The Black Uber-staff πŸŽ€ Vick and the Bear 2024 🎬 SPECIAL EPISODE! 🎬 Best cartoon collection

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[Music] the sacred cursed Stone Legend has it that the sacred cursed Stone was last seen in a remote logging Forest it has the ability to curse anyone with horrible luck if found please notify the authorities immediately I repeat it has the ability to anyone with luck it's just a stone really be cursed I don't buy it buy it down hey so what are you still doing what about those flowers for me sh sh sh look the sacred cursed stone is one of the rarest items on the planet experts say that the curse can be removed by passing The Stone off to someone else but beware the stone will then cast the new owner hello what are you doing do Hi boss I was just on my way out the door will he ever let me have a day off you hear that fick's going to go cut trees I think I got a plan H I think I can do better bro you scared me take a look look at this craftsmanship it's good it'll work all right well let's see it well I haven't quite finished yet so guys which of these you like so what do we do now hey come over here [Music] listen uh that stone sure looks familiar last scene in a remote logging Forest oh oh man is that it get away and keep your [Music] curse what's wrong with this thing whoa what was that hey [Music] [Laughter] oh my word I could have sworn I checked for beehives before I started chopping that stinking tree oh where did you come from I don't accept you and I don't accept your curse yeah [Laughter] [Music] ooh back to work earthquake [Music] there hasn't been a rock slide here in years Oh I thought I got rid of that curses don't thing what's going on here wait a sec I don't believe in curses you hear [Music] me oh no what now maybe that stone really is cursed I better get out of here and hide under my bed now that's better let's see what's on oh it's not working I just replace the battery what on Earth is going on I me Lucker Stone no huh nice try [Music] will you stay out of my life go away get out of here this should help us catch what happened it's got to hold on me this is too much maybe I am really cursed now what am I going to do the curse can be removed by passing The Stone off to someone else but uh who in the world am I supposed to pass a cur Stone off to uh oh yeah ha the two bears I'll kill two birds with one stone [Music] sticking Bears finally it's time for me to get my revenge fresh fruit for sale I got the freshest fruit this side of the wall who's that some customers hello there I am but a simple fruit salesman but I've got the best fruit in the forest do you want some oh boy I just love fresh fruit hey hold on what's up I'm not sure about this guy since when do we have fruit husters in our Forest come on who cares he said he has the freshest fruit in the forest and I really want to try some bro come what did I say never accept fruit from strangers come on sick of you micromanaging my food intake we barely get enough vitamins in our diet of honey and pine cones and this nice old man is trying to help us hold on one second I understand your concern so I'll eat one myself first okay [Music] come on this guy's crazy let's go that was close darn it this will be harder than I [Music] imagined this time I'll make sure that they can't resist my trap and that's what I said more like tuna fish attention step right up folks I got toys for sale oh balls and bears don't you get it ladies and gentlemen get around we got everything step Che W cool to Hello friends I got every kind of toy a bear could want here ra and since you're my first of the day I'll give you a discount what do you say how does 50% off sound okay these toys are for kids no thank you let's get going guys he hey wait hold on a sec okay fine 60 70% off huh all right 80% deal what huh not even if you gave him away for free don't walk away from me you'll take these toys are all stop Bears get back here and take that basket hey wao out such hey got it how about we buy your toys with these [Music] rocks just kidding man you'll take all those toys and you'll like it take this my I can't handle this many is I'll come why me H you should know by now that evil won't Prevail awesome I can't believe big actually belied that Cur stuff a sucker's born every minute huh huh where did you find this one um by the old graveyard I think right you're just pulling my leg oh no I'm not let me have a look could it could it be it is the real cur Stone you were supposed to be the dead a game of moans I knew this would work these Beast buds are so delicious all I need to do now is sh lber off to the boss hey ramble did you hear that what vi just said about shipping off some Lumber yeah I did the fiend also those Bean buns smell really good bro hey let's go [Music] mhm 1 2 3 huh how strange this room looks different huh H hey what's wrong with the store Brier it won't open do you know what's going on no clue but it can't be good oh hi there so welcome to the Marvel that is my trap we're going to play a game a game I just love games so fun quit acting like a kid the warehouse you're in is locked there is there only one key that opens the door and you'll have to find it there's no other way that you could get out of here I don't buy it I don't need your [Music] key I told you that there was no escaping you have to use your brain not your Brawn well that's it for my inspirational speech good luck you'll need it well it took all my free time for a year almost 4 months salary to complete but I finally finished my game room for the Bears this should be a blast I totally mean that more ways than one the first step is for the Bears to find the key dance my little puppet STS Brer how are you going to get out of here can they get any more stupid it's going to take forever at this rate yeah what well hi there boss thank you well I uh guess you got the email about the Bears then I got them this time bye isn't that right my Archen enemies but why are they just standing there they sure are slow at this H maybe I should help them out a bit my head hurts thinking hi there you're trying really hard so here's a hint try looking under the table there the table can't you two do anything right huh it's right under the table can't you see the ground H there it is Vick was right now we can open the door [Music] bro come on come on you lied to us bro I'm sorry you di wets did I say that was the key to the door use your eyes you see seen any other locks around here's a [Music] lock huh what the a puzzle H with the piece missing that's right and once you find the missing piece it will reveal the next Clue happy Hunting come on help me [Music] okay oh I've looked everywhere oh why is logger Vic doing this to us hey Brier look I found it you're awesome I'll get it bro it's too high to reach let's see if they're smart enough to use the coat hanger and wire to reach the puzzle piece it's all planned out so well sometimes I even surprise myself go hey Brier help me out here let me try go really how can they be this stupid Hey listen up you can use any object in the room oh I shouldn't have eaten those refined leftover beans but I can't just leave the Bears what if they escape while I'm gone huh any object in the room bro help me okay I wonder what we could use oh hey bro I found some nuts and bolts keep them they might come in handy stop wasting time so what do you think how can we use these to get the other piece down uh hey look there yeah we can use the couch bro help me move it there oh just for get it nothing is going to work remember what happened with the table maybe you're right that logger Vic help P they're hopeless hopeless oh man there's the beans again I got to go ramble over here okay stand on my shoulders I got it come on that's cheating are you hearing me that is not how the game is played you have to B you two stinking bears are doing it right pay attention the wire and the coat hanger use them the Ste bro no way my poor back what is this it's the piece we got it all right that's so awesome why you why why can't you guys follow the simplest of instructions I practically told you what to do and you still messed it up you listen this is your last chance be hey wait open up open up oh come on please open now what there's no need to get angry calm down now someone help [Music] and the last piece taada oh wow yeah what's in there it's the hammer and there isn't even a key in there curious oh no it's the refried beans again lger where do you think you're going huh man please I really got to get to the bathroom there was just a hammer where's the key uh I'll need to check my notebook can I go to the bathroom first please no bathroom for you not until you tell us I don't remember where will this chog your memory huh I'm telling you the honest truth yeah please please no wait a second I think I remember oh yeah it's for hitting that the wall there [Music] did I say you could leave please let me go I really can't hold it much longer it looks like it's working finally what Dynamite hey Locker Vick oh come on this naked melt is St got it get over here please I was so close look what we found care to explain go on well what wait a sec weren't there matches here H here they are you two are the beatest Bears all right Vick one more chance I don't do that okay give me a second here [Music] why can't I remember where I put it wait I can make something up I just remembered that I hid the key in those tires over there you see it's under that pile are you lying to us I wouldn't dream of it you guys and the pathetic rats are taking the bait Vicky you dog prer pick just threw this at us what it it's ignited what are we going to do now PR I'm scared think of something R toss it where is Vic H yeah come on we did it game BL you cheated that wasn't supposed to happen be a good dog [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the weather changes so fast these days Bound for home easy easy now stay back [Laughter] [Music] that dog is an evil Beast oh my stars if I had a Hound like that then maybe the Bears wouldn't hassle me so much when I'm trying to cut down trees oh huh [Music] I have an idea Fabian I need you to listen up good horses are for Heroes and good hounds are for hunters you see from today onward you'll be my ferocious psychic understand good [Music] [Music] my face baby in order to be a good Hound you must obey me stand up now lie down you shake hands come on do you even have a brain come on shake my [Music] hand to be a good Hound you need to be quick and agile charge I believe in you faan [Music] go and pick it up are you telling me you don't know this [Music] trick all right I'll show you how it's done now watch this [Music] [Music] how dare you play with your master patronizing so and so you need to be punished that's a good first try well done I think you deserve a reward [Music] move closer [Music] okay logger Vic what logger Vic where is he fire you okay bro look he's coming should we go and scare him away H let him go but why he's not cutting down any trees I guess so okay bro let's go get the honey come hey wait up okay now Fabian are you listening for you to be a good Hound you need to really believe that you are one okay he hey stop oh [Music] no baby what are you doing wo [Music] W what on Earth is making Fabian so crazy [Music] food right you want food you got to follow my commands bring the stick back and I'll reward [Music] you nice here's your reward [Music] Fabian well done Fabian so here's another fish for you you want some more then go find my socks well done Fabian you've got real potential I'm going to gobble it all down all right let's dig in bro come on [Music] yum what's that sound ler Vick had it yet again that's it this time I'm going to get him good I'm coming too come on let's go get him oh hey bro AR nanners seriously what'd you do that for not those besky Bears I'm a Cho machine bear my face my poor face Fabian is mental today let's scramble nice you two get out of here get them my oh man run Fabian sense of smell is just like a dog's bring it on fool huh Fabian catch so you do nowwhere left to run is there oh bro let's split okay Fabian we'll split up too fre right there you should just quit now I'm coming you're all mine [Music] now where' to get to you come out quit messing with [Music] me what are you doing you stop it t me come on hey what's that on my butt bye Vick have a nice day help me oh baby and come in help me stay back leave me alone you pest seriously K away help me bab do you hear me help help me faan you came oh thank you now get me down like a good kitty [Music] don't just stand there hurry Revenge tastes sweeter every time the crown Showdown [Music] [Music] [Music] my crown where's my crown oh just dreaming then again maybe that dream was supposed to mean something deeper oh my gosh someone's trying to use up my Royal throne what a bad Omen maybe it's those be probably not usually a traitor will strike from within could it be Baboo no way but I know this much for sure someone is trying to steal my crown what a beauty it's getting late what's taking babo so long with my dinner I knew it was him I'm back bab what be taking you so long huh but sa it's the first of the month I always huh I knew it you're after my crown right yep you and those bears are blotting against me and I caught you s I didn't do anything what if they decide to torture are you okay try to keep going I can't let it happen I have got to be finding out who the traitor [Music] is Bramble it's your turn to find food but I had to do it yesterday bro hey look it H what Tiki why is he sneaking around you got me no I know you did all the heavy lifting but I'm the one who found the pizza in the first place so I get the Lion Share you get the Lion Share well you ain't no D line huh a guy still got to eat and I'm going to eat all of it do you read me interesting all right hey King cannot have his subject arguing about Petty things like pizza and Cake you know oh what a perfect chance to test if they're loyal to me tell you what let's wait over here and see if they come to their true king to solve their problems not only is this a good opportunity to see if the traitor is amongst those two Pizza hoers over there but if he's not then this little rules will help us to flush him out of his hiding place pizza [Music] now I see those two are definitely traitors how could they go running to that oish bear with their problems instead of the king get me that treacherous head okay guys this is for waren and this is for haror and I'll take the leftovers it's a good thing I came along to sort this mess out for you guys you should never let Pizza come between friendship and of course I should get some too it's a service charge oh well right everything works out in the end oh you got a great Point everybody win I've underestimated the goofy brumble but not anymore time to teach this traitors of Royal manners rul I am challenging you hey what are you doing me don't act a dummy I know you're the one trying to steal my crown you're what oh cut to the chase are you trying to overthrow me uh it's not me honest I'm not a fool to been found out so just admited here's the deal hi Tiki challenge you bear to a face off let's see who the real king is in the forest you're not listening F you're WR we got your back bro this is the tallest tree in all the forest you see that fruit up there it's called the ultimate Forest fruit and is the tastiest fruit in all the world so brumble how about we raise to the top and get the fruit oh I'm feeling bloated but I am still a monkey brumble get ready right come on you're a cheater [Music] yes yes yes the fruit the fruit yink you are right that did not count no more Duty tricks this time we'll test our bravery bravery the first one who successfully steals ler Vick's hat is the winner got it uhhuh wa that's perfect oh Victor who the heck is that uhoh a [Music] tail yeah right it's those monkeys playing tricks again that's it I'll te you run for it okay go away and don't come back B get out of my way I'm going to get his hat off it's the last I do you get out of my way here you crazy the get out my you should totally get first that show tiki who's the boss yep and that would also take care of two birds it'll make vick really mad as well as putting Tiki in his place acting crazy where do you think you're going huh it's still my turn a game of life there is no reason I cannot believe this is is so humiliating hey it's not over yet R might not be able to get that that is right he'll totally fail and we'll be there to pick up the pieces and throw them away you just kick your kick face hey s they going to go watch bremble good they'll see him fail yes s ramble come on watch [Music] this how strange how dare you stinking bear I'm going to tear your lip from them [Music] what is that what [Music] the bye r that was just awesome that isn't fa you hear me the only way to settle this water for all is to have a good oldfashioned vot off attention my name is Tiki and I'm the rightful King thank you yeah all [Music] right move it now I'm Warren and I represent the great Bramble bear raise your hands high he's got my boat on yeah and me too how dare you betray me ah Tiki the crowd has spoken what do you want well what I think you promised with the crown on your head sorry [Music] sa F sa thank you you can keep that smells great I've been wanting this pineapple since the day I saw it well let's go eat it oh yeah do you see that he didn't deserve it so he gave it back once again I am King of the Forest oh bow down to me hey lazy worm he's gone oh yeah come oh sweet fridge forget the food keep in mind that our purpose here is to get rid of logger Vick machines all right pror that hurts go look for his chainsaw and gun huh where could it be huh shotgun chainsaw where you hiding at weapons where on Earth did he put them aha ha the chainsaw great bro here's a shotgun all [Music] right delivery for [Applause] V bro let's what we got here I bet it's food it's probably some obscure new weapon what is that um bro it's soft it's squishy huh bro there's a manual super lazy worm once this worm is attached to the body it will render the person lazy and weak I think he's going to use this on us I'll destroy it oh oh no he's coming let's get going put it back huh run I wonder what that could be wow the super lazy worm my order has finally arrived oh boy hang on this box is so filthy yeah I forget it it's what's inside that matters bro he took the worm what should we do I've got a plan hey bro listen to me carefully where on Earth could I have put my chainsaw and shotgun I'll have to do with this no with this worm those Bears will be history all righty then action Locker Vic hey oh you go distract him I'll attack from behind hey you drop your little axe never ler Vic darn it it's both of them how do I choose the older one or the dumb one I can't decide forget it either oh oh [Music] buy he's out like a log this worm thing is the real deal finally we'll have peace and quiet what are you doing take bear bro put it back ow let's go go where to put this Sleeping Beauty back where he belongs oh huh what is this super lazy worm I prefer fish oh someone's here here huh it's those Bears what do they want ler Vic LC wake up hey you come on get up now [Music] L A Vic wake up very peculiar my word how gross what I'm starving I've got to eat something right now come on oh where is it where could it be there you are not now get lost [Music] those sticky Bears I'll get them it's payback time Come On Come O oh yeah nice what a beauty eh baby in you're on Lookout [Music] right huh surely it can't be H yeah he's chopping again I'm sick of this prer BL up they're here doer Vick he's sleeping strange huh how'd he get here all the way from his house I mean he's still out called and where did that sound come from oh never mind we were probably just hearing [Music] things they left all right oh what a waste of time huh he's walking now that does it what he's fast asleep again yeah very weird forget it come [Music] on huh I just don't get it what's the deal here are we both going crazy I guess we didn't sleep well last night and now it's making us hear all sorts of stuff yeah yeah perhaps oh I got to get back and hit the sack my lucky day it's my favorite kind of [Music] honey honey baby how have you been [Music] delicious what's going on here oh no how do I get out I'm trapped in here someone help me this is awesome so we meet again B why aren't you sleeping what kind of sick game are you playing huh this kind how dare you put the thing on me so I'm going to make you eat this lovely worm no way Brian I need your help huh ramble oh that's it Vic is getting it swallow it oh no ler Vick's awake bro I'm coming I'll you give me that w [Music] this is not good L of Vic what's going on come on now hey bro grab the key while you still can this is getting silly ramble I'm on it oh I'll get that key for you all right fire you're my all bro we got to get out of here come on LC wait a moment just hit me out all right please help loav Vic if he doesn't wake up I'll be all alone in this big bad World bro that's such a sad story Let's help him out okay thank you friends okay you just need to swing him like this and he'll spit the worm out I'm hungry let's go home all right let's go spit it out Vic come on I haven't got all day the black Uber stuff sup Frank [Music] woohoo this new hiking gear is the coolest thing I've ever bought secondhand I don't know what's better this awesome hat on my head or these Nifty boots that's probably the pole stinking Bears stay away or else I'll stop you with my new gear yeah would skip 500 miles and I would skip 500 more just to be up [Music] hey it's longer Vick oh hey what's he holding in his left hand hiker of the Year why thank you it's so fancy Trailblazers yeah oh must be my lucky day oh oh why are you out here no there's no way Tiki you best be taking my word for fire check this thing out what it's got something to hold something to poke with and an extra long middle oh cool wow it's just about the greatest thing you've ever seen [Music] right um Baboo tell me who is the king of this vast Forest that would be you saah that's correct so then to whom do all the treasures belong and it's youah huh did you hear that Bramble I'll be taking that if you don't mind brumble for this great offering I am making you Duke of the forest Duke as if be quiet you can keep your meaningless title your majesty don't want your second Gr stuff anyway I know where an even cooler stuff is Legend has it that 500 years ago there was a great battle of Good and Evil right here in this Berry forest with the black Uber stuff you see that was a deciding factor all right all right Tiki I've heard enough about this black Uber staff besides that story had way too many holes was there even a battle knowing you you made the whole thing up believe it or not it is out there and one day I'm going to find [Laughter] it I hate them shut up you didn't even stand up for your king back there now I'm the Laughing St of the forest how could this get any worse huh without that stuff I am nothing fine that is what I am going to be doing I am going to find the Uber staff and restore my honor but uh s it's just a meat it probably don't exist and it is real you understand do you do you yeah once I am having the black Uber staff in my hands I'll be making those Bears kneel before me Baboo search carefully all right [Music] I found a very promising spot could it really be hiding in there you go yes s there's no stuff what is that it it is kind of black how could Baboo be missing it come on come on what a be this is definitely the Uber stuff it's crack [Music] huh hey s look down here there's a hole who this must be how about Dig's house [Music] perfect I found it oh wow this one is much blacker than the that one huh oh it's a carrot huh all right let's be getting out of [Music] [Music] here the black Uber stuff is mine oh no we got to get out of here bab what's the matter what's going on another [Music] imposter hey Brier whatever you're cooking on smells great well of course it does there ain't nothing there that I ain't able to cook up here hold on to it I'll go get some fruit hey Brier where'd you get this roasting stick from I mean seriously it looks so familiar this ain't no roast and stick at all you jerk Brier you ruined my staff calm down it worked perfectly trust me these fish are going to be delicious and bes besides you weren't using it what the they're using it to roast fish nothing to say you that was just a warning shot now I want my hiking pool back right now you got it hey you get back here help me get back here you crazy [Music] see hey Brier did you see that you fool you threw away your dinner and you miss oh [Applause] [Music] Ain this B and it comes back to its rightful owner the Uber [Applause] stuff I finally got you and it's the only one of its kind the black Uber stuff I'll never let you go um what are you talking about yeah that's not yours stay back you keep your hands away the coveted black Uber staff is finally mine once and for all that's not your Uber staff it's not even black yeah don't you remember it's the one I took from logger Vic huh you're right you're just trying to keep it for yourselves it's all mine just listen there's no such thing as the Uber staff it's just a story I just used it to cook my fish and that's all it's good for you should never have thrown away your old step be quiet s good news I found your old staff what happened s huh you really think I'd give up that easily no one steals from me especially not you two help say goodbye you bears [Music] cat and the day saved thanks to my trusty wooden stuff hey that's the spirit s I'm glad you're back where is my happy ending the art of fun are you finding your luck just isn't wanted used to be do you sometimes feel that if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all well perhaps all you need is a little fun in your life right probably just a scam order the little book of pun today operators are sting comfortably by why are there bees in the dreams ion help help me someone I didn't mean to disturb you I'm sorry it was an accident I [Applause] promise [Music] me oh help oh The Bears are the ones who keep stealing you honey not me what's going onuh the legs frozen over I wonder if it'll support my weight [Music] uhuh I have no choice [Music] [Music] my luck's been really bad lately maybe you yeah turn on the TV for me and now that the little book of pun has sold more than 25 copies people everywhere are saying thanks little book of f thanks for returning my luck H Fang is the ancient art of organizing ones for Furniture into an optimal lucking Arrangement sometimes it's as simple as where you put your chair could have a drastic effect on your happiness where I put my chair huh that people actually have wooden beams running through their living room well I can't help that has my luck been so bad recently because of the way I arranged my house here are a few tips for everyone listening at home the first is to never have mirrors near your bed oh no oh dear I found it why you how dare you give me bad luck Sho I feel luckier already second tip is to get a fish tank and a pin wheel for your room these little things can change your life around a pin wheel all right those with the tips for today tuning tomorrow continue discussing the art of [Music] fun there we go what ah ah huh oh [Music] [Music] my call me lucky Micky huh what the oh no my fish Bad Kitty nothing in this house is yours you got that cat I should just get rid of you no no no no no no [Music] no nice try cat hey wait I Y stay in there stupid Fabian why do these things happen to me let's see if this program's got any more tips for fun brought to you in part by the little book of fun today we will be discussing the importance of furniture placement and the impact it has on your luck moving furniture by even mere inches can affect your life I'll be right back we've had customers who won the lottery after moving their refrigerators forward to C always remember a little goes a long way so that's it but everything looks so strange who cares as long as my lock calm down I'm sure he knows what he's talking about huh why isn't it on today good evening we regret to inform you that the art of fun has been cancelled we are sorry for the inconvenience come on at least I wrote down the number it's ringing hi this is logger V you must be calling about the little I'm warning you what can I do for you uh well uh excuse me I've just got some questions for you yeah question I'm a little busy right now what I understand I just have a quick question it won't take a second Blackjack say what blackjack's not really hit me Double Down Double Down listen to me I'm begging you I don't understand the advice you're giving please explain it to be using simple words cash me out what but I don't have any money what you're still on a phone you're lucky I'm feeling pretty good right now here's some free advice for you planted trees is always a good thing do you have any seeds you can sew also don't keep anything with needles in your house let's see what else is there oh and the dining room window should never face South shouldn't face South huh I'll just close it did you do everything I told you really I can't believe that I mean would you like to learn more yeah look around your yard now pay attention this is the most important part I'm listening yeah oh I'm sorry if you want to hear the rest please deposit 300 bucks to my offshore account hey are you still there hey [Music] oh you smell that wake up wake up come on bro wake up huh raino you're breaking and entering wow delicious I'm going in I got to get me some of that hang on Bramble this might be a trap after all no longer Vic's not that cunning we should take advantage of the situation why don't you just forget it huh I'm getting inside and there's nothing this door can do the Bears ah the Fenway is working looks like my Lu's back on track are you okay told you it was a trap all right I'm trying the back oh wait it looks great delish oh yeah it's just so wow my poor food oh looks like BC booby trapped the back of the house as well list the best meal I've ever made huh that's right I forgot oh man why don't you try washing your feet stop your screaming ni will hear you we got to go just great huh longer Vic is planting trees there that's the last one what the hey bro Vick is distracted yeah so what his food is all alone [Music] well done a longer planting trees this better bring me luck rain hey we don't have time for this put the food back little put my food down what no no no no no no we weren't taking anything look uh it was an accident let's go Bramble come on I'm too full I need a r beat me then Rob my food huh P for that hey right we're sorry [Music] chance to escape let's go bro I'm so confused about everything yeah same here let's just hope logger Vick keeps planting trees and stops logging them get off of me but rotten Bears luck is useless as long as there are bear
Channel: DreamToon - Official Channel
Views: 1,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boonie bears, boonie bears chinese, bonnie bears, boonie bears: the adventures, xiong chu mo, Bablu Dablu, bear in cartoon, boonie, boonie bears movie, bablu dablu lakkha ke kaka, fantastica full movie, bonnie bear, xiongchumo, bablu dablu, boonie bears back to earth, boonie bears homeward journey, boonie bears spring into action, dablu bablu, vick, bablu dablu cartoon, bear, boonie bear, chinese cartoon,
Id: f1t5mQgilm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 22sec (4222 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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