematic preacher you know that other than Christmas I'll be the only time I really focus on a specific part of I didn't even know this was the Mother's Day message till I had finished writing it so I know it came from the heart of God didn't set out to to do it this way but the blessing of brokenness father I thank you Lord for your word I thank you for this season I thank you God for giving me the ability to speak simply I think you're mostly Lord for your presence for without your presence we gather in vain your word is dry and we don't change but when you are in our midst Lord Jesus Christ everything changes the impossible becomes possible the weak become strong the captivated are set free those who can't see are given spiritual vision wounds of the past are healed the hope for the future comes and these things come because you're in our midst and so I say from the depths of my heart Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord walk the aisles of this church Almighty God and speak to every heart beginning with my own I pray for the grace to be the man I'm about to speak of I ask your Lord for the strength to live these words and not just preach them and understand them but to live them and I know I can't go there in my own strength you have to take me and father I thank you Lord that you're going to speak powerfully to every heart and give hope and courage to those whose hearts are failing I thank you for it in Jesus name the blessing of brokenness Luke chapter 7 beginning at verse 36 and one of the Pharisees desired him that would be Jesus that he would eat with him and he went into the Pharisees house and sat down to meet and behold a woman in the city which was a sinner when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisees house brought an alabaster box of ointment and stood at his feet behind him weeping and began to wash his feet with her with tears and did wipe them with the hairs of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it he spoke within himself saying this man if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner of woman this is that touches him for she is a sinner you know an alabaster box in that generation was a type of a stone the soft stone material that that was used to contain in this case it would be perfume quite often extremely expensive and the only way you could get that perfume out of the container was to break that yet to break the neck it was like a flask and the other break the neck of the bottle and that brokenness in a sense would release that fragrance and so that's exactly what happened this is a woman who's a sinner I don't know what specific sin was some people feel there were some type of a moral failing and perhaps in that jar it was also had that was represented what was left that was good in her life maybe it was the wages of sin maybe it was just her future her hope her dreams her plans her ambitions I don't know everything that it was but I know in many cases in many persons lives at that time that was there that was the future that was the retirement plan there were no banks then so this would be her savings in a sense all in this bottle she found something so wonderful and profound about Jesus Christ that she this and broke it and with tears he poured it out on his feet and you and I would be aware that the fragrance of that moment of worship would have just simply filled the room in an unprecedented way it would be as the scripture says that you and I are to be were to be a savor of Christ everywhere we go a sweetness of God is to follow us something of Christ that doesn't come through just study it doesn't come through just prayers as wonderful as those things are there's a certain fragrance of Jesus that comes through brokenness last week I was greatly ministered to by a broken man it didn't expect it to happen I went into this particular conference to sit in a morning session to get a sense in the feel of what what thematically the church was focusing on before I was due to speak that evening they was a man invited into the pulpit to share a devotional really a 20 minute devotional that would lead the room into prayer and from the moment he began to speak I knew there was a difference there's something so precious in a life that has no greater purpose for itself than to be poured out for the one who walked towards it in spite of the depth of the failure now I don't I don't know all the details of this particular pastor's life but I can tell you one thing I know a broken man when I hear one I know a man who's come to the end of himself who's stepping into the pulpit and he's no longer concerned about what people think about him he's only there for one purpose alone is to be poured out for the love and for the glory of Jesus Christ and it was an amazing moment to be in that room and to see something to feel something spiritual happen in the room you you can't create this you can't create it by my music you can't create it by any amount of hype it's not something that men can do it's something that God does it's a fragrance of Jesus it's the it's Christ himself coming into a room and bearing witness to that which truly honors him and represents him when you think about Luke chapter 15 the story of the prodigal son was a young man who had an inheritance of his father but he decided to take this inheritance that was given him and he took it wanting the blessing of it as it is but took it to a faraway place and many of God's people have done that in this generation many ministers have done that they've taken the anointing they've taken the blessing they've taken the strength they've taken the new mind the new heart that God promises and they have gone into a places far far away from the heart of God and finally when he saw his father run to him and holding him and kissing him on the neck full of joy at his return now when he finally ran out of gas when he finally hit the wall when he finally realized as his life pursuit was empty when he finally saw the folly of giving you strength in your life to the things of this world that don't satisfy no matter how many parties he went to no matter how much he achieved or how many friends he had in the end it was empty in the end it amounted to nothing and he finally came to the conclusion that it's better in my father's house that there's more sustenance there than there is here and he got up and started to head for home his life and his testimony were in his shambles he smelled like the pigs in the field that he was feeding the testimony of being his father's son was an absolute mess because of what he had done and where he had gone his plans for the future he had he had gone out with such incredible plans but he came home empty his plans destroyed his resources bankrupt his shame and failure seemingly before his face forever because out of his own mouth the testimony was father of sinned and I'm no longer worthy to be called your son in other words I've lost something of position with you and so make me a servant a slave he called it forever I'll just come into your house and I'll just work there I'll cut the grass I'll wash the windows I'll I'll prepare food I'll do something but I'll just be a slave in the house I've lost a forfeit in my position as a son or a daughter as some feel in our time and how shocked he was to find his father running to him to find his father embracing him to find his father kissing him on the neck to find his father bringing him into the house to find his father killing the fatted calf which really was just reserved for royalty to find his father gathering the musicians and saying strike up the band and we're going to have a celebration because my son has come home how incredible it must have been I think that all he could rightfully do is present his empty life to be filled and poured out again and again for the one hood come running to him in his failure you know when you failed you really start to appreciate God when you've hit the wall when you've misrepresented him publicly or privately and you went out with such pride and a lot of ministries like that a heads out with such pride just filled with it self filled with its own ideas filled with its theories about God only to finally one day lift its head and say what a fool I've been what a foolish ministry I've been part of what a what a foolish testimony I've created and I've taken all of this life of God and I've gone out and I've made such a reproach in my community to the family name of my father I don't know about you but when you finally hit that place in your heart when you finally come to the realization whether it's been objecting or just an interior realization that if it wasn't for the mercy of God none of us would be standing not one of us today and when you and I finally hit that then it's just reasonable to say Oh God fill me with your spirit and pour out of me and then fill me again and pour out again and fill me again and pour out again and let it be only for you and for your glory and for your name and for your honor and for people who need to know that you love them for people to need to know that there's a savior for people who to understand that God so loved the world not God so loved the world our God so felt legally obligated to redeem the world no it says God so loved the world Lord Jesus Christ would you just allow this vessel to be broken so that that might come forward so that men and women might understand their loved of God that back but people have walked away from God tried their best but couldn't make the journey and went away into a fireplace might understand this was never about rules it was always about love there's an incredible depth of gratitude from the person who has known his own sin and understood this unmatchable love this unmatchable love that walked through all the dirty streets of this world to find you and to find me when we finally get to heaven you're going to see the dirt that Jesus walked through to find you and to get you the places where you were when he was whispering to you when you didn't know he was there you know God is only present in the world that we teach that we preach that means he's everywhere which I've often said you can't put somebody who's everywhere out of anywhere you said it's simply not a possibility and I just thank the Lord for where he came to get me and how he walked with me when I was when I was a policeman I remember that the thoughts of God suddenly came into my heart and I found out later that three charismatic ladies were praying for me Lord they didn't even know me but the Lord burdened them to pray for this young police officer and I'm suddenly having these thoughts of God in my heart I remember walking the beat starting to think about God and wondering why I was thinking about God and then I would go back to the lunchroom and I had a foul mouth and we would play cards at lunch and I would every time I would just simply curse the name of Jesus constantly it was a constant curse word coming out of my mouth and yet I would leave that lunchroom and I would go back out on the street and he's walking with me again and he's speaking to my heart paul said in romans 11:33 all the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out he says in Ephesians chapter 3 verses 16 to 19 listen to this now that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man the Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith and that he being rooted and grounded in love that's the love of God may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and the length and the depth and the height and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that you might be filled with all the fullness of God Paul said that you could be rooted and grounded in this love that I've come to know that you could begin to understand with the saints that have gone before you those who are in heaven they already know the breath that means the width the length the depth the height and the love of Christ which passes our natural understanding we can't lay hold of it by simply study we can't lay hold of it by simply somebody telling us about it but the moment we understand this depth of this love Paul says that you might be filled with the fullness of God the fullness of God is evidenced by a heart of love not by heart of knowledge a heart of love that when I bear in this earthen vessel the love of Christ in the measure that God would have it in me and part out through me I have laid hold of everything that God wants me to lay hold of on this earth on this side of eternity then I have the right to preach to you and to believe to see thousands if not hundreds of thousands come to the saving knowledge of Christ because God bears witness to that which belongs to him God bears witness to that which is true God bears witness to himself not because of the fanciness of our preaching not because of the accolades on our wall not because of our names Marky's somewhere or by trifold brochures he bears witness with his own person and presence through those who have been broken and have come to the knowledge of how loving he is it's true that we bear the treasure of the risen Christ in these earthen vessels as the scripture says and it's also true that our rigidity keeps these vessels unbroken thus locking up the fragrance of Christ inside you see I talked about the blessedness of brokenness this lady could have come into the Pharisees house and say Jesus you know in this vessel is a fragrance that's expensive it's marvelous and once it's released it fills the room and it it fills the atmosphere and it will even linger for hours but she could have just told him about it she could have placed the bottle on top of his feet intact and there would be truth in what she said about the fragments but it was in the breaking of that flask it was in the releasing of that fragrance that the whole room would be filled with the knowledge and the glory of God and we we almost pride ourselves in our ability to be unbroken it's a tragic we we spend much of our pursuit trying to shore up these vessels so that they they might not appear to be weak or cracked or that we we might and half of our gospel even is all about how do I keep myself strong how to keep myself intact how to keep myself looking good but second Corinthians four 3 Paul said if our gospel is hid it is hidden to those who are lost I want you to think about these things with me just for a moment though Moses had a great calling of God it was the rigidity of holding to his own ideas of how this plan should unfold that rendered him unusable until he had been 40 years broken in the wilderness he had a plan and the purpose was there but he was still very much intact still very much governed his own strengthened by his own thinking and even though it was a righteous cause the plan couldn't unfold until he had been in the wilderness for years until he had come to a place where he'd lost confidence in himself when God finally called him he said look at I I just I I might have been a mighty speaker and I'm paraphrasing for him but I no longer am I've lost all of what I had then but what the Lord was trying to get through is you have something now that can set three million people free that can bring them out of captivity and when Moses in his weakness and Moses in his brokenness and Moses in his dependence on God and Moses in his trust in the calling of God and the strength of God alone walked into that camp I want to suggest you the fragrance of God spread throughout the whole camp of Israel there's no other reason why they would listen to him after 430 years of bondage why should they listen to an 80 year old man with a stick saying God sent me to set you free an insane plan in the natural there had to be something more there had to be a fragrance of Christ had to fill that camp there to be something of the sweetness of God that was being poured out through this broken vessel and suddenly the scent may I say a freedom came into the camp the smell of freedom Christ Jesus carries within the scent of freedom if I'm preaching to you and Christ is bearing witness to my words the smell of freedom is coming into your heart and into your mind there are sudden thoughts coming into your life that hey this prison door can't hold me anymore this wound of the past can't continue to dominate my thinking Andrews me hey I don't have a reason to be afraid of the future because God is in my future if the anointing of God if Christ is very witness to me these thoughts come into your mind as you begin to hear the word of God there's a smell of freedom comes into your heart how else do you explain it I was in Siberia and had an opportunity to preach in an outdoor conference and at that conference thing surrounded us with soldiers about maybe two feet apart the whole city square and I remember leaving off speaking to the people and I started to speak to the soldiers alone and as I began to speak to them they began to dissipate I was speaking about freedom from fear freedom from alcohol freedom from depression freedom from condemnation freedom from thoughts of suicide and as I was speaking to them they started leaving and after it was over I I said to the people where did all the soldiers go I mean there was it was I don't know a couple of hundreds of at least maybe more and they said well they started weeping and they were ashamed so they went and hid behind buildings and sat in cars the scent of Christ is the scent of freedom oh god help us to understand the blessing of brokenness Joseph had a great promise that he was going to be a young man one day that would bring provision that he would be put in a position of leadership and through his hands many people would be fed but in his youth he was too aware of himself to reach his potential he was full of himself let's just proceed straight until he found himself in a place of desperation and brokenness until he didn't care who got him out of jail as long as somebody got him out he wasn't even turning fully to God any more to that Butler that was being restored the fairy said please when you get there just remember me if you don't mind I don't I don't and he was sharing his heart I don't deserve to be here I didn't do any wrong get me out of here and it was in after 13 years of brokenness the Joseph enters fouls court and with just a few words of wisdom that God had given him suddenly in Egypt there's the smell of provision suddenly released in pharaoh's court is the sweet aroma of Christ as we know it that where Christ is there's provision where Christ is the strength where Christ is there's bread where Christ is the direction where Christ is there's a sure future and suddenly through this this broken man that's been 13 years beaten in to a pulp spiritually speaking in prison and everywhere else he's standing before the leader of one of the greatest nations in the world and the smell of provision is everywhere and he's talking about famine oh thank God thank God even back all the way all the way into Israel right to his own father and his own brothers in his own 70 members of his own family wafted the scent of the provision of God through one man who had learned that there might be a purpose to brokenness that I'm not fully yet understood that the savour of Christ could flow through his life and bring that scent of provision to those who are going to need it not only did he feed Egypt but he fed his own people Israel as well for many years to come this woman in our opening text who came into the house of the Pharisee no longer cared to court the favor of the religious establishment around her nor did she seem to scorn it she was in neither place it didn't want the favor of the religious and she wasn't scorning the religious either the only object of her affection was Jesus the highest calling of her life at that moment was to be poured out for the one who received her in spite of her failure to properly represent God as one of his chosen children in the earth the religious order of the day had most likely rejected her obviously they had rejected her but suddenly she heard Jesus and suddenly something was open to her that she had a future she had a hope she had something that God was willing to give her not only forgiveness but a future and a hope and a purpose for her life and as she came into the Pharisees house she brought that which was most precious to her it was her future it was a sense of self-worth even because I don't know if it's the wages of sin but every sinner tries to create something good out of it even though theoretically that's not really possible to do but she brought in some of what her life had really amounted to savings wise and she broke it and poured it on the feet of Jesus my all my future who I am who I was Lord Jesus Christ I bring it to you and I pour it on your feet as a love offering for who you are and what you've done for me and the the scent of freedom and provision that you've brought into my heart I bring this in this moment the perfume of that moment that emanated from that broken vessel must have permeated the room it's an amazing thing the religious man more or less stuck in his pursuit of the best seats in the house and the titles of master master and the fine robes and all of the rest that goes along with it II saw no value in this whatsoever he saw he was completely outside of what was happening here it always has been that way it always will be that way but there was a fragrance came into that room that you and I are talking about 2,000 years later there was something about what this woman did that God said I'm going to record this in the pages of Scripture for generations to come and that's exactly what happened when that ministered last week began to speak a broken man I didn't know his story but I know he was a broken man it doesn't take long you know it right away I know he he wasn't in the message it was not about himself he didn't care what any of us thought about him he had nothing to prove he wasn't there to impress the establishment around him and he wasn't there to scorn it either I sensed a man who'd just come to the end of himself quite possibly it had been a public thing or a private thing in his heart that he knew that he had taken his inheritance and maybe gone in a direction that hadn't brought glory to God the way it should happen but as they began to speak all he spoke about was Jesus it was Jesus from the moment he opened his mouth it was Jesus in the middle of his message it was Jesus at the end and he brought us into the he brought us right into that Isaiah moment in Isaiah chapter six where Isaiah was lifted up and the Angelica beings are crying holy holy holy is the Lord God of hosts heaven and earth are filled with his glory it was all about Jesus I was as he began to speak the fragrance of Jesus literally filled the room I was surrounded by thoughts of the majesty of Christ I hadn't gone there for that reason I was just wondering where the conference was focused on I was just sitting at the table with some of the leadership wondering how this was going to play out in the morning sessions and suddenly I was surrounded by the thoughts of the majesty of Jesus Christ there was a sweetness that filled the room that is indescribable unless you have experienced it yourself the only thing I could do at the table as I put my face into my hands and I began to weep openly I cried hot tears at that table because Jesus had come into the room and you come in through a broken man Oh glory to God glory to God glory to God and so the obvious question you ask today is how does this apply to me the answers is this if you have been broken especially mothers that are here today if you've been broken if life has disappointed you if your plans failed you you had a you had a vision of the future you you were young and you thought this is what my life is going to look like and and and you had people make promises to you but the promises failed you had a dream like every young person should have and you put your plans fell through your fingers your resources ran dry and your hope and your help even today seems far away the one thing that you can do this day has open your heart to the love of God for you in spite of how much you feel that you fell short of what you should have been God loves you God loves you Jesus Christ loves you he passionately loves you you the object of his affection you are the reason he went to a cross he loves you he loves you in spite of where you've been or what you've done or how you have or have not done it he loves you whether or not you see your life as a success middle of the road or a failure it makes no difference to him he loves you unconditionally he loves you fully he loves you passionately there is no height to his love there is no depth there is no brat it's it cannot be contained to the left to the right to the top to the bottom he loves you he loves you he loves you the way you are he loves you when you finally get to heaven you'll fully realize it but I don't think you have to wait neither do i God Almighty we can say thank you for seeing fit to bring me to the end of myself thank you Lord that I'm at the place right I don't have anything to present to you I don't have a family I don't have anything it seems like there's no success is anywhere that I can point out and you stand before God and say Lord I'm so sorry and he doesn't even acknowledge you just as I love you I love you and if you'll open your heart to the love that I have for in spite of how you feel in spite of how short you seem to have fallen if you will let his love touch your heart if you will go to your knees in your home if you will pour out from your heart gratitude to the one who went to cross and his love for you has not diminished in spite of what you've done with it or you've gone with it if you finally come to the realization oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus you know folks I'm telling you in this last hour of time we're gonna have a lot of preachers who made a huge mess of the testimony of Christ who are going to be at the forefront of a spiritual awakening because God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble and for the mothers that are here today if you'll just let this love of God touch your heart it's from this broken vessel it's from your brokenness it's it's from the fact that you're not presenting anything to him but a heart of gratitude for what he has done and who he is and you're not doing it for the religious system you don't care what anybody else thinks because it's in that part of it is gone it doesn't matter anymore it's just all about Jesus Jesus have you loved me that much Oh God thank you Lord that in your sight I'm not a failure in your sight Oh God all is not lost in your sight Oh God though my house is not yet what you promised me it's going to be I'm gonna come to you Lord and I'm gonna pour out everything that I have and AM in gratitude I'm gonna pour it out with tears and I'm going to pour it out on your feet and the presence of God will fill my house again you cannot resist that presence of God there's something about when Jesus comes into the house I don't care how hard hearted people are I don't care how much they say they don't care about God you cannot resist the presence of God when he comes in with that sweet smell of freedom that sweet smell of gratitude that sweet smell of provision you cannot resist the presence of God hallelujah mother's you have more power than you know you simply find the place to pray in your house and you pour your affection out on the feet of Jesus then watch what happens to your sons and daughters and your husband watch what happens to your family hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah there is a love that cannot be measured by human reasoning it cannot be written on a sheet and put on a wall there's something that God does that he does so deep and profound and powerfully and he does it through those who have experienced the blessedness of being broken in the sight of a holy God it's the person like you and mrs. Lord whatever I am whatever I have Oh God I simply take it and I part out on your feet I thank you Lord for letting a nail go through those feet for me I thank you God for loving me the way I am I thank you for promising to give me a hope in the future and spider god of what I've done all that fragrance of Jesus hallelujah the fragrance of Jesus I was challenged I was reproved I was rebuked by God I was all in that presence of Jesus by a broken man who spoke for 20 minutes presence of Christ came and stayed with me for that whole conference my man who lost a lot of measure of confidence in himself as I perceived it but simply got up and spoke about Jesus about how in the end it's all about Jesus thank God thank God thank God thank God thank God I want to give an altar call this morning for those who just simply want the fragrance of Jesus to fill your house again fill your workplace to fill your own heart and your own mind the fragrance of Jesus those have been broken and you've come here today looking for some steps to be made whole again there's only one that I know just pour out your heart and pour out your affections on the one who loves you and be filled with this love of God and then speak about it to other people that is the message of salvation that's the message of the cross that's the mandate of the church in our generation that the presence of Jesus might fill my home that's the crowd my heart that the presence of Jesus might fill this house that the presence of Jesus might go with us wherever we're sent it's all about Jesus the father I thank you Lord for this word today I thank you God Almighty for the simplicity of Christ I thank you Lord for touching my life again and showing me something I couldn't learn in the text of Scripture but perhaps I could see it but never learn it but you gave me such a visible demonstration of your willingness to walk with a broken vessel oh god help me to never be presenting anything of myself help us as a church Lord to love you we're going to stand in a moment and as we do for those who just simply want to have that fragrance of Jesus follow your life this is not an altar call for the strong it's not an altar call for those that have it all together or are still living in your own plans unless you want to give them up it's an altar call for the broken and the bruised the wounded those that wondered if God could ever use your life for any purpose he'll use you for a purpose much deeper than anything you've ever believed or known that he could let's stand please if you will in the balcony main sanctuary and the annex Roxbury and just come to this the front of the sanctuary as we're worshiping together thank you that it is you that is a fragrance of Christ it oh my god God I commit my home my god I thank you my god that i may be the weakest one in that house my god but you are my god and that you are more powerful look out a bit you are a god over the bitterness in that house of God that you are not over the unforgiveness in that house our God I think you that you are God in the pride of that house my God that you are loved in every room among every family member there my god I gotta commit my mother into your hands oh god I thank you that you are gonna save her and set her free my god I thank you that she's gonna know what you as her Savior my God thank God I thank you that you're gonna do it but I ask that you would you would forgive me that you would forgive me my god right not being that fragrant sorbet because I realized Oh need myself I'm not capable I'm not capable kind of loving her Lord God because she's our beds and love my god but guys that you would come I bet you would pour your love over me through the love that you have showed me that she would see you I got glorified that she would smell you that she would see you that she would taste you that she would know you and that she would not be able to deny that you are God God I asked that you would come which you would come Lord God and touch our homes or God let our lives be a fragrance let our I let our lives be an aroma an aroma of Christ my god to those around us or God who who we seem are just the hardest in the farthest Lord got away from you my god you give me a hope you give me a hope against all hope for God to continue to seek for them Lord God to continue that to cry out for the Lord God that you break me where I need to be broken my god you break me my god you break me so that I can be broken for my homework after my family like I'd ever my neighborhood my god god I know I needed I know I need that I'm here I'm standing believing or that every person that's here look I that believes or not believes or God that you can do what needs to be done in our hearts or God just you just as you did that posture Lord God who shared for 20 minutes or God and Lord break this or that breakers break us for our homes for God causes to be that salt and that light look at in this hour look at in this day my god God she would do it and father I pray I pray the Lord either when you do it that I would give you the glory that I would stand behind you my god that I would say that you have done this so I guide you and you alone my god because I'm not able I'm weak I'm foolish my god I'm selfish I have all of these things and so much more my god but I stand behind the cross or God the cross this is it Lord but because of you work out and buy you all things are possible that all things are possible or God all things or God not a single thing is impossible for you because you are my god and you are my father and you are my husband and you are my best and you will do it my god because you said all things are possible and I believe that word I give you the praise in the honor in Jesus name father we come in the lovely in the mighty name of Jesus we thank you this day Oh God this Mother's Day that Lord we have seen these children in our midst of God and I thank you on this day Lord you have come to us first and you have quickened us Lord to believe you and to say all things are possible with you in this incredible love which knows no boundaries no depth to it can never be fully known so Lord and that mighty name in this mighty love we dedicate these children to you and we ask you God to put your hand upon them and upon the lives Lord of the mothers the father's the grandmothers the grandfathers the guardians the family of God and we as a church family put your hand upon them Oh God keep them Lord Jesus let not one of them Oh God be found missing let not one of them Oh God be found unfruitful I pray they all find you at an early age I pray O God that every one of them would be found living for the glory of God that Lord your love and your power be upon them and they live lives that are lived for the glory and the benefit of others for the glory of you and the benefit of others I thank you God that you put your life Lord into every one of them now as these young babies and I pray O God that you put your spirit in them save them and use them bless these families keep us in this evil hour keep us glorious and triumphant in your love we thank you for them and this Mother's Day in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] now Lord just bless us as a congregation give us strength to face these days Lord and to be truly a fragrance of Christ everywhere we go Lord there's nothing else that will make any difference now you've got to come and do the work Lord that only you can do Lord Jesus let the testimony of our lips the meditation of our hearts be always about you Rick is grateful for what you've done guide us into this father save our homes and our families Lord Lord you told Israel to put the blood on the door and get your children ready to go and Lord you're calling us to do the same in this hour and Lord we thank you that you're giving us a clear thought from your heart as to how to do that we bless you bless every mother here today let it be a new day of encouragement especially for those who were discouraged when they came in and we thank you for it in Jesus name Amen [Music] [Applause]
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Keywords: Carter Conlon, Carter Conlon Sermons, Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth
Id: 0kM8LZfSHnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2012
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