The Blend Mode Slider You Never Used | Photoshop Secrets

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hi there this is unmish from pixel perfect and today we're gonna be talking about a slider which is right there in front of us still we are not using it on blend modes [Music] let me start with some evidence here we are in photoshop and here we have a subject right and on top of it we have texture let's turn it on for example you want this texture on the back wall of the subject and you want it to add some punch to the image as well so let's go ahead and choose something like linear light so let's choose linear light but it completely destroys the photo now you might think hey uh let's just decrease the opacity and if we do that well it just doesn't help it just lightens it that's pretty much it let me show you the second evidence and this will make it more clearer to you for example i want to add a warm tone to it right so let's go ahead and create a gradient so click on it and let's choose gradient and we're going to create a gradient this one orange and violet okay and hit okay and let's choose the style to radial i want orange in the middle so i'll just hit reverse and place the orange right here just like the sun and hit okay and try something like color burn well it totally burns it out it looks great but it burns it out if i decrease the opacity it just isn't helping it's just lightening it there has to be something there has to be some control to it and these blend modes have to have some use they cannot be useless one more evidence and this is the final one so let's go ahead and add a solid color adjustment and let's choose something like brown color here and we will choose a blend mode called hard mix which we hardly use it's destroying it again and even if i decrease the opacity it's not helping it it's just making it lighter so how can we control the projection of these blend modes now what if i tell you that one slider changes the projection of those blend modes yes it does let's get back to the first example so here we are back in photoshop and linear light makes no sense however if we decrease the fill instead of the opacity have a look at this the projection changes opacity is different opacity just lightens it however the fill fell that is something different have a look now it begins to look something that we can use okay now what we can do is let's increase it to 26 ish select the texture layer click on the mask button and you know the drill take the brush make sure the foreground color is black and just paint in black on the subject and we have the wall with the texture isn't that interesting right let's go to the second example it will make more sense to you have a look at this makes no sense if you decrease the fill see the projection changes if you decrease the opacity nothing but if you decrease the fill projection changes isn't that amazing so for this one we can choose a projection of this sword now what if i tell you there's one more slider that makes it even more effective and you know that slider very well our old friend opacity yes you can use opacity with fill so once you're happy with a fill or with an effect you can also apply opacity to decrease the amount i'm happy with this have a look at this here's the before here's the after right you can decrease the opacity further there we go interesting isn't it let's have a look at the third example and this is very drastic if i just simply decrease the fill look at that effect i totally love it look at that this can be a movie poster have look here's the before here's the after a different kind of effect very nice now what if i give you a list of all the blend modes that work very nicely with phil but before i give you the list i'm going to tell you about a blend mode which we seldom use for effector filter purposes we only use it for alignment purposes but now with fill you can use it to apply some effects or filters to your images and that is difference let's have a look at it let's have a look at this photo now difference blend mode is popular for canceling out colors so if i want to cancel out the background here's what we do we create a solid color adjustment layer okay and hit okay it doesn't matter now just turn it off double click here and sample the background color okay and hit ok turn that on and change the blend mode to difference so there we go let's choose it the difference the subject face looks right but the hair looks totally strange the background has been cancelled out and it's black so all we need to do is to decrease the fill to the point where the hair looks right okay so let's keep on decreasing the fill to the point where the hair looks right this is the point where i love it let's keep it 25 but the background becomes visible again what to do simple make copies of it press ctrl or command j ctrl command j again control or command j again if you want now you have the background totally cancelled out i shouldn't have made so many copies let's go back a step there we go this looks totally interesting doesn't it so copying helps when you want to cancel out more so here are the list of eight blend modes that i found working very well with phil so play with it experiment with it and come out with amazing results so that's pretty much it for this video hope this video was helpful and if this was make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tip trick or tutorial i would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep pixim perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for watching thank you for your support i'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 632,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blend modes photoshop, blending modes, photo effects, filters, opacity, fill, photoshop tips and tricks, dramatic effect photoshop, difference blend mode, opacity vs fill, photoshop cc, tutorial, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: OX7L6lwe3QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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